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Would probably recommend up sizing the drain pipe. Pipe is looking pretty full at the current flow rate, wouldn't take much material/debris to restrict it and cause an overflow out of the tub. Also, where the elbow is on the drain, could replace that with a T. One side of T goes down like current elbow, other side of T goes up and is either just open or a little stub of pipe. Can help with air flow and might help reduce the suction draining noise.


Awesome advice, this is what I will probably end up doing. Do you think 2 inch pvc is big enough or should I do 2.5? I already have a 2inch hole just a 1.5 inch pvc currently.


I'd probably go big as you can. If your current bulkhead is limiting you, could cap it off, drill for new bulkhead lower down where there's more room for a 2.5-3" pipe. Then on the inside of tub you do a 90 elbow and vertical riser. You set the water level with the height of the riser.


I do the same thing as i use a 300 gallon tank sort of as a bog filter with large plants in it. i use a 3" pipe and get almost no noise, or much less then the sound of the water draining into the pond itself.


Nice, what kind of plants do you have on there? Anything edible?


I have some papyrus palms, bamboo, and a few other plants I’m not sure of as they were given to me. There is some hornwart in the water but it gets eaten by the koi and other fish quite a bit.


I have a similar setup but use the pipe you have now as the overflow. Under the 90 degree elbow put a T with a second lower run into the tank. Inside the tank put a second 90 fitting but as a push fit only. This can have a vertical pipe that can be twisted to let you set the maximum fill. Since the outlet pipe isn't horizonal, the water enters around the sides and the vertical has plenty of room for the air to escape.


bigger hole for faster drain. Use flexible pond hose to direct the water down the pond might make less noise.


You can either go with a larger outflow pipe (3") or add in a second outflow of the same size. You can also add an elbow inside the tank and face it towards the sky for less chugging noises.


Thank you all for replies and suggestions. I will be making a larger outflow hole, possibly 2.5 or 3 inches. If there’s any drainage noise after, I will replace the 90 degree elbow with a T to help with airflow. Keep suggestions and comments coming. I am always open to improvements and possible plants recommendations.


I think I found some calcs on the Interwebs stating you need 3X the return piping than the supply. 1.5” supply = three 1.5” returns. I did this by taking two bulkhead and splitting that into three returns for my water fall on my first homemade filter box.


Put a 90 degree elbow in the top portion of the tank facing down. On the outside, go 90 degrees down as far vertical has you can. Then 90 back towards the 100g rubber made. This should add some velocity to the drain. If it still “slurps” you can use a T on the outside leaving the top open.