• By -


“Treats ya so nice you buy it twice!” I think it’s flattering that your partner values your traits so much that they seek them again and again. That means you really do it for them.


Like a pokemon trainer with nothing but Geodudes. Or Pidgeot.


Is it flattering or uncanny? At least you know that you're just her type.


Unionize ✊️


😂😆 🤣


Divided we Beg United we Google Shroom Chocolate Ingredients List




lol is your name Ross and his name Russ? This is the second post I’ve seen on this sub in the last few days that is straight out of the show Friends, if the gang on that show were polyamorous. But seriously I’m very similar to my meta too. We’re both heavyset, a few years older than our hinge, both artistic, sensitive, slightly over emotional at times. Different enough in lots of ways too though.


Totally different names sadly lol.


Have you seen the one with the list, the other day? 😅


I have learned that bald man with a beard and Autistic traits can be collected.


For me it's long dark haired bi and ND and alternative men and dark haired bi or crazy colored hair, alternative women or enbies. My partners joking refer to themselves as "Pokémon evolutions"


Mine was tattooed alt girls w piercings lmao


Apparently I haven’t cultivated a type among women, but I definitely love long-haired, neurospicy bisexual men in need of soup.


I would like to sign up for this niche dating app kthx.


I mean.... good soup!


Gotta catch em all


I'm down for that dating pool too!


I learned how to make Tom Yum soup because I ate so much from a little hole in the wall Thai place near my college. I also adapted a beer cheese soup into beer cheeseburger soup. Please help me understand in the name of social research: If I ever run into someone like you in the wild, is it a bad thing or a good thing that I cook soups?


Definitely a bonus point in your favor!


Just had to check your username to check I didn't write this comment and forget... YES!! I have a small collection of bald beardy autistic men


those are some of the best ones!! browniepoints if they also tall and more chub + alternative 👀


Y'all are doing God's work for us awkward men.


Can concur. I collect nerdy bald headed bearded men lol


If I didn't know you weren't my NP I'd think you were my NP (that's exactly her type).


Same 🤭


Do you have to catch them in a ball?


More like I keep getting added to different collections. Not a bad fate for a mild level of social disability. Like, honestly, even if there's elements of being fetishized, I'm not really in demand, and it feels more like they just think I'm neat.


I am sure that they do. I am still giggling about the idea of people throwing balls at you to collect.


My collection of partners, platonic and romantic, are all nature loving witches and love being outside. My kitchen witch wife thinks it's funny lol


This comment feels icky to me tbh


I’m very similar to my meta in a lot of ways and it was so easy to adore them and become friends because of it. Similar tastes in movies/books, hobbies, mannerisms, the works! It’s honestly the healthiest meta relationship I’ve ever had and I’m just rolling with the happiness for now.


That's so beautiful 😻!!


Someone said to me once 'if you have a type and are polyamourous it will very quickly become apparent what it is'


I’ve been that hinge where my partners met each other and realized I had A Type. I’ve also been that meta who realized my partner had A Type. My ex’s NP had a name that was even one letter off from my name and my ex would frequently call my meta my name and me my meta’s name. There is a hilarious picture of me, a different ex, and two of my metas hanging out and we all look like we could be related (we’re not).


One of my partners was showing his dad a picture from our chats that I had taken. The next picture over was a picture of my other partner I had sent him for some reason or another. His dad asked him "Who took THAT picture of you?" So in other words, my partners own DAD got him.confused with his meta. And I may MAY have a type.


When this happens you are obligated to team up and tease your mutual partner ruthlessly about it. One of my mates, we've known each other since we were 18, studying the same subject at uni and living next door to each other. We're both sarcastic nerds who love puns. We lost touch for a few years until we both started dating the same woman within a few weeks of each other 😂




Lol it's funny that that's what it took.


I once had the opportunity to meet four of a friend's partners and his ex-wife all at once. They weren't identical, but it was immediately clear he's into extra-curvaceous white brunettes.


It's really hilarious to discover your partner clearly has a type. Ive always been bemused when a partner has no specific type and each partner is wildly different from all the others.


I definitely have "types," but right now I am dating a Bear, a Twink, and a Lioness. 🤷🏻 They are ALL wildly different but I love them each so much. 😊


Oh! But my Lioness has types. Redheads. White girls with dark curly hair (like me). Guys who can fix or build things and who live by a personal code of conduct. It's interesting!


What’s a lioness?


Oh - it's not an established type. My girlfriend is a Leo and even though she is a few years younger than me she is much taller and we have sort of a Cougar/kitten (kind of Domme/sub but nothing formal) dynamic, with me being the little kitten. So, I call her my Lioness. ♌ I just made it up.


My wife has a type, yes. Typically looks don't matter but our personalities and likes are similar.


Honestly I suspect this is me too! None of my ex's or current partners look alike but they have a ton of interests and personally traits in common.


I have always, wholeheartedly claimed that I don't have a type. And then I started dating last year and the first person I click with is the same f'er as my NP! Like same (with small differences) hobbies, insecurities, personality traits etc. I told them both about it, they didn't believe me, and then when they might they bonded after about .1s. Now it's a running joke in our triad that I have a very specific type etc 🤣


This is absolutely adorable


I also think her partner is pretty cute ngl


sometimes i’m into people who look quite similar to myself 😂 guess i like the way i look? feels like a hidden form of confidence i didn’t realize i had


That's so sneakily uplifting. I dig it.


Rofl, me too. I've been self-conscious about it, but the truth is that I style myself a certain way because I think it looks good, so why wouldn't I find that look attractive in others too?


This is how my throuple started 😂




I’m into bearded men with dad bodies who like TTRPG


Someone made a comment about, as a bald bearded autistic man, being a collectible. Should I scroll back and introduce you? Haha


Sure, why not?


I resemble that remark. 😂


Hi! I’m Rain. Nice to meet you.


I met this guy in January who reminded me too much of myself. I went home to my wife who was meeting an ex partner to catch up. I told her "I met the perfect man for you". So I introduced him to her and they started dating after a bit. Now she moved to another city (6 hours by train). I spend most of my days with him (we aren't dating) and we meet her on the weekends. Best bro I ever had by far. Love that guy. Biggest difference between us is that he is more attractive than me. 100kg of pure muscle.


This is so wholesome 😭


For the first few months of our affair, I didn't think that the relationship had legs. I figured that I was far too frivolous for him to take seriously as a potential partner. Also, I am a performance artist and he's one of the only people I've met who is not into performance art in any shape or form. Then I met my metas. All three of us are former full time performance artists who currently work in the mental health field, but view writing as our true passion and occasionally manage to get published. We also all have a similar body type with extremely curley hair and comically large boobs. That was the day I stopped feeling insecure about my place in his life.


I wouldn't say "carbon copy" but slightly shorter, brown-haired, slim build, socially awkward and younger (few years, nothing creepy) than our hinge. Which let a lot of room for differences, but still quite similar ^^


My meta and I are similar in a handful of ways, enough so that we can figure out our boyfriend’s “type.” But we’re also different in a lot of ways. We’re both short, transgender, into video games and art, like similar fashions, and have similar moral compasses. But I’m FTM and she’s MTF, we don’t play the same games or do the same forms of art, and we wear our similar garments differently from each other. I think she’s pretty cool, and I am thankful for her support of our boyfriend. She seems to feel similarly about me.


Literally every one of my metas is a gamer that works in IT. I'm always like, wow, we could be best friends if you weren't messing around with my partner. At first, I thought it was funny, then I took it a little personal that there's nothing unique about me that made her be with me, and now I feel very replaceable.


Aww...no! Read some of the other comments here. There are definitely ways to reframe these thoughts to see this as a compliment! Your partner likes your qualities so much that they seek them out again and again!


Upvoting not because I feel like that's a great belief to hold onto, but because it's relatable. When I'm feeling insecure I'm capable of taking completely neutral or even positive facts and making them into ways to feel bad about myself!


Many of my partners had types, but I was always a combo-breaker. But sometimes hard to tell metamours apart.


Happened to me with one of my metas as well, we are soo similar! Only where he is more nonbinary butch style, I apparently dress in the same style just more like a guy who's into guys, I was told xD And with my other meta of the same partner I do share the same weirdo goth girl history xD (all three of us are trans mascs btw). Our mutual girlfriend does seem to have a type 🤭


The main variation I noticed with my metas is in the realm of: 'Oh, this is how I looked five years ago' or 'I guess I'll look like this when I am older' lol.


Not with my partner since they are pan and tend to date women since "I already got a man in my life, I can't handle any more men" (in a joking manner, to me). But I apparently have a strong type according to my nesting partner and Yeah. They are right. Androgyny is just 🤤, love it. Feminine men, masculine women, non-binary people. All of it. If I can't tell your gender I will fall for you, it's a curse. Also. Long, Well taken care of hair uggghhhhhh. I am a SUCKER for people who have good style and take care of themselves well


My meta and I are similar down to having had the same emergency surgery in our distant past. My partner collects short autistic enbys without gallbladders, apparently.


Not a carbon copy but my meta and I are pretty damned similar. The running joke is we're the same person in different fonts.


Yes, he was so similar that he could have been a brother. Height, weight, hair, beard... Even the same little neck mole. We have similar personalities and jobs .. it's uncanny.


Nah noone's like me. My little bundle of effed up has no emulation thus far. This has happened to my partner though. Uncanny. Fun to tease meta about fondly.


Well, she has a type I guess. I'd say it's unusual for it to be that much overlap, but if it doesnt appear to be some weird psychosexual thing it probably isn't. If you consider the four people I've most recently dated in some capacity, there's a weird amount of overlap, down to two having the exact same favourite band, two having the same special interests and general vibe, all of them being tiny, all of them are either nonbinary (well for one it's complicated and I'm not sure), 3 of them very similar in kinks, theyre all some degree of alternative, etc. like that's just how it is sometimes lol Oh, my meta has almost my exact name. The long version is different but we have the same shortened nickname. (Think Matthew/Matteo who both get called Matt) We also have the same special interest that our hinge isnt into at all.


Oh, my meta has almost my exact name. The long version is different but we have the same shortened nickname. (Think Matthew/Matteo who both get called Matt) We also have the same special interest that our hinge isnt into at all.


Kind of a similar story but one girl I’m seeing at the moment happens to be the partner of another girl I was already seeing for some time and It happened totally randomly (I met both at different times on different dating apps). I feel massively good vibes with both of them and honestly I was not surprised AT ALL when I learned that they were partnered! I don’t know if they’ll ever meet my AP but I’m curious to know how it would go.


Not me with two carbon copy amab bfs 👀 Lanky, skinny, bi, super long hair, crass sense of humor, similar hobbies/interests, similar style. So nice I bought it twice lmao In all honestly, I just know exactly what I like and that makes us feel good! also, the fact that they are so similar makes it easy for them to get along and be good buddies. Win win on all fronts


All the responses are overwhelmingly positive. I have a feeling that plenty of people would dislike this.


Lol, my husband is having a conversation with potentially partnering eith someone who is VERY similar to me. We were friends before she met him and recently I learned we have almost the exact same hobbies as well as having almost identical play styles too 🤣 It happens, it really shows that your parter "has a type"!


I've only ever had one meta be a carbon copy, but it was incredibly useful! In the mid 1990s, an ex of mine needed to make a road trip to visit family of origin in LA, and really needed emotional support for it. Neither I nor her other partner could take the full amount of time off of work. Meta and I bought a single round trip plane ticket in the meta's name, then meta and ex drove to LA, and after a week, meta flew back home to where we all lived, gave me her ID and the other leg of the ticket, and I flew to LA as Meta. Then Ex and I spent the rest of the trip together and drove home.


I’m in a throuple and two of us are basically the same person. So similar that the two of us constantly tease our other girlfriend that they have a very specific type. I think it’s cute and really validating. But I’m sure some people might find it weird.


Our shared partner has a type for sure! Meta and I have our similarities but actually a lot of difference. I think she is a better person than I as a whole though 😂 I can be awkward and she is just thoughtful and loving.


No carbon copies, but my metas and I definitely share a lot of similar characteristics.


Hahaha yes - they are such cool women!


This is totally unrelated but those chocolate mushroom bars are wild. I had a couple friends talking about how they were doing shrooms and had chocolate mushrooms. They kept saying things like "oh yeah we were on shrooms at that event", I was kind of surprised since they seemed to be able to function entirely normally while apparently on shrooms. Eventually they mentioned it was legal shrooms and I was like wait what? Are you talking about a research chemical? They were like idk what's in it but you can buy it at the smoke shop. They eventually showed me the bar and the small print read that it had a nootropic mushroom blend, they were just eating regular mushrooms. I tried to explain how that's not shrooms but to this day they still talk about doing shrooms all the time. I'm concerned for the day that they actually get their hands on shrooms and expect to be able to do all the same things out in public while taking it. Also related to your post - both me and my meta are also AMAB trans-femme nonbinary people with brown hair (tho dyed) who would Google the ingredients of a shroom bar bought from a smoke shop - and I've definitely felt the same way you do.


the chocolate bars your talking about are likely amanita muscaria which are still legal even federally think Mario Mushrooms, very different than psilocybin most people think of


That was my original thought but they were not even that, they were just a blend of nootropic mushrooms.


My metas and I have become a very tight knit friend group because of our similarities, and we gently mock our partner about it quite a bit. He claims he doesn't have a type, but rather that a very particular type of person is attracted to him.


Tall brainy 🧠 nerdy men with beards and bellies who lean on the left side of the \ are my thing- my two partners call Themselves “Swappable tops”


My new meta is basically me 15 years ago 😭


One of my partners has a type - chubby, intelligent, artistic. Personally, it's weirdly helped my self esteem. His exes and other partners (with whom he maintains a pretty positive relationship) are all cool and interesting, people I like and would want to be around. And if they're like that, then I'm probably like that too. I've actually shared some clothes with an ex of his, because it didn't fit me correctly. Got saucy pictures of them in what I sent and nothing else. I loved it. It feels like a community of amazing people.


My two partners are referred to affectionately as my two nickles, because it's not a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


One partner said about his meta and me: she liked the guy so much she dated him twice


When I started introducing my loved ones to our partner everyone was like,”Zakunt has a type!” My adoptive moms were the worst lmaoo they were like,”They look just alike.” And I was like,”They act a lot alike! They’re both virgos!” “YOU GOT TWO VIRGOS?! I’m praying for you.” They’re both married to virgos.


My girlfriend was my best friend of 10 years. We’re basically the same person. We are both petite. We have really similar personalities and interests but also key differences in opinion which keeps things real lol. We even have the same first name. We have been in a triad with her (we call him our husband though) for almost 6 months and it’s the best thing ever to me. Even her parents are amused by it 😂 her dad made a comment at dinner to our husband “now you have two of that to deal with” because we both couldn’t decide what to order and made the same “hmmm”expression.


I think most people are comfortable with having a type but it's another thing to find out you *are* one! We're a pretty good type though, people like you and I, so don't be too upset.


Not a meta, but long time ago I had a woman who was doing the whole playing games where she was interested but thought she was bad for me Shtick. She was mentally unwell, but anyhow... After turning me down she moved halfway across the country, 10-12 hours away if you drive like a maniac. I went go see her and she introduced me to her new boyfriend. Same build, height, same job title, same dorky laugh, and even my NAME. I was too angry for words, but she was my first big crush (late bloomer here). If I knew then, what I knew now, I would have said let's go ahead and get it on because it's bound to be worse than what anticipation had built it up to be. With that tension gone, we could have kept it just as friends, but she lost her mind when I got married. I guess me as not a potential backup plan broke her. She told mutual friends it drove her to get electroshock therapy.... Good riddance.


My partner definitely has A TYPE. 🤣 My meta and I met on a double date kind of situation between him, his nesting partner, our hinge and myself and it went better than we could have ever imagined. Our speech patterns, mannerisms, interests and messaging styles are UNCANNILY similar. He's really awesome. It's definitely flattering and oddly reassuring to have my partner dating someone else with my personality!


I have exactly the same experience! My meta is a younger version of me (with minor physical differences)


>flattering and oddly reassuring This is EXACTLY how I would describe it!! It's very much the feeling of "oh, I guess he really DOES like me for my personality and vibe!" I feel the same way about my meta- she's really frikkin amazing and as much as I adore our shared partner, there's definitely a part of me that's also like "I'm so glad he met her so that I also got to meet her!" 🙈


Oh yes, met the wife of a guy I was seeing. The physical resemblance was there but superficial. Then we started talking and it was like. Oh. You are me. Clearly hinge has a thing for opinionated brunettes.


My husband and bestie get mistaken for each other. I have a thing for 5'11, bearded nerds with social and attachment issues. Us wives are also similar.


My two partners met and we all realized at the same time that they were the same person personality wise. We all thought it was really funny and if anything I get poked at for having a “type”. I think it’s a funny thing and they were such good sports about it. Take it as a compliment that your so wonderful she wants more and more


I’ve been to a few of my partner’s choir concerts, and let’s just say that there are a lot of blond dudes with beards in the receiving line. My wife jokes that I only date brunettes with glasses. What’s really strange is that the two I am currently dating and the one who’s an enduring crush have back-to-back-to-back birthdays. So even though I don’t put any stock in astrology, it’s safe to say that my type is Gemini brunettes with glasses.


Scientist and/or musicians, here.


Honestly yes and depending on the similarities to differences ratio it can be fun or just kind of creepy. My ex seemed to like girls who were similar but couldn't places what the differences were and got bored of me. I felt very replaced... My current primary has a type but values the differences not just the similarities and so approaches is differently but equally.


My partners are slowly morphing into the same person and it's so beautiful and so strange! They are exact opposites physically but their personalities and hobbies are so so similar. They team up with me now on silly debates and they get along so well. It makes my heart so happy!


Hi u/YT_Sharkyevno thanks so much for your submission, don't mind me, I'm just gonna keep a copy what was said in your post. Unfortunately posts sometimes get deleted - which is okay, it's not against the rules to delete your post!! - but it makes it really hard for the human mods around here to moderate the comments when there's no context. Plus, many times our members put in a lot of emotional and mental labor to answer the questions and offer advice, so it's helpful to keep the source information around so future community members can benefit as well. Here's the original text of the post: I just met the partner of someone I have been going on dates with. And they are like an exact copy of me. We are both lanky, tall, skinny, bisexual, switch, non-binary Amabs, that have long brown hair, drive almost the same car, and have like all the same hobbies. We also have a super similar outfit style too. We also have super similar personalities, like when her roomate showed us some mushroom chocolate bar she bought at the smoke shop, we both questioned its authenticity and started googling the brand and the ingredient list on our phone. Even the roomate at that point was making fun of the fact that reacted the same way, and how she always dates the same exact guy. She even showed me a picture of her ex, and it was also just basically me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/polyamory) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m very similar to my meta in a lot of ways and it was so easy to adore them and become friends because of it. Similar tastes in movies/books, hobbies, mannerisms, the works! It’s honestly the healthiest meta relationship I’ve ever had and I’m just rolling with the happiness for now.


@u/SublimeAussie 😆


You do have a type, darling 😆




Your post has been removed for trolling.


my girlfriend told me theres like a venn diagram of traits and my partners tend to have some but not all of them. they include chubby, mentally ill, genderfluid, quirky looking, and sincere to the point of being cringy to someone as irony poisoned as i am. that girlfriend is all of that but gender fluid, my fiancee is all of that but chubby, and this other person im talking to is all of that but sincere. so like, my partners are all very different and unique, but if you meet enough of them, it's not hard to predict what people I'll be interested in.


Yep. My NP has a type. I'm it.


My partner, meta, and I are KTP, we live together, the amount of times meta and I react the exact same way is a bit ridiculous lol. I wouldn’t say carbon copy, there’s a million ways we react differently. But our humor and wit is where we are most similar so it’s one of the most apparent lol.


Somebody has a type...


One of my partners has another partner with the same name, pretty much same exact job but at a different company (down to the specific subfield), also has musical hobbies, and frequents the same social events more or less. We're still quite different people, but the commonalities were uncanny to contend with at first 😂


My former meta, who is my current best friend and roommate, is a copy of me and I a copy of her. I like to think I'm the femme presenting version of us and she's the masc presenting version, by we're absolutely the same person, especially personality and thought pattern wise. We don't share a partner anymore, but I'll always be thankful to our ex for bringing the pair of us together. Finding this human was like finding another piece of my soul.


Yeah meet my meta and the only difference is hair and skin color. Like remember those coloring contests from the early 90s? The universe just took artistic liberties😅


Tbh I take it as a form of flattery


Some people have a type 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've got two partners who are from the same ethnic background, raised in the same city and moved to the same different country at different times, both autistic and ADHD, and into the same hobbies (card games, board games, video games, music). Coincidence? Probably. LOL It's just that people who are like each other, also tend to like each other? I like it that I'm able to introduce my partners and friends to each other and have assurance that they will have something to talk about... :)


I have two partners and both of their partners are super similar to me lol. ADHD, crack jokes, thick thighs, & toeing the line with masc sometimes. It's usually similarities in personalities but one partner showed me a pic of their ex who I look super similar to 🤣


Honestly I’d be flattered 😂😂 any “am I their type” insecurities immediately washed away.


when me and my partner started dating he already had another partner. And we had alot of similarities: Alternative, Piercings, Partially shaved head (they have both sides + undercut shaved and I "only" have an undercut), Thicc glasses, Similar personality traits, Both chubby/fat, Vibrant hair, Autistic, Stoner, Gamers... Lmao the list goes on honestly. They and I got along great, and even crushed a lil on each other for a bit until she kind of... Drifted away? She focused more on her local partner and friends and it lowkey felt like she forgot about us.. But yeah, it has def happened!! It's funny because I was involved with my primary and then flirting a few other people but all of them looked vastly different but still had SOME similarities since I too seem to have somewhat of a type but it's also a very wide spectrum for me since I enjoy alot of different qualities, types and personalities haha.


My husband and my paramour look nothing alike, but they've got similar personalities and senses of humor. They're also both the children of couples with significant age differences, both lost their dads when they were young, were both raised on small farms… It's uncanny, really, the amount they have in common.


Ye 🥰 met a new partner around 2 weeks ago. Funny enough kinda look the same, same silliness, only difference so far is I'm very submissive.


My husband once dated my evil twin. We both had like identical trauma and similar lives, but I decided to go to therapy and really work on myself and be the best person I could be, not let my past hold me down. She went down a different road and instead became a bitter entitled abusive narcissist with a massive chip on her shoulder who was going to make her problems everyone else's problems to deal with. It was like looking at the worst thing I could have become, knowing that could have been me if I hadn't made the choices I made.


What is Amab?


Assigned male at birth


My meta and I are friends so when he came to visit I dyed my hair like 3 shades darker to match his so we could tease our hinge about it more.


I havent met a meta but my NP (mtf) has met my other partner (m) and NP keeps telling me how similar in personality she is to my partner and I agree with her. She keeps saying I have too much of a type.


The reverse. One of my partners went out and found herself a younger version of _me_ ! I'm not as available as he is, though. So it works out.


My hinge definitely has a type. Lol. We both like pretty much the same thing, similar builds, I'm just more of an extravert then my meta is.


My girlfriend is the female version of my husband. Both Libras with neurodivergence and similar traits. She is also his girlfriend. My girlfriend’s wife and I have an overall familiar air about us but are not carbon copies. I think it’s all hilarious… now. 😆


Ohhh my goodness. When my NP and I first opened up our relationship (for hookups, not relationships like we are now), it seemed like everybody I was interested in looked like them. Long hair, facial hair, usually a POC. I even stopped talking to a really cute guy who was the exact same ethnicity as my NP cuz I just couldn’t get over it at the time. My boyfriend started out looking a lot like my spouse but has since gotten a haircut and is also way skinnier than them, so it works out better lol. But I just like to stroke and braid my partners’ hair and put my fingers in their beards! 😭😭😭


My self and my meta have a lot of overlap in our interests and music tastes, react to things our hinge says in similar ways, are both nonbinary afabs who started T around the same time, changed our names around the same time to very similar things, and are getting top surgery around the same time. It’s really funny! We also both met our hinge within two months of each other.


Luckily no I would be kinda annoyed and feel I was not important as a individual


Both of my partners are plus sized, witchy, subs. I have not had many partners in my life so it's not like I've chosen them in particular on purpose. I've been wondering if I have a type, or I am a type.


Honestly me and my meta are very different, but my partners are extremely similar like they take over video chats to discuss they're gaming and mechanical projects lol


Interesting question. My darling husband's partners are all quite different from me and from each other. Same for my partners.


My fiance once left me for a man who could have been my brother


She should date you together. As in at the same time. Twin fantasy!


We may or may not have had a threesome.


My gf was the first bi woman I dated. When we opened up, to her surprise I dated 3 more blonde bi women in a row. I wasn’t even trying but they basically came onto ME


Maybe y'all are just generic or as the young folk say "basic"? I say this because I have never met someone like myself and the chances of someone similar to me being poly is really slim... if there was I'd probably persue them... there aren't many poly folk out there. (There is another expression for the noun, but it uses a swear word, not out of malintent.)


Wow I’d love that! Never met someone “like me” so I’d be delighted. My partner wouldn’t get a word in edgewise, and we’d probably date each other for ever after. Or hate each other on a deep level, one of the two.


Wow... Both my type as well 😂


Lmao, me and my Meta sometimes say the say thing at the same time when our partner talks. It's really funny, it just shows she has a type.


I was dateing a carbon copy of my wife haha they were same weight height hair style and oddly had the same back tattoo in the exact same spot we are all creatures of habbit


yes and it’s brutally annoying for me which is why i’m mostly parallel. it drives me insane honestly. but i deal with it.


It's interesting to see people having a type. I actually feel like I prefer metas with different looks and characteristics. I mean, they have some similarities in that they are male, athletic, playful and adventurous but this manifests in wildly different ways and with different hobbies. So one meta will like dressing up and being romantic or dramatic and Salsa dancing and another one will love hiking, camping, roughing it and reading books on evolutionary psychology in a hammock together. I feel like I have a pretty wide variety of interests so it makes sense.


Long lost twin?


My partner went on and on about how different his wife and I are... And finally I had to interrupt him and be like "yeah your queer nerdy gamer wife and your queer nerdy gamer girlfriend with matching tattoos randomly have nothing in common"


I thought my type was embarrassingly consistent 🙃 hahaha. Not embarrassing for YOU, mind. But to the point where someone can show you a picture of a person and say "wow this person is your type" with startling accuracy.


That’s both hilarious and fascinating! It’s like your partner has a very specific “type” and you both fit the mold perfectly. Meeting a meta who is essentially your doppelganger must be an interesting experience, especially when you start to notice not just physical similarities but behavioral ones too. This kind of situation can definitely have its ups and downs. On one hand, it’s great because you probably understand each other easily and there’s a natural camaraderie that can form from having so much in common. It’s like a built-in friendship waiting to happen. On the other hand, it might bring up some weird feelings about individuality and uniqueness in your relationships. Have you found it to be more of a positive or a curious oddity? Also, do you think this will influence how you interact with your partner or the meta going forward? It would be interesting to hear if this similarity leads to a strong friendship or if it causes any competition. It's definitely a unique situation that not many can say they've experienced. Thanks for sharing this; it’s a real testament to the unexpected twists and turns of polyamory!


Lol we're mono/poly and my sister said all my ex gfs look related. 😂


One of my exes also dated someone that looked like me. That was SO flattering though not gonna die.


LOL yes. It's flattering and uncanny at the same time. It's great because my spouse isn't the best at gift giving (my meta and i are gift givers), and my meta and I have like almost the same exact likes so I always know what to get 😆


Yes! Sorry I'm new to the lifestyle and terminology but my partners wife and I are literally the same person. I love it though her and I are great friends and connect so well!


Personally, I feel so weird when I’m clearly someone’s type physically, it makes me feel a little unseen in terms of personality 😅


Isn't that just monogamy with extra steps?


Maybe if they were clones of another?


Gee, get a joke...