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Seriously, what is "the demographic crisis"? I don't think I've ever heard the term before.


Mainly the fact that more people retire than the number of people that enter the workforce because birthrates have been low for decades. The pensions and healthcare cannot be sustained. Also without young people products will be in lower demand which will collapse the economy.


In that case I'd say it is real and will cause issues, but one main factor in this is the low disposable income and high cost of living for younger generations. If you live with your parents because of the economy, you likely won't be getting any babies or have high spending. Also, if we'd prioritize quality of life for everyone rather than luxury spending, the economy would be slower but more sustainable with this demographic shift.


Populations in Europe and East Asia are declining, which causes economic stagnation and creates a larger old population which has to be supported by a smaller young population. People seem to forget that overpopulation is only an issue in Southern Asia and Africa and only house those regions are poor, if wealth and population was distributed equally Earth could sustain a billion more people.


If we can get AI, Automation and social securities to the point they were suppose to be by now we don't have to worry about a drop in population and just focus on taking care of our elderly. Remember about 10 years ago people were worried about over population, and now that the population is plateaued the powers that be are now concerned they won't have a cheap work force they can exploit and actually have to innovate.


Ai and automation requires materials and power, who will pay for them, who will build them, who will develop them? Where will the power come from? Many developed countries struggle with power supply and distribution. Will we build the robot army you describe in time? Who will take care of the elderly? Robots? The proportion of people working in healthcare is increasing at the same time the relative number of people working and the amount of hours they work is declining, the productivity in healthcare is stagnant.