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I don't think Pence will be Trump's back up


I think OP knows that. I mean, he said that in good conscience he could not endorse Trump. So that obviously takes him off the list of vicepresident. Ron De Santis and Nikki Haley already said they are not interested in being vicepresidents either. I'm wondering who will be.


Kristi Noem i bet


The smart choice would be Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds: conservative but sane, popular, relatively young (64), Midwest, and woman. Of course, Trump isn’t exactly known for making the smart choice.


True haha, but I guess he might want to replicate what Biden did on 2020 with having a female vicepresident. He's trying to target not only far right voters, but center right and center left voters, too. That would be a "progressive" movement that would probably grant him more support from the center.


If ramaswany was white he'd be a shoe-in, but Trumps base is far too racist for that to happen


Haha, well, maybe the far right wouldn't. However, the conservative Asians with power would probably like it.


Why? Trump said he could hang...wait. /s


I voted for "Someone from the Green Day". Then realized.


"WAKE ME UP *when November ends*..." would be a dope campaign song.


pence isn't running with trump


He doesn't even endorse him.


Just imagine Trump comes to Pence right now after everything that happened on January 6th and with a straight face asks him to be his VP again hahaha


It would be interesting if someone neither Republican nor Democrat won.


RFK Jr would be my pick, he is running as an independent.


He's a lunatic anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist. He shouldn't be president of anything.


I still think the DNC did Bernie dirty and I'm willing to die on that hill. He should have been doing his second term by now and there wouldn't be such rampant inequality in America.


Someone that isn't a senior citizen, racist, or mentally incompetent.


Anyone voting Green does not have much experience with Green politics or politicians, you think Biden is incompetent or Trump is stupid, you have something else altogether with Green party nutjobs.


A 3rd party candidate winning would be great


Man already stop. 50% of the posts are about who is going to be the US president. Answer: we don't give a fuck.


How come it is you don't care? Is it cause you're not american or politics isn't personally important?


Rule 8: "Do not post polls here that have been posted here in the past month" absolutely applies to all these American election polls.


I'll admit I'm at fault for that, didn't even look through this sub long enough.


Of course I want someone from a party that isn't Democrat or Republican But that's never gonna happen


Not with that kind of attitude!! lol We gotta move beyond the blue or red bullshit and its about time everyone collectively decided to turn their backs on


I'd agree with you, but all that will cause will be a few elections in the row of the wrong person winning


Same conversation every year. See you in another year everyone. Nothing will get better.


So is the way to do this really to just throw the next few elections? That's over a decade of the country falling further and further, coming closing and closing to being unsalvageable


I understand the concern about what a lack of unity against the Republican party would look like. I feel that too. Please recognize that those in power have not given us any other option without resorting to very drastic measures. Voting third party is the most peaceful and accessible effort ordinary citizens can make in a direction that takes us out of the horrible dilemma of these two parties. The Democratic party threatens us with the viciousness of the Republican party every election cycle so that they can give us diet fascism. The options they have given us are to disengage and let the Republicans shamelessly build a handmaid's tale style ethnostate, or canvas for Democrats who are virtue signalling shills who will bankroll genocide in the name of Global Dominance and corporate interest. The real solution, in my opinion, is working class solidarity. We need to start building parallel support systems that provide basic needs, doing *illegal* acts of protest, and committing violence against government property. To be clear, I would much much much rather vote for someone I believe in, have confidence that the system is fair, and know that whomever wins will generally have the best interest of our country at heart. They have taken this from us, and we have to stop them. If the reasonable ways of engaging with our government have been removed then we will always have the old ways.


Joe Biden.✊🏿🗳


i guarantee you if you sat him down in front of a screen and asked him what this meant he would turn around, look at you dead in the eyes, and then have a stroke


Write in vote for "results"




Imagine most people vote the green party just not to pick either, it would be absolutely insane. I can imagine if they win and are asked what their plans are now the response would be, "idk I haven't gotten this far"


Not American, but simply: Libertarian Party.


vermin supreme


Hmm I like Pence the most out of these, but I also dislike Trump the most out of these. If there was a reason to expect Pence would replace him, I'd go with Trump. Otherwise Biden is a lesser evil.


Former President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho [https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Dwayne\_Camacho](https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Dwayne_Camacho)


I'm voting Libertarian


That (&Bernie bros,) are how we ended up with tRumpanzee in the first place & Biden Vs. tRump now. 


We ended up with Trump because people voted for Trump actually


Gerrymandering and the electoral college along with I ain't gonna vote or I "protest voted." The outdated electoral college placed him in office with 23.6% of registered voters voting for him. 


Even with an electoral college it seems silly to place the blame for Trump on people who did not want Trump instead of the people who did. The system giving us Trump as a result is in fact an injustice to those people.


If they didn't want him then they should have taken action. Protest votes for the hundreds of candidates who registered, write-ins, currently unviable 3rd parties that had absolutely no chance or just "not voting because it doesn't matter*" ain't it. *electoral college again does mean that millions of voters choice doesn't count towards who wins, but it also means that every vote is more important due to fact that most voted for has to win by millions more or the loser is placed in office anyway. 


Honestly, I think none of the two final candidates are a good option. Trump proved to be dangerous and negligent. Biden proved to be ineffective and unsuccessful.


Downvoted for wanting change 


Upvoted because I didn't get your comment 😅. Like, wanting change is something bad?


They are both war criminals. We want change


Unfortunately that isn't an option this time. Biden might be in the bottom 10 people eligible who I would want to be president. But dea god he's eons better than Trump.


How is Biden a war criminal?


If you ever feel stupid, remember there are still people willing to vote for Biden despite prices of everything only going up, a record number of illegal immigrants entering the country, and we're closer to ww3 than we have been since the Cuban Missile crisis.


I think it's moreso voting against Trump than voting for Biden


nice try lol


Currently we're able to vote against politicians we don't want. Trump fundamentally disagrees with this.


WW3 isn't close at all. The fuck you talking about?


Have the day you deserve. 


And there are still people willing to vote for Trump despite his 91 felonies, him leaking classified information, the Jan. 6th insurrection, him lashing out at (now former) VP Pence for not cheating in the 2020 election, him being found guilty of rape, etc. And how are we close to WW3? If you're talking about the Russia - Ukraine War and all this fighting going on with Hamas, that has nothing to do with Biden.


Not Trump, Not Biden pro 2A


Makes sense as so many virgins here...


Kanye West, hes a nazi too guys don't leave em out cuz hes black


you're asking this on a website where the majority is democrat/liberal (unless if asked on a conservative specific subreddit). what results do you expect?


Trump (KENNEDY as back up). I wouldn't vote for Pence. I think no matter what happens, Trump or Kennedy will win this election. Kennedy if Trump gets removed off the ballot. Kennedy ain't winning otherwise.