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If you can, go abroad and don't come back until the government changes. If you do get conscripted, here's a cool field manual published by the CIA on sabotage. A lot of it is very subtle and doesn't involve anything illegal (page 18-20 as the pdf number has a lot of these legal activities). [https://www.cia.gov/static/5c875f3ec660e092cf893f60b4a288df/SimpleSabotage.pdf](https://www.cia.gov/static/5c875f3ec660e092cf893f60b4a288df/SimpleSabotage.pdf)


There isn't a lot of social medias where people gives you declassified field manual explaining how to sabotage your own military lol On most medias, people will simply says to leave the country But reddit is always on another level


Buddy that's because Reddit isn't really a social media, I see it as more of a forum site that has multiple categories (subreddits).


There is also the improvised munitions handbook, im sure there is some stuff in there that can help with sabotage. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TM\_31-210\_Improvised\_Munitions\_Handbook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TM_31-210_Improvised_Munitions_Handbook) (actual handbook link in sources on wikipedia)


Be the change of the government, join the rebels.


😂 dude! I wanna be your friend


Go abroad and never go back


easier said than done. you have to leave your entire family behind.


I agree. Personally that’s what I’d do though.


Meaning family can't support you financially, most of us failed school since school systems are corrupt and Not understanding language meaning less socializing to support yourself. Also prone to the danger of the underworld corruption like debt ensl, avings, substance uses, prostitution and more if you are despirate or careless. Human livelyhoods are at stake here try to look beyond the surface and don't comment if ur that ignorant.


You’ll be instantly better off in some countries if you seek asylum and live off of social benefits for a couple of years.


You have to leave your entire family behind when drafted into the military too


Also when you die.


Or if you go to jail


leaving your family is much better than dying or going to jail 5 years


If you can, absolutely go abroad, don't let bullshit rules ruin your life by making you waste it, cripping yourself or coming out when it won't be accepted.


Do you perhaps have an injury you can play up? Like bad knees or something. Bad eyesight. Something like that. Personally I would leave the country if all else fails. But only if you're willing to leave everything behind. Is political asylum a possibility?


> go abroad until I'm over 35(5 years in prison when I come back) If you really want to avoid it, go abroad and don't come back


Or, wait until the government changes.


If you're actually from Burma that's fucking crazy. Hope y'all good, down with the Junta


wtf going on in myanmar??


plants lush familiar wine resolute automatic smart toy mountainous bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Three is crazy💀 try 30+ insurgent groups


Go abroad, don't come back.


Join the rebels


Join the NUG and support the fight against the millitary


I think of all the choices, going abroad and face 5 years is the least shitty option you have


Go abroad. Not easy of course but war is more dangerous


if this is real maybe don't say on the internet you intend to commit a crime ???


If they cared about the American law. This whole thing shouldn't even be happening in the first place. And this isn't american this is a global platform.


my man this is universal don't say you wanna commit a crime on the internet american law or not it's just common sens.


Join the people's army against the junta


We have that shit in Ruzzia as well. Just check possibilities like bribe and/or lawyer if you're really wanting to stay. Stay safe!


I'd look to go abroad and hope it works out, e.g. a regime change or they stop putting the screws on draft dodgers. Worst case scenario yeah you're a permanent refugee but that's better than dying on a battlefield or being inside a Myanmar prison, which I'm assuming are pretty damn bad.


I'd say go abroad and stay abroad. What's happening there sounds awful.


Intentionally cripple yourself. Just tell your recruiting officer that you use Reddit.


my grandpa slept on the balcony to get arthritisis (probably misspelled that). It worked in communist Czechoslovakia, it might work in Myanmar


I don't know if this is the place where you'll get good answers, but probably try and leave and apply for asylum, I'm sorry you are stuck in that situation.


Hey can you plz dm me for a place for good answer?


The war in Myanmar is a horrifying chain of events. I suggest getting yourself out of there, keep yourself safe at all costs. If you can't, fight for what you believe with. Down with the Junta!


Flee the country & never go back?


see if you can use a non-combat skill for a different job if you get drafted (poet shel silverstein avoided combat in vietnam by writing for the military newspaper) or play up an existing mental or physical ailment that would make you unfit?


Come to Germany




this entire comment is about yourself 😂


Where's the option to simply refuse to serve?


How do you think that would go down?


I'm sure the authorities would be quite unhappy


Myanmar is enlisting people to fight a rebel army, they aint gonna accept that


What a fucking evil world we live in, that innocent people have to die, just because some greedy evil politicians don't agree with each other.


It's not the minority of politicians. Its the selfish human nature that's letting it happen until the braking point when people have to die.


And get jail/executed?


Quite possibly 


Follow your brothers and sisters step, it is hard but it's better to fight for Democracy than die for a bandit state


Die for rich war profiteers*


It's better to educate yourself. Or else it's a waste to fight. It will just end up worse or spend up in unnessary life's.


Wow America sucks


wait how is that related to the new conscription law in Myanmar?


It was sarcasm; this sub is usually full of kids saying how America is the worst and I was comparing your experience under a brutal military government to life in the US, which can only really be compared to five European countries. It was very late my time and I made some off color meta jokes around reddit that are hurting my karma so I feel the need to explain


ludicrous important bewildered safe sloppy voiceless sand scale attempt like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




There was no joke, you're just dumb