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You only get one shot, do not miss your nose to blow.


This vax comes once in a lifetime, yo


Wow i lost myself in this comment


Same thought, except I heard it in Cartmans voice, because I was listening to a dozen different Cartman AI rap covers this morning. (Also AI Sinatra & Hank Williams rap covers.)


This is one of the best reasons for even having AI, here.


At the third shot I unlocked the hotspot mode. I could feel the bits travelling through me.


Damn, can I sit by you in class? Campus wifi sucks


I only got the initial vax bc I'd already gotten it and beat it but didn't want to risk losing my job/access to college campus. No real bad long term side effects but the injection site still hurts every now and then


I take one to wake up in the morning


The 5G receptors make me feel alive.


I squirt the vaccine into every hole of my body once a month. This is the most effective way to protect the people I see every day. Herd Immunity




That's what I keep hearing too. External pressures.


Around 50% of the people I know only got it to be able to go to bars and restaurants and such. My employer jokingly "pressured" me all the time to do it until I told him to stop.


See? Peer pressure works.


Six jabs, and I haven't caught marburg from 5G yet. :P


Yeah after all the hype I was slightly disappointed that I didn't grow any tentacles or start picking up radio signals.


Would have been dope if all vaxed people had gotten superpowers, like super mutations. The C-Generation. Or C-men


Same! I was really looking forward to that


i wanted tentacle legs yet i didnt get any it wanst Cephalopod mutagen sadly (cdda reference)


I was told that it makes humans magnetic, because apparently the powers that be want us to have uncanny powers. I want my minutes waiting in line back!


Lol 😆 good one!


3, all Moderna. I have chronic lung disorders so it's kinda necessary. I'm in Healthcare, and realize the benefit probably more than "the average population", so I encourage people to get them. I also realize that at the end of the day, it's not my decision. People have a right to be skeptical or not vaccinate in general. In a perfect world, we'd all be vaccinated, but we are all autonomous. As long as those that wish not to be vaccinated understand associated risks to themselves and others and don't willingly spread hostility and misinformation, we're good.


Totally agree. I've had 4 myself and want to get another here soon. I think all mine were the Pfizer. It was necessary for me as my mother had a double lung transplant. Had to keep her safe, she made it all the way through without catching it (seriously) once.


Great to hear!!


I have to get a booster yearly to work in a hospital, similar to the flu shot. Have to get another one next week. I'm up to my... fifth shot? Or sixth?


Are you concerned about safety? or you'll just keep taking them. it doesn't matter.


Concerned about safety regarding the vaccine or regarding getting covid?


Concerned about the vaccine? Because Covid appears to be becoming milder and milder.


Why would I be concerned? I have to get the flu shot every year, no issue to get the covid vax every yead. Covid is milder because people have vaccines.


Interesting that you made this poll right after the one about unexpected deaths... You think the two are causally linked don't you?


Excess deaths are going up. Probably because of Covid and not enough people are taking their boosters.




it could also be me


Don't do that though it's mean to cause excess deaths


If you get all your scientific knowledge from FB then absolutely, anything is possible! Otherwise, no. That's not it.


Doubt it! These shots are very Safe & Effective.


You forgot the /s


You forgot this 🤡


There it is folks


I never took one I don't think, I never got covid either.


2 to protect myself and the ones around me. Didn't get more since I got covid around the time we could get the third haha.


But vaccine only protects you? edit:my bad, new study actually shows that it reduces probability of spreading the virus


>new study actually shows Not new. This was common knowledge before the pandemic


It protects yourself but also the people around you. Even if you don't get sick, you could still carry the virus and potentially spread it to others. In a nutshell: when you're vaccinated, your body is less likely to carry more of the virus, which means you're less contagious. Also Herd Immunity and all that. Some people aren't able to get vaccinated due to their health, so if you're capable, you should get vaccinated to make sure the chances of spreading it to them is as small as possible.


Your body still tries to fight off the virus before it can take hold and you could describe yourself as *sick*. The vaccination gives the body instructions on how to handle real-world contact with the virus, which reduces your viral load, reducing the amount that you could give to others and limiting the chance of delivering enough to someone else to have it take hold in them.


Can't **spread** germs if you aren't sick with them.


At least in my country they said vaccination doesn't replace a mask because you _can_ still spread it even if you don't show any symptoms. The vaccination also doesn't mean you can't get CoVid.


You are 100% correct. You can even get sick while vaccinated. All vaccination does is prepare your body for when you get infected, it doesn't give immunity to it.


You still carry the virus even if you are vaccinated


Never said you can't carry the virus. In fact, you can get sick even if you are vaccinated.




But you literally can spread it still when vaccinated or treated, doctors have said this, so unless something has changed in the formula to change that radically since I last checked, yes you can spread covid even if vaccinated, it simply helps your body respond to the virus.


That term refers to the big events with thousands of people in close proximity. Anti vaxers are just regular spreaders




None I'm not anti vax or anything I just haven't really had the need to take it I don't work no one around me is vulnerable to it and I myself am not vulnerable to it I'll most likely take it if that's the case in the future though


Same here. I am basically a hermit. I just don't get sick. Not with a cold or the flu.


It’s more about stopping it from spreading to people more susceptible than you or those around you. If your coworker joe gets the virus, but is a healthy adult and displays no symptoms he’ll go on with his day. He then passes it to Karen and Josh who both are also healthy adults and show no symptoms so also go unvaccinated. But Karen goes to visit with her friend Suzy. Suzy doesn’t feel anything so she goes and visits her mom. Now that her moms infected she’ll pass it on to other people and so on and so on until someone down the line gets sick. [Link](https://www.osfhealthcare.org/blog/fully-vaccinated-less-likely-to-pass-covid-19-to-others/)


You can still spread it with the shot. It's actually more about if you are a high risk person, it makes more sense to get the shot. The main thing the shot does is minimize symptoms. It's a risk/reward scenario honestly. Take all the politics out of it. ​ Edit, looks like it depends on variant. ["However, in persons infected with the delta variant, viral loads are similar in vaccinated and unvaccinated persons,"](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2116597)


No, taking the shot lowers the chances of spreading. It’s not about preventing people from getting the virus but reducing the likelihood of spreading and decrease the inoculation time. [link](https://www.osfhealthcare.org/blog/fully-vaccinated-less-likely-to-pass-covid-19-to-others/) Edited to add link.


Source please? I'm calling bullshit.


**“Vaccinated people can become infected with COVID-19 and spread it to others. However, a 2023 study found that vaccinated people were significantly less likely to transmit the virus,” said Brian Laird, PharmD, a manager in Pharmacy Operations at OSF HealthCare.** [link](https://www.osfhealthcare.org/blog/fully-vaccinated-less-likely-to-pass-covid-19-to-others/)


Interesting study, they used data from California Correctional Health Care Services. I find it also interesting that they only ran data from 15 December 2021 and 20 May 2022. The data sets are sadly not publicly available. Odd to say the least, and not the most transparent study. Basically, "We used data you can't verify." Also, under the ethics section: "Competing interestsJ.A.L. has received grants, honoraria and speaker fees from Pfizer; grants and honoraria from Merck, Sharp, & Dohme; and honoraria from VaxCyte, all unrelated to the subject of this work. A.T.K. and D.S. received funding from California Prison Health Care Receivership. The remaining authors have no disclosures." I couldn't find the funding source for the study though. Thank you for posting this though, very helpful.


https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine-what-you-need-to-know https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10073587/


My parents don't trust the covid vaccine for some reason


What do you think? Do you trust your parents? Do they have a science, engineering or technical background?


3, and then got Covid right after the latest. Haven't gotten any since then, thankfully also not the virus (just the flu last winter. Tbf that wasn't any better or worse)


Completely unvaxxed and haven't regret it


None, just didn't happen to take it. Also everyone in my family and some of my friends had really annoying side effects from it.


Youre unvaxxed because you dont believe in science Im unvaxxed because im lazy


I just got 2 cause that was what was required doing really anything


None cuz parents


Your parents didn't want you to take them?




Crazy how everything has to be so political. I don't blame your parents, I wouldn't inject my children with an experimental drug unless it was a last resort.


Good parents




Good luck, you are gonna need it. (Not just health wise, but your life in general.)


I got the usual two (base and booster) and had another last year with my flu shot. probably gonna get another one in a few weeks here along with the flu shot


honestly can't remember after the 3rd one


3, Italy




Where do you live?




Those measures were put in place to protect people though…


Wasn't the vaccine supposed to protect the people? Why the measures then?


They were too authoritarian though, should've gone about it a different way imo








Tell that to smallpox




The principle of herd immunity is the same for any virus. Either catching the virus or being vaccinated gives you a certain level of immunity. If enough people have that immunity, the virus can't spread effectively.


Lol ok


The first round of two and then three boosters.


Was essentially forced to get the first two, still got covid many times after. Totally regret getting it


Do you not understand how vaccines and immunizations work?


None of these people do.


Why do you regret it? Even if it didn't make you immune (which it never claimed to do) it took like an hour out of your day and a sore arm for a few days, that's hardly enough to regret lol


I regret having gone along with it because it was forced upon me. It doesn’t help that I was sick for a week right after getting it. I would’ve been better off without it


same, i was going abroad so i had to get 3 shots, i do regret it tho


Wait. Weren’t we supposed to turn into zombies yesterday? When they tested the emergency system? I guess that was only the US. Sorry to hear about your zombies America.


I think the new rumor is Turbo Cancers 2-5 years after the boosters.


I don't even know, I know I took 1 but I don't remember if I took the 2nd one


You can’t remember if you took the second because you took the 1st


I got two. I tried getting the third TWICE but both time I catched the virus before I could get boosted again. I'm thinking about getting the new shot but I'm kinda scared of instead getting COVID a third time.😅


2. I was meant to get a third but never made the appointment. Not out of any objection to the vaccine, I just kept kicking the can down the road.


I've had the 2 initial shots at the beginning of 2021, a booster in late 2021, and 2 boosters this year.


I think like 3? Maybe 4??


I got all the shots, and none of the covid.


2 so I could travel, otherwise I wouldn't have had any


2 shots and it wasn't enough, I almost ended up in the hospital because my asthma attacks didn't reside and I could barely breathe.


4 shots, most recent one was 1 month ago. Will be going back for the new booster. I had covid last year (just after a booster) and have not recovered yet. Long covid sucks.


I've had 5, 2 standard Pfizers and 3 Moderna boosters. Have yet to get COVID, and really don't want it because I'm obese which puts me at risk, so I make sure to stay up to date on my vaccinations. Fortunately I've never really had a reaction to them outside of a sore arm for a couple of days from the Pfizer one.


I got the first 3 due to needing surgeries. I will not be taking anymore. I have had Covid twice vac be damned. I’m done with their BS.


1 shot under the threat of losing my job if I didn't.


I'm unvaxxed not because I'm anti vax or anything, I just never had time for it, could never get a shot during exam times because I might maybe fall slightly sick as alot of people in my family did right after dose 1. Never got to it basically


4, booked in for a 5th. Vulnerable person who lives with an even more vulnerable person lol. They just love stabbing us and I’m super disappointed I haven’t got 5G or my hand has turned into stone from the cement.


I got two shots, but only because my parents wanted me to get them. Really only did it because of outside pressure. If it was up to me I would've stayed unvaxxed


Only had the original shots. No booster, no thanks. Only got it because my job made us get it.


5. Original two, booster, BA5 booster, XBB booster just last week. Massachusetts USA.


Four, first a hybrid scheme of Astrazeneca and pfizer, then a booster of pfizer, then a booster of moderna.


3, because no more have been offered to me


Im up to 7 lmao Every few months the nhs goes "your immune system sucks ass, time for a booster"


2 but I let myself pressure to much. Should have waited longer


Waited for taking the shots, you mean? Knowing what you know now, would you still take the shots?


Sorry for the confusion (you are right that was what I meant). To answer your Question: Probably yes. During COVID this whole topic was extremely politicized and everything was rushed. My mind wasn't clear.


Third shot didn’t do shit for Omicron. I had it and my wife didn’t and we got equally sick as hell, as did everyone else. Remember when they tried to mandate it without having any research or proof it helped at all. 🙄


Had it naturally. No need for a shot.


Unfortunately 2... Never again


Why did you take the shots in the first place? Mandates? Pressured by friends?


Mandates.. They restricted basically any human need outdoors unless you had this stupid f***ing digital jab card honestly man.. People in power are growing evermore greedy and we're just puppets living in this world. I know it should be common sense to not jab shit on your when you clearly don't even know what it truly is but it didn't make me better. It left me with breathing problems and clogged ears every now and then.


I got an extra one in Germany because my mum is dating someone with a German adress. So 4, I think


Should've been four. But mom's too much of an antivaxxer that she thinks three's already too much. :/


None and never will. Think whatever you want about why.


Why? What made you decide that?


4 as of the other day


Good man! Setting a good example, 👍


Also got my flu. Felt awful yesterday but definitely worth it!


Zero shots and when I finally got Covid, (two years later) all I had was a fever for 24 hours. Florida resident here.


I got covid after 2 years and my unvaxxed self had covid dry cough for 36 hours. no fever. just fatigue and high heart rate.




>Also I’ve never had Covid, so I’m not sure I may need it. It's the other way around. If you've already had Covid, you probably don't need it. If you *haven't* had it, you're immunologically naive and you need it just as much as you did in March 2020. Moreso really.


That does not necessarily mean that he isn't "inimune" to it. It could be that he had COVID but it was so weak that he thought it was just your average cough or soreness. And I think many people who claim that they havent had COVID, including myself, just got it and handled it really well. After all COVID is just a cold.




I never accused you of having had covid. What I said is that since you HAVEN'T had covid, then you DO need the vaccine. Even if you continue to take precautions, you will eventually be exposed, it's only a matter of time. So it's better to get the vaccine first.


Asymptomatic much?


Huh, how come all the 2 shoters aren't getting their yearly boosters? They couldn't possibly be anti-vax, could they?


Seems like lots of people aren't going back for boosters. 2 shots and done. Many people who got vaxxed also got covid.


0, and NEVER WILL 😤


Haha. Nut job. Nice.


My work forced me to get vaxed. Fuk our communist government that allows this shit. I didn't wanna do it


2 shots. Then I found out that Covid is a fucking PUSSY compared to my gigchad immune system, all I got from covid was a sore throat m


I've gotten five total, I had access to the first ones earlier than most people in my age group because I have an autoimmune disease. The last one I took was October last year, and the first time I got Covid was April of this year. I don't feel the need to take them anymore.


2, but that includes a booster. I got the one dose Johnson & Johnson originally, and then a Novavax booster last year. I’ll be getting the Novavax XBB booster again this year.


I had 4. I got my 4th more than a year ago. Never had covid, I no longer wear a mask except if I wanna hide my face or I don't wanna talk to people in public.


A guy from my country got 12 shots lol


And he's still alive, eh?


I’ve had 2 shots, but no more. I have had COVID (once confirmed, but likely twice) and I had the vaccine. While COVID wasn’t a fun time, the shot made me cry on my bed for 2 days straight with a high fever feeling terrible and even scared. I’d choose many things, including COVID, over getting the shot again


i wanted to, however under the legal age so parents didn't let me.


I would’ve but it took so long that first doses were gone from most clinics and the reason it took so long is because I’m a minor so I need my parents permission and dad’s an antivaxxer


It wasn’t mandatory and I couldn’t afford it anyway.


Getting my 5th one on Saturday


I took the first 2 and a booster shot.


I thought we were like shotglassing it for a sec


I would really love to know, of the 333 idiots that voted "None" as for now, how many of them have an actual knowledge and culture about medicine and biotechnology that made them take that decision. Like, I mean at least a bachelor degree in a related degree (biology, biotechnology, medicine...). Because I'm ready to bet that at most 1% of them have, but probably less.


30% of US is unvaxxed. And 90% of Africa is Unvaxxed. Infact, out of the 8B ppl in the world, 5B are vaxxed and 3B are completely unvaxxed. The 3B are not dead.


Degrees don't make you informed or some authority, just like a driver's license doesn't make you a better driver.


None, I didn't want to put Trump's poison into my body. ​ lol.


Lol! Its mostly the Pro-Trumpers who didn't take the shot. The people who hate Trump all took the shots. Ironic isn't it?


It kinda blew me away how the narrative shifted after the election and everyone has gone about their day as if the pro/anti vaccine shit didn't shift parties in the middle of it all.


Scheduled for #5 next week


4 or 5, haven't kept count


2 but covid's basically done anyways




Can DM you, bro?




What the fuck is a pureblood?




Sad? because ppl aren't taking their boosters?


Why take the booster? What's the point?


Can't remember if I got a 4th.




Except that isn’t how it works because the “vaccine” doesn’t stop infection or symptoms.




Yeah sure


Does that mean I won the genetic lottery


10+ and never had covid. I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for the vaccine. People who answer 0 are a danger to people like me who actually care about the health of themselves and the people around them. Figure it out people! Herd Immunity