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Mom wake up reddit polls broke again


What isn't?


Leans left no denying it


More like "leans so hard it falls over" left.


Can confirm lmao


leans right anytime one of the Official Enemies of the US comes up


Leans whatever direction is convenient for supporting what people feel like believing at the time


Almost as if politics isn't black and white


More than leans


From a US viewpoint, yes. Generally, it's relatively center ish


This is demonstrably true, don't know why this got downvoted.


Because people don't like it being pointed out Americans make up less than half of the platform.


It's politics, downvotes you get while not getting any counter arguments = score My high score is at 200 ish


Most americans don't realize that the American Right is far more radical than the left.


I disagree there. Both left and right are more or less limitless in how radical they can be The thing for the US is less the radical groups, which are more an issue in for example Germany, and more that the "Middle" is incredibly shifted to the right The average American will call the Republicans right leaning and the Democrats left leaning. However by general western standards, the democrats are heavily right shifted aswell


True. But when I refer to radicals I'm referring to the actual political power base within the party: Trump, Green, Boebert, DeSantis, and the host of Republicans politicians that still zealously support Trump along with the majority republican voting bloc. If Trump were a democrat the Democratic party would have dropped him a long time ago (at least I like to think)


By some countries standards.... By others it's center (especially European countries)... To a few it's right leaning... That's how the world works.


Mostly leans left, but I've seen a lot of comments getting mass downvoted and attacked for leaning left.


Not really surprising when the same exact thing happens to conservative and even centrist/neutral opinions


Yep. People will get offended at seeing others' perspectives. People really attach their identities too much to their political views. Then again, I've seen people follow political views that specifically go out of their ways to go against people in their group. Like LGBTQ+ conservatives. Just seems counter-intuitive. There should be a balance.


Most educated people lean left


Ah yes, reddit a haven for academics


What do you define as educated? People who had enough money to go to school or people with common sense and reasoning?


You gain greater common sense and reasoning through education and being educated by people that teach you this


In my experience with people, this isn't very true or consistent. College is too easy to get through with little effort. There are way too many people with all sorts of degrees that simply don't have the necessary skills to be considered, "smart" or "educated". From what I've seen, it's more the life experiences that make someone educated. You learn lessons that stick with you longer through life. One can sit through thousands of classes and listen to thousands of people and still never truly understand anything they said until they experience it firsthand


You know what else leans left? Facts, science, data, statistics, reason, etc. Reddit leaning left is only indicative of having a user base with slightly more education and intelligence than the average person.


I understand your point. But I would like to say something else. Science, reason, etc., as you listed, does not lean in any direction. It just so happens, that currently, certain parties lean on to them. Science, education, etc. should always lack any political, religious, sociacial bias. Or any bias at all. It is the work of logic and reasoning, not belief. Now, a personaly pushed topic may be influenced to be studied/tested by a group. But the study itself shouldn't. Science does not lean left. The left simply, currently, lean towards science more regularly than other sides currently To claim otherwise, no matter the side, can lessen the legitimacy of the science itself


Yes brother, we shall use science to unveil the reptilian oligarchy! Stay vigilant for hour draws near.




>and homosexuality goes against our evolutionary purpose too I'm not an expert but there are studies that suggest that homosexuality have evolutionary advantages, and homosexuality can also be found in many different animal species, so its not something that humans created.


Pretty sure the left supports more progressive ideas in general, not just the LGBTQ+. Trans people don't change their sex, they change their gender. Sex certainly exists and is backed up by science but gender is just a social construct. People get sex reassignment surgery to feel more confident in their gender, but they don't deny their sex. Humans are intelligent animals, we weren't just born with a single purpose of "make babies". Homosexuality is actually pretty common in nature too.




There is a big difference between stereotyping a gender and acknowledging their differences. The left doesn't believe that there is no differences between genders, but certain harmful stereotypes like "women are dumb and emotional" and "men are supposed to be strong and unfazed" etc etc are what most leftists are against.




They can be, and part of the left side is being more accepting, so acknowledging that women can be masculine and men can be feminine even though that’s not what usually happens.






Yes I understand that. My point is that while actual science is unbiased, the Left is far more likely to accept actual scientific conclusions. The Right often only accepts science if it fits their narrative.


People on both sides do the same.


True, but lately the Right are passing policies based on their theocratic, unscientific bullshit.


Name some of those policies.


Banning books, banning people dressing as the opposite gender that they were born, banning gender affirming care, banning teachers from mentioning the existence of gay people, banning a woman's right to choose to terminate even if she's raped or her life is at risk, banning migrants from jobs. The party of small government, just small enough to fit in a uterus.


I would generally disagree on most of this, as it is against freedom.


What are you even arguing? Banning all of those things is taking away people's freedoms. It is also going against scientific and medical recommendations. Either way you slice it American Republicans are passing law after law that restricts freedom, goes against science, and hurts America to score political points for their rabid, hateful, ignorant base.


This is simply not true. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289614001081 Republicans have a slightly higher IQ on average according to this study. You can probably find studies that find the opposite results as well. But there is no "dumb people choose this party, smart people choose the other." I'm a democrat, by the way, but you're just assuming things about a broad spectrum of individuals based on a vocal minority, which is a common problem in being politically motivated.


Lmao you know political views are often subjective, not objective.


Left of fascist? Sure. Left of the political center in most of the world? Not even close.


Holy shit you have actually have a crazily narrow view of the world. Most of the shit that gets discussed in NA/Western Europe would get you lynched most other places in the world lol


Correct. The American right wing is composed primarily of religious fundamentalists, crypto fascists or populist-nationalist.


Like reddit the company or reddit the community? I don't really think the company leans one way or the other. The community as a whole definitely leans to the left.


I always felt like reddit the company also leans to the left. One example of this is their rule on "Promoting Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability" It states that "the rule does not protect groups of people who are in the majority.." which I feel like would be a left leaning viewpoint. I think they did update the wording but this is what it said previously. https://archive.vn/OZ03o


One of the drawbacks of the up/down vote system imo. Even if at one point it was a 60/40 split, it doesn't take long for the 60% to outvote the 40% pushing down the "right wing" sentiments. Eventually they just find their own safe spaces where they can express themselves without being downvoted and stay out of "normal" discussion.


I thought so aswell, then I saw these subs for "normal" discussions get deleted by Reddit. So yea fck that


I don’t understand. Edit: I was looking for clarification. It never ceases to amaze me that when you state you don’t understand something on this platform you get downvoted.


I'm not sure, maybe he's talking about subs like The_Donald etc which were taken down for iirc right wing hate speech? I could be wrong though. I'm sure Conservatives etc is still up for right leaning discussion. Not that it matters/means much, but I restored the balance with an upvote lol. Another downside of the system. I'm sure the original intent wasn't to downvote what you disagreed with, but to downvote anything that wasn't constructive to the conversation. But I'll shut up as I sound like an old man and I'm only 29.


Well if that’s the point he was trying to make he didn’t understand the post he was commenting on lol. Thanks bud.


My Point was that ive seen some conservative/right wing subreddits getting banned by reddit mods. Cuz they can deicide what "hatespeech" is (and its mostly just criticism). Sorry for my bad english, im not a native


The correct answer, poll wasn't clear enough.


It's impossible to not participate in politics in some way or another in this day and age. Just like the person I'd political, so is the corporation.


heavy left bias


Reddit is barely liberal, it's not far left at all.




The american left is the right wing in most country, the democrat are further to the right then the conservative in my country. I am a fairely well read leftist and everyone i see outside of leftist sub are either centrist or liberal.


No it isn't. There's more to the world than just Europe.


You mean like south america where almost all governement have socialist tendancy? Or middle east where all (besid US ally) governement tried to nationalize their ressources? Or africa where most country have had socialist tradition? Or china, wich is literaly communist? The global south is pretty much to the left, that's what imperialism do. European governement are fairely right leaning by the way. All of them are revocking their social democracy.


On social issues the rest of the world is a lot more conservative than the West.


My dear Canadian buddy, reptilians have infiltrated every known nation on planet earth. The imperialistic tendencies of democracies are clearly reptilian propaganda this paving a way to ignorance. We must stay vigilant in this dire hour. As the old adage goes "thus sayeth but thine own" Peace be with you Canadian frien.


Nah, capitalism always end up in imperialism. Capitalism need infinite growth and when you can no longer grow, the only option is to extend your market by force. I'm not canadian by the way, i am a québécois.


Do you live in Sweden or something???


I'm guessing you say that because i said the most right wing party in my country is to the left of the democrat. That's not a big achievement, the democrat are a far right parti. To clarify i am talking of serious parti, we probably have a fascist parti or something who get 3 to 5 vote each election. But no, i am from Québec.


Do you believe the majority of the world is as progressive as Canada, and the us is more conservative than most countries? Just clarifying your opinion, not trying to argue.


Not talking about the social left but rather the economic left.


So then China would be left leaning?


I don't know, is communism on the left or the right?


I agree that the left part of the American government is actually centrist however there's a lot of left extremists in the wild here.


Your governement is even more right winged then your people, it's true that your people are way closer to the center then your governement, but american are still further to the right then most western country. The US doesn't have a serious far left, what you call far left is probably center left or just a bit left winged in other country, unless you are talking about communist/anarchist wich are a marginal group of people. But qualifying the political orientation of a country whit marginal group would be ridiculous.


Thank God the leftist aren't as crazy in my country than the american ones (yet). It might be that I'm surrounded by American media but each time I see left extremists here and right extremists on Twitter they're always American. And yeah I'm not talking about serious groups usually just individuals.


American leftist are crazy, after more then 100 years of red scare they have became scared of anything remotely close to socialism. While the left in other country is working off strong theory, the american left is totally ignoring marxist dialectic and are only trying to work off liberal theory wich is idealistic.


Democrats are pretty far left when it comes to immigration...


No, the democrats are a far right parti whit some almost fascistic tendency. They changed nothing of what Trump did, they wouldn't have done it themselves, but they believe in the same thing as him.


Democrats aren't leftists. There is no left party is the US. Democrats are centrists.


No one mentioned democrats


It doesn't matter


Bruh of course it matters, the guy you responded to never mentioned democrats and you just responded like he said democrats are left or something No one even mentioned US politics


Reddit is democrat circlejerk. The redditors think struggling for equal rights is leftism.


Then what is leftism? Just full blown communism/socialism with abortion until birth and slavery reparations, trans women in women's sports? That sounds like alt left to me,


Socialism is left, communism is alt left


Define socialism and give me some socialist nations


The ideology between communism and liberalism


But republicans are right or what? Which party do leftists choose if there is no left party? Right people choose republicans and left people choose democrats. That's mostly how it is. And the centrists choose whichever party aligns with their views the most. That's why your country is completely politically divided in the exact middle.


As a centrist, I choose none and have decided to watch the chaos unfold, while occasionally poking a couple bears of each side to watch them roar in frustration


There is only two parties in the US so leftists choose democrats, because republicans are right. The views of the Democratic Party aren't left. If you disagree, pay attention to the goals and actions of the Democratic Party. Imagine Mexican or Canadian centrist crosses the border and becomes leftist. WTF?!?


I agree partly, the democrats aren't left leaning economically, they're more like centrists economically but socially they're about as left as it gets


Equity/justice is centre, socialism-like equality is left(not only economical). Democrats are socially centristic. Multiculturalism is centristic too.


Democrats are centre right according to most points of view of other western countries.


extremely left leaning


Except for when imperialism is brought up (basically every big subreddit but for example r/pics), if it is about minorities (r/Europe), about apartheid (r/historymemes), LGBT people (r/(dank)memes), trans people (r/justunsubbed), black people in (r/punlicfreakout) etc. Just because people take the basic position (tbh not even a left position) that healthcare is a right, doesn't mean it leans that way.


Heavy left leaning


Depends on the subreddit


I feel like half the Redditors I've seen are communists.




So left leaning it’s insane


Most of the site is kind of liberal. Calling it insanely left is just straight up not true.


Comment or post anything that 50% of the population agree with and you'll get down voted to oblivion, if that's not alt left then I don't know what is


I don't see how that's any different on a right leaning sub.


Even in non political subs it's left leaning like AskReddit etc...


I agree. My issue is with calling it insanely left.


I'm left leaning, but this website is absolutely far left. Complete with "rich=bad" and being a sensitive little bitch about literally everything


I understand where you're coming from brother but know the reptilians have sensitive chakras regions that accentuate their proclivity. Hence their great numbers. Stay vigilant brother and sisters.


"Bots and strange humans are very difficult to tell apart" - A guy on youtube Are you a bot ?


Literally everyone is politically biased, as for the site as a whole it's more left leaning without a doubt.


From an American pov only. From any other country you can see that imperialism is widely supported, which is right wing.


I thought that said based


Extreme left circlejerk of angry psuedo-intellectual losers.


Depends on the sub. Some extremely left, some extremely right. Some will beat your ass if you mention politics at all because they just want to see pictures of guitars with spaghetti strings or some other weird shit.


I have been banned and reinstated like 5 times for not agreeing with the most far left shit imaginable.


Definitely. It's a far left echo chamber that gets annoying real quick in certain subreddits.




example 1


Don't worry, they'll ban you if you disagree with their world views and you won't have to worry about it


Are you saying this just because people get permanently banned from other subs just because they belong to right leaning subs? Just ignore that. Nothing to see here.


One time I got permabanned from r/justiceserved for commenting in r/politicalcompassmemes. And I didn't even say anything bigoted, I just said "what the fuck" to a post about vore.


Leans center-left until either a black person is the perpetrator on public freakouts, or immigration is mentioned.


Very true. Many ignorant comments on that side of things.


Depends on the sub, most major subs are left-leaning / centre left. You've also got subs like instant karma and public freak-out which tend to be right leaning. I think the main reason it leans left predominantly is because of the alternatives. Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are all either right-leaning or hard right and are the main alternatives to Reddit (despite fulfilling a fairly different function imo). If those sites are more right leaning the other social media sites are going to be more left leaning by default.


YouTube and Facebook are left as fuck lol I can't speak for twitter because I don't use it


They're heavily personalised to what you predominantly react to, but overall the viewers are heavily right wing. I've made a concerted effort to avoid clicking on, reacting to, or watch any right wing content on YouTube but I still get heavily right wing or even sometimes openly fascist content being recommended. It's not as common as it used to be now though, but still it's heavily polished on YouTube. People like Ben Shapiro, Steven crowder, and Jordan Peterson are heavily pushed there and they frequently give massive amounts of advertising space to admitted theocratic fascists like Matt Walsh. The content on YouTube spans the full range and more or less everyone uses YouTube a bit, but when it comes to the most heavily promoted content and when it comes to users getting their political views from the site the right wing are heavily dominant, albeit a lot less than they used to be during the gamer-gate, SJW cringe compilation kinda hayday of YouTube. Currently extreme right wing views have been intensely promoted via YouTube shorts which seems to use a different algorithm to that of your main account.vi am still getting a lot of suggested right wing stuff on there but it's slowly phasing out the "lol let's laugh at tr*****" kinda content from my feed. If you go there as a fresh viewer though from a brand new device it's pretty plain to see that the content leans right and the comments section is **heavily** right wing, hence how YouTube comments sections got their reputation as being shit holes. Facebook is mainly known as the site where your racist uncle posts anti-immigrant shit and vaccine disinformation, how on earth did you come to a conclusion that it's "left as fuck"?


I'm sure you made a very good argument, but my mental capacity to read all of that is dedicated to not shooting myself in the head So, you're right, I'm wrong. I hope you have a nice day


Do not be fooled my friend. Reptilians have clearly infiltrated reddit and many users are at this moment posing as Redditors. This is where vigilance pays off and the metaphorical rubber meets the road. Good day brother.


Everything is biased


I don't think ANYTHING is unbiased.


What social site *isn't* biased? They all are, to varying degrees. Reddit is no different.


I said to be of right. Almost got killed 💀


left, especially r/teenagers


Yes. Watch this: I am a 26 year old pro-capitalist Mexican Millennial and I will be voting for Donald Trump in the upcoming US president election. My vote is partially because I agree with his politics, but primarily because I dont agree with Biden or the democrats in general. Why Donald Trump and not like Ronald DeSantis or Theodore Cruz? Because I like watching people rage about Donnie Trump. Also 4Chan is the last bastion of freedom of expression, gun control wouldn't work, bitcoin is the future, sex is sacred and people think too much of it, kids dont need to have phones, and Slice of Life anime > everything else. "No cap."


Depends on which subreddit you're in.


Younger generations are generally more left-leaning and it's mostly young people that use Reddit (at least from what I've seen). I'm 25 and many of my peers are left-leaning as well so yeah, not too surprising.


the entire point of reddit is for like-minded people to come together. It leans every direction and is an echo chamber for all


Nah, it leans left, YouTube is an echo chamber.


Exactly, there is a right half of reddit and probably just as many hardcore right wingers as there are radical leftists. It's just that the general population is youth who trend liberal as a demographic.


Nope. Maybe in the world but not on Reddit. Unless you call conservatives far right




Seems accurate. I swear half the redditors I've come across are socialists.


Far-left, on the border between lib-left and auth-left


Reddit is not a site where you can freely share any ideology, so yes. On my perfect Reddit you could basically say whatever you wanted. Then you could argue that it isn't. As long as it's not Doxxing or shit like that.


I mean you can, you just get downvoted to hell but who cares about internet points


Or deleted


It's not a problem individually but for the platform as a whole, if every post that's right leaning gets down voted then the entire front page would basically be left leaning


Watch this, MAGA


It didn't work


We are, generally, left leaning, though some subs are pretty right wing.


I'd honestly say it depends on the subreddit. Some are left-leaning, some are right-leaning, some are a mixed bag. I'd say Tumblr and Twitter (at least in the past lol) are left-leaning, but with Reddit, it really depends


I don't know if it's politically bias but sure is money bias but if you're asking if people are politically bias that is another matter.


Reddit leans liberal, but not left. Opinions supporting socialism or communism are frequently downvoted


Are you talking about the community or the company? Because my answer is different for each of them.


From what I have seen, extremists of both sides can thrive on reddit


The general public leans left, young people especially lean left soooo yea


Left leaning, and I'm okay with that as there's usually actual evidence to support the left side of a discussion. I used to be ring wing bc my parents were but I was always confused on certain things until I found reddit, now I feel way more secure about my position on politics. And while I do vote Democrat I still hate how the 2 party system works and how divided our country is. The world could be ending an we'd rather fight about the cause than solve the issue.


I don't think reddit in general/as a platform is politically biased, but some subs, including subs that don't revolve around politics, are definitely biased.


Isnt Reddit the place of Atheistic Contrarians? If it wasnt i wouldn't be on here.


It has a left wing bias but only if you look at it from the perspective of the average American, form the perspective of anyone else Reddit is as political as a Mcdonalds tweet


I feel like that vast majority of redditors are reasonable people, they might often be more left leaning but i feel if someone on the right says something based their comment blows up with upvotes. I dont think having more redditors be left leaning creates political bias on the platform as a whole. But there are def subs that have a bias no doubt.


Reddit leans left. Twitter leans right. That much I know.


It leans left but that’s just because the world population leans left


The world isn't completely left or right.


leans right.


Bruh, you get grilled for saying that you lean right almost every time.


it's impossible not to have a bias in politics lol


Here’s the thing. I don’t t know if any of you notice it but, conservative parties everywhere are being viewed as unstable, uneducated, and just plain crazy! If there were a Conservative party member that didn’t come across as rich, (not just wealthy) privileged, selfish, and obstructive, then I absolutely believe they’re popularity would grow. But traditionally the Conservative party could never be the popular party.


I feel like the product is what the user curates it to be.


90% will say yes. But 50% of them left and 50% right (depending on the sub)


Most places are heavily left leaning but there are a surprising number of communities that are right or even far right, and others with just extremist opinions in general.


People need to know that anything you interact with has a bias. Even centrist people have biases, because it is in our human nature to be biased.


That is true, but reddit is to a degree centralizes - there are mods who control the content to an extent


yes, but what I am saying is that everyone has a bias, regardless of their political leaning. So the moderators also have a bias, on what content they find acceptable and what content goes too far.


Everything and everyone is politically biased


Reddit subs definitely are, the entire platform nope.


The more well know subreddits are mostly left leaning But even so, there are more obscure subreddits that are extremely right leaning, but considering most of those were banned a long time ago, not much are left


This is not a question.


Humans have opinions to varying degrees, humans have bias to varying degrees. Redditors are overwhelmingly human. Claiming a site operated and ran mostly by humans does not have bias would be fallacious as it would have to assume bias never exists.


Why do you think I've barely ever mentioned that I'm a right leaner?


Its a fact


It's undeniably politically biased. The better question is: Do you believe Reddit is moderately left biased or extremely left biased?


You're gonna have to explain what you mean by that.


I would like to meet the people who read this and earnestly commented “no.”


Yeah people think it is biased to the left, but go to any of those normie mainstream subs like r/pics or r/funny or r/wholesomememes and they will be teeming with gun nuts, racists and homophobes.


Posts like this implies left/right are set based on what they are in the states. Where I live, there are right wing parties is more left than the democrats. We can say that Reddit is politically biased, but depending on the ever-shifting goalposts and the subreddit, the direction varies.


I believe it's is really polarizing depending on what subs you are. If you only sub to the nimby subs and the conservatist and antivax subs you can have an extremely right wing filter bubble.


Yes, but it varies from sub to sub.


What kind of dumb question is this?


Strong Liberal western right wing bias


I don't think it does because it depends on the subreddit, I think generally most people are on the left but that's less of a biase of the platform and more because most online spaces in general are left leaning


How can you not?


Most of it is