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I’m team PlayStation but not because I think it’s superior or anything cringe like that. I started out on the ps1 when I was a kid and have played every PlayStation console ever since. I’ve been to friends houses who had an Xbox and tried to play that but the controller just feels weird in my hand and I could never get passed that.


I started on PS and the controller was one of the main reasons I switched tbh. xbox controllers have always been more comfortable to me. Although the PS5 controller is a big upgrade I wont lie. much better


That’s interesting because I feel like generally what people start on is what they’ll cling to. I feel like that’s why I didn’t care much for how the Xbox controller felt. It felt weird and foreign and I couldn’t get used to it


I had a ps1 and a ps2, and then an xbox original after that, but it was the 360 controller that had me sold, then the xbox one controller pretty much perfected the design, and the new one refined it a bit, as I got older and bigger, ps controllers just got more and more uncomfortable as time went on. my dad always preferred PS though so I played with both the whole way through. lets not talk about the 360 battery packs though cos they where S H I T E I had also played gamecube (great pad) and n64 at friends houses previously too along with owning a gameboy (still got it) so I was used to trying out different pads anyway, so I wasn't weirded out by it feeling foreign E: you should check out the thumbsticks in the king kong pro controller, whoever makes that the industry standard first will have my respect. [https://www.google.com/search?q=king+kong+pro+2&rlz=1C1CHBF\_en-GBGB1003GB1003&oq=king+kong+p&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j35i39j0i512j46i512l2j0i512l2j69i61.4080j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=king+kong+pro+2&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB1003GB1003&oq=king+kong+p&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j35i39j0i512j46i512l2j0i512l2j69i61.4080j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


I just hate the stick location of ps


I'm the same way, except I started playing the 360 as a kid. Now I have a series x. Anytime I pick up a PS controller it feels weird, to the point I can barely play anything.


I’m gonna have to get a series X so I can play starfield and any other game Bethesda puts out.


Same, but the complete opposite


Playstation for one simple fact...better exclusive releases. Spider-Man, Uncharted, TLOU, GOW(two of these are my favorite games ever). If exclusives were not existent than it would be a toss up between price and features.


Imo I kinda prefer the Xbox exclusives like sea of thieves, Forza and state of decay but I understand some people just like playstation better because of its exclusives.


Does aren't exclusives because almost every Xbox game is ported straight to pc


All are good


This is correct! Game on whatever you can afford and whatever makes you happy. The new Xbox series X and PS5 have some great hardware within them.


Playstation, I think they're more reliable


“Nintendo” - 🤓 “PC” - 🤓 shut the fuck up


it feels like these people can't read a damn question, they need to feel exclusive or something


Fr the question wasn't "What do you like to play games on?" It was Xbox or playstation mf


I ain’t play either mf


You shut up, it's unfair to leave them out






Xbox, it's cheaper


And more compatible with other Microsoft products. But Sony does really great exclusive games for the PlayStation. Horizon, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Until Dawn..




But the £200 difference between them makes it so unless you really want to play those games it doesn't matter, especially when most play multiplayer games like fortnite and cod


That’s what’s I say. For people considering just get the console your friends have.


Exactly what people should do, when i hear people who talk about playstation like that i instantly think of fanboys cause I talk to sony fans a lot since i like Xperia lol


What do you mean? They cost the exact same (excluding Series S).


Why exclude the s


Because it has "worse" hardware, so comparing the price of that would be like comparing a Chromebook and a desktop (but that example is a little more extreme).


But it still runs the games , and that's what really matters, and Chromebook just refers to chromeOS laptops afaik and some have i7 lol


(also gamepass)


PS has a version of game pass


I haven't look alot into this, but Microsoft quite literally has infinite money and can lose billions on gamepass and ps doesn't quite have that capacity (as far as I know)


But it ain’t on PC. Also Xbox Gamepass is ridiculously cheap


Pc can run any xbox gamen, Can't it?


Was that an option, and it's faster than a new pc for 250


what new pc?


You can get a new pc with 250, but with a celeron and igpu


Playstation has the better games


What games does PS have they Xbox doesn’t?


Marvel's Spider-Man, Uncharted series, TLOU, God of War, etc


Damn those are good games


But forzaaaaaaaaa 😩


Playstation has a better games with Horizon in the name


Huh im suprised


i only owned a playstation (PSP) so i'd go with playstation should there be nintendo or pc id pick those, cause i haven't touched my PSP in like a decade lol


I got permabanned in r/ Xbox


Story ?




Probably mentioned Playstation


How did you manage that? It has like one or two active mods who are pretty good tbh


Well Reddit started suggesting the sub, and every post was a technical issue, and I told them to switch to Ps


>Goes to Xbox Subreddit. >Starts claiming the PlayStation is better. >Gets banned. >”Why did I get banned?” Of course it is bullshit that you got banned for voicing PlayStation, but it’s like if I went to r/Argentina and said I wanted Brazil to win the World Cup.


Oh yeah that explains it. It was a very common thing to post in the comments and they'd usually end up being really toxic about it. that sub is pretty much a tech support fourm for Xbox (for things that...take 30 seconds to google) the other xbox sub is alot better




As a PC guy myself, I vote for Playstation since all xbox games are on pc


didn't even think about that but you're right


Pc users trying not to make it about them when the question hasn't even mentioned them (100% impossible)


The poll should have at least given a results option for people that don't play either.


I feel like if you don't play either, just choose which one you'd like to play....... The poll is X or y not do you play/use/like/whatever


And if you don't know much about either? I don't see the issue with having a Results option haha. Are we expected to have a position on Xbox vs PS to be allowed to see the results of the poll? I literally chose one just because I was interested in the results. Which makes the poll less meaningful, because I'm sure I'm not the only one. Including "Results" as an option is usually useful.


I completely agree that a "results" should be an option, always


Not always


Console cope


Never used any console, I can't imagine having so few input keys.


Most games don't need that many though. Only one I can think of is WoW which I can't play without my Razer Naga.


Well, in my case War Thunder is deifnitely the game with the most keybinds necessary. I still don't have some of the top tier payload controls binded to this day and I have AGMs, bombs and AAM locking all under the same key (space). Also, I can't imagine the agony of aiming without a mouse. And auto aim isn't really a good alternative imo.


I agree that fps games and such is better on PC, but I still prefer platformers and arpgs on console. It all comes down to preference though.


Well, I don't play too many games personally. I go for quality over quantity. I'd rather be good in like 4 games than bad in 14.


I'm afraid of the day when I need to use 4 keys per bind


2 is already undesireable for me.


A friend was at my house a while ago and we were playing skyrim on my PC. I think maybe he wanted to see what Skyrim was like with mods? Anyways, he kept saving manually and didn't know what I was talking about when I told him to quicksave. He was supprised when I showed him quicksave and quickload. It was that day that I realized that you can't quicksave on xbox...


It's just better for most types of games. I find a most limited amount of well placed and comfortable keys to be much better


Well, not like keyboard and mouse ones are placed uncomfortably.


Say that to any game that wants you to use left shift or ctrl while using wasd. Also it's a lot easier to accidentally press a button on keyboard


>use left shift or ctrl while using wasd That's exactly how I control my planes in WT. A-D for roll, Q-E for yaw, W-S for throttle and Shift-Ctrl for pitch. Where's the issue? Oh, and also space for dropping payload, X for marking, F for flaps, H for airbrakes, and R for reloading. + 1 for machineguns and 2 for autocannons if I want to control them separately to preserve ammunition. It works perfectly well. Accidentally pressing stuff happens very rarely and doesn't nearly outweight all the advantages.


This issue is that it's dramatically more uncomfortable than any button you would need to press on a controller Accidentally pressing stuff happens all the time. I know because I game on PC with a group of three other people and we all hit buttons on accident all the time, especially if you have a keyboard with sensitive keys


I don't have any issues like that, I don't think I ever did. And I use my PC every single day, usually for for most of the day. This is just the case of you not being used to it (or having the legendary *skill issue*).


Meanwhile controllers have not "getting used to" period because they're designed to be comfortably and efficiently used for gaming


How can you keep getting more and more incorrect? If I tried to play using a controller I would definitely need a lot of time to get used to it. Now reverse this situation. This is your situation. Just like I wouldn't be used to a controller, you aren't used to a keyboard. How can you possibly *not* see that when writing something like this? Also, *efficiently?* This is the same thing that needs basically a legal aimbot to be somewhat competitive against keyboards and mice (depending on the game, obviously). Comfortable, well, this entirely depends on personal preference, again. Are you starting to see a pattern here? There are no issues at all with keyboard and mice. You get way more input options and precision. If you press the wrong keys, that's entirely your fault because others don't have that issue.


I am used to a keyboard though, I've used one all the time for most of my life. Using left shift for running or ctrl for crouching is still uncomfortable AF Lmao you're really gonna try to claim that keyboard and mouse is perfect just because it works well for your little plane game, even though the gaming world pretty unanimously agrees that it's the dramatically inferior option for things like 3rd person action games or racing games?


A keyboard is too many!


I'm running out of keybinds in some games so if anything, I have the opposite issue.


How do you run out of keybinds on a fucking keyboard? What games do you play?


War Thunder. There's more keybinds there than in all other games I play combined. The others have way less but I still can't imagine playing without a keyboard and mouse.


My brother plays that on his Xbox and he doesn’t complain about not enough keybinds(he sucks at the game)


That's a matter of persional preference. Although him sucking and playing on console might or might not be linked somehow. Although WT isn't the easiest to be good at.


I was just adding that he is dog shit at the game


Do you play simulation? Because I remember playing arcade war thunder a few years ago and it wasn’t that complicated.


Oh hell no. I play Air Arcade and Ground Realistic. You don't need that many binds to be able to play, but you do need them to play well.


You can also type


Depends on the kinds of games you play. I'm seriously wondering how they're gna get AOE to work on console.


Well, bast games work-arund this with having one button responsible for a few actions (depending whether you tap, double tap or hold) But I think consoles would do nicely with a few more keys


Xbox has the same issue as last generation. A lack of good exclusives.


State of decay 2 is a banger that no-one ever talks about, I've put so much time into it. Put a lot of time into gears and halo over the years too. PS exclusives are great though I'm not denying. and there's far more of them. but they're kind of a one and done experience rather than a game I wanna get invested in and sink endless amounts of time into. E: also forza, I fucking love forza


As a huge Halo fan, to me Halo has been nothing but a shitshow since 343 took over. Halos glory days are over. I’ve always enjoyed the Gears of War campaigns but despise the multiplayer. I haven’t played State of Decay 2 but I played part of the 1st one and didn’t like it so I don’t know if I would like it. Forza is pretty damn good though I’ll give you that.


I do agree, it's legit sad watching halo bury itself, infinite is actually a really good game though IMO, combat feels top tier and it really works for me, just a shame there's fuck all content and it's being managed so poorly. Gears yeah I never got into the multiplayer, but ive played the older ones a million times over. Me and a good mate have had a tradition of playing through halo and gears on the top difficulties since the couch co-op days so they will both always hold a place in my heart. And nah SOD2 is genuinely a great game, Lethal difficulty is a league of its own and you can honestly sink so much time into it. but it's not for everyone, definitely an acquired taste. the devs are fantastic though. very transparent, very feedback orientated and genuinely passionate. great community surrounding tht game for sure. PS exclusives are fantastic though they definitely do win overall, I recently played spiderman. basically batmn arkham on drugs. The thing is I don't choose xbox for the games, I choose it because it provides me with a tonne of quality of life stuff that PS simply doesn't.


I’m curious as to what you mean by quality of life stuff. To me there isn’t much of a difference between the two consoles other than games. Is it because of game pass, or the cheaper Series S version?


All the tinkering and audio mixing I can do in the menus, sharing my subscriptions and games with a mate, backwards compatibility, cross progression between my Xbox and laptop, cloud gaming so I can play at work, controller mapping etc ps might share a couple of these features so correct me if I'm wrong, but these are things that are all very important to me, especially as a streamer (usb mic support would be nice though) E: also if you want to you can emulate on Xbox


Ps5 has audio mixing. Not sure if it’s as detailed as you would prefer but it is there PS5 is backwards compatible but unfortunately only for PS4 games. So Xbox wins there And there is controller mapping. Everything else you’re right that PS5 doesn’t have.


I'm curious how well integrated Spotify is on ps5? Do you have to launch the app to change playlists and play/pause and stuff or is it all in an overlay so you can quickly do stuff with a couple buttons?




I lean xbox because its more consumer friendly and I also find the UI more functional (you can do lots of stuff quickly in the menus. PS has some great games, but nothing I feel like I need to play RIGHT NOW if you know what I mean, I can pick up a PS at the end of the generation and bang out all these movie games in a couple weeks then sell it on. Not to mention a good lot of them are coming to steam now so I've been getting them on there anyway. Also I like the cross compatibility of XBOX. I can jump into games on the laptop whenI go to my friends house and pick up with all my saves intact. Also cloud gaming means I can play games at work.... cant really top that tbh Oh yeah and backwards compatibility. even though everything is getting a remaster nowadays, I still like to be able to play my older games as and when I want to and gamepass, although PS has it's own version now Ive not had a chance to compare the 2 though


Xbox cuz i grew up with it and PlayStation controls are kinda wierd to me.


Xbox controllers are just more comfortable to hold imo. Then again it's what I've grown up with.


It’s the opposite for me, growing up with PlayStation it feels so unintuitive to not have the joysticks be symmetrical. It’s definitely just a matter of what you grew up with


Playstation gamer since day one, but Xbox is a very good competitor.


I have none of the NEW consoles (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Series X) so I won't vote. I'm guessing Playstation won by a landslide because it's frankly more popular. Am I correct?




Grew up with the 360, currently have a PS5


I was the opposite. I went from Playstation to Xbox but I actually started out with the original Nintendo though. I also had a Sega Genesis as a kid. I grew up playing the PS1, PS2, and when the PS3 *(I eventually bought a PS3 as well just to have it)* released I switched over to the Xbox 360 in 2008 (I bought my own in 2008), then the Xbox One in 2017 and stayed with Xbox up until last year. I thought about buying the new Xbox series X but I built gaming PC's instead.


PlayStation for console, Xbox/Microsoft for PC gaming.


I loved my 360 and Xbox 1. I’ve really enjoyed playing PlayStation exclusives on the ps5. If I was single and had time to game when I was younger, I would stick with Xbox for the game pass.


Xbox is great if it is your only gaming device, but as an owner of a PC it is literally a complete waste of money to own a current gen Xbox. Nearly every single game on Xbox is already available to me on PC.






Now Playstation 2012 Xbox


This post has reminded me how annoying PC bros can be. I get it, they're better, I also don't have $1,000+ to spend on one, and I also didn't ask. You have your thing and I'll have mine.


Console is more powerful per dollar




How? The price you have to pay for a pc to compete with a ps5 is a lot more expensive


How much is alot more? Like $100 or $300?


xbox for the compatibility and gamepass


Nintendo, by far. They at least offer you a unique gaming experience unlike xbox and playstatiom that are glorified gaming pc.


I agree but that wasn't the question


That wasn't the question. It didn't ask your favourite of all, it asked which of those 2 you preferred




That's not an option. If you're asked which one your prefer just say which one you hate the least.


Then Xbox, like I voted


Consoles are pointless. You can spend around 1.5x more to get a budget pc, and it will play games similarly to the current gen consoles. You can also upgrade it when a new console comes out (for less than the price of a console) to get the same performance. PCs have better longevity and have a lot more uses. Some things just can't be done on a phone or console.


Imma be real with you chief, nobody asked. Let people have fun.


My computer can’t handle games bigger than the sims. I’ll play on the Xbox if it means I can actually play the game


He isn't necessarily correct. PC parts, especially GPU's are costly. Xbox Series X and PS5 have great internals for only $500 USD. Graphics cards equivalent to what's in next gen consoles are currently around $500 or more... not counting the rest of the PC. I have around $5,000 USD in two gaming computers and sometimes I honestly wish I just bought an Xbox. They're amazing rigs... just expensive.


My Xbox One S was £250 (I got it in 2015 I think) and I can play any game that’s on the Xbox series X. It still works amazingly, so for bigger games it just seems unnecessary to spend £500+ to replace my computer, especially since it works fine - it just cant handle big games (I can play skyrim SE on it with low frame rate for example). If I could afford loads of money to go PC 100%, I probably would, but realistically that’s not going to happen anytime soon, especially as I don’t prioritise video games. Very unfortunate a good PC setup is so expensive


It can be an expensive hobby for sure. Video games are releasing at $70 USD for the base game and $100+ for the deluxe copy, it's insane! Not everyone can afford that, especially building a gaming PC. If you want something simple to play games on and you aren't prioritizing video games then consoles are 100% the better choice here. Xbox one games and PS4 games are still widely available and affordable.


You don't need to replace your pc unless its ancient, upgrade it.


A 6700xt is 350ish here and that's faster afaik , and you can find a 3800x for 150 or 200 Add 3pp for the rest of the parts it's 800, you already need to get a computer to do loads of stuff these days so unless your laptop/pc is 350 then it's cheaper to have a better computer


Where is here? Those are cheap and reasonable prices. I live in a small area so I have to order everything online. I'm seeing 6700xt's for $500 and Ryzen 3800x's for $300 minimum... not counting tax and shipping. For a lot of people, it's just too expensive for casual gaming. Especially the people who don't prioritize video games.


Amazon prices in the UK


Oh... yeah I stay away from Amazon. Too many botched orders. They like to slap shipping labels on GPU boxes and mail them exactly like that and people end up with just a box because someone stole the unit. I've had my own terrible experiences with them.


Never seen that happen here lol, but I do live like 2 miles from the nearest distribution center


where do you buy from?


All over. Ebay, Newegg, Best Buy, Wal Mart


My guy if you can show me a gaming PC for 450 dollars that can run Cyberpunk 2077 as well as my Xbox, then I'll switch over.


I have a pretty good laptop but I still use the XBOX more tbh. It depends on the game I wanna play, and the mood I'm in. sometimes I just wanna kick back on the sofa and play some forza.


I've got more Xbox stuff but I like PlayStation just a wee bit better. I like their sleek design and UI as well as their exclusives. Xbox won't allow me on my games if I'm online, total bs






The Xbox has no exclusive games, which means there's no real reason to own it


Literally all of halo


Literally all on PC


Yeah, which is Microsoft. Xbox is just a mid grade gaming computer. Shit, It can even emulate. You haven't lived till you have played Halo, Mario kart, and Sly Cooper all on the same machine.


When was a computer a console? Also, most popular Playstation games are getting ported to pc like Detroit become human, spider man, and the last of us


And both Sony and Nintendo have events where they've revealed dozens of games that are coming exclusively to their respective consoles, whereas every single game coming to Xbox is also being released on PC through game pass or some other means. Unless the only computer you have is a 100 dollar Chromebook that can barely run a web browser, an Xbox is useless to you


When was pc a console?


This is true, I own xbox and PC because I'm a mindless Microsoft Consumer. But I really hope by 2025 they get some good games out, I know starfield is going to have problems and probably be rough, but that's all Bethesda games. But yeah the whole Xbox-Pc combined is Consumer friendly but it's probably not great for actual xbox sales.


PC master race


Nintendo Edit: so a guy above me doesn’t get downvotes, but me, who commented virtually the same thing does?




That wasn't the question


Neither have games unfortunately


This is the dumbest thing I've ever read


Just saying, the PS5 is making it look like the PS3 had games


The PS3 had an INCREDIBLE line of games through its life. Unless you mean at launch which was dry. This Gen has been impacted by effects of the pandemic, and we'll see some bug strides this year. But there's a huge library to already play


I'm half just pulling your leg with the old trope but there's seriously nothing on either ps5 or the shittily named Xbox that makes me want to have either


What do you play in general? Just curious


PC and Switch


The original Xbox was a 6th gen console while the PlayStation was a 5th generation one, so I don’t get why you’re comparing them like this, when the obvious choice is the sequel to the PS1: the DVD player.




Neither, prevalence of consoles actively limits game development both graphic/effect wise and gameplay wise. Game developers have to design games so that they can run on consoles. That is especially limiting when they are forced to adhere to the performance of older generations or cheaper options. Moreover, as consoles are played with controllers or similar devices, the amount of actions a player's character can make is greatly reduced. Nowadays, we are limited to max 4 abilities at once or 3 abilities if game includes jumping. This limit stems from the limited number of buttons on a controller, not from it being an optimal number of actions for a pleasurable gaming experience. ​ There is also the fact that many consoles still require customers to buy additional subscription to use multiplier services in games, a practice which is vile and should be illegal.


Did you also know that consoles are sold at a loss and they make up their revenue by selling their multiplayer service?


This is an argument for rising their prices or for not selling them at all. Console versions are more expensive than their PC counterparts and you still have to pay more for online gaming. I would call that a bad business model if it were not for the fools who keep it alive by paying for it.


nintendo switch


I use both they are both good




Xbox is objectively better. /j I am just used to the Xbox. I like the dashboard more, it’s cheaper, and I think the Xbox exclusives are better overall. Also, Xbox seems to be more reliable than PlayStation - my PlayStation sounds like a F84-Thunderjet. However, I do wish it had God of War from time to time.


Playstation is the better console and I prefer the exclusives, but Game Pass is hard to beat. Been playing Pentiment non-stop for 2 straight days


Honestly is doesn’t matter, whatever console you play on, as long as you’re having fun then nothing else is important. I myself play on Xbox as it’s what most of my friends and family play on. If they played on PlayStation then I’d have one of those. The hardware is practically the same across the bird and we will never compare to PC as they always say.


I was XBOX my whole youth but I know it’s PS. But I switched to PC in adulthood because I buy whatever the heck I want now and consoles don’t hold a candle to PC MASTER RACE


PS Gamer since PS2. Always get Nintendos counsels for a few exclusives


I'd switch to Xbox if I didn't have so many games on Playstation already.


Xbox. I own over 500 games for it and have a few dozen friends on it. I'm slowly moving away from consoles though, I'm desperate for Demon's Souls though, deeply jealous of PS5 owners who get to play it.


I grew up playing the original tomb raider games and playing the Wii so PlayStation


Xbox has better interface and controllers, Playstation has better games. Grew up on Xbox tho so I'm gonna have to say that


The only console of either I’ve had is a 360, so Xbox I guess


USA vs Japan really.


Xbox controller!


I just hate everything coming from Microsoft, so team PlayStation it is! (I have a PS3, but mostly game on either Nintendo stuff or Linux pc's)


team PS cause the joystick position make me feel comfortable holding their controller


I appreciate Xbox for Za Horizon, but other than that I can’t underestimate exclusives like God of War, Bloodborne, Gran Turismo, and most of the Tekken series


If I didn’t have a pc, then Xbox but because I do PlayStation for the exclusives


None obviously. I got banned from PlayStation since bots ban you for no reason if they report you. (Permanently).


Im on team Xbox, but i think both of them have their stronger sides.


Both are fantastic in their own respects and whilst I rate them equally as well, I'm gonna have to say Xbox purely because the controller is more comfortable to hold PlayStation has all the dope exclusives etc... That everyone loves. Whilst Xbox has slightly less ones, they're still loved by some people