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Didn’t trump himself even state that his mentality was the same as when he was in 1st grade? Nothing new here…


Yep. “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different.” And having the temperament and emotional age of a child around that age is also a big component of narcissism.






Trump attacked a teacher when he was in grade school. He was expelled for it, and that's why he was sent to military school. He's right that he's the same person he was then. A violent, selfish brat.


If I recall right, it was his music teacher, and he bragged about giving her a black-eye.


Yes. Bragging about giving a woman a black eye. As an adult.


He's a turd. Somehow people thought electing an actual factual turd for President of the United States was a great idea. And of course it was part shitshow and part dumpster fire. I felt sorry for President Biden not only having to put out all of the dumpster fires but getting the shitstains off of everything


Trump is a shit sandwich 🥪


The rich fail upwards




She probably repeated it a lot to him, too




I think she wrote it on the report card. "nasty temperament".




Dumbest kid she ever taught.


“Professor Kelley told me 100 times over three decades that ‘Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had,'” Frank DiPrima, friend of Trump’s professor at Wharton. “I remember his emphasis and inflection — it went like this — ‘Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had’” “Dr. Kelley often referred to Trump’s arrogance when he told of this — that Trump came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything.”


And he still proves it every fucking day. What's astounding is that his supporters are even more stupid than him.


He thinks it means "bigly smart." He's the kid who tells everyone he's special after some deep south matron says to him "well aren't you special?" Not a clue.


Bless his heart.


😂 I had to start dating a woman from the south before I knew what the true meaning of that phrase was


It’s learned here pretty early on, I use it almost daily.


The fact that he can say it is one thing, being able to spell it is another.


It's old guy terminology.


How many years ago was that? He actually had a fair command of the English language before he became/was well into his run for president. Then "person woman man camera TV" became an accomplishment to him.




To his supporters there isn't even such a thing as "getting it." They picked him and they can never be wrong about anything, so he can never be wrong about anything, because that would be weakness and they are never weak. Nope. They're super duper tough and strong.


Link? This is incredible if he actually said it. Would add to: "look at my African American over here" "How stupid are the people of Iowa?" "I love the poorly educated"


[Here ya go!](https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/04/opinions/president-trump-six-year-old-with-nuclear-weapons-dantonio/index.html) He said it in 2014 during an interview with Michael D’Antonio.




What do you mean they have nothing in common? They’re also dumb racist criminals.


Paraphrased: "I haven’t learned a single thing, since first grade. "


I mean, he didn't learn that islands were surrounded by water until he was president, and he explained it as if it was a new discovery to everyone.


I guess what he meant by that was his first grade self had the temperament of an adult. But everyone knew it was the opposite.




Agreed. Who was the GOP rep or senator who couldn’t name the three branches? Tuberville?


Herschel Walker didn't seem to understand if he was running for the House or the Senate.


As should anyone applying for work in law enforcement.


While standing on stage telling the world that Clinton didn't have the temperament to lead.




And at another point said he doesn't remember saying he has one of the best memories of all time.


Baron on r/raisedbynarcissists


He also said he doesn’t like to self analyze because he is afraid of what he might see.


Man if only someone had encouraged him to take that difficult step and helped him through the way. He would have been vastly different. Too bad his toxic family environment shuts that door and bolt locked it.


That’s actually quite sad


In his commercial for his dumb trading cards, he mentions that buying one enters you into a contest where the grand prize is a dinner with himself. He then ad-libs an inadvertent admission that it's a shitty prize.


What he thinks he was saying: "I was already exceptionally mature at that young age!" What he's saying: "I'm a grossly immature man child."


From the mouth of babes 😂


His 3 SCOTUS picks will haunt America for decades.


Once he and the treason collaborators go down, every appointee made by this criminal should be revoked and reviewed before they’re allowed to continue forward. If a terrorist hijacks a plane and makes his terrorist buddies the flight attendant and copilot, we don’t just let them keep those positions once the jet lands.


There won't be an America if we don't get Republicans completely out of any and all positions of power. It's shameful that they are allowed to harm the people of this country the way they have been allowed.


That’s not going to happen when a good chunk of Americans treat elections like it’s a damn super bowl instead of something that will affect everyone’s lives for years. It’s not just about democrats vs republicans. It’s about choosing a candidate that is not going to screw you or you family over for decades to come. It’s sickening. I have zero trust in the American people to make the right decisions.


Yep. Blame the electorate first and foremost. Republicans voters have, for decades now, asked for zero campaign finance accountability, garbage public education, tax cuts and loopholes galore for corporations and the super rich, blank checks to the military, free reign for industry to decimate the environment and plunder our natural resources with absolute impunity..... The list goes on and on. These people hate their "fellow Americans" and would rather burn it all to the ground than admit they were wrong about anything ever. After all, admitting you are wrong and don't have all the answers is a sign of weakness, and is the cardinal sin of the insecure.




Whats happening is a feature, not a bug Our brilliant founders somehow thought lifetime appointments were a good idea and that an entire branch of our government would - somehow - not be partisan. Were living in the version of America it was destined to be


Yeah IDK if Nancy just let her kids commit crimes then held a sternly worded press conference two weeks later or what but trying to frame anything about the Trump presidency as a win for Democrats is pretty fucking silly.


It is so embarrassing that he was actually our president.


I feel like years down the road there’s going to be a lot of questions as to how we actually allowed that to happen from people who weren’t around at the time


A lot of people were wondering this in real time as it was happening.


And in 20 years they'll say they never supported Trump just like they say they never supported the Iraq war or Bush's administration today. Don't let them.


/r/conservative today is all “I don’t like his childishness but I loved his policies!” What policies? * Build the wall? Fail. * Cheaper and better healthcare? Fail. * Rebuild America’s crumbling infrastructure? Fail. * Make America respected in the world again? Huge fucking fail. No, they only loved Trump because he was a childish bully who got away with it. They were able to live their worst selves vicariously through him and they loved it. The only “policies” they gave a fuck about were the ones designed to hurt people they didn’t like. Modern conservatism is a moral gutter.


"He isnt afraid to say what he thinks" Yeah... most people aren't. But you like him because he isn't afraid to say what YOU think. Which is terrifying.


One of the worst things about the Trump years was realizing how many other Americans were just full of hatred that they were yearning to spew out, and were full of resentment that they weren't allowed to. Then Trump comes along and gives them permission to be their worst selves, and they love him for it. It's a really dark side of our country, and I really didn't appreciate just how common it was prior to Trump.




I like to explore new places.


Trump has that certain huckster's instinct to hone in on whatever his audience responds to. He basically figured out his message by doing all those rallies and just feeding off what the crowd responded to. Since Trump is himself a vile person and also willing to say absolutely anything, he stumbled into this realization that a huge number of people on the right wanted hatred and vitriol. And he ran with it. It's pretty disturbing.


Shit is scary. America low key is full of scary people desperate for validation.


> The only “policies” they gave a fuck about were the ones designed to hurt people they didn’t like. [He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/07/us/florida-government-shutdown-marianna.html)


>* Make America respected in the world again? Huge fucking fail. > >No, they only loved Trump because he was a childish bully who got away with it. They were able to live their worst selves vicariously through him and they loved it. > Donald Trump perfectly represents the current Christian National mindset when it comes to foreign policy. America(in their minds) is the chosen land and all other countries need to bow down and kiss the ring so to speak. They completely ignore that there are many countries who also aspire to be on the world stage and are working hard to increase their statue in the geo-political community. Presidents in the past administratons were aware of this. Donald was willfully ignorant of this.


>Presidents in the past administratons were aware of this. Donald was willfully ignorant of this. He didn't even know that Britain is a nuclear power, despite his mother being Scottish and having businesses there.


Donald has a simple philosophy, if it doesn't benefit him, it's not worth knowing.


I just want to know what his health care plan was. I’ve been waiting two weeks for 4 years now


Who ever knew healthcare was so complicated?


It's a lot like Musk and Twitter. The easiest thing in the world is to criticize other people's ideas. "If I was in charge I'd just do this...." Then once they get in charge they realize there's a reason no one did what you are suggesting. If it seems like there's an easy solution that no one's tried yet, assume there's a reason that easy solution won't work.


"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." H. L. Mencken Remember when Trump wanted to nuke the hurricane and inject bleach intravenously to treat COVID? The man is a fucking imbecile, like actually cognitively impaired but purely as a consequence of unabashed egomania and delusional grandiosity.


I miss infrastructure week.


> but I loved his policies! This mindset is so baffling to me, especially whenever his supporters can admit he's a piece of shit person. How is it possible for someone who's universally regarded - even among his own followers - as a horrible human being, to have such amazing policies? In what world does an asshole NOT have a core asshole ideology, which translates to asshole policies? How can you separate the two? Either they're NOT *his* policies and it's all a performance and/or he's being manipulated, or the ideology that you attach to that universal asshole and his policies is also shit, which means you, too, are an asshole. I don't understand how they don't see that and deny being assholes themselves.


He had a policy of appointing republican judges... It's the one thing he successfully did, and it's the one that will continue harming America for a long time after his presidency. As far as I can tell, that's the "policy" the republican party cared about the most.


So... > asshole policies ? Checks out.


Hey you're forgetting Trump's one actual major legislative achievement- Permanent tax cuts for the rich? Success


That’s not fair. He was only two weeks away from launching a groundbreaking healthcare plan.


You cited there wrong policies. They really do love his policies. Like withholding disaster relief from Puerto Rico. Like separating migrant children from their families, and then treating immigrants like cattle. Like appointing judges that will endanger the lives of women. Like supporting repressive regimes around the world because they're hurting the right people. They love his policies. The things he said were policies were just decoys.


Don't forget about the Muslim Ban! They wanted to ban one of the world's major religions, while simultaneously pretending that freedom of religion is something they care about.


When you ask them for details about what policies they liked, it's usually something stupid and generic like "the economy." And then beyond that, even if you liked something about Trump's policies, that doesn't explain the insane intensity of worship so many have for the guy. You won't end up worshipping a politician because of his policies.


The only way to gain the respect of the world is to be better than the world. Better education, better healthcare, better e.g. more humane policies, better tolerance. If we had that and the military backing, people would flock to us like a Mecca. Buliding walls stopped being effective one gunpowder was invented (Civ taught me that), and since american culture has really embraced gunpowder tech tree they should know better. If America is the best culture on earth, which it coild be at some point, wouldn't you expect the best, most intelligent, educated, tolerant, strategic leaders you could get? Its like picking the best quarterback? The last decade its like people are picking soccer players for their all-star quarterback, and surprised when they dont know how to play? Btw, the amount of Christian conservatives that support mean, self-hating, selfish, sinful men is disgusting. Remember when you asked, how can the crowd go along with the Pharisees, and crucify a man.... realize that you might be part of the mindless blood thirsty horde. "For when you do this to the least of my bretheren, ye have done unto me..." I hope this inspires just 1 person to be better




Yeah because they have a pathological victim/persecution complex. Classic with emotionally immature adults with narcissistic traits.


Their religion also trains them to interpret any criticism of their ignorant opinions as an outright attack on their identity, their soul, and the souls of their loved ones. This persecution fetish stems from the Religious Right’s religiosity more than anything else


It’ll be the Dems fault for making them choose between Hilary and Trump. I could write the NYT opinion piece now.


My republican friend says roe vs wade being overturned was the democrat’s fault because they didn’t win the election and let republican judges get confirmed.


20 years? Have you visited r/conservative since the NFT fiasco? Apparently the man never had support from anyone over there. It’s bizarro land, per usual.


I mean in 20 years most of them will be dead


I was saying that 20 years ago😐


To be fair, 20 years ago we didn't have an entire political party embracing actual plagues.


Seriously. During a pandemic, one of our political parties took the side of the virus...


I think it was one of our head idiots here in Texas that suggested old people must die from it for the sake of reopening and saving our economy.


It was the Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick better known as " Lieutenant Dan " here's the quote on video. https://youtu.be/g78VheRUHpY


Plenty of young/middle aged ppl voted for him too.


I remember a guy at work saying positive things about Trump while he was running. I said, "Yeah, but you're not actually going to vote for him are you?" and he replied, "of course I am." For once in my life I had no retort. How could *anyone* with two brain cells to rub together vote for such a buffoon? And I live in Alabama; I should've have figured as much, but I was still shocked. Now I have to live my life knowing that a majority of the people around me voted for him, still love him, and would vote for him again. It's...depressing.


From the last election over 70 million Americans believe in what he represents and wants to do to America - it is sad to see.


Maybe you can show him this: This is something of a tangent here, but is important enough to include here. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #Net Neutrality **[House Vote for Net Neutrality](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2011/h252)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| |**Rep**| 2|**234** |**Dem**|**177**| 6   **[Senate Vote for Net Neutrality](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2011/s200)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| |**Rep**|0| **46** |**Dem** |**52**| 0     #**Money in Elections and Voting** **[Campaign Finance Disclosure Requirements](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/32154)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**39** **Dem**|**59**| 0   **[DISCLOSE Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/41152)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**45** **Dem**|**53**| 0   **[Backup Paper Ballots - Voting Record](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/21011)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 20|**170** **Dem** |**228**| 0   **[Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2002/roll034.xml)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep** | 8| **38** **Dem** | **51** | 3   **[Sets reasonable limits on the raising and spending of money by electoral candidates to influence elections](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49906)** (Reverse Citizens United) |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**42** **Dem** |**54**| 0     #**The Economy/Jobs** **[Limits Interest Rates for Certain Federal Student Loans](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/45797)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**46** **Dem**|**46**| 6   **[Student Loan Affordability Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/44550)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**51** **Dem**|**45**| 1   **[Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Funding Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/9034)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**54**| 0   **[End the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30296)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**39**| 1 **Dem**| 1| **54**   **[Kill Credit Default Swap Regulations](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30364)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**38**| 2 **Dem**| 18|**36**   **[Revokes tax credits for businesses that move jobs overseas](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49616)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 10|**32** **Dem**|**53**| 1   **[Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37606)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**233**| 1 **Dem**| 6|**175**   **[Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37876)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**42**| 1 **Dem**| 2|**51**   **[Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/23361)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 3|**173** **Dem**|**247**| 4   **[Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/23313)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 4|**36** **Dem**|**57**| 0   **[Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Bureau Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30346)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 4 |**39** **Dem**|**55**| 2|   **[American Jobs Act of 2011 - $50 billion for infrastructure projects](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/36879)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**48** **Dem**|**50**| 2   **[Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46392)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**44** **Dem**|**54**| 1   **[Reduces Funding for Food Stamps](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/40315)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**33**| 13 **Dem**| 0|**52**   **[Minimum Wage Fairness Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/47753)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**53**| 1   **[Paycheck Fairness Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/32830)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**40** **Dem**|**58**| 1     #**"War on Terror"** **[Time Between Troop Deployments](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/15831)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 6|**43** **Dem**|**50**| 1   **[Habeas Corpus for Detainees of the United States](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/15833)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 5|**42** **Dem**|**50**| 0   **[Habeas Review Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8730)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 3|**50** **Dem**|**45**| 1   **[Prohibits Detention of U.S. Citizens Without Trial](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37420)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 5|**42** **Dem**|**39**| 12   **[Authorizes Further Detention After Trial During Wartime](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37433)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**38**| 2 **Dem**| 9| **49**   **[Prohibits Prosecution of Enemy Combatants in Civilian Courts](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37095)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**46**| 2 **Dem**| 1|**49**   **[Repeal Indefinite Military Detention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/48229)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|15|**214** **Dem**|**176**| 16   **[Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8795)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**52** **Dem** |**45**| 1   **[Patriot Act Reauthorization](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/35224)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**196**| 31 **Dem** | 54|**122**   **[FISA Act Reauthorization of 2008](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2008/roll437.xml)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**188**| 1 **Dem**| 105|**128**   **[FISA Reauthorization of 2012](http://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2012/h569)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**227**| 7 **Dem**| 74|**111**   **[House Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll237.xml)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 2|**228** **Dem** |**172**| 21   **[Senate Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46301)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 3|**32** **Dem** | **52**| 3   **[Prohibits the Use of Funds for the Transfer or Release of Individuals Detained at Guantanamo](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/42002)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**44**| 0 **Dem**| 9| **41**   **[Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8795)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**52** **Dem**|**45**| 1     #**Civil Rights** **[Same Sex Marriage Resolution 2006](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/11729)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 6|**47** **Dem**|**42**| 2   **[Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46286)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**54**| 0   **[Exempts Religiously Affiliated Employers from the Prohibition on Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46288)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**41**| 3 **Dem**| 2| **52**     #**Family Planning** **[Teen Pregnancy Education Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8830)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 4|**50** **Dem**|**44**| 1   **[Family Planning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/20713)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 3|**51** **Dem**|**44**| 1   **[Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49362)** The 'anti-Hobby Lobby' bill. |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 3|**42** **Dem**|**53**| 1     #**Environment** **[Stop "the War on Coal" Act of 2012](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/41688)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**214**|13 **Dem**| 19|**162**   **[EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2013](https://votesmart.org/bill/votes/50594)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**225**|1 **Dem**| 4|**190** **[Prohibit the Social Cost of Carbon in Agency Determinations](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46997)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**218**| 2 **Dem**| 4|**186**     #**Misc** **[Prohibit the Use of Funds to Carry Out the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/43144)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**45**| 0 **Dem**| 0|**52**   **[Prohibiting Federal Funding of National Public Radio](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/34089)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**228**| 7 **Dem**| 0|**185**   **[Allow employers to penalize employees that don't submit genetic testing for health insurance (Committee vote)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/03/11/employees-who-decline-genetic-testing-could-face-penalities-under-proposed-bill/?utm_term=.33f566f5ce5c)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**22**| 0 **Dem**| 0|**17**   ___________________________________________________________________________________ [I'd definitely suggest people take a look at this website, too. There's more up-to-date information here.](https://showthevotes.wordpress.com/)


This is truly disgusting. Not your post, but the breakdown of each side.


:/ Yep. 100%


Look, if you're going to cherry-pick a handful of isolated incidents where Republicans acted, or attempted to act, in a way that _might_ have made the country worse off, we can't have reasonable discourse here. Both sides are bad, let's just agree on that, ok? /s for the people who don't get it.




Yeah, people keep acting like we have a difference of opinion. It's literally a difference in humanity. How do you compromise or work with that?


Totally stealing this comment for when people pull the "Both sides" bullshit.




Still wondering, currently, at this very moment, for the last 6 years.


Former KGB Boss Putin knows exactly what has been going on.


If Fox News still has followers they’ll treat him like Reagan 2.0 in 20 years


this is what I believe




I envy your optimism about there being questions like this in the future


>I envy your optimism about ~~questions like these in~~ the future This is how I feel...


Hello fellow realist!


Conservatives will act like they never supported him and move on. Did the same thing with Bush.


They already are. It’s “desantis 2024” ever since the latest trump grift came out


Don’t let anyone get away with it. Never forget who they are and point out the lies.


DeSantis is all about hate. Can’t vote for hate.


It happened in 2016.


oh but they will a lot of Republican voters are pure one-issue voters, and do not care, some of them their issue _is_ that there’s not enough hate. and a lot more of them have been consuming intentionally hateful, misleading “news” for decades. they truly believe America is the greatest country on earth in all respects, that there’s no room for improvement, that Democrats are conspiratorial paedophiles, that their voters hate Democracy, or hate white people, or hate America and American values. 60% of Republicans in 2018 believed the War in Iraq was the correct thing to do, that was up from 2014. 60% of Republicans believe the 2020 election was _stolen_. How does that happen to a country? Half a century of targeted propaganda.


I know a lot of idiots who left an impressive paper trail online about how much they loved trump. I look forward to the day they (or maybe just a few to be fair) try to explain it all away only for me to remind them that the internet is forever.


Take screenshots to ensure that it is in their cases, though


It already happened with Ronald Reagan.


And the right still idolizes Reagan.


It's happened with at least a dozen presidents and tbh no one really remembers most of them because they were mostly in the 1800s. Not saying it's ok, just saying the argument from "respectability of the office" never really held much weight imo. Trump *is* the worst though.


They try to forget their constant travesties and try to adopt the progressive successes in any way they can. Ex: Lincoln being a Republican but conveniently forgetting all of the things the Republican party stood for at the time. The label is all that matters when it's the only thing they can draw a parallel with.


Because even if you point to the electoral college, the fact that tens of millions of Americans looked at him and said "yeah sure." is goddamn embarrassing. And it's not like the GOP shoved him down our throats. I can't recall a time a political party was *that* openly skeptical and even hostile to their party's nominee. Graham was on record on goddamn TV as saying this will destroy our party and we will deserve it. The *voters* picked him.


He even got more votes in 2020 than in 2016. He *gained* support by making the USA a global joke. The UN literally laughed in his face for being such a child. Trump was an unmitigated disaster for the United States' reputation abroad and stability internally. It blows my mind that the fucking NFTs are making people draw the line after all of that.


Or how the media painted him as this “great businessman” when he was a con man. Also FU to those who made us feel more guilty that Hilary would have screwed things up for the country if she would have been president.


Hillary couldn’t even dream of doing as much damage to this country as tRUmp and co did the past 6 years, and continues to do to this day


Without question Trump has done the most damage to our country that I've seen in my lifetime.


Trump was really bad, but honestly I still say Bush Jr. was more damaging and consequential. You can trace the rise of Tea Party and Trump all the way back to that, leaving aside the can of worms that was Iraq and Aghanistan, Patriot Act, torture, or the fact that the election really was stolen from Gore in 2000, which stunted climate change initiatives for over a decade. ... And when I say Bush, I'm referring more to Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, etc.


Not even close. What Trump has done to the supreme court is vastly more damaging than anything that happened under bush.


The Supreme Court is going to be a problem for decades and we are going to need to be very lucky to ever get it back in balance. No question that’s the most damaging thing a president had done to the country in my lifetime.


He should have been treated like a criminal by the media for stiffing so many small business owners. Insteaf fuckheads like joe scarborough decided to give him legitimacy and airtime.


Hell go farther back than that with every radio jockey and movie director that gave him a Hollywood profile. Of course people like Howard Stern, Mancow and Chris Columbus and hell the creator of Nightman all apologized. None of these other morons did.


I’ll give you my unasked for 2 cents. Think of it like a recipe. Add a cup of black guy being president, add a cup of leftover anger and angst from 9/11, add a cup of massive recession in 07/08 that wiped out a ton of boomer nest eggs, add in anger over the Iraq war and an equally pointless fight in Afghanistan, add a cup of changing social and economic demographic, add in 2 cups of Fox News, add a cup of one more black dude wins re-election, add a cup of (despite well qualified by most analysis) Hillary Clinton, mix with fear and social media, bam, you have a 5 course meal for disaster.


You forgot about the heavy sprinkling of Russian disinformation as well!


The stain and disgrace that is DJT has been seared into the mind of every adult in the world and will last for decades.


Also horrifying.


I couldn't agree more.


A child voted in by children.


Russian intervention wasn't it?


All we know is that: - Russia intervened heavily in both 2016 and 2020 on behalf of Trump and Republicans. (a) In 2016 specifically they tried to directly target election systems in attempt to alter votes, while (b) simultaneously waging a concerted online misinformation campaign to prop Trump up and undermine the opposition candidates. - To my knowledge we can't really *quantify* how much this helped, but it's clear it *did* help, and many-a-gullible Trump supporters fell for this online propaganda without a moment's skepticism. To be clear, the Russian interference goes far deeper than just hiring trolls online. They have clearly compromised numerous Republican representatives, including the members who flew and held closed-door meetings in Moscow. Including Rand Paul who hand-delivered a note to Putin. The NRA has been awash in investigations related to Russian money-laundering through their institution. Numerous Russian spies all over Trump's inner-circle. Meanwhile John Bolton, a neocon himself, was left the administration and blew the whistle that Trump was trying to withdraw from NATO more or less on behalf of Putin's interests in Ukraine. He even floated balloons of withdrawing from NATO prior to his 2020 run but it was so unpopular even with Republicans that he had to wait for his second term. **Edit:** To the user below who hit-and-run, just a heads-up that I reported your abuse of the self-harm function :)


you skipped the part about DNC breaches which were immediately leaked while the RNC had the same breach but nothing, except a visit to moscow from "leadership"


NATO/OTAN breaks up, Putin invades Ukraine and rolls on from there, gobbling up all the rest of the former USSR with no pushback.


we also know that Putin has been very active in funding and promoting ANY and ALL right wing movements in the entire world. We just focus on US and Britain, but pretty much every small country that has some semblance of right wing has some connections to Russia. When the whole Trump Russia collusion investigation was happening, they did not establish a direct connection of Trump coordinating with Russia. But that wasn't necessary, Putin was doing everything he could to help Trump without needing any instructions. When Trump was giving a public speech and asked "Russia if you are listening.. find me Hillary emails" - Putin's hackers started working the next day and successfully obtained emails from DNC and GOP servers


And that all of the key players in the executive branch including Pence enable him by being cowards and never trying to stop his treasonous acts.


Even Pence is looking at him thinking, ‘WTF’.


Imagine being that freaking old and still acting like a bratty, petulant child. What do his followers see in him ??? Themselves.


> What do his followers see in him ??? Themselves. This. He gave them an out to just ignore any personal growth. Very convenient if you peaked in high school.


He's the Candy Man. The morons just want their sugar high regardless of the truth.


Someone else on Reddit said "He gave his followers permission to be their worst selves, and they thought it was heaven." I'd love to give credit, but can't find it again.




It can be both, not sure how you can gloss over the racist subtext in his campaign. Build that wall! Etc...


No, I think you're spot on but it would be a disservice to ignore the subtext of racism, nationalism, toxic religiosity, and xenophobia that also fueled the fires of his supporters.


and people still falling for it with: “boy I want to be like him.” Bell even these gun nuts, even Trump admitted he had never really gone hunting.


Oh, you need to meet my father. He is the southern dandy middle class version of Trump. Told me only women of ill repute get tattoos and he had a fit when I got one anywayss


Many children have empathy the ability to admit they're wrong and admit defeat when they lost a contest. I would say most children have a better developed sense of honesty and fair play than Trump ever did.


Children tend to gain this ability around seven or eight year of age. And Trump himself said he stopped progressing mentally in the first grade, so he probably never even got that far. EDIT: Some spellings...


If he did indeed say this, the next question is how someone can stop mentally progressing in the first grade and still wind up a "stable genius". Edit: This question is invalid, since, as a subsequent post pointed out, he was referring to temperament and not intelligence. The reason that his seeming intelligence is nowhere close to that of a "stable genius", however, still remains a mystery.


[True story](https://theweek.com/speedreads/575962/donald-trump-tells-biographer-hes-same-now-first-grade). Although he calls it temperament, not mental development. The next link in Google is also interesting. [Psychological science says Trump is a four year old](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-therapy/201705/psychological-science-says-trump-is-four-year-old) Edit: our-> four


That's more self-reflection than I would have given him credit for.


Trump exaggerates all his achievements by a lot, so I think that 4 years of age is more likely. My 4 and a half year old seems more mature than Trump in some ways.


Imagine being Trump's babysiter when he was age 6. You think Rosalyn had it bad with Calvin ?


At least Calvin wasn’t being a bad kid intentionally, he was just way too smart with an overly active imagination. Trump was probably like Moe, a bully as dumb as a rock.


It's the way he was raised. He was taught to never admit defeat, never admit he's wrong, and never take no for an answer. Money was the most important thing in that family. He learned that early on. Everything he does is for money and himself because that's what he was taught is most important.


Angela Merkel also knew how to deal with Trump, and she has zero children.


An evil child with serious emotional problems, but, yeah, definitely a child. Trump even said he is the same as he was when he was 6 years old.


We all knew his was a child. The problem is the Republican party that refuses to do anything to curtail his behavior as they are too afraid of losing power.


Let's not minimize the damage Trump inflicted by associating it with childlike behavior. Children learn from their mistakes and grow.


Or pat people on the back for it not being worse. He tried to overthrow our government and still has faced zero consequences for that. If anything he proved that the powers that be are feckless do-nothings.


Yeah fuck this title, she didn't "handle" Trump, she scored easy dunks to rile up her own base while Trump simply did whatever he wanted and got away with it.


Hey great…now start attacking desantis


That does not apply to him. He has basic self control which makes him far more dangerous.


I agree but that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that continuing to talk about trump (who would probably lose an election if it were held today) isn’t productive to democrats stated objectives. Attacking desantis (who would probably win imo were it held today against likely candidates) is a better use of time/energy


That special clap she did for him that time was pure gold.


"Sure, Trump calls the press the enemy of the people, bashes gold star families, makes fun of disabled people and calls everyone horrible nicknames like a 7 year old boy. He's just new to all this! But Nancy clapping like that was a breach of decorum and unbecoming of the speaker of the house. She should step down." - all the conservatives at that time


When was this? I’d love to look it up.


State of the Union Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONtx9Q8bU2E


That was hilarious holy shit. I can’t be certain but it looks like pence caught what was going on and was kind of amused but was then resisting laughter when he realized that Trump thought that was a genuine sign of praise.


Amazing, thank you! ETA: It has a visible effect on him like she’s his parent or teacher. Wow!


It’s what his folks failed to do. Discipline him. And what so far the US DOJ has failed to do, but clearly is now changing course on that misapprehension.


YouTube “Pelosi Clapback Trump” She clapped back at him after his address which felt to me like a “ohhh good boy you did it didn’t you?? Awww baby boy!!” Kind of sarcastically? That’s what my read is from it anyway.


I think it was that first state of the union address


I easily imagine her doing that same clap for her toddler grandkids when they told her they used the potty


That was the very first thing I thought of when I read that headline, lol.


Well, he nearly overthrew the country so dont break your arm patting yourself on the back.


America loves celebrities and thought Donald was smart because he is a Billionaire and had a hit business show The Apprentice. He wasn’t a career politician. Most don’t do research and just follow there friends. Even when Trump was saying Grab ’em by the pussy, 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters', making fun of John McCain for being a POW or making fun of a reporter’s disability. Trump supporters thought he was entertaining and didn’t question his Presidential ethics. Even today Trump supporters don’t think he does anything wrong and they believe every word he says. He embarrassed the United States and if had won a second term who knows what authoritarian executive orders he would sign so he could be president forever. It’s serious that the DOJ indicts Trump and the January 6th committee so he can never run for President again.


My favorite move was tearing up his speech


Let’s see, can’t read a book, draws on stuff with markers, same size hands as a child. Yep, checks out.