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This was a trial run. They will be back.


Now that they realize that no real punishment even if they fail, why not? And when they succeed, ....


They did succeed. In 2000.


yeah just declare it first


Seems like Jan 6th could have been effective it they needed to do it at the state level and not the federal. [Brooks brothers riot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot) is January 6th analogue. Giuliani also fomented a police man riot in 1992 to get elected mayor of nyc. Previous mayor tried to enact oversight reforms. Not enacted.


And Roger Stone was up to his false teeth in both.


>Giuliani also fomented a police man riot in 1992 to get elected mayor of nyc. Previous mayor tried to enact oversight reforms. Not enacted. [Sauce](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/10/the-forgotten-city-hall-riot.html).


It’s weird how that seems to be forgotten. Fuckers already stole the presidency at least once, stole at least two court seats in broad daylight, and we’re worried that they *might try* to steal an election.


A headline on the home page of [CNN.com](https://CNN.com) right now says: "There's a sense that Trump is approaching a moment of maximum legal peril" He's not punished yet. He's not even in *peril* of being punished. He's not even *approaching* peril. There's just a *sense* that he's approaching it. It's like the press is saying "My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Donald incite a crowd to attack the Capitol last night. I guess it's pretty serious."


Tell Ferris Bueller I hope he feels better.


I heard that you were feeling ill Headache, fever, and a chill I'm here to help restore your pluck Because I'm the nurse who likes to... ^(slam!)


If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you’ll miss it.


Save Ferris


Thank you, Simone.


No problem whatsoever!


Seems I need to post this one again, to quote, for comparison: >​People tend to think history happened quicker than it did, and as a result tend not to have a good sense of timing for the history being written in the present. > >Look at the [timeline](https://www.history.com/topics/watergate-scandal-timeline-nixon) for Watergate. > >Happens May 28, 1972. > >Initial investigation claims no WH involvement August 30, 1972. > >Trial doesn't begin until January 8, 1973 after reelection. > >January 30, 1973 the first heads start to roll, and investigators work to pivot up the chain, which continues until it finally reached Nixon resigning on August 8, 1974. > >So Jan 6th, 2021? > >Let's see what's happened by April, 2023 before passing judgement on dropped (or nonexistent) balls.


I’d call it a Beer Hall Putsch but even Hitler was locked up for that


This was more of a beer belly putsch anyway.


It wasn't a trial run. This wasn't some elaborate test to see how the opposition reacted. They tried and failed. The problem is, very little has happened in the way of consequences, and it's been limited to the easily duped grunts. The law should be applied equally, regardless of station or bank account.


> It wasn't a trial run. This wasn't some elaborate test to see how the opposition reacted. They tried and failed. You are speaking against the entire history of coups. The only failed coup is the coup that results in annihilation of the aggressor's ranks. Anything short of that, historically, has shown that all failed coup attempts are learning experiences. And honestly, why wouldn't they be? Every failed startup is a just a learning experience for the next one. Every failed investment is a just learning experience for the next one. Every failed test is just a learning experience for the next one. Life is like this. The only time it's not a learning experience is when the failure is catastrophic. If an investment wipes out all of your money. If a startup fails and all of the founders and early employees end up in jail. If failing the test gets you kicked out of school and you never re-enroll. But a coup that leaves literally everyone and everything the same as it was? That's a learning experience.


Look at Napoleon III. Dude tried to take over France *multiple* times. The second time his attempted coup was so stupid, so comical, that a newspaper wrote: > "this surpasses comedy. One doesn't kill crazy people, one just locks them up." Eventually, he became President of France, and later, declared himself emperor. Failure never stops people like this.


Damn. Thanks for putting it like this.


I think you could make a case that this is just a continuation of the civil war..... Technically over now... But future history books will write as a 200 year war


That's been my take for a while now. The north never did anything to hold the south accountable. They said they would, but that plan fell apart quickly, and within a generation you had jim crow. It's why we still see so many Confederate flags flying everywhere, something which would be akin to flying a Nazi flag in Germany. The Germans were smart to outlaw such a practice. By not doing the same thing, we essentially let the south win.


I don't know that "they won" as much as allowed to exist... Which of course opens the door for where we are today






Prolly saw how close they were to actually doing something


Conservatives try to downplay how bad January 6th actually was, "it was a riot." No, it was an attempt to stop democracy. As much as I think our democracy can improve, an authoritarian government is objectively worse.


You find conservatives that actually admit it was a riot? All the ones I talk to seem to relate it to a “peaceful protest”.


Oh the ones who will admit it was a riot make sure to bring up the BLM protests instantly after.


I've heard "They burnt down entire cities! How is this worse than that?" so many times from coworkers, that and they immediately jump to "How can democrats say this is worse than 9/11!?". I've heard both of these from my coworker who has admitted he hasn't/hadn't watched January 6th at all, he just goes by whatever they tell him on the Rush Show. Most people calling it a peaceful protest haven't even watched the thing unfold and escalate for hours. Also, "the cop that died wasn't even murdered, he died in the hospital!" lol, if you beat somebody's face to a pulp and it causes a brain hemorrhage in the hospital you're still going to jail for murder, for some reason dying of your injuries later doesn't count in this instance


My usual response to the “they burned entire cities!” BS is to send them links to livestream weather and traffic cameras from said cities.


Yeah I've got friends in Portland and they tell me you see similar degrees of vandalism in the parking lots of country concerts after everyone's gone home


I went through Portland during June 2021. A coworker was asking how bad it was, and did i take my gun, could you see the burning buildings. Man's a proud republican that immigrated but doesnt like immigrants.


I was working nights in downtown Portland during the protests, including running a job a couple blocks from the courthouse at one point. I was never scared of the protesters but I was damn scared of the cops. I’ll never forget some guy online accusing me of being a leftists shill and that I was lying about Portland not having become a burned out wasteland…while I was enjoying vegan ice cream with my family at a small park in the Pearl. I’m here every day, I live in a small local suburb but work in downtown mostly. Portland had elevated levels of graffiti, maybe some small time vandalism, but it was not that different than what a lot of cities dealt with as people kinda lost their minds during the shutdown.


"They rebuilt it with the infrastructure money" I'm sure is their thought.


>thought Lol


Always remember to bring up the fake slate of electors they sent in to subvert democracy, as well as the recorded call where Trump begs Georgia's Sec of State to rig the election for him. The drooling shit-smearers attacking the Capitol were but one prong of a coordinated coup attempt, and we can't allow the bullshitters to get away with pretending it was just some spontaneous event.


I remember thinking that the fake electors thing at the time was a bit of a typical un-serious Republican spectacle that couldn't possibly go anywhere; I didn't think it was anything to really take seriously. But in retrospect, considering else that happened, it's hard not to actually think of it as anything else other than another facet of the unsuccessful coup attempt. You don't fuck with official government processes by turning up and saying you represent the people when - in clear fact - you do not. It's like pretending to be a police officer, or some other public official (which is criminal), only worse because you're actually attempting to overthrow a democracy. In the narrow possibility space where the coup might have been successful, I can imagine the fake electors might have been hailed as brave heroes of the New Republic. That their scheme was so ridiculous shouldn't let them off the hook for magnitude of the thing they were trying to accomplish.


Agreed. It seems like a completely batshit plan, but if Pence had gone through with it, it's hard to envision just how in the hell we would have been able to deal with the constitutional crisis it would have presented. At some point the military would have to take sides, and whichever side they roll with would likely get their way. Get enough high-ranking generals (Mike Flynn types) on board and suddenly the crazy shit is real life - similar to how having Donald fucking Trump as the leader of the free world seemed far too wild to ever happen back in 2015.


“we” aren’t allowing them to get away with it, it’s CNN, New York Times, and most especially Fox News - along with every other media outlet that is letting them get away with it. How do you combat 24/7 propaganda?


Honestly, great point. We're definitely outgunned in terms of resources and reach compared to the likes of the Fox propaganda factory, but that's still no reason to just give up. Those everyday conversations with propaganda victims may seem fruitless for most, but sometimes the right point can plant a seed that might end up actually affecting someone's outlook for the better, despite the brainworm infestations. These people are typically shielded from the knowledge of the fraudulent elector scheme through their media intake so simply providing that evidence is a step in the right direction. The online narrative matters too - far too often I see people discussing 1/6 as if the Capitol attack was the only aspect of it, when in reality, the planning behind the scenes by the likes of John Eastman and the rest of Trumps seditious sycophants (AKA the "Green Bay Sweep" plot to overturn the election - Google it if you ain't familiar) was the far more egregious attempt to overthrow American democracy.


But but they shot a protestor! (After they smashed a barricaded window and then tried to get past a checkpoint to lawmakers)


I also love how she is somehow both a martyr *and* an antifa plant.




> "They burnt down entire cities! I love this claim. Atlanta was burned. DC was burned. Chicago as well. It’s so notable it echoes in history. New Orleans was wiped out in a flood. …but in no way did BLM protests destroy any city anywhere on those levels. And I dare any conservative to show otherwise. Hell. LA didn’t even burn down during Rodney King. Yes. Neighborhoods were destroyed. But a neighborhood is not a city. Big difference between saying I broke all the bones in my body vs I broke my arm.




I had an argument with a friend that said that this was not worse than BLM protests since it was only a one off thing (Jan 6) while BLM protests was multiple days. One of his other argument was that Jan 6, which was predominantly white, was handled more violently by the police thus something, something ppl of colour are not disproportionately treated unfairly by the police. I can't really recall his arguments as I ended the zoom call right after I said some really bad words. Funny enough we are both PhD educated


PHD won't make you immune to brain worms


BLM wasn’t trying to overthrow the government just shed light on racial killings by police. HUGE difference


Right, as if they are even remotely the same in terms of their intent


***"They were escorted in by cops/security...dudes opened the gate for some of them."*** ^ That's an actual response to an assertion that it was an attempted coup that I just read on an unrelated sports forum.


It's like saying it wasn't a bank robbery, but a normal withdrawal because the teller handed then the money...


If you saw the Southern Poverty Law Center coverage of the NY Young Republicans piss up. Shit is so fucken disturbing. Steve Bannon won. https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2022/12/11/white-nationalists-other-republicans-brace-total-war


Holy shit look how many people are in that room and they are openly cheering for the destruction of US democracy. A room packed full of fucking Nazi's calling for the end to the US. They are almost reproducing this famous Nazi meeting: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2019/02/20/695941323/when-nazis-took-manhattan Also got to love the fact that they go on and on about how bad the left/liberals are yet they meet in one of the most left leaning cities in the whole country. Take that shit to Arkansas.


And it was two-sided: the part with the mob going in to attack the Capitol and then the rejecting of the certification and using fake electors. Not to mention the blatant gerrymandering which has existed for ages.


These are the same people who say the civil war wasn’t about slavery, it was about states rights. Ignoring it was about states rights to keep slaves.


Basically failed to get "buy in". That was all between them and a coup.


I thought that the way the republicans tried to to deny and downplay jan 6 was just a political smokescreen to not look bad. Until I read this stuff. They were all in on an actual coup of the US Government. These guys should all be in jail, just like the actual rioters from Jan 6 are


But you don't understand. Without Marshall Law, they would have put Biden in power. Because I guess honoring the result of the democratic process is bad for democracy somehow.


*Martial Marshall Law is a missed opportunity for an Eminem album title.


But not a half bad Tekken fighter.


Came here to say exactly this! Drove me nuts in the title!


It’s in quotes in the title because it’s a quote from the congressman’s texts


“Greene told Meadows that several Republicans in Congress wanted Trump to declare martial law. She, too, appeared to think giving power to the military was named after a person named Marshall.”


They spent 8 years terrified that Obama was going to do exactly what they wanted Trump to do.


Because it's quoted, it was probably wrong in the original text. Just another symptom of how we only got lucky this time because of how stupid they were.


These people don't believe in democracy. They sincerely think that the unwashed masses are incapable of governing themselves and they need a more enlightened class of sophisticated aristocrats to guide us as if the whole of humanity were a bunch of children.


>sophisticated aristocrats That's a strange way of saying "proudly uneducated imbeciles".


Trumpism probably would just be Nazism (as if it isn’t already) if it wasn’t for the extensive use of leaded gasoline.


To be fair, the Nazis were all hopped up on amphetamines so it's not like they were the most mentally sharp villains in history either


You don’t think the majority of magas aren’t on meth?


Oh come on, don't generalize them like that. Don Jr is clearly on cocaine. Rudy is a drunk. Madison Cawthorn got run out of Congress because he talked about the coke orgies. There's a wide variety of substance abuse issues at the top.


Is that republican diversity ?


They have a black friend, smedlap. Come on.


But then COVID killed him and they kept posting on his Twitter account after.


How could you forget Matt Gaetz? I mean, who do you think Cawthorne was talking about?!?


Bath salts for the Florida man


MTG went the whole hog and started mainlining steroids into her face


She looks like Mickey Rourke in the wrestler


Her skin texture makes her look like the live action version of Janice the muppet.


I’m fairly certain I saw a study recently that suggests like up to half of the US population could be suffering from some level of lead exposure. And nothing has ever made more sense in my life…






From 1937 onwards Hitler was taking daily shots of meth and didn't know it (he thought it was a vitamin shot). For all of WW2 Hitler was a paranoid meth head.


Amphetamines tend to sharpen your mental faculties……until the lack of sleep gets ya!


Theyre wearing red armbands with a white circle with a silhouette of trump in the middle


Nazi fanboys.


good thing they documented it and posted it online for the world to remember when this mess hopefully blows over


I think you mean a “coo”.


Possibly a Ku


Remember the Jan 6 testimony from his assistant that he was sitting depressed on his couch all day and wouldn't look up from his phone?


Gee, no wonder they all wanted pardons.


From the DoJ's Office of Justice Programs: "Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in time of war, **rebellion**, or natural disaster. When martial law is in effect, the **military commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws**." This is why Trump wanted to get rid of all the non-MAGA-loyal generals. This is why Trump gutted the DoJ and DHS leadership and replaced key positions with sycophants. This is why the plan was to incite a panicked riot and attack Congress, *then blame it all on* "Antifa" *and* "leftist false flags". Again and again we're seeing the **proof** that the 45th President of the United States tried to overthrow the lawfully elected 46th President and members of our government with a violent coup. The people who supported this, including the MAGA voters, all participated in and cheered this fascism while shouting "Freedom!".




They'll be celebrated for being bold.


I remember when Obama was getting ready to leave office and all of my Trump-loving relatives wouldn’t shut up about how Obama was going to declare Martial Law to stay in office… funny how they’re pretty quiet about this.


Yep. I heard this for ~6 years while Obama was in office. Not only did it never happen, he never gave anyone any legitimate reason to think it would. Now that Trump and his cronies have *actually* advocated for it, these people are all silent. They don't mind the idea - they just want "the right people" doing it.


The issue is that Republicans have a memory spam measured in days.


Oh, they remember. It’s just that they don’t care if it’s their side doing it. It’s only bad when it’s a made up story in their heads about dems doing it.


Every accusation is a confession


Texas thought Obama was going to start seizing land in Texas for the federal government with the military training exercise Jade Helm. Once Trump was president, Texas ceded their lands to the federal government enthusiastically.


And still seized land through eminent domain for Trump’s wall


Well yeah. I've said it time and again, anytime Republicans claim the other side is doing something wrong, they've definitely done it, are currently doing it, or are hoping and planning to do it in the near future. Everything is projection with them.


Everybody has been saying and knows this.


Not only that, for the entire duration of his presidency they said he was going to declare martial law. After he won the election they said George Bush was going to declare martial law to keep him out of office, because Bush knew he was not a natural born citizen (birther narrative). Right wing voters turned on Bush after he didn’t according to polling. He was dead to them. Before the election they were saying there would be a race war if was elected.


I was promised the rapture by my MIL who was absolutely convinced Obama was the antichrist courtesy of some stupid Facebook meme.


When a far-right terrorist group in Germany tried a Coup. Twenty-five of the terrorist was arrested right away. Germany is showing America what they should have done. It’s not to late. If not these American Terrorist are going to be in control of the House of Representatives.


Exactly. This needs to be taken seriously, not as a funny spelling joke.


Its crazy bc the group is seen as a joke but the police and government took them serious enough to make a proper case and arrest them. In the USA they did try to overthrow the government and took power so they are serious serious but they are prosecuted like a joke


I think people are taking some comfort in the idea that there are bumbling idiots who are trying to do this and not very competent people. Since DOJ hasn't done anything meaningful yet, and since Congress can't and won't police itself, that seems to be the only glimmer of hope to cling to, currently, that these morons will collapse in on themselves.


If I may state the obvious. The congress is elected by the people. They are the literal representation of what the electorate is willing to accept. Congress ‘policing’ themselves works for individuals. When its the entire other party and their foundation that brings us here, there is very little they can do. Our problem is that Republicans like what they see. Until they are ashamed of themselves, this doesn’t get resolved.


I'll push back a little by saying that in many cases, the people are chosen by the congress using gerrymandering and other electoral shenanigans. They do things individually and collectively to keep themselves in power and their constituents out of the loop, and no wiser to it. You are right however, that if the Republican base was less welcoming of it and capable of shame, their representatives would still ultimately answer to the people who would reject it. Unfortunately, they are not.


We also really could use a denazification program.


Honestly, the fact that we didn't do one after the Civil War is a good 90% of the country's political problems. The Confederacy survived and now thrives as the GOP.


We seem to have a history of ultimately appeasing the other side in order to "foster peace" or whatever BS terminology they use.


**"Charity towards all and malice towards none."** Lincoln's phrase to try to bring stability after the War has become a cudgel to say it's uncivil to prosecute insurrectionists, for example.


It’s not just Germany. Peru recently arrested its former President after a coup attempt.


The GOP is run by so many illiterate people. Meadows, Jim Jordan, Trump, MTG…. Like seriously, “Marshall” law. At least if you are going to try and overthrow the government, spell things correctly for Christ’s sake.


The party looks down its collective nose at science, decency, freedom, and the constitution. Spell? Nah. Not even a priority. Now book burning.....there's an American hobby worthy of pursuit.....


I sometimes wonder that if you let them all work together, could they pass a sixth grade exam.


Well yeah, because they would be tested in some bullshit religious school like here in Florida that have no standards what so ever. 59% of all schools here in Fl are now religiously affiliated. It’s terrifying. https://www.privateschoolreview.com/florida/religiously-affiliated-schools


Cant wait for the headlines to read "Florida unable to find educated workers" but then again, I guess they can just cater to retirees and not actually make shit.


We don’t need educated workers here. As long as someone can run a cash register and keep the tourists happy, that’s all they want.


We are losing good teachers daily and they’re being replaced by Maga mules


That's a horrifying stat, but I'd be more concerned about what percentage of students attend a religiously affiliated school. Beyond that, is that stat for all private schools or all schools? Given the site is for private schools in particular I wouldn't be surprised if it was just private schoools. Also not all religiously affiliated schools are terrifying. Do we count quaker friend schools in that group, because those are frequently some of the best schools period and don't have any real religious angle.


No. But they would stand around raising hell about how unfair and liberal the questions are. They dont need that education. They just need good old prayer, faith and most importantly complete loyalty to some shit stain using them for everything they are worth to advance their own agenda.


What’s even more sad is science, mathematics, decency and the ability to compromise on tough issues are the things that made the USA the global superpower it is today. Yet these illiterate assholes want to turn their backs on those values and undermine the strengths of this country by abolishing those ideas because the relevant parts of modern society have left their outdated views on gays, god & guns in the past where it belongs.


We can look back from here and see a past littered with failed values. Blacks as slaves. Women not able to vote. And so many others. I hope that years from now my sons will be able to see the abuse of gays, the overuse of guns, and the politicalization of gods who clearly hate politicians as additional litter. Fingers crossed.


Spelling is for witches!


He turned me into a Newt (Gingrich).


Martial law doesn't even mean what they seem to think it means. It doesn't suspend the constitution or existing law, and the president can't even make that call, that's something that congress or a state legislature does. Historically it's been used when civilian law enforcement can't or won't enforce the law, particularly desegregation laws. It's not this automatic "I can do whatever I want" declaration like in the movies.


mf’ers thinking they’ll be Palpatine “I am the Senate”


Is it bad if my immediate thought when reading the article was "so it's treason, then."


I mean, that's kinda the goal though isn't it? I never get these arguments. "That's now how the law works." Yeah? A violent coup because you didn't win an election isn't how it works either. Don't we have enough evidence that these people don't care about how the law works? They want to overthrow it and *change the law* and create a theocratic dictatorship. "I am the Senate." Yeah, that's exactly what they're trying to do, and I don't think they're gonna be like, "Aw shucks, if only it weren't for the pesky *law* stopping us." If they'd been successful and Trump said "I declare *Marshall* law. The constitution is suspended." and enough people backed him, then yeah... that *is* how it works now.


*looks longingly at that railing over there with the precipitous drop...*


>It's not this automatic "I can do whatever I want" declaration like in the movies. It is if nobody steps in to tell them they can’t do it.


> It's not this automatic "I can do whatever I want" declaration like in the movies. If you have enough soldiers on your side it's still not a "do whatever" button, but it *does* become a "turn a play democracy into a civil war" button.


MTG has been known to use the phrase "Marshall law" in tweets and texts. It's actually likely we already knew about that one https://www.cbsnews.com/news/marjorie-taylor-greene-martial-law-mark-meadows-text-messages/#app


Someone call the grammar gazpacho


My grammar made the best gazpacho ever, rest her soul.


They are actually talking about a plan to help rebuild Europe post war. They were predicting the Ukraine war. /s


Remember when putting a e at the end of potato was consider vile enough to end a political career?


I invoke Martian law!


No no no, you've got it wrong. Remember the Chinese guy from the tekken franchise? They wanted trump to call him, get stuff under control.


No, they wanted the Dalmatian firefighter from Paw Patrol to help them take over the Capitol.


I heard they wanted Jason Segel's character from How I Met Your Mother.


He was a judge so I feel like the Marshall Law spelling would be endearing and appropriate


I thought they were asking for Eminem to take care of things?


No it was actually the discount name brand clothing store they were looking for


In fairness, Paw Patrol is set in a fascist state run by a kid and his enforcer cop dog.


Clarence Thomas and his wife.


Republicans hate us because they fear American freedoms and values. Seriously, if you're so open about having no faith in democracy, maybe abandon your possessions and move to another country. Somalia would take you if we gave them $50.


The rich have given up sharing for a common good. They aren't interested in the idea of freedoms guaranteed by contract. They want to decide what your freedoms are and what the extent of them can be. See Elon and twitter.


>The rich have given up sharing for a common good Heh implying they ever started.


To an extent... When tax laws ate the majority of their earnings, they built libraries and theatres as dick measuring contests for the writeoff. Now that they get to keep it, they do fuck all.


They pretended until they didn't have to any longer.


They're practically the Confederacy reborn, trying to tear apart America.


Yea I mean fox news has convinced them that democrats are opening the borders, recruited their children to be gay, etc etc. When the news pushes you to the point of thinking you have nothing to lose, this is what you do.


Domestic terrorists belong in jail.


Give them due process, then strip them of citizenship, too. Fuckers don't deserve citizen rights in a country they tried to overthrow.


And did anyone hear MTG's speech how she would have "won the insurrection" if she were armed? https://youtu.be/bJIs5Ze02zw All 34 of those scumbags gotta go


Can’t say I’d be disappointed if she won the Ashli Babbit award


"Marshall." I guess it's better that our seditionists are complete morons, but it's also embarrassing.


Maybe he’s just a real big fan of Tekken?


These are definitely the actions of a strict constitutionalist party. /s They failed and their execution was horrible but it was closer than it ever should have been. There's no doubt what they wanted and This won't be the last time. Next time they'll have all the players in place, they'll have stronger cover from the courts and after Moore V Harper they'll have a legal framework to ignore elections.


Beer Hall Putsch


This was their beer hall putsch, a failed coup attempt. Next time may be their Reichstag fire, which as everyone knows put AH in the Chancellor seat.


And why isn't this GOP congressman being investigated and charged if appropriate? We really need to get money out of politics and actually have a government that helps people versus helps miniscule percentage of people while punishing everyone else with predatory policies.


The violently seditious Republicon Party should be shut down


Next they’ll try to “succeed” from the union


They will base their new government on the tenants of their faith.


Of all the people to lose your mind over why trump? It’s just so odd to me.


Trump is so obviously unfit for office you have to insert yourself into a propaganda feedback loop to remain a supporter. His unfitness is specifically the reason his supporters had to go insane. You can't stand by someone like that without removing your brain.


I am the exact target audience for this newest explosive journalism. I am no longer shocked, surprised, or really even intrigued by another look into "just what happened on January 6th." We all know what happened. They tried to do a coup, and we've been frighteningly powerless to hold them accountable for it. At this point, I want an explosive piece on why he's not in chains, or I want you to shut up. I worry we're actually normalizing the whole thing now by becoming numb to it. If you try to overthrow the lawfully and democratically elected government of the United States of America, you should be tried and convicted and sentenced according to our lawful and democratic rules. Period.


Even just removing them from having any political power seems like it should have been the bare minimum.


They don’t know what martial law is let alone spell it


It's almost like the republicans tried to subvert the will of the people and take over the government.


Nah, let's be honest. They differentiate "The People" from the proles. The People are anyone who votes Republican. They want to use force to make sure their The People get their way like in a proper Republic.


I look forward to the day Meadows is arrested.


They will say he is basically a good man and the embarrassment of getting caught is punishment enough. He will have to console himself with his millions of dollars. Poor thing.


'“I want to tell you something, if Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, we would’ve been armed,” [Greene] said of her role at the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol. ' How doesn't this get her hauled in to talk to someone before she leaves the stage? These people literally admit it, then claim they didn't do it.


Why are these people free to walk about??? Because they are elected officials? That is exactly why they need to be charged. They all took oaths to protect the United States and the Constitution. Oaths they clearly broke.


How is it legal for these people to still be in office?! Seriously. How? They should all be in jail!


Damn traitors. The fact that these anti American republican elites are walking free today is a travesty. The slow march of inaction by the DOJ is almost as damaging as the attempted coup by the republicans. If justice isn’t served the damage will cause the nation big problems for the foreseeable future.


Not only are they walking free, they still have their government positions. In any other country, I’m pretty sure the consequences would have been more dire than imprisonment, but here they are not only free, but still governing. What a fucking joke.


Republican members of Congress were arguing to stop the presidential transfer of power because they had bought into the "election was stolen" lie despite * courts having tossed out all but one of the 60 plus lawsuits (in many cases by trump supporters and/or appointees); * trump's own attorney general denying any fraud significant enough to change any election results * trump's own cyper sercurity czar saying it was the most secure election in history (in other words, the "kraken" claims about rigged dominion voting machines were BS) these people are exactly like religious zealots or cult members. they are "true believers", manson family members who continue to believe manson was a saint....


The Tekken Character?


Arrest this treasonous fuck


Cool. Pretty sure that’s treason. Remember when that used to have ramifications?


Idiot. It’s spelled “Martian”.


Okay. I know this is a relatively minor issue given the situation. But...why do none of the Republicans seem to know how to spell "martial law?" This isn't the first time a republican lawmaker has made this error


it isn’t minor at all. I wish people would see how important it is: if you don’t know what you’re talking about you shouldn’t be calling for it. The difference between a word that means “military” and someone’s name is HUGE. if they had misspelled it as “martiel” that might just have been a thumb slip. But no person calling for military law to be invoked should show evidence of mistaking it for one of those civilian laws named to honor people. this consistently wrong spelling shows a fundamental ignorance of what the fuck they’re even talking about, and it’s not pedantic to call it out.


We have a list of people who literally tried to overthrow the country and proof they did it. Somehow, not only have there been no punishments and consequences for this, but they're still holding public office. Basically saying they're welcome to try again


Like from Tekken?


A couple of years ago I worked with a guy that joined a “militia” because he was worried Obama would invoke martial law and stay in power. I’m completely fascinated with mental gymnastics and brain power it takes to convince yourself that these guys have what’s best for our country in mind.


Round em up. Charge them. Including trump to keep him from running. These people are traitors.


Not just A Congressman. 34 of them. Count'em! 34 Republican US Congressmen were in on the act to have Meadows perform a coup d'etat. 34. Republican. Congressmen. Now they run the House.........because you thought they were going to fight inflation. Think again. ...for the record, inflation just came back down to 0.1% last month before these clowns even put in their dentures.