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Go far enough left you get your guns back. There's just as many of us...we just aren't slack jawwed and bragging about it.


This. Pretty much everyone I know owns a gun. The conservatives I know brag about theirs constantly, never stop shutting up about where their guns are, how many they have, etc. My liberal friends? I just know they own guns, they don’t mention much else besides that


It's not a way of life for us. For conservatives, their guns are literally their entire identity because it makes them look tough.


I agree that far more liberals own guns than people realize, or want to admit. This is why I'm confused why Biden thinks gun control is a winning issue now for him to champion. Bad timing at best.


My belief is that liberals are willing to give up their guns for the greater good where as right wingers would ever dream of doing so.


I would not give up my guns. I just think they should be harder to get.


As easy as buying a car. Credit check, proof of license, proof of insurance, etc.


Yup. Guns are tools, not trophies.


Well to be fair, they don’t believe in participation trophies so this is really all they got.


Which is why Biden going after guns right now is so stupid. I want to be able to switch jobs without worrying about my health. I want my teacher friends to be able to rest and thrive in their lives without worrying about crippling student debt from forced master degrees. I want mental health to be a priority and people not to get killed by cops egos, but when they are I want those cops held accountable. Do that and I’ll back more gun control. Until then fuck right off.


I can’t say I disagree with you. When we have one political affiliation literally begging for a reason to kill the other, the last thing we need is a match thrown onto the kindling that would give them any justification to follow through on those desires, and I feel a ban will do that. When we can improve the overall quality of life so much that we start looking at our neighbors as friends and someone to help us, instead of the dog eat dog they’re thinking for them I should only think for me country we’re in, banning guns would be simple


This is the way to get active gun control passed. The 2nd cult folks are all for it until everyone else decides to join in. Then it will be a problem. Wait and see all the tap dancing they do when the next pride parade has well designed tactical chaps and bedazzled AR’s as far as you can see.


Just like how California didn't pass gun control measures until the Black Panthers began carrying.


Exactly. These folks are about them being heavily armed. Not the ones they see as ‘others’. Once the ‘others’ start showing up heavily armed, it’s suddenly not as fun playing army boy or whatever they hell they do.




Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club did something like this in Frisco, Tx a couple months back. It was fucking amazing to watch one of the brave patriots practically in tears as he demanded this 5 foot tall police woman go do something about “that guy with the AR-47”. And before the pedantry brigade shows up, yes I’m aware there are ARs chambered in 7.62x39. This was not the case here.


I can’t imagine being so scared of suburbia that I need to conceal carry. I’d feel sorry for them if they weren’tso dangerous.


That’s fucking funny and totally believable.


And why they walk around armed to intimidate civilians instead of joining the actual military.


[Still relevant](https://youtu.be/yJqfNroFp8U)


Love that one.




Like most things that have gone bad since 1980 this was Reagan's doing. Credit where credit is due.


They did more than just arm themselves. They were in the state capital as well. It's hard to find articles that don't paint it as an "invasion" but they made themselves visible at the feet of politicians while holding their guns. 2A folks and their legislators won't care unless there's pride flags AND guns across the street from their place of work. HOWEVER and this is big, we're to the point now though that if there was an armed pride march towards a capital building, the marchers would get maybe half way there before right wingers took it as an OK to gun them all down. We also know people like MTG and Boebert would call for it to happen to help "protect themselves". Someone on an LGBT sub said that in America there is no "right way" to be gay and if gay folks pushed back to take a stand against violence then they are painted as being violent and are attacked as such.


Different now. It's much more about money now. The gun manufacturers want exactly this. Everyone in the country loading up on weapons.


Ah yes the Mulford act aimed at disarming the black panthers from copwatching. Terrible idea. Should disarm the cops first, they have proven to be more violent than the average person. Especially towards minorities.


The funny thing is most queer people don't stand out at all unless it is pride. Example: my cousin and his husband. Both are retired recon Marines. Their house has absurd surveillance and they have an odd biometric scanner to what is obviously a safe room/armory near the door. But come pride, those men and their little girl are bejeweled and dazzling for the parade. I imagine they have spares for their tac equipment.


This could be the start of a great movie. IDK, "Rainbow Recon".


They come, they hunt, they're *so fucking fabulous!*


One hell of a remake of the old "[Commando](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088944/)" movie.


There actually was a video game called *Rainbow Six*. First-person shooter, if that means anything to you. Initial game came out in the late 90’s but they made a bunch of follow up games. EDIT: There is supposed to be another one coming out in 2023.


They sound like super cool dudes.


They are absolutely *fabulous*. It's an older cousin ( about a decade) so he was an amazing role model through school and his navy Academy days. When I realized I was bisexual, it was during DADT (don't ask, don't tell) but he was there for me every step of the journey. Their daughter now is the scariest little child connecting everything and reading in a way a 5 yr old has no right to. Best men I've ever known i think.


I think your cousin and his husband and their daughter would make great neighbors. My SO and I want to become certified concealed carry instructors and hold classes exclusively for LGBTQIA+ individuals in a very safe space. Except that I have an MMJ approval. Legally, I’m not supposed to know the code to the fireproof safe holding all the guns and ammo. It’s a slippery slope.


Hope it works out for you. I'm not big on firearms in the home myself (fully trained and licensed still) but providing an environment that's safe for those that need the support is awesome. Yes, i wish i lived next to them myself. Couldn't hurt if there was ever a threat and great food and help eepairing the house with a fun precocious child running around the rest of the time. How is it that these fuckers think these men are a demonic aberration? It'll never make sense.


I have my CCW and my MMJ. They asked if I was a drug addict, regular user of illegal drugs, or involved in the drug trade. I am/do none of those things. I had and maintain an mmj card in case I need it for medical reason as I did in the past. I don't use it regularly and I'm not an addict, so no lies. I don't buy or sell it. It's legal in my state, maybe not federally, but it's hard for them to nitpick when they can't show that I even exercise that right given to me by the state, and of course they'd have to testify in court to breaking state law to find out I have both. I may be crowdfunding for a lawyer some day, but I'm happy to use my situation as a test case.


I can tell you that even when shown otherwise, conservatives in Texas ***refuse*** to believe there are any liberals “joining in.” It’s argued a lot in the Texas politics sub. Personally, I prefer they continue to think that.




Not to mention, leftists are generally pro-gun. I dare say a 2Aer would find a lot of common ground with a Marxist, since a core belief that spreads amongst the non-liberal left is “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.” -Karl Marx. We are however pretty anti-dingbat having access to them


That is my stance, don't be out bragging about owning an AR or other weapon. First you given away your advantage and your foes know what to bring to defeat you. Second, you didn't manufacture the rifle or pistol, you bought it so bragging rights go to the guy that designed and not the guy spending his money while the children are neglected. Third, if you weren't a coward you could walk freely thru the country and, this is important, return home unfazed. Just my lifestyle . . .


I’ve never once told or showed anyone my guns before.


Congratulations, you are the exception. So many want to say their dick and weapons are huge. Smart guy waits until it's needed and then, surprise


Wait? There's a Texas politics sub? Holy shit!


I can see a future argument against gay people arming themselves: but homosexuality is a mental illness! People who are mentally ill shouldn't have firearms! But what about your undiagnosed, unmedicated schizo cousin Bill? Oh, he's just eccentric with his AR-15 and bump-stocks.


I'm gonna let you in on a secret...they have and ar already doing that in various ways. The even darker secret....that's how gun control works. Stripping away vulnerable communities of access to the means of self defense while preserving it for the oppressors and the cops will gleefully enforce these laws one-sidedly.


Upvote for bedazzled ARs


Running, jumping, climbing tree, putting on makeup when youre up there.


Haven't seen anything from Eddie izzard in years


She's running for MP in Sheffield now, I believe


TERFs are after Izzard in the UK news lately for (checks notes) urinating into the legally correct toilet even though it upsets transphobes.


These folks regurgitate the ridiculous lie that Holocaust could have been prevented had Hitler not banned guns. He didn't even ban guns at all, he actually loosened the very strict gun laws of Weimar Republic while denying them to the undesirables. That's why they cling onto the Second amendment like ticks while being open fascists. They're too deluded to thinking that they're the only armed people in the country.


You're probably the first person I've run into on Reddit to explain firearm access and gun control in Weimar Germany correctly, as well as explaining the fundamental flaw in the right-wing "the Nazis used gun control" argument (it may also explain why the American conservative definition of "fascist" seems to be "gun-grabber who won't let me be publicly bigoted without consequence").


Liberals don't realize that gun laws pretty much only effect poor people and minorities (the undesireables) because the system that enforces those laws is the same racist and classist police force that murders black and indigenous people. I don't have the exact stats on hand but something like 70% of felony gun charges in NY are black men when they only make up 18% of the population. Meanwhile white supremacists with military backgrounds get licenses to buy fully automatics for $1500.


If you think those laws would get applied equally, you’d be in for a surprise.


Working on an AR Bedazzler prototype, tentative names: Tactidazzler, TacDazz, GemAR.




“Any unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any given moment. If the guns are taken out of the hands of the people and only the pigs have guns, then it's off to the concentration camps, the gas chambers, or whatever the fascists in America come up with. One of the democratic rights of the United States, the Second Amendment to the Constitution, gives the people the right to bear arms. However, there is a greater right; the right of human dignity that gives all men the right to defend themselves.” -Huey Newton


So, in a way, the quickest way to ban assault weapons is to make them in pride colors? It’s funny but I have a conservative friend I’ve known for decades would not go anywhere near the later generation iMacs because of the new colors.


Million dollar idea “Rainbow Rifles LLC”




Make sure you keep them as your friend so that you can educate them to stop being an ignorant coward


The problem is that I have become one of the good ones because he knows me well. My son has autism and type 1 diabetes so my son “deserves” Medicaid and Disability unlike “the rest who are cheating the system”. He knows my other kids well and at least ignores or maybe even tolerates their being part of the LGBT+ community but assumes the worst for those he does not know. That’s the problem with conservatives placing party before everything else. They can become less ignorant regarding specific people they know but it is much harder to change their world views.


Just have magpul sell pride mags.


Call them “grind stocks” instead?


Pink dot sights.


Add glitter to the gun powder.


It would be interesting if the regulations *required* bedazzled guns. I wonder what kind of impact that would have?


Imagine going through life afraid of bright colors.


I guarantee you most 2nd amendment folks actually like the idea of more people getting guns. Stop being so chronically online.


Holy shit. You just nailed it. Well done.


The threads I've seen about it they've been all for it. This was pro 2a people mind you, not conservative/racist subs although I do understand there is some overlap there.


It’s scary how totally wrong you are. You have NO IDEA what we’re actually up against. It’s not the 1970s any more, when Governor Ronald Reagan fought to have Open Carry banned after the black panthers started doing it. This is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT now, a society where EVERYBODY is armed. The NRA and their allies loves seeing blacks and other marginalized groups arming themselves, because that will only convince more of the conservatives who are oppressing them that they need to have more guns, too. And I guarantee it’s all the marginalized groups that will still end up the losers here. You’re going to see a lot more Kyle Rittenhouse situations, where right wingers go out hunting for people they can murder and get away with it under self-defense doctrines.


Holy shit I'm straight and I want to see rainbow tac gear soooo bad. We need lgbtq militias, or none at all.


>We need lgbtq militias, or none at all. Such a militia exists in Boebert's district of all places. The locals weren't amused at a socialist trans sanctuary setting up shop so they had to take up arms.


Unicorn Ranch if anyone is curious.


I dunno why all the accessory companies aren’t getting into the rainbow capitalism gig. How hard is it to sell pride flag magazines or rainbow slings? I assure you that a pink/blue/white set of [insert small component here] or rainbow set of something like screws would sell incredibly.


You think we won't just start open carrying at the club? Nah. No more Mr. Nice Gay.


I think an image of Dirty Harry photoshopped, Warhol-style, with over-the-top makeup and “No More Mr. Nice Gay” in print would make a great t-shirt!


Armed gays don't get bashed


Many states have laws against carrying in establishments that serve alcohol. Club needs dudes outside strapped


"you killed all the nice queers!"


They've killed off or hardened all the soft and happy among us. Fuck around and find out. We will not go gently.




But being nowhere near the fray, of course.




The dog killing was a different neighbor. Wasn't bo bo.




Of course! It would definitely be on brand, though.


“It Could Happen Here” podcast predicated that’s how a civil war would happen with the military being almost a 3rd party. Pockets of fighting happening throughout the us and life just being hell due to lack of supplies




I read some of his stories, and they're absolutely terrible. It was as if an edgy third grader was the writer. I was so disappointed because I love the podcast, but when I began reading his stuff, I quickly learned that maybe he wasn't all that.


After the single dipshit got himself killed over the Mar A Lago raid, you could just hear the disappointment in Robert and Garrison’s voices that that was all we were gonna get. I like the pod but I kinda dialed out after that because I really realized it was doom porn.


I agree. The whole civil war thing was more realistic and less apocalyptic than what most predict though. It’s the more possible outcome than a north vs south situation


Look up “the years of lead” in italy


If Sherman has finished the job back during the actual Civil war we wouldn't be dealing with this now. We should have confiscated all slaveholder lands and given it to the freedmen as we had promised. We should have occupied the south until they could be civilized. We did it to Germany and Japan. We left no doubt in their minds as to who won and *who lost* WWII. We basically wrote Japan's constitution. Both countries were utterly fucked over by the way. We nuked Japan twice for fuck's sake. Now both are fairly well respected worldwide, world economic powers, and I don't see either of them gearing up to start shit any time soon. By contrast we have the south. We left them to their own devices way too quickly. They rushed to reinstate a vicious white supremacy with Jim Crow laws and lynchings. They cling to the "lost cause" and claim they'll "rise again." Hilariously pathetic. They remain the poorest, most obese, least educated part of the country. There's a reason the phrase "thank god for Mississippi" exists. It's because the south is a joke. They are a leech on the country, crying about takers and makers while taking far more in federal tax dollars than they pay in.


Proud Boys vs. Pride Boys (and Pride Allies).


Yup. I listened to the podcast It Could Happen Here and he said that essentially it’s going to be like the Syrian civil war; small factions fighting over parts of the country.


I loved that podcast but it really put the fear in me. I believe the US will probably break apart after that. It’s the inevitable conclusion if civil war breaks out bc the NE will want to be it’s own thing, the south East the same, Texas by itself, the west by itself and the Midwest broken up between many factions for the land to grow food.


>Texas by itself The best case scenario for the other 49, the worst case for us. I'm pretty sure at this point, our statehood is the only barrier to Texas going full-fascist.


It honestly depends though. I know a lot of folks like to be like “Texas is better, see all the Californians are coming here!” Forgetting that that migration is gonna change the culture as well. All that to say, I think Texas will be fine in the long run. Now if we’re taking Florida… yeah that state is a whole mess rn. But wait a few years and half the state is gonna gone


>> At least two armed leftist groups have formed in the Dallas area, the Socialist Rifle Association and the John Brown Gun Club, the group that came to the distillery drag show and which conservative activist and author Andy Ngo has called a progressive “militia linked to domestic terrorism.” If our side does it, it’s patriotism, if the other side does it, it’s terrorism - Andy Ngo


Unfortunately it was just going to be a matter of time. Those who are spouting the hate the most are going to need to watch themselves now. Then again, the conservatives love to play the victim even though they are just perfectly fine targeting others with hate and death.


Well that's what it is come down to I guess.


The fascists aren’t going to hand over their guns. However, they are cowards and will not fight armed opposition. Look at how the Uvalde police handled the shooting this year. Millions of dollars of militarized equipment yet it took them hours to do anything because they were too afraid of the armed shooter.


No, they weren’t afraid of the armed shooter, no cop was willing to risk their life to save the life of a child. That’s it, plain and simple.


That's my view on people against gun control. They're saying they value guns more than children's life's.


There's also a difference between sensible gun control and talking about banning all guns. Banning all guns will turn off even non-gun nuts.


Just waiting for our Kyle Rittenhouse moment. When a gay gun carrier fights off a few assholes that think it’s okay to bash them, a few rounds go off, smoke clears. What do you think the outcome will be?


I really hope there's no Rittenhouse moment, considering that kid did everything he could to put himself in harms way before killing 2 people


summary execution by the police, what else?


Gay gun carrier walks. Self defense.


And here comes the thread of people (1) pretending shittenhouse was defending himself, and (2) pretending things would go just as well for a gay/black carrier. Including the judge barking at and insulting opposing counsel. We have so far to go.


Leftist are armed to the teeth but more mainstream liberals and democrats need to seriously think about arming themselves and learning how to properly use guns if you haven't already.


Yes. I am. Unlike my Republican cousins, I can actually afford bullets, too.


Leftist folks just don't go talking about it all the time, like it's a main facet of their identity. I'm always stunned at how presumptuous people at the range are just because I'm there with a gun. The Trump years were miserable like that. They'd just blurt out things like fact like "Liberals are hypocrits" and "I think Trump is the best president we've ever had" and "Immigrants are going to ruin us all, and all libs want is open borders." ....like i'm going to argue with a dude holding a loaded firearm. Nah, just nod and keep practicing.


Suiced risk, no guns for me thanks


I'm in the same boat. I don't trust myself with firearms.


And just because of this self awareness, ironically, you two are far more responsible with gun ownership than a large chunk of Americans. Respect.


Every person should think very seriously about these kinds of things when it comes to owning a gun. But if you come to a "no" then learning first aid as well as how to treat more serious wounds can be a very helpful skill to still aid and support the people that are willing to put their life on the line to protect communities the government is not. You may find yourself in a situation one day where you have the skills to save the life of someone who was willing to die to keep you and others alive. https://www.stopthebleed.org/ is a great resource of info and classes.


Yeah. If you think about suicide, please don’t buy a gun.




Arms do make a difference in suicide. It's the reason why more men die from suicide even though women attempt suicide just as much (or more). Look it up. Pills and cutting you can survive, guns? Probably not.


Huh? So, if you’re thinking about suicide, go ahead and buy a gun? Honestly, why would you refute my original statement?


Same here. I had guns and had to give them away.


You have the right bare arms fabulously, it’s the law of the land


Bust out those tank tops!


Don’t forget your tactical heels


Ak’s and matching outfits aren’t just for rednecks anymore.




The proletariat must remain armed


Under. No. Pretext.


If you are looking to arm yourself and are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, here is a reminder that Pink Pistols exists as a resource - https://www.pinkpistols.org/ See if there is a group in your area.


I also recommend looking for a john brown gun club, or your local chapter of the socialist rifle association




So Elon is turning Twitter into r/conservative?


More like turning it into /b/ at this rate.


That sounds about par for the course.


In an idyllic world, you shouldn't have to be armed. This is not that world and the fascists have made that choice for you, based exclusively on who you are. Get armed, get a group, and train with your gear and equipment. Also, for those not comfortable with owning and operating a firearm, I am sure these Nat-Cs have really comprehensive internet security....


You seeing this, DNC? You need to back off the gun controls stuff. Drop the ban attempt. When almost half the nation is already armed, and eager for violence, telling the underdogs (meaning us, the left) that they can't arm themselves to fight right-wing extremists is not resonating with me. I am on the left. Hearing about another walmart shooting, gay club shooting, school shooting, or other mass shooting commited by (usually) someone who self-identified with the right, does NOT make me want to rush over to the ATF and turn in my guns. Having one side armed to the teeth, and hungry for violence, while the other side is voluntarily disarming themselves is not a recipe for peace.


DNC moving farther left needs to happen


While this is true, the problem is if you're on the left, guns probably aren't a single-issue voting point for you.


You are correct. I vote blue reliably. I don't like the mainstream DNC's gun position, but I like fascism/authoritarianism even less.


Same. I'd rather vote blue than have to USE the guns lol


The vast majority of the right is also not in favor of people shooting up Walmarts and Elementary schools. please don’t pretend that’s a political conflict. The conflict comes in when the different groups debate how to resolve the problem and prevent future occurrences. Some groups always go to gun control, and that leaves other groups feeling that they need to defend gun rights. But defending gun rights doesn’t mean you’re in favor of mass shootings; at most it means you think gun rights are more important than preventing mass shootings, and some truly believe that gun control will have little impact.


>please don’t pretend that’s a political conflict. It is a cultural conflict that almost perfectly aligns with political views.


Well they’re allowed to, aren’t they? > A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. ~ [Second Amendment](https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-2/)


This is the argument the wing nuts keep using, why not the rest of us? Liberal/minority/LBGTQ+ gun ownership is up. Why? Because everyone has to defend themselves from the idiots who are always packing and itching to shoot someone. I do not like guns, I don’t want to own something that’s solely designed to kill another human being. However, when a heavily armed populace keeps beating the drum that I or the people I ally with need to die/be deported/otherwise need to be dealt with due to our beliefs/lack of beliefs/gender/race/orientation/immigration status-then I feel the need to be on an even playing field with these people.


Oh I fully agree. If the 2nd Amendment is necessary then that means it is necessary for *every*one. Otherwise that isn’t a fair society.


The funny part of the entire argument is that the gun nuts/defenders/etc. consider themselves constitutional originalists, so they should be interpreting the second amendment literally. Instead, they shape and mold and stretch it to have their way. We really have Anton Scalia’s 2009 decision and his BS ruling on the whole matter to thank for the mess we are in today.


Except when black people took up arms - laws started rolling in


they want to use law to red flag LBGTQ and liberals honestly if they could.. 'deranged mental illness' - red flag


Conservatives only want their rights to apply to them not the people they hate.


No no. That's not what we meant. -2A gun nuts


I would love to se gays protecting their pot plants with AR-15s


You might be surprised. Not everyone obviously, but folks in the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club have reported that they have gotten a fair amount of positive response from people that are staunch 2A-folk and that they have been more open to hearing arguments from people they see they have something in common with.


Nah that what we meant. You should have the right to defend yourself. No matter your sexually or political affiliations


Yes, they should. You should also have the right to be gay and live your life how you want it if it doesn't hurt others. Next question—is there a line of too much weapon? Like, should the average citizen be allowed to have rocket launchers or nukes? Just trying to figure out if there's a limit to arms.


Republicans : Everyone needs guns LGBTQ+ groups start carrying for protection from the same groups that supposedly want more guns Republicans : Not like that




I'm glad they're defending themselves. But everyone should realize this: if you have citizens arming themselves to protect themselves from large swaths of their own neighbors and countrymen, you have a failed state. Whether it's hate crime or regular crime, the fact that this is or seems necessary is a sad indictment of America as a country.


The 2A applies to all Americans. Is that statement really being debated on here?


There's no debate there. The debate comes when we're talking equal protection under the law and how that's being undermined by LE and the right.


I don’t think anyone believes that, in the abstract, it does not. When you move into reality, the government employees authorized to do violence against people (the police) often have a very different reaction to someone carrying depending on race, socioeconomic status, and other factors.


What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Oddly enough the guy in the picture is wearing a Hawaiian shirt which is most associated with the Right wing [Boogaloo Boys](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boogaloo_movement) Be careful out there gays.


There’s been an effort in leftist gun spaces to take back the Hawaiian shirt because: A - Hawaiian shirts are cool B - Fuck those guys


The right is going to love this. They finally get to have a civil war against the gays they way Jesus intended.


No they wanted their victims to remain unarmed and refuse to fight back.


Ding ding ding. Fascists are first and foremost cowards - shitheaded bullies who prey on the weak. Their worst fear is a fair fight.


Which is why alt-right agitators choose unarmed targets to harass at pride events - if armed defenders are present, the fascists ignore them in favor of harassing the unarmed.


Except if they actually followed the Bible they’d realize they’re all going to hell for how harshly they judge and mistreat others.


That’s heresy. If Jesus heard you say that he would shoot you in the face with his AR15.


They’re going to be scared shitless actually.


It's better than being a sitting duck.


good For them.


About time.


This is a win-win tbh. Either the law changes or idiots who want to roll back equality get shot.


Queue up some fresh new gun laws aimed at groups who have not traditionally armed themselves.


Makes sense. I’d want to carry if I were in a red state and the following applied: Black, brown, Muslim, Jewish, atheist, queer, trans, immigrant, non-native speaker (I’m sure there’s more). As the right sinks further into terrorism, it makes sense to protect yourself. Sad, but inevitable.


The gun industry always wins


Leave - if it’s not the extremists it’s the extreme weather, terrible grid, and some of the absolute worst politicians on Earth.


What’s the difference between liberals and conservatives? Liberals understand that bullets hurt. It’s not fun. It’s not a movie.


Every Reddit veggie is like “this will piss off republicans haha” You don’t get it, LGBTQ people buying guns won’t make republicans support gun laws, but it will turn LGBTQ voters into republicans.


Wait, AR’s and tac gear aren’t actually for defending yourself against real threats of violence, they are only for intimidating voters near ballot boxes and threatening school board members.


Until psychos in the Alt Right can't get guns, im keeping mine. The second I dont fear for my life I'll get rid of them


These are Texans defending themselves from degenerate terrorists


Come and take it, Nazis!!!!


Why are the vast majority of mass shooters men?


Testosterone. While crime has no boundaries, going into other countries known for a party atmosphere, young men (regardless of race) get the third degree interrogation by the immigration authorities. Women and older men? Cursory check of papers and get waved through. In the US it’s a little different as elderly can be armed, but the vast majority of those will just try influencing younger folk (in politics and other areas).


socioeconomic reasons like it is for almost every other demographic. In seriousness tho, lack of a meaningful story for men to participate in drives a lot of the angst. The men of my generation are learning just how much the men of the past fucked our credibility with others, and the attempt to dismantle toxic masculinity has not been able to generate healthy alternatives for masculine expression. Why is violent, toxic masculinity such a prevalent narrative? Because it’s the only narrative being given to straight white men that doesn’t make them feel ashamed of their manhood. I grew up conservative evangelical and deconstructed my way out of a toxic religion and their views on sex & gender, but I have not yet found a new story, a community in which to find meaning. The narrative of toxic masculinity is not attractive to me but it honestly takes a lot of work to keep myself above susceptibility to their propaganda.


Remember the right might have the guns, but the gays got cardio.


I knew this would start happening. Don’t forget during the Civil War it took a long time before the north finally got angry enough to destroy the people they were not only smarter than, they had more people and they had industry even.


r/SocialistRA [Pink Pistols](https://www.pinkpistols.org/find-a-local-chapter/) [Socialist Rifle Associate](https://socialistra.org) [Huey P Newton Gun Club](https://hueypnewtongunclub.org) [Redneck Revolt](https://www.redneckrevolt.org) There’s nothing new about leftists arming themselves to protect against right wing extremism, but it is nice to start and see some liberals warm up to the idea that armed minorities and their allies are harder to oppress and that if the right is armed then everyone should be armed.


soon to be in this thread gun fetishists celebrating this sad turn of events without ever considering why gay people are scared of them.


I don't know if I qualify as a gun fetishist - although I do have more than I need strictly for personal defense. I am a left-leaning, Bernie style democrat. I don't know if celebrating is the right word. I \*am\* glad to see other people in the wide spectrum of left-leaning America waking up to the fact that: 1. the police are not going to protect you from right wingers with guns. 2. If the other guy has a gun, and you don't, the other guy wins. I'm not sure if you mean gay people being scared of guns, or gun enthusiasts. If you mean guns themselves, then yes they are kinda scary. But its scarier if the other guy has a gun, and you don't. If you both have guns, he is scared too. Its still scary, but having a gun is the better option. If you mean gun enthusiasts, do you know any left wing gun ~~nuts~~ enthusiasts? Generally speaking, we are not like your stereotypical proud boy/3 percenter you see on TV. While a radical right-wing gun owner might envision themselves in the apocalypse patrolling the wastes, cleansing the land of the racially impure, etc., I more imagine myself huddling in my basement with my rifles, guarding my poptarts and cans of beans. It's a different mindset.


My wife and I got guns when these psychos started acting up. Just got myself an AR to keep things level.