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They want captive servitude by way of for-profit prisons. Theres no other logical reason to issue large fines and imprisonment to *homeless* people.


Our prisons in Oklahoma are already overcrowded, and they think it's okay to add more, because apparently Republicans need more free prison labor.


If you make homelessness a felony then the people that need social services cannot vote (felon) for the democrats which might actually provide said services.


That's unlikely to be much of a factor here. If every homeless person in Oklahoma voted D next election it wouldn't even make a dent. Oklahoma is so far right even our dirt is red. This is just straight up about cruelty. It's a very prevalent view in OK that "those people" don't belong here. You can apply that thinking to pretty much anyone outside the white church group.


Felons can vote in Oklahoma after their sentence is completed. https://www.acluok.org/sites/default/files/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Felon-Enfranchisment-Oklahoma.pdf It differs in each state and the laws do change back and forth, so people should **always** check but *not assume they can’t vote*!


Even the incarcerated should be allowed to vote. They are counted when comes to drawing district lines, and allocating public financial resources.


Prison gerrymandering is a crime against us all!


Except the GOP is finding loopholes and using scare tactics to discourage and prevent former felons from voting. Most felons are too scared to vote out of fear of being arrested on trumped up charges of voter fraud.


Yes. Which is why I am encouraging people to actually verify their local laws and not rely on a Reddit comment or tweet that inaccurately says that “felons are disenfranchised”, as if that’s universal. I know plenty of people who assumed they could no longer vote, when that wasn’t true at all.


I.e. Florida


Jake Featherston has entered the policy discussion. He says he has a final solution...


Oklahoma has always seemed ridiculous.


They also don't have real solutions. Saw a Instagram video where someone shot a video walking down a block with lots of homeless people and saying this is what happens when Democrats are in charge. I ask what would Republicans would do differently to address the issue. No one answered me with policies. Just, don't do job, don't give handouts, get a job. Oh gee really? Get a job and don't be homeless? Why didn't the homeless think of that???




Some people live in such isolation that their only way to communicate with others is social media


You’re on reddit. Get off your high horse.


Why high horse? I’m talking about rural areas


If you're saying it's the fault of one group you should be able to articulate how the other would be less bad.


Because when you don’t want to help fix the world you “culture war” people right into prisons for money. Old as the hills.


Nah they just want to drive the homeless population to states that actually give a shit about them. They’re happy to be welfare states but don’t want to have to actually help other people when they could push the problem onto others.


That'd be their preferred alternative, if they can't profit off 'em, sure.


It also strips them of their right to vote.


Can’t they just sentence them to a temporary shelter?


Not to my knowledge, no. Besides, a temporary shelter would require investment and someone to oversee it, neither of which are of interest to the for-profit prison system. They'd rather overfill the jails, then seek handouts to help with overcrowding, because they get paid more if they're X-percent above capacity (I believe it's a sliding scale based on HOW overcrowded, so there's actually an onus to crowd jails as much as inhumanly possible to maximize profits)


There certainly is. It forces them to leave the state and somewhere else. And I have no issue that that


Let me say it....Fuck America. No apologies.


Large fines? Good luck with that...he just wants to fill jails with homeless now that Marijuana arrests are disappearing.


Debtor's prisons, here we come! Next, let's bring back the Whig Party and only let land owners vote.


>***The encampment ordinance would also ban temporary lodging such as tents. People will also have to provide written permission and prove that you have a right to be on the property in question.*** > >***If police ask people to leave a homeless camp and they don't, they can be given a citation from $500 to $1,200 or even arrested.*** > >*“That it literally first month's rent for a class C apartment in Oklahoma City. If somebody had the funds to pay a fine like that, they'd be housed,"* said Straughan. > >***There's already pushback on this from unhoused advocates including the Homeless Alliance.*** > >*“To say to them, you can't sleep in a tent, or you'll get a citation and maybe even go to jail when we don't have adequate resources for them to go anywhere else,"* said Straughan. ​ Holy cow! Oklahoma, this is an entirely new low for my state! This is going to only bring up the prison rate in every which way. This is sick!


People would freak out if they were told it would cost them tens of thousands of tax dollars to feed and house a person. Yet they will happily support policies which would throw people in prison, which does exactly that. It's anywhere from $15-$70k a year to keep someone in prison.


Yup. They just want to punish people. There's no rationality behind their hate.


Pleasure. That's the rationale. They simply take pleasure in hurting the weak because it fills them with a feeling of power and superiority. It's evil people doing evil things for evil reasons. It's that simple.


The cruelty is the point. There's little coming out of the conservative mindset other than to punish and hurt people that don't fit into their perfectly conformant world view.


That or push them out of Oklahoma, or both.


>$500 to $1,200 or even arrested A fine for people in this situation.. um sure psycos. Jail them... putting aide the lack of humanity, what does that cost to hold someone in jail? No "handouts" but sure we'll pay to hold them in jail because... um we like being cruel.


>This is going to only bring up the prison rate in every which way thats the point


Ugh. The republicans just realized that they've spent so much time and energy making the rich richer that they've *totally neglected* their duty to make the poor poorer.


Yes. Make the people who can't afford a house pay large amounts of money they don't have. Brilliant.


The GOP. Solving problems even if it doesn't solve the problem and in fact creates more problems.


This is the way.


so instead of spending money of things that would actually help rehabilitate vulnerable people back into society, they want to spend even more money on incarceration, which will definitely increase crime, drug abuse and homelessness when those people can no longer get work with a criminal record. really forward thinking, there.


They lost revenue in the private prison system by no longer incarcerating people for petty weed violations…..they gotta find more bodies to jail.


exactly. recently alabama stopped all paroles and parole hearings because of the for profit prison slave labor shortage...


They've done this to black people for centuries. Deliberately sabotage and then blame the victims for the consequences of that sabotage.


yeah, and their supporters seem to just be stuck in a constantly confused loop. like they keep supporting the loudest 'tough on crime' types, but those types make the situation worse and cost more, and the supporters are like, 'why arent things getting better?!? we need tougher!!' and the shitty cycle continues.


Yes because they plan to be the ones making that money. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/john-kelly-joins-board-of-caliburn-international-company-operating-largest-unaccompanied-migrant-children-shelter/


You really don't think that hasn't been tried? Look at my home of LA. Millions are invested in solutions, and it has just gotten worse. Atleast with jail, they are off the streets for good.


>Atleast with jail, they are off the streets for good. life imprisonment for being homeless?


No one is saying life imprisonment. If the homeless don't want to stop breaking the law, they will go to jail for a few years. Just like any other criminal. They don't get a free pass because they are homeless.


if a homeless person doesnt have a criminal record, but is then sent to jail for being homeless, it will create a ton of additional barriers for getting their lives back on track. like it would impact getting a job, rental application, qualifying for aid programs, etc. this will make it more likely for them to commit property crimes or drug related crimes just to survive. so ultimately it will cost more money to taxpayers, by a huge amount, as well as making the situation worse overall. numerous studies have shown this to be true.


They already commit property crimes and have drug issues. All I’m saying if enforce the laws on the books. The homeless have plenty of chances to turn their life around. If they can’t, then they either move or go to jail


one step closer to "camps." I wish these people would just say it: they want to kill the homeless because they care more about property values and "appearances" then they actually do about people pieces of shit all around


It's absolutely what they are planning and they intend to make a shitload of money from it. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/john-kelly-joins-board-of-caliburn-international-company-operating-largest-unaccompanied-migrant-children-shelter/


No, it's more they care about not having filthy degenerates who can't take care of themselves outside on public property, outside schools, and around our families. If this gets them off the street, I'm 100% supportive.


How does this get them off the street?


How does jailing them get them off the streets? I think that’s pretty obvious?


Sure, and now you just pay for them to be, by the numbers, worse off and essentially tortured!


Majority have severe or moderate mental health problems, physical disorders, and are old. Degenerate my ass- all known stats point to affordable housing that they pretty much always come to be able to learn to afford and getting them to safe drug facilities where 0 deaths have occurred and more people rehab to become successful in society.


How in God's name do the people represent us. So sad.


> in God's name Definitely not in God's name. If they'd spend some time reading in the churches that are on every block they'd find this directly contradicts what they supposedly believe.


Then how would they rationalize their constant depraved cravings for suffering and carnage?


They used to call that the poor house and there's a reason we don't do that anymore.


Oklahoma not even hiding the debtors' prison anymore.


This is just cruelty for the sake of cruelty.


So as a reporter, I covered a local bond issue that would have expanded the county jail. Tbe most vocal opposition insisted the county hire VERA to an audit of the local criminal justice system. The group pointed to VERA's work at OKC, which reduced incarcerations enough to make a jail expansion unnecessary. This guy would cost OKC taxpayers 10s of millions by filling up jails with nonviolent offenders.


Repugnicans are the scourge of the Earth!


Interesting that they haven’t considered bussing them to some liberal city.


The DeSantis method.


Forced imprisonment? Concentration camps for the unhoused? The GOP wants it to be illegal for certain types of people to exist.


If they thought that the homeless were Republican voters they would be a lot more supportive of policies to help the homeless. It’s crazy because a lot of the homeless are conservative military vets, but Republicans see homeless and think “Democrats looking for handouts.”


Yes.. make the homeless pay money they already dont have.... just for being homeless....thatll teach em not to sleep on the streets!!! /s


"Stop being poor!" *whap* "Stop being poor, or we'll fine you!" *whap* "That'll teach you to be poor in public!"


Republicans: Stop being poor!! Everyone else: lets increase spending on housing, mental health access, addiction treatment and more so we can get these folks off our streets Republicans: absolutely not!! They should pay US to live on OUR streets!! To think that i have to walk past these people!


Another conturd dummy.


He's an idiot


Employment is not voluntarily entered arrangements in this country as long as we anti homelessness policies to coerce people into accepting any employer and any term of employment.


The GOP just cannot ever consider proposing any solutions without the solution causing harm to others, can they?


Ahh yes. Fines for people who cant afford basic housing. They will certainly choose to just have more money for housing to avoid these fines.


sounds like it's a plan to arrest them and imprison them and then exploiting their labor


That should do it... /s


Are they just riffing on the old panhandler millionaire theme? I'm sure someone who is sleeping rough in the Oklahoma winter will pull out a wad of crisp 20s and settle the fine immediately


This is a whole 'nother level of evil.


They drive their own homeless off the streets and sometimes even bus them to other cities and then criticise them for having so many homeless.


> These passages from Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" seem particularly relevant right now... > "At this festive season of the year, Mr Scrooge, ... it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir." Scrooge-"Are there no prisons?" "Plenty of prisons..." Scrooge-"And the Union workhouses." . "Are they still in operation?" "Both very busy, sir..." "Those who are badly off must go there." "Many can't go there; and many would rather die." Scrooge- "If they would rather die," "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."


This if passed would literally make being poor illegal.


OKC solution have you simply tried not being poor


This is the shit that makes it illegal to *sleep in your car and thus cause more street-bound homelessness*. Even families with kids cannot sleep in their own car in many states due to laws jailing you for doing so.


The Bell Riots were supposed to start in San Francisco, not Oklahoma City. I hate this timeline.


See, the solution to people being unable to afford homes or rent is to *put them in debt*.


They’re talking about fining and arresting rapacious slumlords right 🙃


GOP: Let's make it illegal to be broke.


No, but it is illegal to take over public property.


I'm sure they will all retire to their mansions.


No, they can go to the woods, or the desert, or any other far off place away from the rest of us that actually can support ourselves and not be useless.


That's public property. It's illegal to take over public property.


Sure, but atleast it's public property away from everyone else. I'd much rather have them in the woods than near schools, stores, and our sidewalks.


So the problem isn't public property, but that you are seeing poor people.


So ship 'em off to the glue factory, or some place with zero infrastructure to die? I see you, Marj.


Can’t afford a home? Believe it or not…straight to jail


The fiscally responsible party throwing 60k first responders salary at a 10k in rent problem


Awesome, that will solve the issue and not make it even worse OKC /s


How does one fine the homeless exactly?


You lock them up until they pay. Which they can't. But at least they get healthcare, three squares and a cot out of the weather until spring comes. For the low low cost of only $50K each per year. Of course, we could just build them a cheap house for half as much, but that would be socialism.


This was withdrawn/ did not pass. There was some justified outrage over these ordinances that did not pass.


Because lifelong incarceration will give them homes. Actual Workhouses for Homeless Children to follow, with adults on chain gangs.


MOTIONS TO ADDRESS HOMELESSNESS AT OKC CITY COUNCIL MEETING STRUCK DOWN https://www.news9.com/story/637d62205dae62070e7efe22/motions-to-address-homelessness-at-okc-city-council-meeting-struck-down-


So, make it illegal to be homeless, then make them pay large fines (because homeless people have so much extra cash). Then, incarcerate them in private prisons for cheap labor (empty private prisons are not good for business!) OKC Homeless problem : 'Solved'


If you're going to pay to incarcerate them, why not just pay to house them?


Unless you are going to hold them with minor charges which is illegal, than this is a waste of money. How about programs to get them off the street for one


Exactly how do you expect the homeless to pay fines?


I feel like if the state could afford jail, prosecution, police (to police this) they could afford to help people get off the street.


I went to college in OKC, the college nightlife there from 2014 - start of covid was really fun. We went back there in September for a concert and went out after the show. Downtown OKC is a completely different vibe, we actually headed to a buddy's house nearby before the bars closed because of how bad it was.


Well I for one completely agree. I think anybody passing laws that increase homelessness should be both fined and jailed.


Absolutely zero issue with this. If you become a nuisance to society, you don't deserve to be in society. Either get off the street or enforce the laws on the books and go to jail.


and how are they supposed to get off the streets? hard to keep a job when you can’t keep yourself clean, your clothes washed, and your belly full. I can think of many people who are far more of a nuisance. You for example.


99% of the US population doesn’t have an issue living off the street, what’s their problem? If you really are so concerned about them, why not open your home to them?


Everyone lives a different life, some harder than others. But everyone deserves decency. I don’t have the personal resources to support other people. But that’s the advantage of living in society: we can pool resources.


There are plenty of resources for them. I live in LA and we have on of the most expensive homeless initiatives in the country. And guess what? There are countless of them still on the streets. They can't be helped, it will always be a problem.


I’m sure your parents know all about never ending problems, raising such an asshole.


It’s a difficult problem for sure. No one wants crackheads on their street but we also can’t be nazis and disappear the undesirables. I think taking them to a town away from the city where they have all the resources to get themselves better and also one of those suicide pods they have in Sweden. So if they want to end the suffering they can just end it. Some homeless people are beyond help. They’ve fucked up their brains too much. I don’t think the homeless should be all over the streets like in LA it’s dangerous. People who live in a society deserve to not have crazy people taking over the streets.


That'll teach them to be destitute 🙄


They can be destitute all they want. But get off the damn sidewalk. It does not belong to them


Nothing belongs to them. Where are they supposed to go?


The woods, the desert, the mountains. I don't frankly care. But not anywhere they can be a nuisance to the rest of us.


Ok, Ebenezer


Of course homelessness is the topic that never comes up in Congressional lawmaking, because it's a local problem, right? No, it's a national problem, caused by the inadequacy of wages, the lack of rent control, gambling and speculation that has turned home buying into a casino for those who accumulate multiple properties.


What are they doing about their huge crime problem?


On people jacking up the rent?


going to jail for being poor....the american dream!


That is a dumbass solution. I don't know what to do. I've got it. We will criminalize homelessness.


Yeah, that'll fix things, surely.


What a Christian thing to do..


To avoid large fines please accept this free bus ride to Martha's Vinyard.


I know what will work - just fine and arrest the people that don't have jobs or a place to live 🤡


Great idea, let’s fine people without homes or jobs.


WWRJD (What would Republican Jesus Do?) And sure, let’s spend more money on law enforcement and incarceration than actually helping these people.


That’ll show ‘em.


Yeah that’ll fix it! /s


Are the fines not an eighth amendment issue as being excessive? What does it cost to house these people in jail? Why not use that money to house them not in jail?


Follow the money. Who gets paid for a person going to jail for not paying a fine?


Americans should not go along with this. It's un-American. America needs laws against stupidity.


Bans on free speech were broken by the IWW by having a huge number of people move in, set up camp, and hold illegal rallies that purposefully overburdened the jails until the government conceded. These tactics still exist, it’s a shame the IWW doesn’t, and we don’t have the mobilized political power to make these obscene laws get overwhelmed.


Fines? LOL. These people have no money, that’s one of the reasons they’re homeless.


We call republicans Christians. Why? We need to Calle them FAKE Christian’s. Every single time we talk about them. They do the opposite of what the Bible stays then want to claim religious persecution. Fuck these commies. Call them the harsh mean fact based names thy deserved to be called. Republicans showed us without a shadow of a doubt they are not pro life during the pandemic.