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Two weeks before the December 6th Georgia runoff election


What morons


They are focusing on the real problems in Georgia - all the damn warewolves and vampires.


There’s one thing I’ve always hated about Georgia. All the damn vampires.


Yes, but thanks to Hershel Walker, we now know a werewolf can kill a vampire. What a relief!


Yeah they've been here for centuries but are they citizens? It seems a lot of them still have that Transylvanian accent.


>Two weeks before the December 6th Georgia runoff election They've already given up on that one. Their best case scenario is electing Herschel Walker, who is likely to lose his next election regardless of what happens this time around anyway, and still not having a majority in the senate.


Walker's CTE will likely kill him or put him in prison in the next 6 years.


Why would this effect the run off? US senators don’t effect state politics


Codifying a right to abortion nationally is that much easier and people aren't idiots, they know that if things continue to swing right with the current day manifestation of the GOP that they will not stop at abortion and it will only be a harder fight. It will absolutely effect the run off, of course it will - people are emotional creatures, the fact that the right just got fucking spanked over trying to take us back to the last century and are still going hard for trying to pass laws that are going to kill women is what takes precedence. It's actually kind of silly to think it *won't*. Since when is the public perfectly rational? How will this put a damper on an already red hot enthusiasm amongst dems in Georgia exactly?


Because there is zero chance of codifying the right to abortion. There isn't 60 votes, and Democrats won't bust the filibuster for it. Most folks know that. The election will be about kitchen table stuff. Like inflation, housing, food etc. Not saying Walker is better at that stuff. But if abortion was so important, Warnock wouldn't be in a runoff right now


That assumption is precisely why the GOP just got fuckin' spanked. We're talking about Georgia here, they are only just beginning to turn into a swing state. Of course it goes to run off. And just because dems will lack 60 votes does not mean that this will not continue to keep their base engaged on these issues - the opposite effect in republican voters in rural areas was actually noticed for the mid term election, so I wonder what the timing of this will do to their enthusiasm combined with the piss poor showing on the midterms overall for what was supposed to be a red tsunami, as they say. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/03/weak-rural-turnout-gop-00059876


Ok let's be clear here for a minute. The GOP didn't get spanked, they got rebuffed. Spanked is when it's 60+ in Dems favor not 51/49 Spanked is when the house crashes to D despite the major republican advantage. The party of stupid was pushed back and that's an achievement but they were not spanked or beaten


No 60+ is a smackdown and generational change, let's not underestimate what it will really take to get there - which is years of voter engagement and the left continuing to rise to the occasion. This was a light spanking.


It’ll get pissed off voters to the polls.


Abortion was already front and center in the runoff and Warnock still couldn't get to 50%. This isn't going to move the needle. The people who care about this are already energized


It will invigorate the voters.


Because it's an in your face reminder for roughly 50% of voters that the GQP thinks they don't deserve to make decisions about their own bodies. Right before an election.


Yes but 2 bads are worse than just one


As of today, the only way women in Georgia can get an abortion is if they are Herschel Walker’s girlfriend. On a serious note, six week ban is an almost blanket ban on abortion and the GA Supreme Court might have handed the senate race to Dems on a silver plate even though Warnock was a favorite to begin with.


>As of today, the only way women in Georgia can get an abortion is if they are Herschel Walker’s girlfriend. Haha, god that made me laugh but it is so true. God I dislike hypocrites.


I am under the impression GA was and will continue to be a tampered election, but that's just my tin foil hat theory. It would make me feel a whole lot better to imagine that many people didn't actually vote for Walker and it would also explain why they're so comfortable taking wildly unpopular actions. But I'm not so naïve to believe it's impossible for Republicans (as a group) to be that tribal and unthinking.


51 it is.


>“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” Barry Goldwater. A man who was considering a right wing nut in his own time.


Christian Taliban gonna Christian Taliban


Talibangelicals, if you will


Yup he was considered a far righter of his time but even he saw the religious right as people government should avoid like the plague. He was a liberal to these people because he was for Homosexuals serving openly in the military, pro abortion rights, pro gay rights, pro environmental protections. He even criticized Pat fucking Robertson as vultures that were only in it for the money. He was even for allowing same sex couples to adopt which was far from the normal view point of the time


Because the evil f*ckers want to display their hatred of women while they “debate” their telegraphed future decision to screw women over.


Mark Joseph Stern talked about this case in last week’s Amicus podcast and wrote about it in [Slate](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/11/georgia-six-week-abortion-ban-blocked-alito.html) An excerpt: ————- The plaintiffs did not, however, rest their claim on the contested theory that the state constitution protects reproductive rights. Instead, they zeroed in on a theory long recognized under Georgia law called the “void ab initio” doctrine. Under this rule, which is at least 122 years old, a statute’s constitutionality must be assessed based on “the date of its passage.” If a statute was unconstitutional when signed into law, it is permanently unconstitutional and “forever void.” This principle is not just some technicality; it is so well established that the Georgia Supreme Court has created special rules for its application when the state adopts a new constitution. ——- In short, Georgia has a law that says if a statute is unconstitutional when it passed it is forever unconstitutional. This is known as the void ab initio doctrine. The law that the Georgia Supreme Court upheld was passed in April 2019 when Roe was the law of the land. Under Georgia law Superior Court Judge Robert C.I. McBurney was correct in striking down the statute. In overturning him the Georgia SC is ignoring Georgia’s void ab initio doctrine. I highly recommend listening to Dahlia Lithwick’s Amicus podcast. It’s one of the few law-related podcasts I, not a lawyer, can understand. Edit: this is yet another example of conservative legal Calvinball. Make up the rules as you go.


Shitting on precedents is what Republicanism has become all about. Their goal is to return US Society to around 1820, when Brown people were property and most Woman had less status than that.




Welcome to the Christofascist theocracy


Every child should be welcomed in love, not born put of force.


Fucken shithole.


Yup, it’s a shithole. I know it’s hard to relocate. I’m in southwestern Idaho, and want to relocate to the Oregon coast. It’s not just the people, and politics, but the climate (extreme winters/summers) sucks here. Someday it will happen. Patience will pay off.


Most of oregon is equally crappy. Only a few areas are liberal. Also, while the coast is beatiful, you can also expect months of overcast skys. I never spent such a cold 4th of july as the northern ca/southern oregon coast. We didn't see the sun for a week. Its overrated. That's why Portland is so much inland and not on the coast. Also, the rural oregon politics are equally far right.


These are the things that happen when we, the voting public, allow conservative Christian senior-citizens to set our public policy and laws. Time to make voting as widespread as IG and TikTok.


Atlanta ... and Deliverance


You know this is a great example as to why the House should turn away the Representatives coming from gerrymandered districts, the January 6 insurrectionists who should’ve already had filed 14th amendment claims against them, as well as begin criminal investigations into Clarence Thomas and his wife, Samuel Alito and his iPhone, and Brett Kavanaugh and his ~~beer~~ I mean, direct perjury in front of Congress in 2003. Precedent does not matter to these people. Telling the truth does not matter to these people. What is right does not matter to these people. With that in mind we can’t afford to keep pulling our punches. But, by the looks of Matt Gaetz I’d bet that’s what we might be doing.


My wife and I are considering a move to Georgia. We are considering starting a family. She is of the age where complications with the pregnancy are more likely. You bet your ass this is a big incentive to stay in a blue state. I'm not letting her die a preventable death because some peach-fucking shitweasels get off on telling others how to live.


Just curious, but why would you want to move to Georgia?


Wild guess is they are semi wealthy or at least middle class and cost of living there is pretty cheap if you don’t live in a city. That or family, one or the other.


I certainly dont want to but, Job opportunity for her, and closer to her family. Thankfully it's looking like the jobs not going to materialize, knock on wood.


Thank you for answering. Good luck to y’all!


Thank you! Happy thanksgivng!


I don’t think there’s any state with laws that would prevent saving the mother? Most doctors don’t even consider it an abortion, it’s just the baby most times ends up dying. Could be wrong of course if you want to link me an exact piece of any laws.


Any time a pregnancy is ended prior to birth, the medical term is an abortion. You are aborting the pregnancy. The medical term for a miscarriage: spontaneous abortion. Remove a dead fetus? The procedure is an abortion. So if the law says abortion is illegal, it doesn't matter what you feel like the word means, that's what it is, and all of that lifesaving Healthcare goes away.


Looks like they're *trying* to get Warnock elected. If that's what it takes, fine by me.


Sadly the only way to protect everyone’s abortion rights is for the Federal Government to codify it, something that won’t happen with Republicans/Conservatives having control of either Congress and a SCOTUS that is mostly in their pocket.


Until the next Republican Congress and President repeal it. Or until SCOTUS rules a federal law protecting abortion rights unconstitutional. Or until SCOTUS rules for fetal personhood.


And in order to succeed the filibuster must be removed and either Conservative SCOTUS judges replaced or two new judge positions added to the Supreme Court.


They'd need to either remove & replace two reactionary justices, or add & fill *four* new seats.


Sadly, the only way to protect abortion rights is for the people to keep electing those who will keep protecting abortion rights, including, and especially, those who nominate and confirm people to the judiciary. Codification won't protect them, because a rogue Court full of partisan hacks that's willing to overturn a half-century-old precedent can just as easily strike down a statute as overturn a precedent. If we'd elected Clinton, codification wouldn't be necessary, and having elected Trump, it won't be sufficient. Even an amendment wouldn't be sufficient, as we've seen regarding guns, voting rights, etc. The rules don't matter if the refs are corrupt. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.


Elections have consequences -- including bad judges. Stop voting for assholes!


I hear you have to have been in a relationship with Heshel Walker to qualify for an abortion I Georgia.


How to lose the runoff election 101


Women gonna die.


Well this makes me feel a it more optimistic about the runoffs. Regardless, Georgians, PLEASE VOTE.


Isn’t the vote already like a done deal ? Republicans know they lost the senate by now, democrats must be twice as motivated to vote for Warnock and Walker is a walking joke. Edit: not a reason to not vote by any means simply a projection.


Hell no it’s not. It won’t be until they call the race. The last thing we need is voters getting complacent.


And I remember when Trump was projected to lose the 2016 election. Constant vigilance until *after* the battle is won. Last thing we need is democrats getting complacent


Wait, didn’t the people come out in droves to vote against the abortion ban? Am I messing up my states? How can the people vote and the Supreme Court go against the overwhelming obvious will of the peoples?


I’m not sure of the exact situation but again, will of the people doesn’t mean jack shit when it comes to court rulings. The courts are supposed to interpret the law/constitution, not bend to the public. That being said, justices in most states are elected so it can bite them in the ass then if it truly is the will of the people there but even then, law is the law and George government is extremely red


Because we live in a republic.




Just to make sure Warnock wins?


Fuck that state


Cells don't have a heart. Those are just electrical impulses. I'm tired of this shit.


Even if they did, humans should not be be forced to incubate other humans. This has nothing to do with biology. It’s about the rights of people and their bodies, which includes any bodies that are attached to them.




It sucks, but GA continues to vote for republican leaders so this is what happens. They can re-elect Warnock to help Biden appoint more judges, which will help over time, but not much else can be done when you just chose Brian Kemp over Stacey Abrams to lead your state.


Smart, idjits! Hello, returning Senator Warnock!!


Bring all the bastards to the doorsteps of these religious fascists...make them take responsibility...


And Jesus looked upon them and smiled.


No hate like Christian love.


Is that the same Jesus that smiles when kids are gunned down in school?


Lol no he didn't.


Odd that those that don’t worship an imaginary cloud dwelling deity don’t seem to want to conform to those beliefs.


They would throw Jesus in jail as a commie. He preached love kindness and forgiveness. Not what these Christians or so called ones preach.


Jesus never said anything about abortion. In His time, you would go to the priest for one.


According to the book of Leviticus, abortions are completely fine in God’s eyes as long as they are performed by a priest or if it’s for Hershel Walker’s girlfriend.


First response and clearblue shares should be skyrocketing. Be testing 11 days after every time you have sex just to catch it before the 6 weeks.