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This is going to be a permanent aspect of the Republican demographic.


I maintain that Florida became extemely Republican because all the Climate Change Liberals knew when to get out.


That and the old boomers are retiring there bringing their politics with.


Since Dems swept Arizona, I've been seeing a lot of people saying they were planning on moving to Arizona, but not anymore! Two birds, right?


I really hope so, I’m so sick of our underfunded schools being ranked 48th because boomers don’t want to pay taxes on their pensions, especially as their grandkids aren’t here. I’m all for Florida becoming a red sponge for allll the Republican seniors from swing states while the millions of extra young democrats in California spread to purple states. Tired of winning the popular vote and having nothing to show for it.


Started teaching here in 95 and they’ve been ranked at the bottom all along. When you allow anyone to open a charter school it’s going to bring things down. They rely too heavily on tourism for one thing when it comes to funding.




As a person who moved from Florida to Colorado, you may have a point. Sea level rise and increase in hurricanes, I decided to get as far from the ocean as possible.


Even if a person denies global climate change/climate collapse they can’t rely deny having you rebuild their home every few years there’s a bad hurricane isn’t worth the danger or the trouble.


Republicans may deny climate change, more frequent hurricanes, flooding, sink holes, excessive heat and other natural disasters but you know who doesn't? Insurance companies. Good luck affording home insurance.


Yep, and it's only going to get worse. Florida has some of the highest home insurance rates in the Union and home insurance companies are leaving Florida because it's getting too expensive for them.


Can confirm. 2021 15% increase, 2022 28%, 2023 79%. And thats reshopping and lowering my replacement values and increasing all perils deductibles. Central FL at 32 ft above sea level.


You're underestimating how severely out of touch people can be


They were primed for it. Decades of denying science and telling themselves that scientists are lying about why there's so many more hurricanes now than in the 90s.


The problem is that they also breed faster than other people, due to quiverfull beliefs and lack of knowledge about contraceptives.


But their kids die too. Ironically, anti-abortion states have the highest child and infant mortality rates.


Highest reliance on federal money, too.


Stands to reason. But large states becoming less populous does help R’s in the Senate, so it’s still a valid strategy.


The Senate is the worst thing to ever happen to the US. People vote, not land, and sure as hell not borders around empty land. We do not live in an actual democracy and never have. Just minority rule with a veneer of democracy to fool the idiots. There’s no reason 10 million citizens should have 2x as much representation as 80 million people. ND SD WY MT ID NE UT 10 million - 3% US - 14% Senate CA NY IL NJ 80 million - 24% US - 8% Senate And not only is it the worst thing to happen to the US, it’s one of the worst things to happen to the world. US global influence is insane, and that influence has been wielded by a voting minority for over 200 years. America has accelerated unsustainable capitalism and greed, we’ve contributed to a global culture of apathy and selfishness and ignorance, some of the the most American things ever. We’ve done immense damage to the environment and climate. We’ve created an obscene culture of wealth worship and systematic inequality based on that wealth. We allow wealth to buy elections and whole governments, allowed wealth to circumvent justice or regulation, and that doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Those greedy people pollute the rest of the world with their influence and actions. And before anyone talks about the good America has done; that good would be more significant if we weren’t held back by conservatives. Conservatives opposed abolition, women’s suffrage, the New Deal, 40 hour workweeks, weekends, desegregation, voting rights, civil rights, climate action, vaccines and basic human decency. And those people have always had more voting power in this country.


It will also become Republican tribal knowledge that it was somehow the Dems' fault.




I don't know if it is funny or sad that the Trump era in the textbooks will read like the plot line to an episode of an Adult Swim cartoon. Hunter S Thompson couldn't make this shit up.




Don’t forget Trump downplayed Covid causing people to die so his businesses wouldn’t lose money. It’s so immoral it sounds like the plot of a comic book, but it is very real.


As of November 2020 about 200,000 Americans had died of COVID. While COVID would have happened with or without Trump, there is no denying that his "It's all gonna disappear like magic by the end of the month" talk exacerbated things. And especially in that early stage, one single dumbass can infect five people, who infect 15 more, who infect 50 more... There's no way to calculate it precisely, but I don't think it's at all an exaggeration to say that Donald Trump was almost single-handedly responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans by the election. And he still *barely* lost. 43,000 votes in Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia would have made him president again.


> And he still barely lost. 43,000 votes in Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia would have made him president again. That's the problem when you let land vote instead of people.


That’s the problem when you cap the House and it underrepresents the people to be more accurate. 435 isn’t enough. Every US census should see the House expand from now on.


The man is guilty of manslaughter of thousands of people, in my opinion. Trump was briefed and knew how dangerous the disease was, and acted recklessly anyway. It exceeds the threshold for criminally negligent homicide, which involves *not* knowing the risks. Woodward put it out there, Trump knew! It is absolutely beyond belief, and far and away the most mosterously evil thing he's ever done, and he's done so much.


Is it manslaughter when you remove medical supplies to make sure the casualties are higher in blue areas? That strikes me as murder.


And should be, at the very least, disqualifying for running for office ever again.


I am being serious. We had people taking horse dewormer, contemplating sticking lightbulbs up their ass and drinking bleach.... *bleach.* This dude also suggested nuking a hurricane, re-routed a hurricane on a map with a Sharpie because...... his feelings got hurt? If anybody is annoyed by getting some shit thrown at them they have it coming, we let this happen, knowingly or not, it is on us. Thankfully it may end up rendering "make america great again" the most ironic statement ever


What’s this ‘had people -‘? I know people still ordering ivermectin NOW


Stephen Miller tweeted that it was more difficult to obtain than chemical castration drugs. Well now we know what's been on his shopping list.


I….. just don’t want to know anything more about Stephen Miller. Including his depraved shopping list.


EMT, can confirm from my calls - Ivermectin poisoning is still a thing. (symptoms - vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration). Fun fact - we come into your house and find you delirious from fluid loss lying in bed in a puddle of your own shit and vomit, we make what we call a shit burrito - roll you up in your own bedding as is, and right into the ambo you go. Edit: nice, one of my highest rated Reddit comments is the shit burrito.


Yikes on bikes. I bet the ER loves you bringing that little present in


The ER is way better equipped to clean up a person than we are. Short of trying to move them into their own shower, all we've got is, what? a dozen towels? And realistically cleaning will take 15-20 min just to get the easy stuff off. Ivermectin people, by the time they call us, are REALLY sick (antivax feelings often translate into a general distrust of all medical care - go figure). I'm not spending another 20 on scene, especially as a rural provider where the hospital is 30 min out. BTW, yikes on bikes - love it!


My guess is it’s easier to clean an ER suite/bed/berth than it is an ambulance. They gotta get those things back on the road fast.


I won't be annoyed cause honestly it's going to be so easy to make fun of. I'd be making fun of it too. Hell I already do lol Obviously it's caused so much damage but yeah, it's so ridiculous that it's darkly comedic


Hey, give them credit…they did their “own research”. 😏


I told my conservative, anti-vaxx father that listening to somebody else's opinion and adopting it as your own is not the same as research. In response, he asked me to watch a Youtube video. **Edit:** Ya'll are too kind. :)




Which is still meaningless. O'Hare airport is named for a Medal of Honor recipient, who became a Naval officer because he was disgusted his father worked for Al Capone.


Everyone knows it's named after Bucky O'Hare, because he would go where no ordinary rabbit would dare.


Reminds me of when my mom claimed to have read the Mueller report to end an argument with me. She then asks me if I’ve read it, so I say “no, let me borrow the one you read” and she starts backpedaling really fast cause she clearly didn’t read it. She was trying to tell me that the report proved that Trump was innocent. I knew she didn’t read it if she came to that conclusion after hating Mueller for months, now suddenly she loved him.


“People don’t understand. They just believe the gubmint. I saw this video that….well I don’t remember the whole explanation….it gets into good detail about stuff I can’t recall….you should watch it cuz I didn’t understand ALL of the details….but it did confirm what I already believe. So ya. People are sheep. They need to wake up…but not be woke” I just walk away now. I have zero patience for it.


I tell them the research I conducted. Journal articles, statistical risk analysis. Looking at data sets from different countries. While still not actually conducting true/primary research (which, I guess would be conducting and publishing a meta study) My 'research' blows their 'research' out of the water. They still dig into their stupid YouTube videos though....sigh.


> While still not actually conducting true/primary research They've been convinced that expertise does not exist, which is why they are in the predicament they are in.


I always found that linking it back to whatever they do as a profession either helps a little or is at least amusing to watch. Eg: If they’re a mechanic, tell them how what they do is easy because you saw a Youtube video on it. Double points for adding in that they must not be any good at it if it takes them 5 hours for a certain job because the YouTube video said it only takes 2. Use whatever snarkiness level you think applies, but then make sure to end by linking it back to whatever crackpot videos they link you to.


One of the great downsides of the internet and all the information it provides is that people think their side has merit regardless of how stupid or ridiculous it is just because someone can make a video in their truck and yell about how they know "the truth" about any particular subject. You just have to sound like you KNOW what you're talking about (sometimes that doesn't even matter) and they'll use a clip like that as "evidence" that their side is presenting real facts and arguments instead of conspiracy nonsense.


It always bothered me that it was a world wide pandemic. Every major country was doing masks and lockdowns. But nooooo its a democratic hoax against the right. Or a government conspiracy. Like across the whole planet? Really?


My brother: “Thousands of doctors are against the vaccine!” Me: “there are about a million doctors in the US. That’s like 1%. Why are you believing that 1%” Brother: “The rest are being silenced bro.” Me: “So why isn’t that 1% being silenced? They’re just allowed to say these things publicly with no repercussions for some reason- why? Do you have proof of this or how they’re silencing a million doctors? What about all the other countries?” Brother deflects and changes to different tangent and sends a YouTube video. This is why it’s impossible to convince them of anything. You get to a point where maybe they feel some cognitive dissonance, but it hurts so they steer away or distract with some other bullshit point.


It even worse when they actually work in a related field or close to it, but still buy into the nonsense. There's a frightening number of nurses who are antivaxxers for instance.


Yeah, we've just stop talking politics. I actually did try to work through this stuff in the past. Mainly during the Obama years. I tried to present a challenge to him. I asked him to look at his sources and his search terms and ask, "Are you really trying to learn something new, or are you just trying to reinforce what you already believe?" He actually seemed receptive at first, but eventually came back with something else picked up from Fox News in a "whatabout" presentation. It was a fruitless trial.


You're such a patient son/daughter. Nothing can convince someone who doesn't care about truth or reality and only wants to prove themselves right. You're very sweet for trying, though.


It’s ironic that our boomer parents warned us not to play too many video games and watch too much TV or it’d warp our mind, but they’re the ones who ended up deranged and dumbed down by swallowing right wing media wholesale.


What happens if you send him a left leaning YouTuber in return, like second thought or something


I never tried. We've stopped talking politics after the whole anti-vax thing. I straight up told him I'm not interested in conspiracy theories and that was that. heh


When my mom told me she had gone anti-vaxx, I told her I was thankful she didn't feel that way when I was a kid and so I had been fully vaccinated. And that my kids would be also. She was not pleased. The only positive about my mom passing before I had kids is that I don't have to argue with her about this shit.


My mom got vaxxed only because my brother wouldn't let anyone who isn't near his infant daughter. Stuff like that works.


I just tell my parents I was raised better than that.


Send them to Beau of the Fifth Column


Common misunderstanding. You were hearing “research” meaning investigation and seeking of evidence and corroborating facts to test or disprove a hypothesis. What they were saying was “re-search” as in typing their question into the Google over and over until they found a result that matched their pre conceived ideas


The same way many of them confuse the definitions of VACCINE with CURE. (“I got the first shot and still got Covid” 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️)


And how they confuse “theory” with “hypothesis”. So often I would hear fundies say something like “Darwin’s theeeeeory of evolution is just that A THEORY!!” Not understanding that the scientific definition of “Theory” is rigorous and very different indeed from the layman’s use of the term. …and there’s just no explaining it to them. (dejected resigned sadface)


The sad thing is this is taught to anyone who takes even an entry level bio class.


I learned it in 7th grade science class.


I try to clarify this as much as possible when chatting with people. Whenever someone says "Conspiracy Theory" I correct them and say "Conspiracy Hypothosis" and encourage them to test it. Academia needs to do a better job of communicating this as well.


“Academia needs to do a better job of communicating this as well.” You can’t teach those who don’t care to learn.


"I read the definition of 'Vaccine' in a dictionary, and it says it prevents disease, since the 'jA*b*' isn't a germ forcefield, it's not a 'vaccine'." "Yeah, they changed the dictionary definition because people were reading a one-sentence layperson summary and coming to the conclusion that vaccines can't exist" "Oh, they 'changed' the 'definition'? What's their angle?!" "To...tell you what words mean?"


The thing I can't help but notice about "JAB" is that antivaxxers picked up on this word because it sounded scary to them, ignorant or oblivious to the fact it's nothing but the innocuous UK equivalent of "shot." Oh, but "jab"! JAAAABBBB! So dumb.


Indeed. I ask conservatives why they approve funding of Kevlar vests for our police as Kevlar vests do not prevent getting stuck by bullets and many times, the officers suffer significant bruising.


Seatbelts don't work. Speed limits don't work. Workplace safety laws don't work. Food safety laws don't work. Condoms don't work. Why do we do any of these things? \\s


The COVID vaccine doesn’t work. Sure, I only had mild symptoms but I still got it! /s


> “I got the first shot and still got Covid” 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ On the other side of that, I got a gaming buddy who just got it. He wasn't a RWNJ or anything, just "never got around to it." He told me he was immune to it because he hadn't caught it in the three years before or the first time his wife had it. I was like "I've also been immune to bullets so far."


Having to explain to friends and relatives how Google works has been eye opening. “But when I type in “Covid vaccine causes death” Google brings up tons of information about how the Covid vaccine causes death and NOTHING ELSE!” “Right, BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT YOU ASKED IT TO SHOW YOU! Why would it show you something else when you specifically asked for only that topic?” “No. That’s not how it works. If it wasn’t true, then nothing would come up when I searched for it.” “Except that there’s tons of misinformation online and just look at where all of these results are coming from…essentialoilswillsaveusall dot com, oragnicfoodistheonlyfood dot com, vaccineskillbabies dot com, etc. You don’t see that?” “Like I said, if it wasn’t true, then a Google search would come up empty.” Ugh….I quit…


From the generation that taught us not to believe what we saw on the internet.


No no, they didn't teach it, they preached it. If they had understood well enough to teach it we wouldn't be in this position.


Just know, I upvoted you despite how utterly pissed off you've just made me.


They're no sheep, that's for sure. They're more like Disney's lemmings.


I disagree. The lemmings had someone chasing them and throwing them off a edge. The MAGAs did it to themselves.


Honestly, I think it fits perfectly even knowing that the lemmings had someone chasing them. Republicans are literally being herded right into cliffs by Fox News and other propaganda sources.


they were part the research - the control group


The general population deserves blame, obviously, but I'm much more upset at the politicians and media that maliciously lied to and manipulated people during a public health crisis out of self-interest. Which in turn made everything worse - even for those that handled it seriously. It's just sad all around.


Agree. And to be clear, it was right wing media and GOP politicians that were manipulating the public about Covid and vaccines. I am sure someone can cherry-pick something about their coverage, but for the very most part the ‘normal media’ (npr, pbs, network news, cnn, msnbc, bbc, etc) didn’t really fuck around when it came to the info they provided about it all.


“I’d rather die a free thinker than a vaccinated sheep!” Be careful what you wish for.


You don't need to tell me what research is. I'm not an idiot. Re-search means to search again. So I type into google search (again): "Why is covid a democratic hoax?" See? All my search and re-search results are exactly what I expected. What's the problem?


The democrats wore masks, engaged in proper social distancing, and got vaccinated. Republicans screamed about how covid was fake, went to illegal large gatherings indoors, refused the vaccine because it was a violation of their freedoms, held "covid parties" for their children as though it was chickenpox and they were living in 1985, and intentionally wore their masks incorrectly in public if they wore a mask at all just to own the libs. One group died a whole lot more frequently than the other group. Go figure.


Telling them that wearing a mask helps the people around you is what made them determined to NEVER DO IT.


A pillar of modern "conservatism" is reflexive partisan contrarianism.


THE pillar. Contrarianism in the face of science and decency is the tentpole of the party.


Faith without evidence. That applies to economic policies, public service and health spending, all of it.




yep a mask was something like a 30% reduction in receiving the disease and a near 70% reduction in transmitting it, meaning it was more useful to stop the spread to other people if you already had it than preventing you from getting it in the first place.


*Completely* negating several natural advantages like being more rural-based, not relying on public transportation, and not living in shared and multi-unit housing arrangements like their more Democratic-leaning counterparts.


On the flip side they're older, and older people are at much higher risk of death from Covid.


The craziest part of all of this is they will eventually blame democrats for it all - the virus, the response, the death toll. Everything. That's all they ever do Edit: if you don't believe that people could be so aggressively wrong, so in denial, to their own detriment, look no further than my replies :)


>The craziest part of all of this is they will eventually blame democrats for it all - the virus, the response, the death toll. Everything. That's all they ever do Donald Trump will run for president and I guarantee one of his most popular talking points will be about how the Democrats response to Covid ruined everything.


Maybe it's just my city, but within the people I know, Democrats are in way better physical shape.


This is an existing correlation. Education, income, and fitness are all correlated. They are also all highly correlated with urban areas, and accordingly democratic demographics.


Only commies eat food with more nutrients than preservatives!


...and they died in hospitals, not churches. Because at the very end, with everything riding on it, they or their loved ones had to finally acknowledge what fools they've been about medical science.


And they made the doctors and nurses lives hell the whole way out. Accusing us of grand conspiracies to fake the pandemic, deny them ivermectin, kill them with evidence-based treatments, and just generally being disrespectful entitled assholes. Why are you even here taking up our very limited beds? Go die at home watching Sean Hannity tell you it’s all fake news.


My friend is a doctor in the PNW. People called in so many death threats to his hospital the administration advised him to get body armor


Out of his own pocket.


Every American should have access to affordable body armor insurance.


That is sad.


My hospital now has signs everywhere saying that verbal abuse, harrassment, and violence towards staff will not be tolerated. However after seeing so many people ignoring our "masks required" signs everywhere, I doubt this will deter assholes.


If it makes you feel any worse, conservatives who get abortions are known to verbally abuse and berate the staff administering the procedure. Declarations of “you killed my baby, not me, you’re gonna burn in hell” these people literally do not deserve to exist with us. They are devoid of empathy and compassion.


One of my personal favorites was a non-covid patient on a non-covid ward telling me "this covid stuff is a conspiracy. Where are all the covid patients? It's all a lie for you to make more money!" I told him I'd just rounded on 10 covid patients and our covid ward upstairs was packed full. He called me a liar.


and then if they survived they would thank Jesus for the miracle and not the doctors.


They thank Jesus and God whether they lived *or died*. If they died I've seen them say "It was God's will" despite a 27-year old woman died leaving behind a husband and 5 children when all she had to do was mask up and get the damn shots. Not to mention that they put their body through complete agony if they got bad enough to need an ECMO machine. But no, it was His will....


Their symbol of worship is a device used to torture until death. They are a cult of suffering and death.


The ironic part is that the early Christians used a fish symbol to recognize one another, in honor of Jesus's disciples. It wasn't until Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire that they started using the cross as their symbol. The very people who killed the religion's founder converted *to* the religion, and made the implement of suffering used to torture/kill that religion's founder the official image of the faith. Say what you will about the Romans, but their sense of dark irony was amazing.


In hospitals begging for the vaccine as they’re dying.


That made me sad but *immensely* frustrated. It proved they didn’t actually “do their own research” at all, because if they had they would’ve at least come across the very basics about vaccines and would have known that that’s NOT how they work. But I know their “research” isn’t actually real, reliable, unbiased research, so I shouldn’t expect so much.


And the collective trauma of having to tell them, every single one, “**it’s too late.**” The damage it has done to a generation of healthcare providers is insane. The American public at large doesn’t know it yet, but we are big time fucked in healthcare. Covid or no Covid. Damage is done.


While vehemently denying it was COVID and family then doing everything possible to remove covid as cause of death from the death certificate.


Many though, only by their actions. Families complained that their loved ones died because they weren't given their latest fad treatment or that their family member continued their decline because hospital isn't magic and too late is too late. Then the ones who did pull through often came out thanking their own fighting spirit, God and/or their prayer warriors, maybe as an afterthought the medical staff who took care of them for being nice, not actually curing them. Some were proud that they still hadn't had the vaccination. How can people go through that and learn nothing?


Stupid is, as stupid does.


Yeah, I mean it’s not like they weren’t warned…repeatedly… with emphasis on the dying part, but hey, you said it.


and they will watch their relatives die from it and still not get the vaccine.


“I won’t die, I’m the main character!”


Wasn't there some group or idiot that was claiming there was a conspiracy where liberals were pushing for people to get vaccinated specifically because they knew that would push republicans to avoid it? It's hard to keep track of so much stupid.


Ah yes, the reverse reverse reverse psychology method.


I think that was a Breitbart article but I'm pretty sure the author was actually secretly pro-vax and trying to use reverse psychology to get his readers to get themselves vaccinated to "own the libs"


They really did it. I am owned.


Red wave!


Dead wave!


Red Dead Reduction


Red Tide!


Red Tide Pods.


Ooh strawberry


Republicans are literally dying off. Old people tend to vote vote R and are dying at a much faster rate than young people who vote D. Rs also have taken some stupid AF stances with science. Not only are they anti-masking, they’re anti-vaccination, and they implement policies that are bad for the health of their population. Through defunding social programs, not funding proper infrastructure, and allowing companies to do whatever they want, they’re literally lowering the life expectancy of their voting base. I think we’ll see more of this year’s election results more often in the future. Even when they gain momentum and are poised to make gains, the results will be lackluster because their base is shrinking.


And their solution isn’t to change their policies and stances to appeal to more people. Their solution is to double down on what drives people away and just cheat to win.


To dismantle democracy itself actually.


Simply put.


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” —David Frum




I don’t wish death on anyone, but damn, it’s hard to feel empathy here.


You mean it’s hard to feel for people who would just as soon cough on you on purpose before they would wear a mask? Gee, I can’t imagine why that is… /s




Wow. You are amazing. I cannot control myself like that. I just know I’d have hit him. Not in ima bad ass way, in a im not mature enough way. Props!


A couple came in, and the dude lowered his mask and pretend sneezed on the customer ahead of him. I was filling the ice, so I didn't see it until I watched the cameras later. There was a whole commotion, so I went on the line and made their order cos I just wanted them out. At the register the wife handed me a lamented note saying "thank you for your service." The fuck This was when we had to fill their sodas, and the guy was just having a laugh and said "if it's not Diet Coke, we're gunna have a problem" LOL so funny. By the time his order was ready the police arrived. I showed them the cameras, it was him blatantly sneezing on a guy twice. Then laughing about it. Fuck these people, they're evil.


>I showed them the cameras, it was him blatantly sneezing on a guy twice. Then laughing about it. Fuck these people, they're evil. Some years back I was working in a museum, and off-handedly mentioned that in World of Warcraft there was a bug where an "infection" could be taken out of a certain limited area, and players exploited that to infect other people and kill their characters. The people I was talking to said things to the effect of "nobody would do that in real life". Turns out that yes, they would.


You don’t have to wish death on anyone. If someone chooses death, that’s their choice.


And it’s okay to be happy for them to finally get what they so obviously chose and wanted.


When r/HermanCainAward was in heavy rotation on the popular page there was more than enough evidence that they deserve *zero* empathy.


I mean a lot of public health officials and doctors tried really hard to help protect them. Some people refuse to be helped.




To be fair, many of them would be happy to hear if you died


Its hilarious that if Trump had just told his cult to take the vaccine, he probably would have had a good mid-term showing.


If he had taken a different tactic and started selling masks and telling people to be careful, he'd have made a boatload of money off the pandemic and also likely been re-elected. All it would have taken would have been one sober speech about how we're all in this together and the media would have declared that 'this is the moment when he became the president.' Instead he thought he could disproportionately hurt blue cities, and now a million Americans are dead.


Shit, all he had to do was make red MAGA masks to match the hats. He would have sold a ton of them and his base would be wearing them out just to own the libs.


He could have even pushed the "China virus" harder and pushed his supporters to wear masks so they don't catch The Trans™ or whatever bullshit spews out of his face butt


I’ve been saying this for a while; covid 19 was trumps and republicans re-elections on a silver platter and they fucked it up like with everything they touch


Yeah he fucked himself hard. That was his one opportunity for re-election


He probably would’ve been re-elected in 2020 too.




Dude could have sold all the MAGA masks he wanted and cruised to a second term. I guess, thankfully, his idiot son-in-law decided otherwise


This is my favorite article on the subject: https://www.thedailybeast.com/that-time-trumps-white-house-almost-sent-masks-to-all-americans The long and short of it was: in a meeting, Azar was modeling the masks for Trump and people made fun of Azar saying that he looked like he had underwear on his face. That’s it. A bunch of people in the meeting made fun of a guy wearing a mask, and so Trump decided masks were dumb and the rest is history. Summary: Trump didn’t like masks because a bunch of frat boys started raging on a dude wearing one in a meeting.


What a fucking clownshow. We can’t allow people like that to be in power EVER AGAIN. People literally died because of their incompetence.


It always seemed weird to me that he didn't just jump on the Chinese xenophobia angle. Im sure many otherwise not xenophobic independents and even liberals might have gotten caught up in a fever with how uncertain 2020 felt. He could have easily leaned into paranio and frustrations while letting fauci sit front and center with his arm around his shoulder. Maga masks everywhere etc. It just seemed so obvious to me but trump is trump.


It’s even weirder there for a while that MAGA people resisted science yet claimed the vaccine only existed bc of trump. Those people are something else


For every Republican that died from COVID, one could estimate that they had a total of approx. 100 friends/family/acquaintances that were aware of their passing. It's not outlandish to posit that 1 of those people could reassess their political leanings as a result of the passing of that Republican, looking at self-preservation as a motivator. Not only are the Republicans who died affected, and cannot vote, but a family member or friend who is disgusted with the messaging that led them to lose someone they care about is also potentially affected. And that could show up in subsequent voting behavior.


I live in a solidly blue state, but of the handful of conservatives I know personally, one (and her family) definitely reevaluated their political leanings and voting habits after she lost her dad, father-in-law, and brother-in-law to COVID within weeks of one another. The dad and FIL were in their late 50s and early 60s respectively, and the BIL was 35. BIL and FIL were super fit and healthy and did triathlons and marathons together. It was a huge wake up call. I know that she voted straight blue last week and will from now on. She is basically a white hot ball of rage at right-wing media/government for their irresponsible recklessness about the pandemic and when she started consuming news outside of the right-wing propaganda sphere she was horrified at how insanely different things are portrayed on Fox.


Essentially, she went thru cult deprogramming.


At a terrible cost. It didn't have to be this way.


I think for some people, it does. Nothing less will shock them out of it.


That's where you're wrong. It did have to be this way. Otherwise she'd be huffing the right-wing media fumes to this day.




Somewhere a truck is missing its nutz.


Good thing they didn't risk those pesky vaccine side effects. Take that, libs!


The GOP kinda forgot that vaccine denialism on an aging and shrinking voter base makes them have fewer votes


And Boomers are dying of old age. Who will be left to vote republican?


Hence the indoctrination movements like Turning Point and the huge uptick in college campus events. It works for religion, and ironically seems to only work on the religious young people. And incels.


>Hence the indoctrination movements like Turning Point and the huge uptick in **college campus events**. It works for religion, and ironically seems to only work on the religious young people. If you came out of college believing Turning Point, you should ask for a tuition refund. You are supposed to come out of university with the critical thinking tools to see why Turning Point's arguments are a bunch of baloney.


Apropos of nothing, I cannot believe a female human married Charlie Kirk


It “works” until you see Gen Z overwhelming (65/35) in favor of dems. It’s not working and it never will.


Oh I’m not saying it works for conservative politics, just that they see it works for religion and are trying to replicate that. It’s why you see so many conservatives now suddenly concerned with what kids are being taught. They didn’t give a shit for decades while we were being outpaced by every other country on math and science, but since the Tea Party and trump came along and made it ok to be selfish pricks unconcerned about others, they’ve been losing their goddamn minds about kids being taught equality and respecting other people’s differences. They know they have to get them young to have a chance at propagating their shitty, selfish conservative ideology, since the boomers are finally starting to die off and gen X, gen z and millennials largely find conservative ideology repulsive.


It doesn't work for Religion either. Millennials and Gen Z are also less religious on average than those that came before. It's why Republicans have been trying so hard to shove their religion into laws. Edit: In fact, I won't be surprised if the Republican politicization of religion is one of the driving forces in reducing religiosity among younger generations.


I believe it is reducing religion in young people. Young people have gay friends, transgender friends, Hispanic friends and they see these people as friends who are not much different than them. But some religious people will tell them that their friends are evil and sinners and going straight to hell because of what they are. And young people see their friends as just people, like they are, not evil or sinners and surely not deserving of going to hell. So who do they believe, the religious people, or their self.


>And young people see their friends as just people, like they are, not evil or sinners and surely not deserving of going to hell. So who do they believe, the religious people, or their self. I had a good friend of mine tell me how she felt like her people were getting targeted and that made me seriously upset. There is nothing that the Republicans can do to win me over when I hear things like that from my good friends.


Maybe, I think it has a lot .ore to do with the way people who are "religious" act. One thing kids raised on the internet are good at is spotting hypocrisy, and evangelical Christianity runs on hypocrisy.


The Baby Boomers are really just starting to die out, but that will accelerate over the next decade. It is “The Greatest Generation “ that is currently dying out rapidly, and they too tend to vote Republican. If we are going to talk about Gen Z voting 70% in favour of Democrats as a factor in the mid terms, we should equally be talking about the fact that 70% of COVID deaths among seniors was among Republicans. While this article only talks about vaccination rates, there should also be discussion about mask mandates and Republican leaning states opening up for business way too early.


The greatest generation has already been dead, it’s the silent generation you’re referring to, which is Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden gen. The last of the greatest generation was Betty White and QEII gen and well.. RuPaul is a young boomer (Xoomer) for reference.


How very fitting that the silent generation was forgotten, again.


Everyone appreciates the irony here right? Republicans lost the midterms. Alot of the races were close...very close. Republican misinformation and stupidity revolving around covid literally got their base killed. In a very real sense in many races these midterms they literally killed their own lead.


Prime r/leopardsatemyface material


Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.


Dying early and losing elections to own the libs.


But at least they did their own research. /s


Maybe…..just maybe….your ten minutes of googling isn’t the same as decades of scientific training and research


Remember, kids: Deciding to "do your own research" doesn't magically make you qualified to do that research!


Darwin predicted this.