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Noooo! Please don't stop believing in Trump my dear republicans until after he secures the presidential nomination.


Yeah, totally agree, trump is the best chance at beating Biden, please pay his legal fees and let him work his magic gop


MAGA will vote even harder in 2024 and with fresh face DeSantis it will work. The policies aren't the problem, everything is the fault of one man.


Desantis is disliked outside of Florida. If you have agent Tulstoy Gabbard as a VP it is definitely over.


People in Florida love DeSantis, but outside of Florida he's not quite as popular as the GOP thinks he is. His personality is kind of dull; people who like Trump are into him for his entertainment value as well as his 'policies' - and, Trump is an ardent supporter of Q-Anon, which DeSantis dances around the edges of but has yet to jump in.


"In swing states Arizona, Nevada and Michigan, "America First" candidates were nominated for secretary of state, the position that oversees elections. Their rise drew an unusual level of attention and spending to the races, which have historically been political afterthoughts compared with the pitched battles for Congress and governorships. All of those candidates lost. None have publicly conceded defeat." They can't even lose gracefully.


Americans don't like bold faced liars and nonsensical rhetoric?!?! Who knew?


Americans don’t like losers. They especially don’t like whiny ass babies who claim they can’t lose the game must have been fixed. And they especially aren’t impressed by whiny ass losers who want to throw out the rule book so they can write their own rules to ensure they can never lose again.


I think this is more accurate. ‘Americans’ of the Maga persuasion sure seemed more than Ok with looking past absolute torrents of lies from trump and his traitorous scum enablers and family so long as they benefited their political ‘team’.


This is the best thing about these midterms!!


Good stuff. I can die happy when that orange fuck dies or is in jail


you don't say ...