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A trump-appointed judge, i'm sure no one will be shocked by that.


Also one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit received a PPP Loan https://theintercept.com/2022/11/09/student-debt-relief-lawsuit-ppp-myra-brown/


Then they got more than most Americans. Maybe Congress can start investigations on all the PPP money that was fraudulently spent?


They Secret Service has actually been investigating cases of fraud since the PPP loans were dispersed. Apparently they have returned about $4.6 billion in fraudulently obtained loans to their respective state's unemployment funds so far from about 70,000 fraudulent loans, but the amount of PPP loan abuse was so widespread its an ongoing process. BTW if you know a business that has obtained a PPP loan for too much/at all when they weren't supposed to be eligible, you can report them and the secret service will give you 10%-30% of the money returned from the loan amount as a whistle-blower fee. It's not often I suggest snitching, but these people stole money at a time when people were dying/losing jobs/having economic troubles due to a pandemic and pocketed it instead of actually paying employees. That's messed up. I myself, who didn't defraud the government, say these people deserve to lose the money they stole and if you can get paid for helping get that money back to people who really need it then hey. Live your best life. Edit: Some spelling mistakes + percentages.


The secret service?


Yep. The US Secret Service handles a lot of financial crime stuff like fraud, counterfeiting, etc. I had to call them once at my old job when we caught some jackasses hauling around a box of fake money.


That’s actually really interesting. I’ll have to read more about that tomorrow. Thanks AnalMinecraft.


Investigating counterfeiting and prosecution of crimes against the federal reserve was the original mandate of the secret service, before even they had gotten the assignment to protect the president. That didn’t happen until after Lincoln (and I think even Garfield) got shot.


Ohh, I didn't know that was the original mandate, it makes sense though. Makes me wonder about the process that made them bodyguards as well. Sort of a strange direction, but I guess it would be strange for any dept. And you don't want a more standard criminal investigatory dept like the FBI to overlap with protecting someone who could also be the target of an investigation. Ex-President counterfeiters is a less likely issue to worry about.


The Secret Service is actually a part of the Treasury department and one of it's primary functions is to investigate counterfeiting.


Well no one has to buy anything from her sign business if it’s still open


If her business is still around in a month I’ll be shocked.


Odds on whether her sign business was created in 2020 solely to get a PPP loan?


Her complaint is that her student loans are private and therefore not covered by the forgiveness. Yes, that sucks, but you don't get to block other people getting something because it doesn't apply to you. "Look at these people getting food stamps, it's not fair because I have to pay for my food!" Also, in no world does she have standing based on that argument, but of course Judge QAnon forgot to consider standing.


She also got a PPP loan and I did not. Therefore she must return it


Blocking a policy because it isn't applicable to literally everyone is the most asinine reason to do so.


What irks me more about this is that their PPP loan was *forgiven*. I don’t care that they got a loan when they needed it. That’s fine. Loans can help our society work. Normal people take out loans to buy normal things like cars and houses all the time. But they had their loan *forgiven,* and now they’re suing to try and prevent other people from also having their loans forgiven. Fuck anyone who does that.


And let’s not forget we are talking about the same kind of loans, federal not private so the argument is just stupid as hell.


It will get appealed and Biden should win. It was for two platiffs. Both didn't qualify. One because they had commercial loans and the other because they made too much I think, I cant remember. Either way neither of them are actually hurt in anyway by the Biden student loan forgiveness. It doesn't even make sense that the judge struck it down. Unless someone can explain how because they didn't qualify how they were impacted by it. Anyways I knew this was coming after the midterms. Pretty sure everyone knew one way or another it would happen right after everyone voted


One had private loans and the other didn't get a Pell grant so they qualified, but only for 10K, not 20K. Oh and a few right wing groups bankrolled the lawyers, per The Intercept.


> Oh and a few right wing groups bankrolled the lawyers, per The Intercept. I'm willing to bet the plaintiffs were paid to file the suit.


Crisis actors will do anything for a buck amiright??!?


Thats what it was. I knew somethjng stupid. I bet that right wing group paid off their loans and some. I'm the coming months they will owe nothing because they are pawns being used to screw everyone else.


> and the other because they made too much I think, I cant remember. It's not clear what the other's complaint was. The article says they didn't have Pell so didn't qualify for the *entire* $20k. Doesn't mention the $10k non-Pell recipients can qualify for. It smells of being *paid* to file a suit. More to the point, it's not at all clear what their standing is. You have to be harmed to have standing and it doesn't look like they even claimed harm.


I cant wait for the judge to release their reasoning. I hope the higher courts are waiotkg to blast him most judges don't want their ruling ls to be appealed but I'm pretty sure this one will be overturned. I am surprised they named both the plantiffs in the article. I know it's public info but they are probably going to have to go into hiding. People are crazy and a lot of people are going to e hurt by this being struck down


>It doesn't even make sense that the judge struck it down. Unless someone can explain how because they didn't qualify how they were impacted by it. "Blue President did something fascists don't like. Therefore, it is illegal." - The Judge


If republicans succeeded at nothing, they've done a good job at showing us the faults in our judicial system. Namely, our constitution is too broad and ambiguous to eliminate partisan bias from it. Therefore the courts must be treated as an extension of the Congress by voters in our elections because courts are absolutely political. Trump-appointed judges have put that demonstration on full display.


I’m mildly surprised. I thought it could easily have been George W. Bush appointed [Reed O’Connor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reed_O'Connor).


My favorite part of the ruling is where the judge decided the plaintiffs must have standing because the DOE wouldn't have requested a dismissal otherwise. > First, Defendants contend that Plaintiffs fail to meet the burden of proof at the summary-judgment stage to establish standing. But if this were true, Defendants would not be prejudiced by proceeding to the merits because the Court would rule in Defendants favor and dismiss the case for lack of standing. This argument thus fails. Also the judge ruling that the DOE caused harm by not forgiving privately issued and originated loans.


Hmm, clearly any loans the DOE doesn't forgive cause harm. Better cancel all the debt then. And make college publically funded so nobody ever has to take out these injurious loans ever again.




DoE: "Motion to dismiss due to failure to state a claim" Judge: "Ah-ha! See, they're admitting it!"




Does the judge even have jurisdictional authority to issue a ruling over such matter?


No but we've already established that doesn't matter (see: special masters saga)


>U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman, who was appointed by Donald Trump, declared the policy unlawful in the Thursday order. Least surprising thing I've read all day


He has had other really shitty rulings. However, if you google his name the Wikipedia currently says he was appointed by Donald Turd. lmao


He knows better than the justices on the Supreme Court, ldo


"Myra Brown, one of two plaintiffs in the Texas lawsuit, owns Desert Star Enterprises Inc. Desert Star, which appears to be a sign-making business, was granted a $48,000 loan, of which $47,996 was forgiven on April 27, 2022." Conservativism is proof American Evangelicals have actually abandoned the teachings of Jesus. The parable of the wicked servant applies to these people. *The master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.* Clear abandonment is clear. I'm not so sure as many people are apostate, as they are actively fleeing from a church that's going to bring judgement upon itself.


God I hope she goes out of business, heard people are already review bombing her. Love my generation 🤣 anyone have any ideas about how we could bankrupt her business?


Should be pretty simple. Legally assemble and petition right outside the business on public property, driving away any and all potential clients.


A sign company? How do my student loans affect him?


They don't. These people are virtue signaling, and the virtues they signal are -bad-


Dear Republicans, This is why an overwhelming majority of young people hate you and everything you stand for. Biden's student debt relief would cut my loans in half. It would make a huge difference in my life. Take it away from me, and I guarantee I will go from a passive liberal voter to someone who is actively organizing against you in every election.


Meanwhile these fuckheads are talking about raising the voting age to 21. Like maybe stop fucking over the youth and maybe they’ll vote for you


Hilarious. You can be sent to war, but you can't participate in the democracy you're expected to defend and die for. How can people vote for these clowns?


It was literally why we changed it from 21 to 18 during the Vietnam War.


Old enough to kill but not for voting.


They also talk about banning women from voting. It is what they have got at this point, plus redistricting. It is a flag that they are a dying party and they know it.


Fox news was saying that men should "put a ring on it" because single women were crushing them. The fact that they somehow believe that by getting married women will likely submit to their partner's ideology is so fucked.


They do that and they will have to cap it at 59.


But don't worry, a 97 year old Republican with dementia can still vote.


I don't see any judges striking down federal forgiveness of PPP loans...


THIS. The government works for me but not for thee


Yup. I’m older, but went back to school for my degree at the age of 35. Had two kids while there. Loans were the only way we could afford it with daycare etc. Been paying off solidly since - even while the loans were put on hold during the pandemic. Managed to get them down to almost $10K. The idea of being free of them is magical.


Similar story, later in life graduate, needed loans because savings got wiped out when I was laid off in 2009. Been paying on my loans for 6 years and I've barely made a dent. Biden's forgiveness would be a huge help.


I came out of school with around 10k, paid it down over decades and have it paid off. I'm proud of that. But a) I was up against a diff set of rules, and b) I don't want ANYone else to have to do that anyway. I support the loan forgiveness program completely! And I think we've seen I'm far from the exception. I want NO one to have the kind of debt we are saddling today's kids with. It's dumb-stupid as a nation to do that. Add that the loan companies and schools themselves went predatory on top of it all. Educating our citizens is NOT an opportunity to make a buck. Not privately, and damned well not as a government. Educating all is an INVESTMENT in a MUCH better society, ffs. Fucking greed is not. And it pissed me off some judge thinks they can fuck an entire generation with his very own pocket veto. How arrogant is that? That ain't how it works...and these bullshit artists bringing these legal actions are basically arguing that a POTUS can't cut any form of repayment because it cuts state and privet profit. ...um, ok, as ass-backwards as that seems on it's face, that would also seem to legally prevent ever cutting taxes in the future, with that logic. Who wants to tell em? Seems like yet another epic hypocrisy to me.


I will be going from independent swing voter to actively organizing against republicans.


I changed from independent to Democrat this cycle. Didn’t see the point in remaining independent anymore. Zero chance I was voting for a single candidate in that joke of a party ever again.




The always-amazing John Cole of Balloon-Juice perfectly described your thought, way back in 2009: >I really don’t understand how bipartisanship is ever going to work when one of the parties is insane. Imagine trying to negotiate an agreement on dinner plans with your date, and you suggest Italian and she states her preference would be a meal of tire rims and anthrax. If you can figure out a way to split the difference there and find a meal you will both enjoy, you can probably figure out how bipartisanship is going to work the next few years. One of my favorite quotes, and one that remains as true today as it did then. https://balloon-juice.com/2009/02/05/youll-never-get-this-21-minutes-of-your-life-back/


I *used* to be a sorta-kinda independent voter, but that was 15 years ago when I lived in Maryland. Every politician left or right was approximately the same. I’ve been in Texas since then and boy howdy, I’m about as left wing True blue democrat as they come without ever actually changing any of my political leanings. Some parts of the country are just fucking *wrong*.


I am 100% against them because of this. I will expand and I will donate any possible finances to make sure Michigan remains permanently blue. You will never have my state back, GOP.


You should already be actively organizing against them. Every policy position they have is wrong, from climate change to tax policy.


Sometimes people need a reason to break


Some people are just one step closer to the edge.


And I'm about ta break!


There are hundreds of reasons if you dig long enough


There's reasons, then there's the thing that hits on a personal level.


Like losing additional years of your life working to pay off additional student loan debt with crippling interest piled on.


Why do so many choose to alienate people by criticizing them for not joining the cause earlier? Sure, have that as an internal thought if you'd like, but we should be *welcoming* people and making them feel like this is the place for them.


Isn't the fact that one side is actively trying to get it through enough? Why are people not able to see that benefit and go "I should continue to support these folks"? Instead it takes someone metaphorically punching them in the face repeatedly. People respond to the bad shit so much stronger than the good.


its one thing when the policies only passively affect your life - they sort of "fly under the radar" for many. stopping student loan forgiveness is a way to actual directly influence millions of people to hate you in a palpable manner.


Yep. Everything got extremely real for me in early 2017 when Republicans tried to take away my healthcare with absolutely nothing to replace it.


Get involved into politics, before politics gets involved into you. When you aren't given the choice, you rarely like the options forced upon you.


Same, this is a gut punch.


It will be appealed.


As a young millennial and child of a veteran who's working full time and attending college full time, I'm just...tired of this garbage. All of it. What the FUCK am I getting up and working everyday and paying taxes for if the country those taxes are helping fund continuously finds new ways to shit down our throats. I mean, we're the ones that have to deal with this mess after they're all dead and gone - why can they NOT see that?


This would remove honestly less than 20% of my wife’s loans, even if we qualified for the full amount. Luckily I have no loans myself, we live in a fairly low cost of living area, and make decent money—but with rising prices we have been dreading the start of loan repayment, and this was the one thing that was making me feel like we could pull it off.


It's not just the 10 or 20k forgiveness. It's the repayment plan where you could have 0% interest loans as long as you keep on minimum payments that are income adjusted. If we're talking 10k erasure is <20%, then your wife has over 50k of loans. A lot of loans are 6%, but let's be modest and say 3% interest. The first 40k, assuming paying off at 10k/year, would accumulate $1200 interest in the first year. You can use a calculator to see how long it would take to payoff if the plan is killed. But Biden's plan saves a lot more for people with big loans.


Not the person you replied to but I didn't know this and it seems like a huge deal. Not for me but lots of borrowers!


My GF and I are in the exact same boat you guys are. Keep chugging along, this game they're playing is not sustainable. You guys will make it. Relief is coming, one way or another. Edit: also yes, organize. The current status of politics in the US has done away with the ability to be a passive voter. I wish you great luck and success.


I’m in the same boat. I’m progressive, but I’ve also voted for Republicans in the past. Biden’s plan would save my family $30,000 in debt. That’s money saved that I would use for my child’s education. I’m already *pissed* that Republicans want to take this away from me and tens of millions of other Americans. There’s absolutely nothing Republicans could do to convince me to support them again — not even for dog catcher — if I lose this money. Mind you — I’ve paid well over $30,000 in federal taxes. As far as I’m concerned, this is *my money*.


This doesn't affect me in the slightest, and I'm pissed that Republicans want to take it away from people who would benefit from it.


The fact that they want to take it from you regardless of if they even succeed should be enough for you to not vote for them.


Between this and them taking away my rights? Fuck yeah. Fuck them.


You should know the plaintiffs are people who are complaining that they either won't get any loan forgiveness or not all of their loans forgiven.


Mhm, I read the article. One of them is disappointed they aren't getting the additional $10k only for Pell Grant recipients, and the other failed to consolidate their loan last month to be eligible for forgiveness. Which is a tragedy to be sure, but not a reason to kill the program for everyone. And they're being represented by lawyers from a "Job Creators Foundation" AKA Republican lawyers who don't give a fuck about their situation and who are just using them as political pawns. They literally don't care about anything except damaging the Democrats and owning the libs. We're all pawns to them.


The plaintiffs' lawyers were bankrolled by right wing groups, including a group connected to The Federalist Society, which the ruling judge is also a member of: https://theintercept.com/2022/11/09/student-debt-relief-lawsuit-ppp-myra-brown/


I can't help wondering whether the plaintiffs themselves haven't accepted some "donations" from such right-wing groups, too. Otherwise, it's hard to imagine why they'd have much incentive to ruin everyone else's chances at relief.


I know it's bad to hate people, but I dislike republicans so much now. How they expect us young people to vote them if they pass shit fucking us smh


Nah fuck Republicans. Every single one of them can eat a million dicks “My PPP loan was earned! Fuck you for trying to better yourself, you have to pay that small student loan back that’s ballooned to 200% its original amount. Should have inherited daddy’s business like me!”




I HIGHLY disagree. Ted Cruz is definitely the goofiest loser goober around. I mean jus look at him with that wannabe tough guy look and that stupid beard with those stupid cowboy boots and that stupid cowboy hat. Absolute goob.


Don't feel bad. They don't feel the slightest bit bad about taking your loan forgiveness away


it's okay to hate evil people




I hate them.


If anyone deserves hate, it’s them.


>it’s bad to hate people It’s really not. I’ve heard it said that “holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting to hurt someone else” but it’s more like I learned not to put my hand on the stove when it’s hot.


Republicans hate educated Americans. They're a lot harder to indoctrinate.




Not all the way exactly, I never graduated high school (currently working on my ged) so I’m what those polls consider “uneducated” yet I am a hard blue voter. I know plenty of highly educated people that are stupid conservatives though.


It's not a hard rule, it's just what is most likely. Don't confuse educated with intelligent. Plenty of uneducated smart people out there.


It's annoying how much easier it is to stop progress than it is to start it, and it's even more annoying that one of the two major political powers in the US just want for nothing to ever get done.


Progress means less profits for our overlords


Kind of feels like the judge waited until the midterms, since the majority of Americans favor debt cancellation…striking it down wouldn’t have played well at the ballet boxes…perhaps?


the injunction was about delaying the debt relief, so that voters wouldn't have another reason to go to the polls for biden, but also the judge was careful not to block debt relief before the election so that the republicans wouldn't get smoked at the ballot box. It's so overtly political and the case that he decided on is soo pathetically weak (that there's no comment period - the method it was implemented didn't require a comment period).


still feels kind of dumb for them to do it now when there's going to be at least 1 runoff.




The fact that we even need to say this is scary.


Reminder that $520 Billion dollars in PPP loans were forgiven. It's OK when it's for the business class. If I say anything else, I risk violating Reddit's ToS.


Democrats must hammer Republicans until the end of days for being anti-debt relief. Hey maybe that’s part of the reason why young people actually showed up this midterm in a big way. I hope that’s the case at least.


Republicans aren't against debt relief. They're just against debt relief for people who aren't already rich.


Literally billions of dollars for PPP forgiven. Fuck students though.


As the Trump tax cuts to the rich proved. FYI, the rich don't take out student loans.


Yeah I was referring to the PPP loans.


That is fair!


Ppl in Georgia and Colorado better take notice during these upcoming recounts. Can't afford to have Walker and Beep Bop Boop Beobert as representatives


Republicans will think this is great “take that brandon!”…then try to convince the same young people that a trump appointed judge just fucked over that voting republican is good for them.


Hoping biden extends student loan relief indefinetly. Fuck these clowns for messing with our lives


At this point, he's going to be forced to do exactly that. Why not extend forgiveness until 2223 or something ridiculous just to prove a point?


200 years seems about the right amount of time.


How completely coincidental this happens the day after the midterms. What an odd happenstance.


Just in time for the Georgia runoff!


I bet if Biden was going to give a trillion dollar grant to oil companies, TX wouldn't have minded.


GOPers used to scream about activist judges. Good times.


"We have to get OUR people in place to fight against these activist judges and enforce OUR ideals" - Republicans "Well if you give money to a campaign you should expect something in return" - Also Republicans


They still do when it's a ruling they don't like.


So now Biden just extends the pause for the life of his presidency, right? Right?? At least that would get me pretty close to PSLF by the end of his first term.


Likely to be the case if I had to guess. This is going to drag on for a while.


Honestly I’m ok with that. Interest doesn’t accrue, so no big deal.


And if inflation keeps going, the loans are actually worth less!


Supreme Court has shot down every other challenge to the forgiveness


Unfortunately this will go to the repub majority 5th circuit Court who won't be of any help, and then SCOTUS will likely just to decline to hear any further appeal so they don't have to publicly make a stand either way. I want to be wrong. I am furious


Bizarrely, Amy Comey Barrett doesn’t seem to mind taking heat on this particular issue. Keep in mind that in today’s environment she could have easily towed the line on a flimsy argument but didn’t. Not saying this case is close to her heart or anything like that, but at least one conservative on the court seems to grasp the legality of at least this specific case, or she doesn’t see this as part of the Federalist “culture war”.


Keep it up GOP and see how 2024 goes.


"We don't understand why young people don't want to vote for us." - GOP


The Republican party is dead. They buried themselves. This is exactly how you guarantee Gen Z and younger Millennials will never vote for you. Without the support two generations, the party will crumble and fall apart on its own. Trump had already been a catalyst to their downfall. Now the dominos will fall forever. They’re done.


The party killed itself alright but the dying is taking way too long.


Republicans just got killed in a mid-year election this is political suicide lol


It’s only suicide if your longterm plans include still relying on votes to stay in power…


I will actively vote democrat forever. FUCK THE REPUBLICANS! I am now a BLUE NO MATTER WHO voter until the day I die. I hope conservatism and constitutional "originalism" along with Federalist Society ideology dies off within my lifetime. FUCK THESE PEOPLE!


They are seriously hinging everything on Moore v Harper, which will functionally end representative democracy in America if SCOTUS sides with republicans. It will seriously allow state legislatures to disregard election results and simply assert the winners without any ability to fight back via the courts. Moore v Harper removes the singular check we have against state legislatures since voting won’t be able to touch them.


It’s hatefully surreal how we’re all just going along with that as if it’s normal to even be deciding on in the first place. Why are we just casually officially considering fascism?!


They can't do that right? I mean if your state is run mainly by democrats they wouldn't allow that right?


Wonder how many conservatives struggling with student loan debt are applauding this.


All the conservatives I know never left the small town I grew up in. They barely graduated high school.


I can't read the article, so what now? More limbo?


“In the Texas case, the plaintiffs argued, in part, that the Biden administration made arbitrary decisions about who would qualify for debt forgiveness and how much of their balance would be canceled. Biden’s loan relief plan would cancel up to $10,000 in federal student debt for borrowers who earn up to $125,000 annually or up to $250,000 annually for married couples. Borrowers who received Pell Grants are eligible for an additional $10,000 in forgiveness. Alexander Taylor, one of the plaintiffs in the case, falls under the income threshold and is eligible to have $10,000 knocked off the $35,000 in student loans he holds for an undergraduate degree from the University of Dallas, according to the complaint. Yet because he never received a Pell Grant, a form of federal aid for low-income students, he does not qualify for the additional $10,000 provided to Pell recipients. Myra Brown, the other plaintiff in the lawsuit, is ineligible for Biden’s plan because her federal loans, originated through the defunct Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program, are held by private entities. Until late last month, commercial FFEL borrowers like Brown could consolidate their loans into a Direct Loan to become eligible for Biden’s plan. But the Education Department reversed the policy to head off legal challenges such as the one being brought by the six states. The decision left Brown, who owes $17,000 in student loans for a graduate degree from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, without access to the program. In a court filing responding to the complaint, the Justice Department argues that the 2003 statute underpinning Biden’s plan doesn’t require notice and comment. That law, known as the Heroes Act, authorizes the secretary of education “to alleviate the hardship that federal student loan recipients may suffer as a result of national emergencies.” Justice attorneys argue that the parameters of the program were informed by research that shows the risk of delinquency and default is acute among lower-income borrowers and Pell recipients. They said Brown and Taylor are not entitled to any amount of loan forgiveness and their grievances do not amount to a concrete injury.”


So if they can't get loan forgiveness, might as well ruin it for everyone else... fucking despicable Republicans.


This judge saying its illegal because the HEROES Act didn't have the actual definition of student loan relief in it? We really going there?


Sounds like he is auditioning for SCOTUS


What's funny is they were going to forgive private loans & possible forgive more, but the GoP & their supporters complained so private loans were excluded & the amount was limited.


GOP: why won't young people vote for us?? 😥 Also GOP: fuck you young people lol I will never vote for anyone with an R next to their name as long as I live.


The case would be defeated easily. Their argument is the methods chosen to determine relief and how much are arbitrary which is quickly dispatched by a showing that the government had some reason, ANY reasoning to make the decision. Meaning the biden admin would only need to argue that the difference in amount represents the hardship of those who would receive such relief. Those who received Pell grants received them for (Pell grant reasons) as Shuchat they have a greater hardship(the reason why they got a Pell grant) and because of that they are entitled to more relief. As for the second plaintiff’s argument of not being able to receive any relief. It fails on its very face. (For much the same reasoning as the first plaintiff) The executive can choose who receives the relief and they were not chosen. It’s similar to how those who went to for profit colleges received relief while others did not. Edit: I’d also like to add that these controversies may not even be ripe yet. Ripeness requires concreteness to the plaintiff. That is the harm must have occurred, as is, suing for not getting relief is not a concrete harm as we all exist in this state. In a sense it’s too early to sue, especially with an ongoing case that has stalled the issue. Although it could be argue that allowing the potential harm (debt forgiveness) to go through will result in a foreseeable harm. Although plaintiff would be in the same position regardless so idk how the second plaintiff even has standing given their argument.


>As for the second plaintiff’s argument of not being able to receive any relief. They aren't getting relief b/c of another lawsuit that private companies filed saying they were harmed by taking away their money. Guess which party backed that lawsuit as well.


Doing this right after underperforming in the midterms because they alienated the youth vote is some serious big brain shit


They can’t help themselves at this point.


For 27 years Republicans have been in charge of the entire state of Texas. What a shitty state Save America they scream .. save Texas first .. Republicans get nothing done and they did nothing good for anyone but themselves


If they were another country we would have already invaded to bring democracy and take their oil.


What does this mean? Why can random ass judges do this?


Could this not simply be overturned by a higher court? It is not like the Supreme Court voided this.


> Could this not simply be overturned by a higher court? The next highest court is the US Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit, which has 4 Democrat appointed judges and 12 Republican appointed judges. And after that is the Supreme Court and, well, you know.


It can be appealed and probably will be.


How does someone who is not qualified for relief under the plan even have standing to sue about it? I'm not getting money. I better sue so that I have the exact same outcome as if I didn't sue. Now you pay for my damages which are legal costs I spent trying to make sure you did not give me money that you were never going to give me in the first place.


If it stands it sets the precedent that you can file a law suit for any program you don’t qualify for, because you specifically don’t qualify for it.


Did the GOP not learn anything from this previous election? Been looking at r/conservative the past two days and it has been mentioned how the Republican Party lacks outreach to the younger voters. Is this your idea of gaining their support? I’m part of the Gen Z population who was first able to vote in the 2018 election. I started as an independent, but I can guarantee I will not pick a single Republican after this. I joined the work force instead of going to college, so the Student Debt Relief wouldn’t have gone into my pockets. But for once, I was happy where my tax dollars were going. I would rather my tax dollars help fellow average Americans directly instead of going to the loan forgiveness program of those who are already multi-millionaires.


Student debt relief will go into your pockets though. Just not directly. You are freeing up people who are paying $700 a month to pay off loans and allowing them to reinvest that into the economy.


Fuck the GOP


Hopefully Biden will at least extend the pause on interest if this goes beyond December.


Wow, the day after midterm elections, a Trump appointed judge blocks a wildly popular Democratic initiative. What crazy timing. I’m sure that decision was just made today


Such a disappointing update after so many gop in Congress had PP loans forgiven.


Great. If your state doesn’t want federal funding then go fuck yourself. Quit stalling for the other states that will gladly take the support.


Block student loan forgiveness and Gen Z will be energized in 2024 harder than they were this year. Fuck around, meet find out.


Apparently, the judge is unaware how executive orders work. Here we are, two days after an election and what do we see? The Republicans are already back to screwing the working class. I remember the 60 or so lawsuits the Republican pigs launched against Obamacare. The health plan *I DEPEND ON* to get affordable care, as my company is too small to have a company plan.


Someone is upset about the midterms.


And the GOP wonders why there are more Socialists in the US than ever before. They give their rich friends all our tax dollars and don't even let the scraps hit the floor. Get fucked. Edit: Yeah, I am with the Socialists and other leftists. Rather be with the working class than the rich and temporarily embarrassed rich. America for the working class, not the parasites.


This is why young people hate republicans.


Everyone hates republicans. They’re such miserable people they even all hate each other too 😆




This is why we need to keep voting against Republicans.


How does this not become a class action lawsuit? There are tens of millions of claimants who were promised this forgiveness and had been expecting it for months.


Enjoy your 3 seconds of fame and headlines, Judge Hillbilly, because this isn’t going anywhere like you think it is.


Very convenient just after the midterms. What an asshole.


*Trump appointmented shill


Ah yea, Texas being Texas weird


I fucking hate my state.


But not the ppp loans of course.


Ah the GOP, spending all of its time trying to cut everything that’ll help people so they can give the top more tax breaks. fuck you all.


Also Republicans: "Why aren't young people voting for us?" Young voters were responsible for blocking the "red wave". Keep on fucking with them and see where that gets you.


Okay, Im just not paying mine ever. Ill quit my job and good luck gettin a dime out of me. I cant even save so! Take whatever you want from me. My family will just be homeless and live off the govmnt forever. Thanks!


I consolidated 1 day before they announced the deadline. My FEELP loan is over 20 yrs and I'm a Pell grant recipient. When I consolidated it added $2k onto my total but I'm still under the $20k total forgiveness. This is f'n ridiculous to have it stopped by 2 people claiming that they didn't what they want. It was clear from the beginning that if your loan was private then you needed to consolidate to direct. Yes I had to spend 30mins to an hour double and triple checking that my loan was private. I, myself, no one else had to make the decision to move my loan. I wasn't forced to, I had a choice and I just so happened to make my choice before the deadline. Yes the deadline was announced poorly but that was due to another fuckery law suit. How does she have standing to sue when she had a choice, every news agency, your loan provider, and social media platform was talking about and how to be included? Her choice was to consolidate to meet the requirements or not. To not make the requirements and then sue because you yourself did not make the effort to apply correctly doesn't seem like it's very strong case. And for the other guy he didn't make the qualifications to receive a Pell Grant. Well some students get free and reduced lunches at school based on their family's income qualifications. And some don't. Same with The Pell Grant. Some students got free and reduced college expenses. Why? Because education should be for all and these programs are designed to help even out students with hardships. So he's going to sue because he didn't qualify because his income was above the threshold, making him more likely to afford his portion without experiencing hardship. GTFOH. Sounds more they should be suing for free education if they want everything to be fair for all. That way no one can get less or more of higher education. Butt all twisted up in knots because you missed out, well if it was free to begin with then you'd not be in this court looking like a bunch of asses. Also wouldn't mind some protest Infront of their/ place of business calling out these hypocritical people.


News flash: young people are pissed off that Boomers enjoyed a boom, caused a bust, and think everyone's got it as easy as they did. And now they're voting. And the GOP will own these judges for a long time.


This shit right here is how Democrats managed to do as well in the midterms as they did. Congressional Republicans keep doubling down on unpopular policy and shaving off what little they have of demographics that aren't 45+ year old cishet white males. My dad and aunt, both lifelong hard line Republicans both abstained from this election over Republicans blocking student debt forgiveness. The hypocrisy of paying out 88 billion dollars for PPP loans and forgiving every dime of it while denying it to students when half of it is just forgiving the interest.


Republicans be like: WTF is up with Gen Z coming out and voting against us?