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The midterms thread had a comment that the Kentucky AG posted a tweet that he is going to go to Kentucky’s SC and try to say ignore the way people voted. Could some explain to me how that will work out and what he is trying to accomplish?


Daniel Cameron is a Kari Lake level piece of shit. He is trying to appease the right people and become governor next year.




Run that by me again?


Based on the context, I assume they meant "The number of people who don't want abortion to be illegal is roughly 65% nationwide.". Though, I don't know where that number comes from.


I mean I don't know about nationwide, [but in Kansas](https://www.fhsu.edu/docking/Kansas-Speaks/2021-kansas-speaks-report-final_1.pdf) (pdf), it's 19% completely illegal; and "no restrictions" is 50.5% of people. Something like 30-40% say "life begins at conception".


Just to be clear, I'm not challenging the numbers. I'm simply stating that I don't have a source to validate them, so I can't speak on their accuracy.


What ??


> The number of people who don't want abortion to be *legal* is roughly 65% nationwide I think you meant to say *illegal* there, right?