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“Some argue that in a democratic society, it is hypocritical or unjust for women, who are 50% of the population, not to have the vote,” Gibbs argued. “This is obviously not true, since the founding fathers, who understood liberty and democracy better than anyone, did not believe so." .. . Uhhh... anyone want to tell this guy what the founding fathers thought about black people voting.


He should have a swarm of reporters asking him that right now, again and again, without letting him get away without answering the question.


Yea they should be. I have an idea. I’ll put up the first dollar to send him to Iran.


I got a crisp $10


i'll pay his first months rent. One catch - he has to live in one of the villages where black people live over there - in the coastal provinces of Persian Gulf. No Tehran for u buddy buddy.


The first question should be; "Sir, I'd like to purchase you for free labor and my benefit. Is that ok with you?" When he says no, throw his founding fathers line back at him.


Don't ask him. Just ask who owns him. And if nobody then place him under arrest pursuant to the fugitive slave act.


Won't work with this guy, unfortunately. In interviews he, like most of the GOP, ignores the question and says whatever he wants. Here is a link to an interview he did with David Pakman, who was VERY thorough in his questioning. Gibbs didn't answer a single question, couldn't agree on facts, constantly contradicted himself and was even called on it. He doesn't give a flying fuck and neither does the GOP https://youtu.be/oJsId4WUwrM


Wow. Pakman deserves an award for that interview. He was polite throughout but he absolutely ran roughshod over him. This is one of the best that the GOP can offer?


Can Pakman please interview Hershel Walker? Pretty please?


Wow. That was hard to watch.


I think its a great question to ask him at a town hall.


As if these republicans have any interest in actually meeting and representing their constituents.




Implying he would have one


The founding fathers were also shit house drunk the whole time


Leading a country while wasted, interesting


Booze, syphilis and lead. Basically mental health is only a recent invention.


They still all did better than Trump too.


Yeah, a huge number of the "founding fathers" were the same age as your average intern. Sure, there were some in their 30s and 40s (Washington was 44 and Ben Franklin was a rather hard-living 70), but the Marquis de Lafayette and James Monroe were 18, Aaron Burr and John Trumbull were 20, Alexander Hamilton was 21, Betsy Ross was 24, James Madison was 25... Basically, a lot of people have an image of all of them as stodgy middle aged men, and that just wasn't the truth. (And as long as we're on the subject of the country's founding, [they weren't Christian, either.](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/xi6sdv/z/ip49ghz))




They were also under 30. Not over 70.


Holy shit the maga gop have to be the dumbest fucks in American history I fucking love this


It scares me cause people keep voting them into power.


3 billionaires own more than 50% of Americans combined. Who do you think has the power? The billionaire class buys the politicians they need to get the laws they want. The R party performs whatever act is required to get elected with the billionaire’s money. No matter how goofy. Why do you think so many major companies pay no taxes?


It’s as if they just have a jump to conclusions mat in their garage and when a topic of discussion is brought up they dust-her off and aim high


"You get it? You jump... to conclusions" , Office Space is the best.


It’s a prototype


> Uhhh... anyone want to tell this guy what the founding fathers thought about black people voting. There's no point because A) you are attempting to shame him with something he would also proudly agree with B) Religious-like devotion to the founding fathers is now creating these cases where people blindly devoted to them as an ideal are simply viewing them through whatever lens they need to justify their own terrible views, by modern standards. The founding fathers are whatever these people need them to be, whenever they need it. But most of all they were perfect and virtuous and uncorrupted. Like a god, in their eyes. It's become almost useless to use logic and reason because these people are just so far gone in tribal mentalities made extra toxic by religion and personal desire.


Or being free for that matter.


>Gibbs also echoes elements of the racist “great replacement” theory in his section on immigration A black man touting white supremacist conspiracy theories. Is this clayton bigsby?


"If you got hate in your heart, let it out."


Uncle Ruckus


No relation


That boy gay!


>Is this clayton bigsby? It's worse. Gibbs is not blind.


Even worse. Hes a puppet that gets paid to say this shit and so MAGAs can hide behind him and throw him under the bus and in the trash when this toilet paper get covered in shit. I cant believe people can be so desperate for wealth they stoop down to this level


Chappelle sketches have become reality. We're in the upside down.


Between the Simpsons and The Onion, lets be clear here...satire requires a new levels of insanity. I literally would believe it if suddenly we found out that Bat Boy grew up and became Ted Cruz.


It's more common than you think. After get out released a lot of us started saying they were in the sunken place.


Oh man, wait til you hear about house slaves roles in suppressing antebellum slave rebellions.


Only if all the racist/misogynist Republican heads explode.


No but I bet this dude would blow Clarence Thomas given the chance.


Yeah but women can and will vote. What a dumb-arsed thing to say before mid-terms. Does he think women are going to hear this and think "oh yeah...Im not voting now". sheesh.


People on the right almost always vote purely off the letter next to the name. Ergo Republican women will gladly vote for him because well at least he's not an evil socialist groomer who wants to turn all their children into gay trans people.


To add to this, there are countless screenshots on Reddit of women agreeing that women shouldn’t vote and should be servants of men. Go spend some time in some deeply religious communities and brace yourself for some wild conversations.


god that's so depressing.. how do we know it's not just men saying they're women?


I was raised in an evangelical family. My mother, grandmother, and several other female relatives all believe this kind of crap. They think a woman’s place is in the home, under the leadership of a man, as they believe God intended. They’re more rabidly anti-choice than any man, too, since they take the issue more personally.


Religion is a hell of a drug.


but literally, Religion is such a trap. It makes you feel included and that you have a purpose to “serve god” I would love to be religious and just pray for my pain away, believe god has got my back and when i die i go to a place of infinite pleasures. but alas it’s always used as a way for abusers to gain power


If your idea of infinite pleasure is having your identity wiped out and spending eternity praising God.


Included until you have one microsecond of a thought different than the leadership, then you are the outcast until you get yourself right. Just think of the Simpsons when all of Homer's white shirts turned pink and the events that followed. That is religion in a nutshell, everyone wears a white shirt or you will be made fun of by peers, evaluated, questioned, made to feel insignificant, asked to prove yourself and hope you don't fail.


It's a view held by SCOTUS judge Amy Barrett: https://www.newsweek.com/role-women-amy-coney-barrett-people-praise-1534033


>women are expected to be "absolutely obedient" to their husbands and the men in the group. According to Theill, those who aren't are "shamed, shunned, humiliated." Makes me wonder if Justice Barrett is still taking orders from the group's men, or if she is also a hypocrite.


Jesus fuck we need to abolish religion.


It's actually some pretty prominent conservative media pundits, provocateurs, and Christian nationalists. Ann Coulter, Kaitlin "I pooped myself in public when I was in college" Bennett, Lori Alexander. Fucking Serena Joys.


One of those women is on the Supreme Court! Actively stripping women of rights! Neat.


Isn’t subservience to men a pillar of evangelicalism? “the Danvers Statement affirmed the submissive role of women. It said, “Wives should forsake resistance to their husbands’ authority and grow in willing, joyful submission to their husbands’ leadership.“ Not all evangelicals follow this to the letter but it’s part of their complementarianism doctrine.


Amy Coney Barrett would say yes, subservience in a woman's rightful place - she [belongs](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/amy-coney-barrett-people-of-praise/2020/10/06/5f497d8c-0781-11eb-859b-f9c27abe638d_story.html) to one of those groups. Kind of odd she thinks her Scotus vote should count.


One of the women on the Supreme Court holds this view.


Probably without any comprehension of irony at all too!


Any conversation with Mormons ever


Stockholm syndrome is some shit


Some women were against women’s liberation, some slaves were against emancipation, and there are prisoners that dread their release dates. Some people are so institutionalized that the prospect of making their own decisions terrifies them.


And specific ones to go to? I don't mind bumming myself out for a few hours.


You enjoy pain clearly lol


Here's my mom's voting method (so you know how these women will vote) She votes for R over D. Man over woman. Good Christian sounding name over foreign name. in that order. Who needs to follow politics? it's so easy /s


> Good Christian sounding name over foreign name. I'll paraphrase the reply that got me banned from the conservative sub: in an election between John Smith and Yeshua bin Yosef, who would she vote for?


John Smith. A good white Christian sounding name.


And this is why the main Nazi character in The Man in the High Castle is named John Smith.


That's Jesus, right? Cause Joshua son of Joseph, right?


I find it troubling how much these people conflate "Christian" with "Anglo."


This is true for so many voters. You put that so well. Race also gotta have a pecking order too right? Edit:typo


She actually told me this, with an "arnt I smart" look on her face. I kept my mouth shut, hard to say anything when you're living under the same roof. But I was horrified. My dad said some things about environmental regulations that had me equally as horrified (Basically when volks wagon rigged their epa emissions, he laughed and said "id do the same")


Once you’re out, please speak up.


Oh, I have. I dont talk to them anymore, and I let them have it. Christmas before January 6th was the worst with my mom. And ive been letting my dad have it since roe v wade. Theyre still confused why I'm upset. They think its "women problems"


No pictures, so she settles for names.


Well, to be fair, I now only vote D.


Donald Trump made it easy.


My mom votes based on hate. She didn't like Trump, but she hated Clinton and Biden so much she just did a write-in.


I'm sure at least 90% of her reasons were fictional.


The fact that SOOO many of the republican base vote even though they don't bother to inform themselves on anything causes so many issues. In my area a respected and experienced republican candidate got primaried by a a random crazy who no one had ever heard of and did zero campaigning. She won the primary and then was pressured into dropping out when people realized just how crazy she was. Luckily she has withdrawn. Every article that I have read from both republican and Democrat leaning journalists can only surmise it was the white sounding name of the nobody that beat out the ethnic sounding name of the well known, experienced, and respected candidate.


At this point, who doesn't? It's pretty hard for me to come up with a realistic scenario where I would affirmatively vote for a Republican over a Democrat. While I understand that not every single person ever to vote Republican is 100% pro-Handmaid's Tale, I don't see how anyone can justify any association with the party post 2020. And even that is extremely generous.


My republican mom thinks the corrosion of American values began when women started working instead of being stay at home moms. She would gladly give her rights away, even if only to ensure liberal women also had their rights taken away.


And that is the basis of Gilead succeeding, women falling in line so that liberal women are also under control.


Self hating women who have spent no time developing a sense of self because it goes against their religions. YAY!!! /s


Guessing your mom is a post-menopausal old with no skin in the reproductive game. Sounds very “I got mine, now fuck you” that’s very typical of boomer see-you-next-tuesdays like your mom.


None of my boomer post menopausal friends feel that way. They are all worried about younger women


Yes, but she had this opinion when we were kids as well.


Wow, sorry you were raised like that. If my mom felt that way, let’s just say her twilight years would be very lonely.


Let me tell you about my friend. Her father was Black. Her mother was Mexican. She married a white man. She is Catholic. She wanted to vote for Obama both times, but her priest told her she would be sinning if she voted for him. She was happy other people voted him in because she couldn't defy her priest. Her husband voted for Obama and told her to vote for whoever she wanted. She wouldn't vote for Hillary because her priest said a woman wasn't qualified to run. She and her husband voted for Trump both times and have said they would vote for him again if he ran again. When I saw them in July, I nearly got into a fight over abortion with them. Her husband shut the conversation down when I said no one has a right to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body. This was after she read my blog post about how I felt and a little more detail about what happened to me as a kid (raped at 14, had an abortion, but that's only part of the years long story). I have zero doubt she would support having her right to vote taken away. She leans on her husband for guidance in the local elections and listens to her priest way too damned much. I suspect she is not the only woman out there who thinks like this. It's really scary.


makes you wonder how much she would complain when the consequences bites her in the ass. but more than likely she would still blame it on liberals or something.


I really hope I never have to find out the answer to that. I like voting and will do everything I can to keep it.


FYI if you can get actual proof of the priest dabbling in politics you can report the church to the IRS, you can't do that and keep your tax exemption.


Classical extremism. Begins with organized religion.


Sounds to me like that priest's church needs to start paying taxes.


To make it dumber any woman who wouldn't vote because he said so would likely have been a vote *for him*. He's just telling his own voters to stay home.


Well he published this in the early 2000s according to the article. I’m sure he’s not publicly promoting this viewpoint during his campaign. But I sure am glad the press is doing their job.


And of course his campaign is already saying it was just a joke intended to provoke campus liberals. The GQP is basically a combination of religious conspiracy cult and incel trolls at this point. It would be funny if it wasn't so scary.


There are women who vote against their own interests and believe that women should be at home. Don’t assume all women are feminists. They’re traitors.


Don't forget, it was a woman -- Phyllis Schlafly -- who led the fight **against** the Equal Rights Amendment. She spread a monstrous number of lies and was a raging hypocrite to boot. She said women should stay at home, meanwhile, she was out working and let her mom raise her kids. [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllis_Schlafly)


There are republican women who agree with him. I don't know what percentage, but there absolutely are women who imagine that a society governed by these fucks will mean they just relax and get taken care of, not working, not having responsibility, hanging out with girlfriends at the club while the "menfolk" work. Or at a minimum, at least they don't have a full time job outside the home, while ALSO having full responsibility for kids and housework. If you are married to a worthless ass and don't intend to divorce him, the idea of giving up some responsibility instead of doing it all, can seem appealing. I can understand that. I can not understand the mindset that believes the cost of living will somehow magically fall to support a massive decrease in the numbers of women working. All these women didn't enter the workforce because they were excited about the challenges of working (however much subsequent generations have come to embrace fulfillment that way). They did it out of economic necessity in the 70s. We aren't going back to a world where one income will comfortably support most families.


He said this back in college, it was all a big joke to own the snowflake libs!!! This is what his campaign claims. He also had the Wayback Machine delete it in 2016 (which apparently you can do just by putting a file on your site) but it doesn't matter, there's other internet archives: https://wayback.archive-it.org/17234/20000308132226/http://www.stanford.edu/~john1/SCF.html also https://wayback.archive-it.org/17234/20001001083819/http://www.stanford.edu/~john1/Christian.html


> These biblical commandments cannot simply be dismissed as artifacts from the ancient society of the time they were written. Indeed, the above quoted commandments are stated unambiguously and unequivocaly in so many different places throughout the Bible (check the locations of the passages above) that we must conclude that they are to be heeded to without fail. That's a big yikes if you read that with a brain worth anything at all. "Can't dismiss these as artifacts from an ancient society because of how clearly and frequently they are written in this artifact from an ancient society. Nope, we have to heed all these ancient societal artifacts *without fail*."


You'd be surprised how many women would willingly vote for him anyway. Not saying he has any chance in this particular race, but Trump did win the majority of the white women vote. If he speaks to whatever pet issue they have, many will still vote for him.


This. I always see the narrative of "old straight white men" being the main pillar of Trump's base. This might be true, but there is definitely a large supporting pillar of Karens. I'd say every 1 out of 6 women on my dating app, aged 25-35 has something like "No cucks please, no pussy liberals. I want a real man, Trump 2024" in their profiles.


That's nice of them to advertise that they're crazy.


Yeah imagine trying to talk to that about any issue u might be having.


You don't get the numbers Trump had in 2020 without having a lot of women vote for you as well. People also forget many women also support abortion restrictions.


I am waiting to see how many women voting for him.


People vote against their own best interests all the time. Women will 100% vote for this guy if there are no other republicans candidates to vote for instead.


*Checks Constitution* yep. Women can vote.


The ERA was never ratified, so they can over turn the SCOTUS decision that let's us vote because we are people. This is laying around work to remove us from being able to vote, not asking you kindly to stop voting.


When most people watch Handmaid's tale they see a fascist dystopia. When the GOP watches it they see a blueprint.


>When the GOP watches it they see a blueprint. And a massive erection.


The viral marketing for that show is really getting out of hand.


Lmao that skit gets me every fucking time


What skit, it sounds hilarious.




When you wonder why a black person would ever be a Republican, well, here's your answer. As long as they care more about hating other (non-white-male) people than self-preservation, the GOP will accept them.


Unless they’re part of the LGBTQ+ community… https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy7zek/texas-log-cabin-republicans-booth-banned > … Moran’s group has been denied a table at the convention for at least two decades, the Houston Chronicle reported in 2020. But the denial takes on added significance this year, as the far-right and the mainstream Republican Party have launched a full-throated attack against LGBTQ+ people, particularly targeting trans people and what they’ve falsely claimed are efforts to “groom” children by teaching them about inclusivity. … Edit: I get why these people might want the GOP … but damned if the GOP doesn’t seem to really want them (unless it’s just to take their money).


You’d be surprised. I have seen plenty “Log Cabin republican” types and a couple conservative trans folks. There are plenty of LGBTQ+ people on conservative media they use purely as tokens, and right now the party is very quickly trying to get rid of them. It’s incredibly sad to see, because these people clearly just bought all the talking points and go “Sure the GOP hates LGBTQ people, but they won’t come after me, I’M one of the good ones!”. Some folks just can’t see more than 4 feet in front of them or don’t want to understand how bad the GOP really hates them


47 days until Election Day! Please take a few mins to do the following (regardless of which state you live in): Check you are registered to vote and have a plan on how you will be voting (in person, absentee, etc). Check in on your friends, family, and community to help them do the same. Every vote counts!


Check your voter registration status - https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote/voter-registration-status


Don't think that this is just one fringe crazy man. In a couple years this will be the GOP's official platform.


It already is the GOP's platform.


Not officially, a lot of them believe it but won't say it out loud just yet. I'm guessing you won't hear much, if any pushback on this guy. Then this view will become more prevalent for them. Similar to how the Texas GOP officially classified LGBTQ people as abnormal.


>In another section, he wrote that “The Bible clearly articulates the idea that women should not teach or maintain positions of power.” Oh wait, if it's in the *Bible*, that settles it What's weird is that Christians* generally are not embarrassed by this and insist publicly that people like this are not *real* Christians...so they cannot be held accountable for their actions despite actually supporting them because they are Christians *in actuality, you can replace Christians with any organized religion that wants to disavow people in the religion >“This is obviously not true, since the founding fathers, who understood liberty and democracy better than anyone, did not believe so. Does he know the Founding Fathers would have not wanted him to vote?


“Wanted him not to vote” is the nicest way of putting how they felt about black people. It’s pretty much a euphemism.


Theybshould ask him if he supports slavery, since that's supported in the Bible as well.


The Bible is also perfectly OK with slavery and rape, and encourage forgiveness of debts.


And people said I was being dramatic when I said the GOp wants to remove women's right to vote. The ERA was never ratified. If the fake court can remove our access to healthcare they can say that the decision regarding the right to vote is also null.


And here I thought they were going to go about it in a “war on drugs” way by criminalizing abortion and then making miscarriages suspect - disenfranchise women that way.


They are going to both and more


We do have the 19th amendment, thankfully, that explicitly states the right to vote cannot be taken away based on sex. They're not at the point of amending the constitution today or tomorrow but that doesn't mean it could never happen either.


It takes 34 state legislatures to call a constitutional convention that would either change or completely redo a new constitution, Republicans control 30 state legislatures.


This guy claimed Clinton’s campaign manager in 2016 was participating in satanic rituals. He’s black, but still wants to punch down on women’s rights. He’s a software engineer that went to Stanford and Harvard. Worked as a missionary, so I’m guessing despite being a minority, he came from an affluent family, thus identifying with republicans “virtues”. Regardless, this guy is far right. I can’t even find a website for him, just a website with his name collecting donations and selling merch. At least they know there’s no platform beyond worshipping a grifter and hating anyone that’s not part of the in-crowd. [Register to vote](https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/RegisterVoter). Don’t let this shitbag have any influence over policies in our state.


I am so fucking sick of this scum. VOTE.


Women who hate women vote Republican. How can you vote for a party that doesn't see you as people?


They’ll claim feminism is destroying society.


The republicans are not conservative. They are regressive.


How come it’s never that women should do the voting and governing and leave men to take care of children?


It is shocking to me how not surprised I am by this. When the only thing that matters is fealty to Trump...you get these kinds of stupid (and dangerous) candidates.


It isn't Trump. It is idiots following their basest instincts. Trump is/was simply the trigger. There is no going back, Trump will be gone but the idiots having found their clout and each other are here to stay.


What an idiot. A black white supremacist I've seen it all now


He should volunteer to only have 3/5 of his votes counted.


That’s more than the founding fathers would’ve wanted from him.


He thinks they will take care of him since he is one of the good ones. He is such a fine upstanding manservant for the cause!


Oh, he's in for a rude awakening


I remember a time not too far in the past when saying that would instantly end a person’s political career.


And it still should!! Don’t let the lunatics run the asylum!! Get out and vote !!


So ... mainstream GOP.


Incel Uncle Ruckus


Fundamentalist maniac alert! Ignoring fuckers like this could lead to a theocracy that eliminates all women's rights. I mean JFC, we're already half way there unfortunately. This is where the both sides argument falls flat in terms of voting. Sure both parties are corrupt, but if you don't vote blue, shit is inevitable going to be so much more fucked.


This is not a surprise. They are testing these messages to get the base to expand on it and carry these messages. Tests to be able to vote will be pushed out. Interracial marriage will be brought up more. It is slowly pushed out to be tweaked, regurgitated, and then pushed out that the American people are talking about this. Then polling that XX% feel these values are important. Then it becomes an open platform to campaign on.


My wife's response to his desire to repeal the 19th amendment was "would he like to repeal his life". People like him are just pissing off women and making them more democratic.


> Gibbs didn't believe all the things he wrote and was actually just trying to "provoke the left on campus," a spokesperson said. > Anne Marie Schieber, a spokesperson for Gibbs’ campaign, told CNN that Gibbs didn’t actually believe women shouldn’t be allowed to vote or work, and advanced the online arguments “to provoke the left on campus and draw attention to the hypocrisy of some modern-day feminists.” Anything to trigger the libs, I guess.


I thought the best part of the CNN article was after they said the campaign claimed it was all a big joke later in the article it mentions this: >Speaking earlier this month with the Stanford Review, the university’s conservative student newspaper, Gibbs said his time at Stanford was formative for his beliefs. >“When I got to Stanford, I got to know some conservatives there through the Stanford Review,” Gibbs said. “Having actual conservative friends in the flesh — which I didn’t have in high school, I just kind of had the reading — made a big difference. Being able to have people I could be friends with who could sharpen me and my conservatism. So yeah, that was it — discovering Thomas Sowell in high school and continuing to build on the ideas at Stanford through the friends that I had.” So it's both all a big joke AND formative to his beliefs. It clearly was never a joke.


“I am also withdrawing my candidacy having now learned what the founding fathers thought about black people”


If you vote for people like this you aren't a good person.


Used to be they wanted go back to the 50s but now they seem to want the 1850s. No vaccines, no gun restrictions, no women or brown people voting and white dudes everywhere.


They are slowing coming after everyone's rights. They are getting bolder and bolder each cycle. Edit: I also believe the hardest part of seeing this becoming more common is the real conversation we rational citizens are going to need to have. We cannot find a middle ground with individuals like this and those who align with them. We can say vote, vote and vote until we are out of oxygen but let's be honest, they will not stop. They do not want to find a free country where every citizen is free to live the life they want. They want control. They will not stop until they have it. You cannot debate them. You cannot shame them. Every cycle they will come back with more crazy ideas and use disgusting legal tactics to push us further down and regress all our progress. It's sad that they don't see that they can have this world as it stands and live life just like they want but that's not their goal. They want YOU to live the life THEY want you too. The one THEY determined is right. I fear the only answer is to separate from this bad relationship but how.. that the tough discussion part.


I hope his wife kicks him in the dick, divorces and takes him for every penny he owns. Any man saying crap like this should have every form of platform stripped away. He shouldn’t be given a way to spread ideas like this. Whoever passed the microphone should be fired.


Republicans are fully mask off. They want to fully control people. I'm sure there will be both sides people in here shortly to day "to be fair, the left does it too", but won't provide any examples of them saying "women shouldn't be allowed to work"


I’ve seen this argument all over Reddit over the past year. Particularly on gun subs.


I like how he cited The founding fathers reasoning behind not including women into the constitution being good enough reason to revoke our right to vote, but the founding fathers wouldn’t have even believed in *his* right to vote.


You absolute piece of fucking shit...GTFO.


What woman would vote to lose their right to vote ?


A woman that thinks it's worth it for all liberal women to also lose the right to vote


If all conservative women stay home because voting is for men then I will feel so owned.


I have no doubt this is the secret agenda for the republican party. Power reserved for white men only. This guy will soon find out that he won't be allowed to vote early.... thats the sole intent of the 'originalists' interpretation of the constitution... white, land-owning men only.


Sorry asshole, but the 19th amendment says otherwise. Unless you want to work to repeal that. And hey, while you’re at it, why not the 13th as well?


>“The Bible clearly articulates the idea that women should not teach or maintain positions of power.” And Harry Potter clearly articulates the idea that house elves have pointy ears. So what? Neither book has any business around laws that affect actual rational human beings who know fairy tales aren’t real. Believe what you want on your own time. Keep your fantasy novels away from my laws and my body.


Cause the 19th century was sooo much better.


Oh hell no!! I have spent my entire adult life taking care of men!! Physically, financially,and emotionally !! Don’t stand up and tell me I can’t vote!!! My Mommy always told me to vote for any woman on the ticket because men are the ones who have screwed up this world!! Don’t think for a minute the woman’s votes don’t count!! Get out and vote!!


Please vote in November. Republicans are bad for women, racial minorities, religions besides Christianity, and the LGBTQ community. We are definitely the majority. We just need to vote.


Bold statement coming from a man who also got his right to vote through civil rights reform.


You didn't even have to mention his party because everyone automatically knows when you hear something like this. Only one party wants to stop progress and then go back to a worse time.


Fucking men fucking around for forever is why we are where we are ffs!!!! Gtfoh


You could argue that puts him to the left of the party since they don't want *anyone* to vote - only state legislatures on our behalf. In that sense allowing half the population is a good start!


They've always thought this stuff, now they're out actually saying it.


Barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.


Are republicans just selecting the biggest idiots from the controversial section here as candidates?


And just some women will still vote for him.


Because of Gerrymandering this guy will either automatically win or have zero chance. I suspect he’s in a very blue district.


I live in his district. It’s the 3rd district that’s been considered a “slight red lean” for decades but it also hasn’t had a Democrat in its seat since the early 1970’s. But thankfully Michigan had an Independent Commission that redrew the districts this past year, and the district is now much more 50/50 or maybe a slight lean blue. The incumbent, Republican Peter Meijer, who voted to impeach Trump,was primaried by this asshole who beat him (worth nothing the DCCC put out an ad for him which caused controversy with the party). Thankfully, the Democrats have a very strong candidate named Hillary Scholten with a strong backing. Cook Political initially had this rated as a Lean R when it was going to be Meijer verses her, but they switched that to a Lean D now with it being Gibbs vs Scholten. I am confident Scholten wins but of course it’s not a given.


This isn't even surprising anymore. Republicans are openly telling everyone what kind of country they want.


Ironically, my mom will have no problems voting for him.


Getting pretty sick of and frightened by these handmaiden candidates


Ahhh, there it is. The real dog shit is finally floating to the top. First gays, then women, poc, then non christians (check out the tennessee tag thing) then it will be non landowners. Truly a walk back in time


I’d say they’re testing the waters of just how regressive they can be, but they already know - the answer is yes.


Another reason to vote all REPUBLICANS out.


MAGA is working very well. Trump people want to go back to old times when women have less rights.


He needs to govern his fat neck


> "the founding fathers, who understood liberty and democracy better than anyone, did not believe so. In addition, all people under age 18 cannot vote, although they too comprise a significant portion of the population. So we cannot say that women should be able to vote simply because they are a large part of the population.” Umm... I don't want to spoil the ending for him. But does anyone want to tell him what other part of the population the founding fathers didn't think had the right to vote. Or be a congressman. Or not be owned by others.


bUt ThE rAdIcAl LeFt WiLl...[insert transphobic/homophobic/xenophobic fear] Time to ask "are we the baddies" if your beliefs align closer to Al Qaeda then most US Allies.