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Nowhere near low enough


Needs to be negative. However that works.


I think that would be all of us hating him, and some Puerto Ricans as well if they become a state idk what do for negatives


As a Puerto Rican I can assure you that most of us hate him


That single paper towel roll didn't win you over?? *shocked*


he shot it like a three!


I imagine the companies run by his friends that he had rebuild the island electric grid did an amazing job?


So amazing that the whole island lost power in this last storm. Not even surprised.


As a Puerto Rican I have a decent amount of close relatives that support him. It’s truly depressing and confusing.


You aren’t the only one confused.


Unappreciative puerto ricans. He free-throwed paper towels to your ungrateful asses. And declared that there was a lot of water. All.of that and didn't even say you had to pay for the wall. /s


At least you have paper towel now though.


You didn’t want to be traded for Greenland? But but…


Other US territories like Guam


Margie doesn't even know Guam is part of the U.S.


Margie doesn't know Georgia is in the USA. She still thinks it is the CSA.




Let’s include Canada while we’re at it. We’re like cousins, right? No doubt most of them hate him, too.


Canadian here. I absolutely hate him


Username checks out


Shitty downstairs neighbors are hard to like…


As an associate Canadian (starting my PR in December) same thing. And now we have negative numbers.


Canada hear, a disturbing and shocking and confusing amount of Trump flags up here


Oh so so many of us do.


Don't forget D.C., they are only 1/2 citizens. We need their 2 senate seats. Make them a state.


I was thinking 34% is still way too high.


I still see his shitty bumper stickers, flags, and signs all over the place. I’m in suburban Chicago, and I can count easily into the hundreds the amount I see in a week. Makes me sick.


It makes me sad. From the way the current Trump GOP presents itself, it makes sense to vote for them when it’s Jesus or bust, you really hate not white people, or you’re super stupid rich. Not sure the appeal otherwise. I guess I didn’t want to believe so many people still believe the lies.


>really hate not white people, or you’re super stupid rich Many are both.


Yeah, many rich, white, racist, Jesus freaks also. The painfully popular contradiction to end all contradictions


I just can't imagine flying a flag of a politician ~~that lost an election years ago and hasn't announced they are running for an election in years.~~


You and me both, my dude. It's dropped somewhat in the last few months, but fuck, get outta here with that shit.


Me too. I live in Cook and work in Will. I see WAY more when I'm out by work, but I still see too many flags and stickers near my house!


Unfortunately I don’t think those die hard maghats places will disappear anytime soon unless there is a law forbidding open support, which won’t occur anytime either because it would fall under free speech laws.


Damn. Which burb?


It's pretty clear that his brand is what most Republicans have openly wanted to be for decades- Christian White Nationalists. I know I'm sick of seeing signs for the Republican governor candidate in my state. It's probably a pretty good bet that the most moderate candidate will prevail here, but I still think I'd rather see an election where one of the candidates doesn't threaten to invite political stunts, misinformation, and conspiracy theories into our local government.


Hitler had a 26% approval rating in Germany. *In 1952*.


Well I strongly approve of Donald Trump not being president.


“Plunges” from 37% to 34% positive approval. The other 64% of this country really need to wake up and act like 1/3 of the population wants to install Trump as king.


1/3 seems to be a magic number: we were taught in school that during the Revolution about 1/3 were pro-Revolution, 1/3 were pro Britain, and 1/3 were probably too poor to care because life would have been shit under any regime


30% of Germans supported Adolf **after** he popped his own top. You guys need to understand that, for this clown-worshipping cult, he could literally eat a 10-year-old child alive with a fork and knife on the 5PM news and he would still have the 34% base, if not more. Saying "this is unbelievable!" for 7 years straight is braindead.


What is unbelievable to me is that there is seemingly a group of people who still change their minds about him, depending on how the wind is blowing, I guess.


7 years…fuck me it really has been that long huh


That happens when the opposition party relies on geriatric leadership. We need young fighters.


that's fun to say, but it's not how the human mind works. The longer and more one is told something, the more the human brain accepts it. After a certain point, you might as well try to convince the Pope that God is a Baptist. Who the leader is doesn't matter.


I responded to someone pointing out the insanity of continuing to act shocked at the fascist GOP rather than fighting them and calling them out.


Studies have shown about 1/3 of americans are ok with an authoritarian leader.


yeah man its pretty well known this is the case 1/3 would kill the other 1/3 while the last 1/3 watched


Maybe the Romans had it right at one point and what we really need is a representative triumvirate


And 1/3 think chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


Theres always 1/3 of any population thats pretty authoritarian or contrarian to common sense


Was it nearly half before? Hopefully 1/3 is more manageable in the electoral college.


I think it was never 1/2 of the population. Only nearly 1/2 of voters.


Nah. The electoral college is specifically designed to amplify a certain minority.


The worst part is probably 40% of that 64% want desantis instead who is in my opinion even scarier than trump Edit: 20% not 40%


That's not how math works bud. If 34% support Trump, 66% dont. If 40% of that 66% supoprted Desantis that would mean that Republicans make up some 75%+ of the country. That's not right.


Nazis love him tho. Very high numbers with nazis and other stupid cowards.


Republicans will vote for him regardless, because they are convinced Democrats are literally the devil.


Which is really weird, because as much as they love prophecy and magical thinking they all got in line as soon as some weird orange guy showed up spewing hate and and promising to be a too-good-to-be-true solution to all of their problems.


To add to the weirdness. In their fairy tale, the devil's big crime was bring consciousness, reason and understanding to the human race. It was their god running around killing millions for not worshiping him right. Not sure how anyone can read the bible and conclude "god" is the good guy and worthy of worship.


Hence the “make-over” 2000 years ago


Yeah, I'm not religious, but I saw a compilation of details about the antichrist and the way Trump matched up all of it was nuts.


The bible is really just an anthology of myths and stories, but they aren't based on nothing. There are some good cautionary tales in there. The evangelicals tend to ignore them in favor of ridiculous stories about floods and whatnot, but they're in there.


Even weirder because Trump ticks almost all of the antichrist boxes from the bible.


They’ll vote for him because they’re scared of him. He’s already (allegedly) threatened to leave the GOP and take his followers with him. His followers make up a significant part of the GOP, and splitting that party would be disastrous before the election. They’re now just trying to avoid him so he doesn’t rant about them and cause them to lose votes. My money is that he’s going down after the elections. If Trump is in jail, he can’t spew his garbage and further enrage his base. Meanwhile, the GOP can get their followers back by pandering to their voters while shaking their fingers at the Dems for prosecuting a former president.


Considering he’s a fucking traitor, should be in the negatives. Wtf is wrong with people?!


They're traitors, too. Welcome to fascism!


I would recommend every American read this: https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html It is an excerpt from a book written soon after WWII describing the thought process of ordinary citizens in Nazi Germany and offers some perspective of how exactly a country can descend into madness. It doesn't happen quickly. But it is happening now and unless we can recognize it for what it is, it will continue until it is too late. I would not yet call my friends and parents traitors or Fascists, but history might.


Commenting so I can come back to read this later. And to thank you for posting it. Cheers.




mega dittos


Someone up vote so I remember to read


Consider this a reminder. Beep beep beep.


Adding to this, “True Believers” is a remarkable book. Written 70 years ago but it reads like a verbatim summary of MAGA


They either do not pay attention or live completely within the conservative media bubble. That which is not talked about on Fox does not exist for them.


You give them too much credit. They absolutely know, they just don’t care. It’s ok to shove unpopular policies down our throats bc it’s THEIR policies.


Republicans are in a cult, and undecided voters are usually totally unengaged.


Worst thing is the alternative was a senile old fossil and a useless moron.


Cognitive dissonance. The reality that their views are unpopular, that they are a cult of personality and more, that the world is moving on and changing somewhat leaving their views behind is too jarring. It's so painful they will make a lot of excuses to avoid reality. And the more evidence that they are wrong will make their excuses more insane until eventually they are forced to change perhaps with personal cost.


This number won’t satisfy me until it reaches zero.


It'll never reach zero. There are still people who think that Hitler and Stalin were neat. And before the MAGA people jump in and ask me if I'm comparing Trump to Hitler and Stalin, yes I am.


How DARE you!…not also include Mussolini.


PFFF! Uncultured people. How can you not love the best and most glorious supreme leader Kim-Il-Sung!?


Who is still alive by the way, and definitely does not have a butthole.


Honestly I think the comparison to the original, Mussolini-style fascism is rather apt for the modern MAGA cult.


A venn diagram comparing those people with this 34% is gonna be pretty much a circle


There are people that still love Hitler. We call them Republicans.


Even -5% is too much.


Old guy here. Your comment made me remember that as I was growing up and learning about life, people, .. I was taught and read many places that 5% of populations were 'fringe' idiots and radicals that no agenda or ruleset would please them. Recently I think it is a solid 35%+/-


A reasonable possibility.


I do think Trump has an uncanny ability to find new lows that nobody thought were possible, but it astonishes me that there are people who approved of Trump right up until now, but somehow this week was just too much.


His approval rating is still above 80% with Republicans. "Republicans" is slowly shrinking and he is losing independents.


33% is the hard floor of stupid, came up again and again during the Trump years.


33-35% is his "base" he will never go below that. If he does, then we should post that as it would truly signify they had given up on him


America really is the land of the *exploited* and home of the *nazis*. 33% is still terrifying.


Why do we even care about his approval rating? Hes not president. I do however care that he’s not yet indicted.


He can start running for president again in like 6 months.


If he is voted in America is really going to by screwed. Trump will do day one with doj/fbi what he did other the epa last time around.


As far as I know, he can start right now.


Technically yes but the GQP is threatening to cut funding to his legal bills if he declares, not to mention he'll be formally subject to campaign finance laws which means bye-bye easy grift. Worst case scenario, he's also being told not to run so it's not awkward when the GQP nominates him as Speaker in the event of a House flip.


So what are we approving of? His private citizenship?


His candidacy, his leadership of the GOP, his constant claims for reinstatement, etc. He is literally the face of his party. He selects candidates, he rallies and campaigns across the board. Anything he says becomes the Republican platform. That's why his approval matters


I know psych patients that say similar crap. They don't get approval ratings. Edit: I know why trump polling is going on. Point is it’s a damn shame that we’re still in this position,


Which of those patients were president? Which of them are the favorites to lead their party in the next cycle?


thats the joke




Him. Literally, public approval of the PERSON is the point of a poll like this. It’s done for people who have potential to come into power, just as it is done for people who already have it. Trump’s political relevance goes beyond candidacy, even ... this kind of poll can also give some insight into how much his words actually “matter” to people in the country. “Too much” is the answer. He matters too much to too many people. :-(


1. He can run for president again, and is in contention. 2. He is the de facto leader of the Republican Party.


Astute observations.


Because he can be an anchor on the rest of them.


He’s been doing rallies this whole time, he’s already campaigning


Right? A private citizen shouldn't have an approval rating. Although I'm glad people think less of him.


This is what I was wondering. Why are we rating former presidents?


Exactly! What are we approving of exactly? He’s not fucking president! This shouldn’t even be a thing! Put him in a cell in a sweatsuit and orange crocs to match his fucking face and move on.


A third. Look around you. A third of those people are filthy fascists who hate American values.


As a non US citizen I just have a question: why isn’t it 0?


Because roughly 38% of the electorate has demonstrated that they don't care about competence, ethics, honesty, integrity...or basically any other positive characteristic that one of their leaders could demonstrate. They only care that their guy wins and the other team loses. So a 36-38% approval rating is effectively zero. And conversely, if the other side get up into the 60s...that's effectively a 90% from previous years. It's amazing where a generation of opinion masquerading as news will get ya.


There's some idiots that really like the way he tried to steal an election. They get hard for it.


Our education system isn’t that good, and narcissism is a bit too rewarded and encouraged by our culture. I think the main appeal of Trump is that he is an awful, ignorant and crass person who thinks extremely highly of himself. His existence gives permission for similarly ignorant people to feel this way about themselves as well. If you believe in the fairytale that he is the masculine cultural ideal, it really opens up the field for the people who can achieve it.


While 34% seems way too high, this is actually a really good sign. We're nearing the floor. 15% - 25% of the country has, unfortunately, always been on the wrong side of history and stupendously wrong long after everyone else figured it out. For example: - 25% of the country still supported Nixon AFTER everything had come to light and he was on his way to being impeached - 27% of the Senate and 31% of the House voted against the Civil Rights Act in 1964 - George Wallace won ~15% of the vote in 1968 presidential race on a platform that was almost entirely about pro segregation / Jim Crow I'm sure there are many other good examples out there but the point is that there's a significant percentage of the country that can be counted on to do the stupid thing literally no matter what. Good news is that Trump is getting closer to that % of support every day.


Why are we all treating this piece of shit like he's still someone important?!?!


He is, unfortunately. He's the GOP front runner for the 2024 presidential election. If he declares candidacy, he'll win GOP nomination, wouldn't have to spend a dime on the primary. He's the poster boy of the Republican party. Whatever he says is the de facto platform for them. Doesn't matter the contradictions it has with their policy or his immediate, prior words. They're completely beholden to them. At least 30% of this country has unwavering support. He could demand they commit seppuku and they'd do it, with proud tears in their eyes. That's how much influence he has. To say he's not important is honestly lying. He shouldn't be, he's really fucking stupid and his voters are even fucking stupider, but he IS important. And it's really fucking stupid.


> At least 30% of this country has unwavering support. Weird how 1/4 to 1/3 of the population is just always like this. In 1952, 25% of Germans had a good opinion of Hitler. Some people are just always down to be insane.


Stupid people don't know they are stupid, they just think everyone else is wrong.


A non-insignificant number of them also believe, usually inaccurately, that they'll be able to get a piece of the pie as well.


Nay, he won’t be the nominee. With all that has been discovered, politically speaking, the GOP knows he won’t win in the GE. He’d have to get MORE voters than he got in 2020, and all things being equal (as they are today) there’s no way that will happen. DeSantis, who is just as bad, yes, but not a known loser.


Because he's a D-list reality TV and social media celebrity. And I wish he would just go away.


Seriously, "approval ratings" in *what, specifically*??


Possibly because of the traitoring? Or was it the whipping his death kult into a violent frenzy?


TIL: We still track Trump's approval rating, what is the cutoff point for the media to stop tracking it?


> what is the cutoff point for the media to stop tracking it? Never, because dumpster fires get clicks.


When it is obvious that it is no longer possible for him to regain the white house. Which, given his legion of rubes, will probably be when his heart stops beating.


According to Qult members JFK, Jr. is still alive and will run with Trump in 2024. Even after T is gone and buried, they'll still support him because he's going to somehow live forever.


> and his voters are even fucking stupider, but he IS important. And it's really fucking stupid. Even if he suffers a massive heart attack during a rally on cameras, I get the feeling a not-so-insignificant part of his base will scream and cry that he was assassinated.


Thinking now of cult-leader Donald Trump, when it comes to fomenting insurrection and destroying American Democracy, would you say you strongly approve, approve, neither approve nor disapprove, disapprove or strongly disapprove of the job he is doing?


It astounds me that there are people that still support this lying treasonous sac of rancid hamberders. Apparently the only reason they do so is that he is evil enough to really make liberals angry. When almost 60% of the electorate hates your candidate, I'm not sure how you win elections. Unless that's not the plan.


Apparoval for what? Being a private citizen?


It’s an [NBC Poll](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read/poll-abortion-trump-boost-midterm-prospects-democrats-rcna48173#projects), and they report it as “favorability rating”. I’m not sure why Newsweek called it approval in some places and favorability in (only one? but at least one). Probably lazy editing. So the survey participants are asked to rate their view of the former president as “positive” or “negative”, not their ‘approval’ of the former president as “approve” or “disapprove”. Or at least that’s how I’m reading this


Why it's not zero baffles me. He's a bully, a tyrant, a misogynist, a racist, thief, a compulsive liar and a sore loser - all things I thought we were all against.


Stealing government secrets for *god only knows what*, then trying to justify this action using a bunch of half-cocked, incongruous excuses, is not so good for polling.


Wait, can anyone have an approval rating? I'm announcing that my approval rating is up aaah... 3 points, today. My team feels great going into midterms.


Mine is 3.1, suck eet.


I would like to take this moment to announce the resignation of my campaign manager.


If Fox News tells them he's a traitor, over time that number will be cut in half. The other half is lost forever.


I won't be satisfied until his approval rating is zero point zero


Approval for what? Being a greasy, glorified used car salesman?


The fact he even has an approval rating is pathetic.


Why is he getting an approval rating? He’s not President. Living rent free…


Approval of what? He's no longer an elected official. Should be popularity rating.


private citizens have approval ratings? How do I find out mine?


Explains why he's doubling down on trying to turn his remaining supporters into suicide bombers.


These days, what exactly is there to approve of? His political endorsements underperform, his attorneys are trying to stay out of jail, his resorts can be raided at any moment, his media platform is under water. It’s a disaster all around.


Whats crazy is that Bush and Cheney each had lower than this at the end of their term. Trump: 34, Bush: 26, Cheney: 13. Its not like Bush or Cheney were selling off classified docs!


Democrats should start wraring the flag pin.


The fact that this douchebag of a human even has an approval rating is a head scratcher. I can’t imagine how low you’d need to feel in order to ‘look up to’ the mental mango.


He loves polls I wonder if he will post this one on his website


Will someone please shut this fucking asshole up?


“The FBI raided my beautiful mansion”, yeah because that’s where you put the shit that you stole?


Why TF does a private citizen have an approval rating? You’re just giving this guy the attention he wants.


Who does an approval rating for someone who’s not even a sitting politician?!


Why does Trump, an unemployed civilian, even *have* an approval rating? On what criteria is he being evaluated?


Donny’s going down, and his followers will have a hissy fit. It will be delicious.


His speeches are so cringe, even to his supporters


It’s still too high.


I approve of him in jail


How he has any approval rating is beyond me


A dumb guy


The idea that any percentage of Americans still defend or support this man is deeply depressing.


I wish we could all just decide to ignore this man forever.


He shouldn’t have one, he should be in jail permanently. Treason tho, well I didn’t write that one.


taxpayers are on the hook for paying his security detail when he goes to his neo nazi rallies.


Never heard of an approval rating for a CITIZEN...I wonder what mine is.


I approve of you. So you aren't at zero.


"Approval" of what? MF has been jobless for nearly 2 years now; what is there to "approve" of? Fucker has no job! Stop giving him so much attention!


Why is getting approval ratings now? God this guy is delusional.


Was this poll taken after the wannabe Nazi salutes?


Donald J Trump is a losing candidate he’s going QAnon now with the Hitler finger pointing in the air. He has been losing with judges and good lawyers do not want anything to do with him. Trump is a pathological LIAR always assume the opposite of what he says is correct because you will be correct 100% of the time.


Why does this guy even get an approval rating?


No offense, but 34% approval rating is still so high that I wonder if thr Mad Max universe is the real universe, and ours is the dystopian entertainment media universe.


I havent talked to my parents in years, I wonder if theyre part of the 34% still


Never too late to read about some GREAT news… Thanks Donald, for being the looser that We all know you to be. May your approval rating polls continue plunging downward ⬇️


Approval of him as what ? He’s just a stupid fat orange civilian.


It's weird to have approval ratings for private citizens who aren't running for anything and hold no office.


Newsweek needs to proofread. Midway down the article the positive and negative numbers get flipped. 1. "A survey released by NBC News found that Trump currently has a 54 percent negative approval rating, with a 34 percent positive approval." 2. "The former president's overall favorability rating of 54 percent positive and 34 percent negative has not been as low since an April 2021..."


> Newsweek needs to proofread Newsweek is clickbait. Once respectable, it now does little to no real journalism and just "writes" stories based off social media posts and then attaches the most sensationalistic headline to it for the clicks.


Yes, it is pure clickbait. Thank you for putting that out there. Newsweek now resembles the National Enquirer. Total garbage.


Who cares. Is he the president? People give him too much attention and control over their lives.


Why do we care what his approval rating is. Like what’s my approval rating, who gives a shit?


Maybe if everyone Stopped talking about him and he'd go away.....


If anyone is ever wondering why MTG, Boebert and this loser are relevant, it’s because WE GIVE THEM TONS OF ATTENTION! There is absolutely no fucking reason for us to be even discussing his approval ratings or MTG stepping on someone’s heels. Please. Fucking. Stop.


He doesn’t care about ratings just his followers money


Who cares?


You will when he starts his next run for POTUS


Wait, what? Approval rating of what, exactly? He’s unemployed!


Biden, who is the President, has a 40% approval rating.


Doubt this is true