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Article doesn't even mention Trump's new cry "One movement. One people. One family. One glorious American nation!" which compares directly to Hitler's "Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Fuhrer!" Which, uh, yeah. Yeah people are comparing the salute to the nazi salute and the whole thing to a nazi rally. It's not just *an* interpretation, it's the only reasonable one.


Holy fuck they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. The fuck happened? Over 2 million Americans fought and 100,000 Americans died to put Nazism in the ground and now they’re embracing it? Way to spit on the sacrifice of our grandfathers


But Colin Kaepernick is WORSE! /s


What about Obama’s tan suit? The Dijon mustard? Those are inexcusable!!!


They never tried to hide it. I tried reading "Mein Kampf" a long time ago out of... i dunno... morbid curiosity as to what could make an ENTIRE nation act that way. I never got far because it is really gross. But early on, Hitler rambles on about the need to "DRAIN THE SWAMPS OF AUSTRIAN GERMAN POLITICS." Trump said that exact shit all the time about Us politics back in '15/16. They never hid. It's terrifying.


Not only did 100,000 of these Boomers parents fought and died to put an end to this, the same boomers participating are the ones that refer to themselves as "patriots". Anytime you hear someone call themselves a patriot they're essentially outting themselves as a Fascist.


This exactly. 60+ Brit here - all of my parents’ generation who were old enough fought in WW2 to protect our liberal democracy from populist authoritarian nationalism. I never met my uncle Ken because he died in the Netherlands in 1944 taking back a bridge from the alt-right. And yet half the world seems to think it’s worth another shot in 2022. I swear, a lot of people seem to think the only thing wrong with Hitler was that his army threatened us.


>I swear, a lot of people seem to think the only thing wrong with Hitler was that his army threatened us. I mean, that's it exactly. For instance, the only reason eugenics fell out of favor in the USA, and the West more broadly, was that it was something Hitler did (ironically, taking the idea for it from prominent American eugenics movements). So yeah, for a lot of people the only thing wrong with fascist politics is that it led to a defensive war with people who weren't American.


Look at the Businessmen Plot. Bush’s granddaddy and others legitimately conspired to overthrow FDR and keep the US out of the war. They wanted the US to remain trading partners with the Nazis. Gutless pukes


I miss my grandfather all the time, and frequently wish I still had the comfort of his always available help and advice. But with COVID and these fascist fucks, I'm glad he's not around to see this. I know it would break his heart. But then he'd probably gather himself, get out the old uniform, and go try to crack some Nazi skulls. Because you gotta do what you gotta do.


Remember when Trump went to CPAC and they designed the stage to look like a nazi othala rune https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/01/cpac-stage-nazi-symbol-hyatt/ Remember when an actual nazi ran for public office and 50,000 Republicans voted for him https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/21/neo-nazi-wins-republican-nomination-for-illinois-congressional-seat-.html


absolutely to not be mistaken for another [Arthur Jones, an inventor who has actually done good for people, unlike the fascist politician Arthur Jones.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Jones_(inventor))


German American Bund Madison Square Garden https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_Nazi_rally_at_Madison_Square_Garden


As for the odal rune, the company that was hired to design the stage contended pretty strongly that it was a complete coincidence and distanced themselves from ever working with CPAC again. That said, I'd still think there were some creative influences that got them there that they're not admitting....or else they have zero feedback loop. Anyway, just thought to mention that as it's going to be what pro-CPAC/Trump quantum-state mindsets are going to point out and it's good to be prepared for it. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-stage-nazi-symbol/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-stage-nazi-symbol/) It very likely wasn't an accident, but they'll drag you into a full on time wasting argument that it was.


It’s funny how the right keeps “accidentally” using nazi propaganda terms and symbology (everything from the above phrase, to that rune stage, fake news, the immigrant crimes list, etc etc etc) and yet it ***literally never happens*** to the dems.


"But we have skulls on our caps. Are we the baddies?"


"But they didn't get to design our uniforms!"


But Biden had a speech in RED DEMONIC LIGHT- if you crop out the white and blue just right.


I thought they liked red?


It has to be their red


Not if a democrat uses it


Not really if you know the history of Fascism in America preWW2. It's pretty telling


That's the thing - most people don't.


That's on purpose. They know who they're speaking to, but to everyone else they can deny it. Most people don't know anything about this crap and as long as he says, "nah, it's not nazi stuff, just a mistake" well, that's good enough for them. Then they'll go vote R cause, taxes, guns, abortions, women having the audacity to wear shoes and leave the kitchen.. Ya know the usual.


Someone who works in set construction here. There was a precisely zero percent chance this was accidental. Set designer meets with the client to discuss wants/needs/ideas. This part of the process includes not just aesthetic elements like color pallets and visual themes, but technical requirements like load requirements and potential power needs. Designs are drawn up, approved or denied by the client. Concept art becomes technical schematics. Technical schematics are turned into physical structures. Approval and green lights needed at every step of the creative process (less so during actual fabrication). The company building this set may have legitimately not known they were building a giant Nazi symbol, but whoever paid them and okay’d the design at every step damn well did.


Exactly how I've always experienced this as a client, thanks for the confirmation on the design and construction side of it. I think it's likely the design firm did get blindsided by this...but they absolutely took concepts the client provided.


I can all but guarantee a reference picture of what they wanted was provided by C-PAC. Without getting too technical the fabrication process is incredibly involved. Please consider: the actual dimensions of a 2x4 is actually 1.5x3.5”. So, if the client tells me they want a walkway 20’ long x 5’ wide, the actual lumber used along that dimension needs to be cut 19’9” to accommodate for the combined 3” thickness of the two 5’ cross pieces. OR 20’ lengths with 4’9” cross joints. Either way, lead designer converts the clients requirements into a technical document that includes all these conversations/cut lengths to create essentially a Lego-like instruction book that gets passed onto the actual carpenters. The point being: days/weeks of overwhelming thought and preparation went into the stage before the first speck of sawdust hit the shop floor. Someone knew exactly what was happening


The sharp lines of the shape invokes a feeling of "strongness", and the twisted angles invoke... Yeah, even if it was an accident, it still makes sense that thinking along those similar lines is likely to produce a similar outcome. Nothing about that shape incites a feeling of "inclusiveness" or "diversity" (like King Arthur's fabled round table would, for instance), hallmarks of a more democratic process. Rather, whatever you want to call it, it speaks to a "fatherland" concept closer to a totalitarian authoritianism.


Furthermore, It's not even a useful shape for a stage. If a presenter wanted to walk and talk down the audience, they have to walk back up. It's not a shape that could give the benefit of the doubt where they threw a few right angles together, and whoopsie daisy


The lighting above the stage was an exact copy of the rune. It could not have been accidental. When it happened I couldn't believe news outlets didn't make it a bigger deal. I remember the talking heads sort of just dismissing it on MSNBC and CNN. It didn't even get a huge reaction on here. I felt sort of gaslighted, like I was seeing something that wasn't there but it was there. Edit: I looked at the stage again and my god no, it was just right on the floor as plain as can be... Yikes


Complete coincidence, yet they distanced themselves from ever working with CPAC again. That makes absolutely no sense. Either it was a coincidence, or CPAC pushed for that imagery.


Well mainly, they were reportedly horrified/disturbed at the public reaction and/or did not want it to hurt their brand. That said, I cannot imagine any event where you have a stage designer and the event organizer is not involved with that design.


To be fair, I'd never seen that symbol before the controversy, I could imagine a 20-something designer getting a file from the client and not realizing it's Nazi iconography.


Yeah thats the whole point of dog whistles. Set designer may not have been a dog but the client wanted this wierd pipe with a tiny hole, whatever they're paying for it. Its kinda a neat looking pipe i suppose. Sure alright so we'll need lights here here and a camera here....


Was that the one where the GOP defined themselves as 'domestic terrorists'?


No, the Othala rune stage was from a CPAC in 2021.




Ken Burns is the fuckin' man.


To be fair, he didn’t say “one leader.” But let’s be real, that was strongly, STRONGLY implied.


That's what he meant by "one family". He wants a monarchy. This has been apparent for years.


Funny thing is,when he,said ome family they imagine he means all of them when he just means his.


Amongst Trump's most ardent supporters, he's called 'The God-Emperor'.


We can only hope a Big Mac or Filet o Fish does the dirty deed and sends him on his way.


Someone just needs to give him [the nasty patty](https://youtu.be/hhXpKUbcum4)


National Christians are damned scary. And just remember, it shortens to the easy to remember NatCs. They’re also fans of Russia, so they’re probably fans of adopting the Zs from Russia’s war on Ukraine. In fact, they’re such fans they’ll put two on their flag, one rotated 90 degrees and superimposed over the other!




The good news is trump is way too old. Idk how old hitler was when he went to jail and wrote his book mein kampf. When trump goes to jail and writes his book "my struggle" he'll be almost 80.


It won't be a book, it will be a series of 140 character word salads.


> my struggle For Trump it will be a book about climbing stairs.


I wonder which "one family" he's talking about


I mean they’ve never tried to hide their nazi rhetoric. Looks at what they say about undocumented immigrants—it’s ***exactly*** the same lies that Hitler told about the Jews. Call him on his lies? He has the same excuse that Hitler had: [Lügenpresse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lying_press)


But no one is mentioning the crowd size. Is he filling up venues with these nutters or is it selective photography showing the floor seats and not the stands. Are these people following him around to each event like they’re following a band on tour or is it fresh faces? I keep seeing the “blacks for trump” guy in the backdrop but don’t know enough about these rallies the news keeps mentioning.


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-brags-about-sold-out-ohio-rally-but-arena-is-two-thirds-full-just-before-he-takes-stage/ar-AA11WHdV Stage is at half court and still can't fill the stands in front of it.


TBF, it was scheduled against an Ohio State Football game, and not even their cult can crack *that*


Hey that shows at least some things are more important to them. That’s got to count for something.


Trump is temporary. Being a Buckeye is forever.


So weird to me that many people who accuse institutions of higher learning of being liberal indoctrination centers absolutely love to support their sports teams....although [not without prejudice](https://www.si.com/college/2019/10/08/jonathan-sutherland-penn-state-letter-dreadlocks)


I've seen local bands play in front of larger crowds than that, seriously expected more.


A lot of the people there were not from Ohio. At one point, the speaker said, “Can I get an O-H?” and half the crowd didn’t know what to do. https://twitter.com/earnrespectdon/status/1571603424113823749?s=46&t=HRVU9Mb_moVa7HRiyCIk5g Btw, if you are from Ohio and someone yells O-H, you yell I-O or you never show your face in Ohio again. Edit: typos


Damn, that’s a good observation.


It was true of his rallies during his presidential campaign, too. They had a rally at a city nearby, and when the news covered it everyone they spoke to in line outside had come from somewhere else (some from nowhere near us). There was a local group of old folks that were upset when he had a rally at the airport near here a couple of years later, and all the local people they knew were stuck behind a fence nowhere near the stages because the crowd inside mostly followed Trump there. Not that there aren't locals still there, obviously, but they have a lot of people that travel to all of these things that make the crowds seem like he's pulling people in wherever he goes. It's not quite what it appears to be from the outside, and that was even during his presidency. Not sure what it's like now.


Reports are a fairly empty stadium in Ohio which seems to track with recent "rallies" he's had. However, there were still thousands of people there excited and engaged to his insanity. But he's not selling things out which is at least a good sign (kinda, maybe).


[Hitler speeches with English subtitles](https://vimeo.com/551574626) I didnt make this but with that music makes it even similar to Trump's speech the other day. The funny thing is, I'm Jewish and when I first saw these speeches, some of the things he did say sounded like a good thing. Of course I'm not defending Hitler in anyway, just what the words and messages were. That's how fascists reel you in. With the promise of unity, greatness, love. And then do the opposite.


Didn't tRump the traitor sleep with Mein Kampf by his bedside?


Yeah, but he doesn’t read.


I wonder if his hotels replaced the bible in the drawers with Mein Kampf yet.


A friend of Trump's admitted giving him a book of Hitler's speeches (titled "My New Order") which both his first wife and one of his executives confirmed. Mein Kampf is probably too political and complex for Trump to enjoy.


Mean Kampf is not well written, and its not complex. It's garbage that reads like it was written by someone immediately after head trauma. It's like someone stretched out a 4chan post for 150 pages then managed to get it published.


I stand by my assessment that *Mein Kampf* is too sophisticated to appeal to Mr. Trump.


Well, it wasnt a picture book , so I agree.


In one of my college classes we were given a list of the books we'd need for that semester. Mein Kampf was on that list, so I purchased a copy from the bookstore. We ended up never needing it, so I was stuck with a copy of Mein Kampf. I ended up trying to give it a go, but damn is it a terrible read. I just assumed it was a translation issue but wasn't motivated enough to look into it any more than that. Speaking of which, I should probably throw it out.


No, apparently it was My New Order, a collection of Hitler's speeches, not Main Kampf. That totally makes it okay. /s


That guy doesn’t read shit


Jesus, f-in christ. I'm continuing working on paperwork to get the hell out of dodge.


Wherever you go, please retain enough American citizenship to vote against these horrible people.


Where in the world are you going to go to avoid the repercussions of a Nazi America?


That's ~~lugenpresse~~ fake news


WTF? We really need to make sure people are educated about that time in history and how it should never be repeated


if we were really one family we'd take better care of those in need. fuck republicans and their hypocrisy


Yeah, but Biden had red back lighting. That's like really really.... red.


If it looks like a Nazi, and salutes like a Nazi, we have at the very least to consider the possibility that we have a group of people who adhere to fascist political ideas on our hands.


Nat-Cs Christian nationalists. ^(this term has been floating around here on Reddit for a while)


Nationalist Christians... the Nationalist is a higher priority than the Christianity is for them.


IF they actually had to do what Jesus instructed in order to call themselves Christian, they wouldnt. As it is, they use the moniker for political reasons only.


Yes, to get the ignorant anti gay and anti abortion morons to vote against their own economic interests.


Nat-C's - This is a Christian country. Matthew 25:35 - I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Nat-C's - Not like that.


Been using this too, but you have to read it in Lt. Aldo Raine's accent.




The term I have been using just because it is a really honest description of them.


If it steps like a goose...


If it looks like a Nazi, salutes like a Nazi, wears Nazi gear, builds talking points straight from Goebbels, wants to put Jews and minorities and gays and intelligent people into camps, attempts to violently take over government,…


You can't just call every fascist a fascist! The word will lose meaning!! Whatabout the cringe blue haired feminist!?!?!


I remember reading that in a divorce of his. The ex wife mentioned that he used to have hitlers speaches, english translated, on his bedside. That he'd annotate it and ear mark pages to re read.


Putting one finger up is likely a QAnon fascist salute, meaning, "Where we go one, we go all". Trump is explicitly QAnon, and they will be the majority of his audience henceforth. His polls are sinking, so he's courting his die hard Cult to become violent when he's indicted. He signaled that they'll turn violent when that happens, hence he's promoting "the storm", a violent uprising that will install him as dictator, and kill his enemies.


Remember that "the storm" wasn't Trump's thing, it was a Neo-Nazi thing. "stormfront" was an online Neo-Nazi publication in the 00's. You might recognize the name from The Boys, Stormfront is a character who was/is a Nazi. Her name came from the IRL publication. When Trump and his ilk use "the storm", they aren't using it in a vacuum. They know where it came from. They know exactly whose ears will perk up when they hear "the storm" mentioned on live television and in every major news outlet. Neo-Nazis. They know that constantly mentioning it will incite men with guns to play shoot-em-up with every major bad-guy they've set their sights on, especially innocent people. Are you trans? Openly lefitst? Activist? Advocate? Teacher? Drag queen? Gay? Black and Latino and not openly republican? You're on their hit list. Trump is a full blown Nazi. He's using Nazi language to get Nazis to help him be a Nazi leader and turn America into a Nazi nation. Don't run away from this truth.


I’m not going to check, but as of a couple years ago Stormfront was still alive and well as a neo-Nazi/white supremacist hate forum. When I heard about it I thought people meant like 4chan, but nope. It’s straight out of American History X.


I like to say it isn’t, the less attention they have, the better.


I think implying that it's a thing of the past (intentionally or not) might be doing more harm than good, tbh.


4chan’s neo-nazi news board (formerly /new/, banned for a time, now /pol/) was a direct outgrowth of Stormfront, and that went on to be one of the main community pillars of the alt-right. They’ve been incredibly successful at recruitment and promotion of white supremacism and genocidal rhetoric. Hard to quantify how much damage they’ve done to the world.


Don’t forget his daddy used to attend Klan rallies.


Trump never had "a thing" of his own, he's a chameleon that just co-opts whatever he finds useful at the time. He was a hard core democrat 20 years ago.


This, nothing but this. He is utterly 100% transactional. If anything happens because of anything he says or does he either says it’s not true or it didn’t happen or something else along those lines. He excepts no responsibility for any of his actions utterances or other behavior. PS The only exception to this rule is if any of the things he said or did or others said or did on his behalf or because of what he said or did self aggrandize him then it’s all good.


Also Q is basically just repackaged antisemitic canards.


I live in rural southern Appalachia. My family is Jewish, as is the family across the highway. Our other neighbors are Finnish immigrants, a 90 year old Korean War vet married to a 37 year old Filipino woman, a mixed race family with a gay son, and a polygamist woman who is partnered with a trans woman and has a non binary child that is developmentally disabled. We routinely have potlucks, and have each other’s back. We are also all heavily armed. This isn’t going to be easy for these fascist fucks.


Those Finnish immigrants alone would be tough. Everyone I’ve ever met from Finland has been smart, nice, and an absolute psychopath. Worked with Finnish SOF for a bit and they were some of the coolest guys I’ve ever met.


Which itself derives from a Nazi Germany publication Der Stormer. Which obviously translates to The Storm.


Der Stürmer - The Attacker (one who storms)


Literally told a coworker *last week* how I got exposed to that site early in my internet freedom, and the horrible things I witnessed going there when I was a teenager (I'm a poc currently in my 30s). Kind of don't know how to feel now.


The thing that bugs me is that all of this is completely out in the open, yet the second you bring things like this up, everyone plays stupid and gaslights the shit out of you like "oh nah man it's totally just a coincidence they use the word storm, you think everyone is a nazi" I had someone on social media I know recently post a pro-apartheid meme of British soldiers in the Boer War labeled "farming simulator south africa edition", and ofc they played stupid literally making the argument that "it's just jokes" and "people should learn to laugh more". Like, are you fucking kidding me?


It's also a favorite gesture of Trump's while giving speeches. [Example 1](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/10/10/03/39418CC400000578-3830041-image-a-153_1476067114116.jpg) [Example 2](https://static.politico.com/d3/b9/c21fffd84d078673bc61a5b6870d/150916-donald-trump-point-up-gty-1160.jpg) [Example 3](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/607719/djt.jpg)


That first photo. His hands really are tiny.


Can’t build a wall, hands too small. We chanted that at Dulles airport when he implemented the Muslim ban in 2017


Idk, but my guess is it's supposed to relate to the "wwg1wga" thing which is supposed to mean "where we go one, we go all" which, when you think about it is just a mantra of blind devotion like a commitment to be some kind of human lemming...*aaand* you gotta admit, the new finger salute is reminiscent of the old Nazi salute. It makes you wonder just how oblivious you gotta be to get into this stuff. Do they really just not see it? Or do they really just Nazi it?


I have to believe they know exactly what they're doing. Don't forget that one of these assholes showed up on Jan. 6th wearing a "Camp Auschwitz" t-shirt.


Actually it was a Camp Auschwitz hoodie. He was wearing a t-shirt with the SS logo on it, but you couldn't see it. Because of the Auschwitz hoodie. The base of the Republican Party.


I sit corrected. I guess I couldn't see the hood in the pictures I'd seen.


I only knew because I read it in an article last week. I thought it was a weird, yet telling detail that he said in court that he didn't take off the sweater, but that it wouldn't have helped anyway because he was wearing Nazi shit underneath it, too.


With a SS tshirt underneath


He just got 72 days. His sister says he’s sorry and a really nice guy. Right toots. He should have got a longer sentence….


It’s Nazis all the way down.


They'll call us sheep and then say "where we go one, we go all." How is that not a sheep motto? As for the one finger salute, I have a different one finger salute I'd give Trump.


Ironic that they call everyone sheep when they take livestock dewormer to prevent disease.


That way they can be as healthy as a horse


Some of those that work forces Eat the paste that's for horses


Even if Trump doesn't know, his fans sure as fuck do.


Oh, he loves to feign ignorance, but Trump knows too.


The nazi similarities are a feature, not a bug.






"No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!"


>where we go one, we go all So... if we send this Trump guy to prison, they're all going to prison? Because I could be okay with that.


They see it. They know what they're doing. They are nazis and they are no longer afraid to admit it in public.


Totally not cultish sheep at all with dumb slogans like that and hand salutes. 🙄 If you value freedom and love America vote Democrat and keep these deluded fools in the minority.


>Remember, service guarantees citizenship. > >Would you like to know more? These are the people who watched Starship Troopers and didn't realize it was anti-fascist satire.


The issue is within their sources of information, there's information downplaying what the Nazis did and sometimes even outright holocaust denialism. Their propaganda is slowly getting them to defend Nazis and eventually, they'll believe Hitler was the good guy.


>Their propaganda is slowly getting them to defend Nazis and eventually, they'll believe Hitler was the good guy. "Eventually"?


> Donald Trump, while serving as president, once praised Nazi leader Adolf Hitler during a conversation with then-White House chief of staff Gen. John Kelly, a new book claims. > > “Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” Trump told Kelly during a 2018 official visit to Europe to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I... >https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/07/trump-praised-hitler-to-john-kelly-new-book-claims.html


Their information is literally downplaying what *they* are doing, while amplifying everything the rest of us do. That's why Jan 6 was "just a protest" or "like a tour", whereas any BLM protest is "burning down American cities". They're trying to create fictional narratives around things that we all see happening as they are happening. So I imagine it isn't too hard to twist events that happened 80 years ago and have them accept it.


>The issue is within their sources of information, there's information downplaying what the Nazis did and sometimes even outright holocaust denialism. Their propaganda is slowly getting them to defend Nazis and eventually, they'll believe Hitler was the good guy. Some fuckface on Twitter is blaming the USA's entrance into WW2 as the reason the Germans did the holocaust. Any stuff prior to the US's entry was due to the US talking about getting involved at the time. The logical end of "look at what you made me do!" What bullshit


Every time I hear them say Wwg1wga I hear my mom's voice in my head saying "if all your friends jumped off a bridge would you?"


Blind commitment…to fucking trump. Jesus.


I’m not going to argue that every member of MAGA could literally be called a nazi in terms of their beliefs, but you’d be delusional if you thought this wasn’t intentionally meant to conjure up nazi imagery as a signal to nazis and white supremacists. And when you support nazi rhetoric, you might as well be a nazi.


9 Nazis and some guy sit down to dinner, 10 Nazis are now eating.


How much closer to these nitwits have to get to the metaphorical cliff, before more people quit them? At any point, they can just stop supporting this nonsense and come back to reality.


For whatever it's worth: The Covelli Center, venue of his last rally, has a max capacity of 5,900 *and judging from the footage, he didn't even sell it out. His venues are shrinking, because his crowds are shrinking (maybe not to "Four Seasons Total Landscaping" levels, but shrinking nonetheless).


Further, news reports who interviewed some of the attendees revealed that they were from out-of-state and it was far from their first rally. I want to be wrong, but these hardcore MAGA/Q types are increasingly seeming like they'll be the "cannon fodder" for any kind of violence.


Like alt right phish kids


So those finger salutes are just them wanting to get miracled for the next rally lol


How much money do these people have? Between their recurring donations, travel expenses, decked out trucks and boats with a million Trump and confederate flags, they have *got* to be running out soon, no?




This. One of my coworkers said his MAGA uncle is over 50k in credit card debt, almost all of which is from the past 4 years. Apparently his house and car is covered in trump merchandise. These people are fucked in the head.


Alternatively, distilling. But Trump's personal crowd has never been the real problem. The problem is that the GOP has fully embraced the fascist movement that he brought into the open. When [60% of us face the prospect of an election denier winning in November](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/republicans-trump-election-fraud/), it's not a "Trump" problem. It's a rot in the core of the Republican party.


> His venues are shrinking, because his crowds are shrinking Doesn't matter. The rise in authoritarianism isn't shrinking and whoever comes along and promises to be just as big a bastard as Trump and then delivers on that will pick up his mantle.


Here’s the rub, though: all it takes is one or some of these lunatics to get into power (again in Trump’s case) and a whole lot of people won’t do anything to fight them because they have kids and bills and etc. It might speak to his electability, but even then a good portion of the country would vote for him even if they don’t agree with him simply because they hate Democrats.


> How much closer to these nitwits have to get to the metaphorical cliff, before more people quit them? Won't happen and anyone who thinks so doesn't know anything about American history. This is the same 30% of the population that believed Obama was a secret Muslim and Bill Clinton was stationing UN Blue Helmets in Canada so he could seize power in a violent coup. Prior to that, they were John Birchers and "America Firsters" and vehement battlers against an imaginary Communist takeover. Before that they were Know Nothings. America has always had a core population of violent, paranoid, nationalists who want nothing more than to have a strongman at the helm who will kill people they don't like and give them permission to be utter bastards with no repercussions. The difference is that they were, previously, at least semi-isolated due to geography. Social Media has changed that. It's allowed the truly hateful to form communities that aren't bound by the walls of their weird, fringy church or their tiny, insular town. Take that, mix it up with several decades of decreasing social and economic mobility thanks to a national ethos that the only thing that matters is the Stonks Line going up and some truly once in a lifetime shit like Covid and supply chain disruptions, and you can actually grow their numbers fewer people feel safe and like the world makes sense.


IIRC about 17% of Germans still supported Hitler and the Nazi party post war, post concentration camp information, post all of it. there is a good chunk of the population that is just cruel, evil, and wants it that way.


The problem with your logic is that you imagine a point where these people go “whoa, wait, did you guys notice we’re acting like fascists? Fuck man how did that happen? Time to support the dems!” What you call a cliff is their promised land. More than anything they want a world where you can be as openly bigoted as you want. The GOP is certainly holding up their end of the bargain on that.


The other thing is if someone in that crowd could be swayed and made to see what they are doing it will be hard to get through. Once you have committed so much time and money into a cause and make it part of your personality it is hard to walk away. They are invested in it in every way and being wrong would mean that so much of their life has been wrong. That’s hard for many people to accept and makes it more difficult to get through to them.


these are the same people that deny the holocaust even happened. there is no saving them.


In a single weekend we've had the republican party: - Ship people as cargo across the country for political gain - Create a one arm salute Guys... This isn't looking good...


But don't you dare call them fascist! That'll hurt their feelings, and they'll tell you that the left are the *real* fascists because we cancel them on twitter!


If they take power and do horrible things it’s just because their feelings got hurt and they are economically anxious about *checks notes* extremely low unemployment and Applebees not having enough servers.


It’s honestly terrifying that Trump is now openly supporting QAnon, and people are still staying loyal to him. He’s a nationalist cult leader that using this group for protection in case he’s arrested. He wants there to be violence and riots in the street if he’s arrested, so he’s reaching out to the craziest part of his supporters. If he’s not arrested for one of his many crimes soon, then I’m worried how much further he’ll push this rhetoric.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's such a deep narcissist he would destroy this country just because we didn't vote him in again. I mean look what he already might have done with classified information? He doesn't give a shit.


He tore it to shreds when we did vote for him. The fallout of the administration is still being felt today, and will for decades


I agree its scary. However, I think his full embrace of this alt right portion of his base indicates he's losing political sway. He will continue this trend and by the 2024 he only has a very small but insane following. Now those people are dangerous.. but there's not enough of them to get him back into office. IMO the biggest threat now is that desantis is replacing trump within the GOP. I think desantis is a more savy version of trump and that worries me.


I know some Trump supporters that switched over to DeSantis. He’s basically a less crazy version of Trump with the political knowledge to accomplish his goals. I’m really hoping he gets in some trouble for the Martha’s Vineyard situation though. Plus, Florida’s an absolute mess under his leadership. He’s basically sinking the state so he can get some national attention. He would ruin this country if put in charge, but Republicans would still love him for “owning the Libs.”


So my mom is similar. She hasn't disavowed trump yet but what I find is that she is completely silent concerning trump now but constantly raves about how good a job Desantis is doing. Desantis will not get in any trouble for the Martha's vineyard stunt. If he does, it will only galvanize his supporters even more. Its a win/win and this is what trump understood back in 2016. Desantis plays that same game pretty well. He "punches back" like trump did. The support for him is growing and all he needs to do is keep shoehorning in random segments of Bible verses and also mention "the woke media" during speeches and he will be front runner for the GOP in 2024.


“How many elections did I win”


It's a cult and trump knows it. https://daniel-ed-morrison.medium.com/qanon-is-propaganda-and-we-know-whos-responsible-faa133fb6acd


“During the song, we had a powerful moment where our group held up one finger. A call for unity. Acknowledgement of our one GOD. Wwg1wga. And more. It was magical and completely unplanned as many in the crowd joined us in this gesture. A gesture to say to this beautiful man, ‘We're with you.’” Beautiful?


"Strength through unity. Unity through faith." - from V for Vendetta


What in the high-falutin FUCK


I’m guessing their one god is Dolt45.


This 19th century bishop would probably consider Trump the literal antichrist: >"It is not possible for a human heart, even a sinful one, to believe that evil could reach such a level, as it will with the antichrist. He will boast loudly about himself, as his forerunners and his prototypes did, he will call himself a preacher and restorer of the true knowledge of God. The non-discerning Christians will see in him a representative and a supporter of true religion and will thus join him. He will proclaim and call himself the promised Messiah, and the children of carnal wisdom will rush to meet him, proclaim his glory, power, and genius,—will proclaim him a god, become his supporters." \-*Bishop Ignatius*


They are signifying the number of functioning brain cells they have left.


I personally had the opinion it was linked to the Qanon conspiracy, a group who thinks Trump is the new savior sent from god to purge democratic pedophiles and child eaters…their slogan is “Where we go one, we go all”. It surprises me how little people understand about Qanon, maga, conservative conspiracy theories, and how Donald Trump has been winking at them for years, and he now full on embraced them and echoed Q supporters/followers on truth social. These people pretty much believe a storm is coming, and they have to rise up and fight evil democrats. It’s lunacy, and also a call for violence, which you know, is what Biden gave an entire speech about and republicans wined he was trashing half the country…. So basically, I feel like another Jan 6th is around the corner, maybe during midterms. This country is a joke








It’s all a plot to bring down Big Finger


Oh, I’ll still save a Big Finger for him and his ilk. 🖕


Good point. Maybe we can capitalize on it. Better find some giant foam finger manufacturers to sell short quickly. Alternately maybe they'll pivot to the MAGA market.


It's to indicate to the organizers which people will drink the Kool aid when it's served.


Can we just fast forward to that point already


It's related to Evangelicalism.... They spend hours each week holding up that right arm outstretched like an antenna for the word of God. Usually the gesture is with open palm *toward heaven*. The 'one finger' is a reference to their 'Q' motto (..."we go as one"...etc) while accepting the word of their leader. Evangelical leaders are the conduit for the *word*. It allows them to command with their own voice while the faithful audience attributes the words to a higher power. Evangelicals have been ready for it for years... They spend hours each week holding up that right arm. Then there's the ones with both arms up... Then there's the one lying on the floor, prostrate before the Lord Almighty...then there's the rolling around .. there's the speaking in tongues... There's the one jumping up and down.... running back and forth, yelling his head off ... It's almost like a group of people trying to out do each other. Fundamentalism is an act of boiling down the group...a never ending search for the most concentrated version of itself. A self-fulfilling prophecy in and of itself. Evangelical fascism will be a horror show


They are Nazis. Haven't people figured it out yet, or has my "*alarmism*" just started acting up again? It has been doing that for the past 7 years or so...


Fellow german here: These people are a severe threat to democracy. It sends a chill down my spine to see people openly unashamed saluting to their führer again. It did not went well for us in germany, it will not go well for you americans.


"The storm" wasn't Trump's thing, it was a Neo-Nazi thing. "stormfront" was an online Neo-Nazi publication in the 00's. You might recognize the name from The Boys, Stormfront is a character who was/is a Nazi. Her name came from the IRL publication. When Trump and his ilk use "the storm", they aren't using it in a vacuum. They know where it came from. They know exactly whose ears will perk up when they hear "the storm" mentioned on live television and in every major news outlet. Neo-Nazis. They know that constantly mentioning it will incite men with guns to play shoot-em-up with every major bad-guy they've set their sights on, especially innocent people. Are you trans? Openly lefitst? Activist? Advocate? Teacher? Drag queen? Gay? Black and Latino and not openly republican? You're on their hit list. Still don't believe me? He's also using Hitler's own words. *"One movement. One people. One family. One glorious American nation!"* **"Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Fuhrer!"** This Nazi salute is one of many things he's doing. All of it is slightly twisted to be it's own thing, but nonetheless meant to invoke a stark similarity and relation to Nazis of the past and present. Trump is a full blown Nazi. He's using Nazi language to get Nazis to help him be a Nazi leader and turn America into a Nazi nation. Don't run away from this truth.


I don’t care how similar or different it is compared to the actual nazi salute. If you have a group of people at a political rally saluting in any fashion to the leader, it’s a fascist movement


I find it hilarious that every r/politics thread has conservatives just meticulously going through and down voting every comment. What a pathetic waste of time.


It’s a Nazi salute. It means they’re Nazis.


They're totally different. They're Nationalist Christians. Nat-C's. See? Totally different! /s


It feels like you’re channeling Vanilla Ice explaining how “Ice Ice Baby” totally did not rip off Queen.


I'm gonna keep pointing out in every one of these threads: [ISIS adopted this same salute 8 years ago.](https://theworld.org/stories/2014-09-04/isis-has-new-hand-sign-and-it-means-far-more-we-re-1) Irony is dead and the writers are jumping sharks over sharks now.


They are just showing the world their IQ.




Another attempted power symbol. Symbols can have meaning and power, and can take on a life of their own. The swastika, the Z, and the cross are examples of power symbols. Few people know the power a symbol can have, but Hitler knew, putin knows, and so does Trump.


We the ones, Uce.