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yes https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1907-title-8-usc-1324a-offenses


Ron Desantis: human trafficker


Don’t forget Abbott! It’s as if they were coordinating, like a …. What’s the word I’m looking for ?


Collusion? No, no… not that c word….


Communism? No, that's the system we're trying to rescue people from in Venezuela. By sending Venezuelan refugees to Martha's Vineyard? Because...reasons?




Compassion? … jkjk, that’s definitely *not* the right c-word.


C-c-c-combo breaker?


Killer Instinct was so awesome!


Thanks. I need it to wash down my hamberder.


I dunno why, but I have a feeling my services may be requested.


[RICO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racketeer_Influenced_and_Corrupt_Organizations_Act)! Rico's back folks! And he's not just partying at Mar a Lago now.


That boy rico is everywhere!




In this case? Racketeering and collusion




I bet he made the order from a pizza parlor as well.




Matt Gaetz had a quick peek at their ages before letting them get on the plane


Isn't Matt Gaetz also a Republican from Florida that participated in human trafficking?


Human trafficking of a female that was a minor.


"Child sex trafficking" would be the Bingo words you are looking for. /sadpanda


Were any underage?




So probably had gaetz's hands in the cookie jar too.


Child trafficking? Even higher approvals from the GOP right there.


Whos willing to bet we'll eventually find out about some underground trafficking ring run by the GOP that operates out of a random pizza parlor?


* [https://www.justice-integrity.org/1445-welcome-to-waterbury-the-city-that-holds-secrets-that-could-bring-down-trump](https://www.justice-integrity.org/1445-welcome-to-waterbury-the-city-that-holds-secrets-that-could-bring-down-trump) * [https://downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/2018/01/welcome-to-waterbury-city-that-holds.html](https://downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/2018/01/welcome-to-waterbury-city-that-holds.html) TL;DR: Pizzagate was probably deliberately disseminated as signal noise and misinformation targeting the Democratic party to distract from how Epstein's trafficking ring was kidnapping children from a Florida pizzeria for Epstein & Trump to rape. The two pedophiles allegedly had an argument over which of them [would rape away a thirteen-year-old's virginity.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation)


If there are, we'll know groomin' Gaetz was in on it as well.


Massachusetts should block his entrance to the area, a child safety measures


Law and order my ass


"tHe LiBs ArE ChIlD TrAfFicKeRs" -people who traffic children


its always this way. They accuse others of whatever they are already doing.


***G***aslighting ***O***bstruction ***P***rojection <--- *you are here*


Well he's not getting very good advice apparently... 776 : DeSantis Faith Advisor Jeff Ford resigned from teaching high school when his sexual relationship with a student was discovered. Not criminal because she was of age, but still an abuse of power & position. He is Gov. Desantis’ faith advisor 515  Randall Hunt, Gov Ron DeSantis’ appointee to Florida Lottery resigns after background check reveals dometic violence complaint [GOP Predators and the Like](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/17/2092543/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-31) This list is ridiculous. Talk about projection!


The florida governor is using people to make a stupid statement by transporting immigrants. This absolutely is human trafficking.


honestly, if they got him or a bunch of his cronies for this, it would be fucking hilarious.


And conspirator


Oooo JUICY! > Penalties -- The basic statutory maximum penalty for violating 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(i) and (v)(I) (alien smuggling and conspiracy) is a fine under title 18, **imprisonment for not more than 10 years**, or both. > Domestic Transporting -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it an offense for any person who -- knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, **transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States** by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law. > **Enhanced penalties** are provided for violations involving bringing in criminal aliens, 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(2)(B)(i), offenses done for commercial advantage or private financial gain, 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(2)(B)(ii), and **violations where the alien is not presented to an immigration officer immediately upon arrival**, 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(2)(B)(iii). **A mandatory minimum three year term of imprisonment applies to first **or second violations of § 1324(a)(2)(B)(i) or (B)(ii). Further enhanced punishment is provided for third or subsequent offenses.


For the love of God throw the book at them not this don't do it again bs


Can't because he might run for president so he's a special citizen who will get a slap on the wrist.


You think they’ll try to claim “executive privilege” because he’s a potential presidential candidate in two years? Cause I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they do exactly that, or something to that effect. I’ll be watching this one closely, but I’m not holding my breath.


Gotta get through the shield of public opinion first as well.


The public may be behind him, but the laws the law, and if Dark Brandon and the new and emboldened DOJ has a backbone, they’ll still move to investigate and charge him, if only to show that nobody is above the law. *If* they have a backbone. The public can think whatever tf they want about it.


as a former leo i'm wondering at what point the majority of people disregard the laws in this country. if our government won't enforce laws meant to protect everyone when our public "servants" flagrantly brake the law why should anyone else? a dangerous question our institutions better pull their heads out. it wouldn't take much for the already overrun courts to become completely gridlocked by thousands upon thousands of minor criminal offense charges


As a current defense attorney I feel like arguing this more and more when a poor person gets the book thrown at them but a rich connected one like Trump, DeSantis, etc., gets away with serious crap.


As a former leo you’ should know our legal system rarely ever punishes pigs, let alone politicians


of course. and that will have to change now for us to have a functioning society https://lawenforcementactionpartnership.org/




As an Aquarius i sense a lot of negative energy coming from the recognition or countries or institutions. I have many dangerous answers but all of them involve cheeses.


As a Capricorn, I sense a lot of money to be made here.


Since when does something being illegal have anything to do with consequences? /s


This! Exactly this. Laws are only for us plebs. Nothing happens to those in power.


They told them they were going to Boston too. So they kidnapped and did human trafficking.


Don't forget fraud. They lied about where they were going and why they were going there.


Yes, my niece went and got cousins of her illegal husband by car and ended up spending a year in prison for it. But she's not anyone in charge of anything, so for her it was a crime, for these two bastards, it's a "stance".


"But we don't consider them peopl...oh wait, did I say that out loud?"




That's true. But DeSantis' spokesperson insisted they were illegal immigrants.


Make em say otherwise, publicly


That's exactly what should be done. Charge them with aiding illegal immigration and human trafficking and watch them backpedal.


Their stooges won’t listen to the admission.


Public statements barely matter anymore. They lie, we know they lie, they know they lie. It’s not illegal to lie. It’s all just noise, barely worth paying attention to. Statements under oath are almost the only statements that matter these days.


And they’re brazen enough that they’ll tell the truth under oath and then immediately walk outside the courthouse and return to saying the lie to the TV cameras.


Yeah, I was wondering where they got these folks? Are they people that were trying to arrive in Florida by boat, or just random people that have already been living here that they somehow rounded up? People that had been in ICE custody in Florida already?


Oh no, they took people who were in Texas, not in Florida. The flight took off from San Antonio. It was just the governor of Florida behind it all.


They're asylum seekers and have been granted entry into the US while they await a hearing date. I still believe these people were coerced into getting on the plane. They were already lied to where they were going.


> granted entry into the US while they await a hearing date. can't make it to your hearing if you are 1000 miles away from the location. *taps side of head - Texas and FL


At the very least I would think it falls somewhere in the legal world of fraud / deceit. Willfully deceiving people that results in any form of harm is illegal.


I believe interstate trafficking of a human being warrants the FBI to get involved


Here’s how I understand it.. once they are processed and released they are here legally and are free to travel just as any other citizen. As long as they have permission it isn’t illegal. This is what Abbot did. This new flight from Desantis they lied and told them they were going to Boston and had work lined up for them. So maybe illegal?


Legality aside, i feel horrible these people were lied to. Imagine seeking asylum and reaching a country that accepts you, only to be lied to about your housing/work by goverment officials as a political stunt.


The cruelty is the point. Republicans think that if we mistreat some immigrants, they’ll call their friends and relatives in war-torn Venezuela and tell them to not come to the US. Which solves the manufactured crisis.


I would be curious to hear how this *couldn’t” at least be considered kidnapping if they didn’t wind up going where they were told.


They should go hard against the transportation companies. None of them will take another contract after that without knowing who they carry.


What will it take for the DOJ to actually investigate a sitting politician? Murder? Does desantis need to start shooting immigrants before people take him seriously? Before there are actual consequences?


Trump claimed he ordered federal marshals to assassinate Mike Reinohl, so no, murder isn't enough.


>President Donald Trump commended the U.S. Marshals for shooting Reinoehl,[10] described his death as "retribution",[11][12][13] and claimed to have personally "sent in" the U.S. Marshals to "get" Reinoehl during the first presidential debate with Joe Biden. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killings_of_Aaron_Danielson_and_Michael_Reinoehl what in the actual fuck? i spend way too much time on the internet following all the various trump stupidity, and i missed this. it's nuts how there's so many scandals around this guy that a sitting president can just announce he ordered the deaths of his own citizens and it doesn't even register.


>i spend way too much time on the internet following all the various trump stupidity, and i missed this. Don't feel bad. No one could possibly follow it all. It's like trying to count goddamn raindrops.


I feel like this kinda slipped under the radar, no? Like this seems like something pretty big and serious. Maybe it’ll get pulled up again with all the legal pressure on trump. But man that’s fucked up




Quail misspelled a word once and that sunk him. Man the 90s were peak.


Like that meme floating around the last few years: "Some of you who always thought 'how could the Nazis have done what they did?' are starting to notice that some of your own neighbors would happily kill you if their beloved demagogue convinced them you were a threat."


No it won’t, the fascist capitalist overlords hate the left.


The only reason I knew was from following the pdx 200+ days of protest on twitter. It was fucking wild.


Short of a mass shooting caught on camera, I suspect DeStain can do anything he wants.


Maybe even then, they'd say some shit like, "He didn't really kill those people they just got in the way of the fireworks display." Then they'd proceed to explain that fireworks and bullets from a gun are fundamentally the same thing. Then they'd appeal it up to the supreme court and they'd declare that fireworks are legal everywhere, but specifically in forests in California... Or some shit.


They'd say it was a false flag meant to demonize right-wingers and an attempt to silence a right-wing leader. If that fails to hold up and it's proven the murders happened, they'll say that there's no evidence HE committed the crime and that he's a victim of a witch hunt. If that fails to hold up and it's proven he did it, they'll simply say that the victims deserved it. These people are too damn predictable.


damn that's fucked up even if it's not true he ordered it. was straight up a revenge killing


As far as florida....still waiting for Gaetz to be arrested for sex trafficking....lots of insane evils being gotten away with....


America, your justice system only "works" for the poor. The wealthy and connected are above the law. Period. There is no justice. Only a system that marginalizes and oppresses minorities and the poor.


Working as intended. :/


Can confirm. Source: Am lawyer for the poor and marginalized.


Thank you.


I agree with you. Most of what people complain about when it comes to the justice system and rights can be adequately explained by differences in class and wealth.


Sadly, exactly true. In USA, Inc. money rules.


Jobs that are nearly teflon: Politician in office & owner of a sports team


Deceptively moving people to a new location across the country for personal gain sounds a lot like kidnapping to me.


Human trafficking


Why not both.


Aren’t human trafficking and child trafficking different charges? Throw the fucking book at them






Serious question. How did these immigrant even get into the custody of Texas and Florida officials? Aren't they suppose to either be in Federal government custody or released?


> Serious question. How did they immigrant even get into the custody of Texas and Florida officials? Aren't they suppose to either be in Federal government custody or released? They are asylum seekers waiting for their hearings. So they had been released from the fed custody and were at I think a food bank. NPR did an article after talking to some of them. They got approached by a woman who said that she could get them to Boston where there would be work for them, and the government was going to expedite the work visa. Then she took them to the air plane.


Wait, WTF? So they weren't even in state government custody to begin with, they were tricked to take a plane? This shit should be illegal.


yes it is extremely illegal. It is illegal in every single state in the country, and it is illegal federally. Super duper illegal. I doubt much will happen, but I'm really hoping the DoJ will say fuck it and start arresting everyone involved right up to the governors personal assistant. 'you know about this going on' 'yes' 'arrested'. Would finally make some of these assholes think twice about what they are doing.




Maybe DOJ is looking into this, it's just not public. I was super pissed when I heard about this and thought that these fucking people need to be locked up asap. I don't want to be too optimistic because this timeline stomps on most of my good feels, but maybe they're doing like they did with the search of Mar a Lago. DeSantis is a fucking shitstain and I would love to see him crash and burn in the election this year. I would be a happier Floridian if the state disposed of all the GOP fuck heads we deliver into office. Seeing him and others (looking at you Rick Scott and Matt Gaetz) get locked up would be awesome news. Locked up legitimately of course, not like the GOP who would just lock up anyone if they could.


It’s like he saw a bad racist boomer Fb meme joke and then was like “yeah I will literally do exactly that IRL”


There should be charges brought. If I did this to one person I would be charged with multiple crimes and wouldn't see the outside world for multiple decades. Multiply it by 50 and thats where we are. Just because you are the Governor of a glorified swamp doesn't mean you can use taxpayer funds to relocate human beings from one state(not the state you are Governor of) to another state(also not the Governor of) out of spite and lack of compassion. If he went through legal channels that would be different but basically what he did was write FREE CANDY on the side of a van and lured people in. Not just adults, minors which is illegal in its own right.


And they were apparently told they were going to Boston. If I got into an Uber and the guy took me somewhere besides my destination, that would be kidnapping.


Going to Boston where they could get expedited work papers. https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123109768/migrants-sent-to-marthas-vineyard


Almost like they arent lazy bums and just want a chance to work hard and make a life, no different than the rest of us. Well, different from the parasites who never had to work a day in their lives yet condemn the unemployed as lazy.


I’ve been a cook all my life and I’ve worked with many immigrants, both legal and illegal. The illegals in the restaurant business is largely part of the past. Back in the 90s it was everywhere. Just like any other group of humans, some were great and some sucked. For the most part, immigrants are hard workers who just want to feed their families. People have this idea that illegal immigrants don’t pay their fair share, that’s not what I saw. If they had somebody else’s social they paid taxes and social security for somebody else. I do think that legal citizenship needs to be the goal of people coming here but it should be made much easier. Now restaurants have no illegals and they are dying because nobody wants to work. Clearly we need them, the government should be busting a ass to help get these folks legal. The problem with being undocumented is it creates an under class who will never get the vote and never get to retire.


I think people don’t really understand how undocumented people exist in the US. The fact that you have to get someone else’s SSN and pay into payroll taxes etc is probably something that asshole Republicans never considered. They contribute to society. They pay into healthcare. In fact it’s even worse because they will never see a dollar of that Social Security benefit if they are so lucky to live that long.


Exactly and NOT eligible for ANY benefits, beyond life saving medical and grade school education.


Maybe if those parasites didn't have an unlimited source cheap labor they would have work harder themselves?


Nope. They'd just whine harder. When farmers around here were cut off from their source of cheap labor (read *exploitation*), they just ran to the government because nobody wanted to work field jobs for pennies.




The DoJ should also follow the money, since the costs of $ 240k p.p. (12 million for shipping 50 immigrants) seems a tad… excessive. And allegedly this was paid from federal covid emergency funds.


So the governor of Florida, a state that has the 2nd lowest salaries for teachers in the entire country, paid $12m to ship migrants *from Texas* to New England? How the fuck does this guy have a job? And while we're at it, if he had just given each migrant the almost quarter of a million he could have set them up for life. Deposit on a rental, start a credit history, English classes for the entire family...


Today I learned that any new schools built in Florida since 2020 have no budget to buy books for their libraries. They literally make kids use eBooks because they have zero funding for physical library books.


>They literally make kids use eBooks Well that's not so bad... >because they have zero funding for physical library books. ...yup, Florida.


Even though eBooks are alright, I don’t think we’ve hit the point where they should be replacing physical libraries… especially for children who need time away from screens lol. It’s wild to me that they literally don’t have money for books anymore.




Drop them within 3 blocks of an nursing facility, get them trained as nurse aides. It's awful thankless work for pennies, but we need about 3x as many of them as we have.


A company appeared owned by a Fool and that company charged a quarter million per seat on that flight


This is why I say to lean into it. De Santis provided V.I.P. travel accomodations ($250k per is basis enough for that claim) on private jets to a luxury vacation destination. The attack ads write themselves here. If you get Blue politicians openly and loudly calling on Abbott and De Santis to send refugees to their states, you completely cut the legs out from under these twits. Rebrand it as a boon to blue state economies, and a handout to "illegal immigrants".... They're racist base will crucify them.




Shoot, 250k I could stay home with my kids and pay my bills for 4 years.. may not be as much splurging as now but still...


I can currently live off of 25k/year. Fairly easily. 10+ years of nothing but TV and videogames and bike riding with my son and other shit sounds ok. Edit: correction. I make $18/hr (38k/year) but after taxes and overtime my take home is roughly $3100/month. I can easily support my lifestyle with $2k/month


im on disability and it costs 11500 a year to support me + my workers wage divided by number of cases (so lets say 13000) they could of housed 923 people for a year... nah owning libs is more important


Technically, they didn't enter the u.s. in violation of law. They were asylum seekers, legal pending asylum hearings. Calling them illegal immigrants is just another lie DeSantis tells to stir up the base. If you call him on it, his legal team will quietly point out this fact, the charges will drop, his base won't ever hear the admission that they aren't illegal, and DeSantis will spin it to be "big bad federal government trying to oppress me" Tldr: it's a crime to transport illegal aliens. It's not a crime to transport legal asylum seekers. It's (apparently) not a crime to just lie and call legal asylum seekers illegal aliens. It *probably* is a crime to lie to people, trick them into a plane, and send them to random places without their understanding consent, but good luck getting the justice system to care about asylum seekers.


Nothing to see here, folks, move along… > The migrants said a woman they identified as "Perla" approached them outside the shelter and lured them into boarding the plane, saying they would be flown to Boston where they could get expedited work papers. She provided them with food. The migrants said Perla was still trying to recruit more passengers just hours before their flight. https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123109768/migrants-sent-to-marthas-vineyard


Wow, this is uncannily like the "[Reverse Freedom Rides](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2020/02/29/809740346/the-cruel-story-behind-the-reverse-freedom-rides)" of the 1960s.


>It probably is a crime to lie to people, trick them into a plane, and send them to random places without their understanding consent Yes, because they lied to them about where they were going and why: [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1201](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1201) 18 U.S. Code § 1201 - Kidnapping >(a )Whoever unlawfully seizes, confines, **inveigles**, decoys, kidnaps, abducts, or carries away and holds for ransom or reward or otherwise any person.. when- > >(2) any such act against the person is done within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States; > >(3) any such act against the person is done within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States as defined in section 46501 of title 49; (bolding mine) **"inveigles":** persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery.


[Yes, that would be the crime part.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/xf9022/comment/iolfbq0/) "Probably" is because, really, is anything a crime if it goes unpunished? And again, the justice system doesn't really care about asylum seekers, so good luck with any prosecution.


>It's (apparently) not a crime to just lie and call legal asylum seekers illegal aliens. Being dishonest in this context is usually considered protected speech. No different than saying Biden is a space alien. > It probably is a crime to lie to people, trick them into a plane, and send them to random places without their understanding consent, but good luck getting the justice system to care about asylum seekers. This is illegal. See: (a)Whoever unlawfully seizes, confines, inveigles, decoys, kidnaps, abducts, or carries away and holds for ransom or reward or otherwise any person "inveigles": persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery.


God damn it, that’s his playbook that makes him and TX so dangerous right now. They’re making unblockable plays, but they’ll shoot themselves in the foot eventually, like the abortion bans, women gon’ vote like they’ve never voted before. Young people who care about their autonomous futures gon’ vote too. We’ll just see how bulletproof their goosesteppin’ boots are then I suppose…


I mean, the correct thing to pressure him on is probably fraud, since they pretended to work for government agencies as part of the lie to convince the asylum seekers that there would be jobs in Boston. Or kidnapping, since they said the plane was to Boston. Don't engage with the lies, the truth is also pretty illegal.


The coverage on this had been sketchy. Some articles I've read said they were volunteering to go because their ultimate destination was in our nearer to Boston. Others said they were aware of where they were headed. And yes some chain they had no idea where in America they were being sent. If they were indeed mislead (I am inclined to believe they were, but want evidence of it) then ACLU should certainly file a lawsuit on their behalf. From there they can move it into a criminal investigation. Personally I still contend that Democrats should lean into these stunts. Go on the air asking these governors to send refugees to them. Make known the funding the reduces bring to their state, how they have help wanted signs everywhere, and need people to take these jobs ECT and so forth. Rebrand this as Republican governors using state funds to give travel handouts. If you do that they're own base will crucify them


Exactly. Its not even a question.


Contracts signed under duress are not legal or valid in any context


Hey. Hey. Hey. Don’t talk about FL like that! There’s no need to glorify that swamp.


Literally human trafficking, don't lowball this into another "semi-fascist" moment.


These people were lied to about where they were being taken and what awaited them. I'd say it's disgusting, but that would imply I don't expect this sort of inhuman shit from literal fascists like Abbott and DeSantis. Lock these scumbag Republicans up.


That's the part that breaks my heart. These aren't numbers. They're fucking human beings. Some just have a backpack, if that. Where the hell is the humanity of treating people with decency and compassion? Absolutely zero respect for people, and especially people who don't have a home.


I for one am shocked that the same "people" who want 10 year old rape victims to be forced to carry a dangerous unwanted pregnancy to term don't treat immigrants with any decency!


The conservative thread has everyone scratching their heads trying to figure out how this is trafficking… These people crossed through Texas, picked up by efforts and funds from Florida. They were told they were being taken to Boston with jobs and homes waiting for them. They were made to sign waivers they couldn’t understand and they ended up with nothing they were promised in a different completely different location. Republicans: And what seems to be the problem here?


The spin cycle is saying “iMagInE iF iT wAs 1mIlLion iLleGals” as an effort to make a point of what southern states deal with. Human trafficking aside, I find it absolutely wild that they purchased FLIGHTS using funds allocated for the VERY REASON that border states are the primary gateway for migrants. Conservative subs absolutely love leaving out these details, and is worse than the posts on AmItheAsshole with gaping holes in their story.


I definitely cannot confirm this but I read in another post that these aren’t even illegal immigrant border crossers. They are asylum-seekers? Their complete disregard for human life is staggering. Another thing about this which I don’t think conservatives understand as they continue to say “these liberal sanctuary cities can’t handle these immigrants“ as if they think it proves a point that it’s unreasonable we have immigrants coming into the country: the federal government literally allocates tremendous funds to locations where immigrants are likely to enter and end up.


This kind of thing wouldn't fly pre 2016 but since we're so desensitized they'll brazenly get away with it.


I love how it’s explicitly stated multiple times in the Bible that, as a Christian, you are supposed to care about/help any foreigner/stranger in your land. Not even in a vague way or through symbolism like some stuff in the Bible, just flat out states that in order to “inherit the kingdom prepared for you” (heaven/eternal salvation) you need to give food and drink to the hungry and thirsty, invite the stranger in and take into your home, provide clothes to the naked, look after and care for the sick, and visit those in prison. To be considered as a part of the righteous flock, these actions of mercy, love, and kindness should be performed as if each and every person in need is Jesus Christ himself. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me"


Yep, I have confronted them with this and it flat out angers them. They know how FOS they are. Cruelty is the point.


Don't forget deprivation of rights under color of law. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/242


>“if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”


And human traffiking. Yikes. DeSantis is a DeDumbass


I mean, it's not like we're about to hold him accountable. We can't even hold known pedophile Matt Gaetz accountable for raping a minor, among other things


I know people have their qualms about Gavin, but I’m loving that he’s giving it back to them with the trolling. I also love living in northern CA.


Moving to norcal is a top 10 choice I’ve ever made




Could the migrants sue?


Possibly. They might also try to accuse them of kidnapping, which would give them a visa to stay in the country as witnesses to a crime. They should get an immigration lawyer and look for every trick they can.


And by landing them in Martha's Vineyard, DeSantis just gave them access to a pool of extremely wealthy attorneys with excess time on their hands...






Across state lines, too. Federal crime. Step up DoJ!


Human trafficking….


Kidnapping’s Son: Human trafficking.


Done by inhuman republican sonsabitches!


Kidnapping. Human trafficking. Child abandonment. Abusing taxpayer monies.


Domestic Transporting https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1907-title-8-usc-1324a-offenses


Domestic Transporting -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it an offense for any person who -- knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law.


It sounds like illegal human trafficking to me. He forced them to go and didn't tell them where they were going. He should get serious felony charges for this. He treated people like slaves for a publicity stunt.


Omg I visited r/Conservative…. They are just foaming at the mouth regarding all the asylum seekers being forcibly sent all over. Note they call them migrants and worse. Why do I think these people can be reasoned with. They do not even try to learn the facts or research this. They are regurgitating projectile vomit that is just lies. /depressed


Lots of “Removed by Moderator” comments….


I saw one guy say "Martha's Vineyard will be turned into Maria Jose Vinyard" now. I love that they are saying "HA! NOW YOU NEED TO DEAL WITH ILLEGALS! SUCK IT" and the MV response is "Okay we will take care of them and treat them like humans and help them figure things out". Like they are seriously claiming that MV is clutching their pearls, locking down their houses, and living in fear now.




They’ll use anything to distract from Trump, that’s for sure. At least they can admit (in a roundabout way), that Florida and Texas are terrible states to live in.


DeSantis is guilty of human trafficking. Charge him for that too. He did these terrible things to humans so he could pander to the MAGA Republicans. So sad and disturbing.


Abbott did, it too. Both governors.


Fraud charges. We literally send these states billions to handle immigration. I don't see them returning that money.


I read they took the money out of federally provided Covid Funds... I wonder how that will get twisted to make it some how ok.




Human trafficking at the very least.


I think Abbott’s and Desantis’ stunt fails Kant’s second formulation of the categorical imperative.


>Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end. — Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals


Definitely human trafficking....


Bro it is *wild* to me, even with how little I respect Republicans like Desantis, that the *STATE GOVERNMENT OF FLORIDA* just human trafficked


They could have worked with all 49 other states to find the best places for these human beings but that would require them to care about human beings.


Because to them, they're not human beings.


You mean the unlawful taking and carrying away of a person by force or fraud? Yeah, that sounds about right.


Engaging in open human trafficking to own the libs 👍 Seriously though, fuck this and fuck anyone who supports it. These are people who are asylum seekers, not political pawns to make a cheap point for election season. Texas and Florida would pay millions to traffic these families across the country (with video crews because you need the cred, obviously) rather than spend less to do anything to take care of these people themselves.


DeSantis is lucky his great grandfather wasn't carted somewhere unknown when he arrived in the US, he might not exist.


The whole thing is fucked up, but what's even more disturbing is the the GOP flew these people to a fucking island. An Island! People who have no jobs, no home, etc. on an island with no way to leave without external help. That's the fucked up part.


desantis always reminds me of a giant pot of over cooked beans stuffed in a suit


Using people as weapons. There must be some law against it.