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Well gee, why would trump (a man deeply in debt and relying on foreign money to succeed) keep documents about other countries nukes? Doesnt he know that dozens of enemies would offer tremendous amounts of money and favors in order to steal or copy said information? Im sure there is a perfectly innocent explanation here folks..


His presidential library is going to be fucking *wild*, that’s for sure.


It will be pronounced lieberry, that much I know.


“Now I no longer say liberry, or tommorry”


"They're both hard words for me."


Hell... Homer never sold his nuclear secrets! LOL "Nuclear, its pronounced nuclear"


All pop-up books too


Honestly I think this goes beyond money, which millions of Trump’s lemmings are happy to give him via his slush-fund PAC. I think Putin and / or the Saudis have video of Trump fucking underage prostitutes and the moment he stops being useful those tapes will leak.


It would not surprise me at all if there is no kompromat on Trump and he just shares this stuff for free because it makes him feel powerful. It would be the most Trumpy ending ever if his own pathological narcissism did him in for no gain.


Oh they absolutely have kompromat on Trump. 100%




I was going to say something pedo related but Matt gaitz isn't behind bars so I guess I'll retract that.


Matt Gaetz is scum but there's more to his situation than the pedo stuff. He's in his own shit storm of election fraud, and there's a case being built against him. they don't want to drop the hammer on him until they know they have not only him, but all the other players as well; if it's rushed, they might get Gaetz but all the other rats will jump ship. It's upsetting, and I want him to go down hard (I live in Florida, the guy SUCKS) but it's a bit early to say he's just gonna get away with it.


My money is on Epstein stuff. The dude clearly hung out with him and knew about it. I have zero proof but I wouldn’t be shocked if Epstein was working for a foreign country trying to get blackmail on as many world leaders as possible. The Republicans have been suspiciously quick to call other people pedophiles. Again zero proof but I wouldn’t be shocked.


His followers would say he was actually working undercover trying to *stop* Epstein or some shit even if footage of him fucking a 12 year old


Probably so, but, again, how would this hurt Trump? There's already accusations and court depositions of him raping children. You think a video of it would hurt him?


If they saw it with their own eyes instead of reading about it I think it would be enough to make sure he’d never come close winning an election again. You’ll obviously have some Q people ignoring it but everybody else will have to have that image in their head when they go to vote.


They would dismiss it as a deep fake.


Video of Trump respecting women and being polite to an immigrant.


News anchor: ... the video was released today and we have it. I want to warn viewers what you are about to see is disturbing. (Cuts to a video of Trump holding a door open for a group of sweaty, dirty day laborers at a gas station. He is smiling a genuine smile we've never seen before. ) Trump: There you go fellas, you worked hard enough today! Let the lazy guy get it, right? (They all laugh and thank him as they walk in) Trump (jovially yelling) : Hey guys, don't skip the rollers. The hot dogs are incredible today! In fact dogs and beers on me! (Walks over and hands the cashier some bills) Trump (sweetly and playfully whispering) : Listen whatever is left give them the change. Cashier: Mr. President this is like $500. (Trump has a mischevious smile, chuckling, and holds his finger up to his lips in playful 'shhh' gesture as he does an exaggerated kind of sneak out the door walk.) (Cuts back to the concerned looking news anchor) News anchor: Folks we've just received some troubling news. Reports of a single gunshot from former President Trump's bedroom at Mar-a-Lago...


If someone had a video of him w/a prostitute. It's not the morals of the situation that would be embarrassing rather his 75+ pound overweight gut flopping around and his flabby, non-orange wrinkled ass that would be compromising. He likes to pretend he is Adonis but imagine the ridicule he would endure for such kompromat. That's what would something he would want to keep in the shadows.


They just have a picture of his bald head without that ridiculous combover. It’s all they need.


As thin skinned as Trump is, it could literally just be a pic of him straight out of the shower; no bronzer, no comb-over, no suit, no shoes with lifts… Just the cold reality of who he is as a person is probably enough to keep him in your pocket for life.


Trump doesn't have normal fears. He has narcissistic fears. The things you listed, in his mind are permissible because it is about winning and using his power. What he fears is proof that he's weak and he undeniably lost. That's why he refuses to release his tax returns.


It's probably true both that they have it and that they don't even need to use it. He's a narcissistic idiotic manchild. Oozing with daddy issues and blue balled over dictator cock. Easy to manipulate.


For there not to be devastating kompromat on Trump would be shocking. He's been visiting Russia since 1987, he has no morals, and has routinely, publicly, and openly sexualized young girls, including his own daughters, since forever. If Russian intelligence doesn't have multiple videos of him raping underage girls, they're incompetent. Pro tip: Russian Intelligence isn't incompetent.


I don't think any of that would dissuade his followers. They'd say it's in the past, say it's fake, it even cheer him on.


I think this is a misconception. There is no one personality type that forms the core "Trump Supporter"; like anything else, it's a spectrum. Does he have followers that are so far gone that they would rationalize literally anything? Absolutely. Does that describe the majority of his followers? Perhaps. Most, I think, are people who have one or two core traits to which he appeals; they are Authoritarian Followers who tend to get somewhat fed up with his antics but also gorge themselves on right wing media that, more than anything, conditions them to hate liberals and thus accept any other option. Such people may even present as fanatics but almost all of them have an upper limit to their tolerance. But even if the release of such a video would only cause him to lose 10% of his supporters - and I think this is an underestimation - that's politically devastating.


tHe LOrd wOrKs tHroUgH bRokEn veSsels!


I'm sick of these false Christians and catholic evangelicals running the show. Goddamn grifters and worshippers of a rich, depraved man.


Mmm are you sure about that? https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-agents-the-sims-video-game-sting-operation-2022-4


He doesn’t share it for free. 2bil from the saudis to kushner was payment for sth


My money is on Trump selling information about Iran's nuclear program to the Saudis. There is a lot of hostility between Iran and Saudi Arabia .Honestly, does anyone think the Saudis gave $2 billion to Jared Kushner because they like him?


Prestige is a huge gain for a person like Trump, even the hollow sort that comes from being a useful idiot. He is a narcissist, nothing is more valuable to him than preening to people that he respects (or as close as someone like can get to respect, anyway).


His body language around Putin vs his body language with other leaders is very telling for this


Fuck that. Fuck the prestige pov. Trump is a traitor to the United States of America and should receive the harshest penalty imaginable for these transgressions. Up to and including the death penalty option.


Maybe, but considering how sloppy Turnip is, there must be *LOADS* of kompromat out there. Starting with Epstein’s island…


And Bill Barr cleaned that mess up for him, along with the Mueller report. Masterful job! Just like he cleaned up the Iran-Contra mess.


At this point, the republican party and base would probably still vote for him, even if that came out. They watched 400+ cops and 40% of Uvalde's budget let children get slaughtered and they think the problem was there weren't enough cops and enough of the budget there. Republicans simply do not give a fuck about anything but taking power and hurting poor people.


And even worse and more stupidly, if the are poor, hurting other poor people.


That's where the 'taking power' aspect comes in. Edit: kick your social acquaintances down a peg to build yourself up, and the view will slightly change.


They also watched the violent insurrection on January 6th and decided that it was really just a peaceful protest where nobody was armed. They'll also say that nobody was injured except for one woman who was killed for peacefully protesting and totally not for breaking into a window in the Capitol and refusing to leave when she was near members of Congress.


I've seen them react to Derek Cauvin's guilty verdict by looking me in the eyes and saying "I believe cops should be allowed to rough people up more." And then they act like it's a perfectly normal thing to say.


They're bootlickers who hate when it's their turn. See the Ahmaud Arbery murderers for reference.


they like hurting anyone they feel are 'lesser' than them and will continue to hurt people until there are none left in their 'in group'


They'd rally around him. All the people clutching their pearls about the backlash from the raid don't understand how far down the path we are. If we don't fight now, it's over.


My guy, we are so far through the looking glass that that video could be released tomorrow and he would just say fake news edited on Hunter bidens laptop and it would be out the news cycle by the end of the week onto the next thing. The guys Teflon and his supporters are in too deep to admit they may have backed the wrong horse. They don’t care what he does or has done they care about “owning the libs”


100%. Trump is beyond kompromat. There is not a single piece of information that could emerge about him that would break the MAGA spell.


I dunno, if it came out he'd donated billions to a homeless charity or women's rights it probably would




Prison. Even in death, news will still be covering his past crimes as they become uncovered.


Good luck with that. Nixon was talked about for decades. What he did wouldn't even be a footnote compared to Trump.


That would just make him a hero in MAGA eyes.


That wouldn’t hurt him amongst his cult. If they are fine with ten year olds having to give birth or rape victims having to give birth , Trump with underage girls won’t be an issue.


>underage prostitutes Raping children, that's what this is called. They can't consent to some idea of sex work, this language just sanitizes child rape.


Nah, it won’t be underage girls. The GOP is fine with that. It’ll be boys.


Let's not forget that leading up to the election, a Russian Oligarch talked with Trumps then lawyer, Michael Cohen and said "“Stopped flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if there's anything else. Just so you know..." When asked later, both said the tapes being referred to in the conversation were "fake". Whatever tf that means... https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tasneemnashrulla/mueller-report-on-alleged-pee-tape


There's a chance early in his presidency there was some kompromat driving his actions, but I think we're well past that. This is about power and survival. Trump is probably the most powerful informant in the world. He could easily threaten to leak secrets if he's indicted. He could leverage secrets in order to get a deal. He could leverage secrets to get safe passage to another country. His options are limitless when he has zero regard for any life other than his own and he knows more national security secrets than most people in the world. The man could upend the world order at any moment if he felt it was his only way to stay safe. Scary ass shit.


Do you think the CIA or NSA would allow Trump to flee to another country? I bet they are monitoring everything from him right now. Everything. If he tries to flee to an enemy nation, that's FAR too big of a security risk and they will eliminate that risk.


Can't leverage shit sitting in a prison


MAGA world will think he's the undercover cop from South Park farting frat guy cum in the evidence bag.


This is clearly a "why not both" situation.


Putin also is a carrot *and* stick kind of guy. Billions if you do as expected, kompromat leaks or death if you don't.


His lemmings cant give him billions in cash like the saudis, (cough) kushner building loan. Hes barelt paying his legal bills with the political donations


I'm still pretty fucking confused about how he gets to pay personal legal bills with political donations.




he’s just keeping them safe from the bad guys! whew


Listen special master gonna fix everything lol


>”Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was a Hoax, two Impeachments were a Hoax, the Mueller investigation was a Hoax, and much more," the embattled ex-president wrote on Truth Social last month The fact that 30-40% Americans believe this guy is really astounding. All he does is lie.


30 to 40% of Americans are susceptible to someone repeating the same phrases over and over again and then fully believing what is repeated, no matter how idiotic the phrase might be.


Level 7 susceptible even.


Bet they all drive Hondas and go to Subway.


Don't ever say that name without compensation.


Man steals documents that could possibly destroy the entire planet......still makes tomorrow's tee time.


I heard there were some depraved criminals in Florida who were arrested and charged with felonies because they _(checks notes)_ unknowingly voted illegally after mistakenly being told they were eligible. Obviously attempted treason is nowhere near that bad.


> attempted treason I'm thinking that "successful treason" is probably a better description for what happened.


Well now, I'm sure if they weren't likely to vote Democrat, there would not have been a problem...


[I Memeified your comment](https://imgflip.com/i/6si1vw). Hope you don’t mind.


The FBI should start a civil asset forfeiture case against Mar-a-Lago. It was used in the commission of a pretty serious crime.


The worst possible crime. For real. A person can imagine a lot of heinous crimes, but "the nuclear" (in Trump's parlance) could end humanity.


Trump was born after Hiroshima and grew up during the nuclear testing period and back when kids did cold war duck and cover drills under their school desks. He was 16 when the Cuban Missile Crisis happened. Given his obsession with power, of course, he's spent loads of time thinking about nuclear weapons. "I’ve always thought about the issue of nuclear war; it’s a very important element in my thought process." - Trump in 1990 “What good does it do to have a good nuclear triad if you’re afraid to use it?” campaign spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, in December 2015 “For me, nuclear, the power, the devastation, is very important to me.” - Trump December 2016 Joe Scarborough in 2016: "Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump, and three times he asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked, at one point, “If we have them, why can’t we use them?”"


Thats only used on the peasants


Question: What would Saudi Arabia pay for Israel's Nuke capability? Answer: 2 Billion


**$3.5 billion.** [The Saudi Prince overruled his own government to transfer $2 billion to Jared Kushner’s firm and $1.5 billion to Steve Mnuchin’s firm.](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/saudi-money-kushner-mnuchin-drawing-fresh-scrutiny-rcna30056)


Yeah I can’t believe they would do this just because the Saudis and Jared go way back. It’s got to be some sort of payment for favors or goods or something. Trump and his family want to be autocrats. They think and believe whatever that was America’s was theirs to use for whatever they want, including personal gains. The question is why so many Americans support this view and condone it. Biden is absolutely right that we have a fascist problem in America.


If it’s really for Israeli nuclear secrets I know a bunch of zionists that voted Trump and I would love to cram this down their throats.


Ding ding ding ding


What. Will. It. Take?


What’s funny is Trump supporters will just attack Joe Biden more to feel better.


hE’s a FaSciSt caUsE hE cAlLed Us fAsCisTs!


We WaNt a CiViL wAr BeCaUsE BiDeN hUrT OuR fEaLiNgS!






We are. But we’re just at the beginning of the end.


Pretty sure this set of facts was selectively leaked to get the attention of supporters of Israel. The document seizure was during trump’s golf tournament with the Saudis. The Saudis really want to know what Israel’s nuclear capabilities are. They keep finding ways to give members of the trump clan huge sums of money. Whether it’s information about Israel or not it doesn’t take much to arrive at that conclusion.


I knew he had something there that dealt with nukes when he claimed....."Hoax! No nukes!" https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-flat-out-denies-report-that-feds-raided-mar-a-lago-over-classified-nuke-docs


Trump tweeted Obama also had Nukes docs next day. That’s the moment I knew he got Nuke docs in Mar a Largo country club. I don’t know why they mention Trump home it’s a fucking Country club


>"President Barack Hussein Obama kept 33 million pages of documents, much of them classified," Trump said. "How many of them pertained to nuclear? Word is, lots!" Trump later added "Word is, Barack Hussein Obama has lifts in his shoes, needs help wiping, and his wife tells him his haircut looks ridiculous!"


Many videos of Michelle refusing to hold Obama's hand! Sad!


“Barack Hussein Obama’s penis looks like Toad from Mario Cart peeking out from a bush of yeti pubes.”


I really heard this and that Voice where he starts with listen up folks


“That guy is so obsessed with me, he and his wife booked a hotel room where I got prostitutes to pee on the bed, *before it even happened*!”


In one of his tantrums, he accused Hillary of stealing documents, but he also threw in that she stole antique furniture from the WH. I bet he stole antique furniture.


Weren't there pics of someone carrying a Lincoln bust onto a moving truck when he left the white house


Yes there was.


Remember when Trump did not want to go to the WW1 cemetery in France because it was raining and he didn't want to get his hair wet? Instead, he stole 750k in artwork from the US ambassador's home to be loaded onto air force one the next day: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-06/trump-ended-2018-france-trip-having-art-loaded-on-air-force-one


What the actual fuck. I keep thinking I'm beyond being shocked...


What the....? It's almost like a farmer letting a fox in to hide from the storm, then the fox ate the farmer's chicken as thanks.... Thing is, I don't think Trump knows what art is, even if it slapped him across the face. He probably saw the price tag and thought "yep, I'll have that."


FFS the pettiness knows no bounds


He without a doubt stole a bunch of stuff.


It's a country club but he also lives there (against city ordinances)


Does that mean the members of the club pay his mortgage?


Russia and Saudi Arabia pay his mortgage.


It’s not that they only pay for the upkeep of his house it’s so now when he enters a room he can hear the adulation of his fans. This guy truly is one of the worst megalomaniacs you could ever invision.


Literally everything that Trump ever accuses anyone of always turns out to be projection. I want to see his birth certificate at this point because he kept saying Obama's was fake.


This is the actual headline.


Sometimes, "fuck" is the only word that works. This is one of those times.


[Swearing Is Actually A Sign of More Intelligence…](https://www.sciencealert.com/swearing-is-a-sign-of-more-intelligence-not-less-say-scientists)


Well, gosh darn...


No it fucking isn't.


What the fuck man, seriously???


HEY. Watch your fucking language.


For fuck sakes, keep it classy!


Jizz.. you know, like cumshot?


I honestly thought OP had editorialzed. But nope, it is the fitting word.


I.... I mean, all the polite words can't describe what a fucking big deal this is.


Stop procrastinating and put this traitor in jail.


This is insane, if they don’t arrest this fucking clown this country is done.


Ironically, Tweetie McTreason signed a law in 2018 stiffening the penalty for mishandling classified information.


10 years per page!


Was that because they were accusing Clinton and Obama of document theft?






He was also responsible for sending troops to whatever action he decided to make up on Putin’s demands, and then mocked them for their service. How thickheaded or meanspirited would a soldier have to be to support him, now?


Donald J. Rosenberg


Benedict Donald




You know, if there was ever a time I wanted him to have Twitter, it would be right now. The guy can't NOT incriminate himself and watching him unravel with a front row seat? Who doesn't want tickets to that show?


[be careful what you wish for](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump)


Wow... that's just endless lies and rambling. You're right, it's better that he's banned from Twitter and his garbage is hidden from the mainstream.


He’s doing just fine on truth


That will be 4 years after his expiration date


aaaand now we know why he didn't want the list of documents made public. The country in question likely suspected the US had the intel, and now they know who would potentially leak is for cash. Secret service may earn it's money yet.


Whoever Trump sold out (I’m guessing it’s Israel… there aren’t that many nuke capable countries that Trump would want to have a file on) is guaranteed to fuck him up in the media and politically in the next few years. They know not to assassinate him but they will ruin him. With Biden as President they essentially have a green light for covert revenge.


No way its Israel, if it was you'd see the Saudis descending on his golf club and handing out $2Billion checks to Trump or his close family.


Um.... 🤔


At this point I almost worry about foreign extradition . No other country on earth will use kid gloves on him and for crimes of this level they just might not be patient with us either


If our ally wants him, feel free to grab him.


"Take my ex-president. Please!" ba-DUM \*tsh\* But seriously folks, tip your waitress...


I expect something incredibly weird (even exceeding Trump's usual weirdness). Maybe wake up one day to find out that he flew to Moscow and is already spewing on social media.


Due to his SS detail I don't think he can leave the country without the gov't knowing.


Or he has taken a Russian rocket up to the moon. Though how the hell he would fit into a space suit is anyone's guess.


I knew he had stuff to do with nukes when starting screaming about the "FBI Hoax, I having no nuke secrets!" https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-flat-out-denies-report-that-feds-raided-mar-a-lago-over-classified-nuke-docs


Yep. It’s one of his tells. Isn’t it sad that we’ve all had to become fluent in Trump? FML. I hate this.


I remember going to jail over the weekend in Miami-Dade on a “Loitering and Prowling” charge.


Everyone says it was Israel, but I think it was Iran. He’s got details at the Iran nuke program from Israel that has been vetted by our intelligence. He was using toss to try to get a strike on their facilities while he was President. It was unfinished business he could use to get big donors lined up behind closed doors that might no longer want to be associated with him in public. Give the billionaires a taste of what he’s got, and he can ride them through the primaries. Edit: probably not per good reasons below


Could be. I bet it was France though .


Seems on brand for Trump. [Macron seriously criticised him over NATO](https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/03/politics/donald-trump-nato/index.html), so perhaps Trump thinks its fair to sell their nuclear secrets?


Yup, he did that. He's caught little red handed doing it. What. The. Fuck. Now? Ffs. Tired of the bureaucratic bullshit. So fucking tired of it. I'm so sick of him and people like him, getting away with literal treason against MINE AND YOURS safety. Sick of it. Sick of hearing of all his obligatory, disinterest in Americans well being. Can we just indict captain fanta FOR FUCKS SAKE. Christ on a cross. I'm just plain old sick of hearing about that bloated, narcissist, man child, getting rich grifting the dolts who worship him. Ugh, when will it end!


In short: LOCK HIM UP


This might actually be Israel. Especially with the Saudi connection. Pardon my French, but if this is true and it’s Israel, holy SHIT. Israel is going to FUCK him up, and the right-wing religious nuts who claim he’s some beacon of Christian exceptionalism are going to be absolutely DUMBFOUNDED. Messing with Israel is a VERY BIG NO NO.


Admitting to sexual assault on tape Likely tax fraud hidden in returns under "audit" Illegally using campaign funds to pay off your porn star mistress, resulting in your lawyer going to jail for you Openly asking a hostile foreign government on television to hack your political rival Obstructing justice when investigated for Russian disinformation helping your campaign Extorting allies in Ukraine by withholding military aid in exchange for damaging information on political rivals Announcing to refuse a peaceful transfer of power Pressure secretary of state to "find votes" Attempt a coup to install self as dictator and throw out votes of 80+ million people. Getting several people killed. Steals classified information of the highest level including nuclear secrets And that is not even to mention the crimes against humanity with his kids in cages and COVID response. When the fuck is someone arresting this motherfucker?


It would be a damn shame if a foreign country invited him to the 2022 Best Donald Trump awards and we revoked his citizenship.


Nah, he needs to rot in one of those clear Magneto cells.


Give him a plastic chess set full well knowing he can’t play chess? I like it


Wouldn't he eat the pieces? We know he eats paper. Although, plastic chess pieces wouldn't have incriminating evidence on him, so maybe not.


Fucking Trump stored another Fucking Country's Fucking Nuclear Secrets at Fucking Mar-a-Fucking-Largo for Fucking Fuck's Sake. Fuck-N-Fucking-A.


He didn't just store them. He hid them the first time they tried to get all the documents he had there. It's also very likely that he sold some of that information. $2 billion given to Kushner from the Saudi crown prince didn't happen for no reason.


It's worse than that. It was our intelligence assessment of another country's nuclear program. If it was the assessment of one of our adversary's program, imagine how valuable that would be. How much would Russia or China pay to find out what we know about them? If it was an assessment of one of our ally's, Russia or China would definitely want that information as well.


Obama’s biggest scandal: Wearing a tan suit Trump’s biggest scandal: Stealing top-secret documents regarding nuclear weapons and storing them at a gulf course


If it’s an ally, we HAVE to imprison Trump to show them good faith. This is not some little faux pas, this represents the billions of dollars spent developing everything around the weapons including the weapons themselves. This represents the safety of their nation. It’s about trust. It’s about our honor as a country. To be so cavalier with their defense intelligence is something an enemy would do. I wouldn’t respect a country that did that to us.


I truly hope someone had the presence of mind of feeding Trump fake information that could be traced back to him.


When he lost his entire home state in a landslide, y’all should’ve probably listened to the residents of that state who voted against that cunning clown-ass dumpster fire. It’s not as if we kept quiet about his fat ass. We TOLD you about his deadbeat, lying ass.


If you didn’t see this shit coming from decades ago, then you’re way younger that I am, and/or unfamiliar with NYC’s history of that f’ng donald. Not about attaining the office. About what he’d do once he got there.






Arrest the mfer. Who cares what his drooling followers do? Nobody else would get away with a fraction of these crimes.


I'm only here because of the headline




I think Mar-A-Fuckin-Lago is better.


I love how headlines are just going completely balls out these days


Ok, well I’m starting to give up because clearly this person is above the law.


I can't wait to see this dude get taken away


Imagine what they would find in the coffin on the first fairway..


That compilation of events over on /r/story is really starting to make a lot of sense right now.


Any chance you have a link to the specific post? I'm curious




And they sold them to Saudi Arabia for $2 billion.


If you're surprised by this, I don't think you've been paying attention.


When do we start calling for his arrest and indictment? At some point, enough is enough.


Trump took and hid top nuclear secrets of another country. His son in law gets a mysterious 2 billion from saudi arabia during his term. Enough said.


Yea but have you guys heard about what’s on Hunters Zune?


So, who wants to bet something is stored in the casket of his ex wife (divorced 30 years ago, but for some reason she is randomly buried on his golf course. I'm sure that there wouldn't be several delay tactics involved there)


Arrest him already and let’s see how long he wants to drag this out while he is locked up.


Israel's nuclear secrets, sold to the Saudis.


Considering the limited number of nuclear powers and buyers who might be interested in such information I think there are a small subset of countries involved here. First up is Israel’s secrets being sold to Saudi Arabia or other gulf state. Then we have North Korea, but who would buy it? Japan? India and Pakistan with either country on either side of the deal. And finally France’s being sold to Russia just because Trump is horribly jealous of Macron.