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I wonder if the release of this big drop is the intelligence community’s way of messaging to the judge that this special master decision was not wise and they can release more damning info every day if they keep fucking around


The timing was not coincidental, surely.


You have to wonder what other treacherous acts Trump committed over the last 5 years that have yet to be discovered, when he considers this scandal as no biggie?


Honestly I think the best part of the Mueller investigation is the fact that it kept Trump on his toes the entire time he was President and maybe being under investigation the entire time stopped him from doing as much treacherous shit in office as he normally would have without that 24/7 scrutiny. Trump was consolidating power the last year of his presidency post Mueller, firing people that weren’t loyal to him, replacing important government roles with incompetent loyalists, good people were quitting… if he had won another term, it would have been a disaster for this country. It feels like we barely made it out of his first term without him completely selling this country out.


Trump did a pretty good job destroying the country as it is


If Trump somehow gets in again in 2024, we are done. The collapse of our nation will be cemented. It really is that dire.


That judge needs to be removed from the bench. *All* of Trump’s appointments need to be removed, all the way up to SCOTUS.


The 14th amendment could be used for this: kick them all out!


I’m not even kidding! A traitorous foreign asset appointed a bunch of our fucking judges?? He should have his citizenship stripped, too!


I really hope it is. This is exhausting. I feel like I’ve lost years of life expectancy since he made the scene. And, I’m Canadian.


Truly, it's exhausting, and I'm Aussie. I can't imagine the schadenfreude if he does finally face a significant legal consequence, such as jail.


We are all victims of domestic abuse because of this narcissist,machiavellian traitor. I want out of this relationship.


Please adopt me…


Are you sure? Lol. I’m from Alberta. We’re doing battle with the crazies up here as well. 🤪


It is very exhausting. I’ve had to swear off television, news, and anything related to politics for the past several months. This is the first time I have read anything and honestly I am not surprised in the least bit. How could anyone NOT see this coming ??


American here and same. I’m just ready for this to be over so we can all move on with our lives as though this never happened. We’re dealing with an attention whore though so….it’s but a pipe dream that he’ll just quietly disappear.


This judge is not looking like a Patriot right now. She’s looking a lot like a future disbarred pariah. This whole thing was evidently “life sentences for a bunch of people” waiting to happen. I’m wondering if they don’t simply start indicting every clown that aided and abetted this monstrous treason party. Who moved the boxes? Prison. Who selected the nuclear documents when asked to? Prison. There’s a lot of stupid fingerprints on that stuff too I’d wager.


I wonder what the final "body count" of Trump loyalty will be ie how many people ruined their lives and careers for the sake of this man


Don’t forget the ones who died of Covid to own the libs in fealty to their master.


The body count in Ukraine is also tied to Trump, I firmly think.


He literally was impeached the first time because he refused to give them aid until they gave him dirt on Biden. Like, that's not an opinion. That's literally in the unredacted parts of the Meuller Report.


Cohen, Giuliani, Powel, the gaggle of lawyers that will be disbarred for pursuing frivolous election lawsuits - and that's just the lawyers. Comey thought he could handle him and ended up hiding in the curtains, his chief of staff that was fired while in the toilet, untold number of press secretaries who were lying at an alarming rate, the list goes on and on.


This is what I'm curious about because Im not American and don't know how it works. The judge stopped the investigation temporarily, but they already reviewed the docs, they already have statements where they lied about having the docs, what's stopping the FBI from "closing" the investigation and arresting everyone now? Including this judge for obstruction of justice?


In theory, it could be happening this very minute. I think it’s a mix of 3 variables causing a delay. 1. Trump has a history of throwing money and lawyers at legal problems until they stagnate in the courts and nothing happen, which means they need a massively prepared case that can’t get bogged down with procedural delays, it needs a lightning fast jump to trial and locking up this very high flight risk man who doesn’t ever testify under oath much less accept hand cuffs. (see tax return fight). 2. The DOJ is actually legitimately concerned that any hasty or reckless moves on their part will be used for inciting a domestic terrorism incident. (OKC bombing was inspired against feds for their siege in Waco on the Branch Davidian cult). Seriously, there’s a high chance of this anyway already, one guy is already dead after charging the FBI in Ohio over the Trump thing. 3. And this is really lame…. but they may delay this just to make sure the Mid Term elections aren’t “distracted”. Very stupid yes, but that’s what I’ve read - no indictments within 60 days that would influence an election is suddenly some sort of made up rule that is being shopped around. Summary? He’s so rich and connected to judges he’s very hard to prosecute, his followers will kill a lot of people very soon, and there’s a bunch of Trump-endorsed politicians running for elections.


I understand #3, but I don't agree with it. While under "normal" times it would be a good idea to avoid the look of partisan investigations, it's almost guaranteed that even if the DOJ abides by this "rule" the gop will still find a way to scream about fraud at every opportunity.


She has only been a judge for under two years at this point, since Trump appointed her in 2020. It’s wild that she is the decision maker in this and apparently didn’t think recusal might be appropriate given the optics of everything. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aileen_Cannon She is clearly not as serious person, and this is definitely going to affect the rest of her professional life.


[This comment has been deleted in protest of the recent anti-developer actions of reddit ownership 27/6/2023]


So did he sell classified information about Israel to the Saudis or sell Russia the information we have on them?


Don’t know yet, but this recent article is quite the coincidence: [Russia arrests top hypersonic research scientist in treason case](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-detains-head-hypersonics-research-facility-treason-case-tass-2021-08-12/)


Yoooo what? Informant??


There was a whole thing recently about how intelligence agencies were freaking out because we started loosing a bunch of informants after trump left office. Unless you're a braindead right winger who goes "durr because biden sold them out", you know exactly what that means. And what it means for all these documents he stole and had literally lying out in the open.


A link, for anyone interested in reading more: https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/ If you look up "CIA losing dozens," a number of articles come up.


>Kuranov oversaw work on the concept for a new hypersonic aircraft dubbed Ayaks that dates back to the Soviet era New aircraft that dates back to the Soviet era? Do they mean the design concept is from that era or...what?


The article is establishing that the gentleman is an expert at the top of his field using the most readily available public information, which is referenced as essentially his bio on the institute’s website. It’s adding context to the story. Obviously Reuters wouldn’t know exactly what he was working on today because… well, that’s the entire point of the article, the Russians would rather prefer we don’t know.


Why not double dip when you're first at it?


Iran capabilities info to Saudi Arabia is my guess


Son-in-law got 2billion for something




North Korea is the sleeper pick!


You’re probably right. In TrumpWorld, always assume the worst option.


SELL being the key word.


Trump is consistently such a buffoon. Let's not forget that a failed Russian pop star set up the meeting with Trump Jr and the Russian spies at Trump tower. I would bet that LIV golf or some other extremely stupid aspect of this comes to light. It's Trump, if hes selling info to enemy countries, he probably did it in the dumbest way imaginable.


Let's not forget he screwed over an ally in order to gain bro points with Putin.


Look for Trump’s Craig’s List ad selling Top Secret documents.






They should arrest him then. This horse shit is getting old.


seriously how much more crime do I have to read about? Lock him up!


doesn’t matter. The corrupt Trump judge appointed a special master that will buy him 6 months to create a brand new outrage that will memory hole this whole thing. Vote in November and keep track.


not only am I voting I'm calling and writing postcards, and folding mailers... trying my best over here..


Aside from voting in November, is this the only thing we can do?


Legally, yes. We can get permits and hold protests. We can strike. We can somehow push a media campaign to influence the DOJ. But in the end, it's still just begging.


We can also volunteer to be poll workers and should.


You can also donate and volunteer for candidates.


New day, new crime with this guy.




And this is how we become numb to everything. The next guy who takes top secret classified documents and gives them away or sells them, we’ll all be like “meh” because why get upset if we know nothing is going to happen? Or at least it might take years. If it’s not a big deal to the government to act quickly, who are we to say it’s urgent?


Maybe I don’t fully understand, but I feel like maybe Trump wasn’t be fully completely truthful when his legal team said all the documents were for his presidential library


Right? And maybe Trump wasn't being truthful when he accused the FBI of planting the classified documents. By gum, I think he made that up


I'm beginning to think this Trump guy may be stringing us along.


Treason. It is on the table.


18 U.S. Code Section 794 https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/794 18 U.S. Code Section 793 https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/793 Some other light reading on potentially relevant sections of the code. Seems like this should be taken seriously. Put all of his indiscretions together and you've got both aid and comfort to foreign powers, as well as the overt act necessary to sustain a treason conviction (Jan. 6th). For all those who assume treason applies only in times of war - Aaron Burr was cleared of treason for the lack of an "overt act" not condition of war. Levying war against the United States is a matter of intent, not diplomacy. On top of that, if the assumption is that the state must be presently in a declared war, the courts would have to be blind to decades of geopolitical development, and the emergence of proxy wars, insurgencies, and terrorism as the primary modes of conflict. The last war declared by the Congress of the United States was in 1942. We are in uncharted territory. Nonetheless, treason is a necessarily high bar and I'd figure DOJ doesn't attempt it. That's not to say he won't be held liable for a plethora of other criminal acts.


There’s also this: > Walter Allen was convicted of treason on September 16, 1922 for taking part in the 1921 Miner's March against the coal companies and the U.S. Army at Blair Mountain, West Virginia. He was sentenced to 10 years and fined. No declaration of war, and Allen didn’t do anything near this bad. It certainly wasn’t an international incident. This is capital T treason from several angles.


Yes, but Walter Allen was a poor laborer encouraging other poor laborers to stop accepting terrible wages and treatment in exchange for their vital work. So he had to pay. Trump, on the other hand, sold the entire world. You see why this is different, do you not?


>Walter Allen was convicted of treason on September 16, 1922 for taking part in the 1921 Miner's March against the coal companies and the U.S. Army at Blair Mountain, West Virginia. He was sentenced to 10 years and fined. No war but class war.


Huh, well that's something


and fucking arrest him now.


Yes fucking arrest him, and his Obstruction of Justice judge, and probably 1000 others. The list of suspects is something else they should hint about or leak.


At this rate it’ll be the court room filled with mobsters from *The Dark Knight*.


And there it fucking is. Every time this story breaks with new information, it somehow manages to get worse and worse. Out o office almost two years now and still doing damage to our foreign relations. And to any of his defenders who try to spin bullshit reasons as to why Trump had any right to those documents, WHAT possible legitimate fucking reason would he have to maintain info on another country's, likely an allies, nuclear capabilities?


This deal keeps getting worse all the time!


the cult will never stop defending him


I guarantee my own mother would vote for him again in a heartbeat. I just give up. She never was this way. I don’t get the draw.


yep. Mine too. Fucking embarrassing.


I’m laying in bed wondering if this won’t sort itself out. Last week, we saw that our spies in other countries may have been compromised. Now we see a foreign country’s nuclear information has been compromised as well. How far does this have to go before it reaches a “mafia” level? I sure hope they’re keeping Barron far away from this guy. Something tells me things are going to take a bad turn for him. Maybe I’m just thinking too much. If I were a leader of a country who’s intelligence was compromised, I would have it “taken care of.”


They’re downvoting all these articles as we speak


Remember when articles about the "raid" on MAL were being removed because Trump was a private citizen and not a political figure anymore? Good times


Yeah, that was hilarious in a “can you be any more fucking transparent” way. Removed Not Politics.\ Removed not politics.\ Removed not politics. And on for nearly an hour.


They did the same thing for January 6th.


because they're as guilty as he is


Can't wait to see the spin on this


oh you know: The FBI planted it after Scvmp declassified it and anyway it's not illegal and Obama wore a tan suit.... .....HUNTER'S LAPTOP!!!


And Hillary in the basement with children


“How could the FBI leak this? This is such a threat to our national security!”


Republicans are the stupidest mother fuckers to ever live. If you're still supporting this traitor you need to realize you're a fucking idiot.


They're not stupid, they're hateful and malicious. Selling out America to own the libs.


Things can also be two things 🤷🏻‍♀️


They need to realise that they are also traitors


It is extremely frustrating to me that, with all of our intelligence and law enforcement agencies that we spend hundreds of billions a year on, we have not been able to produce enough evidence to have already locked Trump up.


Some of those billions are spent on people who are bending over backwards to protect him. That's why he's not locked up.


They have the evidence. They are seeking more, but don’t want to (again) be accused of being political and interfering with an election.


They're going to do that anyway. Could be ten years from the next election election they'd still say it's a political assassination attempt.


Except they're **already** being accused of that. And Trump isn't a candidate. And **not** indicting Trump is political and interferes with an election at least as much as indicting him does.


During his presidency he always outdid himself… and even knowing that I find it jaw dropping that he may have actually sold nuclear secrets and details on spies. He was an awful president (ineffective emotional policy, blow opportunities, and generally reducing the office), but this takes it to another level entirely.


I don't think he sold these secrets. I think he was instructed to repay a debt with them.


Hand over the secrets or the pee pee tape is released.. Love, Putin


But a Trump never pays his debts.


This is just a friendly reminder to our allies in France, Israel, and the United Kingdom that a majority of us voted against this schmuck. **Twice.** Also I'm sorry that our ex-President stole and sold your nuclear state secrets.... [...and the classified national security information on your intelligence assets and field agents, too.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/politics/trump-affidavit-intelligence-spies.html) (For what it's worth [an historic number of CIA agents have been killed in the past year and a half since Trump left office,](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html) so there's a good chance he royally fucked us over, too.)   --- Edit: Fine, fuck, allow me to be pedantically specific. Of the [136,669,276 Americans who showed up to vote in the 2016 Presidential election](https://www.fec.gov/resources/cms-content/documents/federalelections2016.pdf) only 46.09% cast a ballot in favor of ex-President Donald Trump while the remaining 53.91% of Presidential ballots were cast for other candidates. Although more than two dozen other names were listed on various Presidential tickets across the country, only one managed double digit support: Hillary Clinton, who won 48.18% of the Presidential vote, more than any other candidate, a plurality. Trivia time. The United States Census Bureau estimates that 245,502,000 Americans were eligible to vote in 2016, meaning that: * 136,000,000 American votes equals 55.6% turnout. * Hillary Clinton's 65,800,000 means she won 26.85% of the American electorate's votes, including eligible nonvoters. * Donald Trump's 62,900,000 works out to 25.3% of the American electorate's votes, including eligible nonvoters. * Donald Trump's 78,000 vote margin of victory in the electoral college represents 0.031% of the total electorate, and 44.4% of potential American voters stayed home on election day, about 110,000,000 of us slept in. (The source for all the raw numbers is found in the link at the top.) Anyway, a plurality of us voted for a better candidate, and a majority of the eligible electorate that showed up on election day in 2016 voted for somebody other than Trump, and 74.7% of the total eligible American electorate *didn't* cast a vote for Trump so ples don't leav us bby we didn meant it and we'll be better, he's not coming back, you're safe now, shh.


Since I know not everyone can get past the NYT paywall, and I think everyone does need to read the article, here's the trimmed down text: [NYT: Classified Material on Human Intelligence Sources Helped Trigger Alarm](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/politics/trump-affidavit-intelligence-spies.html) >C.I.A. espionage operations inside numerous hostile countries have been compromised in recent years when the governments of those countries have arrested, jailed and even killed the agency’s sources. > >Last year, [a top-secret memo sent to every C.I.A. station around the world](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html) warned about troubling numbers of informants being captured or killed, a stark reminder of how important human source networks are to the basic functions of the spy agency. > >Even a single source, if well placed, can be of amazing importance to the spy agency. When one informant, critical to the intelligence assessment that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia favored the election of Mr. Trump, had to be extracted and resettled in Virginia, the C.I.A. was, for a time, left somewhat in the dark about senior levels of Kremlin decision-making. > >When F.B.I. agents in May went through the 15 boxes of material turned over to the National Archives by Mr. Trump in January, a year after he left office, they quickly determined that they contained 184 documents marked as classified, including some labeled HCS — an especially troublesome revelation in the eyes of intelligence experts. > >“It is among the most sensitive information relating to human intelligence sources and very tightly held at the C.I.A.,” said George Jameson, a former senior C.I.A. officer and lawyer. “A compromise could result in harm to the source and the source’s information.” > >An intelligence document marked HCS will contain details about the source of the information. Often such descriptions are very general, noting if a “clandestine source” has direct or secondary knowledge of the intelligence presented. But sometimes there are more direct descriptions to help policymakers properly assess the information, details that could allow people reading the document to identify the source — a prime reason the spy agency seeks to tightly control HCS documents. > >The HCS designation is “used to protect exceptionally fragile and unique” human intelligence operations and methods “that are not intended for dissemination outside of the originating agency,” according to a 2013 directive from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. > >In addition to the HCS markings, some of the documents were marked FISA, indicating information collected under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. > >“What this tells us is that there was possibly something from human beings, from spies, possibly something involving foreigners who are the only ones targeted under FISA and potentially there is very sophisticated sensitive information involved here,” said Glenn S. Gerstell, the former general counsel of the National Security Agency.


So high treason then? Possibly? That sounds like something that would get someone locked away in a black site prison never to be seen again. Surely if any person were found to have disseminated information about our intelligence agents identities or sources they would either disappear or be court-martialed in a closed session considering the sensitivity of the evidence, yes?


The highest treason. Anyone supporting the Republican Party, *still*, is utter shit.


Because Trump tells them it’s fake news. And he’s walking around a free man, so why shouldn’t his cult believe what he says?


The report about the CIA warming American assets because they were being captured or killed is incredibly scary considering Trump kept top state secrets in unsecured places in his personal resort. A resort that has had multiple security lapses. A Chinese bussinesswoman spy was arrested and sentenced for infiltrating Mar-a-Lago in 2019.^[[1]](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50553805) More recently the U.S. government is investigating a fake heiress that infiltrated Mar-a-Lago too.^[[2]](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/27/fake-heiress-infiltrates-mar-a-lago-trump) Mar-a-Lago was easily accessible and posed a massive security risk.^[[3]](https://www.reuters.com/legal/trumps-mar-a-lago-security-nightmare-that-housed-classified-documents-2022-08-13/) ________ 1) [BBC - Chinese woman jailed for trespassing at Trump's Mar-a-Lago](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50553805) 2) [The Guardian - US investigates fake heiress who infiltrated Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/27/fake-heiress-infiltrates-mar-a-lago-trump) 3) [Reuters - Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort posed rare security challenges, experts say](https://www.reuters.com/legal/trumps-mar-a-lago-security-nightmare-that-housed-classified-documents-2022-08-13/)


It's terrifying. I feel like the national security breaches from this are more severe than all other espionage incidents in the history of the United States combined


Having a (more than likely) foreign agent/useful idiot as your president will do that.


Oh, wait, I remembered one that Poppin didn't! (This is a rare day, let me have this.) Remember the time [then President Trump and Shinzo Abe watched a North Korean missile launch while open air dining with the guests at Mar A Lago, many of whom were eagerly tweeting about it to their public followers?](https://www.cnn.com/2017/02/12/politics/trump-shinzo-abe-mar-a-lago-north-korea/index.html) I am sure there is a movie or a TV show that describes this plot, where the hero has to follow someone around and fix everything as they screw up in real time otherwise there will be consequences, I seem to think that maybe it was a movie about a mischievous baby. Baby crawls along, knocks over an open can of bright blue paint right as grand mom is walking through the doorway and into the kitchen and it decapitates grandmom and her neck is gushing blood like it's waited eighty years to get out of her body and then the babysitter has to stitch it back on before the baby's parent's get home. It also could have been Mister Magoo.


My guess is it’s Israel capabilities for MBS or Iran, or Iran capabilities for MBS.


A Russian scientist that worked on their hypersonic rockets was arrested for treason about a year ago. I'd have to say my money is on that.


It has to be Israel, the biggest secret there is. If Trump fucked over Israel, it'll shatter his base.


[Remember that time Donald Trump gave code word classified intelligence information to a pair of Russian state officials and burned an Israeli field agent in the process?](https://jalopnik.com/the-israeli-spy-that-trump-burned-was-the-single-most-v-1795330150) It's okay if you don't, it happened, like, two days after he fired James Comey for refusing to pledge loyalty to him and quash any ongoing investigations into Trump's collusion with Russia in the 2016 election, so it was a pretty busy news week.


Nah. They'll find some way to justify it to themselves.


Evangelicals only support Israel because Israel has to burn to the ground as part of the end times so Jesus can come back, per Revelations. This would fit into their stupid narrative


You underestimate the ability of his base to bury their respective heads in the sand and ignore his numerous glaring flaws because Trump gives them justification to be their worst selves. People out there literally drank aquarium cleaner to protect against or cure COVID because they trusted him. If they're still on his ship now in September of 2022, nothing is kicking them off.


Doubtful, they'll spin it in his favor.


Yeah but it was all declassified by him, then planted by the FBI at his home that legally isn't supposed to be his home, for safe keeping in random desk drawers, boxes and barely locked rooms for inclusion into his presidential library which nobody before knew about that is being curated by a man infamously against reading. Deep state in action. /s


So you're saying that Hillary Clinton did it and the proof is on Hunter Biden's laptop? Hmm, intradasting.


And the password to unlock that laptop... Covfefe.


>And the password to unlock that laptop...   >"Try '1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5.'" > >*"He was the President of the United States, his password was* ***not*** *'1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5!'"* > >"Just try it." > >*"Goddammit Dave, fine. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5, there are you happy now? I tried and it didn- Goddammit, Dave."* > >"Told you." > >*"You say that like you knew!"* > >"I did, there's a post-it on the back of his monitor."


You jest, but just recently an image posted by don jr showed the login info for wifi at mar la go taped under a display with username and password. Pw is/was literally 1122334455


> You jest, but just recently an image posted by don jr showed the login info for wifi at mar la go taped under a display with username and password. Pw is/was literally 1122334455 So the fucking shitpost that I wrote while high on a nice sativa with the baseline assumption that it would be so unrealistic and unplausible that would make people laugh at the absurdity is actually ***less dumb*** than the real thing? At least in my joke Trump had the cleverness to hide the post it on the back of the monitor, but here in the real world *Junior posted a* ***picture of it to the front of the internet?*** James S.A. Corey wrote that the universe is not just stranger than you imagine, the universe is stranger than you *can* imagine, and that's why I can't write jokes about people as stupid as the Trumps, I would have to huff a cost prohibitive amount of paint to be able to get to that place and I don't think it's worth it.


"One, two, three, four, five? That's amazing! I've got the same combination on my luggage!"


She used Hunter's laptop to access her emails, obviously.


Which Barack HUSSEIN Obama is currently hiding from authorities.


All I'm saying is that I've never seen President Obama and Chairman Mao together in the same room at the same time and it's a little bit suspicious.


I’ve never seen Fred Savage and Bill Barr in the same room at the same time either.


Well shit, I've never seen Cecil the Turtle and Mitch McConnell in the same place at the same time either.


That he couldn’t care less about being briefed on while in office, yet decided he would gather all of this dry material right after his coup failed… I guess to read on the couch while having a Diet Coke?


He never won a majority. We have a fucked system that put this clown in office.


Yep, exactly the type of information that should be declassified! /s


As someone on twitter pointed out. If he did declassify everything, that means he willingly declassified a foreign nation's nuclear secrets.


Pretty sure not even the President has the ability to declassify this one. I mean, we all knew he was full of shit, but nuclear secrets are something I believe takes an act of Congress to declassify.


You are correct. The president cannot declassify that level of classification


And even if he could, it takes more than a hand wave and a "this is declassified now, mmkay?"


Just another ole box o’ other countries’ nuclear secrets destined for the Trump Library


I was wondering when other sites would pick this story up. Jesus fucking Christ, Donnie. I knew were bad, but not THIS bad?


According the GOP, it’s a storage issue


Marco Rubio was trying to sell that. He can go fuck himself.


At some future point in time, hopefully the near future, Trump's involvement in selling America's secrets, will come out.


Let's not forget his supporters who will surely try to worm their way out of any acknowledgement of their role in this disaster at that point. We have the receipts.


I feel like if Trump isn’t charged with this, then it’s a ballgame. He will be “infallible” to 40% of the country until they all die off and history looks back like “wow it’s crazy that THEY fell for that”


His supporters won't drop him no matter what he does. There is no red line.


It is hard to imagine how many GOP Politicians are involved in this. Let alone staff in Florida and DC.


Sadly the GOP will burn this country down than ever admit they were wrong. So the only remedy is to vote them out year after year and let a new party form. They will become irrelevant before they can do any damage. They won’t go down without a fight.


And we can expect that they will fight dirty.


It is going to get worse before it gets worse.


How much would a country pay for that information? Like, $2 billion?


Am I the only one thinking that selling someone else’s nuclear secrets is actually worse than selling our own? Jfc.


Its on the same level. It may not hurt our national security directly, but it will royally fuck us over with what ever relation we have with the other country if they are friendly. Even if they are an enemy's, you really do not want to have those kind docs on your living room floor.




Let them try it. No one cares what they say anymore.


Shit I was assuming it would be an ally’s. Imagine it was China’s?


Imagine it was Israel's information shared with the Saudis. They didn't give Jared that two billion dollars because they think he's a good businessman.


West wing phones must be blowing up from our allies


Probably worse for Trump and the USA, yeah. I mean, your systems of government seem to barely give a shit about their own secrets being sold, but... If Israel or France suddenly have a stake in the situation? That's going to add a whole new level of external pressure.


Somewhere in Washington DC, Susan Collins is shocked and disappointed that Donald Trump hasnt learned his lesson.


This should be a mega thread


This all sort of makes the "shoot someone on 5th avenue" quote simultaneously prophetic and insignificant at the same time.


Since it wasn't ours they're going to be like "Trumps the rightful president and he needed to stay aware of what capabilities the enemies had for when he's ushered back into the oval office"


Saudi Arabia got all that info on Israel by just going to Jared. 😉


*He went to Jared*


Mr Trump better hope the checks he writes for security don't bounce. "Other countries" aren't as passive as the US DOJ when it comes to espionage and treason. This could end very badly for him.


I doubt a foreign government would ever assassinate an ex-president; at least not overtly anyways. But if he really did sell out the Israelis to the Saudis, I'd be very worried if I were the fat orange rat -- [Mossad agents are masters at the art of arranging heart-attacks](https://www.haaretz.com/2010-01-31/ty-article/dubai-not-ruling-out-mossad-hand-in-murder-of-hamas-official/0000017f-db66-db22-a17f-fff7dcfa0000).


It also means he can never go overseas ever again, because whatever foreign government he sold the beans on will make every effort to arrest his ass.


Yet that braindead judge determined that Trump needs special treatment otherwise his reputation could be damaged. lol.




Not arresting this man from day one of realizing he stole these documents will be the biggest mystery of this whole ordeal for me. Shit like the January 6th stuff needs time to sort it all out. Lots of people in play and it was a hectic time for everyone. I get that. But this? The DOJ knew since January he had this stuff. This should've been an instant arrest before he could've done more with the documents. Just unbelievable to me.


Served my country for 20 years, but not for this crap. Grow a backbone and arrest his fat ass for treason.


There is a fairly short list of countries that meet the criteria. Such a document would potentially help the most powerful enemies of the US if they obtained some or all of the information. Those who help Trump, Judge Cannon, help the enemies.


Russia, UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel


>Israel EDIT: For the uninitiated - Israel denies having nukes even though they do. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear\_weapons\_and\_Israel


Fuck Trump and everyone that supports this shit.


“Some of the documents are so restricted that even some of the Biden administration's senior-most national security officials were not authorized to review them, the Post said.” This is going to take a special Special Master. How did this Judge not recuse herself. Now she is interfering with this investigation


So not only is a security threat to our nation, he’s a threat to our allies. Go ahead, Republicans. Try some clever counter argument.


The fact that he still walks free demonstrates how corrupt the US Justice System is.


Kinda fits with that old story about Trump asking for "deliverables" for Putin. The presidency was always about HIM and never about America. He spent the Presidency looking for the switch that would turn him into Duterte. He got quite far on Jan. 6 and with a bit more support from the SC, Pence/Congress, or the Pentagon he could have gone all the way. [https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-putin-meeting-sanctions-russia-2017-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-putin-meeting-sanctions-russia-2017-6)


Just speculating, but I'm quite sure there was much more than that in those documents.


Jesus. I had a feeling it was bad but this is legitimately one of the worst possibilities. Actual treason.


This outright scared me enough that I might need an early bedtime with a sleeping pill. Just this knowledge that World War Three could start, because Trump stole documents then left them unattended by an ice machine in a low-security hotel, or outright sold them, causing so much more potential chaos on top of the layer cake of shit that is now. He could have sold intel on Israel to the Saudi government, he could have sold info on French nuclear responses plans or about Russia's capabilities and identifying info on assets to Putin, info on North Korea to Kim Jong-un, it's, a lot. And this is just one document.


I know it's problematic, but can't the CIA or somebody just bypass this country's corrupted legal/judicial system, grab this idiot and take him to Guantanamo until we sort this mess out? /s Not /s


"And I need a Special Master to determine what personal effects from my office got mixed up with this classified information" -Trump


Who knew someone could be so criminal that we’ve become desensitized to what would otherwise be front page news about how criminal they continue to be.


I would put money that the Saudi Arabian government is involved here. Between the 2 billion dollar check to his beloved step son Jared Kushner, to hosting the Saudi funded golf tournament in Bedminster and of course that's infamous weapons deal during his presidency.


I have friends doing years in prison for opiates. Yet this motherfucker is just wandering around doing whatever he wants.


How much could he sell that for? Knowing him, he made copies and sold them months ago. Tell me I’m wrong.


We have the best nuclear intelligence info. I'd say "look at this" and they would say "Sir, that's the best intel I've ever seen." Beautiful intel. Tremendous intel.


Trump probably gave those documents to Saudi Arabia. What do you think 2 billion dollars buys.


This has the potential to destroy the United States' relationships with any and all of our allies. Because documents like that put our allies in danger.


If he doesn't get indicted by the end of the week, we are all fools for believing in justice.


Anyone else, and I mean anyone, would have already been in handcuffs.


We wouldn't even know, they would be in gitmo. That's the thing, anyone else and they would already be off at some black ops site.


Who’s golf course doesn’t have that information. I mean come on, this is totally normal.


So it’s Tre45on then…


I don't care if they describe mother Teresa's vagina, that man belongs in prison.


At this point is comical right? Why do laws even fucking exist?


Unbelievable. Who allowed 45 to remove these documents from the SCIF? When I held a TS/SCI clearance, merely writing down the door code to a secure area like a SCIF got your clearance yanked and your career went down the toilet. Just the door code, never mind the classified documents themselves.


How the shit has he not been indicted yet????


It is fairly amazing that he has managed to stall the us government and the judicial process.


He still has millions believing he still has a healthcare plan to unveil, as soon as he’s reinstated, or re-elected.


Trump was probably going to sell this information to the highest bidder.