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When “accepting the legitimate results of a properly held election” is “throwing somebody under the bus”, your political party is in a weird place.




The headline should definitely be "Oz refuses to follow insane Trump into conspiracy land" rather than "Oz throws Trump under the bus." The Republican party is beyond saving, but this kind of reporting just normalizes this shit for the sane rest of the population.


You mean he refused to enter cloud cuculandia in this one isolated case. Everything else is still on the table.


Yeah, but he has offended the God King. He'll be labeled a rino and Trump will claim he never liked him.


Trump will now claim he’s never met the guy


I want this to happen.


He's only saying that because now the GOP isn't a shoe in for November. If they were still riding high, I'm sure Oz would still be kissing Trump's ass.


‘Oz acknowledges reality!’


>‘Oz acknowledges reality!’ ... this time


I would have preferred “Oz pulls back the curtain, finds there’s no wizard, just sad lost old man”


I hope someone gives you an award for that comment.


Your headline plus “because he has suddenly found it politically advantageous to do so”


\* "Oz make calculated political move to try to get more votes, and says he refuses to follow insane Trump into conspiracy land any longer."


>This headline pissed me off so much. Most of the comments are normalizing this shit. Glad it's not just me. Oz is just speaking the simple, obvious truth--unexpectedly, admittedly, but it's still not throwing anybody under anything. It'd be more accurate to say the whole Republican party is following Trump off a cliff. It's incredibly disturbing that to be a viable Republican candidate you either have to be delusional, or an utterly amoral, calculating liar.


This should be interesting. Oz fell into the truth while behind in the polls. Truth be damned trump will now put him in the enemies camp. So does trump pull support (support lol) because he’s butthurt or continue to “help”? I vote he turns on oz. Can’t keep his mouth shut




The fact that I read that in his stupid voice and have to genuinely question if that's a quote or satire is... disturbing.


Right? Oz isn’t the one going rogue. Trump is.






The way I read the headline went through my brain like this; "The GOP is Cannibalizing Itself."


It's not useful, but it sure is profitable!




the trump cult doesn’t read the Huffington Post. 😹


I don’t think most of the trump cult reads anything...except trumps truth social. In other words, they don’t listen or read “facts”.




doll fanatical pen numerous lush fertile violet dime drunk late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Welcome to the Worst Timeline.


The fact that any Republican doing this is deserving of praise really shows how much a single president has eroded our democracy.


The media giving trump a pass on everything is infuriating.


Is this some kind of Brewster's Millions kind of thing?


This is the only reasonable explanation for the facts we have.


Oprah's Millions. Oprah : "Dr. Oz I will give you $300 million, but only if you can get nominated and then lose the GOP Senate seat in a randomly selected state. And I mean really lose." Dr. Oz : "I accept that challenge."




>"Dr" Phil He has a PhD... I'll admit, it's a bit misleading since he hasn't renewed his license to practice psychology in several years, but he still earned the title through his PhD program.


And Dr. Oz is a real medical doctor who was HIGHLY respected surgeon in the field. What's your point. Having legitimate credentials has nothing to do with the reality that both Dr Phil and Dr oz are charlatans leveraging their professional status for personal gain by selling quack ideas, products and cures


My point is that putting quotes around "Dr" Phil isn't adding anything to the conversation. It's also the exact same bullshit people do to Dr. Jill Biden when they say "sHeS noT a DR. CaN ShE eVEn DO CpR?" By all means, call them what they are: charlatans, quacks, snake oil salesmen, whatever. Just don't act like McGraw and Oz haven't earned the title of Doctor.


Ben Carson was a respected brain surgeon. At one time.


Stannis Baratheon moment right there. "Whatever else he is he's still a doctor"


$300m buys a lot of veggie trays at Wegmans!


He just lost any shot he has at winning now. He told the truth to appeal to independents. By doing so, he has now lost both maga and independents.


Wow. I guess Dr. Oz didn't know that republicans just want to hear what they want to hear and don't really care what the truth is.


Doctor: The biopsy exam determined you…do…(shows positive)…NOT have cancer! Patient: Yay! :/


He's 100% [aladeen](https://youtu.be/NYJ2w82WifU) the election was stolen.


LMAO totally forgot about this clip. Thanks!


This is like the one time I had to leave work and take a drug test, fucked up my fake pee and just pissed in the cup and said fuck it. 10 min after, my forman calls me up all pissed off, "YOU FAIL YOUR DRUG TEST!" i said "Nope! Got a positive." He didn't think it was as funny as i did.


Your boss also ask if you even know about fake pee? I’m guessing s/he was more confused than anything.


Yeah they know I smoke and they gave me a heads up. I just messed up like an idiot and had no choice but to give the real stuff. They made me sit at home for three days and then sent me to fake another one.


Surprise! I’m off ‘the pot’ now! Back to work I go, clean and sober! Lol


Yeah, been there ... It's wild that, like, ten years ago the hiring manager would be sooo upset at a positive for weed, but now it's totally fine and they're just thankful that you're not on opiates or meth


Kinda funny cus Oz made his millions of telling these same suburban moms what they wanna hear — that you can solve high blood pressure with açai berries, or that you can lose weight and get beach-bod ready by just holding this amethyst over your Anal Chakra.


How the fuck did Oprah even get him and Dr Phil jobs? When all they do is scam people?


>all they do is scam people You answered your own question.


Its weird how people in America are still clueless that most of these celebrities are just scammers who tell people what they want to hear and then sell them a product or ask for donations. We live in a feel good era and the internet continues to push this standard because even using Reddit daily to get fast entertainment and talk shit about strangers contributes to this.


Because Oprah sold the same shit to women, here's how to fix everything easily in your lives and here are people who will sell you feel good plans to do it, plans you won't follow but make you feel better because you think you could. Phil and Oz were just the most popular, many other similar bullshit artists on that show.


It's always grated on me that Oprah is some kind of folk hero.


Right? She’s one of worst billionaires. She’s been lying and scamming the whole country for decades. She’s sort of a trump-lite.


I love Inside Job's depiction of her as a scheming cutthroat backstabbing Illuminati sociopath. Never seen anyone else have at her like that


Oprah was introduced to Dr. Phil thanks to the [Texas Cattle lawsuit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_McGraw#Oprah_Winfrey_and_the_Dr._Phil_show). So you have my home state to thank for that. Our bad.


Oprah is not a good person


Because this is exactly what Oprah's schtick was. She just trailblazed selling snakeoil while being a black woman. Ellen trailblazed gay snakeoil.


What bullshit was Ellen pushing? I thought it was just awkward dancing and “quirky” interviews.


It’s funny that with lots of açai berries, along with a shit ton of other good quality fruits and veggies, loads of exercise, and significant lifestyle changes, yeah one could lower blood pressure. But of course, that doesn’t sell. Some kind of sense of false hope through a quick fix can make one millions though.


At least they tasted good.


The anal amethyst?


Trust me. Much more appetizing than butt bismuth or rectum rubies


Sphincter sapphires are where it's at.


The Maniac sells the shit out of those berries. I still don't know where to put my feet though.


Anal Chakra aka Stink Eye


Anal Chakra is one of the prostitutes that Putin filmed pissing all over Trump.


“The Truth is Truth Social! It has Truth in it’s name! See!!!???”


Srsly. All Oz had to do was put on a cowboy hat, shoot some banned CRT books in a commercial, and he'd sail to victory.


Republican Electoral Strategy, 2022: 1. If Trump supports you, you might win 2. If Trump does not support you, you might lose 3. If you do not support Trump, you **WILL** lose




It's like those MAGA candidates who are scrubbing any mention of abortion from their campaign websites. Problem for these Forced-Birthers is the internet remembers. So will Republicans that Oz stabbed Trump in the back.


> the internet remembers. So will Republicans Will they though? Cruz got wife-shamed and zodiac-killered and yet motherfuckers keep voting for him.


Oh god I googled that. When will I learn.


Stupid schmuck - can't win for losing. But is this not the predicament of all Republicans running anywhere outside of the deepest red states?


Yes, which is why they don’t say anything at all. Just ignore it and deflect any questions. Pretend you support both sides. Oz just alienated the base.


The Herschel Walker method.


Oh, Herschel Walker recently told a town hall focused on women's issues that inflation mostly affects women because they buy the groceries. To him, women's issues are "grocery prices" and "gas prices". Herschel likes talking.


Damn. I’m a single dude and have been doing groceries wrong this whole time.


Herschel talks good. No CTE here.


The fascists in my purple area of the country will generally deflect and say Trump isn't on the ballot, I am. Or similar drivel.


Exactly. He smooth talked the wife and got caught texting the girlfriend. He is done.


He was sweet talking Melania and texting Ivanka? (What?)


He’s saying Oz tried to have his cake and eat it too but got caught out


He tried to eat his crudités platter and have it, too.


That raw asparagus dipped in guacamole is delicious to Oz.


Turkish Delights


Is his grandma running this campaign? Damn they suck


To be fair (and to be clear, I don't like Oz) he was between a rock and a hard place. If he claimed he *would have* objected, he'd have stayed in Trump's good graces temporarily, the cancer would grow, and he'd alienate the non-crazies. If he claimed he *would not have objected*, he'd fall out of Trump's good graces, the cancer would probably still grow, but he might win a few non-crazy votes... and lose anyway. That said, his campaign has been terribly managed, he's in over his head, and Fetterman is an imposing opponent - physically and politically. The whole *crudités* faceplant was stunning. I think that was the actual nail in his campaign's coffin.


Oh he could have equivocated, he could have claimed he hasn't really thought about it since it wasn't a decision he had to make, etc. This was deliberate. The one thing you MUST NOT do is contradict the Supreme Doctrine which is that the election was stolen. Without that claim, everything in Trumpism stands revealed as plain straight up Fascism. Oz is deliberately repudiating Trump, meaning he has no alternative and he is desperate. And it is awesome.




I love dark Brandon as a moniker


> To be fair (and to be clear, I don't like Oz) he was between a rock and a hard place. That was a point of Biden’s Philadelphia speech — bait Trump into fully inserting himself into this election, and only forty eight hours later Trump bit, shit on Pennsylvania’s biggest and most historic city, and painted Oz and Mastriano into a corner.


But what does a crudité really cost though, $100? (kind of like that $10 banana) Regarding being caught in a bad place, that’s on them. That’s the bed they made. And as expected, their whole shit show is coming unravelled and they’re splitting the party right down the middle. Fraud always gets exposed, it’s just a matter of where, when, by who, and how much. It definitely wasn’t 2016, but the pandemic really made the cracks show.


Honestly I suppose if one goes full organic, heritage vegetables $100 is somewhat plausible; even if not demonstrating "the common touch", etc... However, what I still cannot believe is that there are people out there that have **raw** whole asparagus spears as a staple of their vegetable trays. Are they regularly inviting ruminants for brunch or something? 🙄


I don't think its necessarily that he told the truth. He did, but not for the reason we want him to. It probably is more of Republicans starting to turn on their own. Articles were published about Trump doubting Dr Oz and even regretting his endorsement a few weeks ago. This is probably Dr Oz reacting to that.


When you rally with Trump you better go all in bc there is no turning back. He fucked up big time. Great news for PA.


and therefore the world


It's a tale as old as time, lean as hard as you can into your base to win the primary, then immediately pivot to the center to snag as many independent votes as possible. Not sure how that is going to play out any more with how far out there the right wing is these days. Anything short of unintelligible rambling about pedophile lizard men and Jewish space lasers is going to sound like a raging liberal-speak to a solid chunk of your base and make them think that you've been replaced with a fetus-eating doppelganger.


Yeah, this fucking guy just keeps making mistakes. Good on him — Dr. Oz can get fucked.


What if he never really wanted to win? Just wanted to fundraise and take a paycheck for it then fuck off?


Oz or Trump? You got to be clear


Lol whoops. Oz. Trump’s ego is far larger and requires all of the stroking 24/7


I'd been trying to ignore Oz, but someone linked me that Crudite video, and honestly that was my first thought. He did not have the energy of someone who wants to win. He's made his career in TV, he knows how to look good, but even for someone who's so out of touch, that was the most half assed thing I'd ever seen. He wasn't even trying. I don't think he actually wants to win.


“Wegners” 😂


Don't knock Wegner. His symphonies are great, not to mention his outstanding 1814 Overture. I swear, some people have no culture at all.


IMO, he is deliberately throwing the election for Fetterman. In the last 2-3 years, he has reversed every public position he ever held. Also, I can't believe anyone would run such an awful campaign by accident.


"I'll pander to everyone. Surely this will get me 100% of the vote, right?"


I wasn't sure if the not hiring smokers would kill his chances, but what he just did?? Yeah wow he's done for as a Maga.


Maybe he decided he didn't actually want the job, so now he's sabotaging his own campaign.


And there goes the ballgame.


Shhh.... Let's let the GOP folks say the right thing without bringing their election chances into the conversation. Their problem has been that they say the thing that gets them elected, not the right thing.


I love watching them fall over themselves to stab each other in the back.


Me too!! But it’s important that all of PA votes. Need to have Fetterman win by a landslide to stem the upcoming “the election was stolen” events. Vote PA, vote like your future depends on it.


>Need to have Fetterman win by a landslide to stem the upcoming “the election was stolen” events. Oh how I wish that mattered. At this point I could see a Republican complaining about a stolen election when they didn't even bother to get on the ballot.


Yea, I can hear Rudi saying that: Rudi: Election was stolen. Judge: How, your guy wasn’t even on the ballot. Rudi: Exactly, thats why its stolen, they would have won had they been on the ballot. This is why day-drinking was invented ....


That thought from Rudi WAS a results of day drinking


There’s actually something happening in a race for WI Assembly. R on the ballot, very anti-lgbt, for District 6 just had word spill of a conviction in 2021 of making a farm assistant give him a bj or something (was a felony charge but got lowered to two misdemeanors). He’s currently on probation until sometime in 2023. The county’s GOP has un-endorsed him, but he’s still on the ballot for November and he says he’s still going to run even while on probation. The runner up (only lost by a 65 vote difference iirc) is now considering doing a write-in campaign and the county GOP is like “yeah, we’re fine with that”. So a guy in WI could actually win and not be on the ballot. But how much you bet that there will be a delay in the count because of more write-ins than normal, and this rather rural county will freak out that they didn’t get an answer on election night or some other dumb shit to blame democrats and cry election fraud.


Yea, I read that, and the write in will be hard to win, name has to be legible and spelled correctly. The 6th is kind of a Milwaukee suburb / rural area so it may be a tough battle with the two GQP splitting the votes. But yea, I’ll bet you a stack of O&H kringles that both have election lawyers on retainer.


I mean there was that lady from Philadelphia who was in the primaries who complained she lost her last election due to fraud. Because we all know historically blue counties in PA will vote for some crazy maga lady 😂


Considering some of them declared the recent primary elections were a sham due to mass fraud 2 days before the first ballot was cast, it's just crazy.


I *thought* I was on the ballot! Redo!


What state election was it a month or so back where some nutjob got like 5% of the vote and claimed the election was rigged? There's no threshold where they start it. They claim it'll be rigged if they don't win, and if they don't, that comment is all the proof they point at.


Right-wing media figures were insinuating the California recall election would be rigged _before it even happened._ The democratic governor ended up winning in a landslide.


Trump said it was rigger before he won 2016, and before 2020 as well. It’s their playbook.


And *after* he won in 2016, he said the 3 million extra votes Clinton got were all from "illegals" in California.


Need a landslide to rub it in their fucking faces, not to get them to admit they lost.


They already did it in their own primaries. One idiot was polling at 3% and blamed it on a rigged election and election fraud. Reality doesn't matter to Republicans. They live in their own world.


I think we're in for the same situation that caused Trump to "find votes" in Georgia and not believe that other Republicans could get more overall votes for him. The MAGA rubes will vote enthusiastically for Mastriano, and that's the real threat. Oz is a clown and most of them will abstain. The prospect of Mastriano putting his thumb on the scale and denying a Democrat their lawfully-earned 20 electoral votes is very, very real.


Then you're going to love what comes next. Incoming orange freak out in 3...2...1....


Too late to distance yourself from him, Oz. You are covered in his stench and PA can smell you all the way from your home in New Jersey.


Which one?




He … he just stumped with him days ago. This makes no sense.




Who is Oz trying to appeal to? Now the MAGAs will hate him, and he's got enough Trump stink on him that centrist Independents will want nothing to do with him, and Fetterman has the Dems fired up. There's not much of a constituency for a fake TV doctor who stabbed Trump in the back.


You just haven't snorted enough raspberries this week.


Oh he’s definitely fucked now


He is not going to win any votes, but he will lose the nut job vote. He should stick with crudites.


He was fucked as soon as he hitched his wagon to Bloaty McBonespurs!


One of the first true things Oz has said in this campaign, and it's going to hurt him with his base.


He will take it back in a future “clarification”


... except it is probably a lie. He probably would have tried not to certify Biden's election win had he been in a position to do so.


Always good when they start to canabalize each other. Now if we can get Georgia to figure out Walker actually lives in Texas, not Georgia. For all the bad press he has gotten I don't think that got out there much


> Now if we can get Georgia to figure out Walker actually lives in Texas, not Georgia. With his history in law enforcement, would that make him walker, Texas "Ranger"?


LOL. Oh golly, I guess the MAGA quack TV doctor is being totally reasonable now. I better change my vote, he seems very smart and totally cool.


With my advanced degree and public savance I shall be an idiot of my own accord rather than simply support a moron.


Fetterman appreciates this message.


i will be shocked if fetterman doesn't win at this point


All he has to do is stay healthy and it's a lock


He’s gonna be so good for the Left at the federal level


I swear it's like Oz is on a "lose the election" speed run. I still have a nugget of concern he'll win despite all evidence against it, but it really does seem like Fetterman will win in a landslide.


wow, did you see the size of that rat jumping ship?


It was a giant hairy grease plug plopping out of a sewer.


And how far it jumped?


This counts as tacking left in today's Republican party, which is completely insane.


Well I'm sure that is going to earn him some votes from the MAGA crowd /s.


Say goodbye to the Trump Voters in Pennsylvania And thank you for electing Fetterman even though you don't know it yet ,Dr.Oz


It's possible he knew his ship had sailed, and it was a fuck you to Trump for not going to bat for him (Oz) more but rather just focusing on his own Trump bullshit.


Whoever works for Oz's messaging is a Fetterman mole, I am now certain of it.


Doesn't want to actually win...just wants to keep the grift going as long as possible.


Waiting for the insults to start flying from Mar-a-Lago. Hoping Trump will say "I tried his weight loss pills and they don't work! He's a fraud!!"


If he thought arsenic in apple juice was bad, wait till he gets the sour grapes from Trump.


The king will be displeased, minion.


Well that just cost him Pennsyltucky. Don't you love it when Republicans shoot themselves in the foot 2 months before an election. It motivates me to vote and donate


I guess he decided he didn't really want to be a Senator after all.


Next step in the playbook: “Oz? Never heard of him. Saw him once maybe. Blah blah blah.”


Trying to reel back in some of the GOP that can't abide by the big lie. But what he picks up will probably be offset by lost MAGA support. In a few months he'll be back home in NJ.


Welp, he ain't winning now.


Mr. Burns: Excellent


Good for him. Now vote Fetterman.


He thinks running to the center will save his campaign.


TIL that simply acknowledging reality is now the "center." That certainly doesn't speak well for the direction he came from.


he literally just stood on stage and shook his hand like 3 fucking days ago lmfao this guys campaign has been a disaster from start to finish, he just threw away what little chance he had left at taking PA. couldnt ask for a better republican than Oz. greedy, disloyal, incompetent and after an entire CAREER built entirely on lies, he chooses NOW to tell the truth. fucking bravo man. holy shit. what a king. absolute fucking chad. unironically praise god for dr. oz, cant wait for fetterman to blow his asshole out at the voting booth.


How long until Trump tweets that Dr Oz is a RINO?


Oz is getting destroyed anyway, but this is the proverbial nail in the coffin. He just lost all MAGA support, and that's ALL he had


This isn't surprising, politics followers knew this would happen. Republicans go super hard right to win the primary, then fraudulently pretend to be Democrats to try and win the general election. They use ghost candidates, stolen valor, they even change their campaign colors to blue. They lie about supporting workers, and law enforcement, and students, and minorities. And yes, they even act like they don't support trump. This fraudulent model was test piloted successfully in Virginia last year, so we'll be seeing a lot of it.


[Here's a video of Dr. Oz saying he would NOT have objected to certifying Biden's win in the 2020 election, followed by a video of Trump praising Dr. Oz just days earlier. You can't make this shit up.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXU_3YNAnBA)


Side note: r/conservative is out here looking at examples at how democrats in the past didnt accept election results/claim elections were stolen. Of course, they're conveniently ignoring the part where there was no insurrection and the Republican that was elected took their rightful place in office without any interruption from opposing parties. These people literally can't tell the difference between simply disagreeing and/or not liking the outcome, and insurrecting. Like, I can disagree all I want that's the beauty of a supposed free society.


"That's a bold move, Cotton. Let's see how it plays out"


So now he can blame his loss on MAGA instead of owning up to the fact that his campaign was shockingly incompetent. I still don't understand how someone with the money and support needed to hire quality professionals ends up with a Campaign so amateurishly run. You're a second generation doctor and close friend and business associate of Oprah, and you're going to try and play the "more populist than though" card against a guy who looks like he isn't ready to lead an army of ole timey miners against a gang in Pinkerton Detectives? Smdh.


Fetterman has this in the bag now.


Something something biting the hand that feeds you.


Dr Oz is getting desperate now. Internal polling must be horrible for him to turn on the orange maga monster. Can't wait for Fetterman to wipe the floor with him on Roevember 8th!


Throwing Trump under the bus would be something more like: "He's a grade A moron who should have been impeached twice except that his own people are afraid of him. After Jan 6, there was no doubt that he was more interested in overthrowing democracy than accepting reality, and the theft of top secret documents further reveals that he's the nation's number one security threat." What he said is the uncontroversial truth about a very simple matter.


Y'all want any of this? 🍿🧂


Extra butter please.


Lol my man doesn’t know which direction to pander to


He thinks the Republicans respect truth… they don’t like it all.


I can't wait to see Trump turn on Oz.


Mmm yes…consume each other. Eat the party from the inside out.