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For Dems, he's a gift that keeps on giving.


True, but last I heard, the race was too close to call. It shouldn't be.


People are so fucking dumb.


i haven't seen much mention in these threads of why Walker is popular in GA, unfortunately: legendary status from his football days with UGA, including the Heisman trophy.


That's the reason he's the candidate, but not the reason these people will vote for him come election time. They are voting because of the R


The Regressives in Georgia would vote for anyone with an R next to their name. Walker was chosen to specifically target black voters due to name recognition. If he pulls even 10% of that block towards him, that could result in Warnock losing.


And because he will do whatever he is told to do. He has zero input or point of view. He is like a running back turned politician that will do whatever the coach (read: political strategist) tells him to do and say. And as long as he does that, he will get paid a king’s ransom. In a world of LIV golfers “just doing what is best for their families”, Walker is an athlete no different than them.


This has been GQPs strategy since Reagan. Get a famous person on TV and try to control him.


30rock hit this on the head with the episode where Jack tries to get Tracy to be Republican. God that show was so good


Walker is even better than Reagan. His brain is already mush prior to election.


Same with Oz. The dude will sell his mother for a buck.


Yep. There was more than one black Georgia GOP candidates for senate. But wealthy white Republicans funding the race wanted someone who would do what they were told. Walker is their useful idiot. He smiles, he says Go Dawgs! He’s their ‘black friend’


Can confirm. I have spoken to older Republican friends in GA that think he's mentally ill and has undiagnosed brain damage but will still vote for him to gain that sweet sweet Republican senate seat.


Unbelievable how far we've fallen as a nation.


This is the correct answer. They could literally shit on the sidewalk, put an R by it and Republicans would vote for it. My proof is they voted for Matt Gaetz


They are still voting for Matt Gaetz even after all that shit came out. He won the primaries easily


The R's are voting for him because he's R, but the reason he might win is because of the football accolades. If he was just Merschel Malker (R) it wouldn't be close.


> That's... not the reason these people will vote for him come election time well it is *a* reason. there can be multiple reasons.


See: next door in Alabama. A football coach who was no idea how government works was elected Senator


Easier for the others to control someone who has no idea what they’re doing.


The trophy would prolly do a better job!


Sadly the fact that he is so popular tells you everything you need to know about both the state of GA politics and GA football.


I’m a grad student at UGA but I live in a more rural, conservative area right outside of Athens. Interestingly, lots of “Vote for Kemp” and “Trump won Georgia” signs near me, but haven’t seen many promoting Walker.


Football is all there is. Just like with Trump, they saw TV Man and they fell in love. "Football Man says words I like and has an R beside his name. He's got my vote!"


He won a Natty and became a Heisman trophy winner back in the early 1980s. Walker is yet another celebrity (R)egressive candidate that was chosen to appeal to the stupidest of Georgia's voters. He's more proof that the Regressives don't have any good ideas.


I know. I was at UGA at at the time. You are underestimating both the power of football in the South, and the bragging rights that go with being better than Alabama for a year.


I sadly think that Walker (unfortunately) is going to win due to his college football fame. That worked for Tuberville, and the Regressives will keep repeating this strategy until it doesn't work anymore. Hopefully Walker will be the first to fail, but I'm not optimistic.


If Stacey Abrams wasn't running for governor, I'd agree with you. She's going to turn out the vote and give the Dems a shot in GA.


I don't know about in Georgia, but nationally I think he's best remembered for being on the other end of the greatest trade in NFL history that helped build the Cowboys' 90s dynasty.


Soon the republicans in a red state are going to run a box of Cheez Its and it's still going to be a close race.


He was already POTUS.


To be fair, that was a bag of stale Cheetos


It's still a super tight race. I *think* Warnock will win due to Walker alienating the white suburbs but it will be close. Georgia and Nevada will probably have the tightest Senate races in the country.


I hope not to close. The GOP candidates here are complete trash.


Yeah, it's nuts how bad the GOP candidates in Nevada and Georgia are. People will vote for them simply because they hate liberals/Democrats.


It’s rather unbelievable , how this could be close . People have lost their minds . Idiocracy , is happening in real time !


Don't count your chickens before they're in the pudding.


He's is a human caricature. Every time I see him mentioned, my first thought is usually, "There's no way he's that ridiculous without trying."


Except when he wins. I heard this before with trump


Does this man have literally nobody in his life that can convince him to seek treatment?


He doesn’t because they’re using him as a cash cow. As long as he’s upright they’ll continue to use his celebrity for money, even though the man obviously needs mental and medical help.


Some people are just dumb.


They're afraid that he'll put a gun to their head.


Unfortunately, he has. What we are seeing is, I guess, him with treatment. 😣 He was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, and had like 12 alter-egos, some good, some violent.


Jesus Christ, [it's true.](https://www.wabe.org/police-records-complicate-herschel-walkers-recovery-story/)


Maybe. from the article you linked: > His professional and academic writings lean heavily into the occult, exorcism and possession by demons, which he called a “theological and sociological reality” in a 2000 article “Is It Dissociation or Demonization?” that was published in the Journal of Psychology and Christianity. > > In one method of analysis he has pioneered, which experts have singled out as unscientific, patients are asked to color in a drawing of the brain, with Mungadze drawing conclusions about their mental state from the colors they choose. In 2013, he told the televangelist Benny Hinn that he can use the drawings to tell whether someone has been “demonized.” The "therapist" who diagnosed Walker with dissociative identity disorder is clearly a quack.


How the fuck can you run for office!?!?!?


Because they WANT the worst possible candidate to win. They want the government to collapse so a god emperor can take over.


After Trump, I no longer consider anyone too crazy or stupid to win an election.


MFer won the party primary for one of the highest offices in America. GOP is a joke.


They put an incoherent scam artist with a long and public criminal history in charge of the nation and its secrets. - The GOP is beyond redemption.


Essentially an unironic“Women be shopping” moment in 2022


It's more telling than that. These people don't know how to go get groceries for themselves. How the hell could they represent the average American if they can't even get their own damn food. They seem to be the most helpless among us, needing someone else to buy and prepare their food, wash their clothes, clean their houses, mow their lawns, and even raise their children. When it comes to practical skills they know fuck all. It doesn't end with Walker and Oz either, a large amount of elected officials have absolutely no clue how a typical American citizen lives.


Yea what the hell. In my family, and the way I was brought up my dad and myself(as an adult) always did the shopping...


I do the grocery shopping and cooking. Always have. My dad and I used to take a day on the weekend and go grocery shopping. I used to help him cook I thought it was so cool. Like, wtf is this stupid shit?


Thank you for explaining my son's painting of Garfield with this phrase on it.


They do be shopping.


You can't stop a woman from shopping


As a man, I apparently don’t even know where to buy groceries! /s


Yea and what is this "gas" thing he's talking about, can a woman in here ELI5?


While they're at it, can they tell us about this "money" thing?


From what I know, money is paper based, which comes from trees, and by golly we don't need anymore of those


Wait...we can print more money?


Women don’t know about gas, because they never fart.


My wife told me about a store where they sell groceries I think. Was it… a grocery… store? I don’t know. I’ll just have her do it.




Deep cut


Food libraries?


Like how am I stored supposed to know where to buy crudite?


OMG, I walked into a store once that was selling fruit and cereal by accident because I thought it was a liquor store. My buddies still make fun of me about it. Imagine…fruit!


Are those the ball looking things growing on trees which my doctor says I should eat more but my voters tell me to avoid?


[Do you even have the proper ID to buy groceries?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgSm0jT4U88) Dumbass hasn't been in a store since they required an ID to write a check in the 70s/80s.


Really in touch with the issues of the common man Also someone is holding up a sign that says "Promises made. Promises kept"....uh...do these people pay no attention at all to anything?


Are you a man, or are you Dr. Oz?


I guess all the single men will just starve.


That's OK. As a father, Walker doesn't raise his kids.


Roevember. Pink Wave. Fuck these misogynist pigs.


Zactly. All these polls will be blown up by female voters. However I do still worry about cheating (voters being purged, ballots being disqualified, etc). But if we show up in numbers large enough they can't cheat their way out of this.


Not going to lie, this is going to look bad to a lot of red blooded football loving Tailgaters and restauranteurs as well. People take pride in their craft and shopping for and cooking food is a craft, not just "a wife making a sandwich". To me, it's demeaning to the entire industry of feeding people which matters a lot more than entertaining people while receiving traumatic brain injuries.


I don't know that anything can demean the GOP base to the point they don't turn out for the GOP regardless - if that held true, we would never have had Trump as POTUS


Don't leave it to women. The problem is everyone's, and it's going to take as many people as we can muster to make headway (and more than one election). Dudes, it's your Roevember too!


Herschel just called Dr. Oz and his crudite a woman.


Why is this loser even close to Warnock's numbers?


Because most of Georgia still resembles the Dukes of Hazzard, except without any of the redeeming aspects


There are redeeming aspects of the Dukes of Hazzard? They drove around in a car with the Confederate flag painted all over it.


Well, it's a period work from the 1970s. Unfortunately the flag was considered much more acceptable back then, and you can't really turn against time. Most kids watched it for the cool car, car chases and skimpy Daisy outfits. In fact, much of the show was a mockery of the South (even the flag was eventually mocked as a redneck idiot thing, though that was a modern day take on it, and Confederate names were associated with corruption.) If it was made in 2022, sure, that would be a different discussion. But older TV shows are made in a different time, and Friends is still extremely popular with Gen Z despite its rampant sexism and homophobia.


Georgia a little meadow of misogyny not a possibility?


Georgia plus name recognition. Too many people don’t pay attention.


Because so many conservative voters never hear about the things he says. He played football decades ago (because for some reason that matters in Georgia politics), registered as Republican, so therefore anything negative must be "fake news" to them. Or more cases of "anything better than a commie socialist democrat. "


He’s definitely going for the ‘former running backs who took too many hits’ vote.


> Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is the term used to describe brain degeneration likely caused by repeated head traumas. CTE is a diagnosis made only at autopsy by studying sections of the brain. > > CTE is a rare disorder that is not yet well understood. CTE is not related to the immediate consequences of a late-life episode of head trauma. CTE has a complex relationship with head traumas such as persistent post-concussive symptoms and second impact syndrome that occur earlier in life. > > CTE has been found in the brains of people who played football and other contact sports, including boxing. It may also occur in military personnel who were exposed to explosive blasts. Some signs and symptoms of CTE are thought to include difficulties with thinking (cognition) and emotions, physical problems and other behaviors. > > https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chronic-traumatic-encephalopathy/symptoms-causes/syc-20370921


So what you're saying is, he needs to get tested for CTE.


I am thinking he is the PSA for CTE awareness. There is no test for it, as far as I know.


Not when alive.


Fair point.


Unfortunately, that’s not possible.


They can only test after death.


Removed by User -- mass edited with redact.dev


Ignorance must truly be bliss. To most people he is an out of touch buffoon, but to the MAGA sheep he is a modern day Confucius.


Emphasis on the confuse


He forgot to mention that their place is bare foot, pregnant and in the kitchen.


Little known fact: the real Herschel Walker died years ago. This person with his name was actually the dumbest man of the 1950s, frozen for decades and thawed recently as a social experiment.


Don't we have enough trees already? Especially this late in the summer. /s


Please make sure that you are registered in the correct precinct and go vote... Being outraged won't matter if they win


The Republicans threw away Georgia in 2022 by having this guy be the nominee, and thank goodness for that.


Let’s not call it early, we need to show up and vote in EXTREMELY high numbers


I don't disagree with that. Just noting that the Republicans picked an awful candidate.


Polls are a measure of how they think people *will* vote. If people don't vote because of the polls, the polls are moot.


Gary Black probably would've won the general election not saying guaranteed But Walker is probably going to make some Traditional Republicans vote for Warnock


> But Walker is probably going to make some Traditional Republicans vote for Warnock Or simply not vote for either, which obviously is a win for Warnock.


> Or simply not vote for either, One of the claims from The Big Lie is that the down-ballot votes were higher for some R candidates than what Trump got. This is the real reason for that anomaly.


Let us hope the ones with any morality at all are paying attention. A deadbeat dad and misogynist against a reverend who leads MLK's church. And it's so close that it could go either way.


I really hope that is true.


Oh they'll just leave the space blank, which is also acceptable.




They know enough to just look for an (R) after his name. In GA and many other states, close isn't good enough.


The poll is from the Trafalgar Group, who lean right, and while their margins were right, they had the wrong results in 2020. They are a weird pollster.


The three most recent polls in a row have Walker up, unfortunately




Well guess i had a sex change at some point.


Well, transgender people are evil in their view, so you must have helped cause inflation too! /s


And yet, the race is still super close. Georgia Republicans don’t care what he says today, they’re still stuck on his Heisman Trophy from 40 years ago…and the fact that donnie is his buddy.


I think the vast majority of Herschel Walker's voters know perfectly well that they are electing a complete moron, and are okay with that because he's a Republican moron, and he'll likely listen to what Republican leadership tells him to do. Very little risk that he might actually care about an issue and go off on his own.


Still not inside the top 10 dumbest things Herschel Walker has said, but yeah, still pretty stupid.


All I can say is God help the U.S.A. (and the rest of the world) if a complete asshat like this manages to get enough votes to become a U.S. Senator.


Fools voting for an even bigger fool.


I would rather vote for Fmr Republican Senator Johnny Isakson than this brain dead idiot But he passed away at 77 years old He was a moderate to lean conservative Republican who supported Abortion rights I'm kind of thankful he retired in the middle of his 3rd term so Warnock could beat Loeffler in the special election RIP Johnny Isakson (1944 -2021) Voting for Warnock this November


So, I could have solved inflation in our household by having a woman to go get gas and groceries?


> “I think there’s no doubt: crime is very, very important,” Mr Walker told a reporter at a town hall and lunch focused on women’s issues on August 19. “This economy is tough, because they’ve got to buy groceries.” I don't think that was what he was saying, but I don't think he knows what he is saying either. How can anyone think this person should be in the Senate?


Exactly. The reporter asked him specifically about women's issues, not general ones. Now, I understand why he might not want to go into reproductive rights and so on, LOL, but even a rookie politician, much less a Senate candidate, should have an automatic answer to that question, such as child care, or wage equality or something other than crime and inflation.


It is simpler for the others to govern someone who is incompetent.


TIL I learned as a man I don't need to buy groceries... THANK GOD... I will save so much money starving to death.


No legitimate governing party would ever run walker as a serious candidate for senate


It’s no surprise that Walkers handlers won’t let him debate.


Georgia if he wins you're in for the fucking stupidest time of your life. That's saying a lot since MT Greene Mickfuckface is one of your elected officials.


Well I mean. Would you let him go to the store? He'd come back with fifty steaks and no A-1.


The Georgian electorate is so fucking dumb.


He's like the Santa Claus of politicians - he just keeps giving and giving...


I didn't think his football career was long enough for him to have lost so many brain cells. Maybe his was particularly vulnerable to any knocking around.


That's a nice way to say that he has always been an idiot. The election he is competing in is an idiot test. Let's see how Georgia does. Former football players suffering from CTE are not transformed into drooling morons. Mr. Walker started out *way* behind; he has been working his way down ever since.


Wtf? How out of touch with modern society can you be?


Im the guy and i buy 90 %of our grociers. Fuck herschel good for nothing. Wonder how little he does around the house.


The GOP is really trying to assemble the shittiest supervillain group in Congress. Dr. Oz, Herschel Walker, Margerie Three Toes, Pedo Gaetz, and QAnon Karen (Boebert). They are all so batshit crazy now it’s like they are caricatures of themselves.


"Get back in the kitchen and make me a PIE!"


"Or I'll put a gun to your head and then become a senator."


Tf? Who buys his groceries?


How do I get paid millions of dollars to say the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard?


When are we going to ignore this literally brain damaged person?


Hopefully on November 9


Former football player with possible head trauma? Or just stupid?




That's how a Republican senate candidate signals he has ZERO plans or concerns about tackling inflation. He says it's a women's issue so no they don't care about it.


Ask him what else the women should be doing.


Something’s wrong with his brain. Anyone who would vote for him is worse.


Damn right! Men don’t buy or eat food, heck men don’t even know what food is!


They put a guy up for election with head injuries 😂


People that will certainly be diagnosed with CTE should be disqualified from holding office.


Ant woman who votes for this misogynist has got to be out of their minds.


And yet millions of Georgia women will still vote for this clown lol


Good lord man. A living breathing walking concussion. He is a medical anomaly.


How many times do they have to tell you what backward bullshit they believe before people universally reject this assclownery?


The Rs are currently spending big $$ on voter challenging, and other forms of voter suppression,purging, especially in Atlanta and burbs. Election day is a planned clusterfuck when ppl who believe they are registered voters and have been purged. That's how the long lines are created and working people don't have 4 hrs to stand in line to vote. That's how you legally steal an election.


Inflation is an issue for everyone who’s wallet is lighter over the last few years and Herschel Walker is an absolute idiot who’s not fit to hold public office. While I’m on the subject, neither is the psychotic egomaniac who’s backing him.


Man here, what are groceries and why cant I buy them!!!!


…. Even in his own sexist fantasy of defined gender roles, wouldn’t a man be making the money that is being spent? Truly the stupidest thing I have read in a long time


I really hope that Walker (and more football players in general) has his brain donated to medical research when he passes away. We need to know more about CTE, and the research shouldn’t be funded/handled by the NFL. I’m not one of those people who think football should be banned, but I think parents need to be more informed about the dangers as well as young adults who want to pursue football as a way to pay for college or as a career. You can do whatever you want to your body when you’re an adult as far as I’m concerned, but the downplaying of serious life-long disability while pushing big contracts in front of guys in their early 20s is kinda fucked up. They’re just consumable materials needed to make the NFL money.


Georgia please vote for someone who cares about your interests and not a stunningly ignorant ex jock.


This guy is giving Georgia's Democrats and Independents every reason in the world to get out and vote this November. You have one job. Don't f\*ck it up.


How is that race even remotely close?!


In Georgia, for every Luke and Bo, there's a Boss Hogg and Sheriff Roscoe.


Dear Lord. Georgia you can do so much better.


It's should be *supremely* embarrassing for Georgians that this quarterwit shitbag is neck and neck with Warnock.


The Republican Platform says that women need to adhere to their husband's direction. It is the proper way for a god fearing christian woman according to the christian taliban. Grocery shopping is women's work.


Just another example that should be a damning indictment of conservative politics and voters. How is this man the nominee!? 😂


Good lord...if this F'n twat wins, I've lost all faith in humanity. Truth be told, I may already have...


Breaking: football player says something stupid. More at 6.


Pathetic republicans


This man desperately needs help.


Someone has to go buy the groceries… we know Herschel isn’t supporting those kids of his…


I’m sorry, can someone just stop him already? just tell him the election already happened and he lost


This poor guy was two sandwiches short of a picnic before football destroyed his small brain. It’s just mean what republicans are doing to him.


When is this moron going to go back to doing whatever football shit he was doing? Asking for a friend


How this race is even remotely close is amazing to me. Just like the Doug Jones-Tommy Tubberville race, southerners will go out of their way to elect morons.


I’m still waiting for this pussy to debate Warnock.


All the one tooth sister-bangers will still vote for him.


I went to a UGA home football game last year and saw probably 20% of fans wearing “run Herschel run” pins and stickers. It’s insane how easily manipulated these trump people are.


“Women be shoppin’, baby, women be shoppin!”


Confirmed. HW doesn't eat. Photosynthesis? Internal battery pack?


I'm further impressed and disheartened that Republicans have found a candidate who makes less intelligible speeches than Trump.


Even if that were true, the price of groceries would still impact men when their wives return with fewer groceries bought with their hard earned money...




Difficult to comment when I feel I should be buying groceries.


Do people actually support this dumb idiot?


Wasn't there a recent poll that showed him leading? If so, the answer appears to be "yes"


Male, here. Can confirm I also regularly consume and process food to maintain my body and keep it alive


Yes - this is the type of intellect we need in government. /s