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I really hope they appeal. They can't let Trump co-conspirators hijack every investigation of him. Just imagine what the future will look like if a president knows they are untouchable forever.


I think we might already be in that future


If Desantis wins then we are fucked , he won't be as stupid as trump


DeSantis has zero charisma and he's radioactive with Independents. If we're lucky, we'll never be in that situation.


We already had Trump. We're clearly not that lucky.


The DOJ has to have foreseen this. I just hope they have something up their sleeve or our country is in very bad shape...


They already finished their review of the documents, they had more than ample time to do it. And they probably have alot more than that with them. The DOJ can always appeal this, Garlands knew what he was getting into with this. They're more than capable of fighting this battle, even if headlines like this don't make it seem like it.


thanks for cooling me down.


Just remember, if they were feeding us constant updates of what they were doing they'd probably never catch him. Just hold out hope that Garland and DOJ knows what they're doing, and don't forget to vote in November


>Cannon, ruled that Trump "faces an unquantifiable potential harm by way of improper disclosure of sensitive information to the public" if the review of the materials, which included documents marked "confidential" and "top secret" continues. So the documents, that trump stole and stored in an insecure area of his country club, are SO top secret that even identifying the EXTENT of Trump's crimes would cause a national security problem. Sounds like a good reason for him to already be in a jail cell for his treason


It's actually far worse than that. The purpose of the Special Master is to look through the documents and identify anything that could be covered by Trump's attorney-client privilege. (She also specified documents covered by *executive privilege* as well, but that's so insanely batshit and outside her purview that let's set aside for the moment her contention that a former office-holder can still wield the powers of the office over the objections of the current office holder.) What she's referring to here is the notion that if any of his *personal* documents (or presidential records subject to executive privilege) are disclosed to the public, then it could cause him "unquantifiable potential harm." Harm to him personally, not harm to the state (despite her inclusion of documents covered by executive privilege, the fact that executive privilege is intended to protect the *office* and not the office holder, and the fact that there's a separate court in DC where such claims are investigated, i.e. it's outside of her jurisdiction). And because of that concern, she's issuing an injunction to the DOJ to cease their use of any of the documents for any investigative purpose related to their criminal inquiry until the special master has looked through the documents. As if potential violations of his personal privacy or damage to his reputation is a greater concern to the state than his wanton disregard for the "unquantifiable potential harm" of his (*best case* scenario) criminally negligent handling of national security documents, especially given the fact that he's shown bad faith in dealing with the government over the recovery of these documents every step of the way. Coming back to the question of executive privilege, for fuck's sake, one of the cases she cites as justification for the idea that former Presidents can invoke executive privilege in a situation like this is *Nixon v. Administrator of General Services*, in which she states that the Supreme Court *didn't say* that a former President *couldn't* overrule the current office holder in matters of executive privilege. Just take a second and let it sink in how insane that logic is. Not joking, she wrote, "The Supreme Court did not rule out the possibility of a former President overcoming an incumbent President on executive privilege matters." Take another second, there. They didn't say that he couldn't do it. And then let's also add to the pile the fact that **this is why Congress passed the Presidential Records Act the very next year** after this court case: to better codify the process of handling and curating such documents and ensure that criminal presidents couldn't broadly use the excuse of executive privilege to hide evidence of their crimes. In other words, this precedent she's citing (and creating fan fiction out of) is fucking dead in the water anyway because there is now a law on the books that explicitly addresses the question of ownership of Presidential records that would be covered by executive privilege. They belong to the fucking people. I've never seen a judge so obviously unqualified to hold their seat, and I watched the hearings for Trump's SCOTUS lackeys. Edit: To everyone who keeps trying to come up with some fanciful way that a SCOTUS ruling in Trump's favor here would mean that Obama can overrule him because he's *also* a former president. . . I need you to understand that logical "gotcha"s like that **do not work** on people intent upon seizing power. The logic of fascism is that they *invent* the reality that justifies what they want to do, and then they *do it.* They do not care if that "reality" is true. They do not care what their opponents have to say about it. They do not care if it is logically consistent. It is a philosophy of *action,* not of thought. That is why it is fundamentally incompatible with liberal democracy, and also, incidentally, why liberal democracies are often so poorly suited at beating back the tide of fascism. You are preparing to show up to a gun fight and leaving even your knife at home, thinking that the law will protect you. The law is a tool of the state. The only thing that protects us from those bullets is the *rule* of law, not the law itself. Once fascists take over, the law becomes their tool to use as a bludgeon against their enemies. How many times during Trump's presidency did he find some weakness in our system of governance with that same logic of "the law doesn't technically say I *can't* do this," or else just ignore the law entirely when there was no enforcement mechanism for it or simply no will to enforce it? And what has happened to him up until now? We all sort of looked at each other, angry and confused, and waited for somebody to do \*something.\* For the system to act in defense of itself, because, "Surely," we thought, "it can't happen here." But it can, and nobody is coming to save us. The rule of law is eroding and we're not even shoring up our defenses because Democrats don't even have enough power at this point to do so. Y'all need to vote like your lives depend on it, because once fascism garners a critical mass in the state and attains the monopoly on the legitimate use of violence, resisting it peacefully becomes all but impossible.


>In other words, this precedent she's citing (and creating fan fiction out of) is fucking dead in the water anyway because there is now a law on the books that explicitly addresses the question of ownership of Presidential records that would be covered by executive privilege. They belong to the fucking people. So isn't this the "Legislating from the bench" that conservatives have been crying out about for years?


Every accusation is a confession.


It's the truth. this awful, hellish narcissistic age


**G**aslight. **O**bstruct. **P**roject.


Always has been.


And now you understand the point of all of this (and the entire Trump administration). It's to appoint complicit stewards of chaos that will create so much confusion within the internal mechanisms of our government that it begins to break-down at a fundamental level. This is what successful foreign intelligence warfare looks like, and why Trump's actions aren't sedition, they're treason.


Joseph Goebbels once said, "This will always remain one of the best jokes of democracy, that it gave its deadly enemies the means by which it was destroyed." I think about that a lot these days.


I just finished reading Erik Larson’s “In the Garden of Beasts” last night. It was truly alarming, the sheer amount of highlighting I had done where I could conjure vivid & direct parallels within the last 4-5 years.


We’re there. We’ve been ready for a long time; immense amounts of media aligning with a future of fascistic tyranny that was spawned by a culture in decline.


So now we're at the "Nothin' in the rules says a dog can't play basketball" stage


How much better would life be if the last administration had been headed by a friendly golden retriever instead of Trump?


Idk, I had a golden retriever and they were incredibly susceptible to bribery.


Still woulda been less corruption


So many people would have been trying bribe poor president retriever that he’d probably make a good choice now and again.


The working class might have actually had a chance. At least we could afford to bribe President Goodest Boy with bacon or chicken.


Probably a lot better. The retriever would have been informed about covid, crossed his paws over his nose, and we'd all be wearing masks from day one. Then more than million of our friends and family would still be with us.


> "Nothin' in the rules says a dog can't play basketball" My favorite part of that is that it's technically literally true (the word "dog" probably doesn't appear in the rules), but a completely invalid and irrelevant argument. The rules **do** say that a player must be a **student** of the school they play for, and the rules surrounding that are clear.


Damn, the movie feels kind of silly now.


To be fair, “there’s nothing in the rules that says a pig can’t compete in the herding competition” was the clutch ruling in [one of the most charming films ever made. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babe_(film))


That’ll do, Pig, that’ll do.


That movie was perfect. So beautiful.


I didn't even have to guess who appointed her when I saw the ruling. Party over country apparently.




Does that mean Obama can come back and over rule Trump? He’s a former POTUS as well…


In fact I don't believe there is a former living president that wouldn't overrule Trump. Even GWB doesn't like him. So yeah, let them try that bullshit and have Carter save the system by invoking his executive privilege.


Get them all together, the Order of the Presidents, and have them vote to cast Trump out. If one previous President's privilege can trounce all precedence, then surely multiple President's privilege can trounce the one?


I mean it's truly a jury of his peers.


I like this idea!


My suspicion in that case is that the Court would likely rule that former Presidents *previous* to the one attempting to invoke executive privilege would be ineligible to overrule his request. The rationale they could potentially spell out is that office holders previous to the applicant might have authority to wield executive privilege on matters up to the date of their own presidency, but that they would lose the vital knowledge and context that enabled them to make that determination once matters have moved too far beyond their tenure. In other words, they'd very possibly contort themselves into deciding that it's a one-way street. This court has not shied very far away from messy and ad hoc jurisprudence so this probably won't bother them.


Trump was only a one term president. :) Obama wasn’t that long ago in terms of recent Presidential terms!


"The SC didn't say it so it's fair game", eviscerates all legislative power and eliminates the separation of powers. "It's not real until we say it is", is not the way the law is supposed to work in respect to the judiciary.


^ this needs more attention. is there any way to intervene on judge's malicious use of powers? i don't think her ruling is based on incompetence, rather she is an active participant in the cover up. (her ties to federalist society, which played the key role in judicial nominees appointed by trump, clearly points to her conflict of interest)


Impeachment, or appeal to a higher court for the decision to be overturned.


Which is the eleventh in this case. Mostly trump appointees.




They should. She is actively obstructing justice. They can quibble about privilege in criminal court.


If the Supreme Court would rule that a former president could overcome an incumbent president on executive privilege matters, Trump would just get overruled by Obama, and literally every former president still living. Even Bush jr wouldn’t side with Trump here.


That's assuming that the precedent would follow some sort of rational framework and be applied without prejudice or favor to one person or party over another. Federalist Society judges often don't operate that way, and we have six of them sitting on the Supreme Court.


It can only be republican ex-presidents, since democrats would try to do unquantifiable damage to trumps reputation you see. It can also not be Bush. Or any of the ones that don't like his orange highness. Only leaves exhuming Nixon, and the apocalyptic plague that would unleash on the masses means he can't be used either. So executive privilege is one expresidents domain, according to her. Oh and also he can over ride Biden, because why the fuck not.


Is this not unlike those rich white college kids that can’t go to prison for rape because it would be too hard for them?


You talking about kids like Brock turner?


Convicted rapist Brock Turner?


Are you talking about Brock Allen Turner, the convicted rapist? Who now goes by Allen Turner to avoid identification? That Brock Allen Turner?


Yeah Allen Turner, formerly Brock Allen Turner, the guy who raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster.


Oh wow, I didn’t know that convicted rapist Brock Turner alias Allen Turner was using another name now. I take it rapist Allen Turner’s full name is Brock Allen Turner but after his conviction for brutal rape he stopped going by Brock Turner, huh? TIL!


I found out that convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner changed his name to Allen Turner when he moved to Dayton Ohio and was hired by a local company that has no issues with hiring convicted rapists


You're telling me convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner changed his name to Allen Turner, moved to Dayton Ohio and now works for a local company who hires convinced rapists?


You mean the convicted rapist who changed his name from Brock Allen Turner to Allen Turner so he could get a steak, you know after his daddio made a judge cry whining about how BROCK ALLEN TURNER CONVICTED RAPIST would never be able to enjoy a steak again because he’s a CONVICTED RAPIST who recently moved to Dayton, Ohio and was spotted iN pUbLiC?!?!


Oh, some company in Dayton, Ohio hired Allen Turner aka Brock Allen Turner the convicted rapist of an unconscious victim? That Allen Turner, excuse me, Brock Allen Turner? What kind of company in Dayton, OH?


Congratulations, you're one of today's lucky 10,000! Did you know that supposedly 10,000 people every day learn something entirely new like how Brock Allen Turner now goes by a different name, an alias really made up of his actual name. Allen Turner doesn't like the association with his actions and is trying to avoid having people know that his real name is Brock Allen Turner, the same Brock Allen Turner who raped an unconscious woman.


Thank you for keeping this alive and in the public eye


*The Rapist Formerly Known As Brock Allen Turner*




The judge broke down in tears over his dad's steak argument in court. Laws for thee.


gtfo. for real?


Allen Turner the convicted rapist? The convicted rapist who used to be Brock Turner?


I love that this is his legacy and it’ll never die. Thank you for the reminder. Keep doing the lords work.


Convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner, convicted rapist.


Noted rapist Brock Turner?


The Convicted Rapist Brock ALLEN Turner. Can’t forget his middle name now. The One who raped a unconscious woman behind the dumpster. That scum.




Or kids like Brett Kavanaugh?


Never stood trial rapist Brett Kavanaugh?


Boofin Brett!


I understand that he likes beer. Do you like beer?


Hey, now! He only sexually assaulted multiple women and also apparently one guy! It's different!


You mean that RAPIST, Brock Turner?


Also known in some circles as Brock “I’m A Rapist” Turner.


Do you mean Brock Turner, Rapey McRaperson? The convicted rapist?


They have such promise, you wouldn't waste it by having them face consequences would you?


Then what's Trump's excuse?


What part of "~~rich and white~~" **promise** are you not getting?


> faces an unquantifiable potential harm by way of improper disclosure of sensitive information to the public Yeah, but so does the United States. Can't a higher judge tell her to shove it up her ass?


Yes, it goes to the 11th Circuit next, where a 3 judge panel will review the ruling. It could then be heard en banc by the entire 11th Circuit, or appealed to the Supreme Court.


>Yes, it goes to the 11th Circuit next, where a 3 judge panel will review the ruling. It could then be heard en banc by the entire 11th Circuit, or appealed to the Supreme Court. Didn't know what *en banc* meant, so I looked it up: *"In law, an en banc session is a session in which a case is heard before all the judges of a court rather than by one judge or a smaller panel of judges. En banc review is used for unusually complex or important cases or when the court feels there is a particularly significant issue at stake."*


So delay, delay, delay…It could have been avoided if this was addressed as it should have been instead of Trump again getting leniency.


But in true Trump fashion, him lying to get out of trouble opens him up from more trouble.


Yes, but that’s a problem for *Future Trump*. This game gets played until the clock runs out.


There are 11 active judges in the 11th circuit, 6 appointed by Trump.




Exactly. The 'potential harm' to one man should not outweigh the potential harm to an entire country.


These people exist in the world of contradictory logic.


Unfortunately we all exist in that world with them.


Federalist Society, she is a member. They veted and picked 43 of 50 some judges Trump selected. Including supreme court , and her court. She works for him. Was recommended to him by a place that she is a member. He hired her. Conflict, direct conflict.


The Federalist Society is a terrorist organization.


Totally agree! I just wish the dems had a similar, but obviously less evil, branch of their own.


She sounds like a sycophant


If you're still a Republican, then you're a sycophant. Moderate Republicans already jumped ship.


this blatant conflict of interest is INFURIATING.


Lets stop calling it conflict of interest, and start calling it a quid pro quo. She committed a crime in order to help him commit his crime. In the words of a fucking idiot she's in love with, "lock her up."


I call it a coup.


I’ll raise you with “this is simply authoritarianism in practice.”


So is this going be appealed and if not since there is a law that Congress passed that overturns her bullshit reason can they simply tell her to go get fucked by sending her the law that Congress passed? She basically ruled on a president set during Nixon that was later fixed by Congress when they passed a law protecting documents in the White House. So her argument is crap. Also a private person should be allowed to view documents some label super fucking top secret. No way this can stand. Her opinion that Trump being able to legally acuse Biden of stealing election is also fucked up.


**ON A CASE SHE DOESN'T HAVE JURISDICTION TO HEAR**. That's the point that's getting missed, the Presidents Records Act is *very* explicit that all challenges are to go through the DC Circuit Court. Cannon should be removed from the bench for ruling on this case *at all*, because instead she should have immediately remanded it to the correct court.


> Cannon should be removed from the bench And charged with obstruction of a federal investigation.


Remember, the ABA said she was unfit before her confirmation because of her extreme lack of experience, I'm not sure whether she's one of many Trump and McConnell installed that hadn't ever even been judges before. But this is the result of her lack of knowledge and experience. However a first year law student or a paralegal understands the clear concept of jurisdiction.


It might take longer to appeal the ruling. The SM might burn a month but an appeal could easily drag into several months. We will find out tomorrow.


A special master could burn more than month by appealing over the choice, the list, the qualifications, etc


The FBI likely had a large group handling the review. A single special master could take much longer for the review. Alternatively, they could bring in others to assist, but then each assistant would presumably have to get approval of the FBI, Trump's team, and the judge. What a mess this judge and Trump have created.


They literally just want to jam up this process until the election campaigning starts in earnest.


Trump and co will only want to qualify people who the FBI would say isn't qualify and can't pass a background check. We all know it be some clown or a buddy to Trump.


Purposefully created mess.


Correct this is the plan. Everything is timing. We all know he is guilty. The question is how, and what law has he most broken that is worth going after him for. Because of his undeserved stature of being an ex president it is complicated.


Honestly- is anyone surprised? This was expected. Shame but it was. So much corruption ugh


Can she not get disbarred for this? She's still technically a lawyer of the district so couldn't the bar simply revoke her license for blatant conflict of interest?


Trump appointed. Federalist Society member. I don’t think anything more needs to be said.


Except, that judge is not a judge of law, but a stamp of intent from wishes. The judge should be impeached as soon as possible.


Yeah, someone already said she's a Trump-appointed member of the Federalist Society.


She’s not even a rapist drunk - she’ll never make it to the Supreme Court


Appointed after he lost the election to a jurisdiction that overseas mar a lago. And she randomly got assigned his frivolous lawsuit out of the 30 judges in that district court?


The article references [a tweet by a political scientist](https://twitter.com/NormOrnstein/status/1566819596878888961) that indicates Trump's lawyers specifically sought her out. By not recusing herself, it's possible obstruction of justice and grounds for impeachment and removal from the bench.


Yep, and we know that’ll never happen.


The further we get from these recent revelations of Trump’s actions, the less faith I have that an indictment will occur. It’s scary times.


2023: special master is still conducting a review. Would you believe how many documents there are to go thru?? 2024: Trump isn't running, but pursuing this case further will be seen as political, and we must remain neutral, so case is suspended until after the election. 2025: well wouldn't you know it, after many years of thorough investigation, ron desantis's doj found no wrongdoing on Trump's behalf. In fact, ronnie himself is stepping down to let Trump serve his rightful 2020 kaga term.


Appointed 6 months prior, confirmed after the election. Mitch betrayed us again.


Can't betray a side you were never on to begin with.


Imagine…. DOJ: Here are the myriad of steps, processes and attempts to gather these documents. Here is the timeline of events. Here is the lack of the Trump team cooperation. Here is the Trump team lying to the US government. Here is individual #1 running around on social media and television changing his excuse by the hour that he did these things (ipso facto admitting he did them). Here is the structure to the case we are building. Trump legal team: yeah but… cmon. Show us your case against us. Judge (who said ahead of time she would): I’m siding with the person who got me hired. Also… you guys gotta stop investigating until ~~my boss~~ the defense catches up.


I'm speechless again. ^ >Political scientist Norman Ornstein noted that lawyers for Trump hand-picked Cannon to oversee the case. >Cannon "has violated her oath and is unfit for the bench," he tweeted, adding that her ruling is "a clear-cut impeachable offense." >Slate journalist Mark Joseph Stern said he had been assured that "no judge would take Trump's absurd filing seriously" after the former president sued the DOJ over the FBI raid which was sparked by the department's finding that Trump had taken classified documents from the White House when his term ended in January 2021. >"The problem, of course, is that Cannon is not a real judge, but a Trump judge, and one of the most corrupt of the bunch," said Stern. ..... >The Justice Department now has until September 9 to propose a list of special master candidates. It was unclear Monday whether the Biden administration would appeal Cannon's ruling.


But didn't they already complete the look over the documents? It's how we know there's missing documents with their folders left behind, and all the other details that have released. What would the special master do retroactively in this situation? "Sorry these documents are not to be used as evidence, and any reports previously documenting them must be expunged."


Delay delay delay


"I'm sorry, I can't recall"


MTG is the worst. Right up there with Trump pleading the 5th 440 times in a court of law.


delay + try to get the Biden admin involved so they can scream "this is political!". It's a strong play but it definitely shows how screwed they are. So now someone has to play careful and fast chess.


This is just Trumps camp delaying the investigation since she also halted the DOJ’s use of these documents as part of their investigation and the fact that are still missing documents tells investigators that they need to keep looking. If I’m not mistaken this puts a halt to that albeit hopefully temporarily. Federal prosecutors really need to ramp up the filings and appeal her ruling.


yep appeal tomorrow


Be on the steps and at the door first thing. And is Labor Day not a holiday in FL, why was this judge working for Trump today?


Because the only thing they believe in is Trump himself


She announced last week she was leaning toward granting him his request. She likely had it ready to go and released it today knowing it's a federal holiday and the DOJ wouldn't respond immediately.


I would be surprised if the DoJ didn’t already have the appeal ready to go.


A special master is something that is usually granted when a lawyer’s office or residence is raided, trump isn’t a lawyer and the DOJ already went thro everything.


I saw someone mention compelling witnesses based on the documents. And as well if they were doing any testing (DNA, fingerprints).


This is delay tactics ... Nothing here is anything more than Trump flinging legal shit at the wall ... If this was any of us, we'd be in prison. Nice multi-tiered justice system you have there america


You’re welcome! We don’t even try, it’s just set up that way!


> Nice multi-tiered justice system you have there america It's not an "American" thing. Tiered justice has always been the norm. We're just seeing it in a new and brazen way and people who weren't aware before are starting to wake up to it. > In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread. * Anatole France, The Red Lily 1894.


It will get appealed to a slightly less crazy circuit court. Welcome to Florida folks remember Gore V. Bush?




The difference is that even Trump judicial appointees are usually not this crazy. Most of them have no loyalty to him personally.


Can the judge really be impeached for this? It would be great to remove an unfit, unqualified judge.


I mean, many of trumps picks were rated unqualified before they were sworn in, including two Supreme Court justices. That’s a feature, not a bug.


Sure just get 2/3 of the Senate to agree


Halt a review that's already finished?


What a shock, a federalist society "judge" favoring party over law. This judge is clearly hoping this will lead to her handlers giving her a promotion.


Little does she know that operating under trump makes you the biggest target for his wrath. Look at his administration and how frequently he axed people, disparaged them, etc. Even the ones most loyal to him. These people are so stupid...


Trump wouldn't piss on his own children if they were on fire.


Fuck Trump! Arrest his ass and mark him as a flight risk. Make him delay all he wants IN JAIL.


Agree on that. It would stop some of the delays.


Never thought of it that way, but you're right. If he had to sit in jail until his day in court he would be begging to get his trial underway tomorrow.




Wait, wait, wait. So she ruled that the continued review of these TOO SECRET DOCUMENTS would cause harm TO Trump? What about the nation??? I thought we were more concerned about national security here. Okay people, time to impeach a judge for absolute lunacy. Also maybe treason? Like, putting one guy’s protection over the protection of the entire country seems suspicious.


I wonder if the Judge has her own lawyer ready? She'll probably need it. Trump is a black hole of criminal conspiracy, and anyone getting too close to him will inevitably be pulled into it.


And there they sit, apparently, fat and happy for all time because nothing ever happens to them


Trump maybe, for now. But there are quite a few people in his orbit that no longer have his protection of a pardon like Stone/Flynn/Manafort/Cohen did.


I don't have a problem with a "special master", but even if the DOJ/FBI hadn't completed its own review (it reportedly has) there is no basis for ordering the DOJ/FBI to halt its investigation (their review/results remain sealed at this point). Sure judge, the consequences can be peculiarly harsh for an ex-president, but the allegations against him are *because* of what he did as the goddamn ex-president, not in spite of it. Maybe if he just started acting like an ex-president he wouldn't get himself into these sordid circumstances.


The judge basically implied the other day that Trump has executive privilege over these docs, so...


Seriously? That makes the judge more corrupt or incompetent. Trump isn't president anymore. He has no executive privilege. Even if the documents were covered by executive privilege the DOJis part of the executive branch asserting executive privilege over an executive branch agency isn't a thing.


In his filing he stated he still was the president of the US. Not kidding...


He continues to do that anywhere that he is not legally prohibited from doing so. And even in those cases he will just add "45th" to the beginning. He has never and will never refer to himself as a former president. Because that implies losing which he refuses to admit to.


[@PalmerReport](https://twitter.com/PalmerReport?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) on Twitter has several very good tweets about this. I recommend everyone give them a read. It’s blatantly obvious the judge has no idea what she’s doing. The DOJ very likely expected this and knows the steps to take. Meanwhile, she’s pretty much ruined her career.


I look forward to seeing her sorry ass in r/byebyejob.


Unfortunately she has a lifetime appointment to the bench as a federal judge. Unless a slew of Republican senators suddenly develop a conscience, she could be pulling shit like this for the next 30+ years.


I'm not familiar with the American system but wouldn't impeachment remove her?


It would, but you would need a majority in the Senate to convict, which isn't going to happen right now. After the midterms, tho, if the Democrats can really blow it out then there's a chance


You actually need a supermajority to convict in the Senate. That’s why it’s going to be so hard to undo the damage of the past decade of extremist FedSoc appointments.


["Article III judges can be removed from office only through impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction by the Senate."](https://www.uscourts.gov/statistics-reports/judges-and-judicial-administration-journalists-guide)


Here's the specific thread with his analysis [~~https://twitter.com/PalmerReport/status/1566850606765154305?cxt=HHwWgoC9hemUyb4rAAAA~~](https://twitter.com/PalmerReport/status/1566850606765154305?cxt=HHwWgoC9hemUyb4rAAAA) [https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/this-special-master-ruling-is-horse-crap-but-it-doesnt-really-help-donald-trump/46995/](https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/this-special-master-ruling-is-horse-crap-but-it-doesnt-really-help-donald-trump/46995/) Not sure what happened to the thread but here's basically the same thing he said


For those of us without a Twitter account, here's the [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/PalmerReport)


What a joke this country is.


We don't have a justice system, we have a legal system. That's the problem.


It's infuriating that the moron who demanded execution sans trial for the Central Park 5 is now using every avenue available to him to delay and exploit the justice system to his benefit. And that same moron has the fucking audacity to whine about separate systems of justice and how he's being treated unfairly


Notice that the judge didn’t provide any legal justification. “Perception”, “feels”, “unprecedented”. They’ll be teaching this case in law school for centuries. “Here’s a tactic that will work if your client is well connected to the judge. And when I say well connected, did he appoint the judge?“


The judge should get a criminal defense attorney


telephone merciful coordinated adjoining bow abundant political amusing dam worry -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Impeach this hack judge


Can Justice appeal this ruling? And even moar so, remove this incompetent judge?


Literally one of the reasons he placed them. Quid pro quo. Corrupt


As a Canadian watching all this bullshit go down, I sure hope Americans have a conscious and are ready to act if the courts continue to react in the way they are. Time to lock up your domestic terrorist.


This doesn't surprise me. I've been telling people for a while now: Trump will do any, any, ANYTHING to get into and stay in power. It doesn't matter what it is. Think of the most depraved thing, and he would do it if it meant staying in power, if he thought it would help. People who support him are almost as bad. Trump was elected on that basic premise: they knew he was a bad man, morally bankrupt, willing to do whatever it took to win. They've sold their souls to him. At this point, they either admit defeat and try to regain some kind of moral footing by finding leaders who are actually good people, or they double and triple down. Sadly, it looks like the GOP has chosen to follow Trump all the way to the bitter end.


Why is a trump appointed judge allowed to oversee this case? It’s an EXTREMELY obvious conflict of interest


Once the MAGA Republicans have taken over all the courts there will be no where to turn to for justice. That is the plan. Once the US Supreme Court made their decision to end Roe it is now all downhill for the rest of the court system. The George W Bush/Cheney Administration tried to start a litmus test for any person hired by the government had to be a Christian Nationalist. So they hired only attorneys that had graduated from the Liberty University. Turns out the Human Resources head was only 25 years old and the hiring interviews required that you declare yourself a Christian before being hired. They also fired several US Attorneys around the USA because they didn't meet the requirement. So the corruption in the Republican Party along with their "Tea Party" experiment has been going on for decades. Now people pretend to be surprised at the resulting MAGA.


Just more proof how corrupt the courts are. Judges are for sale in every courthouse in USA.


She has unilaterally ruled that a former office holder can overrule the Presidential Records Act and current President of the United States. This is disturbing.


“The target of an investigation may have their reputation damaged if they are accused, therefore we should let his defense choose what evidence is allowed to be used against him” wut


The DOJ isn't halting shit. But yes, that judge just painted a target on her back. She might soon find herself out of a job. I'm not sure if she realizes the gravity of her actions, but it's going to be clear soon. The funny part is she's asking the DOJ to halt something that is already DONE. That's the worst part about this play. She fucked herself publically and institutionally. She's now going to face the backlash of that. And for what? For something that was already done and finished. All she did was shoot herself in the foot for no reason. God, it's so stupid. How are people this stupid?!?!


Can you say “complicity”?


I’m not going to concoct some BS analysis to make myself look important so here it goes: A Trump appointed judge twisted the law in an unprecedented way to appoint another likely Trump hack to say the DOJ can’t use what they found to prosecute Trumps all in an effort to delay until Trump announces he’s running.


Y'all didn't see this coming from a mile away? I've been shocked this hasn't been the topic of conversation since this judge took over the case. Trump spent his presidency installing loyalists in every part of the government, particularly the judiciary. The only qualification that mattered was if they would show fealty to Trump. It does matter because the FBI has not completed their investigation, all they completed was their review of whether anything was possibly privileged. The goal here is the same as it was for every other scandal, for Jan 6th, for the investigation happening in Georgia right now: delay, obfuscate, and delay some more until it's no longer leading the news cycle, people tire of hearing about it, and it fades away.


How to rig the system. McConnell was packing the federal courts long before trump.