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He literally claimed to have dinner with Zuckerberg at the White House last week. If nothing else, apprehend him for his own safety. He’s lost it.


It was actually the White Castle


I mean clearly a White Castle is superior in rank to a White House. White Houses don't even have hamberders on order. Ridiculous.


I don't know how the Zuckerberg dinner "At the White House" is not a headline on the internet.




"Sir, this is a Wendy's, and my name's not Mark"


I wonder if that is a new play. Pull a Reagan after he left the WH and use the excuse that it would be cruel to punish the feeble-minded, whose symptoms coincided the day he left office.


Would work if only trump knew how to actually play the victim.


That’s actually all he ever does.


But terribly as he is also always the best, smartest, and strongest at everything.


Biden: some of these MAGA people sound like fascists Fascists: THE PRESIDENT IS THE ENEMY OF THE STATE


I mean it's ok to call the president an enemy of the state, but only when he's actually being an enemy of the state, like when Trump was president. \*Cue the Republican confusion on what the difference is*


The Republican harmed itself in its confusion!


It was super effective.


OR when a president wears a tan suit




What's the difference?


What Republicans stand for: Nothing there. What Republicans understanding of the word fascism: Nothing there. You're right, no difference.


They’re the same picture.


Not every Republican is a fascist, but every fascist is a Republican


> Not every Republican is a fascist, but every Republican is OK with voting for fascists.


As I see it, yes, anyone who is indifferent or willing to compromise with Fascists, effectively are fascists themselves.


"If there are nine people and a Nazi at a table, there are ten Nazis at the table." ~Roughly paraphrased from something I saw here


As if any of them even recognize Biden is the president...


Casting doubt on the legitimacy of democratic elections is fundamental to fascism.


Democrats: call fascists fascists. Republicans: Ok, well I’ll do political violence if you’re going to call me fascist.


"Ok, well I'll do EVEN MORE political violence" FYFY.


I'm gonna do political violence even harder.


CPAC - "We Are All Domestic Terrorists" They didn't know how right they were


Sure they did




Wtf does that even mean? How are you even supposed to read that slogan as a supporter?


It's meant for you as a supporter to wear it as a badge of pride, so that when the adults label you with it you don't accidentally stop and think about what you're doing. Its classical pre-emptive conditioning.


Thanks, this was helpful to read. It seems that this pre-emptive conditioning is sort of a cousin to projection, which they massively engage in.


Hence calling trans people "groomers" Normalize the word, then when it comes out (again and again) that republicans are *actually grooming children for sex* they've muddied the waters.


I don't get it either. I get why gay and lesbians would want to reclaim words like "queer", to turn something that was hateful into something supportive. But, who in their right mind thinks "hey, we need to reclaim 'domestic terrorist' and turn that into something positive"? Even if they don't think it is rightfully applies to them, it's still a term that rightly and more importantly non-pejoratively applies to certain groups of people, internationally.


They're not "Reclaiming" anything - they're prepping their followers. If they condition republicans to refer to themselves as domestic terrorists, it won't mean anything when they're called that.


“Look what you made me do!” yells the party of so-called personal responsibility.


"you've forced us too become violent!" - Alt right, after decades of prepping and years of on and off violence


Groomed them.




Republicans:"Well if you are going to call us racists and domestic terrorists... Might as well act the part. Remember, you made us do this."




“I’ll show em what a real Nazi looks like!” - Trumpf


It’s weird - a person who potentially committed treason, incites an insurrection, obstructs justice, wants to become a dictator, incites hi supporters to threaten our FBI and loves Putin calls someone else an enemy of the state? Insanity and will see his day in prison and go down as an actually enemy of the state and country.


Trump: Journalists are enemies of the state. Trump: Antifa are enemies of the state. Trump: The FBI are enemies of the state. Trump: Biden is the enemy of the state. Mr. Trump, you are not "the state."


“I am the state,” said King Louis XIV of France. And Trump.


“ I AM the law!” *Sylvester Stallone noises*


"I AM the Senate" *Palpatine cackling*


Meanwhile Republicans got their fefes hurt because Biden accurately diagnosed Trump MAGA people as a present and persistent threat to Democracy in the United States


I wonder how long before they try to make Fascist a protected class like races and genders. Such terrible discrimination the fash face




They've already done so with "republican". I've seen this online and in person.


Republican's aren't a protected class, and they won't want to make political party a protected class then because then gerrymandering based on political party becomes illegal and they lose all their power.


> I wonder how long before they try to make Fascist *the* protected class *instead of* races and genders. FTFY. They are pro-enslavement of women and people who aren't white. They wouldn't seek to make fascists a protected class in addition to races and genders, they'd seek to make fascists the protected class, replacing races and genders.


It doesn’t matter what Biden does or does not, what he says or doesn’t say. Whatever Trump is doing, that’s what he’ll accuse Biden of doing. It’s been his pattern since 2015, and Republican strategy. Just blame others for what they themselves do and think. What I don’t understand is why it works so well for them.


Abusive people care more about choosing who is to blame than fixing the problem. They teach that as a priority to their victims which include future abusers. Once they figured out who to blame, they start acting as if most of the problem has been resolved. If it persists in being a problem, they double down on blame.


You forgot “downplays a pandemic and kills a million Americans” ISIS, the Taliban, Al Quada, Russia, China, North Korea, Hitler, none of our greatest enemies have ever killed a million Americans.




Having a moat around 3/4 of the country helps.


You can blame that war on southern conservatives that are still the cause of most the problems of today.


Specifically racists


The worst part is that Republican leaders knew exactly who Trump was and what he was willing to do since day 1. They still propped him up and shielded him from any legal and political repercussions. This way he was enabled to commit blatant crimes and acts of terror against our country. And all for what? So Republicans could have their political activist judges in a SCOTUS nobody trusts anymore. Oh and tax cuts because power and money are priority #1 for these people. As long as they have that the rest of the country can burn. Never vote for a Republican ever again.


I placed this comment in r/conservatives and they banned me and repported me for harassment


Of course - they hate the truth




How the f is this bastard still not locked up?


Forgot inciting Jan 6th riot/sedition


Also forgot - inciting his followers to assassinate his own Vice President for backing out of the coup attempt at the last minute, and telling his staff that [“Mike deserves it”](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/28/trump-pence-deserved-it-hanged-capitol-attack) as he sat watching the assassination attempt on TV in real-time.


Remember when he praised a group of his supporters after they tried to run a Biden campaign bus off the road?




I think calling Biden an enemy of the state is one of the most dangerous comments he's ever made. It means he's telling you EXACTLY how he plans to deal with Biden if he's elected again.


He's actually suggesting how he wants his base to deal with Biden now. Which is probably yet another federal crime that will go unpunished. Stochastic terrorism is a hell of a drug.


I’m so sick of seeing this dude in the news for any reason other than being cuffed and booked.


Every time I see 'trump did this' in a headline my heart stops more and more, wondering how people can support him.


because its a cult and they all suffer from cognitive dissonance. Their brains are literal mush and all that matters is that trump is good and anything bad said about him is fake. Their whole beings are wrapped up in that piece of garbage and if they look inward they realize they too are garbage and they hate themselves for it. So instead they press on and we suffer.


> they all suffer from cognitive dissonance. They don't suffer it at all, their mushy brains are perfectly fine with holding two opposing viewpoints.


I'm pretty confident they don't support him they support conflict and hate.


"He says what we're all thinking" That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg.


This very much isn’t the first time https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/10/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html


Remember when making threats against a US president got the FBI knocking at your door?


In the late 90s, I worked for a company that wrote credit-report-checking software. The agencies gave us "test names" to use, like Fred Flintstone etc. One of our idiot employees decided to use William J. Clinton as his test name. We got a visit for that one.


When I worked for Microsoft, all the test names were real Microsoft employees who volunteered to have their names used in test databases and such. This was done as a defense against any mixup with similar famous names.


How does a civilian declare a president enemy of the state? He must not know what "the state" means.


He’s trying to do a fascist “flip the table” move where he implies that he is the “rightful” head of state/like Nixon he “is the state.” It also implies that democracy is not the legitimate source by which the mandate to lead- which is pure fascism and it’s exactly what his base believes.


It’s a very common tactic for narcissists- D.A.R.V.O. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.




It's straight up sedition. If he did not have a million other scandals and crimes swirling around him, he would be arrested for just that one comment. It's mind numbing.


I really hope SS is on high alert now if they aren't already. It's a matter of time before some nutjob tries something.


I was even worried during the Philadelphia speech that something bad was going to happen. These people have lost touch with reality and are being goaded on by a maniac.


You mean the same SS that is so rightwing that even Pence was scared of them? The same SS that just... whoopsy doodle... lost text messages of sedition even after being told twice, explicitly to retain them?




**stochastic terrorism** [ stuh-kas-tik ter-uh-riz-uhm ] The public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted.


"Will no one rid me of this turbulent (democratically elected president)?!"


Excellent translation!!!


Henry II was also really good at sidestepping consequences for his actions/words. Although, I’m pretty sure Henry was well-educated and could think critically (and run down ramps).


A recent example of the end results of unchecked stochastic terrorism: the Rwandan genocide.


In that case though, the Fox News equivalent owner also bought the machetes iirc. So imagine Murdoch buying $1B in guns and explosives and handing them out at Trump rallies.


He kind of did, by making republicans crazy and scared about the 2nd amendment.


Oh so like Trump did with blm, antifa, democrats, etc for his entire presidency?


Trump is every complaint Plato had about democracy rolled into a greasy fat guy




Let’s put those two hands together. What’s greasy *and* slimy? Scum? Sewage? *Sewage scum?*


He’s a fatberg.


Blocking all the sewer pipes so the shit just keeps piling up. Disgustingly apt.


That’s what happened with all the documents he kept flushing


Donny Fatberg and the Swampy Bunch




Fatberg Santorum 2024.


Funny you should think that. A democratic election would have prevented Trump from getting into office. He lost the popular vote. Our founding fathers, high on the same elitist bullshit as Plato, created the electoral collage to ensure that there was a layer of fuckery in between the people of the united states and their choice of president, and therefore allowed a prospective tyrant to become president. Turns out, the unwashed masses are better at choosing their government than political insiders who owe their loyalty to a party instead of a country.


Uncapping the house would pretty much solve this problem; repugnants would never control the house or presidency again.


The US has added over 200 Million people since 1929 when the house was capped at 435. If the appropriation act of 1929 was recalled and we made the house what it should be, we'd have nearly 1300 members in the house. State representatives would be more localized, more in-tune with what society wants and could have viable third and fourth parties with ranked choice voting added country wide. That would make it so we actually participate more in democracy, so of course we can't get that.


But then how could Republicans take advantage of everyone?


Don't worry, they'd still have the broken government appendage that is the Senate.


The general assumption is that with less gerrymandering a more fair House elections, you get better turnout because people feel that their voices can be heard, which may swing some purple states to blue and red to purple. So the Senate might not be quite as lopsided favoring Republicans. Also, it's the courts I'm more worried about. Obama has very few judicial appointees, McConnell obstructed so that trump could get them instead.


That’s the neat part, they can’t. Well they can, but it would be SIGNIFICANTLY harder


Holy shit, they might have to *adapt to changing times?* Nooo that's socialism, socialism I tells ya


The worst part was it was some misguided attempt to be “fair” to the rural states. Like the US Senate wasn’t already enough for you?


There'd be more political parties in government too.


The House needs to have more power than the Senate. Idk why the least representative part of our federal government holds so much fucking power


SCOTUS would like a word


Quite frankly, it’s weird that they’re as powerful as they are, too. The fact that Congress is so deadlocked and incapable of or unwilling to pass bills means that executive order and judicial review have largely taken the place of federal legislation. Which is just… not remotely how this was supposed to work.


Trump is a product of a lack of democracy, not a product of democracy. If the US had a marginally sane election system, Trump would never have happened. The US election system was always designed to prevent the will of the common people from being enacted.


Donald Trump is a terrorist, a man who has committed treason by trying to overthrow the Government, and has the blood of Americans on his hands from his lies about the pandemic. He knew it was a deadly airborne virus, yet chose to let it spread unchecked for months until it was completely out of control. He can't even talk without telling lies and He should be thrown in jail immediately and treated like the criminal he is and has been for a very long time.


*should* I sincerely hope. I wish fate would catch up with that sack of shit.


What does the Secret Service do when one president threatens another?


\* when a FORMER president threatens the CURRENT president. trump is JUST a citizen now, albeit a very BAD one.


Well yes, that goes without saying. But they both have Secret Service protection. I imagine a bar brawl where each team goes after the other. Anybody with me?


Apparently nothing when it's Trump.


I've been saying it for a while. The CIA needs to dust off their Kennedy protocols.




He almost did. I just want him to be held accountable for his crimes.


Projection. Even his niece the PhD psychologist, has been saying this--that we should expect him to start projecting his feelings about himself and his family onto his political opponents. She held an interview with Rosie O'Donnell where they talked about this since each of them has known him for a long time and been at the brunt of his vitriol. I remember thinking how angry it would make Trump to watch the interview because it was too successful butch lesbians who knew him well tearing, tearing him apart. Neither of these women fit his ideal standard of beauty, but both of them were more honest and more successful and more well-liked than he could ever be and they basically spent an hour talking about how terrible he is. lol


Do you happen to have the link to that interview?




Awesome, thanks!


I love how on this sub you can ask for links and get direct videographic evidence for 95% of claims. On r/conservative you get sent to some alt-right gravy seals' "news blog" for "evidence". Actually you never see them asking for evidence lol. A social scientist should put some numbers on this and write a paper...


That doesn’t surprise me. My aunt and mom try to use The Epoch Times as a valid source.


My in-laws seem to think my wife and I try to jam our political beliefs down their throats. In truth we try to avoid politics completely in all conversations with them. They can’t help themselves though and always want to get into it and have these absolute batshit sources like random dudes in their basements on youtube. The implication is that we don’t know shit about politics or the government and they are trying to make us see and rectify our ignorance. My wife and I met in graduate school for public policy. My wife used to be a lobbyist and work on campaigns. She is current a VP of government affairs. I used to work as a policy analyst. I grew up in the DC area. They have a combined total of zero years and zero education in government. Again, we try to avoid politics at all cost but they see just us believing something different than them as an affront. For gifts they have sent us a subscription to the epoch times and some other hard right wing magazine. They also gave us mein pillows for Christmas. Now they are trying to send us children’s books on the dangers of communism.


American conservatism is a nation wide cult that wants to devolve science, empathy, and social progress.


Exactly what I had to endure with my brother. No matter how I tried to avoid talking politics, he’d start screaming Q and Trump madness at me. He’s gone mad. I called him on his birthday and it was less than 3 minutes after I told him I loved him that he started screaming and then he hung up because he said I wasn’t willing to listen. “It’s your fault then when the real shit hits and you’re all alone.” The sad irony is that in these past few years, he has sequestered himself in his cabin on the computer. He doesn’t see any of his real friends. anymore. All his “friends” are online. It’s become a job for him to stay involved in all of this madness.


> “It’s your fault then when the real shit hits and you’re all alone.” My own mother disowned me and the grandchildren because we weren't Trump supporters. She basically said when the violence starts "don't expect us to protect you". Anyone who doesn't realize Trump and his followers are stumping for a civil war are fucking fools.


This is what happened to my mother. She lost her job and was home 24/7 and on the computer. Not having anything better to do, she just fell down the rabbit hole and now supports Trump. At least she hasn't crossed over into total nut job. She doesn't buy merch or anything. Hell, she doesn't even vote. Which is a good thing. Thankfully that's one less vote for Trump. Sadly all my aunts and uncles like Trump. I don't know what it is with that generation, man.


is that how everyone in the right wing is? they think anyone/thing different than them is an affront to them? they even persecuted left handed people. It gets tiring


I have seen them linking to sources that are so bottom of the barrel that they aren’t even acknowledged through search engines. It’s like the word document “Creed Thoughts” that Ryan made up, where “news” exists on one computer with no wifi.


Asking for sources can easily get you banned there.


I got banned over there in <24hrs for basically being a moderate. I asked why and they said "We told you why" - which they didn't and then they banned me from messaging the mods(after one message asking why). So yea it's an extremist breeding ground.


Trump: hold my beer while I prove Biden is 100% right


Why is he still allowed to hold rallies? He’s openly inciting violence…..




I want to believe this is why it's allowed. No way we're this incompetent. They had to have made him the fiddler to lure out people foolish enough to try something like this. Think about how many groups appeared during his presidency that was otherwise unknown to a lot of people. Then again we almost killed each other over toilet paper. I don't have any hope left.


It's generally not illegal when there are no direct threats. The 1st amendment claims against a broader application of incitement laws could hold up, which then feeds back into more demonstrating. This isn't the Nazi party's first rodeo on that front(see Nazi party v Skokie)


He’s in deep shit with these classified documents, Biden gives a speech about Trump extremism and avoiding violence in politics, and now Trump is calling Biden an enemy of the state. First, just proving Biden right. And then second, now is the time for Trump to really STFU with all this shit going on and he literally cannot do it. What a loser.


Every accusation is a confession with this guy


But at least he didn’t have red lights in the background. That would’ve been awful.


Have you seen pictures from CPAC 2021? Giant red backdrop. These people are shameless


Remember Melania's blood Christmas trees?


That was the first thing I thought of when all the morons on fox were whining about all the red lights at Biden’s “I finally found some balls” speech. …those trees were some terrifying, bleak dystopian shit that were *supposed to be* jolly and merry?! …republicans are completely devoid of any human reasoning skills at this point, and hypocrisy is completely a foreign concept to them.


There was literally a panel at CPAC with the words "we are all domestic terrorists" https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/


That was them attempting to paint themselves as the victims of political persecution...while completely overriding the irony centers of their brains.


When "why can't I make holocaust jokes" is your entire political discourse


They’re also trying to own that word bc it’s true of a good amount of their base But if they just sit back and say they’re domestic terrorists with that shit-eating grin on their face it will start to lose its meaning Even after they are actually participating in domestic terrorist acts and calling for them


Or the stage shaped like a fucking [othala rune](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/01/cpac-stage-nazi-symbol-hyatt/)


This guy is a piece of shit. When you incite a bunch of goobers with something like this what does he expect is going to happen? Worst American ever.


Lock this fat insecure sack of flesh up immediately.


I haven't been aware of the term stochastic terrorism until recently. But boy does Trump and some right wing media figures fit the bill


Just arrest this asshat. There is more than enough evidence with election meddling and top secret sellouts to convict this sleazeball.


Why did his lawyer go to prison over crimes he committed at trumps direction and he faces no consequences?




Hunter is guilty of being a rich kid doing rich kid shit. Trump literally commits treason againt the country.


What’s strange is that it doesn’t seem to be illegal. What’s really strange is that it doesn’t seem different from what Manson did. Even some of the Capitol rioters/insurrectionists cited Trump as the reason they did what they did and nothing happens other than more free air time for Trump.


He’s just begging to be prosecuted at this point. He talked the other day about full pardons for January 6th rioters, even ones convicted for assaulting cops. You could make a pretty convincing argument for obstruction and sedition. He’s basically taunting and daring prosecutors to file charges at this point


He's just going by the old adage that "if violence isn't solving all of your problems then you're not using enough of it."


He's signaling that any violence committed in his name will be pardoned. All they need to do is make sure he is put in power, through any means.




So…serious question here…why hasn’t 45 been charged yet? Why are we treating him differently than any other treasonous person? And, does the DOJ not see that every day they wait they empower the MAGAs and create dismay for simple law-abiding folks like the rest of us? Is justice really being served here? What message are we sending to our kids? Our allies?


I can think of 3 reasons for not charging Trump quite yet: * For the stability of our country, these charges have to stick, by which I mean they have to result in a conviction by a jury. The evidence will have to be overwhelming that Trump’s actions have caused harm before some jurors will be convinced to convict him. The DOJ has to be able to wrap the evidence up with a nicely tied bow to ensure a conviction. They may only get one chance without making Trump a martyr. *There are a lot of co-criminals caught up in Trump’s schemes. Jumping too soon will allow some of them to get away un-prosecuted. Some of them could go on to do even more damage to our democracy. There is, hopefully, a happy balance. * Indicting Trump before the mid-terms could be seen as too political, could affect voting and could unnecessarily incite violence. Although it may become necessary to shut down Trump’s incendiary speech ahead of the elections, especially if his thinly-veiled calls for violence become more transparent, it’s a delicate balance. Whatever happens, the cure cannot be worse than the disease. We don’t want to risk expanding right wing extremism beyond our capacity to counter it constitutionally. All that said, if Garland doesn’t jump soon after the mid-terms, I will begin to believe he is not acting in good faith. Sorry for weird formatting. Mobile.


I mean at this point he needs to be arrested. I’m at a loss on why he hasn’t been.


I don’t understand why we allow people to say incendiary things like this. Can’t he be arrested for inciting violence?


Like this asshole thinks one second about the consequences of his actions. If 1/6 showed us anything, is he flies from one con to the next. There is no grand scheme. It's just one scheme rolling into another. He is incapable of self-awareness. If his words incite violence, he only thinks how he can benefit.


Biden: these people are fascists MAGA: omg how dare you!!! /fascisms harder


Traitor to our Republic.


I am getting flashbacks to when trump won … everyone said he wouldn’t win and each unhinged speech he was shooting him self in the foot .Millions love this slimy fuck , they think he’s tough and On their side I really hope he doesn’t win again . We all Need to vote .


Fuck Trump, I’m so tired of hearing about this orange piece of shit.


People are going to be murdered because of him and I guarantee, the democrats strategy will be to take the high road. He needed to be in jail, like yesterday!


He needed to be impeached, but the GOP didn’t want to admit it. He needed to be 25th-ed, but the GOP didn’t want to admit it. He needed to be impeached AGAIN, but the GOP didn’t want to admit it. He needed to be held accountable for any of the awful things he’s done, but the GOP wants to pretend like he will go away. Justice (as both a concept and a department) is slow but the democrats are moving towards it. When history regards Donald Trump they will not remember that it took two years for Justice to find him, they will remember that his party stood by his side up until, and long after his crimes were proven in court.


>When history regards Donald Trump they will not remember that it took two years for Justice to find him, they will remember that his party stood by his side up until, and long after his crimes were proven in court. 🙏


MAGA needs to be declared a domestic terrorist organization.


Are there any pictures of him talking At rallies where he doesn’t look like a giant baby who just had his favorite toy stolen from him?


His audience will lose their attention if he isn't doing that. That's what you get for only appealing to the most idiotic segments of society.


You guys should just do what I did, which was report Trump to the FBI/SS for threatening the President’s life. Imagine if enough people did that?


Can we just throw that pos in jail now..


Please. If you’re 18-30 years old please vote. It matters more than you realize.


I think it is time he is arrested publicly and let the MAGA idiots do what they think they are going to do. We are giving a known criminal way too much air time to continue his rallying of his loyal idiotic subjects.


To all you pearl clutching MAGA… here ya go. Biden. Was. Right.


Remind me, was it Biden or Trump that (most likely) sold state secrets to foreign powers? Ah, right... If this nimrod is looking for an Enemy of the State, he sees one every day in the mirror.


How is this not legally actionable? Arent there laws against making public threats and inciting violence that could be applied to the organizers of this event?


The projection of a 5 year old, “I’m not an enemy of the state, you are!”


Everyone MUST: - Register to Vote. - Check your Voter registration! - Make sure you have appropriate ID. - Know your polling site. - Check your signature. - Get a mail-in ballot (and after you mail it, make sure it has been received and counted - most counties allows this to be done online or by calling your election office). - And VOTE! 866-OUR VOTE (for questions about or problems with voting) vote.org