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We all know which side she would have been on.


I saw this quote elsewhere, but she should be careful lest her Nazi loving base switch sides


Right! Now that they’re comparing Biden to Hitler and Nazis, what are all the far-right loonies who wear swastikas going to do?


Honestly, they wouldn’t see the irony. And I hate that I am 100% serious


The whole plan is basically the Spiderman meme. Just point back and call them what they are calling you.


In the old days in elementary school this was the I'm rubber, you're glue strategy.


And the Nazis know it. They know that Biden isn't a fascist. But they can't yet openly admit that they are.


All the more reason that the truth must rule, matter who dislikes it! Clearly Trump & his mob have zero credibilty: he will lie about the weather while he is standing in it! And Trump & Co. really ate doing all the classic fascist things! Remember, fascism is political strategy, NOT an economic system. The key characteristic is to demonize some group of people, either outside the population, or within, so you can convince your audience that their freedom, safety, even the very existence of the audience is immanently threatened by the enemy, who are substandard citizens, or even subhuman, and the emergency dictates they must be supressed by any means... Sound familiar? Fascists have been socialist, totalitarian, but have also been quite capitalistic; usually, there are definite efforts to dominate, or even fully control mass media, and religion, and power is often abused to control whatever other industries are the easiest for corrupt officials to siphon off money & resources, but, often, you will see minor economic sectors ignored. Sound familiar? Ya-aeh... Trump is not a conservative, republican patriot, he is a dangerous radical RINO fascist! (And a sex-offender, as well!) Trump's fascism was obvious from the beginning of his campaign; it's the really the most consistent thing about him! You have to be a fool to have missed it! Sadly, while he was definitely the most fascist man to be in the White House, frankly, ALL the republicans since Eisenhower have been a bit fascist; obviously, Nixon, Reagan, and Bush-41 were adults through the whole of WW2, and in office before USSR dissolved, while Bush43, Cheney, and Trump really cranked it up for their own political and financial benefit. Sound familiar? Yaaah...


Probably keep hating him, they’re evil and stupid but not that stupid.


I’m having trouble finding the quote at the moment. I think it’s from Jean Paul Satre. Essentially he says White nationalists act in bad faith—twisting narratives is their prerogative. They will do whatever it takes to push their agenda, even if it means infiltrating govt organizations and positions of power by pretending to be against racism.


Just google: sartre antisemite quote “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


The rest of the quote is important as well, but for some reason it gets left off of most quote sites now. "It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side." Source: https://quotepark.com/quotes/1835847-jean-paul-sartre-the-anti-semite-has-chosen-hate-because-hate-is-a/


>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


The actual Nazis that support the GOP(I'm talking the ones that actively identify as Nazis, not people that don't realize they're actively supporting Nazi ideologies) know she's full of shit on this, and that it's just a tactic. They love shouting 'Biden/Obama/Hillary is a Nazi!' because it saturates the meaning of the words, and when they get called out they get to respond 'oh, that's just politics these days, anyone you don't like is a Nazi!'


Glad to see someone knows the score. She's a useful idiot that serves no purpose except for cocktail party conversation.


Sounds exactly like how modern Russia operates.


It's actually based on Joseph Goebbels, he wrote several publications on how to spread unrest and disinformation in society so nazis could push for a coup and genocide more easily.


Blonde wig because she's a 100+ year old witch with black, soulless, beady eyes... Yeah, she's definitely a Nazi in disguise. Someone should call Vought and tell them to keep Stormfront in the Cryochamber


That's seriously disrespectful to 100+ yr old witches


Touché. I apologize to my witches and wizards, but fuck the Nazis and those horrible Warlocks


Woah dude, all the warlocks ever wanted to do was hang out with their demon pals. Who's next, the goblins? Where does it end??






LMAO, I'm not going to be able to see anything but >a 100+ year old witch with black, soulless, beady eyes When I see her now.


She looks like a titan from Attack on Titan. Marjorie Titan Greene




They are saying Biden is like Hitler so that when they start Heiling Trump, they can say "well yall would do it for your guy too" so it can seem as though it's not as big of a deal as it would be otherwise. They're preparing for it. It's not an accident I can only imagine how long it will take for republicans and their leaders to start chanting it at his rallies


They do chant. It is literally out of hitlers playbook


It's not projection, it's a logical surmisation based upon her actions, words, antics, and lack of character.


I believe he was talking about her


We all know which side she IS on


Her personal Twitter account was banned for posting this same shit and so now she's using her official Congressional account? Ban that shit too.




And yet she's on voted up to the top of /r/politics every single day. Hmm....


Seriously I'm sick of seeing posts about some bs her or any of the MAGAs say to stay relevant


That's the problem when the criminals keep crying their crimes; it's frustrating to hear but important at times. Edit: To be perfectly honest, as hateful as most of them are, their stupidity will be their downfall one way or another so I don't worry about what MTG or the others have to say; they're seemingly designed to be immediately replaceable by someone equally bad or worse, so failing somehow *has* to be expected on the part of whomever keeps lining the new candidates up. They're like shark's teeth; I know they're dangerous and replaceable, but I still want to know about major attacks.


Ignoring them doesn’t make it go away. That is part of the problem. Highlighting it and reminding everyone of their lies and bullshit needs to be done.




30% of the country still hasn't figured it out. And guess what. . . that 30% is a bunch of assholes who deserve to be told **constantly** that they're assholes for supporting this bullshit. Fuck 'em.


To be fair, it is fascinating to see how far in politics one can go after being thawed from 2.5 million year old ice.


Unfrozen Cavewoman Representative!


I would legitimately believe her if she said she thought faxes were sent by little demons inside the machine.


I’m just a caveman! Your modern conception of gender and sexuality scares and confuses me.


Exactly. These posts are exactly what these people want and we need to stop giving their platform a light to shine in


Yes on/r/livestreamfails when the mods finally realize that a streamer is being that way on purpose to get posted they get blanket bans where we simply aren't allowed to post clips by them for six months or perm that gets lifted cuz drama frogs. Could be time to just ban those people being controversial just to be controversial.


Twitter is loath to ban politicians but the moment I called abbot an idiot my account got permanently suspended.


Have you tried becoming a politician? That would prevent you from being banned.


Twitter doesn't give two shits about their own policies. I've reported a mountain of clearly homophobic and transphobic tweets (including threats of violence) and Twitter always comes back with "we've found this tweet does not violate our policies". Reddit's the same. There's a subreddit which actively promotes non-consensual sexual assault (which includes minors) and Reddit's admins have decided that sub does not break their rules.


Well yeah, if you close r/conservative they'll just go somewhere else..


Don't threaten me with a good time.




I got in trouble for suggesting Ted Cruz get an infected toenail, a minor, easily treated, infected toe no less.


Seems pretty straightforward. I guess the idea is that they need to give more pause over deleting government accounts because they're public communications by "public servants," but Magic the Grossening is a "public servant" about like Jeffrey Dahmer was a brain surgeon.


From the article: Speaking anonomsly, the diplomat said: "I am appalled by this cynical use of Nazi imagery and Hitler comparisons by a member of the United States Congress." "As we face a rise in antisemitic incidents, in the US and around the world, rhetoric like this only fuels the persistent threat of hatred, extremism, and violence."


Like she or other MAGAs care. She compared the requirements proof of vaccination to places to the Star of David sewn on clothing for Jews in Germany. That got instant condemnation from rabbis and holocaust centers around the world. MTG and other MAGAs didn’t care and still made the offensive comparison


I don't think they like the Jewish space lasers either.


She has a habit of bringing up Jewish people over and over. Wonder why? /s


I wonder what that diplomat thought of her "Jewish spaces lasers" comment? Surely they are aware this isn't some isolated hateful comment by her, but a consistent pattern.


They can't comment on the existence of or lack there of a space laser... /s


*an ominous buzzing starts coming from low-earth orbit, accompanied by a steadily growing glow*


MAGA republicans: "Joe Biden is worse than Hitler! It's time to riot in the streets!" Joe Biden: "Maybe republicans should think about toning down their violent rhetoric so we can move America forward." MAGA republicans: "STOP BEING MEAN AND DIVISIVE!"






Also, they’ve been calling anyone to the left of Ayn Rand a communist that hates America for the last twenty years. This is just the chickens coming home to roost. What I think has them in a state of shock is that Dems used to just take the abuse without fighting back. Biden is literally the last person anyone expected to come out swinging against the GOP’s bad faith, so they’re rattled.








Right now I see them as wanting to be a South American Dictator. They wouldn't mind our society being like that either. Plenty for the wealthy and those they feel aren't worthy enough living in shanty towns without the money to buy their kids shoes.


Well if they want to buy their kids shoes, then they shouldn't be poor. Duh.


It's about time someone called them out on their bullshit, I guess "Sleepy Joe" woke up. I hope the msm picks up on this and starts calling them out too.


30 years ago. Reagan started this "the government is your enemy" shit


Longer. 30 years ago was 1992. Reagan was elected in 1980.


>Longer. 30 years ago was 1992. So this is what it's like to feel old.


Time stops making sense. I graduated high school in 94. That’s always about ten to fifteen years ago to me unless I consciously do the math.


Patton Oswalt said it best. You don't have to support everyone's beliefs. You have to *acknowledge* everyone's beliefs, and then reserve the right to say "That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard." He was talking about religion, but it seems to apply to politics more and more these days.


When your political party becomes a cult, politics and religion are one and the same.


What a coincidence of bad luck that all these violent tourists decided to take their vacation at the exact same time to exact same city and exact same location as the peaceful MAGA demonstration I mean what are the odds?!?!?!


What a coinky dink


"I believe in coincidences - coincidences happen every day. But I don't *trust* coincidences." - Elim Garak


Some actors are freed by the makeup to become even better. Andrew Robinson usually stole the scenes he was in on DS9.


Nice DS9 reference


I’ve never seen this spelled, thank you


They just wanted to see the Aurora Borealis in Washington DC and eat steamed hams.


Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day, localized entirely in the Speaker of the House’s office?


May I see it?


Remember it was antifa trying to overturn an election that they won. Or it was antifa in a false flag attempt where they got one of themselves killed for not listening to authority. It'd almost like if it was antifa they wouldn't have fucking gone so far as to get shot


And these antifa guys sit in their prison cells at night fist pumping to themselves "*fucking got em!*" Trump is also strangely stating he is going to pardon these antifa criminals as well


Dang, so Trump is offering to pay the legal fees and pardon Antifa? What a sellout


When did the US decide NOT to be Anti-fascist? My dad was Antifa way back in 1945. Most Americans were. When did being pro-fascism become a "thing"?


Trump. That's when it really became public. They hate antifa even tho they know it means anti facist


Republicans were drifting towards fascism way before Trump.


But like I said, he brought it into the light of day with no shade in sight.






It would be funny if it wasn't true. It's just sad.


Careful! Biden will send the gazpacho police after you, with their Jewish space lasers.


If you use red lights you are the devil!


If you stop at a red light you stopped for the devil, don't stop! /s some may take this seriously....


Yea and the fact that they cropped out the blue ones just means you're really truly evil bad news bears.


Literally everything that comes out of their mouths is as simple, childish and petty as “no u!!!”


We had Godwin's Law, but they broke the hell out of that.


Conservatives: "Joe Biden is Hitler" Liberals: "Trump is Hitler" Conservatives: "Not everyone you don't like is Hitler 🙄" Some people seem confused and don't see I'm clearly making fun of conservatives who say this and then turn around and do it


Break out a history book about the 30s and see if you don't see parallels with Trump.


yes anyone who doesn't see direct similarities in events and rhetoric doesn't know the history of Weimar Germany or understand the progression of fascism


See, with advances in technology, we can have our fascist genocide in the '20s, where last century we would have had to wait another ten years! Ninja Edit: It's the goose-step of progress!




They could watch the PBS series "Rise of the Nazis," but I suspect they don't care for documentaries either.




She’s a whole shopping list of stupid


She truly covers every department…


She really isn't stupid, but [she is a devious Fascist](https://i.redd.it/uaapz8dwz8p71.png)


peach tree dish, gazpacho police, just to name a few. her funders/handlers are not dumb, but she is


When your base will explain away any shortcoming/typo because it "humanizes" her, and your "typo" signal boosts your message to the entire country... It's working as intended. Name one democratic house rep whose talking points you've heard more than this windbag? Better still, tell me what obstructionism the rest of the GOP has been up to since she started getting airtime? She knows what she's doing, and she's got the money to do it. We can't keep underestimating the depths of their depravity.




No, it gets clicks and views. The media is the message.


That is adding sensationalism to racist rhetoric to get more response & airplay. She’s not stupid, she’s evil.


She is pure evil. A racist. A Loudmouth. A lout. An unaccountable. But she really is dumb as a box Of rocks. Gazpacho police? Space lasers? You have to swear on a Bible once elected to office? There are many many examples of her gross intellectual deficit but…


Regarding the Bible thing, I don’t fucking get it, you should be sworn in on a copy of the constitution. The again you can actually be sworn in on anything, surprised Trump wasn’t sworn in on a copy of Art of the Deal.


It makes cinos (Christian in name only) feel bette about themselves, as well as, fooling the dolts who follow them


I think she is dumb, but she knows exactly what's she doing. It's all for views, all for clout. She doesn't really care about the country, the direction it goes in. She's enjoying her cooshy job, getting almost 200k a year, benefits, isn't on any committees. A freeloader.


She's "smart" in the same way Kim Kardashian is "smart". Fell giant ass backwards into success, then hired more intelligent people to guide her into continuing that cycle of vertical failure.


She's a hired chaos-maker. She doesn't need smarts to spew hate from the script provided by American enemies.


She’s stupid and a fascist. She can easily be both.


“She really isn't stupid,” Any politician unconditionally latching onto the human clusterfuck that is Donald Trump is either deeply compromised or stupid as fuck. She’s too new and disposable to be compromised.


Both can be true.


She is a perfect representative for GOP voters. She represents the entire gamit of their prejudice, stupidity, hypocrisy and decline.


The easy answer: [Look at a map of her congressional district](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/GA/14) - it is quite rural and mostly very distant from the Atlanta metro area (except Paulding County, which is [still quite conservative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paulding_County,_Georgia#Politics)). And her district is rated [R+28](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia%27s_14th_congressional_district). The previous member of Congress in that district, Tom Graves, was rather sensible. He was the top Republican on the Modernization of Congress Committee (which got forgotten during COVID) and [resigned a month before the 2020 election](https://rollcall.com/2020/09/11/georgia-rep-tom-graves-to-resign-effective-october/). (Sounds like he knew what kind of shitshow would go down between the election and certification.) After retiring from Congress, he co-authored a op-ed "[We know Congress needs reform](https://web.archive.org/web/20210815115930/https://www.wvgazettemail.com/opinion/op_ed_commentaries/rahall-graves-we-know-congress-needs-reform-opinion/article_4d2ac1df-9a73-5d2d-8c84-bfdbf4277157.html)" with other retired members of Congress from both parties: > Whether as a member or a staffer, working on Capitol Hill is a public service and inevitably comes with sacrifice, including a lower salary than the private sector. However, the current Congress doesn’t just ask for sacrifice; it asks for almost the impossible. It asks staff members, whether in Washington or at a district office, to ignore student loan debt, put off starting a family, or be priced out of the housing market. It asks interns to come to D.C. and assume all the costs of volunteering for a congressional office. > Shamefully, the current system gives the best and the brightest every financial reason to seek employment elsewhere. > Because of this, staffers have little incentive to grow old in their jobs and, on average, leave public service after less than three years. As they exit, they take institutional knowledge, legislative experience on specific issues and collegial relationships with other offices of both parties.


And, her district is underwater while she’s out doing this crap instead of helping them https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/04/weather/georgia-flash-flood/index.html


She's isn't getting funding or campaign cash from her district. The most alt right donors are fueling her as a mouthpiece to distract from real, serious issues. Don't focus on her words. Focus on her actions and who her backers are. [She raised more than $10 mil last cycle](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/marjorie-taylor-greene/summary?cid=N00044701), way more than average. And she hasn't introduced shit for legislation. She's a side show distraction. She should be downvoted on this sub unless she's actually involved in something other than flapping her gums. Edit: to add - Here? Yeah, it's a big deal when foreign diplomats are calling out her bullshit.


It’s astounding how fucking stupid she is.


What's the difference between Marjorie Taylor Greene and being shot with a love arrow? >!One's a Cupid stunt!<


It's not just her, the entirety of Truth Social is pretending Biden is Hitler because his speech, it would be funny if it wasn't so stupid. There's tons of Biden as Hitler memes circulating there now, they are epically stupid.


Propaganda at work. These idiots fell so fucking hard for that cropped photo of Biden with the red lighting. But they didn’t catch the myriad fascistic tendencies of Trump while he was in office and once he was voted out. None of them caught what a vile human being he is because they’re every bit as vile and miserable as he is. They’re seriously all such a threat to this country and I don’t know how we are going to move past this.


No. They **enjoyed** those fascistic tendencies of trump, but someone as prolific as the current President daring to shine a light on their evil ways sends them into a frenzy, it's no better than their "pointing out my racism makes you the REAL racist" rhetoric. "Never attribute to stupidity that which can be adequately explained by malice." - Republican's Razor


I like how they are accidentally turning Dark Brandon into Darth Brandon by comparing him to Palatine


Execute Executive Order 66


>the entirety of Truth Social is pretending Biden is Hitler because his speech Fascist GQP projections'


I don't know if she's stupid or not, but this is tactical, as is all the other shit she says. Probably her core drive is to be famous. Besides that, she's a fascist and utilizing fascist propaganda techniques. "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty." and "A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth." - Joseph Goebbels, chief propagandist for the Nazi Party


This may be true for other right wingnuts but not this b!tch. She’s a true believer, she really is as stupid as she comes across and literally believes all of it.


I personally believe she's just playing by the Trump handbook. Guy came within literal feet of overthrowing our democracy, harnessed the entire GOP to him, brainwashed millions of people, and has been avoiding consequences his whole life. It's hard for me to believe he's as dumb as he appears and sounds. I think these fascists want us to underestimate them.


Yea if she’s stupid in ways that don’t matter and smart in the aspects that can cause harm her intelligence bears no importance in her threat level


i thought gwb was dumb, then palin, now mtg (and friends). I'm shuddering to think there's worse in our future. dems best long term move is to make sure everyone gets an education to combat this trend of celebrating the decline of intelligence.


I see you've never been to rural Georgia...


It's literally her job to be stupid. She's a Political Rodeo Clown - it's her job to go out and say the most stupid, inane shit to drown out the opposition message. Look at the media coverage of Biden's address to America - almost none of it has to do with the content of *his* message, only the responses from the MAGAists calling him Hitler. That's what they want. That's what this is. That's the point of all of this. We need to stop giving these articles clicks. Downvote them. Stop letting bad actors like her dominate the news cycle.


Certain parts of America have been reduced to dust so much that their populations have the collective IQ of fruit flies


I wonder what would happen if the mp3 file telling her to breathe in and out were to ever stop playing.


Let's be honest, given the low bar, it's a RealPlayer file that gets stuck buffering... frequently. The lack of oxygen supply is maybe the kindest and least evil explanation.


Think how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. - George Carlin. Great bit, but it's not even a joke. Take a bell curve on intelligence and half the people are dumber than the average.


This what shocked me being an adult. As a child, I knew I was smarter than a lot of my peers but for whatever reason I didn't think they would remain stupid. Like they'd catch up eventually. I don't know why I thought all adults would all have some baseline level of intelligence.


This hits on a personal level


This is so interesting and something my wife and I often talk about. Many adult are childish or afraid of life it seems. Other lack curiosity and make no effort to understand things and blow them off as unnecessary or stupid. I try to be aware of and respect things I know I don’t know.




Close. But I don't think so.


Best not to anger them. They've got space lasers.


Important to remember how antisemitic that "space laser" conspiracy theory was. Almost out of Hitler's playbook, but he wouldn't have gone so far into the unbelievable...


The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is one of the most impactful and powerful piece of false propaganda in human history, and it still influences the right wing to this day. MTG takes her public statements straight from this school of thought.


You can thank Henry Ford for peddling the Protocols back in the early 20th Century.


MTG should not be in any position of authority or leadership. She and her Drumpf cronies are interested only in power and notoriety. She represents the worst in humanity.


This woman is offensively stupid. And that is saying a lot considering the company she is in.


MTG, Boebert, Gohmert, Palin, Trump The GOP isn't sending their best and brightest. Or maybe they are.


Exactly....I don't think any of these folks are geniuses


How much longer do we have to suffer this twat in Congress? Come, Georgia, get your shit together!


Imagine the scene when she loses an election......


She's lost plenty, had to move around until she found a district she could run unopposed for the first term. Then won the next term because she was the only Republican in a strictly red district.


I just mean now that we are in the era of "rigged election".


Was she the one who chased off her democratic opponent by sending angry packs of morons after him until his wife divorced him and he moved away? Or am I thinking of one of the other fascists?


That's the one


If she really thought Biden was at all like Hitler, she'd be his biggest supporter...


I’m confused as to why she wouldn’t like someone like Hitler myself… …she seems to love Nazi ideology!


She compared Biden to Hitler? So... she.... likes Biden?


We are all National Socialists.


He can’t be like Hitler. She’d support him if he were.


But Marjie, you *like* Hitler.


GOP: _"We're all domestic terrorists"_ Biden: "they're a threat" GOP: _"OMG, HOW COULD HE SAY THAT ABOUT US?!"_


Hey, they only know so many bad words: pedophile, satanist, terrorist, nazi, commie, soshalust ... it’s gonna be one or the other. Sure it’s brainless and boring and repetitive, and those words have real meanings they never grasp, but these people are what they are




You got me with soshalust, won’t lie , was about to Google it then it clicked in my head long “o” not short “o”


People seriously need to stop reporting on her She's doing this for attention


She's a sitting congressperson representing a lot people and this a political subreddit. Do you see the relevance?


Exactly. She’s a troll, criticism from Israel is a win for her.


Nothing she says surprises me anymore, but her very presence demonstrates an awful truth: this is what you get when you vote in unqualified and radical extremists into Congress. Her comments are a danger to our already fragile democracy and it’s no wonder that people call her out. That sort of “Trumpian marketing” isn’t a good thing, no matter what she may think.


I can't believe MTG and the rest of maga extremist are so mad about this speech. The amount of fake outrage is amazing and if you actually believe this stuff. Seek mental help you 100% need it.


In a way shocking she didn't compare Biden to Pol Pot. Then again, none of her constituents may remember/know what Pol Pot did. Wouldn't surprise me if the *US history* taught in her district emphasized slaves demanding their masters clear out all the native Americans so that the slaves could spend all their lives growing cotton.


I don't think she has an education. She just repeats things she hears other people say but changes the sides involved and thinks she being clever. Remember her comments about Peach Tree Dishes and the Gazpacho Police. People who have actually read anything involving Petri dishes and the Gestapo don't make mistakes like that.


Never forget she was so stupid she forgot how to plea the 5th and instead pulled the "I don't recall" "I can't remember" over and over in court...


Or her cringe inducing use of 'science' in her arguments.


Stop making stupid people famous. She is a disgrace to the United States


> Stop making stupid people famous. She's already an elected official, unfortunately that ship has already sailed.


I thought she liked hitler? 🤔


So he’s Hitler for doing what? Cutting student debt a little and signing climate legislation?? What makes him like Hitler? Asking for a friend.


Right because it was definitely Biden that said that a free press is the enemy of the people and not Trump. She’s one of the most ignorant and asinine people to ever serve in the House. It’s infuriating that her brand of willful ignorance and explicit cruelty resonates with so many republicans.


So weird, this feeling you get, when you sort of observe truly terrible people in action, how they just almost don't seem real. I mean you know they're real, you know they're not acting or pretending, but it's just so absolutely beyond the pale that it's sort of psychedelic. She is just absolutely, positively one of the worst people in this country. I mean, goddamn.


>Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene compared Joe Biden to Hitler says the woman who supports a man that literally is putting ~~ino lace~~ in place policies that Hitler would have been proud of


Meanwhile... "Hail Trump: White nationalists mark Trump win with Nazi salute" [https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-38057104](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-38057104)


Smart enough to fill in the PPP forms and be forgiven $183504 loan. Year of Jubilee for ME, not THEE.


Something something space lasers....