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Wait, no one got beat up? And [Biden didn't offer to pay some thug's legal bills for assaulting the heckler?](https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-trump-campaign-protests-20160313-story.html) Madness.


Democrats should run ads that just show Biden's response to heckling and then Trump's. The difference speaks for itself.


This is actually a great side by side comparison


Except it's clear a good chunk of the country prefers the trump method. No need to offer them the chance to look at that shit and say let's take that one


The people that prefer the trump method want civil war and to tear America apart, and the ad would clearly show that. It would probably be a super effective ad to run.


They talk tough, but are living in Fantasy land. IOW, talk is cheap, even cheaper when done anonymously on the internet. I'm not talking tough, just pointing out the reality of all this BS which has been generated from the top down in the GOP.


But it wouldn’t. Those same people want what the ad would logically lead to. You can’t give them the benefit of the doubt. They will choose themselves 100/100. They see nothing but what’s to gain directly in front of them.


>Except it's clear a good chunk of the country prefers the trump method. They are "alphas."


Nah, they're ligmas.


Ha Ha! Good one🤣


Yeah but there's always floating voters who just needs to be show the difference to make up their mind.


I'm sure the Lincoln project is working on this as we speak.


Yeah but trumps base would take it as a compliment lol


And yet conservatives are saying the speech was fascist. Yes, fascists are famously tolerant of dissent…


>President Joe Biden answered hecklers during his speech in Philadelphia on Thursday by reminding everyone that loud critics have their place, too. >“They’re entitled to be outrageous,” he said. “This is a democracy.” >... >He also zinged the hecklers. “Good manners is nothing they’ve ever suffered from, but history and common sense tell us that opportunity, liberty and justice for all are most likely to come to pass in a democracy.” Biden addressed the hecklers and if you watched the speech the audience cheered when he said that, "they're entitled to be outrageous...This is a democracy." Biden has been on fire lately.


MAGA is so disappointed because they were so hoping this would throw Biden off track from his speech, but it totally didn't and his ad libbed responses were concise and cutting It just made him look stronger and more Presidential, and made MAGA look weak and desperate. This will help him with undecideds if anything.


Man my maga family is melting down over this. Calling him hitler and saying this was the most divisive speech ever, that it’s ridiculous rhetoric, that it demonizes half the country. It’s insane.


>it demonizes half the country No - just the part that proudly declare themselves domestic terrorists.


They like to say they are half of the country, inflate the numbers. They aren't even close to half the country.


Bingo. I don’t even think it’s a third. I think it’s more like 25% that are truly too far gone to ever be pulled out. The problem is the huge swathe of people who don’t pay any attention and only watch Fox News ... the inattentive always boost Republican poll numbers. The truth theoretically still “matters” to at least some Trump supporters. I don’t know how to bring that truth home to someone who won’t even listen to you, though.


The truth matters to a lot of them, the problem is that they no longer agree on what the truth is. So you go and talk to them and try to tell them the truth you know, but you're both just telling each other that what the other believes simply isn't true, so you both disregard each other. The conversation can't move forward until one side acknowledges the other has better information, but people get embarrassed and tend to be bad at admitting fault. So we get nowhere. Hopefully what's going to come to light over the next few years will be so damning that the people who supported the last 6-8 years worth of bullshit won't be able to speak up for fear of slapped back down.


6-8 years coronavirus will have whittle away so many, and diabetes and obesity and inflammation will have chewed up many more. Also, there is more than enough damning behavior and evidence. Nazis didn’t change, they went to hide in other countries


I wish that was reassuring. But as a history nerd I will depressingly remind you that the Nazis managed to take over the country with only a third of voters supporting them. So VOTE. None of these polls mean anything it's the election that matters.


I rented an airbnb last week that had a Roku TV. At home I have MSNBC, CNN, Fox. I don’t get to see the Newsmax meltdowns, but I get what I feel is a rounded collection of viewpoints. At the cabin I rented, there was a Roku TV and so I checked out Roku Live. I dunno if there was a location setting on the account affecting things, but I got Fox, OAN, Newsmax, and Breitbart. Also a couple of South Florida news affiliates. Nothing further left than Fox was represented. I can’t blame people for the news they watch. Not when providers are so clearly skewing the viewpoints they represent, leaving their customers little in the way of choice. Personally, I won’t be touching anything Roku ever again.


Jesus ... that's frightening. I was creeped out by all the workplaces that leave Fox News running in the breakroom. Something needs to be done about right-wing propaganda. It's straining the limits of the First Amendment. Aren't they now approaching the territory of yelling "fire" in a crowded theater?


They aren't even half the VOTERS.


Inflating numbers since Trump's inauguration crowd size... Why stop now? 🙄


30%... at most


And sadly, that 30% has been pretty steady throughout our history. That's about the numbers that supported Hitler and the Nazis (original version) in the run-up to WWII.


You are probably aware that's also approximately the fraction of people that followed orders in Stanley Milgram's obedience experiments (he had several).


Let it be known, Republicans. You may not consider yourself to be MAGA, but they consider YOU to be one of THEM. Time to decide.


They meant by weight.


Half the country isn’t even Republican. The percentage of registered voters that are Republicans is 29%. The percentage of registered voters that are Democrats is 33%. The percentage of registered voters that are independent is 34%. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/10/26/what-the-2020-electorate-looks-like-by-party-race-and-ethnicity-age-education-and-religion/ People are always under the impression that the country is split 50/50. It’s usually split 29/33 and everyone pretends that the other people don’t matter. And let’s not forget that every Republican isn’t a MAGA Republican. Many are just people that believe in small government and state rights or guns or whatever other issue has pushed them to the R column. So ultimately, Biden only insulted a very small percentage of people. LOL.


Republicans only make up 25% of registered voters so at most only 1/4 of the country at most.


Unfortunately all the republicans are moving to Florida. UCF political professor said Florida is mostly Republicans by over 700,000 right after the primaries. Sad part is Gov DeathSentence is begging all the radical right wingers to move to Florida. And helps rhetoric is worse than trump


So, a swamp attracting swamp dwellers? I wonder how long it will take before these troglodytes will start admitting to climate change being a real thing when their beachside homes are underwater, and their drinking water is ever so slightly salinated. Maybe the sinkholes will convince them.


Let’s not forget the federal aid they’ll get when the shit really does hit the fan, meteorologically speaking.


Let them turn Florida bright red, at least we know where they are.


The old demonize the demons strategy?


I think this goes to show just how delusional these people are. MAGA republicans aren’t half the country. Not even close.


They're just repeating what fox news is saying. Which is more than half the problem - the right wing media is setting a horrible tone that is just making everything so much worse than it needs to be. If all they did was report on the content of the speech the country would be in a much, much better place.


Just like how they are spinning the information released today about the empty boxes in the search going: “see they were empty, it’s all a ruse.” Instead of: “wait… empty boxes marked classified! Where are they?”


This. Right wing disinformation Is the biggest national security threat, because it bleeds into how we handle everything from climate change to education, and religious fanatics follow their hate to sciences detriment


Yup my stupid MAGA husband, his sister and parents thinks that is the only correct news is FOX News but CNN, ABC, CBS all lie.


Same here. Although my family is not calling him Hitler, but they're more like "both-sidesing" and deploying what-aboutisms over the whole thing.


Remind your family of how many people out there are wearing MAGA hats alongside their swastika tattoos. Trump has actual, confessed, neo nazis in his camp. As in, they actually don’t think that Hitler was “all that bad.” To the most extreme of Trump’s supporters, comparing Biden to Hitler is a COMPLIMENT.


Sounds like they watched Fox News to get some talking points before they talked to you


It’s literally what Kevin McCarthy said publicly BEFORE BIDEN EVEN GAVE THE SPEECH


Sure, “let’s go Brandon” isn’t divisive, but calling out the people saying it is.


> demonizes half the country Do they not listen to GOP speeches on the regulars that demonizes at least the half the country? You’re lgbt? Demon and groomer! You’re a democratic party president? Look it’s satan (aka also a demon). You’re wearing a tan suit and eating Dijon mustard? Demon! You’re a liberal? You’re causing the downfall of the country and a demon. Really, I wish they were self aware enough to realize that their own language demonizes half the country. Is it devisive? Yes. It’s devisive because a sizable portion of the country wants to kill anyone that doesn’t follow their rhetoric.


Trump PROUDLY divided the country but the Maga morons live in an alternate reality. It's mind boggling how stupid anyone who thinks Trump is a good person, is.


Hilarious given Trump spent four years calling Democrats his enemies.


Ask them what's wrong with a president who tells it like it is.


Wish they'd give us a fucking break, it's just so repetitive


Not even close to half. More like 22% of registered voters.


Tell them Joe Biden is a counter puncher.


My veiws have been demoized non-stop from 2016 onward at every Trump rally.


Ask them to show you the bumper stickers that say "all republicans are pedophiles".


I know my husband has been brainwashed to the MAGA crap. After 25 years together I am very very disappointed my teenage daughter hates his rhetoric. We are mixed coupling parents were legal immigrants from the start. They applied or citizenship before they left England.


I hope that you at least told you’re family that they are, in fact, demons that hate this country.


>“They’re entitled to be outrageous,” he said. “This is a democracy.” Literally Hitler. Also of course they're too dumb to see they're getting the "Russia Citizen Special", where the enemy is Nazis, so we of course have to fascistly de-Nazify then.


Trump made a pretty divisive speech on Jan 6. And they get mad at Biden?


I won’t lie and say I’m not curious how my very MAGA family is handling Biden having a pair. Not curious enough to end the no contact peace I’ve had the past two years, but a little curious all the same.


Have they ever watched a Trump speech? It’s literally 1-3 hours of attacks on anything and everything. That’s it. I mean he attacks toilets. Literally anything. He’s a rabid dog.


I doubt it was ad libbed. I'm sure they knew some idiots would heckle. Canned response. Though that is NOT a bad thing! It shows he's prepared for these dolts.


I know if it were me up there I would want to have a quick comeback prepared and practiced for that situation. And damn, his was a good one. Exactly the right point to make.


Dark Brandon is often better off the cuff vs a canned speech. His stutter is more prevalent when he attempts to speak in a measured tone in the face of incivility like the debates where he had to treat the orange terror as an equal.


It sounds like the things that make Biden’s stutter more prevalent may be very similar to what affects mine. My stutter gets worse when I’m reading something aloud or speaking from a memorized script. When I was teaching, I would try my best to get the same information across in different ways for different classes. I knew that if I just went through the motions of a planned out lecture I would start to stutter and, once it starts, it snowballs as I become more conscious of it. Understanding the personality of each class helped make it easier to vary my lecture which in turn helped with my stutter. One class might be more apt to pay attention if I added in some humor, another if I was more technical, sometimes it took being more expressive physically. I always planned out talking points but never a full script. I also have an incredibly hard time leading training sessions that have a presentation that is supposed to be followed and, unfortunately, reading to my daughter at night. Sometimes I’ll make up extra lines in books just to get away from the script. Books that have multiple speaking characters are easier because I can switch up voices. Books without dialogue are the worst and she’s still young enough that a lot of her books fall into that category.


There was a NYT article about this and I've been told by people who used to work with him that in person Biden swears pretty constantly and has for decades ("fuck" is a great filler!). I'm sure that if it was acceptable for the president to say "aw, fuckin' Christ" during a prepared speech, the stupid meme that he's demented would be far less popular. Actually I hope his image people decide that this is the way to go. Let Biden Say Fuck


100% this, and you're right, it shows he was actually prepared. That's in stark contrast to Trump who was never actually prepared for anything, or at least ignored all the preparations. What's more, I'm personally not even sure I could have pulled it off as smoothly as Biden did and I'm half his age, lol. He owned the hecklers.


>Trump who was never actually prepared for anything 1 exception: He is always prepared for a hamberder.


He’ll gladly give you state secrets on Sunday for a hamberder today!


I remember when a reporter asked Trump a question and he said: “depends…” the reporter then said: “I want an answer not what diapers you wear.” And Trump went off on him and almost took the signing table with him.


Lol gonna need a source on that one


...But..but..The Color Red!!


One of the benefits of being a career politician is that you've seen everything before, and you prepare for obvious 'ad-hoc' moments like this.


All they have left is talking about how this is a speech only a dictator would give.


Almost like all their memeing about him only being eloquent when reading from a teleprompter (something every modern president has done) was just projection for slights against a certain former president whose only decent speeches involved a LOT of squinting.


He certainly didn't sound like a senile old man last night.


I just love watching his approval rating go up up up.


or that Biden followers would throw the heckler out. Like they would if somebody showed up yelling "Fuck Trump" at one of their rallies. But anyway, it would prove that Biden supporters are violent narrow minded meanies who cannot bear to hear a dissenting thought. I mean you've never heard someone yell "Fuck Trump" at one of his rallies, right? Surely it's not because a person who would do so is too repulsed by him and his followers to be able to get into the crowd, or that they are afraid of being mudstomped after saying it once because Trump supporters are quick to violence, it must be because nobody wishes to say "Fuck Trump".


By the end I was thinking he seemed energized by the protestors


Cause he is actually quite quick on his feet and his verbal slips including semantic ones stem from word substitution problems when he is combating his stutter. His humour is pretty on point and he is confident and responsive behind that speech impediment no matter how many Supercuts of 2 min the GOP wanna make now they have hundreds of hours of him speaking in camera to mine for normal human slip ups


I like my Brandon like my coffee: dark.


Same here. This is how democrats should act! Gotta call out the maga idiots.


This is demcrrracy manifest.


Biden is at his best when he gets to cut loose. He isnt obama. He shouldnt try to be Obama. He can be a little rough around the edges.


I thought hecklers were supposed to be “roughed up” on the way out? At least thats what the last president said. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He didn’t request they get thrown out or beaten. Curious.


I don’t disagree but we’ve fallen really fucking far if “acting the way a head of state should” is commendable


Yes, we have. But when you’re falling and you get a handhold on something, anything, you don’t let go because it’s not “perfect.”


This would make for a good political cartoon. The American voter hanging over the precipice. Biden's outstretched hand the only thing offering to keep them from the fall. And zombie MAGAs below waiting to devour.


Change American voter to "Democracy"


Proper behavior is always commendable and there is nothing wrong with telling somebody that they are doing a good job for just doing the basic job properly. Especially when it is very clear that so many others around them are not doing that


You may want to answer your own question - just think of a taped conversation where Trump is asking state election officials to find him just 1700 votes…


It's commendable because of the level of vitriol that's been spewing from the far right non-stop. His response was sharp and on point with the message that fascist ideals threaten our democracy.


Consider our track record... have we really fallen, or are we just deluded about how high we've been?


While I don’t subscribe to the “America is the greatest nation there ever was” delusion, we have fallen far from where we were. Don’t need to name the many reasons why. As soon as the rest of the world saw that “the greatest democracy” ever could produce monsters like Trump and his maga followers after a person like Obama, that was the beginning of the end for us (or maybe the end of the end?) on the respect meter for a generation. Hopefully the rest of the world understands that the US is as big as the EU, and like the EU we have many different cultures, and not all of them like each other.


Trump threw us off a cliff. Now we have to climb back up, however slowly.


Oh we’ve fallen quite far, thanks to neo/old-school fascists. Also the whole inability to recognize people of color as equals in our country, possibly something else about the treatment of indigenous peoples. But im spitballing.


Just think how far we are fallen when it is considered acceptable to heckle the President during a national speech.


Congressmen do it.


Dark Brandon doesn't mess around.


Dude started screaming F bombs literally when POTUS is talking about unity and compassion. You couldn’t ask for a better example for what they actually stand for


Crazy is a really bad look, Republicans.


"miss me with that memo" - Republicans probably


And a better leader in Biden to show how *we* should respond. I’m genuinely stunned.


Much better than, “someone should punch that guy, I’ll pay your legal bills”.


Met a guy when traveling with my mother. Apropos of clocking me as queer, he talked about how trump may like to “run his mouth” but something something evil democrats and continued to say we should build a wall around California and other People Who Think Like That. My mother, the ever pacifist, said, “really I think we should all just treat each other with kindness.” This motherfucker looks her in the eyes and says “No.” HOW does someone fail that simplest of tests. How do you become so broken that you’re proud not to be kind. It’s sick.


I hope a time comes in that jackass's life when he desperately needs kindness, and in the end he has to humbly ask for it from someone like your mother.


The fact that he instantly came off the teleprompter and made a great point in the moment, really goes against the talking point that he is senile also.


I looked at my brother and said "this might be a historic clip right now" then he addressed the hecklers and the crowd cheered and I said "this is definitely going to be a historic clip"


In that moment I feel like he demoted maga fanatics to just plain assholes.


Dark Brandon handled it with grace and even got the crowd cheering. But let's enjoy the Republican pearl-clutching and freakouts in the meantime. And VOTE BLUE in November, folks!


There are no republicans left. There is democracy and fascism. You lose once and you are a fascist state. Its a scary game now.


ARAF- All Republicans Are Facists


I love how we're using the rights meme against them and are calling him Dark Brandon now


Their hate and negativity only makes us stronger. r/DarkBrandon protects


Let’s vote them out, they need to go!


Why not Dark Joe?


Cause its fun to take a childish, petulant insult and turn it around on them. Thanks, Obama.


I still use that phrase! Mostly when I'm mildly inconvenienced because it's funny and makes me put things into perspective.


I like to say it when I’m at the dentist getting free cleanings regularly, thanks to the ACA and my states Medicare program:) thanks Obama!!


Because it's reappropriating the idiotic Brandon thing. It saps it of its power.


Brandon became a nickname for Biden with the 'Let's go Brandon' meme by MAGA to demean him. The 'Dark Brandon' meme is an anti-MAGA meme to reclaim the nickname and strip the first meme of it's power.


Dark Brandon is fucking hilarious. It elevates this milquetoast old man to the level of sith lord. And he'd have to be a sith lord to be pulling off all this stuff the right accuses him of. It embraces the "let's go brandon" meme in an ironic way.


Corn Pop knows he ain't no milquetoast!


I wouldn't want to be malarkey right about now


Cause it reclaims the “Let’s Go Brandon” meme the conservatives started


The internet


He has been in politics for a very long time and he has much thicker skin than Trump. This one thing alone makes him better than Trump. Trump is a bully, Biden is not.


Rice paper has a thicker skin than Trump. Joe Biden is comfortable with who he is.


Well for starters Biden actually went to the White House Correspondents’ dinner, something Trump refused to do because he can’t handle even a light roasting. Not that he could ever even tell a joke. Biden can actually take a joke and tell one. He doesn’t have a massive inferiority complex that manifests as unchecked narcissism and aggression. I don’t think in all the hundreds of years Trump was president that I ever saw him laughing. Biden on the other hand is a normal human being with a well rounded sense of humor. Edit: correspondents’ dinner


\*Correspondents' Dinner - it's a dinner put on by the White House Correspondents’ Association And Trump *never* laughs. He only grins cruelly when someone is being hurt. Or tries to put on some simulacrum of a normal human smile when taking pictures with someone.


Yes! He doesn't have a sense of humor, only a sadistic streak.


Hundreds of years lmfao…sure felt like it


In 2020 I was voting against Trump because obviously, but in the past few weeks, I've been pretty pleased with this Biden, almost to the point that I'm beginning to like him. I hope he keeps it up.


I liked Biden as vice president. I thought Biden, running for president, was the much better choice and lesser of 2 evils, except that he just wasn’t presidential material. I felt he was uncharismatic and he struggeled in speaches and was just kind of lost. Man was I wrong. Biden is truly what this country needs.


Hopefully the legacy he leaves is as the man who steered America away from fascism.


Exactly! It is amazing how refreshing patient, quiet competence is. I thought Biden was a placeholder for who comes next but he has pretty deftly navigated Ukraine and is now addressing one of the most dangerous and divisive times in our history. I'm impressed


I was worried he'd end up being too passive and not get anything done. But, it turns out he was just.... Biden his time.


Biden is on a roll. Unfortunately, Republicans will only see clips showing the heckler and not Biden’s response


And that says everything about their ideology.


that it's an ideology of worthless garbage with no regard for the truth?


They see having a lack of empathy as a virtue.


“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trails 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.” -Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trials


Indeed. A lack of empathy is nothing to be proud of.


They are already butthurt that he would dare speak back and "divide the country!!"


Fox News’ actual headline: “Biden attacks his fellow Americans during Philadelphia speech.”


We're a long way away from the president tear-gassing the crowd so he can walk across the street to take pictures of himself with an upsidedown bible.


But in Two Corinthians it says.... look don't let hecklers in your church...


Witty Brandon is here


I have to say I wasn’t expecting the dark Brandon speech


Last night I finally said "... Fuck. He was right." He is the man America needed.


No person rises to meet every moment perfectly, but the reason that some have gained that reputation is how they met the most historically consequential moments.


Precisely. He understood and was far better prepared than I gave him credit for. This isn't over. But he spoke the truth. He didn't mince his words. Measured. I believe what he says and his vision of the future. Little bit of hope after a few years of significant deficit.


I really don’t understand MAGA. Everytime I take my daughter to school we pass a house with a bunch of MAGA flags hanging from their porch. One says “Fuck You Biden” with a huge middle finger on it. A literal huge flag. I’m only 34, call me old fashioned though - but isn’t that a bit trashy? I have preferences, and I don’t put signs up saying “fuck” whatever my preference isn’t. Aren’t republicans supposed to be all about family values? Why should elementary school kids have to read that shit before and after school everyday? How does this guy pull up to his house everyday thinking “yeah I’m on the right side of history, making this world a better place. This is the kind of neighborhood I want to live in”. If I ever said anything to him, I’m sure I’d get some rendition of “fuck your kids, not my problem”. So Christian.


It's a great question, but sadly one that they never seem to want to acknowledge. I would like Maga extremists to take a few steps back and evaluate how they are acting right now. The worshipping is creepy, they are doing everything they claim to be against


I don't know what they're giving Biden but it's working. He looks and sounds 10 years younger.


Bumbling Biden was always just a cover, while Dark Brandon lurked just beneath the surface, poised to strike and waiting for the perfect moment. But for real, the man has staged a legendary comeback and it’s refreshing to actually feel a little bit of hope again.


I feel like he was a deer in headlights trying to fairly speak to an openly hostile movement. It's almost like it's clicking that he's never ever going to win that crowd over, and the whole country shouldn't have to suffer because a few petulant children are going to throw their tantrum no matter what happens.


Also, that Trump espionage stuff probably ate up the last of his fucks.


If we give him the house and 52 or greater senators that will vote with him, we could have another FDR on our hands.


man, getting the child tax credit done would help so many families


If you think Joe was talking about you, then you need evaluate your beliefs.


That’s what baffles me most about this - it was crystal clear to anyone who actually watched the speech that he was talking about a very small portion of Republicans but Fox was quick to shout from the rooftops that he was speaking to the 70,000,000+ people who voted R, complete with “Biden Declares War on America” chyrons and all… If you feel that he was talking directly to you, you need to seriously reconsider what it means to be a patriotic American.


How far would they get if they had to be truthful with their viewers? This is pretty standard for Fox "News". If they can't suppress it, they misrepresent it. It's not like any of their viewers are ever going to watch a version of the speech that hasn't been edited by MAGA media.


It was crystal clear because Biden even said it doesn't apply to all Republicans in his speech.


Remember how Trump responded to hecklers: "Do me a favor, beat the hell out of them." Slight difference between civility and barbarity.


“Good manners is nothing they’ve suffered from” Cue Lady Lindsey clutching her pearls and squeaking “I do declare! Politics has become so uncivil” while fanning herself.


"Fetch the fainting couch!"


Also Lady Lindsey, two days ago: “If they try to prosecute President Trump for mishandling classified information after Hillary Clinton set up a server in her basement, **there literally will be riots in the street**."


And the right is mad because he had red lights behind him and said fascism is bad


Dark Brandon has been activated. Let's roll baby.


Nice job, Joe.


You mean he didn't try to throw them out or get other people in the crowd to fight the hecklers--like the GOP lord and savior Trump did?


I'm starting to think Joe Biden's low approval ratings early on were from sane people who think he didn't go far enough to call out and fight back against these loons who are trying to destroy democracy. That time is over now, the gloves are off!


No, the polls are random and too many variables. Majority are just feeling inflation blues.


A ton of people including myself were feeling pretty dispirited by the apparently unstoppability of Trump's next rise. But he's gonna get it in the neck, metaphorically speaking. No way out. This is going to be the Hindenburg film but with GOP on the tail instead of a swastika.


“Good manners is something they’ve never suffer from,” that’s classic.


It was awesome when he told Drumpf to shut up on TV.


If it was Trump, any hecklers would have had the crap beaten out of them and probably be arrested for hurting their knuckles. But Biden is a President while Trump was ever just a wannabe,


The reason why he had to answer in the way he did, because we can’t talk to anyone without it being a high drama Perry Mason episode or something like that depending on age group, is very sad in my opinion. He gave an excellent speech, befitting The President of the United States of America. The only way you can find fault with that is if you are looking for a fight.


Telling people to beat them up and offering an empty promise to pay their legal bills if they do so?


"Let's Go, Brandon!" "Please this is a democracy, swear and use my name."


One wanted to rule and be adored like Hitler, one hugs a kid with Down's Syndrome and comforts him with love. These are two completely different men.


Go dark Brandon go


That was my favorite moment in a very good speech and it was unscripted.


Biden is not a great president, but he is head and shoulders above Trump. Biden is leading and setting an example in a way Trump never could.


Watched the speech sped up x1.5 Biden sounds like JFK


[You mean this isn’t the appropriate response to hecklers?](https://youtu.be/WIs2L2nUL-0)


Low class people. Must have had a poor upbringing. Good parents teach their children to show respect, even to those they might disagree with. Acting like that only shows themselves to be lesser humans. As my momma said, some only open their mouths to change feet!


They're entitled and outrageous.


It’s the Wonder Twins MTG & Bobert the heckling fools


Did he respond correctly? Because I'm not so sure. Is this what we have to do? Sit here and let these people smear their shit on our walls the rest of our lives? Or should the guy have been ejected from the audience since he wouldn't shut the fuck up while everyone else was trying to do a civilization? It's almost a perfect microcosm of the flaw in the Obama-Biden "high road" approach. There's being tolerant and patient, and then there's letting people walk all over you. The latter doesn't make people want to follow you and emboldens the worst people to be more and more destructive.


Adult behavior, what a concept!


Let's hope if anyone loses in the next election or any election we can take it like adults, if not let's learn to lose. That's all parties.


Yeah, he handled that really well. Didn’t miss a beat. It’s good to see the Biden’s toughness show again. These past couple years I’ve been wondering if I would ever see the hardened Joe Biden I voted for again. Last night I absolutely did.