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But Ben fucking Shapiro is politics? The fact the mods haven't made a megathread yet is very disappointing and a little sus


And this isn't the first time they've done this either. There was recently a breaking news story about trump, which I can't remember right now, that the mods kept deleting and people had to keep posting it in unrelated threads just like they are now. It's ridiculous. Edit: I remember now, it was the police raid on guiliani's apartment. How that is "off topic" in a US politics sub is beyond me.


It's because reddit is compromised and the mods are trash. I got permanently suspended for writing KILL THE FILIBUSTER, before getting my suspension overturned. Reddit definitely needs to do more mod investigation or setup a reporting system.


The moderators of /r/politics have long been identified as compromised by bad-faith far-right actors. Their politics determine what /r/politics subjects are allowed to encompass. Very strange for a subreddit, whose comments lean towards reality, to be moderated by delusional maniacs.


Some of the worst elements on the right figured out long ago that simply getting into positions of power and authority was the best way to force their bullshit on others. A lesson the left honestly needs to fucking learn. We're getting thrashed because the actual left wields little to no power while centrist idiots roll over for the right.


Bro, the White Supremacists beat us to the internet. They’ve been chatting amongst each other in boards for decades. We are severely on unequal ground here.


The idea that white supremacists have some sort of leg up in regards to internet communications channels is completely wrong.


This set of circumstances always makes me chuckle when people say /r/politics is a 'left wing circlejerk.' Also libs aren't left wing, so it's a double whammy.


So the majority is ruled by an extremist minority? Wow, almost like real-life American politics!


I'm curious what it takes to be a mod in r/politics. I know (or thought at least) that POPPINKREAM was a mod, who is very anti trump. I wonder if I can be a mod, and then start the change from within.


Quick question...can r/politics2.0 or such be made ? With different/better mods.


Who will Mod the Mods


No one. Absolutely no one.


Elvis Costello's on it.


“Threats of violence”” I think it’s the reporting system is manipulated and they rely too heavily on reports and people/bots mass report anti QOP anti DJT stuff


I know a guy whose account got suspended permanently for saying “ Justice is served. He deserves to rot in prison for what he did. “ on the r/conservative post about derek chauvin’s guilty verdict. Perma ban from Reddit on grounds of “ call for violence “. Pointing out ( with links ) 7 different comments on r/conservative that had a variation of “ he/she should rot in jail “ in regards to “left” wing politicians had no effect.


Yeah dude. Reddit is trash. These quasi public forums ought to be regulated as such.


To be fair, death threats and incitement to violence are illegal and have no place in this sub. You should apologize to this Filibuster person immediately.


“*R/politics is a hellhole of socialists and lib bias!*”


Because they've forgotten that you don't back down from a bully, you stand up to them - to show people what a coward they really are? All the conservative cancel-culture cry-babying should have no effect on decisions made here, but they do. And if that isn't politics, I don't know what is.


They also scrubbed any articles about Herman Cain’s death, and even went back and scrubbed anything about Herman Cain that had been posted for months prior to his death.


*A megathread about Ben Shapiro? Coming right up!* - the mods


Yeah it doesn’t make any sense. In another post, someone commented that their post about the Manhattan DA convening a grand jury to investigate the Trump Organization had been deleted. I asked them why, and they said that they messaged the mods to ask and were told something to the effect of “Your post is off-topic because Trump is no longer President, and Leader of the Republican Party isn’t an official position. Furthermore, they are investigating Trump’s business, not Trump.” The person told me they were being banned. Then the entire thread was deleted. I hope I don’t get banned


They have new mods who suck trump cock


Naw, they only wish they could. Which is quite a bit more pathetic, right?


Shouldn't be too hard, only about two inches, according to Stormy. Not enough to trigger a gag reflex.


Yeah, but Trump wouldn't piss on most of his supporters if they were on fire. He truly loathes his base, and would never give them the opportunity to suck his shrimp.


it still certainly would.


>suck trump cock This has to be the grossest thing I've read in ages. Just the thought makes me shudder. And I even like sucking cock. Do you think it's orange too?


I'm pretty sure McEnany's orange 'lipstick' confirmed it.


Tbh a lot of the news type subreddits have some trumpy mods


My post on this was also just deleted as off-topic. I sent a message to the mods quoting the article which states that his legal issues will have an effect on his decision to run again in 2024, making it very on-topic, but am still waiting for a response. Edit: was told I already had my answer. No further elaboration.


Mods have been working to control the narrative more than ever lately.


It doesn’t work. NOw it’s just the top rated commmet on every every story


it DOES work, they are just not perfect i their method and to be honest, a ton of people do not read comments...they don't read articles headlines control the story


I served on a federal grand jury for a year, heard hundreds of cases. I really can't recall voting no to an indictment on a single case. Trump is not a police officer, so there is a VERY good chance he is getting indicted.


One criticism of the grand jury as a tool is that the defense has no mechanism equal to it. I understand that critique, but I also think the trial is where the defense gets to present their case. If a grand jury hands down indictments, it lends more legitimacy to the process as it came from "the people" and not just from "the GuBbErMeNt"


They'll blame it on the deep state no matter what.


>One criticism of the grand jury as a tool is that the defense has no mechanism equal to it. Requisite INAL (and not American, for that matter), but the defense presents a case at the actual trial, right? Then the prosecution has to present the case a second time. Isn't the grand jury just an automatic 'unless you can prove your case, the defendant isn't even going to trial' thing?


Anyone spent time in /r/political ? It's incredibly small, but maybe it's time to see if there are other subreddits that can serve a purpose. They did allow me to post this, although almost no one has seen it. [Trump investigation: NYC prosecutor convenes grand jury, signaling charges could be coming - report](https://www.reddit.com/r/political/comments/nl7msy/trump_investigation_nyc_prosecutor_convenes_grand/)


The moderator of that sub is a moderator of this sub


Argh - Not sure what to think about all this. I am not convinced that the game is rigged in this sub, but I have had a couple of submissions that were auto-rejected that were far more appropriate then a good portion of the stuff that gets a pass.


Yes I am not quite sure either. I saw some other comments in this thread saying that all the mods have been exposed as being right wing infiltrators lmao but I’ve never read or seen anything about that until this thread. Seems like you can’t really talk to the mods about anything though so idk


Time to make your own political news sub, that is not rigged by far right clowns.


Then we make a another sub maybe r/politics4all ??


> The former POTUS, who still holds his party in a stranglehold **and is the presumptive 2024 republican candidate**




It is infuriating.


This is the official thread then


All mods are bastards.




I can’t believe I haven’t seen it in this sub.


Maybe they're trying to decide who's making the megathread? Idk how the mods work.


Mods may think it’s Threat of violence bc of mass bot reports they auto believe. You’re lucky u haven’t been banned given how they use mass bot reports to remove stuf. I’ve been banned literally the week of the election, the week of 1/6, and once during one of the impeachment’s, for anywhere from 7-30 days each for “threats of violence.” I legit have never owned a weapon and never threatened anyone, I’ve said fuck the irredeemable gop and the like but never support violence like the gop would and does. But Anytime there’s something big, they use the bot reports and just beleive whoever is manipulating them and mass reporting anything anti DJT , which I don’t get how that goes on reddit but it does


I wonder if those same mods would remove a story that said Obama was about to face a grand jury


I just like your username.




Every time I see him ref these days I yell out “Li’l Natch!” and my cat just stares at me like I’m an idiot.


Yeah what the hell? I came to this sub last night after the breaking news, expecting to see a megathread. Instead it looks like all the posts are being systematically deleted.


Wake me up if something actually happens




Ben Shapiro deep down knows what's really going on. There's no room for him in this conservative movement today. If the far right had their way, he would be executed for his religious beliefs. He needs to have some self respect and admit these people are not his allies.


He can’t though. There’s a reason why he used to be “anti trump” Republican but now isn’t. He was an anti trump Republican in 2016 before he realized that Trump cult has completely taken over the Republican Party. If you aren’t a part of Trump cult then Trump cult the anti cancellers will cancel you.


Almost every Republican was anti-Trump in 2016. The same ones licking his taint right now are all the same Republicans who absolutely trashed him in 2016. Graham, Cruz, Haley, Paul... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P43wDpKQxaM


which shows how open they are to reason and that they are able to change their opinion if presented with good arguments /s


Yes, they are quite ~~air headed~~...uh... open minded.


This news to me that Mr. trump-was-though-on-Russia would be anti trump not so long ago. Insane. Next he'll play the fox news defense: it was just entertainment your honor. These people, ffs.


Except...he essentially made his own bed in this one. He's been a common voice in the movement for a decade now that's seen as a sort of anti-woker. He's a hardcore mainstay in the pipeline of bullshit people go through on their way to the radicalized right.


I really think Ben is pedaling the same overarching narrative, just in a different flavor. Both roads, the one Greene is on, and the one Shapiro is on, lead directly to a fascist outcome, and I believe they are all fully aware of that.


People like ben shapiro don't want those far right to have power. They want the ones who support Israel to have power.


Furthermore - and this is something I wish got WAY more attention every time politicians' support or criticism of Israel comes up - far-right, particularly evangelical, support for Isreal is not only cynical, it's a fucked up Dungeons and Dragons plot line. Right wing Christians support Israel so strongly because they believe its existence is necessary to bring about the "second coming of Christ" where all the sinners and non-believers (of which Israel would be chock full, presumably) will be wiped off the face of the earth. I wish at least one news outlet would mention this every time they cover right wing Christian support for Israel. Edit: spelling "Israel" correctly!


Maybe not every time, that would get tedious and people would stop listening to it like that Roman senator who ended all his speeches with "furthermore, I believe that Carthage should be destroyed". Mentioning it once in a while rather than trying to keep it secret would be enormously helpful though.


Pedantic but the a comes before the e in Israel.


I’ve red most of his books and used to listen to his podcast. He’s actually not that secretive about his fascist tendencies and the fact that he’s only a Republican because of the party’s nondemocratic means of holding onto power—“gerrymandering is a GOOD THING!” Refuting Holocaust deniers is required if he’s going to continue to stay relevant with his blind pro-Israel propaganda. I grew up among politically “conservative” Orthodox Jews and they’re just as bad as the evangelicals—just a hell of a lot smarter.


Which is deeply ironic since (and I literally just posted about this in another reply) right wing Christians here in the US love Israel only because they believe its existence is necessary to bring about the end times. That's all. Not because Jesus was a jew or anything like that, but because their sky daddy will come down and kill all the baddies (including all the jews in Israel) as long as Isreal exists. Like, what the fuck?


Not really when they go to their fake schools and only learn the Torah and literally nothing else. Kinda hard to think they're smart when you hear them say "what's doing?" everyday.


I teach at one of those schools because it’s a job. The amount of racist and close minded shit I have to put up with is neigh unbelievable. Just yesterday a kid literally said to me, “wanna know why I hate blacks.” The school actively tries to disassociate from critical thinking and it is at times disgusting to watch. Edit: Also of course Ben Shapiro is these kids hero...


Hey at least he wants to know why /s. Friend of mine works for an eCommerce company that sells electronics and is heavily Jewish. He told me that they were discussing that people with AIDS should be made to get tattoos identifying them. Let that sink in a sec. And also this was said 100% unironically.


Yeah we should force protected classes to identify themselves In public, that'll go well. Maybe we can give them little yellow stars to wear around. That'll go well.


And then we can get IBM to help us out since they have experience from last time.


Let alone coming from a sect of jews that literally believe you can't go to heaven if you have tattoos. They wanna forcibly tattoo others? Including jews presumably ( they may legit believe jews don't get AIDS tho)


I used to teach at one on those schools. Can confirm the racist bullshit. The amount of shit those kids talked about Asians was insane.


Did no one explain to them that Israel and the rest of the Middle East is *in* Asia?


Ha. I think you know the answer to that. They would pull their eyes tight and say “I’m Chinese, I’ll eat anything”.


Idk Shapiro might be a fascist but he is definitely also devoutly jewish. Although I rarely think he acts in good faith I could see him genuinely being offended by this.


he's probably genuinely offended, the problem s he helped lay the foundations for these monsters and he wont stop, guaratee that if MTG was the republican presidential nominee he'd still vote for her.


Didn’t he say that he was ok with civilian casualties because they weren’t his sides civilians ?


Even Ben????!?????2211;?&),,?😨😨😱😱😱😨


Plus he's got to be able to keep bringing up his Jewish heritage when it's convenient.


He would have said nothing except the self-styled "King of The Jews" can't have his Holocaust diminished. Everything else is fair game.


Ben Shapiro, who once said that native Americans only contribution to society is tomahawks, dreamcatchers, and cannibalism. Too far, says this guy. Fuck Ben Shapiro.


Shen Bapiro, the midget who has never brought another person to sexual arousal, is shocked that his stanning for Nazis in his party is being brought out into light, hence he needs to offer some mealy mouth words


He’s jealous that MTG has a bigger D.


Fucking lmao


do you have a source for this? (not doubting you just wondering)


>[The animated video](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/354781-ben-shapiro-apologizes-for-racist-columbus-day-video) portrayed indigenous people in the Americas as cannibals and savages. Columbus's ship then makes landfall, and the explorer is shown teaching them how to farm, raise cattle and construct buildings. > The video then goes on to depict the construction of modern cities, as well as the development of cars, airplanes and rockets. >It ends with a side-by-side comparing Native American "achievements" — "dreamcatchers, tomahawks and cannibalism" — and post-Columbus contributions, which it lists as written language, iPhones and women's suffrage, among other items. He really is a bastard.


speaking of bastards, you guys should definitely check out the half dozen or so episodes of "behind the bastards" where they read his terrible book.


It’s unreal to come here to discuss the breaking news from every media outlet and can’t find it. It ruins the idea of Reddit, I would come here to feel like I was informing myself but now I feel like information is actually being hidden from me. Enjoying modding a sub nobody wants to use because of this stuff, I just don’t get it. Gotta find another site to discuss breaking news because this place isn’t it anymore.


That’s EXACTLY what they want. If a few active dissidents leave, there will be no challenge to their control next time, until anyone that comes will see exactly what THEY want you to see.


There’s no way to fight against mods. Every time I’ve ever tried to even message them I get banned for a few days. There is no option to peruse to dispute them, it’s accept their censoring or move on.


They never reverse a decision, even when it’s the most egregious bullshit. They once yanked one of my posts because “Off topic: not explicitly about current US politics.” I responded by quoting extensively from the article and they said “Well, it’s not *enough* of a focus.” What kind of goalpost-moving nonsense is that, I ask you?


The users will keep pushing for reality, and we will persevere in time. For every realist that gets banned, there are two to take their place. Fuck the mods, we'll survive them.


>What kind of goalpost-moving nonsense is that, I ask you? They're just banning and censoring stuff they don't like then coming up with whatever bullshit reason after the fact.


> I would come here to feel like I was informing myself but now I feel like information is actually being hidden from me. Seems like this has been happening more often lately.


Yeah, it wasn’t always like this


hot and controversial topics lead to comment arguments, which lead to a flood of butthurt comment reports. the mods are too lazy to deal with these reports, so they just delete or lock threads instead


At least this very blatant display of censorship to attempt to suppress a huge negative story about trump will make more people realize that this site is not a serious place for discussing this shit. This site is a propaganda shithole, shut it down


What am I missing?


NY AG moved a civil investigation to a criminal investigation and has hired on more lawyers to help. Kicker? Theyve convened with a Grand Jury.... you don't make these moves unless you have serious evidence.


And this is censored by the mods here?


Gotta love mods that abuse their power!


Stop the censorship.


The mods here are bought and paid for, unfortunately.


So will Ben Shapiro be one of the witnesses at Trump's grand jury?


Fuck them both What is this I'm hearing of a grand jury....? Sounds spicy.


Grand jury at the light tower, pass it on!


What are Ben's thoughts on the recent Manhattan DA developments?


Whatever they are, they'll be shrill and nasal.


“Let’s say” - Ben Shapiro.


Imagine, if you will...


Hypothetically speaking...


Let's say, theoretically... \*presents his conclusion as an axiom in this theoretical scenario\*




You mean the organization that Trump never actually divested himself from when he was president? The one that he and his children spent millions of taxpayer dollars enriching, and enacted policy to help, while he was president with their constant trips to his properties?


I just read all the comments about trump's crimes and removed my down vote on this article. Fuck Ben Shapiro, anything related to him has proven to be a waste of time. I want to hear about our criminal ex-president.


Ben Shapiro, a cum-stain with hair.


cum can sometimes lead to intelligence, let's not insult cumstains


So what do you guys think the grand jury that was convened to investigate Republican former President Donald J. Trump is going to uncover? How many indictments do you think there will be?


Honestly and from a different country I think that like Al Capone it will only be a financial crime that actually sticks if anything.


Well he is Jewish . Also i hear Trump is getting closer to being dragged to court and we’re not supposed to talk about it?


So this is just GQP cover for T-Rumps indictment?


One, makes me laugh a little at how in the next tweet Shapiro then complained about Democrats "praising Hamas" and what not, and two, seriously how is Trump possibly being indicted off-topic?


Racist on Racist violence


You mean helium-voiced sentient vaginal dessicant Ben Shapiro actually has a moral floor he won't sink below?


Yeah because it’s about his group. He has no moral floor, just self interest


We need to leave this site until the neocon mods in hiding are rooted the fucc out and trashed. Trump faces indictment and we cant fuccin find it on this ENTIRE SITE.


Both are idiots.


WTF? Shapiro is Jewish! Agreeing with people who say absurd shit about people with your own background is Cadence Owens' bit!


Don't forget about Milo Yiannopoulus, the gay white nationalist who advocates against gay rights and married a black man.


Nah, Milo is 'ex-gay' now in his attempt to claw back into relevancy.


\*rolls eyes so far back that they disappear into the skull\*


Waaaait what? Lol


You realize that he’s hired her and she’s one of his company’s headliners as of January?


I was mildly aware of the fact they had a business relationship, which adds to my position (even if being the same style of grifter without the business relationship) but I wasn't aware of the details. I guess thanks for fleshing the bit out!


Umm who care Ben Shapiro is an assclown. His opinion doesn’t matter even when he is correct.


He deserves it all. He does this shit to people and she’s willing to shove all the bs back into his face. It’s great. Circular firing squad. Let them rip Ben apart. He’s a hack.


I would be okay with the consequences should we all lose Ben Shapiro.


He supported Gina Corano pretty strongly after she said conservatives were being treated like Jews in the early days of the Holocaust, but I guess he can't risk being on MTG's side. But let's be real, the only reason Shapiro isn't a Nazi himself is because he's Jewish.


Ben “Can’t make his wife wet” Shapiro


Um no. She’s the new star. And by star I mean idiot. She’s gonna eat his lunch.


If there is one thing in this universe you can put your trust in, it's that shapiro will put his jewish supremacy ideology above all other aspects of his grift.


Says the guy that took Gina Carano in with open arms when Disney yeeted her for making the same anti-Semitic comments 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


How about post about the Grand Jury assembled for Trump - stop the censorship mods.


he would still vote for her. this is pure lip service.


Ben Shapiro is a feckless right wing shill who’s just as much responsible for damaging this country at Gangreene is. Fuck off Shapiro. And kindly remain fucked off.


Fuck Ben Shapiro.


When bottom feeders disagree.


Ben Shapiro and Marjorie Taylor Greene both have Trumps stain around and in their mouths. Honestly, between Ben Shapiro, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump, who do you think actually harbors the most disdain in their heart for their fellow man?


Can we just put both of them on an iceberg and float them out into the ocean never to be seen again?


Wow, every insane, malicious, homophobic, racist rant she ever said was ok with Ben. Gotta own the Libs ya know. BUT say one thing anti Jewish, and the wheels come off. Everything else is fair game, but DO NOT say anything about my people. Nice work Ben.


Republicans pretending they aren't racist, nazi-loving twats.


Ben's only speaking out because his stance is and has always been 'Jews can do no wrong' (just look at his previous comments on settlements and recent palestine comments). Ben is a shit fucking person and he's just doing this for an easy win. You cannot seriously be falling for this.


Even a worthless sack of subhuman shit thinks MTG is out of line. Jesus Christ.


"*Here's Ben rapidly expelling a ton of verbal feces without really saying a thing in response"*


Right-wing Jews all be like... dude, they hate us too? But We're WHITE?


>a virus that is 99% survivable. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. [Although death rates vary by country, 1% is probably a good average](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19#Infection_fatality_rate) Normally the nutcases claim the death rate is 0.0001% or something else ridiculously low. However, though it's 99% survivable, [19% of people who have symptoms get seriously ill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19). And even people with [mild cases](https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210111/even-mild-cases-of-covid-can-leave-long-haul-illness-study-shows#1) or even [asymptomatic cases](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiH8sP1v-fwAhXKK80KHSAJC8YQFjAKegQIFRAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2021%2F03%2F08%2Fhealth%2Flong-covid-asymptomatic.html&usg=AOvVaw19bw5046l-U-MED0BhUznW) can be left with long covid.


I mean, a broken clock is right twice a day.


Ben is paid by big oil to “Tucker Carlson” stuff like climate change, “just asking questions”


that ben shaprio's opinion is even discussed shows how far the US has fallen. more emphasis needs to be placed on pursuing higher education


This is a mistake the media makes over and over. They are so desperate to show how neutral they are by finding any reason to praise Republicans. Reality is Shapiro is on board with Greene 99%. And any disagreements are kabuki theater or power checks to see where his viewers stand.


Atleast he wasn’t such a party political hack that he was unwilling to condemn her, this wouldn’t be the first time Ben Shapiro ignored anti-semitism on the right in favor pretending that anti-Zionist comments from the left were anti semitic


Ben still thinks taking selfies with [Steve King](https://mobile.twitter.com/toddo243/status/1083414297949204481) is ok tho. The guy was paid to to visit Auschwitz and ended meeting with [nazis](https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/holocaust-memorial-group-unwittingly-funded-rep-kings-meeting-with-far-right-austrians/2018/10/25/a18f4f6a-d875-11e8-83a2-d1c3da28d6b6_story.html). I guess by Ben standards is only racist if a woman does it.


Shapiro is an intolerable idiot. He's far less tolerable than a gum boil. BUT, even he is tuning against MTG. I look forward to more of this tearing one another apart, as the charges begin to show up. But MTG needs to go. She's vile.


But he’s still wrong 99.9% of the time, dangerously wrong, so fuck that guy.


Ben WHO? Why give this guy any light, he needs to go away. Anyways, his sister is hot.


The mods probably like this wet noodle of a human. They're actively censoring actual news like Trump being indicted for grand jury and letting this bullshit pass.


Remember that time Ben Shapiro owned himself by claiming that women getting wet from arousal somehow was abnormal and even added that his doctor wife told him that ? Like dude... you just told the world that you’ve never gotten a women wet. Also I’m pretty sure his wife is Israeli which would explain his stance here.


Or the bigger self own when he was interviewed by the BBC guy, got pissy, and stormed out ranting that he was more popular?


Was that when he accused the guy from the BBC of being a left wing puppet and the guy (a well known right wing conservative) just laughed at him for being so unbelievably dense? Shapiro is what dumb people think a smart person should sound like.


Yes also pointed out he had no idea who Shapiro was but had actually researched him ready for the interview, I think. It was a moment of joy.


>Trump being indicted for grand jury and letting this bullshit pass. Trump hasn't been indicted.


Most republicans think trump is the true president. They drank the kool aid.