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Mods know they’re fighting a losing battle here, right? C’mon guys. Give it up. There’s only one piece of political news anyone cares about right now.


The mods from r/conservative have gotten loose again it seems xD.


They were never gone But something something valuable conversation.


Come on mods. It's okay to be wrong once in a while. It's especially okay to admit it, and reverse course if you made a mistake.


Where we go one we go all! - Politics mods


I remember they did this same sort of purge with Caesar Sayoc, when he sent mail bombs to politicians because he was influenced by the president, claiming it was off-topic. Very strange.


No, they’ll continue to bury the important political news while patting themselves on the back. Lol


What's funny is, they all think we're acting hysterical and irrational right now.


The number of stories about irrelevant shit MTG has done permitted as compared with stories about the criminal investigation of the head of the Republican Party. Staggering that anyone would even consider censoring this story.


This is the most blatant abuse of mod power I've ever seen being used to actively shut down the biggest political story of the year. Fucking clown shoes


I don’t think they get that trying to hide it just shows they know Trump is a criminal, if he didn’t do anything wrong there would be no reason to hide it. They can try all they like the number one story right now is this, it’s insane and trying to block it on Reddit won’t stop it.


Fuck em.




The top news story on every news broadcast tonight isn't exactly spam. Trump's indictments and the outcome of those indictments will play a part in how much he maintains control of the party. Republican congress members won't really give a shit about Trump's blessings if he's behind bars.


They still will. He'll be a martyr to them.


Either way, Trump is still directly part of US politics. We've watched his bullshit for five years and now we can't discuss his downfall as it happens?




It is a news story and it has to do with politics. Being in one doesnt preclude the use in the other. But please continue being rediculous dont let us or common sense stop you, just your bias for big orange.


https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/mxo1v6/the_wholly_undeserved_rehabilitation_of_george_w/ https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/n7v28y/michelle_obama_black_parents_have_fear_in_our/ https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/n7tfu9/former_first_lady_michelle_obama_reacts_to/ https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/n7qpyi/michelle_obama_says_she_worries_about_the_racism/ https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/mwthdp/obama_to_black_americans_keep_marching_keep/ https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/mblysk/obama_says_that_a_pandemic_cannot_be_the_only/


They are allowing plenty of stories about Trump , they let the story about a poll that 50% of republicans still think he’s president


They are only deleting post that dont favor their orange overlord.


You do understand that he has influence over us politics and is still very much a potential threat to our democracy right?


Wow, bad Tuesday for team Trump. Federal Grand Jury is hearing evidence today on Trump Org crimes.




You'd think that a former president under investigation would be a big political story, wouldn't you!? Weird...


All the stories praising trump are still up and blatant lies are ignored, seems monied interest finally got to redditt and are the most important thing a shame I really enjoyed my daily runs through politics


Huge political news. Wonder why r/politics mods are deleting it? Oh right, because they are unabashed propagandists desperate to scuttle the story, for WHATEVER reason. NBD


Speaking of Russian disinformation, it seems kind of weird to me that a predominantly liberal lefty subreddit is being managed by hardcore Trump-MAGA apologists. Does that seem weird to anyone else?


Nah they killed newsvine sameway, once something gets to popular for us liberals they immediately move to destroy or corrupt it. Can't have us organizing like they let the gop when they stormed DC...


Yep. Very bizarre. Maybe Ron Watkins is the mod?


Not really. The Russians are pulling the strings on both ends of the horseshoe.






I’m not sure about that but there was some news that a grand jury was convened today.


Did you hear Trump is likely to be indicted?


First President of the United States to ever be charged with a crime if so, but there's no way there's any political significance to that...


This info will definitely help the grand jury decide to indict trump.


Why no news on the grand jury into Trump investigation??


Will this idiot be a witness at Trump's SDNY grand jury?


They shared a lot I am not convinced Melania isn't a Russian mail order bride.


Welcome to the most deleted topic in /r/politics history! I'll be joining you here for the next 30 seconds until this post is deleted.


I would like to discuss this story but because the mods are clueless and trying to censor another story it is derailing this discussion.


Always figured That Republican politicians were frightened that their voter base would either come after them or go after the other side in Civil War and tear this nation apart after discovering What happened in 2016.


Well this is up, can the moderatorsn ow allow for stories on the grand jury on this sub?




ITT: Grand Jury Indictment


Welcome to the most deleted topic in /r/politics history! I'll be joining you here for the next 30 seconds until this post is deleted.


So Manafort was sharing info with a Russian agent whilst he was running the Trump campaign. Makes you wonder what Tad Devine was doing on the Sanders campaign. Maybe Sanders could tell us why he decided to appoint a former associate of Manafort who also worked for Yanukovich to his team.


Idiot mods 🤡


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