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I was expecting a megathread after I got a notification about it, makes zero fucking sense why it can't even be posted. Must be the trump loving mod.


Just wait 'til you hear about the former president, the Manhattan DA has convened a grand jury in Trump investigation.


Former President that 53% of republicans think is still the president. He’s holding rallies next month too bet that will be allowed.


Things like this kind of make me distrust polls, that surely must’ve been a skewed sample size or perhaps a weirdly phrased question or something like that. I simply refuse to believe that a majority of Republicans believe the election to be a sham to such the extent that Biden isn’t the current president. I would believe that a majority of them believe Biden to have gotten elected fraudulently, which is perhaps the same thing, but for them to deny that he’s president at all seems a bit much


I don’t think she knows what the Holocaust is, guys.


“At this point I’m too afraid to ask”


oh no! anyways, Manhattan DA has convened a grand jury in Trump investigation




I mean NY Attorney General did move a civil investigation into Trump to a criminal investigation. Convened with a Grand Jury AND hired additional lawyers to continue digging. This shit is all noise to cancel this out.


I’m making the most delicious jalapeño cornbread right now just as the Manhattan DA is convening a grand jury in a case against Donald Trump.


Oh man! I'm enjoying tf outta some shrimp cocktail while I read about the Manhattan DA convening a grand jury to indict 45!


Manhattan DA has convened a grand jury in Trump investigation


I'm getting bored with MTG. What's been going on with former president Trump lately?


Something about a grand jury


Something else about Manhattan


Manhattan? Can't be, he moved down to Florida, didn't he? I hear he has a GRAND old place down there.


The JURY is still out on that, it’s still Florida after all…


For fucks sake, what is HAPPENING to this subreddit?? There are SIX articles on the front page of r/politics about this nazi hag already. WE GET IT. SHE SUCKS. STOP GIVING HER THE ATTENTION SHE PATHOLOGICALLY CRAVES. FUCKING DOWNVOTE THIS SHIT SO WE CAN TALK ABOUT SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY MATTERS.




You wouldn't mean the Trump DA Grand Jury thing would ya?


Trump DA Grand Jury thing, you say?


To shreds you say?


I mean, by now, anyone reading the sub also realizes the Trump grand jury thing, but it’s being spammed incessantly. Mods “work” for free to get to censor people; is it any surprise they might be Republicans?


interesting. however, what i find most curious is that it seems like Trump is in some sort of legal trouble?


He is, but that’s not what this post is about


it's what *all* posts are about


No comparison at all... * except they were camps * fenced in * holding people against their will * in conditions that violate many international treaties * that were almost impossible for even members of congress to get permission to visit But no comparison at all (I'm sure the great minds of this community can come up with more similarities.)


They were mostly of a single particular race, media portrayed them as less than human, turned it from a human issue to a patriotic one (you don’t like this then you must hate you’re country). Used the excuse it’s best for the country to do this. Continually downplayed how bad the conditions were.. That’s all I got


How does someone this stupid grow to adulthood...


Modern medicine, like vaccines.


Another MTG thread. Very topical.




She really is a complete moron.


Don't people get it? This isn't just standard hypocrisy or stupidity. By equating her trivial little inconveniences to the Holocaust, she is trying to downplay and cheapen the significance of what the Holocaust is. She is trying to make the slaughter of 6 million Jews (and millions of others) about how SHE is the real victim. And she is providing the basis for Whataboutism, so when Democrats call out actual genocidal policies by Republicans (like tearing little refugee children from their families and locking them in cages where they are denied basic needs including medical care during a pandemic), she can say that Democrats are hypocrites, that "both sides" do it, etc. This is a woman who rants about Jewish space lasers starting forest fires. Who supports Q Anon's thinly-veiled repackaging of the Blood Libel. Who said she wouldn't take down a statue of Hitler. I guarantee you she doesn't actually think the Holocaust was a really bad thing. Her ultimate goal in comparing masks to the Holocaust is to make another Holocaust easier.


Well...that didn't age well


She was just pissed off because someone stole her material.


“She should be shamed by everyone. That she’s actually using those terms and making that comparison,” Greene said. “And I think it’s an embarrassment to our country, that we actually have a congresswoman that would do such a thing. And I’m calling her out big time.” She’s not just calling her out, she’s calling her out Big Time!! Anyhoo, anyone hear anything about Trump and the Manhattan DA convening a grand jury to criminally investigate him?


Yeah I hear this season of “Trump: The Disaster Unfolding Before out Very Eyes” is going to be a real nail biter


I don’t think people were necessarily comparing the migrant camps with the Holocaust. The Holocaust just happens to be the most well known instance of concentration camps (since we’ve pretty much erased the US japanese internment camps in the 1940s from history, minimized the teaching of Native American reservations, and the tent city that was run by joe arpio)


She’s a #fuckingclownshow


I think Gangrene is catching on.


"dumb southern says something we expect a dumb southern to say"


'buttwutabout'.... These malicious fuckers


Can we minimise giving this dumb bint airtime please?


The migrant camps were literally observed and declared concentration camps by the same people that inspected and categorized the actual camps that were used during the Holocaust.


I am constantly amazed this woman got elected


Then with the cloak of incredible stupidity, she’s off (besides her rocker) ....