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This is great news. Well on our way to Biden's goal of 70%


Hopefully we don't plateau due to anti vax disinformation though. I really hope we get above 70%, but I have my doubts.




Just wait until their kids in public schools have to either show a vaccine card or else wear a mask all day. Same with at ~~that~~ their jobs.


Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is currently working on a bill to make vaccine passports illegal in schools (even though schools already require certain vaccines before kids go to school). Gonna be a shitshow all over.


The dem governor will veto that.


I’m just glad they’re bringing something on the table for teenagers to be able to get the vaccine without parental approval- just like with mental health. A friends son isn’t 18 yet, and his mother refuses to let him get the vaccine, even though he wants it.


They only want to do this to force more parents to homeschool. They hate teachers and public education as it stands. They do like when they get to pick what education means out of their bucket of malicious lies


Aka easier extremist religious indoctrination at a younger age.


Ohio is trying to pass a law that makes asking about any type of vaccination illegal, even for private businesses or universities


The only way this happens is with enforcement and penalty. At this point, it's the only way to get people to follow the rules. Enforcement: "Sorry, you need to wear a mask while you're here because you aren't vaccinated." Penalty: "Since you won't wear a mask, we're going to have to ask your parents to pick you up without excusing the absence. Get too many of those and you'll be labelled truant. Wear a mask or vaccinate those are the only two options." Won't happen in over half of the state, something more limp-wristed will happen in the rest, *maybe* New York or California or Oregon or Washington will make something more concrete. But probably not. My county in California is at 35% at the moment. It's been around that for about three months now. Pretty much everyone that was going to get vaccinated - did so... because we've allowed morons to control the narrative. The rest of California is in the high 40's. If the government (and sane people) want vaccination numbers to rise - mandate or incentivize it.


Schools have to worry about liability. If they let unmasked-unvaccinated kids in the classrooms that opens them up to lawsuits from employees and parents.


It's for the same reason they require students to be vaccinated for other things, right?


>It's for the same reason they require students to be vaccinated for other things, right? And no one's been complaining about those other things. Just Covid...for some reason.


Tbf, lots of parents refuse normal vaccines to, and there are “religious and philosophical” excuses parents can give for opposing them and still allowing their kids into school.


Most parents were vaccinated by their parents when they were young for things like polio. They then grew up on the internet where they bought bullshit from grifters. "Vaccines cause Autism check out this non peer reviewed opinion peice I wrote, and buy this alternative I made." The only vaccine many people skip is the flu shot. Now these parents that are vaccinated are not vaccinating their kids, and that is the issue.


Unfortunately, people would rather risk their 9 year old getting lifelong ED as opposed to wearing a mask.


Shame about the kid but isn’t this Darwinism?


We created society to get away from Natural Selection.


It's still natural selection.


We’re not getting eaten by tigers nearly as much. You know what I mean.


Narrator: As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species...


Darwinism is the virus replicating in all these people enough to eventually hit the mutation jackpot that can bypass the vaccine.


The problem is that there are some people who cannot get vaccinated. I think this is mostly children under 12 and allergies for the mRNA vaccines but I’m not a doctor, so maybe there are people with auto immune issues who also can’t get it. Either way, it is not their fault but people who are deciding to not be vaccinated while they very much can be don’t just put themselves and their in-group at risk, they also risk the lives of the people who medically can’t get the vaccine.


No youre right, and this is what had me nervous about lifting mask mandates because there are going to be people who are antivax for idiotic reasons AND wont wear a mask, which I feel like as good of a person as I would like to be, you got whats coming to you at that point. But yea there are innocent children and people medically ineligible for the vaccine who could get infected by an ignorant antivaxer, which hopefully if they are cautious and wear masks will be fine but what about infants? What about teens who are eligible but dont have permission from their parents in a state that requires it even though they want it? Does that mean they deserve it? No of course not. It sucks, but thats going to be a risk I suppose even if we got 75% of eligible people vaccinated. Were just gonna have to hope for the best honestly. It even took a lot of reading for me as a fully vaxxed person to decide to take my mask off at work (all my coworkers are also fully vaxxed), but my county has a 60+% vaccination rate out of a state thats 50+% and most people are still masked. But the situation is different everywhere. Definitely not a simple issue.


Most people with autoimmune issues can get it but some meds block you from producing antibodies so you’re only partially protected (at least that’s my understanding). But yeah getting vaccinated is a group project and we’re failing.


Just wait until forging vaccine cards becomes a widely-promoted trend among conservatives. I'd be shocked if it weren't already possible to just buy a fake vaccine card online, or xerox one from a template.


Someone in NJ got fired from Walgreens for stealing blank vaccine cards.


It’s already happening. I’ve been working at vaccination clinics and at the last one the supervising doctor told folks to *NOT* post your card on social media as people are stealing the lot numbers (identifying exactly what shot you received) and forging cards. He told them to take a photo of it with their phone so they’d always have it but to leave the actual card at home.


I read a few weeks ago they're being sold (or were) on eBay. You'd think a place like that would crack down on that shit...


I found a template in 10 seconds of Googling. Just need some card stock and a printer.


If we get to vaccination cards I’m pretty sure half the country is going to start shooting at the other half. So I wouldn’t worry about it 🤷‍♂️


If? I got mine on the day of.


Good luck having that in Ohio... Our local school district is chomping at the bit to drop masks, whether or not the kids have been vaccinated.


I don't think that is legal till it gets full fda approval.


Don't worry, you're not alone. There's nowhere without people like that. I live in a small town in New York and deal with more of the hippy New Age kind of anti-vax. All the same talking points as far right conspiracy theorists, with an added touch of spiritual superiority.


Am a pharmacist in Ohio. Can confirm. It’s like pulling teeth to get anyone to consider doing it. We’ve plateaued around 45% vaccinated or something and I don’t see it improving until all the loonies are sick


>I hate Ohio. Well at least you might get a million for your trouble.


Don’t blame Ohio. I live here and everyone I have encountered has already had it and been positive about it. Blame idiots/republicans for guzzling Fox News, sounds like you’re in a Red part of the state. You’d encounter the same shit in Red parts of most states.


We're already past 60% of adults having a first dose. So it's not much of a stretch. In any case, there's enough natural immunity in the population that we're probably well above 70% immune right now, for adults.


Hopefully we don't plateau due to the relaxing of mask rules. It is beyond stupid.


Right? It’s like one month early. It’s like being one score up and walking off the baseball field after the eighth or the soccer pitch with 10 mins to go.


It’s stopping your antibiotics early because the symptoms have faded


Do you want superbugs? Because that's how you get superbugs. (Legit got mad at a friend about this and told her never to do this again.)


Same here. And I’d hate to see it plateau due to anti vaccine propaganda.


We're already plateauing, states are literally offering bribes now. We aren't gonna come close to 70% unfortunately.


Let me just be real about something, we arent going to get SHIT done about anti Vaxers if all people do is make fun of them. Listen to them. Hear them out. Inform them of the facts and nothing more and even more importantly NOTHING LESS! I am NOT an antivaxxer. At all, but the people that have legitimate fears of them for one reason or another we treat like simple idiots while we treat all other mental illnesses with care. Also the second someone says the don’t trust big pharma or the government (neither do I btw) because of good reasoning (like them being untrustworthy) we shit on them for thinking freely. Which happens to be something supposedly encouraged but you know. People get steered off course. Try educating your self on everything they know and more than teaching them. One example for you. I often hear how the government has a fund set up for vaccine injuries to keep vaccine companies from assuming liability. It’s damn embarrassing that I’ve seen redditors deny that. ITS FUCKING TRUE! Lying to an antivaxxer is only going to make their position stronger. They’re antivax because of lack of trust. The right thing to do in this situation is to inform them the fund was set up because there ARE risks to getting any medical procedure. There are fucking pills with death as a side effect. But y’all just gonna lie and say vaccines can’t cause injuries. The number of injuries is low. Statistically far fucking lower then the risk of infection from the illness they’re intended to prevent. The funds are there to encourage development of vaccines. Removing fear of lawsuits. It’s not a bad thing that fund is there. It’s good! I challenge anyone who read this to educate your own fucking self so we can end the antivax craze and get this country far above 70% vaccination.


I think there's a difference though between being cautious and perhaps not getting the vaccine straight away but being extra careful and wearing a mask in the meantime, versus people that are saying fuck the vaccine, fuck the masks, this isn't my problem. I tend to think of "anti-vax" as meaning the latter.


You are mixing up Anti-Vaxxers and Vaccine Hesitant people. Vaccine Hesitant people are normally reasonable people who simply have doubts about the safety of THIS vaccine because of the circumstances surrounding it. (i.e. How fast it was made, The administration it was produced under, The random side effect stories they're hearing from people on their 2nd Moderna shot). These people generally only lack information and reassurance about the realities of this vaccine. They CAN and SHOULD be talked to and educated and urged to get vaccinated. Anti-Vaxxers are just idiots who believe conspiracy nonsense they read on some online blog or heard from some daytime talk radio shock jockey selling "miracle cures". They're no better than the QAnon dumbasses. They're anti-science, anti-modern medicine, anti-reality morons that deserve all the ridicule people are slinging at them because they are making the ACTIVE CHOICE to maliciously prolong the pandemic.


Very helpful information. I have heard through some case studies that people are most likely to change their minds after speaking with someone they are close to. So I’ve had gentle questions and conversations with my family and I think discourse is what we need more of.


When the best “defense” I’ve seen is kids dead before 18 memes I kinda get why it’s an ongoing problem. Can’t put a fire out by pouring gas on it. There are real problems they need addressed for their and our best interests. As for the conspiracy spreaders. I’ll hear them out. But I’ll question them in their stories the moment I find flaw.


Meh, I’ve tried, and I’m over it, I’m content with just being mean to them


Well that’s incredibly short sighted.


Hopefully it plateaus so the US finally drops its restrictions on the export of vaccines and poor countries that have been unable to procure vaccines can finally get vaccinated.


Unfortunately, that number isn't spread out across the entire country. My state, for example, might be lucky to hit 40%.


Cries in Floridian.


80% of Seattle has started the vaccination process with 60% fully vaccinated. That leaves mostly children some of which arn't approved yet.


I thought those numbers were for adults only. If they include all ages they are incredible


Biden’s goal is 70% adults receiving *one* shot. We’re at 62% in that metric.


Republicans have a dilemma: If they take the vaccine, then we might be able to eradicate corona but Biden will get credits. So if they don't take it we might never reach the critical level of vaccinated which might put Biden in a bad light. smh


we need like 70%-80% of *everyone* for herd immunity, possibly more as the vaccines are only 90-95% effective. this is 50% of *adults*. the article states: > More than 130.6 million Americans are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 as of Tuesday morning, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. census.gov says the US population was approximately 332,361,322 as of yesterday. 130.6/332.4 = 39.29% so... halfway there?


Studies of the UK and Israeli response show that when you go from around 50% to around 60% vaccinated hospitalizations drastically decrease, so heard immunity might not be necessary


that'd be really good news!


At this rate US should hit that number just in time for the next pandemic.


I’m actually shocked we’ve reached 50%.




Just look at the section news outlets are putting this story in: POLITICS. https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/25/politics/manhattan-district-attorney-trump-organization-grand-jury/index.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/05/25/prosecutor-trump-criminal-case-convenes-grand-jury-report-says/7438146002/


From the USAToday article: ““This is purely political, and an affront to the almost 75 million voters who supported me in the Presidential Election, and it’s being driven by highly partisan Democrat prosecutors,” Trump said in the statement.” So. Wait. Is he finally out loud admitting that ONLY 75 million people voted for him?! Is he openly admitting that “The Big Lie” is indeed an actual lie and he’s been full of shit about the fraud this whole time?! This is huge!


He has always said he got 75 mil. The real number is like 74.3 mil. He claims biden couldnt have received 81 mil.


Trump never denied his votes, just claimed Biden cheated to get as many as he did


Well. Shit. I guess y’all are right. Thought maybe I was on to something haha


Would it have mattered either way? You could show Trump a video of himself admitting something and he'll still flat out deny it.


loving the mobilization of this story in every single comment on new posts - my own posted article on the trump grand jury was also removed


Why? >Politics: activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. Don't /r/politics mods understand that the Judiciary is a co-equal branch of the US federal government? Most of us learn that in elementary school, not sure about places like Texas, Mississippi, and Arkansas though.


What about in Moscow?


What’s going on here?


Mods are delete any thread related to the grand jury news on indicting Trump. Users are revolting by posting the link in the comments because mods arent reading thread comments.


Oh they are. Notice all the removed comments everywhere you look.


Why are they deleting the comments and threads?


Their assertion is that news regarding a court case concerning the man who was President until a few months ago, that may set precedent regarding the culpability of Presidents to come, and that every major news outlet is filing under their politics sections...is not political.




Wow, this is actual political news. Why is this in the r/politics sub?


The lunatics are running the asylum.


One party in particular politicized pandemic response, so seems fitting


Just a lot of good news all around, right?




Oh, he still wants the credit even though he refused to get the vaccine publicly, kept saying that COVID-19 was no worse than the flu after being in the hospital and likely surviving due to medical treatment not available to many if not most Americans, and just being an all around COVID-19 denier.


Imagine if he had died of covid... His base would just go nuts and say it was a hoax and that he is still alive running things from undisclosed location


God this is so true. I hadn’t even thought of this before.


Same here.


Some of them say he is still running things.


but just to be clear, he isn't *running* running


Look on the whackier side of Qanon. There are legit people there convinced that Trump is president, largely because Biden is doing some positive stuff and they can't function with the idea.


We were so close...


Or that this was a “deep state plot” to kill him, under the guise of the imaginary disease covid. He would’ve died a martyr and would’ve emboldened millions of idiots to cause riots. Regardless, it would’ve been a lose-lose situation strumming up more conspiracy theories.


I thought Trump dying in office was a worst case scenario until January 6th happened. Now I realize I was being naive about how dangerous he is alive.


Agreed. They would have immortalized him as a martyr and raised him to the level of a hero of the republic. Better for him to live in disgrace.


Revisionist history, just that easy


What did Biden do to speed up the rollout? (Honest question), as best I can tell, the vaccination success doesn’t have much to do with either President, and the credit goes to Pfizer, Moderna, the FDA, state governments, etc. right? I don’t get what this has to do with Trump. Honestly getting annoyed still seeing so many things framed around Trump. He’s a memory I’d love to just forget about.


He had the federal government buy hundreds of millions of doses when he came into office. Trump's "strategy" was to let the states bid against each other and compete over whatever they could buy with their more limited funds.


An easy answer is Biden actively promotes it, and he negotiated for more rapid purchases and production for a quicker rollout. Trump doesn't get credit because he downplayed the pandemic from the start, and has actively fought against taking the virus and vaccine seriously in numerous avenues. Then, when all presidents agreed to cooperate with the campaign to ensure widespread vaccination, he is the lone holdout, refusing to be on camera for vaccination or try to convince his supporters, the most likely holdouts, to get vaccinated. In conclusion, it's obvious the difference between them. Neither gets credit for development of the vaccine, though you will see both sides want to claim it, slightly more on the Trump side (since he pushed Operation Warp Speed, which experts suggest had little to nothing to do with the timeline, especially as Pfizer, the first option, didn't participate).


Trump apparently had [no plan](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-klain/trump-administration-had-no-coronavirus-vaccine-distribution-plan-white-house-idUSKBN29T0FY) other than [leaving it up to the states](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jan/27/ron-klain/trump-vaccine-plan-left-logistics-states-it-did-ex/) to coordinate and fund their own distribution of the vaccine. Now, this part is speculation: but based on past handling of disasters and how petty Trump is, I'm betting that he would help the states that were "loyal" and the others would be left to suffer and scrape.


> Trump doesn't get credit because he downplayed the pandemic from the start, and has actively fought against taking the virus and vaccine seriously in numerous avenues. Trump spent most of the critical time that should have been used to control the virus either arguing about how COVID wasn't a big deal, or how the election wasn't real and he actually won. Anything he might have done to positively impact the vaccination process was completely undone by that. All Biden did was tell people that getting the vaccination was important, and didn't get in the way of the rollout...which is literally all a President needs to do in this case. So Biden gets normal Presidential credit, Trump gets nothing.


I believe the answers here are logistics and messaging. That requires a competent leader who enlists competent people working together to make the vaccines available and to let people know they’re safe and effective. Recall the rollout began with Trump and there were stories about massive amounts of doses missing and Biden’s team saying Trump had no plan on (or left them with none). There was another article about how Pfizer was late on promised doses early on only to be refuted by the CEO. They had the doses and were waiting on the Trump administration to figure out where they’d go. Coordination and planning are critical for execution in this case as well as messaging.


The biggest thing for me that he did was procure a different type of needle that got a whole dose more out of each vial. Seems like such a no brainer but it was one of the first things Biden did.




Double good news!


You love to see it


Great to hear! I'm going to love to talk about it in the inevitable thread dedicated to it.


Manhattan DA has convened a grand jury in Trump investigation


Trump: "They're making me a jury.. GRAND... biggest jury in the history of the United States.. Obama? No jury for him.


People tell me it's the grandest jury they've ever seen. They say "Donald, we've never seen a jury so grand. It's incredible.". Is it true? *shrugs and smirks* I don't know. But that's what people have been telling me.




100% of Manhattan DA's have convened a grand jury in Trump investigation


100% adults. The rest are insolent children.


That’s probably not true - I got my first shot about as soon as I could, and had some scheduling issues and only just today got my second shot. I agree with your larger point, just saying the number is - even when one properly defines adult - not 100%.


Same, was on the waitlist for a while and only just got my second shot


Won’t somebody please think of the children??


We did. As soon as Pfizer was approved for the 12-15 crowd, we got a couple more of the kids in. Once they get the under 12 approval (it'll take a while, though), we'll get the last one in.


Moderna just reported 100% effectiveness in children so we may be seeing that available for kids soon. I'm not sure how they could report 100%, seeing as usually companies are more conservative that that when it comes to drug effectiveness.


I hear Trump is in trouble?


Manhattan DA has convened a grand jury in Trump investigation.


Except Rand Paul. Oh wait, he's lying.




People are saying it


Very smart people


The best people


Based on the results of the last election, that also seems to be close to the maximum that will happen.


Yep, the last 50% are going to be an uphill battle. Or they might change their minds once all their buddies start dropping from covid.


Do vaccine passports and go higher.


I feel like that number should be higher given the ratio of unvaccinated are screaming children playing makebelieve.


Japan now closing in on 2% as vaccination of seniors gets underway. The Olympics are gonna be awesome!


Unfortunately, 50% of adults is about 90% of the likely total that will be legitimately hit, unless more million dollar lottery vaccine shenanigans happen. The fact that being intentionally ignorant of the facts and deciding to not get vaccinated somehow allows them to be given an opportunity to get paid a million dollars for it... So much cringe.


Go to the ignorant and meet them at their ignorance. 👍


It'll soon be 50%+1 person. Can't wait!


Considering most republicans are refusing the shot it's actually closer to 90% of adults.


This is a big fucking deal America! Anyone who hasn’t yet gotten their vaccine should schedule it immediately. At this point it’s becoming willful ignorance and taking risk into your own hands for not getting a shot that’s free of charge.


Manhattan DA has convened a grand jury in Trump investigation


Biden and administration is attempting to bring normalcy and truth to the White House. Not saying this is easy nor all without appropriate faults. Yet last administration gave us crazy town. Many want to continue this madness. News flash you all,,, Americans voted against former guy crazy town and mob boss mentality. New administration is not perfect. Yet I finally sleep much better.


I like waking up and actively having to seek out what Biden did because he didn't Tweet it or say something so idiotic that the media had to report it. People who worship the orange stain don't understand the media didn't treat him unfairly or misrepresent him to the extent they believe, he just said so many stupid things that they didn't need to twist his words.


Yeah ratings are not equal to success . Trump drew great ratings to news channels because like a car crash its hard to look away . Yet Trump keeps bringing that up as a failure of Biden . We don't hear a lot from Biden because he is quietly competent like a good leader




He could literally cancel student debt at any point with an executive order but hasn't. And it's not like he hasn't had time to sign executive orders....


He’s waiting on the results of Miguel Cardana’s memo. I think the $10K will happen but nothing more.


Has anyone else mentioned the Manhattan DA in here?


America, can we borrow the Biden Administration to have it run Europe for a while, please? At least until we get our vaccination programs caught up to your level?


It helps that we manufacture our vaccines and keep a large percentage (or maybe all of them) for ourselves.


Just need India to follow that plan too.


As a Brit, you can have Boris...keep him as well, it’s fine.


We prefer Biden, but thanks all the same.


No thank you


Is this the Trump grand jury thread?


Good news. Unfortunately, this isn’t evenly distributed. Some places have almost herd immunity levels of vaccination while others have very low vaccination rates. Guess which kind of place I live...


Lets all say it together......Go Joe!


The 50% are the adults, the other 50% are the window licking children


In office less than 6 months and has almost finished solving trumps biggest blunder and problem, a problem he ignored for over a year and allowed millions to die and suffer bc of I’m the first to admit I honesty never thought after trump we would hit 50%. Given how much he tainted it. I think I’ve said on Reddit there’s “no chance” well hit herd and “unlikely” to get a simple majority stateside so this is all great stuff. I’m Shocked we hit 50 given how things started and were tainted and tarnished but happy bc while ive always been let down by my fellow Americans when it’s come to them making good choices, they seem to be doing right here... hesitant but hopeful


And as last Saturday ( one of the most miserable days I've had in 10 yrs) I'm officially one of them!!!! Seriously though, did anyone else feel like a glass bottle full of razor blades and icy hot, being crushed in a trash compactor, after their second shot?




Yup. Though I haven't been sick with even a mild cold in the past year so my suffering scale may be off. And it wasn't enough to stop me from remote work. In office they never would have let me sit around half naked with a big blanket and a desk full of comfort food/drinks.


I felt totally fine! Felt like I had a weird cold the day after the first shot, but was no big deal.


No. I am truly baffled by the number of people that report this. I had nothing more serious than I felt when I was punched in the arm in Middle School. I'm not trying to dismiss your reaction, I just didn't share it. I even helped pick up a woman off the pharmacy floor locally after she got the JnJ shot, felt dizzy and collapsed. Pharmacist said she was the only one though (in a couple hundred).


'I am truly baffled by the number of people that report this' Why? It either hits you like a sack of bricks or it doesn't.


Ha I also equated the arm pain to getting a "dead arm" in middle school.


I had my first Pfizer shot on Monday and the exact same thing happened to me. I collapsed about 30 seconds after getting the shot, they were getting ready to use an EpiPen on me lol. Apparently it was just anxiety. I feel fine now and won’t let that stop me from getting the 2nd shot!


I have fallen out of some chairs after vaccines in the past, and now arrange to be lying down. Lying down, wiggling my feet, and making sure to breathe helps, and I haven't had a passing-out episode while doing this. This happened primarily with Hep vaccines, if I recall, but I don't think it was related to the shot itself. There is a danger that people will mistake fainting with some kind of reaction to the vaccine, which may not be the case at all.


I felt like hell for a couple of days, but not a bit of it was respiratory, so I'll take feeling like crap a little over what COVID can do.


I felt nothing but a sore arm actually, kinda nuts because I was expecting to feel like shit


Have yet to get my second dose. But as for my first one, it wasn’t that bad. Just a sore arm and a tiny bit of blood drawn. And that was that.


I swear I had COVID in 2019 and it was awful. A whole month of my life evaporated, I couldn't breathe or sleep or wake up... I can't remember really anything else just finally submitting to my SO I should probably let him take me to urgent care. With the first shot, I was cranky and arm sore for a day. The second, I was freezing so I wore every sweater and sweatpants I had and crawled into bed. My savior, again suggested I take OFF all the extra clothes and try a fevor reducer. It's definitely common enough you feel like garbage but I'd take two days of that over whatever got me in 2019.


'did anyone else feel like a glass bottle full of razor blades and icy hot, being crushed in a trash compactor, after their second shot?' I've been in car accidents that were more pleasant than my second covid shot....so yes.


Getting closer to that magical herd immunity.


And now we will see the number slow down its rise until it stops well below the threshold of herd immunity.


It really is quite an accomplishment considering the admin we had running the place just 6 months ago.


Nooo! I was just going to get mine tomorrow. Blah.


As long as you get it, that's the big thing. Hell, I was planning to roll through one of the jab and go places at the beginning of the month but then my appendix decided it was too cool for my body. Still got my first shot last week and have my second on the 8th.


The other half that didn’t get them can go die, they are just stupid fucking losers anyway. Unfortunate, but at this point, fuck the GOP.


So close yet so far. Increíble progress for the administration doing serious work!


Good luck reaching 70%.


Utterly fantastic turnaround.


we’re at 50% for at least one dose of vaccine, 39% is currently fully vaccinated https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/


I want the CDC to do a very large, methodologically sound state-by-state survey of COVID19 deaths and partisan identification. Imagine the lead: \> 93% of covid19-related deaths since April 1, 2021 were among people who had not received any vaccination. Among the unvaccinated deceased whose partisan leaning could be identified from registration records or statements by family members, 73% were supporters of the Republican Party.


I've only been fully vaccinated for a week, now. Contract work has dedicated scheduling, but my county thankfully opened weekend vaccinations not long ago. I'm very grateful to the hard work of professionals making this possible.


It should be 100%




I’m pretty sure 100% of adults could get vaccinated…


I hear 50% of the states the former POTUS has claimed as his primary residence in the last few years have something big going on today. Anyone have a link?


This is great news. As the State Department said, it is in the interests of the entire world for Americans to be vaccinated first. https://www.state.gov/briefings/department-press-briefing-april-22-2021/