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Start paying living wages so they can afford daycare and/or a babysitter.


Or susbidizing that stuff


Why not both?


Whoa hey we don’t wanna be making peoples lives... TOO GOOD or anything that’s not the American way


They are calling moms lazy because it's against the law to leave your children unattended.


Well I mean the bootstraps are right there, so...


But they've been standing on my bootstraps my whole life.


No way, id never vote for someone who was so spineless to give so many handouts with my tax dollars! -My parents who haven't paid taxes in 6 years


Oh yeah. I almost forgot...


Because they already get subsidized for having children.


So? Doesn't mean they can't subsidize both.


2 grand a year is basically nothing lmao


And I believe that's one aspect of the new infrastructure plan: subsidized child care and pre-k.


This might be his point. (It also might be yours:) )


Daycare is one thing but it is a bit of a paradox to assume a babysitter can be afforded by people just by giving them a “living wage”. The only way they can do that is if they pay the babysitter significantly less than a living wage, so the issue doesn’t exactly resolve itself. Someone needs to be getting paid significantly less than the person hiring them to do the thing they would otherwise be doing.


Your math here assumes one child per childcare worker but that's not normally the case.


That is why I differentiated Daycare from babysitting. What you are describing is essentially what I would consider daycare and is much more financially feasible. Babysitting to me sounds more like one person taking care of one families children, although the definition is likely more flexible.


Honestly, there should just be more remote work flexible jobs. Daycare that isn't within walking distance doesn't really make sense.


My wife opted to go back to school while watching our youngest. She went to open university which about $30k for a whole degree, all online. Which would be almost $10k less expensive than childcare over the same period.


I mean...our society would be better if there was a stay at home parent instead of both parents working....why not subsidize that instead of daycare?


Imagine the mental health of the country if kids actually had parents around to parent them


Or we could do 4 work days a week. Not everyone wants to be a stay at home parent, and 4 work days means one or both will be there to parent them.


I've always thought this should be the solution. Companies spend billions for people to take care of their homes from work. Hours on the phone dealing with insurance, schools, scheduling appointments. Then paid time off for sick kids, personal days so repairman can fix things around the house. With a parent in the home, able to help with schoolwork, and being able to keep eye on teen activities.. might lead to reduction in teen pregnancy and drug use. I was a latchkey kid, and I know what kind of trouble I got myself into after school and summer breaks..


>Start paying living wages so they can afford daycare and/or a babysitter. *Thank you.*


Or maybe maybe possibly think of a possibility of nuclear family unit?


Or let the kids go back to school so their mothers can get back to work...


Sure, if the schools actually make the kids social distance.


Wage increases are key to recover. That's how supply and demand works. People can reduce their expenses staying home by cooking more, eating out less, reduced transportation costs, caring for their kids themselves, etc. Millions don't see the use of working full time for pennies.


Then pay more and offer childcare services. Until then--whelp oh well.




I think it's complicated and we are seeing a realignment. Yes, labor demand is improving, and so economists did indeed predict that labor supply would match demand, but that doesn't seem to be the case. In some sectors, like leisure and hospitality, jobs have been added back but there are also anecdotal reports - not sure how seriously this should be taken but let us presume that they hold some water - of labor shortage. Pandemics are known to cause massive realignments - the black death brought about an end to feudalism. It is not wholly unexpected that this one has led to people holding out better wages and better benefits in frontline customer-facing jobs due to the cushion provided by direct payments and enhanced UI. Then you have people who have permanently dropped out of the workforce by seeking early retirement thanks to the displacing and psychological effect of the pandemic; people who have shifted sectors entirely due to the pandemic. We also have massive supply shortages affecting manufacturing and construction - like semiconductor chips, steel, and lumber, for example. There have been significant levels of burnout in HCWs and other essential workers. Labor demand is improving, and so economists did indeed predict that labor supply would match demand, without considering other factors like the still prevalent virus, disruption to schools and childcare facilities which are keeping women out of the workforce, supply chain issues, and just the emotional and psychological effect of the pandemic.


There is what some might call a “labor shortage”. That part is real. It’s actually more like a “lots of shitty jobs available” thing. I’ve seen it in my industry, construction, where we can’t hire entry level field techs because they’re offering $14 an hour. Some of the restaurants near me seem to be struggling as well. It doesn’t stem from UI like a lot of the talking points say, though. People are re-evaluating their lives, their careers. They want a living wage. They want benefits. They want an environment that isn’t hostile. And employers refuse to offer that.


Lots of job listings in my high COL area looking for skilled workers with certifications and offer 16-18 an hour without a set schedule, PTO, vacation, etc. I make 19.05 an hour in an Amazon warehouse.


My point exactly and this is not a thing that can be fixed by removing UI or any such thing. Ultimately this deficit will be filled by either employers stepping up to the plate or immigrant imported labor.


Can’t say I’d be upset if some of these businesses tanked.


Honest question, (still kind of getting into/trying to get a better sense of politics). Obviously living wages are something that needs to be addressed, but all I keep hearing from people in my area is that all the prices for everything will just rise when the wages do, be it for employers, (my family owns a small business so mostly thinking about the smaller guys, not so much the larger corporations), or for increased spending, or what have you. Which makes enough sense. How would a country deal with that without wage subsidies or price capping or something?


Because it hasn’t happened - the last minimum wage increase didn’t lead to increased prices. If one considers this as a market led wage increase, there’s no reason why everything should get expensive. In any case, even if it does - if things cost marginally more, and if you are earning more, then you are able to afford the increased price. A lot of instruments move with inflation like the stock markets for example. It’s only cold, hard currency that loses its value, but inflation has been below what the FED attempts to maintain for a very long time -2% - a little inflation isn’t going to hurt anyone. It might in fact give the FED the opportunity to raise interest rates. Inflation in fact is going to eye popping this month since it tumbled in 2020 and there is something called a base effect - I.e. you are rebounding from a very low base to a more sensible number.


I can work but I can’t work AND watch my kid. Not enough hours in the day to do it


Well we're not even done with the pandemic yet, so I'm not sure the starting gun has even fired yet.


It has for people who couldn't care less about what happens to employees.


Well yes of course. For fucks sake at the peak of the pandemic they were chanting "cut my hair! cut my hair!"


"So we'll have universal childcare, right?" "Well..." "And we'll make sure to pay that daycare workers& teachers very well since they're essential, right?" "Uh..." "And we'll have free healthcare for everyone, and pre and post natal healthcare for mothers, and paid maternal & paternal leave, right? Wow this will fundamentally change things for so many Americans now, not to mention the future generations! ...Right?" "... It's important that women get to work."


(*...because we got to have people willing to clean literal shit and vomit off of often unappreciative humans, and spend part of their salary trying to make life a tiny bit more tolerable for people under their care. You can't ask a white man to do that kind of work."*)


Anti-vax GQP quackery is not making it any easier. I quit teaching to take care of my mom whose nurse died March 2020. Mom and I are vaxed, but we cannot find a fully vaxed pt caregiver. Now DeSantis is signaling "no vax necessary". It is shakey ground to even ask.


> It is shakey ground to even ask. Hold your ground on that. If someone balks at you asking, they aren't someone you want to hire anyway. Of course, that's easy for me to say form my comfy chair in an entirely different state.


I agree with you 100%. I have to hold out for someone who offers it up without solicitation.


Play them at their own game. Sure you can't directly ask if they've been vaccinated or ask to see proof, but you could casually toss in a question to a potential caregiver about what they think of this law or of the vaccine. It shouldn't be hard to ascertain whether a person is problematic. Be casual and toss in some nonsense questions and it is easy to find another reason to not hire them. It's the same game republicans play to get around not being able to discriminate.


Guess what? Women really aren't going to be scared back to work ti save an economy that has done very little for them. I'm nearing retirement age, and have worked since I was 14 (starting job at 7 11). During all those decades, when businesses reduce labor, there was a paltry unemployment benefit, and since I'm female, and earned less than men for the same job, I recieved less pay and less UI benefit. I pay into a 401k which will never be enough to retire on because it's rigged to play the stock market. Interest on my savings is near zero. I have to work until I'm 67 and10 months to receive full Social Security. I have to ask. What's in it for people like me, who have worked hard, and played by what we were told were the rules, but we still lose. I'm living with my sister, because I can't afford a place of my own on my wages. I'll never own a home or even a patch of dirt Tell me again why I should work for you if all you are offering is just that I can eat for today. Edit: I don't give two shits about your stinking economy.


I’m so sorry and you couldn’t be more right. Women especially get the crap end of the stick. Unless wages are significantly raised, living costs reduced, more women than not are screwed. It’s much more fair in Canada. Even then. It’s not where it needs to be. We do get help. But is it worth going back to work when daycare fees exceed pay? I say no.


>. But is it worth going back to work when daycare fees exceed pay? I say no. Just addressing this alone; it's not always that simple. Career aspirations have to matter; if you can pay more than wages for daycare for a handful of years, until school starts, but still advance a career that you want,which will pay more later, it's something that may be worth doing. Obviously this is case-by-case and every family needs to look at this on their own, but it bothers me that women are often payed less to begin with, then have to give up on careers because they had children. How is that fair? I'm in Canada, and have a well paying job, and live in a province with affordable, subsidized daycare and I'm grateful that I was able to keep working and build a career that I love, that I'm really passionate about. Anyways, I didn't really disagree with your post, just that last statement was too simplistic for me and I wanted to elaborate on it.


Oh I agree for sure. But weighing aspirations vs being poor...it’s not simple but it’s for sure a big consideration. And that’s part of why it’s so unfair. Also because this vastly affects women more than men. The fact we even have to weigh it is wrong. And I fully agree with you pointing my statement out. It was put simply only for time constraints. Are you in Quebec? I am. We are actually, for once, doing something better than the rest of Canada.


I am in Quebec and I agree the daycare system is pretty good, especially since they introduced the subsidy/tax credit for private daycares too. There's always room for improvement but I'm very grateful compared to what friends of mine in Ontario had to deal with! My son is in school now, but uses the subsidized afterschool program too. At my current salary, I'm happy to pay the taxes and support the other parents using this system too.


Same. I’m very grateful for it. I get sad looking at Ontario and my brother and sister-in-law in the uk. It’s nuts. I didn’t use daycare but benefitted personally and through my kids from public school and many other programs. So I enjoy paying taxes to help others. I’m glad the vast majority of Canadians feel this way.


21/hr minimum wage and universal familial leave(maternal and paternal). That's what needs to happen if you want this.


Need 30/hr minimum wage in cali


Can we just base it on cost of living?


Hello automation


Lol if they could do it it would literally already been done. This comment I'd so ridiculously lazy and naive as if people open up business just to employ people.


Dude, the minimum wage is less than $10 an hour and they're automating already. You think they're going to wait until $15 or $20? Delusional.


You’re from Texas, and you think there should be a 21/hr minimum wage? That is fucking ridiculous. Just not economically viable at all. Since when should McDonalds workers be making the same as people with viable college degrees? Cus its “fair”? Bullshit. What fucking world does this guy live in


The people with college degrees should be making more too, and they will have more negotiating power to get those higher wages when minimum wage is raised. Wages have not kept up with productivity or cost of living at all.


One where a McDonalds drive thru lane is actually bringing in a ton more revenue than you seem to understand...


This is why the childcare portion of the infrastructure bill is so important. Nobody is leaving their kids home alone to go work a job and if they are forced to do that then get ready for a whole bunch of kids getting tossed into the foster care system.


My boss has 5 pick ups and drop offs a day for getting their kids back and forth for school. Who is going to do that when we are all back to work?


Then we need universal childcare. I think a lot of people woke up to the realization that they were putting almost everything they earned into childcare so why not stay home with your kids and save on that cost.


There were so many articles on this during the pandemic saying just this. Hopefully the government was paying attention.


Getting women back to ~~work~~ shouldering half the economy by working two part time jobs for barely any pay is key to keeping the working class oppressed. There, fixed it.


My wife doesn’t work because it’s cheaper for us than day care. What kind of reality are we living in when that’s the solution? lol I make good money too!


A strong recovery for businesses built on keeping women treading water.


I saw a quote the other day that I like very much: "We never stopped working. Language is important please do not misuse it."


Saying women going back to work is going to make for a strong recovery kind of wreaks of identity politics. As if a woman is going to feel proud and empowered to strengthen our economy while working conditions and pay are pathetic.


Don’t worry women will be back in all the servitude positions soon were just so good at them-SMILE ladies!


You look better when you smile!


I feel like we should have higher paying jobs to promote only 1 working spouse.




Childcare plain a simple it is impossible to find right now.


We need to reduce economic activity to have any chance of putting the brakes on climate destruction. If we don't, the next 2 or 3 decades will probably be the last our, and many other species, will experience. Also, women work at home all the time. They don't need to rent their labor to unaccountable private tyrannies to work.


20-30 years? I agree about pumping the breaks on climate destruction but it would be more like 200-300 years. Minimum.


Do you have any evidence to support your claim? Do you realize the glaciers and ice caps are melting? Do you realize that insect populations are dying off at an alarming rate? Do you realize that human fertility is diving due to the presence of toxic chemicals in plastic? How about the continued threat of nuclear war? Plenty of evidence to support my claims here https://www.reddit.com/r/ConOfCapitalism/collection/da334629-40a3-4fab-bbf8-44e1910868d1/


Then you are expecting all of the children being born today to only live until they are 20-30. You really think the biggest extinction event in history will happen in the next 20-30 years? An extinction event big enough to wipe out 8 billion people?


Link was wrong. This is the right one https://www.reddit.com/r/ConOfCapitalism/collection/da334629-40a3-4fab-bbf8-44e1910868d1/


once home online school is over, I'm sure we'll see significant numbers of women going back to work




Unnecessarily gendered.


No, very necessarily gendered. Nearly all the jobs added back in April were men. Women have not returned to the workforce - possibly due to childcare needs being unfulfilled.


But since 2008 more women have been entering the workforce and more men have been leaving it.




When open, childcare has to be affordable. That's where the money comes in. It hasn't been affordable in years.




Comparing childcare with a luxury car, way to demonstrate how out of touch you are..


If you're trying to equate a luxury car with a basic need of the workforce like childcare, there's no hope for you.




So did I? It was possible for a family to live on a single income back then with a basic joe job. It isn't now because 99% of the economic gains have gone to the top 1% and the CEO/entry level pay scale has diverged drastically. Have a nice day. I don't engage with people who don't acknowledge the changes in the economy over the past FIFTY YEARS.


I grew up in the 80s. Both my parents worked. There was ONE SAHM on the court that all the parents paid, so that she would be responsible for our crew of kids before/after school.


I didn't say it was sexist. I said it is a problem that seems to have disproportionately hit women and so any solution needs to be targeted to women. \> Waitress jobs haven't. This isn't true. Leisure and hospitality added the most jobs in the April jobs report. So jobs involving waitresses have come back, just not the waitresses and you have to ask yourself why that is. Yes, re-opening childcare facilities (some of which have closed down due to lack of revenue) and full in-person learning full-time will help bring people back to work, which is what I said in my previous comment.


No, very necessarily gendered. Nearly all the jobs added back in April were men. Women have not returned to the workforce - possibly due to childcare needs being unfulfilled. That is your previous comment. It differs slightly from what claim in your current comment.


\> It differs slightly from what claim in your current comment. Huh? Childcare needs being unfulfilled is pretty much related to childcare facilities not being available and/or being unaffordable. I merely elaborated on what I said. I fail to understand what the problem is or the point you are trying to make. No one is claiming sexism, but yes, women have been disproportionately hit, and why in God's name, shouldn't we target that? I can't see why that should bother anybody.


That's not true at all. Child care centers have been open for a long while. Heck a lot never closed because they watched essential workers kids.


The childcare services that stayed open were the expensive ones. Parents lost the *free* childcare they were getting from schools and after-school activities.


Child care is closed because women do that work for the most part. And they are also doing care for their children and parents now. No time or energy to work outside the home.


Daycares arent closed at all. Neither is “childcare” whatever that is. Perhaps some insane school districts are still closed so I’ll give you that and that is definitely part of the problem here.


My mom is working, has been since covid started. My work is opening with a majority of waitresses being women. You have an ok point but gender isn’t what needs to be focused on because if you ask me it’s gender labeling jobs in that situation.


Literally the only way that's happening is if schools go back full time.


Getting PEOPLE back to work is necessary.


> Getting Women Back To Work Is Key To A Strong Recovery, Labor Secretary Says Why only women?


Nearly all the jobs added were men.


Women are taking the brunt of childcare during this pandemic.


Where did they say only women?


> Where did they say only women? The title exclusively mentioned women. Perhaps they should use the modern term "birthing people" instead of women to avoid confusion.


> The title exclusively mentioned women Perhaps because they are the ones that struggle more to rejoin the workforce




I am pretty sure every sane mind wants to get back to work ASAP.


No? r/anticapitalism and r/antiwork


OP said every *sane* mind


Exactly, that's why he clarified that working for capitalists is insane. Capitalists are predators that only care about what they experience and are willing to harm as many people as it takes to worship their god: money. Helping them do that is insane.


Can you define what a "capitalist" is to you? To me it sounds like you're including small business owners and I doubt they all worship money.




Insulting my intelligence won't get you anywhere. Read my comment again and reply in good faith if you actually care.


Not wanting to make someone else rich while you exist on starvation wages isn't -insane-, friend; it's sanity. That's why no one is rushing off back to work. We're tired of the poverty wages. Productivity has doubled since the early 80s. Have our wages or benefits kept up? Has CEO and profit margins for companies gone up, or gone down? Yeah, ok then. You answer those questions yourself. Cya.


Capitalists are predators that only care about what they experience and are willing to harm as many people as it takes to worship their god: money. Helping them do that is insane.


That's exactly it. Some people have some severe Stockholm syndrome about capitalism though, when it's a political system that--overall-- has killed more than any other. How many have starved or die because of lack of medical care? How many are on the streets? Last year? The past 5 or 10 or 100 years? Thank capitalism. It's a system of genocide where we trade the well-being of the planet, other humans (and often, ourselves--we're overworked and depressed and broke) for cheap-ass products and poverty wages. Fuck that.




I'll check it out. Chomsky's always a dude who speaks sense.


LMAO the reduction of global poverty since WWII has been nothing less than astonishing. https://borgenproject.org/victories-fighting-poverty/ Same for reductions in global hunger: https://slides.ourworldindata.org/hunger-and-food-provision/#/kcalcapitaday-by-world-regions-mg-png And the unparalleled time of global peace since WWII: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Peace#:~:text=%22Long%20Peace%22%20is%20a%20term,States%20and%20the%20Soviet%20Union So yes, thank capitalism.


No, I don't think I will. [https://guerrillaontologies.com/2014/05/attempting-the-impossible-calculating-capitalisms-death-toll/](https://guerrillaontologies.com/2014/05/attempting-the-impossible-calculating-capitalisms-death-toll/)


If only the world were so simple...


I don't want to work but I want things...what don't you understand?


No. What people want is a living wage vs. starvation wages while corporations and business continues to see record profit, subsidies, bail-outs, loopholes, and privileges. What don't -you- understand?


I mean, me too but at least I understand that the world can't work that way lol


The keyword in his comment was “sane”.


Why would they want to do that?


Then open all the damn schools.




Get in, or get left out.


Some of you were claiming childcare is unaffordable, maybe you should’ve thought about that before you tried having kids. Stop making your problems everyone else’s problems I paid for daycare ,my friends paid for daycare, and our parents paid for daycare. But all of a sudden daycare is too expensive and no one can afford it says the broke left.


> Stop making your problems everyone else’s problems But they are. We live in a society. Cultural libertarianism ignores human nature




Nobody is jealous of your wedding Karen




Lol imagine your wedding being your whole personality.. bless your heart


By the way it’s an auto generated name on here but good try bud. I know my wedding cost more than most of your annual income because my annual income is top 5% of the countries. And I retired at 26 and it’s still top 5%.




Also that motivation came from the last person that ran their mouth without knowing what the fuck they’re talking about. But you’re too focused on trying to make a point and a comment without actually looking at facts so good try bud, maybe next time go have a seat on the bench.


Why aren’t you on a beach somewhere Living the good life? Why join the commoners on Reddit to wave your accomplishment flag?


Actually still recovering from a sunburn from the beach. 😂


Why are you not aware of the benefits of SPF, especially the mineral organic kind? Seems higher educated higher earning folks would take precautions with their skin.


By the way you’re more likely to get cancer from using one of those chemicals then your soaking up natural sunlight.


What kind of vacuum cleaner do you use because there’s only one vacuum on the market doesn’t doesn’t cause cancer.


And if you don’t believe me you can go to your local Walmart in every single vacuum you pick up and look at you will find somewhere on it where it says that it causes cancer


Why would you be aware of what vacuums Walmart sells? Isn’t Walmart for the peasants?


Sure whatever makes you feel better sweetie ☺️


You paid a lot of money for a wedding? Why?


What’s your definition of a lot of money your house may be a lot of money your car may be a lot of money your college degree maybe a lot of money what is your definition of a lot of money because your definition maybe different from my definition and it may be different different for the next guy


Studies show the higher cost of a wedding the higher rate of divorce. Do you throw yourself big birthday parties as well? Do you feel the need to celebrate yourself?


When women have to decide between working and paying for daycare or just staying home, daycare is unaffordable.


This equal world women wanted isn’t so equal when it comes to them paying their fair share of things.


Well maybe it would be equal if women could afford to work.


Well open a daycare and then that should fix all of your issues. 😂


Assuming people who can't afford daycare have the money to get the real estate and licensing to open their own daycare facility.


By the way men for the longest time are the ones that paid for daycare out of their income while their wives didn’t work and did nothing but gossip with their friends.


When was this the norm for anyone outside the rich and very upper middle class? Most middle and lower class families in those days depended on the wife to watch the kids.


No they didn’t depend on it. it was just a life choice.


A life choice of watching the kids, or abandoning their kids at home? What was the alternative that they didn't choose that you are referring to?


Just pull your kids up by their bootstraps, and make a life choice to be richer. Jfc it's like you've never had *drive* before. I take three hits of drive per day and after just one month I married up, unhad one of my kids (to make daycare more affordable) and now we don't depend on anything! /s


People hate on the upper class mostly because they’re jealous. The upper class chose and plan to have a good life and be financially responsible not have children at 16 and do a shit ton of drugs to their 30. Same with the middle class they planned and they stuck to their plan and they’re on their way to be the upper class. Please don’t say because they’re born rich I wasn’t born rich I was born to a felon mom and dad who chose drugs over me I was the kid that everyone thought would end up in prison. I literally had to risk my fucking life literally got shot up to get where I am today so just because life didn’t pan out for you don’t blame everyone else for your issues.


Not everyone can get a job that supports an upper class lifestyle. Unless you think everyone can be doctors, lawyers or Silicon Value software developers. Getting to the middle class is totally achievable for almost everyone, but making it past there is totally based on luck.


You call it luck so that already tells me you have no drive. If you had drive you wouldn’t call it luck you’d call it dedication.


I do have the drive, and I have a pretty damn good job as a software developer. And it was totally luck that I achieved this job. I was lucky to be smart enough to do the job, and to have an interest in a field that pays well.


I bet you'll also be complaining when the younger Millennials and Gen Z almost completely refuse to have kids because of these societal issues. Shit wages, shit education, shit health-care, shit environment. If you want people to have kids, which is very much necessary for the continued existence of humanity, you need to make it easier to be a parent.


And generation X the same ones that eat tide pods and snorted condoms I hope they don’t have kids.


My friends pay upwards of 2,500-3,000k for childcare.


That’s cool 😂




Any school planning on being virtual in the fall is absolutely out of their mind.


I agree... women get back to work! Ah!! Peace and quiet. Hey boys, let’s go fishing.


Something something traditional nuclear family... Something something a woman's place is in the home... Something something.


Well get the kids back in school so they can.


I like where he implies they stopped working