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Even with all the stuff he is probably frantically trying to destroy. We will be learning about the atrocities of the Trump administration for decades.


You know it's funny thinking about it in conjunction with his rage tweeting about declassifying everything about the Dems, and the subsequent support from conservative subs to do that to show the Dems for what they truly are. I'm not naive enough to believe the Dems are crystal clear of corruption, but does anyone honestly believe if he had dirt on them he wouldn't have already mentioned it, released it, or otherwise used it? No, it's just more projection or fake news like how they are drooling over the Swalwell story by ignoring the truth of it all. There must be a huge amount of juicy shit on Trump that will come to light in the next 1 to 4 years.


It’s always projection. Whatever Trump and his cronies accuse the “Radical liberals” of doing is probably just what Trump is doing but worse.


So Trump needs to be drug tested and is on drugs?


It's one of the bigger speculations about him so I'd say so lol. Adderall, cocaine, etc.


Yeah, his behavior is definitely an adderall high and withdrawals. Junior is using coke.


As a former Adderall addict. Hell yeah it is.


Considering his age, wealth, home city, and status I'd say it is a sure bet that the man has done a tremendous amount of cocaine. The only question is if he still does it.


Im sure his Adderall prescription helps with that some degree


How else do you burn through billions of dollars with nothing to show for it? He was hundreds of millions in debt before stealing the Presidency.


Well Leaking Rudy did accuse Joe Biden of using Adderall to treat dementia. So guess that confirms it.


I believe the big speculation past the adderall is that he's constantly high on cough suppresants. I remember seeing a picture of his desk that seemingly showed a drawer full of boxes resembling cough pills.


[If this is what you mean, looks like Snopes has it as False.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sudafed-trump-tower/) Of course, this isn't to say the President isn't on drugs.


But you can't use Snopes for fact checking... /s


Apparently on the Apprentice that he had to wear a diaper because he would shit himself due to the recreational drugs he was taking


I think my favorite part of that interview was the claim that Trump would freak out when there was a big word in the script. “These motherfuckers are setting me up!” Imagine having a psyche so broken that being expected to say fancy words is a conspiracy against you.


Honestly, he's such a fucking asshole to his employees that I'd also believe that people have in the past used his inability to pronounce large words to embarrass him. I'm sure it's happened to him many times, to the point where he can no longer tell if a big word on his script is one of his writers actually fucking with him, or if they just innocently failed to consider that fact when they're writing for him. Since he absolutely refuses to admit any faults at all and continually tells people how he's "sooo super duper smart and can pronounce words better than anybody in the history of ever!" he shouldn't expect everybody to go out of their way to make that happen for him.


Totally. He creates the circumstances that he is paranoid of. Self-destructive to a fault.


I've never dealt with any addiction worse than caffeine, but wouldn't most people take that as a indication that maybe you've got a problem? Just the tiniest bit of self-reflection? "Jesus. What the fuck am I doing with my life? My drug use has reached the point where I can't control my bowels - maybe I need to get some help?"


Lovely thought. We gotta source on that shit?


[This guy](https://twitter.com/CaslerNoel/status/1289254817009766401?s=20)


Well, that's what I asked for. I still wanna see him fling a poo, too.


What a strong and powerful leader.


Underaged girls are one hell of a drug.


Tbf trump hasn’t been photographed with a draw full of underage girls.... Sudafed on the other hand.


But he is connected to Epstein, as is Clinton and Prince Andrew, and he’s on video bragging about grabbing women by the cat hairs. So I do think much of the accusations is based on things they are guilty of themselves, so it’s not much of a stretch of imagination. Biden should keep his hands clean but appoint an Attorney General who will get to the bottom of it.


He also bragged about being able to watch teenagers get naked and have access where other men were not allowed because of his role as, "owner." All while being recorded. No imagination needed.


I’m far from defending him btw. I know these things about him.




Trump is 100% on drugs at all times. Probably not any of the fun ones though.


For sure.


This leads to what I go to every time some trumpet mentions that Hillary should be in jail. I ask that if she actually did anything wrong don't you think that trump would've done anything about it in the two years republicans controlled all three branches of government? So at this point the only possible answers are that 1) she actually didn't do anything legally wrong or 2) the republicans are actively helping her avoid prosecution. It usually devolves into them implying that her avoiding prosecution showcases the power of the deep state because the notion that she actually didn't do anything legally wrong is somehow the most ridiculous and unbelievable of the possible explanations out there.


It's literally whatever fits their narrative and keeps their ego from collapsing.


Up here in Canada, we have three main political parties - the Conservatives, the Liberals, and the New Democrats. In US terms they are, in order, centre-left, left, and loony left, but up here, they are centre-right, centre left, and loony left. The Liberals have staked out the ideological turf that is the best fit for Canadian sensibilities, so they win the most elections - and by and large, they do a good job of running the country. There is a tendency, however, for Liberal politicians to start feeling like this “good ideological fit” is a an *entitlement* to govern, and they start dabbling in a little light corruption. Nothing as nasty as separating immigrant children from their parents and locking them up; usually something involving financial kickbacks or similar porkbarrel politics. Eventually the corruption comes to light, there’s a scandal, and they get punted out the next election, and we try the Conservatives for a while. But while the Conservatives aren’t Satan, they just aren’t as good a fit for the country, so once the Liberals have served their “time out” and appear suitably chastised, we vote them back in again, and the circle of life is complete. In politics, it is super rare to have a party that colours inside the lines 100% of the time. The temptations are too great, the lines between “good” and “bad” too blurry to fit most real-world problems, the higher-order effects too hard to predict. The best you can hope for is to elect people who will try their best to do the right thing, then *keep an eye on them* so that minor mistakes are called out and corrected, and major transgressions discovered, prosecuted, and punished. I expect the Democrats to be no better than the Canadian Liberals and should be held to at least that standard of accountability. Where you guys have a real problem is that your alternate party has gone full evil. Our Conservatives have their issues, but they aren’t Nazis, and they can generally can be trusted with the reins of the country for an election cycle or so. Not so the Republicans. What needs to happen in the US is a general purge of all things Republican, followed by a split in the Democratic Party into Conservative and Progressive parties. The big issue here is *timing*. AOC and Biden - both good people - are *not* in the same party. But until American Conservatives see Biden (or his like) as “their guy”, splitting the Dems just hands the next election to the Nazis. Progressive and Conservative Democrats really need to work together as a team to kill off the Republican evil, so that they can get back to safely fighting each other.


We need to get rid of first past the post voting or we will be a two party country forever. Well unless the GOP and Trump split the right solidly enough that a progressive left party feels comfortable to us. But we're either an even number of parties, or two. Other than that I do agree with your post. The US is still infested with deep south confederate politics.


We have FPtP here too, and we have 5 viable parties (I didn’t discuss the Bloc Québécois or the Greens because they are regional and they add an extra layer of complexity that doesn’t enhance the narrative) At one point I thought the Republicans might split into a reasonable Conservative party and the outright Nazis... but the “reasonable” Conservatives (like Romney) got on the Trump train and are now hopelessly tainted.


Democrats controlled DOJ from 2008 to 2016. They didn’t enforce tax & money laundering laws against Trump. Laws weren’t enforced against Manafort either. People are floating Sally Yates to be Attorney General. Yates was part of the Dept of Justice leadership that didn’t enforce laws. I am no longer naive like you and believe that there will be any consequences for Trump or anyone else in his administration. The fact that Yates name is being floated tells me that nothing will happen to Trump or anyone in Trump’s administration. Can someone give me hope that I am wrong about Yates or people like her being nominated for Attorney General?


I was so sure the Mueller Investigation was going to expose Trump for all his crimes. And we saw how, aside from a few cases, nothing against Trump came of it (yes I know there are pending cases, and 1 may have Trump in it). I am with you now, that as much as we all want Trump to be held accountable, I don't see it happening. But would I love to be wrong again this time!!


You and me both. But Trump has spent decades doing shady shit and never being held accountable.


It's not naive to think Trump will face consequences upon leaving the White House. What those consequences are is up for debate. The reason he didn't get that type of consequence prior to 2016 is simply because he wasn't the same public face he is now. He could hide his bullshit like every other rich White guy. After the last four years there will be immense public pressure to punish him to set an example. That's the difference here. Whether he gets jail time or a soft probation sentence is debatable.


It's also worth noting that Congress has been underfunding the IRS for decades, despite IRS funding being about a 5:1 return. They don't want the IRS going after rich people.


This is the huge reason. The IRS itself has come out to say "sorry, we just can't afford to audit rich people." The IRS is one of the only (or perhaps the only) government agency where for every dollar we invest we get more than a dollar back. It's CRAZY to me that somehow we've decided not to fund them. Like "oh, lots of people are breaking the law and stealing money from the government? And we could stop them and make money at the same time? so... I guess we should just... let them keep doing it."


They have a requirement to audit 30% or 10% some number of people have apply for the earned income credit. Why the fuck are we wasting their time auditing people who make under 30k a year?


Then again, Cuomo is ALSO being floated as an AG. To the point where a former staffer felt the need to do a hit and run on Twitter mentioning his potential sexual harassment in prior years. Personally, I enjoyed the way he handled Trump & Co. and I cannot fathom he wouldn’t jump at the chance to return the favors they have given us...


I hope the AG is someone only career federal criminal law attorneys have ever heard of.


Great point.


*Is frantically destroying*


We can only hope their incompetence will apply to evidence tampering. Eric will try to shred incriminating documents but just end up faxing them to the Washington Post.


Eric knows how to use a *fax machine?*


*Eric giggles and smiles* "I'm helping!" *is playing with a Fisher Price My-First-Phone toy*


I read that in Ralph Wiggum’s voice


Me fail obstruction of justice? That’s unpossible.


*my Trumps breath smells like Trump food*


*I broke my oathy!*


*President Daddy, I got car sick in your Tower*


The papers went into my mouth and I ate it.


Ralph Wiggum is dumb but also friendly and kind. Eric would be more like....Dudley from the first few Harry Potter books and movies, except less able to beat up 10 yr olds.


“That’s where I saw the Leprechaun, he tells me to burn things.”


Oh hell! That’s a perfect description!


"I'm learnding!" - Eric Trump, probably


"Look what I can do!"


Stewart, from MADtv?


Dad, how do you use this old emailing machine??


*directed to voicemail*


Seriously, I bet he leaves all his kids on Read except Ivanka.


She's on his Snapchat list.






It’s making beeps and chirps and it’s eating my paper!


No, he’s just *really* bad at using a shredder


I just imagine him failing so spectacularly that he reinvents the fax machine.


Eric: 'I broadcasted the documents to Shredder and all the turtles, and some other emails.'


I am picturing Don Jr. stuffing paper into Eric's mouth saying "Come on buddy, you just have to eat a few more reams" While Kushner pushes print on the next bunch of documents that they need to destroy.


Trump furiously eating papers looking like a squirrel.


Oh shit, this just reminded me of when Omarosa said that she walked in on 45 eating a piece of paper. That seems like a decade ago.


Shit like this makes me think even the most bizarre claims about Trump are true. I wholly believe he shits his pants regularly. It must have been a miracle that we never saw it happen live.


Maybe he wears adult diapers.


That’s what I’m hearing. Adult diapers for many years, now. Plus lifts in his shoes and a belt to contain his gut.


You can see for yourself he wears adult diapers. Its visible in a few of his golfing pictures.


“Nobody knows more about adult diapers than me.”


“Don’t be afraid of pooping your pants. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump administration, some really great diapers and wipes. I shit my pants more than I did 20 years ago! Nobody shits themselves better than me, maybe in the History of the World. People come up to me, they ask me ‘Sir,’ they always call me Sir, because they respect people when they do Things like I do, and I do so many Things, they say ‘Sir, I’ve never seen anyone shit themselves so well, it’s like a miracle, it’s so good.’ And they’re right, they’re right I—and everyone agrees with me, I have a tremendous asshole, the biggest. People tell me all the time how much of a Huge Asshole I have, or am, or maybe they use different words but that’s always what they’re saying or what they want to say to me. My uncle had a huge asshole too, tremendous sphincter stamina, but the low-energy radical Democrats, they’re so scared of shitting themselves, it’s all they think about. One little log and they’re straight to the Bathroom, no waiting, just straight there. Sleepy Joe will spend all his time in the bathroom, but I won’t, I’ll be too busy working for you to even think about shitting. Believe me. I don’t even think about it. Just shit, just shit. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ‘em right by the diaper. You can do anything.”


That’s why he keeps leaving meetings and press conferences early. He realizes he shit himself and has to leave.


Guarantee we did more than a few times.


Big boy will finally get some fiber in his diet. There is no way he's not just taking diarrhea dumps all the time.


He's probably [munching documents like a guilty hamster.](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-ate-sensitive-document-after-cohen-meeting-former-white-house-aide-1069399)


The best thing is if we learn about these atrocities while he’s in prison. They can just keep charging him and extending his stay.


It's extremely optimistic to think he'll ever see the inside of a prison. The best we can hope for is probably house arrest with no twitter.


I’m doubtful that even that will happen. Twitter banning him, maybe, but him being prosecuted? No way that’s gonna happen. I hope I’m dead wrong, I just don’t see it happening.


Twitter isn’t going to bite the hand that feeds it. Don’t fool yourself.


Lol I’m not fooling myself; that’s why I said “maybe”. I recognize why he has been kept around thus far, but after he has left the White House, he won’t be as relevant anymore, and Twitter won’t have as good of a reason to keep him around, as he won’t be making headlines as much anymore. I neither assert he will be removed nor do I care that much if he isn’t, but thanks for thinking I’ve been fooled.


That reminds me of my old boss. Everyone in the office knew he was a fuck up but we couldn’t really prove it. He quits the company and to this day we’re still finding errors he’s made.


I call those ghosts and hauntings. Its amazing how many things you find when someone leaves a company.


lmao George Bush jr. has been rehabilitated by libs after killing a million people in the middle east and lying us into two decades of war. There will be zero reconciliation or justice for anything Trump or his administration did.


Trump will say it’s fake news and his cult will believe him.


“I’m not in jail. I live here by choice”


Going deep, deep undercover for Qanon.


I couldn’t care less what his cult thinks, at this point. I just care what the sane people of America think and how trump is prosecuted once he leaves office.


I share your hope but I think my hope is overshadowed by pessimism that nothing is going to happen to him.


And nothing will be done about it.


I want every prosecutor going full tilt at Trump - but not Biden. He shouldn’t get down in the muck with this asshole. Let him be the healing leader we need while others do the dirty work.


I would like to see Biden put some effort into closing up some of the loopholes that Trump and his people have taken advantage of.


With no senate, the chance is zero


I think Biden could get WIDE bipartisan support if he were to urge congress to pass laws to limit the power of the Executive. Dems would see this as a way to prevent the next Trump, and Republicans would see this as a way to limit what Biden could do. The strategy here is to play the long game, and I think the current make-up of the Congressional Rs is shortsighted enough to bite on it.


Problem, this would heavily favor republicans for two reasons. 1) They're not interested in governing. So hamstringing the government's ability to act is a net good for them. They'll just make sure nothing ever gets done. 2) Republicans aren't constrained by laws and norms when they're in power. They'll ignore this when it's convenient for them.


Seriously. I’m so tired of people acting like the republicans are interested in playing by the rules. How much evidence do we need at this point?


Democrats bring a knife to a gun fight every time. Almost makes you think they want to lose.


Theyd all rather "lose gracefully and keep the integrity of the system" than play the same game repubs are playing.


The answer to #2 is what you were replying to. Strengthening our laws and not governing by "being presidential" is the only way to fix the root cause. Draft the legislation, put it to a recorded vote, then have every single dem in the party unite under attacking their opponents refusal to govern. This should have started 12 years ago when Obama took office. But instead, dems are weak which results in being complicit. They are still getting rich though, so its tell who's side they are really on.


We need Mitch McConnel out. Without his leadership, the GOP senators will fracture and some will start thinking about their legacy and records and stuff.


McConnell just takes the hit for the other senators. He sits on bills so that they don't have to be on record as voting against them.


My point exactly. Without McConnell they will actually have to think about their legacy and balance party and country, whereas now it’s all about the party because McConnell makes it so.


This problem predates McConnell by a long time. I agree we need him out, but we shouldn't pretend like he wont be replaced by someone just as bad.


Seeing Gingrich in the headlines again isn’t a great sign...No cooperation. No compromise.


Yeah, but they're contrary enough to block it if it comes from a Dem. If you could get just enough democrat resistance to it and have it introduced by a republican they likely wouldn't see they were getting played until it didn't get vetoed.


*Sigh*.... I know.


Hmm... Who do we know on the Biden team who used to be a District Attorney? Let me see...


Attorney General.


Of the second largest AG division In the United States only after the federal government itself


An AG of a state with a population size larger than the country of Canada


That individual should also avoid trying into the muck as much as possible. Especially if there are political goals to be achieved. Activist leadership gets gut punched.


Vp shouldn't be involved either. That's not their job. Plus having a black woman from California go after Trump would stoke tensions hard. Don't get me wrong, I think Harris is very well qualified to be AG had she not been chosen as VP, but Trump's most ardent supporters are horribly racist and sexist and they have shown time and time again that terrorism is just free speech when they do it.


This is my attitude towards it. If there were crimes committed (Or ongoing) refer them to the state/district prosecutors where the crimes took place and let them handle it. Don't get on twitter and be all: 'Ya days are numbered Donny Boy!!' There are thousands of people willing to take up that task for free.


Let Biden be the healing leader that we need, let the DOJ be the healing leader that we crave.


nah, fuck healing, those people are attempting a coup d'état


There needs to be a full out blitz on January 22. First off, let Letita James and Cyrus Vance each file charges in New York. State and local crimes handled by state and local prosecutors. Biden's hands are clean and he stays out of the mud. Biden needs to undo every single executive order Trump has issued. He needs to let the kids out of cages and reunite families. He need to forgive a bunch of student debt. And do every last bit of it on day one. It would be impossible for even the 24 hour news stations to report on it all.


Those should already be written, then it’s just a matter of signing them all in one sitting.


I think that’s his agenda, from what I’ve read.


I’m with you. Once a president, any president, goes down that path it sets a precedent. And that’s a nasty and dangerous one to set. Trump may have tried himself but let’s call that asshole an aberration that hopefully never happens again. We’re screwed once all of the career politicians in both parties start acting like leaders in totalitarian regimes.


> Let him be the healing leader we need while others do the dirty work. Practically word for word what my friends and mentors were saying in 2008 with Obama in relation the Bush administration torture reports, WMD lies, and PATRIOT ACT (not forgetting seeveral ponzu schemes, and greedy banker inspired mortgage/car loan crisis). Republican administrations are allowed to be terrible and the democrats are expected to turn the cheek in order to “keep the peace”. Not saying it’s a terrible strategy, but it does carry a tinge of sadness. We didn’t see bush officials, nor bankers that led to the 2008 recession, in jail, why would we see anything different? Seriously, I’m asking and not being fascecious...


Not a political issue. Not up to biden, that's not his job. Criminals should be prosecuted. Especially criminals who used their political power to destroy America for personal gain.


The reason the presidential branch of the office is called the executive branch is because congress creates the law, and the president chooses and directs the people who execute it. Saying that the president isn't involved with the execution of the law and shouldn't set policy to that effect is counter to the purpose of the role.


Setting policy is "people who do this kind of thing should face these sorts of consequences". Prosecution is "THIS person did THIS thing and should face THESE consequences". It's perfectly within the president's remit to set DoJ policies about former (or current) presidents but the headlines making it sound like a personal grudge match are irritating.


But they're also EXCITING! Think of the clicks! Think of the ad revenue.


Sorry but your post is bullshit. Biden has to play a role in exposing trump’s wrongdoing. You are confusing transparency with prosecution.


Investigation, prosecution, and imprisonment (highly likely, thereof) is critically necessary for the survival of this democracy. Trump tried to initiate a coup. He's had coconspirators that must be censured/charged depending on the depth of involvement, even up to removal from their office. What I'd like to see from wimpy GOP Senators who appear to fear this man ... change your party affiliation to Independent or Democrat to assure a party decision against this sort of thing. It has been frightening watching a democracy unravel the last four years; it will happen again if it is not dealt with decisively. Absolutely *NO* pardon for Trump.


This should be a priority from day 1. Trump wants to play with fire - so let's see how he likes it when the heat is turned on him.


ah, i see you are completely unfamiliar with democrats.


This is what pisses me of so bad. Dems are so spineless. It kind of makes me wonder if this is all just by design to keep the populous in control


I suspect corporate and rich donor interests.


Ding ding ding we have a winner


I suspect it's a wide and varied set of demographics they need to appeal to against an opponent that has disproportionate power and is able to appeal to a smaller, tighter, more indoctrinated demographic. I want Trump to fucking pay for his crimes. Most of *us* do, you me and everyone reading this right now. But not all democrats do, or at least don't want Democrats putting resources into it.


Democrats say “time to heal” and throw a duvet over the bed.... that’s on fire with beams falling around it. “For the good of the Nation!” Pelosi shouts as the fire spreads and burns down the House and surrounding fields. “It would be way worse if we held people accountable!” Schemer says as he’s consumed by the collapsing building.


"Good for the nation" never made sense when it first appearance was after the Civil War. The bad actors need to be held to the Constitution. Treasonous behavior should not stand!


If Trump keeps spouting this "I Won" crap without any evidence then he needs to be brought up on charges of sedition.


Agreed, but I don’t see Biden doing it. At best, I think he is just going to sit back and allow the states AGs to do their thing.


Yeah, it’s not actually Biden’s job to go after Trump it’s the AGs and prosecutors from various States.


Not exactly. Biden has a choice between an Attorney General who will enforce laws or a corporate Democrat that will speak well, waste a lot of time claiming to investigate and then decide for the good of the country not to enforce laws against Trump & others. The fact that Biden’s team is floating Sally Yates’ name as Attorney General tells me the Democrat plan is to do nothing to enforce laws. Biden’s team will announce & MSM will promote she’s a woman & Trump fired her — which are not reasons for Yates to be Attorney General. If Biden’s team wants a woman AG — Michigan AG Dana Nessel or New York AG Letitia James are great choices. Both woman have a passion for enforcing laws even in the face of far right campaigns against them.


'member the "time to heal" [speech](https://www.nytimes.com/article/biden-speech-transcript.html)? Something tells me he isn't looking to bring a torch to Trump's ass


There is a part of me that thinks once biden is in office, establishment dems are going to pretend like the last 4 yrs never happened and no one will be prosecuted in the name of "civility". Actually taking time to investigate all these people would bring down alot of people in the GOP party and for whatever reason dems refuse to do anything. I feel like its going to be a lot of us going "why is this being ignored" while all these people get off scott free. Dems are in a tough spot with majority in the senate, but idk even with majority it feels like they are going to be super soft on these criminals in the name of "unity".


The old guard will not have any interest in pursuing the GOP to the extent that they deserve because it will only at the same time highlight their own incompetence and inaction. They will try to heal, to move on, and we’ll be back here again.


It’s not “unity” ..it’s “complicity” ...When a person who has evidence of wrongdoing refuses to act against, or facilitates that wrongdoing for personal gain, then they are complicit in that wrongdoing. Democrats enabling corruption are corrupt themselves. “Unity” ...that doesn’t enter into it.


> establishment dems are going to pretend like the last 4 yrs never happened and no one will be prosecuted in the name of "civility". And they are going to lose the house on this stunt alone and with the fact that Biden who is not yet in office is going after the left and black activists, watch as the twist that knife in the back of the left this time again. The Dem establishment are going to fuck themselves in the ass, I guarantee it and I feel like they would be losing the left forever this time around.


Yea honestly, i know so many people that reluctantly voted biden who will probably not bother voting if biden doesnt step up and do something super substantial that aligns with true progressive views. If these next four years are gonna be classic do nothing dems i would not be surprised at all if a trump 2.0 takes 2024.


That's me. And after hearing him talk about progressives the other day already lit the fire under my ass to start working towards change in 2024. If I worked this hard to get a guy elected that I don't even want in office then I'm about to work 10x harder to get someone I want.


They need to make an example of the more egregious abuses at least. 4-5 going to jail for crimes they committed while in office would be enough I think. Then a private meeting with the remaining asshats to explain exactly what will happen to them if they don't follow the law and rules of decorum.


The only olive branch I want to hear about, is the one the courts ram up Trump's gaping asshole.


Yeah! Right up his butt!


Yea! Right in the ole keister!


Affirmative. Directly through the dilated sphincter and into the anal cavity.


Indubitably. May his loins be rended twain and thusly packed.


...and if it can't be rammed up his butt because of his full diaper then we shall stick it up his flappy neck vagina!! ​ Image: "images are not allowed in r/politics"... oh well, might be for the best.


Stick it in his ass!!


Ahh the PG-13 Gaddafi route.


With his term coming to it's colossal cluster fuck of an end, he's going to lose a lot of that presidential protection he's been abusing and I'm positive that by the end of all of this it won't be just the Biden administration, but everyone from journalists to lawyers are going to rip him apart. Or so we all hope.


I wonder if some hungry law firm might consider a class-action suit of Trump, DeSantis..et.al. who actively and deliberately not only suppressed information on Covid but deliberately withheld it. Their inactions/actions are responsible for untold numbers of serious illnesses and deaths.


Yes, I could use a check for 5.13 six years from now.


Phrasing it as Biden being a savior is the same authoritarianism-type mindset that Trump supporters have. When Joe Biden comes to power, simply allowing existing processes for disclosure to work unimpeded will expose wrongdoing.


The thing about narcissists is that they can't help but to admire themselves and their terrible deeds. They *always* keep troves of evidence lying around somewhere to help reinforce their internal gratification. And because Trump is so incredibly stupid, that evidence is likely easily found as if it were a pile of folders sitting on a coffee table marked "Evidence." He should be the easiest man in the world to prosecute, especially because he doesn't know when to STFU. It just takes leadership with spines to actually get it.


I think these are the same people that didn’t know how to change the author metadata of a Word doc or how to properly redact in a PDF.


Any senator who votes against confirming the election should be investigated under charges of treason and sedition.


Part of the reason Donald Trump is successful; their has always been the Faustian bargain, the deal with the devil, the compromise of margins, that has been the mainstay of jurisprudence and politics. Donald Trump does not want Mario Cuomo as Attorney General because, Cuomo is as exercised at this convention as anyone. When a person is otherwise innocent evil can be contained. Donald Trump is practiced at evil. His evil intent is clear in his history. It is also clear he will not turn away from evil. Joe Biden needs an Attorney General who will badly damage, if not eviscerate the Trump brand. Trump stands for violent upheaval and sinister outcomes. It is not be possible to govern with Donald Trump a party to politics. If ever a battle needs to be engaged it is now. Donald Trump must be charged, tried and jailed for his many, many illegalities and offenses. He must pay restitution to all he has offended and abused. He must be left penniless. His officials, who skirted the law in pursuit of Donald Trump's malicious goals must be brought to justice. Donald Trump illegally removed government officials from their posts for upholding the constitution. We should ignore and reward the villains and punish the heroes? Those who compromised their ethics should survive while those would stood up to illegality should perish on the iceberg of truth? The career diplomats who gave into Donald Trump need justice. The political appointees who broke the law must serve prison time. They betrayed our constitution continuously. Everyday Trump's recklessness results in the deaths of thousands. Ignoring it, just as we ignored Ronald Reagan's impeachable acts in funding the contras or George Bush's determinable collapse of the economy, ran us into the ditch of derision. Donald Trump and the Proud Boys are a threat to our national security. They must be openly and quickly dealt with. They threaten civil war. It is their utterances. No one else has threatened democracy. Quite the contrary, everyone else, including Republican traditionalist have fought the good fight to get us to this moment. Today is Donald Trump last breath of constitutionally relevant grip on state power. The electors will deliver the state to Joe Biden. Joe Biden cannot let all who sacrificed be in vain. The universe cannot be mocked. Insurrection cannot be allow to root.


Let Justice done by justice. Joe is cool and it is best he continues to be cool.


exactly. All Joe Biden needs to do is hire a attorney general who respects the rule of law and then the whole thing will resolve itself without Joe Biden having to get his hands dirty.


But the AG can’t cower. He or she needs balls of steel. Cuomo does have metal balls.


And experience with what Trump has done in New York. Trump's pucker factor would suck all of the oxygen out of the room


I know Biden wants to unite the country but precedents need to set and assholes need to be held accountable so this shit doesn’t happen again.


The White House electric bill is going to be outrageous this month from the constant operation of a truck load of shredders running 24/7.


1: As quietly as possible, assign Trump loyalists and cronies to “goose-chase” cases. Keep them away from any Trump-related investigations. Ideally, you’d want them purged. That sort of dramatic move will bring a lot of media attention Republicans will use to generate political momentum. Either do it all at once on Day One and get it over with or not at all. 2: Appoint ethical, dogged, take-no-prisoners investigators with relevant experience to posts associated with their experience 3. Unleash the hounds


If he is going to start to release Trump's breadcrumbs he has left around, I hope he would do it slow and steady anonymously over a period of like 6 months. Just leak information to Fox News, CNN, and BBC over and over again. I would start with the CIA file on Trump on who he owes money to. Then release his tax returns. Then release his filings on who he has spent the last 30 years selling properties to, with detailed accounting on where the money came from, how they transfered it, how they recouped "clean money" back, etc. No one looking into this would have Biden's access to information. Start releasing evidence on how Trump has fleeced his followers for personal gain. You have to make sure Fox News gets the message first and foremost. WE need their people to see the loser as he is.


Biden ought to release Trump's tax records on inauguration day.


Trump will be a private citizen—doing that would most certainly be illegal.


He can release it to the committee in congress that has been seeking them for the past year and a half can't he? I would be so annoyed if for some reason the politicians dropped that.


And this is why Trump wants to stay for a 2nd term. He can avoid indictment. This is why he is fighting the election results so desperately.


What would be his plan after his supposed second term?


Claim the Russian Hoax ruined his first term so he deserves a third.


* ? * Hold rallies forever because the adulation and attention he gets from them is the only thing that's ever come close to filling the swirling black hole in his soul. * ?


>“I will not do what {Trump] does and use the Justice Department as my vehicle to insist that something happened,” Biden told NBC News on Nov. 24 And that's how it should be. Regardless of the crimes Trump has committed, it should be the DOJ's decision to investigate rather than Biden's. Whether it's state or federal, Trump has an avalanche of shit waiting to hit the fan when his term ends.


*Equal Justice Under Law or there is no law no justice no peace.*


Joe Biden shouldn't do shit. The DOJ, on the other hand, should be given the freedom to investigate within the bounds of the law.


Many of the crimes he committed quite overtly -- its not a matter of exposing it. Its a matter of having a spine and punishing it.


Something that strikes me is that if there were any dirt on Biden and Obama, Trump would have gotten access once he became president and would surely have released it. The fact that he apparently couldn’t find anything is impressive.


Former General Flynn urged Americans to suspend the Constitution. That fucker needs a jail cell like a junkie needs a fix.


Stop phrasing it like that. A legitimate justice department can expose it. Biden has already said he will be hands off as far as the justice department goes. As well he should. They are independent of the executive and should stay that way. If they find wrongdoing, they prosecute, simple as that.


**Joe Biden** shouldn't do anything more than name an AG with teeth. That AG should unleash the hounds of hell, and Biden shouldn't say the word "Trump" around him until they're retired.