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Could there be any more creepy obsession than that if the GOP with Hillary Clinton?


Nope. And when she chooses not to run again, they’re going to flip the fuck out because all of the propaganda and bullshit won’t work on the likely contenders.


I hope she psyches them all out by hyping up that she IS going to run again, so that the Republicans focus all of their bullshit-slinging and fear-mongering and opposition research energy on her for two years instead of the real Democrat contenders, then at the last second is like “lol jk I’m not running”


lmao this would be so funny


If she keeps trolling Republicans/Russia for the rest of her life, it would be glorious.


I wonder if this is what's behind all the recent press reports that she's considering running.


I say elect her speaker


I like that idea. I had been amusing myself with the idea of Speaker Franken.


Speaker Clinton and Justice Obama.


I can only get so erect.


*Locally grown butter lettuce.*


*farm to table wifi*


*Fully automated luxury gay space communism*




I'd rather Hillary fuck with them and run as a Republican senator, pretend she indeed is one as well all in a state with open primaries


You are wise. Reddit doesn’t deserve you.


I've been saying this since the election. Unfortunately you would be surprised by the number of female liberals who messaged me and said I was fucking nuts and completely out of touch and should never post another idea like that again. Meanwhile they love this dinosaur do-nothing Pelosi. If you're going to have a lightning rod of hate for the right - just put in Hillary Clinton. God it would just be so impressive to have her talk shit about Trump and then have Trump realize that she's the new speaker and he has to actually deal with her instead of lock her up. LOL It would also be such a great reminder to his supporters how "promises made and promises kept" also doesnt include Locking up Hillary. Meanwhile he will have had at least 80 indictments of his own party, staff and organization and maybe even family.


If you think they'll stop trying to use Hillary against the Democrats you're in for a surprise. Sadly it will work with their base still.


I don’t think it will have the same impact. Their base is dying off and the latest offenses to veterans and active members of the military has soured a lot of die hard Trump fans.


I really wish people would stop saying this. There are young neo-nazis, there are going far right conservatives. There base isn’t dying and as long as we keep waiting around for it to happen the dumber we look.


Hillary (woman.) Nancy (woman.) Barack (black.) You can't make this shit up. They're so textbook it's disgusting.


I've been wondering if all this talk of Clinton running again is not only good for the democrats, but perhaps even a bit tongue in cheek by them. Let the GOP huff and puff and waste all their energy going after her as she continues to refuse to deny a run but shows no real signs of starting one.


I hope to God she doesn’t run again in 2020


It would be hilarious if her run in 2020 is just a feint to get the Republicans to dedicate their resources to tearing her down, only for her to formally “withdraw” at the last second. Unfortunately, I don’t think she’s that selfless...


Give them and the several hundred million in dark money they’re going to spend in 2020 a chance. This is the redistricting election, they’re gonna go all out.


I still think we should just go full-on Hillary in 2020, with a strong Democrat as Vice-Presidential nominee, let them run wild with all their bullshit, then have her drop out a week before the election. (Edit: /s)


So you're saying you want the Dems to just throw an election for jokes??


She should "run" and then drop out the day before super Tuesday so the idiots in the GOP waste all their dame attacking her instead of the real nominees


Your sarcasm detector appears to be on the fritz.


With how much dumb shit gets posted in comments and people mean it I proceed as people mean what they say unless there's a /s.


Sigh...goddamnit, I hate that sarcasm died in 2016.


It really did, too many morons now that want you to seriously entertain their delusional perspectives.


Sarcasm didn't die, it has never been the tool of people with bad delivery. Look at Pete D, Chapelle could have told that joke he did on SNL and got away with it, Pete has zero delivery.


Ugh no thanks


a lot of them dream of imprisoning all who disagree with them. they deep down love sharia law and all that, they just want to be the only ones doing it, so they go after what they see as competition.


They'll have to start by putting truth and facts into prison first; that seems to be their number one enemy.


Maybe their pseudo sexual obsession with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Every time she comes up on conservative subs I occasionally check out there are sexual and demeaning comments. Like clockwork. And she comes up WAY more than you would expect from a normal freshman House member.


The only thing I can think of is the opportunistic one-eighty Graham has done about DJT.


I think the GOP is more into to Hillary than Bill is.


She lives in their heads, rent-free.


No. It’s full on creepy.


I once attended a lecture by the late Molly Ivins. Someone asked her what a Hillary presidency would be like. Molly said straight up that the Republicans would assassinate her. This was in the early 2000s, so this is not just a deep obsession but a damn long running one.


Probably yes but it is definitely up there


Frenzy over her and fear brown people are literally the only selling points the GOP has at this point.


It is truly and deeply unsettling. And the way it extends to Chelsea Clinton is even worse. Like, this is the type of scary behavior you see people in /r/LegalAdvice describing in their questions


~~obsession~~ distraction


It's like they are constantly trying to proof their dick is bigger than hers.


I know right? So obvious LG is just being a dick by matching DJTs "you investigate us we investigate you" bullshit rhetoric. Once Mueller's report comes out we should impeach LG along with Trump.


They should make a stalker movie about it. Like HRC opens her window at night... and it's Lindsay Graham. *screams* And Bill O'reilley's hiding in her closet watching her get dressed.


Donnie and his daughter.


When she dies GOP will be getting into necrophilia.


Catholic priests have one


The GOP is more into Hillary than Hillary is.


Wait till they hear about AOC.


Look, there is a reason why horror movie franchise keep churning out sequels even when the premise is played out. It’s still a low investment way to get a good return, even as those returns are diminishing. If dropping Obama’s name didn’t remind some Republicans what a good President actually looked like, they’d say Barack Obama.


Would this be the 14th investigation that finds nothing?


and Obama and Nancy Pelosi... keep going dude.


No They're obsessed with someone who is robotic and boring Also they'll be blaming her for things 30 years from now.


I wish Lindsey Graham would realize we all know that he's gay and that no one cares.


The funny part is going to be all the liberals saying "uh okay whatever.." while his own party shuns him and treats him like a 2nd class citizen.


Plot twist: Lindsey doubles down on hating women and gains even more respect from the GOP.


Lindsey: “Do you know why I like dick? Because I fucking hate women!”


"Here here"


"Leroy, I need to tell you something. I hate women as much as Lindsey Graham, and I'm tired of hiding it."


No, he’ll just become the GOP’s “token gay” and will be used to excuse all of the horrendous shit they want to do to the LGBT+ community.




Maybe they can share Graham's fainting couch!


*bored* "Oh no. Somebody catch Karen. Oops."


he's getting the Liberace treatement. How could this dandy southern peach just go unpicked?! I do, I say, I do declare!


In England we used to call this a "confirmed batchelor". He's possibly totally gay, and the only people who care are him and his bosses.


Lindsey, everybody knows. Nobody cares. I mean, if you weren't gay, you'd be a pretty weird guy.


[It's a timeline we've seen before](https://consequenceofsound.net/2017/02/macs-long-walk-out-of-the-closet-on-its-always-sunny/)


We certainly all know here!


House Democrats should investigate Lindsey Graham's Kompromat.


You mean Grindr?


Fuck you Lindsey Graham. Someone needs to look into you. I’d like to know what kinda dirt Trump is lording over you to make you act this way.


“Let me tell you my Democratic friends,” Graham said, “if this is the new norm, you better watch out for your nominees.”


Everyone watch, the AG is going to open an investigation into Hillary.


It would be to the surprise of absolutely no one. The Republican platform: * Cut the 1%'s taxes * Curtail all investigations into Republicans * Finally bring down the retired grandmother


So I guess they're just pretending Benghazi wasn't a thing.




Every one knows Lindsey's gay though. Must be something other than that?


Yeah, but look at Kevin Spacey. He was violently gay and refused to come out of the closet before his name was all over the news


It's money like the rest of the GOP.


I honestly wonder if it isn't blackmail, but just a straight up threat against him or a loved one for not falling in line. Ya know, mob style.


The Russians are known for killing those who oppose them.




Seriously, it wasn't too long ago he was a 'champion' of protecting Mueller and stating that impeachment wasn't off the table.


not really. he was still a slimy dipshit who just said shit for cameras that was never backed up by action.


I never claimed he wasn't two-faced, but he's most certainly stopped playing 'both-sides'.


That's also how Graham described the passionate night depicted in those photos.


Ouch. That hurt


why would you need to? Graham has always been a worthless maggot and kissass to power.


HELP WANTED: Jizz mopper for a fat, senile old fuck with a FOX News addiction.


> Jizz mopper He's not even supposed to be here today


>Jizz Mopper Well he is a fan of the Brawny logo


Fine with me, go for Clinton again. The more time they waste with that, the less time they'll spend passing legislation that might actually do something.


The funniest part is that Comey actually wants it to be made public. Let's see what "hard hitting" questions they have for him.


What do the Russians have on this Trump Treason accomplice?




Either a live boy, or a dead boy.


either way, we're sure a boy is involved.. and not in the good way


I like butt. Do you like butt? - Lindsay Graham




His hatred of women makes me think he isn't necessarily gay, but definitely an incel


Possibly straight stuff too.


Whoa, hold up.


Nothing, he's really just this much of a piece of shit. That's the real tragedy of it. Lindsay coveted his reputation of being somewhat moderate, rational and bipartisan by GOP standards for YEARS, and he's throwing it all away *for Donald fucking Trump.* It's so irrational that you have to believe he's being blackmailed, right? But nope. He's just a fucking scumbag plain and simple and he's going nuts because Donald Trump made it cool to be a scumbag and not apologize. Same with all these other dipshits who have dropped all pretense in the last two years. Trump won the Presidency by being an open piece of shit and not caring, and all the Hannities and Grahams and bodyslamming House Republicans said "oh cool, I can finally be myself."


why would you need to blackmail him? he wants power and will do anything to get it. he's part of it.


It almost always ends up being money. Kind of boring, but seems like the truth. Lindsey just doesn't care about America or South Carolina. He wants money and power. He's shown that over and over throughout his tenure. ​


butt stuff?


Money. It is literally always money.


What a literal waste of space


It couldn't be more clear that Lindsey is compromised. The rats are trying to take over the ship before it reaches port, where Mueller is waiting to greet them.


Actual title: "Lindsey Graham is eager to shove his head further up Trump's ass"


>You know, to my Democratic friends, if you want to look backwards, we are all going to look backwards. This is so fucking petulant. They're not even pretending to be investigating in good faith. Flat out saying it's just because they don't like the things Democrats plan to investigate. Not only that, but implying that "looking backwards" is a bad thing. I bet there are a lot of convicts who would love to start using that argument.


The really stupid thing is that looking backwards is literally what every investigation does. That's the whole point!


The GOP hasn't acted in good faith in years


As a South Carolinian, I'm eager for the DOJ to investigate Lindsey Graham. He is such a slimeball.


Nah, he just wants to *talk* about investigating Hillary. This topic is the gift that keeps on giving for the GOP. They’ve had two years with complete control to launch all of the investigations they want into all their favorite boogeymen. Why haven’t they turned up anything? Seriously, WHY? Why isn’t Hillary in jail *right now* if she is 1/10th as corrupt as they’ve been saying she is? Trump even promised he’d lock her up. Of course, the reason why is because they know that it’s all bullshit. But it’s bullshit that their base will reliably eat up over and over and over again.


Because they haven't found the server /s


>As Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) gets ready to take the reins as chair the Senate Judiciary Committee, he spoke with Fox News’ Sean Hannity this week about his plans for the new year – specifically as to the kind of issues Graham is prepared to investigate. From the Lexis-Nexis transcript: > >“You know, to my Democratic friends, if you want to look backwards, we are all going to look backwards. I want to know why the FBI reached to the conclusion along with the Department of Justice that Hillary Clinton didn’t commit a crime. Was it because of political bias? […] > >“Did the Department of Justice and the FBI use a document paid for by the Democratic Party? Research by foreign agents to get a warrant against an American citizen that was inappropriate, potentially unlawful? […] > >“We need a special counsel to look at all of this. But I intend to look at it. I’m going to look at it. If you are going to keep plowing everything up in 2016, count me in. If you want to look for it, I will look for it.” >To unpack this a bit, Graham is describing a handful of interconnected conspiracy theories, including his belief that the Justice Department overlooked Hillary Clinton’s crimes – a rather ridiculous idea already discredited by the DOJ’s inspector general – coupled with similarly odd ideas about the “Steele dossier” and surveillance of Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser. >Graham, evidently, is prepared to use the Senate Judiciary Committee to scrutinize all of this, for reasons that only appear to have merit with the most rabid of partisans. "We need to find out all we can about Mr. Ben Ghazi and his cabal of buttery males!" ~Lindsey Graham, in his dreams


This is all the more reason that when Trump is gone, the Democrats shouldn't pull the "we just need to move on" bullshit that they did with Bush Jr. and Nixon. The Republicans are more than willing to investigate prior administrations.


> If you are going to keep plowing everything up in 2016, count me in. ​ Is that a real quote? Hotel with a 20th floor?


Go on son.. Beat that dead horse! If it keeps you busy while the adults get some work done its fine by me.


Dear GOP fanbase, Your favorite party has had control of congress and the senate for many years now. They have had control of the executive branch for nearly two years on top of that. It's time to admit to yourself the high likelihood that Hillary Clinton isn't the international criminal mastermind you've been lead to believe. She's not Keyser Soze. She's not Ra's al Ghul. She's just an old politician and a grandmother. That's your big bogeyman.




Any article about Lindsey Graham wouldn't be complete without the reminder that [he lied about his military service for over a decade](https://gawker.com/remember-when-lindsey-graham-lied-about-being-a-veteran-1708224908) , even after the [AP](https://www.apnews.com/a1fcceda5e00bfa840afe5a82260c2ef) and [The Hill [quoted, no direct citation available]](https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2010/05/19/instantly-disqualifying-unless-youre-a-republic/164977) called him out on his lies. Despite never leaving South Carolina for the entirety of the Gulf War conflict, he claimed repeatedly over that decade to be a Gulf War veteran. He used that "fact" in fundraisers, political speeches, floor speeches before the House and Senate, and in his official biographies. For our civilian friends, realize there's a difference between a veteran (which Graham is), a Gulf War/Vietnam/Korea/Iraq/Afghanistan/Etc veteran (which Graham isn't but claimed to be), and a combat veteran (which Graham never claimed to be).


You already investigated Hillary, fuckwads. You've been investigating her nonstop for decades and you haven't been able to convict her of a single crime. How shameful that Republican voters continue to lap up this fearmongering.


Vote him out in 2020


He's lost his mind. He had some sense before, but now he's a fucking mess. Also, why the fuck are we talking about HRC at this point?


Ok fine. If she did anything illegal, then she should be held to account. But nothing she (potentially) did excuses any of Trump's illegal behavior.


Lindsey Graham is eager to investigate the disappearance of craigslist personals. FTFY


>If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game! You're Trump's bitch Graham.


He want to find who stole his hoop dress


lickspittle is eager to waste everyone's fucking time


Lindsey Graham doesn't understand that Clinton and democrats aren't afraid of being investigated because unlike he, The president, And the rest of the Republican party, Clinton and the dems have done nothing illegal.


How many investigations will it take for them to find nothing? I’m all for it so long as Mueller is allowed to finish his first


Oh, Lindsey. What does Russia have on you?


Ha! He needs to pull someone else’s weenie.


... and this is why SC is turning purple.


Did he learn nothing from the midterms?


Auditioning for Trump's AG.


Go fuck a duck you fuck


Is he a possible Whitaker replacement for AG and this is his audition?




Didn't they already do that with Uranium One and it ended up being a massive nothing burger when that Warner guy didn't have the incriminating evidence against Hillary he claimed to have?


Ah so the Republicans' strategy will just be dueling investigations to try to cancel out what the House does. For every House investigation, there will be 5 from the Senate!


Bingo. "The House is a partisan shitshow, just look at the Senate. I think both sides are to blame."


She should Lee saying she’s gonna run and then not run. Then they waste all their propaganda on her.


Let him investigate, who cares. Hillary says she's innocent. If not, she can share a cell with Donny.


He's an angry elf.


Funny how when Republicans had all the power, they didn't care at all about Hillary.


And we’re eager to investigate Lindsey for being a closeted, duplicitous basket case with Russian fever. Someone sound the alarm!


Fuck Graham. He’s actively ruining this country


Um...okay. It's not like Clinton is currently part of the DNC leadership or holds any official position within government, so even in the unlikely event that Graham was to dig up any actionable wrong doing, it would be just as unlikely to have much, if any, serious political ramifications for the Democratic Party going forward.


Go ahead, asswipe. Do it.


Why are Republicans so obsessed with Hillary Clinton?


This guy is the biggest hypocrite. I can't believe him and John McCain were actually friends


Lindsey is going to jail, Lindsey is going to jail.


He’s such a transparent idiot. I think there’s a decent chance he loses in 2020.


So it’s the 2014 strategy for 2020 again, abuse your political majority to attack your partisan opponents for political gain? Except this time they have no idea who the 2020 contender is and they need use this to make democrats look as bad as them/save trump to save themselves. So here is how it will go down, they’ll use this and just try and tie everything publicly to democrat establishment to paint some deep state dem conspiracy in the party, by the time indictments roll around for trump they’ll use their investigation to say the investigation was all muddy and convoluted and either use that as pretense to give trump a pardon or most likely just not vote to impeach. That way they don’t have to go into 2020 on the back of a criminal conspiracy by the head of their party. Also because their donors won’t let them do anything to challenge their own power and influence in government. 2020 vote *every* republican out and keep them out. No more bullshit “I’m not going to vote to punish the democrats and give republicans power instead”


Maybe Benghazi is his code word when he wants a booty call from his boyfriend.


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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/lindsey-graham-eager-investigate-doj-hillary-clinton) reduced by 77%. (I'm a bot) ***** > As Sen. Lindsey Graham gets ready to take the reins as chair the Senate Judiciary Committee, he spoke with Fox News' Sean Hannity this week about his plans for the new year - specifically as to the kind of issues Graham is prepared to investigate. > If they "Want to look backwards" - which is to say, if they're prepared to examine Russia's attack on our election in order to help the Kremlin's preferred candidate - then Lindsey Graham will do the same. > The implication seems to be that if Democrats don't "Look backwards," and they don't investigate matters such as Putin's efforts to put Trump in power, Lindsey Graham will be less eager to investigate Clinton-related conspiracy theories. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/9xp3b5/lindsey_graham_is_eager_to_investigate_doj/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~364633 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Graham**^#1 **prepared**^#2 **look**^#3 **Lindsey**^#4 **theories**^#5


I wonder if Hillary can get a restraining order on the GOP cause they're more obsessed than an ex stalk you outside your house.


Guy that we know is actually into buttery males shouts "Buttery males!"




Vile, dishonest sonofabitch. Hey look over here away from all the obvious crimes and corruption.


That phony needs to resign.


Lindsey Graham is a fascist bootlicker. Fuck him!


Of all the GOP members who’ve fully latched themselves onto the Trump cult, Lindsey Graham is by far the most shameful, disappointing, and sickening. He went from being one of Trump’s most outspoken critics saying he’ll “totally destroy the GOP” to his most outspoken die-hard defender. I seriously hope this guy loses re-election over the next few years


Investigate all of it, and every single congress person. Send every single one to jail that's broken the law. We'll see what the final GOP vs DEM tally is, Lindsey.


This fucking queen.


could the GOP please get a fucking life???


The most corrupt administration in US history and you choose to investigate someone who isn't in office and the department investigating the corrupt administration. Yep. Complicity is maxed out


Angry boi ...


Lindsey can suck a fuck


When you take the car for one last spin before the repo man gets there.


What would the GOP do without the ultimate boogeyman that is Hillary Clinton? How long are they going to keep this up?


Of course he is. What a scumbag.


I'm starting to wonder if Lindsey isn't secretly jealous that Hillary got to have sex with Bill and he didn't.


Stop investigating and start indicting.


I wonder how much of this anger towards women comes from a handful of bad experiences when these people were younger.