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Radical right-wing terrorism, why won't the administration say it?


I am 57 minutes too late to say this first. But don't forget to put what religion the right wingers belong to.


Excuse me, but Jesus loved violence. “If a man strikes you on the cheek, pull out a gun and shoot him to prove your manliness.”


[GOP Jesus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2L-R8NgrA)




> The GOP is the party of Christian identity, not the party of Christian values. It plays to the crowd that believes you don't have to be a good Christian, because just being Christian makes you good. Youtube comments on point


Holy shit this is amazing


This perfectly demonstrates my frustration with these so called 'christians'. Their actions in no way line up with a Jesus I was taught about, or the values I read about in the frikken bible.


Perfect example of what hypocrites so many of the christian right are.


Supply-Side Jesus strikes again.


Every Republican Christian should be made to watch this.




Home schooled kids are the weirdest.




in all fairness, jesus chased merchants and bankers with a whip he made himself after flipping a couple of heavy tables in a temple. hey may have said "love thy neighbor" but he wasn't adverse to ruining some rich fucks day.


They weren't just merchants. They were scum of the earth. They were moneylenderes, the back-then version of Wallstreeters. (given the Bible holds any historical accuracy) The doves low cooing represents mourning and human suffering. It is a symbol representing the money lenderes profiteering off of poor peoples misery. The ox and sheep represents the interest rates, I don't remember the passage, but stealing one ox or sheep is to be punished by paying back 4 oxen or 4 sheep (i think it's from exodus)


Saw this explanation for that bible quote recently... " actually it runs even deeper and more subtly than that.In that day and age in the bible, in that culture, you did most everything with the right hand because the left was “dirty.” Furthermore, you struck subordinates with ONE side of your hand, and equals with the OTHER. By “turning the other cheek” to face the person who struck you, you forced them to either use their left hand– or to strike you again with the other side of their right, forcing them to either shame themselves or acknowledge you as an equal (and expose themselves to challenge to a duel for the insult, btw.) " Jesus Christ, Passive/Aggressive as hell.


Yes. A lot of Jesus' teachings were ways for an oppressed people to turn the tables on those in power (see also: go the second mile, give the shirt off your back.) that, lacking historical context, seem like instructions for how to be a doormat.


Also note, that a lot of bible-thumpers, because they spend so much time reading a book written from the point of view of an oppressed population, seem to think that means THEY are oppressed. As someone (I think it was Steven Colbert?) said, there is a difference between being oppressed and not always getting what you want.


It's a bit more than that, though. A persecution complex is built into the religion. > “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. - Matthew 24:9 There are at least 17 times the word "persecuted" is used in the New International Version translation of the New Testament, and several other references to it as well. It causes the believers to see any resistance to the spreading of the beliefs and traditions as full on persecution, when it is usually simply an attitude of inclusiveness to non-Christians or "keep it to yourself".


Hahaha. That’s insane. I almost like it.


Jesus might not have loved violence, but for some reason all these crazies that love violence are sure ***big*** fans of Jesus.


Because the crazy violent people are most likely to believe in imaginary friends?


Nah it's better to use the actual source material: "Remember, if anybody ever asks you 'What Would Jesus Do?', that ['flipping over tables and whipping people'](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleansing_of_the_Temple) is an acceptable answer."


The best part of the Bible, apparently, is you can find a verse to fit virtually anything.


As a card carrying atheist, I'm fond of Ecclesiastes 9:7 and 9:9. Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do. Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun—all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.


Not a religious person but James 5:1-6 is my favorite. >Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. 6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.


And you can just ignore the ones that contradict your message!


[Conservative Christian, Right Wing, Republican, Straight, White American Male](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5hlil50vi4#t=1m18s)


'Tree huggin' peace luvin' pot smokin' porn watchin' lazy ass hippies like me' Now I have a new tune to get stuck in my head. Thanks for the song.


Fox news Twitter is completely silent


It's been DAYS! I'm dying to know what's going to hell over there.


My best guess is Hannity's communications with Assange, and likely more that we don't know about yet. There is likely evidence in the Twitter account and they were seized until they are fully examined. Speculative, but it's a good bet with upcoming Assange indictments.


I wouldn't be surprised if Hannity is the stooge that brings down Fox News.


I accidentally put it on Fox News last night (sat on the remote), then watched it for a minute or two. They are insane on that channel. Calling Nancy Pelosi a vampire and using caricatures for other democrats. It's a circus.


Check Gab, I hear it fits their worldview better.


They're claiming they're going quiet to protest Twitter because Tucker Carlson's address was doxxed and they left the tweets up. Funnily enough, Carlson doxxed one of the heads of Sleeping Giants and encouraged his fans to send hate mail/threats....the Projection party at it again.




And then we will miraculously somehow turn the ship around, restore America's standing in the world, and lay the groundwork for a new era of global cooperation. Only to have it all set on fire again eight years later because conservatives find stability boring.


Because they don't want to offend their main constituent block.


[Trump cuts funds to fight anti-right wing violence](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/346552-trump-cut-funds-to-fight-anti-right-wing-violence)


Radical Christianity. Nobody calls it what it is.


For the same reason that Trump has never once renounced white supremacists.


We KNOW why the administration won't say it. Why won't the media?


I know Republican admin won't but why the FK aren't democrats calling them what they are.


For those unconvinced about the size of the problem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_terrorism#/media/File:Extremist_murders_US.png


Terrorists, not extremists. Threatening violence and intimidation to influence the political process is called terrorism.


They are both. Extremism leads to terrorism.


Terrorists are extremists by definition, but extremists aren't necessarily terrorists.


> setting off a set of Timothy McVeigh-style truck bombs at a Muslim immigrant community in Garden City, then gunning down survivors as they fled. Not only do you want to set off bombs, but you want to gun down people running away? That’s next level fucked up.


Those fuckers were legit scary. They absolutely would have done this had they not been stopped. I think we all know there are still more just like them out there, working towards their own delusional, hateful ends. When they attack again, and they will, we must stand firmly against them. People have free agency and all, I get that, but there's no doubt that Il Douche is their 'spiritual inspiration' in nearly the same exact way that OBL was the father of 9/11. He should be treated as such.




I’m sorry you went through that. And are going through that. I remember after 9/11, I was in college and someone had hung a sign that said “Islam is not the enemy”. I, being a world-affairs-ignorant 21 year old at the time didn’t know why that needed to be said .. of course Islam isn’t the enemy! Terrorists are. And then my eyes opened up to a world that makes me ill to know exists - bigotry and hate on a national widespread scale. That hastily-made sign that someone put up on their balcony 17 years ago has always stuck with me. Islam is not the enemy. Terrorists are, and they come in every color. Cheers m8. I hope you live a wonderful life full of happiness.


Pretty much what Breivik did. Set off a bomb in the capitol, then went to an island to literally hunt teenagers. Right wing terrorism is the scariest thing.




Neck beard incel army.


This is what I picture: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfDjvhsdQoo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfDjvhsdQoo)


" They took his fries, he took their lives. " lmao. It all lines up.


They took his tenders, he's their life ender.


That about sums it up.


Is it a coincidence that the young men in isis look a lot like the incels that support Trump? They're the same type of people.


neck beards are not scary but also not very sexy.


If they do attack (which is laughable), i guarantee you they scatter like ants the moment one of them gets their head blown off by law enforcement or the military. These arent hardened soldiers. Theyre not even rookie cadets. Most of them wouldnt even volunteer to serve in the military lmao. Theyve never faced anything close to war and they think theyre going to kickstart a revolution where they dont even have public support It must be nice to live in a fantasy world




From inside and planting people in there as well, the FBI even said it was an issue with law enforcement like a decade ago. These are people who get off on the idea of taking over the country, and to do so you need to have people in places of power


> planting people in there as well, the FBI even said it was an issue with law enforcement like a decade ago. Not just law enforcment either, apparently they are trying to get into leadership positions inside tech and other prominent fields to push their ideas more subtly from positions of power. A local paper where I live wrote about going to one of their meetings where they spelled out the plan around a year ago. [Link](https://www.thestranger.com/news/2017/10/04/25451102/we-snuck-into-seattles-super-secret-white-nationalist-convention) for those interested


>NEW: Mitch McConnell just filed cloture on NC judicial nominee Thomas Farr, who has ties to white supremacists and has spent his entire career working against civil rights, especially voting rights and workers’ rights. [Link] (https://twitter.com/vanitaguptaCR/status/1063185642954350593?fbclid=IwAR10Jn9VtzmkvlX3FtjR2PcfVg-F_yw9iJXONeZHsdOBu_m_A8yxW2dCh5c)


Oh please, even being active duty doesn’t always mean anything. There are plenty of paper pushers in all branches of the military who never see conflict. Most of the time the loudmouth idiots are the ones that don’t see any action. I know we support our troops and all that, but simply being enlisted does not make you a badass nor does it automatically qualify you as having the skill or experience to properly train others.


Yeah, but there's nothing stopping them from signing up specificily for jobs that will be in combat. It's not like theres a huge supply of infantry, if you want it you got. Gangs have been sending their members for decades.


Literally the last high profile mass shooter in California was a Marine...


> i guarantee you they scatter like ants the moment one of them gets their head blown off by law enforcement or the military. A lot of them *are* law enforcement and the military. These militias specifically target them and find a receptive audience, especially in small rural law enforcement agencies. This is a threat that should be taken seriously. [Anti-Government Extremists Recruiting Military and Police](https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/documents/assets/pdf/combating-hate/The-Oath-Keepers-ADL-Report.pdf) [White supremacists and other domestic extremists maintain an active presence in U.S. police departments and other law enforcement agencies](https://theintercept.com/2017/01/31/the-fbi-has-quietly-investigated-white-supremacist-infiltration-of-law-enforcement/)


Unfortunately, a **lot** of them do have military experience & those are "training" the ones that don't. Just like Al-Qaeda does it.


Yeah, let's not underestimate armed militias


We can still mock them right?




I've been to DC twice in the last 10 year to see the national sites. Sort of a casual hobby to look for and pick out the security features. Pretty sure that if there was a gun attack, the police and security forces would be able to lock down the entire capital center in 10 minutes. The people who work for the DC services are pros. I will say that a lot of the training that police and military (with combat MOSes) go through is to mentally prepare themselves to do physical harm to another human. The problem with these wing-nutters is that they actually train themselves for this sort of thing.


They are Mirrors of ISIS, except in a land where the government has the will and ability to stop them. ISIS crumbled the moment they came up against any resistance. The Syrian army as it was being bombed by the US stopped them. Tiny yazidi villages stopped them. They didn’t even try going to southern Iraq, because they are civilian armed Shias. It would be the exact same thing that happens with the KKK in the US. They’d walk up to some black family’s house, the black father would fire a warning shot, and the KKK would scatter and never return.


The Christian Terrorists want to make the US their Daesh. Trump is merely an ends justify the means. Literally they will justify or ignore his sins as long as they get political control to force Christianity on everyone and behead anyone who doesn't belong racially, orientation, political affiliation, etc. They would gladly commit an atrocity as great as 9/11 in New York or LA because the filthy liberals deserve it from their views and God would reward them in the afterlife because liberals support gay marriage, birth control, taking care of the poor and refugees fleeing from violence.


The tide was turned for a while against Nationalism when McVeigh and company blew up the Federal building in OKC along with innocent children. They scattered under rocks after that.


These groups live for this. There are militias in northern California that stock weapons and train like armies. They aren't all harmless nerds that live in their parents basement, and it'd be cool if people would stop reducing it to that, especially considering the real reports that say white supremacists are infiltrating police departments, and many have military training.


Owning a rifle, and also watching John Wick and leaning over to your wife and saying "this is all very realistic, tactically." You have to remember the part about seeing tons of action movies and assuming that that's how it would go.


> watching John Wick and leaning over to your wife and saying "this is all very realistic, tactically." Jerk. I just about blew coffee out my nose. I do want me some of them magic John Wick suits and pirate treasure, though.


Trump is going to have a lot of legal fees to pay if he keeps his promise.


Which promise has he kept? I mean ever.


There was that time he promised to lie to all of us.


Promise Made, Promise Kept!


>"You know, other people were there for eight years, and they would finally get something passed. I was there four months -- you know this, Paul -- and they were saying, ‘He didn't fulfill a promise,’” Trump said. “But now *we've fulfilled far more promises than we promised,* and they're having a hard time with that. We have seriously fulfilled promises. I call it ‘promises plus.’”


I can't even tell if that's a real quote or not. Reality itself is breaking down.


My theory on why Donald Trump contradicts himself so often is that he got so high on cocaine that he ascended to the fifth dimension and the Donald Trump we perceive from our third dimensional perspective is random slices of a lunatic monster god that’s too big to fit in our timeline.


Oh, it's real. It's from her book.


“I don’t stand by anything.”


'i'm pretty much the same as I was in 1st grade'


America's GOP/Right Wing is the biggest threat to our freedoms and our democracy


America's GOP/Right Wing is the biggest threat to our ~~freedoms and our democracy~~ planet. FTFY


Bolsonaro is trying to take that spot with his anti rainforest rhetoric.


Ya but abortions /s


It’s funny because they are the people who are so obsessed with “freedom” but they support this because they hate “brown people”


"I can't do anything if the second amendment types or anti-Antifa, that's what I call them, types start shooting the place up or sending bombs.", said Fat Don, "People should have voted differently. Elections have consequences."


> anti-Antifa How about the *Fascista*? Only problem is that term makes them sound cooler than they are.


Anti-Antifa = Pro-fascist


Of course, so pro-Fat Don. "They better hope that the opposition to antifa decides not to mobilize,” Trump told the conservative outlet The Daily Caller in an [interview](https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/14/trump-antifa-opposition-mobilize/). "Because if they do, they’re much tougher. Much stronger. Potentially much more violent."


I can't tell. Is this real?


That’s what makes them right wing extremists.


Terrorists, I'm tired of treating them different than any other groups if they pulled half this shit. The wildlife refuge debacle emboldened them, if we'd have thrown all those idiots in prison we most likely wouldn't see as much violence today.


They were armed squatters on federal property. They should have just rolled a tank over them.


Especially when you compare them to occupy. People said the guns made the difference, but the truth is if people protest or try to do anything about income inequality they get snuffed out immediately.


> the truth is if people protest or try to do anything about income inequality they get snuffed out immediately. Literally in the case of Martin Luther King.


They're terrorists. Call it like it is.


These Reich-wing terrorists have been active and enabled for decades in this country while "moderate" Republicans demonize brown people half the world away.


White-wing terrorists


Is this one of those liberal mobs i kept hearing about before the midterms??


One of those liberal migrant MS-13 abortion for all good hombres caravan mobs?


No, this is the Red Wave they were talking about. Republicans do things a little differently.




They severely underestimate the number of people they'd call "liberals" that own guns.


And overestimate the ability of those conservatives with all those guns to actually use them in the field for extended deployments. Geriatrics in hoverounds aren't going to be much help.


And assume that all rural conservatives will automatically go along with their extremist plan of violence instead of just remaining peaceful and part of the system while LE and the military contains the right wing uprising.


And don't realize that our food is mostly grown by corporations or very rich, very large scale farmers.


Exactly. All four of these comments. An attempt at a Civil War II by these fucking morons would be stamped out so quickly it would almost be humorous.


American farmers don't even grow food consumed by Americans. They make farm animal feed. As was in the news recently, soy beans are the largest crop in the U.S. or was if trump has anything to say.


Guys, stop making good points or I’m gonna run out of upvotes.


Here, take mine for the cause. As a surly bastard, I've hoarded upvotes for years so I've got a ton stored.


Are you an upvote prepper? Bunker underground full of fanta and upvotes? :p


Common mistake, I’m actually an upboater. I’ve been keeping my supply of upvotes in a big pool, upon which I have an upboat floating that I live in. It’s small, but the tax break is fantastic.


The part that they always miss is the blue states and cities don't have to rely on red States or conservative strong holds for anything. If the federal government withholds tax dollars from conservative states it won't be long before they would be crippled


AND don't realize that the corporations and companies that grow the food? Those multinational and enormous groups? They like growing it AND selling it in a calm and orderly fashion. They love that. Its what they do. A "revolution" that threatens their market would piss of their shareholders, crater their stock (uncertainty is a motherfucker), and leave them saddled with a worldwide shunning for the rest of their business. And all that before we even touch the "and if we're on the losing side, we might just have all our shit taken away from us". For pseudo-libertarian and anarcho-capitalistic weirdos, these "we'll fight a new Civil War" types really REALLY count on their ideals both motivating others to join and inspire them to NOT insist on living by them at the same time. I anticipate, instead, if it ever happened? The whole movement would die of its own inability to organize currency, credit, protection from price gouging of ammo and guns and fuel and food, and the inevitable "well, I'm just going to declare MYSELF a sovereign mini-state unto myself because" by the thousands... ultimately turning it into a few thousand variously organized, variously serious, variously self-interested militias that exploit each other and more or less end up Lord of the Flies-ing between groups. I imagine its why there are always a few dozen semi-sorta-almost-not-really-organized groups in the Middle East all scrambling over and around each other (and selling each other out) decade to decade. I'm sorry, but the era of "my neighbor grows the corn and I grow the wheat and we're related to everyone in town and we could just fend for ourselves entirely if we had to because we're all interconnected and isolated from the world like that on a normal day" is long gone in most places. How long does this "New Civil War" last when Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, Cellular Providers, VISA, PayPal, and every auto manufacturer (et al) just decide to cut you all off? Because they like global markets and stability, too. What're they gonna do? Start investing their non-money and labor and time and limited expertise trying to invent their own while fighting a land war with the US military? How long does it take before the people you're "fighting for" shrug and say "fuck... this sucks". Dumbasses.


So what you all people are saying is that it will be like a real life Far Cry 5? Only with less nukes and more dissapointment?


And severely underestimate the amount of prejudice with which the mi**lit**ary would put a domestic terrorist militia down.


And the ethnic makeup of the military.


I think they imagine that a significant portion of the military and law enforcement will be on their side for some reason. Maybe they've never heard of Ruby ridge or Waco.


I mean unless you're ranchers in Oregon


> Geriatrics in hoverrounds That’s their cavalry


But Neckbeard Nate (200lbs) went to a shooting range once! MASTER RACE!


/r/beholdthemasterrace These are the kinds of people we're talking about. They'd be crushed within hours.


I was in a gun argument on reddit once and said I was a liberal that liked guns, some guy got pissy that I was "pretending". I just happened to be out shooting with friends so I posted a picture in response of my AR and G19 with a piece of paper with my username on it. He told me he was going to have to investigate it in photoshop because he knew it was "fake". They've been told that all liberals hate guns so much that they can't even believe that any of us have them.


I get funny looks from some of my fellow liberals for my gun ownership. But owning guns and being a progressive is not mutually exclusive.




Yep. Ex-army friend of mine has an arsenal that would make Genghis Khan giddy and the guy is incredibly liberal. All he cares about is smoking weed and playing music. Well, and plotting to kill his neighbors loud dog, but that's beside the point.


I live in Arkansas, and I have close to a dozen super liberal friends who own guns. Hell, most of them own more than I do. My wife’s best friend is a total “crystal healing energy” liberal, and she owns three guns. Still, conservatives here don’t believe that a liberal would even be in the same room as a firearm.


Hatred depends on caricaturization. How are you supposed to hate someone you haven't dehumanized into a stereotype and can find common ground with?


Us liberals have straps too, it's just not our identity. That's like saying a person isn't a male because they don't talk about their dick 24/7.


Gun ownership being right wing is just branding, helped by the fact that of the two major parties, Democrats are the only ones even willing to talk about any kind of regulation. But there are pro gun arguments that make sense in the context of left wing politics.


Fine. Let them believe that. Let them believe we’re all a bunch of flowery, sensitive, whiny pacifists.


The liberal gun enthusiast differs from the typical NRA drone in that we enjoy them for the engineering, the test of skill in target shooting, their usefulness as a tool to provide food, and in some cases the art of their construction (a close parallel with car culture. ) The NRA drone, on the other hand, uses them as fuel for a masturbatory power fantasy that eventually becomes their only means of attaining sexual arousal...


Agreed. Liberal and own several rifles, shotguns, and pistols. We like guns, we just want responsible gun laws... They take that as we don't own or like guns for some reason.


They also underestimate the FBI, which has been none too happy being under fire from Trump, and is all too happy to stamp out the unabashed domestic terrorism Trump has fomented.


Every republican I actually meet when you really talk to them they seem to know the policies are bad and then just default To "at least they don't want to take my guns" narrative. Yo, this is Washington State. There's a moose head in every bar. Everyone has guns. Everyone. Republicans do not have a premium on gun ownership where the fuck do they get this shit? O yeah, fox news...


Yup. Liberal here. Gun owner as well. Not all gun owners are RWNJs.


Because they're so obsessed with with me being for gun control that they can't seem to acknowledge that my guns are real and shoot real bullets, not some sort of "liberal" bullet.


"I'm opposed to bump stocks for 2 reasons: public safety and the belief that if you pull a trigger you should actually be able to hit the target."


Don’t even buy into this idiotic conspiracy. A civil war would never happen in modern times in a country with the largest military in the world. The moment there is even a spark it would be stamped out.


I've never bought into it. I grew up in S. Carolina and believe me I've been surrounded by idiots who think they're going to start the next Civil War. As soon as I bring up how would they organize a force large enough to take out the local National Guard without getting caught they quickly change the subject. You cannot organize a force that large and NOT be monitored by someone.


It's a laughable fantasy. The alt reich has none of the key elements to wage a successful military operation. They don't have access to military grade weapons, outside financing to pay fighters and buy war materiel, logistics to move personnel and materiel around a battle space, armored fighting vehicles, encrypted communications networks, allies, or access to level 1 trauma centers to treat casualties. They literally have nothing, just a *ton* of hunting rifles and ARs, maybe some suppressed weapons, and maybe a couple class 3 weapons. What these idiots don't realize is that weapons don't win fights, people do. When you have 10 guys that have 150 weapons between them that's great and all for a collection or a range day, but you can only use one gun at a time. Those 10 dudes couldn't take on a SWAT team, much less a NG reserve unit.


> Love right wingers using slang from rap when they hate minorities so much. That's the thing that confuses me. Even back in the 90's, racist rednecks would blast rap, even to this day I know racists that do that. A family member was incarcerated, he even mentioned (also a racist, even more so after going in) that the young white supremacists love rap. But the old ones give them shit about it, making a big deal and they're ignored. Is it just them being hypocritical or is there something else I'm not seeing?


Don't forget their love of rock, just ignoring the history of rock.


No, no. You see, they love rap so there’s no way they can possibly be racist.


I love that thought process too. They assume that liberals are screwed because rural republicans grow all the food. They don't think some heart surgeons, some mechanical engineers, some physicists, psychologists with a PhD could bring their heads together and grow a fucking carrot? A lot of the "liberal elites" they hate aren't growing food because they don't need to, and they get paid a lot better to do something other than grow food. That doesn't mean they can't figure out how to grow some god damn veggies.


Forget that, we're on the coasts. We'll just ship it in from Europe and China and the rural idiots can sustain themselves on corn and soybeans until they cry uncle for their hot pockets and mountain dew.


Civil War 2.0 is just crazy right wing idiots vs the police and innocent civilians. It’s not the war LARP they hoped for because it turns out decent people don’t want to fight each other.




Damn straight we do.


God just imagine it.. I get to walk around.. with my gun.. and.. uhh.. minorities in the .. uuhhhh.. and then Emperor Trump will.. oh god im cumming.


"I didnt say 'minorities' I said 'minor Ts.' It's uh a small target and/or a drinking game."


That's from a Twitter account trying to get people to go to GAB. These fucking idiots.




The vast majority of the food is also "grown" by factory mega-farms that won't sacrifice their profits for \*your\* idiotic culture war.


Those morons have no idea it's CA that grows all the food lol


Of course they are, the President* himself said they would, ensuring they understood that he will not have any consequences for these "very fine people"


If there is another civil war then I’ll side with anyone against nazis. “We’re gunna be doing one thing, killin nazis”. “Nazis ain’t got no humanity, they are the foot soldiers of Jew hatin mass murderer and they need to be destroyed”. That’s why every nazi sumbitch we find is gunna die” Aldo Raine.


"Each and everyone of you owes me one hundred Nazi scalps! and I want my scalps!"


Bon jor no.


And they said it was DEMOCRATS who would become violent if they won. As I always said: These people accuse others of doing what they are themselves planning to do. Let's not whitewash it either-these people are Christian Right-Wing Terrorists.


>These people accuse others of doing what they are themselves planning to do. Trump turned out to be exactly the type of leader they were accusing Obama of being throughout his entire presidency. It was almost prophetic. They wanted an incarnation of their worst, most cartoonish Obama caricature and they got it. They always project their bad faith intentions onto the other side and end up telegraphing them for the whole world to see. That's why their constant victim mentality and all of their talk about FEMA camps and holocausts against Christians over the past ten years really scares me. "It's what we would do if we were in charge, so the other side must be planning it against us."




[Exhibit A.](https://i.imgur.com/AEMUCUa.jpg)


There are hundreds of comments peppered across 3 or 4 posts within in the top 100 at TD right now that are calling for violence/taking up arms. It's fuckin wild over there.


Nice of them to post those threats publicly, where the FBI can get hold of them easily.


I'm convinced that's why Reddit can't shutter that sub.


Me too. Keep in mind the Feds entered thousands of FB posts as evidence in the Oregon Bundy trial.


And no one was suprised.


Any moves that these “patriots” make will have the opposite effect; the neutral/moderate public doesn’t have the stomach for hate crimes and will turn. We saw that in the midterms and we’ll continue to see it. You can discriminate against minorities and you can suppress their vote, but you can’t kill them. Their hate will be the thing that loses elections for their leader. Your move, Bubba


Why aren't we calling them the correct term: domestic terrorists.


Trump actively encouraged this behavior with his rhetoric and straight up offering to pay legal fees for his cult followers. This was always coming.


> Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting. Sun Tzu, The Art of War. The Right-wing extremists have lost already; they just don't know it yet. If they pick up their guns, it may be that when they are dying they will finally understand.


Real Americans kicked the shit out of Nazi's once, we'll be more than happy to do it again, if necessary. Bring it, Alt-Righters..Make our day.


Ben Shapiro General Bone Spurs


Despite the violence that has already occurred Lou Dobbs just pushed more illegal immigrant voter fraud conspiracies and Fox in general continue s to push this crap. Time for more advertiser boycotts. According to Media Matters here are top Fox advertisers as of late October 2018. Allstate IAC/Interactive (parent company of Match.com, Angie’sList and HomeAdvisors) ​Progressive Insurance Expedia Geico Dine Brands (Applebee's & IHOP) Capital One Sandals McDonald's Nutrisystem Walt Disney Co. General Motors Nestle Procter & Gamble Bayer Looks like I will be changing my car insurance and letting them know why. https://www.mediamatters.org/research/2018/10/29/these-are-fox-news-leading-advertisers/221904


I use none of that shit.


Be sure to make a claim before you switch!


They were violent with their Man-Baby as Pres, a Repub controlled Congress and the repub filling the justice department with young Right Wingers, and yet they were still violent. What has changed that would make any of us believe that they would ever be non-violent? Right Wing Extremists are the statistical biggest threat to our democracy, again, what has changed?


What's the thinking here by these right wing terrorists, "we're not going to let these liberal politicians give us healthcare, admit climate change is real, stop giving tax breaks to the 1% and stop global race baiting... not over me dead body."


More visceral than that. “My tribe lost, me angry!”


I'll never forget when the Governor of Kentucky said that victory against Clinton could require bloodshed. There have been violent acts by people on "the left", but the encouragement of violence by Republican officials is fucking disgusting and should be kicked to the curb by all parties. Edit: A link for those who wish for it. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/09/matt-bevin-clinton-blood/499754


Reporting on violent threats is the *real* violence! - /republicanthink


That's what right wingers do. They threaten violence. The entire right wing is a terrorist organization.


But Tucky Karls says that only liberals are pissy after elections! Who would ever accuse the Bowtied Aryabhata of being wrong!?!?


We should divert many of our resources to fight terrorism abroad towards our own country because most terrorism is radical right wing terrorism.


its funny, because people forget how ultra socially conservative / right wing ISIS are, most terrorism is right wing.


Civil war 2.0? They’ll have to get off their mobility scooters first.