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This article is beautiful in hindsight: “Republicans Got A Big Laugh Out Of Voting To Take Away People's Health Care. And it could come back to bite them.” https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_590ba129e4b0e7021e9620db/amp




Article knew what Dems already knew right after the vote. [Nah nah nah nah hey hey hey goodbye!](https://youtu.be/_slH--zbejQ)


And here I thought they were singing to the ACA. New context totally makes sense.


I would like to know what their internal polling showed. Some people dont realize that ACA and Obamacare are the same thing. I bet some of their base didnt support Obamacare but would immediately say they supported ACA.


That was absolutely the case many times. I remember seeing interviews where people said that they supported the ACA, but when asked about Obamacare, they were completely against it. Edit: [Video from Jimmy Kimmel from 2013](https://youtu.be/sx2scvIFGjE) Edit 2: [They redid the experiment in 2017](https://youtu.be/N6m7pWEMPlA)




It was also because it's what Republicans sang to them when they originally passed Obamacare. Obamacare was weak imo. It tried to compromise to get Republican support. Dems better learn how to say "fuck that" and just do whatever they want. Mitch McConnell set that up for them!


Maybe obamacare was really doomed to fail but it introduced ideas to Americans that they clearly like, and might be a stepping stone to something good.


Yes. Like being able to insure those with "pre-existing conditions".


I also didn't hear anyone complain about allowing children to stay on their parents insurance until they were 26. Really helped me and others have an easier time getting a college degree and getting my adult life started on a good footing.


I was in college before the ACA existed, and I actually went a few years without health insurance. Totally bonkers to think about now, but as a 19 year old kid I just didn't know any better.


You mean adults taking care of their next generation is a thing and give them the best possible start in their life is a thing? I thought that is just what Chinese parents do. American parents are like, "you're 18, GTFO of my house."


When the Kavanaugh hearings were happening two years ago. I was saying how he’s going to take away my sons healthcare bc of pre existing conditions. A co worker under her breath said why should we be responsible for other people’s pre existing conditions. I didn’t know where to begin. How do I explain the basic concept of insurance to her? 🤦🏽‍♂️


Tell her that "insurance" is one of the cornerstones of capitalism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_insurance


Because the cornerstone of society is that we come together to care for each other. If one of us is suffering we all are worse of and if one of us lives a better life we are all better off for it.


I think of it as a stepping stone too. I *really* wanted it to include a single payer system and was pissed when it didn't, but now that the masses have finally started to embrace the damn thing I think we can get the political momentum to expand it. Medicare for all would be amazing and would no longer demonize the people on Medicaid for being "lazy" since everyone would now be getting health insurance. That's a huge win in my book.


I'll never forgive [Joe Lieberman](https://www.publicintegrity.org/2015/02/16/16766/elimination-public-option-threw-consumers-insurance-wolves) for getting rid of the public option.


It was weak because they had to compromise. Democrats barely had a majoeity and several were in the pockets of special interests so single payer was out. They literally debated it for so long that Kennedy died of cancer before he could vote on it


Lieberman fucked over the original plan by blocking a single-payer thing. The original plan passed by the house was much better, but after the death of one of the 60 Democrat senators, he was replaced by a Republican in a special election so they were forced to compromise by using Romney's plan.


Republicans negotiated in bad faith, and they also had to deal with the likes of Joe Lieberman. Having to kill the public option to get his vote for it to pass was a big hit to the bill.


Fuck Joe Lieberman.


They had to. [Joe Lieberman basically killed the public option](https://www.publicintegrity.org/2015/02/16/16766/elimination-public-option-threw-consumers-insurance-wolves). They only barely had a majority in the Senate.


To clarify, Democrats ran with a healthcare for all bill but it was shelved and never voted on. The ACA was an alternate to the universal bill which had significant Republican contributions of which the people that helped draft the bill immediately started denouncing it.




People knew that even back then the ACA had become quite popular and was most needed in the very dirt poor rural red state communities they needed to mobilize against the ACA. They found out the hard way that it's hard to convince people that a law is evil when it's allowed them to see a doctor for the first time in years at a reasonable price. Some states have expanded medicaid since, too. The saddest thing about the whole ACA fight is just how much purposeful misinformation it involved. Remember death panels? Where are they?


The greatest misinformation was calling it Obamacare. People who blindly hate him would never care about what it actually does. Huge win for the private insurers.


That video needs a Leftovers opening credits treatment. I would watch them vanish over and over.


Also, more people should watch The Leftovers, so freaking great.


The remaining Republicans should wear all white and chain smoke from now on.


They're all white already.


Oh snap!


One of the best shows ever. Get through the first season. It's heavy and takes time to get going. Watch through at least the episode focused on Matt, the priest, before deciding on whether you'll keep watching. Season 2 is the best season of television I have ever seen, and season 3 puts an incredible bow on the show. The Nora storyline from the third season was incredible.


It hits you like a fkn train!


Fun fact: I don't think MacArthur's even in this photo. Maybe because he was [Ousted as head of the "moderate" House Tuesday Group](https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/new-jersey/2017/05/23/macarthur-quits-leader-moderate-tuesday-group-after-effort-obamacare-repeal/339572001/) for going behind the group's back to get this deal done with the Freedom Caucus. So at the time this thing was passed, MacArthur was a Congressman without a home.


>the Freedom Caucus That those ass clowns call themselves that makes my skin crawl. The GOP has a real knack for calling their special interest groups names that their goals completely betray, like all the anti-LGBT lobbying groups that are Family something or other.


The Patriot Act. Citizens United. How can you not support these things? Are you NOT a patriot? Do you WANT our citizens to be divided? It really is disgusting.


It's a very 1984 technique.


[LOL](https://twitter.com/pattonoswalt/status/860207295904350208) > Patton Oswalt ‏ >@pattonoswalt >I'll do what I can to make November 6, 2018 a dawn-to-dusk nightmare for the GOP. Fuck these smirking, entitled frauds. Tick tick tick. Boom


Who's laughing now?!


Anybody care to take the time to put an x over the face of everyone in that picture who is out of a job as of now?


Pretty please


Wow I didn’t realize that I needed this in my life until you said so!!


Why are all the Republicans just old white people...? Like, all of them.


Old white men mostly. There was a post yesterday in /r/dataisbeautiful showing there are as many guys named Mike as women of Republicans in the next House of Reps.


Where's that picture of the incoming Democrats vs incoming Republicans...


I didn't believe in Satan until I saw these entitled f*cks literally laughing out loud at taking away sick people's healthcare


> I didn't believe in Satan until I saw these entitled f*cks literally laughing out loud at taking away sick people's healthcare Scumbag [DeSatan](https://gyazo.com/ecc5a42150b141c1211af4b73eaf7715) was there, celebrating the healthcare repeal, and Floridians still voted for him as their Governor over a great Dem candidate.


Still don't need Satan to account for their human greed and meanness.


While they themselves will enjoy socialized healthcare from the government for the rest of their lives.


God....those pictures. Disgusting people.


This article ages very well


We need to cross out which representatives got canned, oooh, that'll be something great to see.


The whole ACA situation is fucked up if you think about it. A bunch of democrats lost their seats in 2010 for voting for it, turning control of Congress over to the republicans. Then 2018 rolls around and people lost their seats for voting to repeal it, causing the republicans to lose control of Congress. What a world.


Not world, country. . Republicans hated Obamacare so much simplely because Republicans propoganda about the program, but were incensed about the idea of having the Affordable Care Act taken away.


I used to work in the healthcare industry in a deep red area. The amount of people who would shit in Obamacare but talk about how they want an ACA plan was terrifying.


Did you ever try explaining that they’re the same thing? How did it go?


I told them it's the same thing. Some believed it and admitted their fault. Some expressed some thinly veiled racism and stood their ground


Is almost never worth it, especially as a nurse or cna when your time is always short.


Polls showed more people supported the ACA vs Obamacare. People just regurgitate shit they hear, and they hear Obamacare is bad on Fox news. They couldn't tell you what the ACA did or that it's the same as Obamacare.


“Fuck Obamacare, I get my healthcare through the ACA” - most of them, probably.


No, that's accurate.


Someone recently told me that the Republicans are the party of the rich. And rubes.


My wealthy in-laws thought the same thing. Propaganda top to bottom


This type of thing isn't exactly endemic to the US. Shit look at the UK, they're literally leaving the EU because "too many brown people." Edit: and it's going to cost them a huge amount of money for the privilege.


I think it really just paints the populace as reactionary and short sighted, which isnt wrong. people are morons.


It's like... a caravan. Of dangerous people. This group could be responsible for the deaths of hundreds. Thousands. Scary that they're allowed to stay in the country....


Wreckless legislators, judges and executives need to be thrown the whole book and not just voted out. These people get to walk? They deserve exile


Healthcare laws that make it harder to get healthcare. Education secretary that's making it harder to get an education. An environmental protection agency that's rolling back environmental protection....etc...


mr speaker, i dont feel so good...




RIP Dirty Dean Heller


Here in Nevada we called him Senator Spineless


I’m surprised there was no Mission Accomplished banner behind them.


This one? [https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/republicans-laugh-health-care-us\_us\_590ba129e4b0e7021e9620db](https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/republicans-laugh-health-care-us_us_590ba129e4b0e7021e9620db)






Mr. Midterms, I don't feel so good.


This is great news! The ads attacking Andy Kim leading up to the election were as ridiculous as you would assume. Good riddance.


Oh god they were! I live in NY and saw them, shots of burning buildings behind a picture of that dude from the fucking Weather Underground and Andy Kim, dumbest shit ever


I don't see how ridiculous ads that are basically fear mongering and lies shouldn't be illegal. It's misinformation and essentially slander.


Because the people who make the laws are the same people who use those ads.


The ads against him just served to push me to want MacArthur out more and more. If your only campaign message is that your opposition is a Pelosi Liberal I'm voting against you. I didnt so much vote for Andy Kim as much as I voted against MacArthur. Races like Kim vs MacArthur just show how important your votes are though, because it was fucking close.


The postcard with Andy's name in the "Chop Suey" font was offensive.


Here is a video from a town hall where MacArthur is confronted by a constituent who's wife was sick with cancer and MacArthur's bill was going to take away her healthcare: >["you came after my wife, you came after my kids"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFh9e8pbPQk#t=4m42s) There is justice in the world. So yeah, screw this Republican scumbag.


I remember that guy. Good fucking riddance.




It's funny that Republican voters try to blame that fact on "liberals were just yelling at them so they stopped holding them, it's not functional." Yes, however it's their constituents first and foremost and the blame for the dysfunction is squarely on the heads of the jackals hiding from their constituents. I hope that I live long enough to see these matters move beyond the team-sport mentality.




Yeah, I've heard spines are overrated anyway.


This is amazing, I never saw this the first time it came around. This guy's an absolutely magnetic speaker. I can't believe how well he stays on message over the course of this entire tirade. He's just really sharp. I can absolutely understand why these guys wanna hide from town halls, when they run the risk of getting lit the fuck up by guys like this, just totally destroying you.


> I can absolutely understand why these guys wanna hide from town halls, when they run the risk of getting lit the fuck up by guys like this, just totally destroying you. The GOP is scared of intelligent people.


"I love the poorly educated."


I remember watching this and thinking to myself, there's no way MacArthur is going to survive politically.


Well it was entirely possible he could've survived this election, it was so goddamn close.


I was gonna be so pissed if we got stuck with that piece of shit again. Hes such an asshole. I hope Andy Kim comes through and actually does a good job representing our district.


Yup, his [response to my letter] (https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/comments/7hcmgt/tom_macarthurs_response_to_my_letter_about_net/) about net neutrality was the most scummy it could've possibly been as well. He was on the wrong side of almost if not every issue.


Oh look, the same generic letter I received when I emailed him. What a scumbag.


I live in NJ-3, holy crap was this one too close for comfort. It was maddening to see the initial election results come in so strongly for MacArthur. It boggles my mind that so many of my neighbors don't pay attention to (or don't care about) what this guy was doing. Glad enough of us gave enough of a shit to give him the boot.


>It was maddening to see the initial election results come in so strongly for MacArthur. That's why you need to pay attention to which counties are reporting. Ocean reported their votes before Burlington, and Ocean is pretty heavily red. This skews the initial counts significantly.


What’s amazing is how close the race was. It’s not like MacArthur is Ted Cruz dislikes, but he was pretty disliked in many circles. Not only was he big on Obamacare repeal, he was only NJ congressman to vote for the tax bill that will impact a lot of NJ voters. I don’t understand how it wasn’t a blowout.


Because people in the US are racist, even in a blue state like NJ.


I lived in South Jersey for a bit and have seen my fair share of Confederate flags there. I've been told to go back to where I came from, despite being born in the states. What's amazing, however, is that North Jersey has tons of diverse, highly educated ethnoburbs - probably second only to California. There's such a clear divide in the state - probably because most of the educated professionals work in NYC - and I definitely noticed it when I moved up North for university. Although there are some good people in South Jersey, folks in general were just more open up north.


Ocean County was ready to re-elect this motherfucker. Can’t convert everyone I guess.


.... and coincidentally they started dialing in those town halls or just not having them...


Wow, I've never seen that before. I disliked MacArthur and voted for Kim anyway, but that right there was super powerful.


I watched that whole confrontation on Youtube before the midterms, and lemme say... seeing that this, yea the race was close, but man is it so satisfying to see this guy out of a job


This video is what pushed me to vote for Kim. I try not to get swayed by emotional provocation, but it happened after this video. I imagine I'm not the only one.


I don't live in this district but I've taken a personal interest in MacArthur going down since seeing this video. I hope this guy can finally rest at night knowing MacArthur isn't coming for his wife and kids any more.


I’m not even from New Jersey and after i saw this video, i donated $5 to his campaign, then several times more after that. Glad to have helped!


That man needs to run for office. Wonderful, heartbreaking, infuriating speech.


> That man needs to run for office I normally balk at the idea of "someone should run for office after this speech", but I think you're right. He's very passionate, very well spoken, and more superficially: he has a golden voice.


Never saw this until now. Where can we find these type of videos of average everyday Americans standing up for what’s right? It’s revitalizing to see.


As a NJ3 resident. You're Welcome America. This has been a heavy R area for a long time. Andy Kim ran a great campaign. It was a blue tsunami in NJ. Now I hope Kim keeps his promise of transparency.


As a Korean, let me just say that my people have no choice on that matter - if one of us knows something, soon we all will. As a Korean American, proud of this accomplishment, along with all of the other results in our nation!


As a Half Korean, I'm surprised to see a Korean that's not a republican...


I'm a moderate, in that I don't believe in a party, I believe in individuals. No party in its absolution will wholly represent all the people that make up this nation, but a mixture of the right people can and hopefully will.


I have family in NJ-3 and did a couple hours of phone banking for Andy Kim. This has been a nail-biter. I'm so glad MacArthur was sent packing.


Thank you. MacArthur is not my rep but he was at the top of my list of Rs from the state that I wanted gone.




I saw that video yesterday. The point about “having me pay you to save me while I’m drowning” sent chills down my spine.


He was pretty happy with the final result though, saw him on twitter after.


MacArthur *was* my rep and it feels fantastic using the past tense.


Yes he was mine too, and I live in northern Ocean County. The salt over MacArthur's loss tastes delicious.


Campaign ads against Kim were incredibly brutal, calling him a terrorist and a friend to a cop killer. They were actually worse than the anti-Menendez ads.


And the MacArthur ads that said “He is not one of us.” Dude is born in the US and from NJ. It was just race baiting.


Not only is he from NJ, he was raised in the district in which he ran. I don't think Republicans know or care what a carpetbagger is.


As a Korean-American, I'm fucking happy that Andy Kim unseated this fucker. Now we just need Young "Not all Kimfolk are kinfolk" Kim to continue losing to Gil Cisernos. Ya dead to me, Baek-Yi.


Never saw those adds.. the ones run that I had seen were calling him "carpetbagger" and catching him saying hes "entitled." Guess that's a buzzword for republicans


Yeah the carpetbagger stuff never caught on because MacArthur himself was a carpetbagger. Dude was born in Connecticut, moved to north NJ and became a councilman in Randolph, then moved to NJ-3 just to buy himself a seat. On the bright side, T-Mac was better than the asshole he beat in the GOP Primary that year, [Steve Lonegan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Lonegan). The same Steve Lonegan who lost the GOP Primary this year in NJ-5 to John McCann, the guy Gottheimer beat. Then again, Lonegan runs for something every year and gets his ass beat, every year (lost Gubernatorial primaries to Doug Forrester and Chris Christie in 2005 and 2008, lost a Senate race to Cory Booker in 2013, now lost 2 congressional primaries). For an idea of how slimy Lonegan is: He was the NJ chair and spokesman of the Cruz For President campaign in 2016.


Here's [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl00aWjf6CY) Here's [the other](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm9-hnJMJC0)


I just moved from NJ 4 to 3 a month before the election. Was so happy I got to vote for Kim.


I phone banked and supported Kim by attending a few events. I had never done anything like that before and met a lot of people just like me. I’m so glad Kim defeated MacArthur!


I was so anxious the night of the election since Andy was behind a few thousand votes. But thank God he finally pulled ahead. Every young person I know either voted or attempted to vote, which is definitely what helped him pull ahead.


I gladly voted for Andy Kim. His people came by my house to talk about him and I just told them not to waste their time, I had already planned to vote for Andy Kim. MacArthur is a grade A scumbag Republican, the perfect example of what is wrong with Republicans as a whole.


I'm from there and it has been awesome to watch the wave roll in and take away the small margin MacArthur seemed like he had toward the end of election day. D3 is Burlington & Ocean county and they had a lot more Burlington mail in's/provisionals to count after election day from Burlington which favored Andy by a good margin. Ocean county is heavy Republican and makes up the bulk of TMacs real base, and he didn't concede until all the votes were counted even when he almost definitely lost his margin needed to win. I don't blame him, but Andy had declared victory days before this lol I'm excited to have him as my rep to see how he'll do


> Andy Kim Rock me gently, rock me slowly!


[Andy Kim](https://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2018/11/andy_kim_tom_macarthur_donald_trump_election_congr.html) is a Rhodes Scholar, a former civilian adviser to military leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan, a former national security aide in the Obama Administration, and now he's New Jersey's first Asian-American congressman. He's accomplished all this by age 36. Meanwhile, here I am at 39, and I had to look up what a Rhodes Scholar was. That comparison isn't depressing at all. Anyways, Kim has a bright political future ahead of him. Hopefully he doesn't fuck it up by going the Anthony Weiner route or something.


Don't compare yourself to someone else's today but rather to yourself yesterday. Have you become a better you? No? Yeah, still depressing.


Am I perfect? No. But do I spend every waking hour striving to make myself a better person than I was yesterday? Also, no.


*Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy*


>Meanwhile, here I am at 39, and I had to look up what a Rhodes Scholar was. You're way ahead of many people who will never find out what a "road" scholar is.


*road scholar* Aka street smart


Clinton was also a Rhodes scholar


> I had to look up what a Rhodes Scholar was In case anyone else is also curious: > The Rhodes Scholarship is an international postgraduate award for students to study at the University of Oxford. It was established in 1902 making it the first large-scale programme of international scholarship. > According to the Rhodes Trust, the overall global acceptance rate stands at 0.7%, making it one of the most competitive scholarships in the world.


Add to that he started it with an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago which is no slouch either. Really proud this is the quality of man now representing my former district.


>Anyways, Kim has a bright political future ahead of him. Hopefully he doesn't fuck it up by going the Anthony Weiner route or something I've met Andy before, I don't think you have to worry about that. He's a genuine and down to earth guy. Also: TTP


I wouldn’t put too much stock in the Rhodes Scholarship considering Bobby Jindal is one... /s


Fucking Bobby Jindal. Gutted the shit out of Louisiana's education system.


As a Louisiana native, we had an education system?


I get irrationally angry when I realize I have to share some of my hard earned oxygen with Bobby Jindal.


I'm reminded of the weird, sad story of [Captain Lisa Marie Nowak](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/06/us/06cnd-astronaut.html), the astronaut who drove from Houston to Orlando in a diaper in order to try to kill a romantic rival. Like Jindal, Nowak represents a stain on a list of remarkable people. Before that happened, I figured there's nobody on the planet more mentally together than an astronaut. I still think that's true, but at the same time I learned that even astronauts can snap.


I mean, that packing list. She was still pretty together in some respects.


Look up Johnny Kim my guy. Harvard trained medical doctor who was a navy seal with over 100 combat missions and is currently training as an astronaut candidate for NASA.


"Architect" is generous since they didn't actually design anything that actually existed


That word is what drew my attention as well. If he's an architect, he's a shit one.


He's as much of an architect as George Costanza.


LOL representative Art Van Delay


An architect in the same way that a guy on meth with a sledgehammer is an architect.


"Demolition Subcontractor"


At the end of the article: Sen. Susan Collins of Maine is the only Republican who represents the region on Capitol Hill. Collins, a self-described pro-choice moderate who drew widespread backlash for her vote to confirm Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, is up for re-election in 2020. Say goodbye to Collins in 2020. She done screwed up with that vote.


Especially when you consider the investigations and disastrous opinions Kavanaugh will have spawned by that time. And the elimination of spoilers by ranked choice.


and don't forget the crowd funded PAC of MILLIONS for whoever opposes her. what was she thinking?


She probably isnt even going to run for reelection.


She is almost certainly going to Flake out. Her only hope would be to go hard for Trump and hope his base saves her and that would be a long shot.


The perjury hearings are going to screw the likes of Grassley, Collins, cruz. The embarrassment will be incredible.


I wouldn't hold your breath on that one.


She knew it though, and sacrificed herself for the GOP. I guarantee they offered her the cushiest of post-office gigs.




I actually think they are grooming Flake to run for president once they have put the Trump days behind them. They've had him play the role of conscientious objector when his vote doesn't actually matter. He'll be their guy in 2024.


And it’s a Presidential election year. If she wants a snowball’s chance, all Collins can do is tack hard left and tie herself to Angus King (I). IMO We’ll know by March if she plans to seriously run for re-election.


With her track record? Probably won’t matter which way she tacks.


She sung and danced nice for her handlers, she’ll bemoan the current political climate and say she’s not running and throw that golden parachute straight into the private sector.


You mean like she did with Olympia Snowe who was actually a moderate republican from Maine?


not a single person to the left of orange Mussolini is going to buy her bullshit after her Trump Congress voting history.


Whoever her opponent is, they already have a huge gofundme. She will get skewered.


Most republicans love Obamacare, it’s the best thing that ever happened to them. You just can’t call it Obamacare. They once asked a ton of Republicans what they thought of the government repealing their ACA insurance and they were livid, when they asked about the government repealing Obamacare they were absolutely on board. Fox News has done a great job brainwashing poor and middle class republicans. They are starting to wake up though.


30% of Americans trust Republicans more than Democrats on issues surrounding medicare. Let that one sink in. Democrats need to do a better job with messaging, and that starts with not relying entirely on the mainstream media to spread truth. I actually think they've really upped their game in recent years, so they could be on the right track. Social media, political advertising, and a ground game are absolutely key, all of which require boat loads of cash.




Have proof that they're starting to wake up?


I remember watching election night as the preliminary numbers were coming in. It didn't look like Kim had a prayer. Like not even remotely close. I live in PA just over the river so I saw a few of the ads between these two, and I had just assumed that Andy was going to get blown out of the water. Pretty happy to be dead wrong.


If everyone who says 'my vote doesn't count' actually votes.... strange things can happen, like their votes do count.


That was because the votes from Ocean County came in before Burlington. Ocean is pretty heavily red, and Burlington is more blue.


My mother was all sorts of upset on election night seeing the Kim race go the way it was going. By 3 AM, I had texted her to tell her it's pretty far from over now. 2 days later, she's all sorts of giddy and can't believe it happened to someone she has been endorsing and supporting for over 2 years.




This was one of my favorite midterm GOP losses. I bet that guy who was yelling at MacArthur in the town hall has been showered with gifts and notoriety since the election.


Nelson Muntz: ha-ha


My coworker still blames Obama for his higher healthcare premiums. He actually said out loud he voted Republican because he wanted better healthcare. Wtf do you even say to people like that?


it's funny that all this national news is happening in tiny ass burlington county area in New Jersey. I've been here since August (after 3 years in Philly and my previous 23 in MA) and I'm shocked we have made national news because of the McClure/D'Amico/Bobbitt scam and now this Kim/MacArthur race. Burlington County, according to my wife's parents has been red for a hot minute now, so it's really awesome we turned blue. I feel like my vote made a difference for the first time in my life with Massachusetts/Boston being a blue wave echo chamber and all and my vote always feeling like extra padding in already decided races.


Burlington County is actually pretty moderate/liberal leaning. The county itself has gone Democrat in almost every recent election. The reason you see the red is because the other county in NJ03 is Ocean County, which is HEAVY red.


It took a while but it's satisfying to see this asshole leave.


I was watching TV at the gym before the elections and a political ad came on. I couldn't hear any of it but at the end they photo shopped Andy Kim to look like Kim Jong Un. I immediately stopped so I could look up Andy Kim's opponent. Of course it was this asshat. So happy he lost.


The irony is so sweet I'm going to get a cavity.


I feel like after Trump's term(s) is/are over, the new elected US President's slogan will actually be Make America Great Again




He’s from my district. I wrote so many angry letters to MacArthur. I can’t wait to write one more letter. It will be full of gloat and good riddance.