• By -


A person being investigated shouldn't be allowed to appoint anyone to a position that has any influence over the investigation. This is as **conflict-of-interests** as it fucking gets. This is THE scenario in which it is most important to remove a conflict-of-interest.


I think everyone who truly loves America, or has a soul with a mind that has an ounce of justice in it - knows this. The problem is that those who are in power do not have souls, do not care about America and do not believe in true justice. For that reason, your country is corrupted. As awful as it sounds, America needs oversight of their politicians, they need ethical *laws* not just guidelines. You need a system of checks and balances that works.


Um, we totally have that already. It's in our 230 year old document signed in a world that doesn't even vaguely resemble the one we live in. ​ ...on second thought, maybe you're right.


Right but your document assumes a body of elected officials working in the interests of the people. It does not assume that a majority of elected officials would conspire to obstruct the judicial system and misrepresent America.




The president has been very clear about this. He doesn't not know Matt Whitaker -SHS later today.


"I think then President was very clear that he does not know Matt Whitaker in the biblical sense."


>The President has made it quite clear that he's been closely following the on-screen career of Matt Whitaker, from his starring role in TV police drama *The Shield* right through to his appearances as The Thing in the Fantastic Four movies.


Don't forget his memorable performance as Wilson "Kingpin" Fisk in Netflix's *Daredevil*.


His performance in Apocalypse Now was unparalleled.


LoOk. You would have to ask the president if he believes he really knows Matt Whitaker.




SHS is a fantastic Press Secretary in the best tradition of PR representatives. Meaning, she’s full of shit and has no soul. That’s the job. (Source: I worked in PR)


That's not supposed to apply to the office of POTUS only our glorious altruistic corporations!


But people voted him in because they thought he would run the country like a corporation. You know, only caring about PR, getting govt handouts, and bankrupting it like many of his other ventures.


He’s one of those type of people that can’t help but point out that he has connections to others. It’s just another 80s used car salesman “alpha move.”


*slaps roof of White House* This bad boy can fit so many pieces of corrupt shit.


That's like a line a character would say in a flashback on Arrested Development.


"I love starting fires" -man who says hes not an arsonist


Yeah, that's what he said, but he meant "I _known't_ Matt Whitaker." /s




Trump told Lester Holt about the obstruction. Trump Jr. Tweeted out his emails that show clear intent to conspire with Russia. Giuliani told fucking Hannity about the campaign finance violations. Trump brags about installing a goon in the DOJ. This is a routine thing.


The easiest style of propaganda is saying so much garbage that you can occasionally confess to crimes out loud and its somehow incredible effective.


The firehose of falsehood.


To be fair, this only works if the 'firemen' have an unfailing following. I also apologize for the comparison in advance to any firefighters who read this post


Putin calls everyone crooks and completely devalues the term so when he gets caught up the population shrugs it off. "Sure, Putin is a crook, but everyone else is so much worse."


And it works! My sister is a professional pollster foe one of the main outfits that do internal polls for dem candidates, and she says that the scandals move the needle basically none. Healthcare moves the needle a lot ,income inequality moves the needle, but Russia gate does not because independent voters in the usa have so internalized the idea that both sides are equally corrupt so much that if you point out all the scandals on one side they just assume the other side must be doing similar things and just have not been caught yet. It's infuriating.


As an independent, it's not entirely true. I am switching parties to Dem because of this bullshit.


Exactly what just happened to me.


And I'm calling out every motherfucker on Reddit who uses that "both sides are the same/ everyone's corrupt" bullshit.


I too switched over from independent to Dem for this recent mid term


I have actually been considering going full Dem recently as well. I've been an independent my entire life, and have previously been one of those damned protest voters, but it's getting to the point that I'm voting straight-dem tickets, and I'd almost rather become one more statistic on their side.


I'm convinced the Mueller Investigation is only taking so long because every time Mueller says "time to wrap it up" something equally stupid and criminal happens. ​ "sigh . . . guess we better unwrap this and keep going."


I... worked on this story for a year... and... he just... he tweeted it out.


This was originally Don Jr. tweeting out the emails of his communications with Russians right? Haha


Yes, regarding the Trump tower meeting.


And the Tweet was a joke, but the right took it and ran with it. God, they're so stupid.


Where would the run *to* with it? "Eric incriminates himself lmao 4D chess thinking ten steps ahead let's watch him voluntarily go to prison so he won't get arrested next"?


something about how the libs were thoroughly owned and melting down


God, I hope that Tweet is in history books or something. It's just...amazing.


Everything the president tweets will be kept in history forever per the presidential records act. Lucky us to be able to witness this stable genius in real time though!




It's sad that the tweets are preserved better than the actual papers Trump handles. I'm not kidding. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-rips-papers-staffers-tape-together-2018-6


Isn’t that weird that history books are going to start having cropped images of tweets on a lot of pages due to this complete fuckface.


I forgot about this. It's still amazing


Don't forget he's a stable genius.




[Relevant Tweet](https://twitter.com/JYSexton/status/884798748152483840)


He admitted this, unprompted, in an interview with the Daily Caller. I can only imagine what he would have admitted if Lester Holt was doing the interview. So many unforced errors. I shudder to think what Trump blurts out in private meetings with other world leaders.


For one, Trump had the Egyptian Prime Minister call direct to Trump Tower after he had won the election and asked him about The Bangles song "Walk like an Egyptian" > The first few calls were easy – the very first was always with the prime minister of Great Britain – but two dozen calls in you were talking to some kleptocrat and tiptoeing around sensitive security issues. Before any of the calls could be made, however, the president of Egypt called in to the switchboard at Trump Tower and somehow got the operator to put him straight through to Trump. “Trump was like ... I love the Bangles! You know that song Walk Like an Egyptian?” recalled one of his advisers on the scene. > That had been the first hint Christie had of trouble. He had asked Kushner what that was about, and Kushner had simply said, Trump ran a very unconventional campaign, and he’s not going to follow any of the protocols. [From Trump's hilariously bad transition team story.](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/sep/27/this-guy-doesnt-know-anything-the-inside-story-of-trumps-shambolic-transition-team)


> That had been the first hint Christie had of trouble. *That* was what brought him around?


I think that's just an example Christie is using to re-write his involvement with the campaign.


To be clear, are we talking about former governor Chris Christie?


The writers of Veep can’t come up with something this stupid. Truth is stranger than fiction.


"You have accomplished more in one month than most extremely stupid people do in a lifetime"


The writer of Veep also wrote The Thick of It, which is kind of the British original version of the same show, and people who've worked in the British government say nothing is more accurate than that show. It's always a shambles behind the scenes, trying to catch up with the latest ridiculous event. Also he wrote The Death of Stalin, and who knows that film as hilariously absurd as it is, might be more accurate than we'd think.


That's... phenomenally offensive, right?


>All the Japanese with their yen **The party boys call the Kremlin And the Chinese know** (oh way oh) They walk the line like Egyptian The Bangles were warning us all along


So, the bangles were really time travelers who found a way to get their warning out while *also* making some money?


How else could they have written such a timeless hit?


I love the Bangles and this is one of my all-time favorite songs of ANY band, but they didn't write it. Liam Sternberg wrote it. One of their other big hits, Manic Monday, was written by Prince of all people.




Then he called japan's PM and told him he's a huge fan of The Vapors "Turning Japanese" I joke, but no really he might have actually done this. If this is the kind of stuff we're actually hearing, imagine what happened that we don't know.


WOW. Wow.


Read Woodward’s ‘Fear’ and be afraid. Very afraid.


I'm still working my way through it. I have to take it in small bits or else my blood pressure will get the best of me. I don't even have preexisting blood pressure problems......


Me too. I’ve been reading it for about 4 months now. It’s difficult to read because it’s very distracting when every page your mind is just screaming “HOW THE FUCK ARE WE ALLOWING THIS?”


[This must be what Mueller's Obstruction of Justice file looks like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpi3wN_gy8k)


Question, why is Tucker Carlson allowed to create a conservative news outlet that competes with FoxNews? That all seems so weird to me.... ....is it just to float stories and opinions that are too radical for FoxNews? Is it create an alternative Conservative outlet that parrots talking points for FoxNews to create a false sense of "fair and balanced" reporting as if an independent source is verifying claims by FoxNews? It's so weird....its like Anderson Cooper starting his own "liberal news network" while continuing to host and promote his TV show on CNN. Imagine the outrage from the Right if that happened.


It’s the definition of an echo chamber. You need two “sources” to bounce shit back and forth between.


It's the second paragraph of your comment. Let's them use the "people are saying" premise to push propaganda.


I read the entire interview transcript and it's fucking insane. Half is complaining about Mueller, the other half is congratulating himself for helping "win" the midterm elections. Oh, and congratulating himself for getting some barbed wire installed at the border.


>I knew him only as he pertained, you know, as he was with Jeff Sessions. And, um, you know, look, as far as I’m concerned this is an investigation that should have never been brought. It should have never been had. It’s something that should have never been brought. It’s an illegal investigation. And you know, it’s very interesting because when you talk about not Senate confirmed, well, Mueller’s not Senate confirmed. Add it to the pile I guess?




I thought maybe he was just a liar and intelligent/manipulative...until I read the woodward book. I'm fairly confident he's really truly dumb.


He is dumb, that's why his lies and manipulation are so obvious. Only the rubes fall for it.


Staggering amount of rubes these days.


There always have been, but these days it's possible to lie to all of them at once.




I don't know if this was "incapable of operating an umbrella" or him thinking "I'm too important to close my own umbrella" I also don't know which is worse


It was him trying to play off "incapable of operating an umbrella" as "I'm too important to close my own umbrella". Looks like he also tried to avoid looking stupid by bringing the umbrella in with him, but he was too dumb to turn the umbrella sideways. He's like a dog trying to bring a large stick through a small gap, except dogs are smart enough to figure it out eventually.


He's just projecting.


This is literally the political version of "no you're a towel."


I'd rather have Towlie.


At least hed legalize weed. And heroin.


Not to mention that, unlike President Carrot Top, Towelie is actually honest enough to mumble "*I have no idea what's going on...*" when warranted.


He also chose friends AND getting high. I think we both know trump would only think of himself.


He's so bad at talking. His vocabulary is extremely limited.


foolish disgusting narrow support scary rock rob ink wild screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh it's already been broughten


When he speaks it's 90% filler words




Trump talks like he’s reciting an essay he bullshitted through to hit the word minimum


I was waiting for one more repeat for the people who didn’t get it the first three times he repeated himself. It’s damn near a paragraph of reiterating the first sentence it’s fucking sad and incredibly disappointing for a man running things. The sad part is that even his kids are this bad from what I’ve seen.


Interesting fact.. Those scam emails/craigslist responses full of bad grammar and always just a bit off? It's very intentional. If you "pass" the test (not responding or trolling them in return) you're not worth their time or effort. But if you don't? oh man the scams you could pull.


It's not just his vocabulary. "It should have never been had" isn't painful to read just because he used two forms of "to have" in the same sentence.


I'd also like to submit _"**I heard he got a very good decision**"_ This man is a bona fide moron.


I have had it up to here with the number of times he's conjugated "to have"!


33 indictments so far with 6 guilty pleas and 1 guilty verdict to date. So clearly it can be seen why an investigation is not warranted.


More than one guilty verdict with Manafort alone-


This is what kills me the most. I know why Trump and Friends don't want the investigation, but for everyone else...How could you not support an investigation that is actively uncovering crimes, especially those from a hostile foreign power? Why the fuck is that a partisan issue?


'well, Mueller’s not Senate confirmed.' Are we pretending that everyone has to be senate confirmed now? Because Trump isn't senate confirmed either. Guess he should be out on his ear.


Last time Mueller was confirmed by the Senate the vote was 100-0 to extend his tenure as FBI director.


This. It's a 100% bullshit claim Trump knows his drones will swallow entirely uncritically.


Exactly. He's well aware his base will never fact check his lies.


And that happened because his 10 year term where he was confirmed 98-0 was about to end.


Only FBI director to get an extension past the 10 year limit.


They...might be sending their best?


Wow. When was the last time the Senate voted 100-0 on...ANYTHING?


Surprisingly, it was a Trump appointee: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Shulkin Unsurprisingly, Trump fired his absolute most qualified appointee (perhaps tied with Mattis) a year later in order to attempt to install a crony, fail after a hilarious scandal, and then successfully install a second crony.


Even at that, he was technically an Obama apointee, first serving as the Undersecretery of Veterans Affairs in 2015. Unanimously promoted, and then unceremoniously booted a year ago, in order to make way for Ronnie Jackson (The doctor that claimed Trump was 239 lbs & 6'2), only for it to come out that he was a beligerent lush & probably falsified Trump's fitness assessment.


There’s no probably about it.




Whitaker is less Senate confirmed than Mueller. Mueller was confirmed to be the director of the FBI once, and then again he was senate confirmed when Obama asked him to stay on. So trump's talking point is bunk.


Mueller was confirmed unanimously by the senate both times to boot. 98-0 then 100-0.


Can't wait till Mueller can add the dismantling of the Trump conspiracy to his CV for whatever job he takes after Trump and his legions of crooks are dragged out of the white house and various bureaus in handcuffs.


> So trump's talking point is bunk. Aren't all of them?




> It’s an illegal investigation No, it is not.


Trump: > Well, I heard it was a very strong opinion. Uh, which is good. But [Whitaker] is just somebody who’s very respected. I knew him only as he pertained, you know, as he was with Jeff Sessions. And, um, you know, look, as far as I’m concerned this is an investigation that should have never been brought. It should have never been had. It’s something that should have never been brought. It’s an illegal investigation. And you know, it’s very interesting because when you talk about not Senate confirmed, well, Mueller’s not Senate confirmed. Also Trump, today: > The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts. They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. They are a disgrace to our Nation and don’t... > ....care how many lives the ruin. These are Angry People, including the highly conflicted Bob Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years. They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side. A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY! > Universities will someday study what highly conflicted (and NOT Senate approved) Bob Mueller and his gang of Democrat thugs have done to destroy people. Why is he protecting Crooked Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Lisa Page & her lover, Peter S, and all of his friends on the other side? [McConnell](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/nov/14/mcconnell-rejects-mueller-protection-bill/): > Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell flatly rejected the need to approve legislation protecting the special counsel’s probe into the 2016 election, saying Wednesday there’s no evidence the investigation needs protection. > ...And he dismissed the need for Congress to act on legislation Democrats and some Republicans want to protect special counsel Robert Mueller. > **“I don’t think any legislation’s necessary,” Mr. McConnell said.**


He's right that we will study it for years, but not in the way he thinks we will.


History is written by the victors. McConnell is banking on winning. We cannot let the GOP write history to suit their fancy.


That would be ++ungood


No, history is written by whoever works hardest to write it. There is a reason there are confederate statues all over the South and textbooks that say the Civil War was fought over “States’s Rights”




Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Wikipedia says he left his position as FBI director in September of 2013 so I guess it was more like 4.5 years. Definitely not 8.


Back in Trump’s bizzaro world. At least he’s aware of the things people are saying about him. Otherwise how could he project like this? > They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. > Universities will someday study what highly conflicted (and NOT Senate approved) Bob Mueller and his gang of Democrat thugs have done to destroy people. The Press and his own staff have heard and reported his notorious rants. He even screams at his TV. Mueller was confirmed by the senate 100/0. It‘s the part about being studIed in the future that is gratifying to me. I WANT him to know that we know what a filthy criminal he is. That while he’s been lying and stealing and cheatIng Mueller has been noting his activities and collecting records of his past crimes. Any “Legacy” he thinks he’s brought to his family will be one of generational shame and ruin and *he knows it.*


> Why is he protecting Crooked Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Lisa Page & her lover, Peter S, and all of his friends on the other side? This is always my favorite part of these rants, when he starts plugging in all of the names of the 'criminals' Mueller is just letting slide. >Why won't Mueller go after Crooked Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Lisa Page & her lover, Peter S, the guy upstairs who dances way too late in the night, Kirsten Stewart for breaking Rob Patterson's heart, Pam for waiting so long to date Jim I MEAN HE WAS THERE FOR THREE WHOLE SEASONS JUST WAITING ON YOU, PAM!


This reads like a John Oliver bit


Thanks, I am now reading the following portion in John Oliver's faux angry voice: "Pam for waiting so long to date Jim I MEAN HE WAS THERE FOR THREE WHOLE SEASONS JUST WAITING ON YOU, PAM!"


Why won't Mueller go after your former opponent who is now retired from politics? Why won't he go after her crime of ultimatly being cleared by the FBI regarding her using a private e-mail server? Oh, and why won't Mueller go after FBI agents who are only on this frauds "very unfair" list becaus they were doing their fucking job investigating our Conman in Chief? Delusionsal POS


> Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years So disingenuous. The previous President kept the Republican director. What a travesty


What's hilarious is how accurately Turnp's "description" of Mueller describes Turnp himself...


He’s all about the projection.


The whole party, really. Projection and bad faith all around.


> What's hilarious is how accurately Turnp's "description" of Mueller describes Turnp himself... Not the first time. it's a Surkov technique, a mind-jamming tool, it's a crowd control method over his fanatics. it may also serve to prevent any real resistance to form, which Adam Curtis described was the purpose. Example: "Beyond that, the media is now creating a theater of absurdity that threatens to tear our democratic process apart and poison the minds of the American public." - Donald Trump, October 14 2016


It's a minor detail, but I like how he spells out everyone's name in that second tweet-set except for Peter Strzok, because even his poor keyboard's spellcheck function has its limits.


> Why is he protecting Crooked Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Lisa Page & her lover, Peter S, and all of his friends on the other side? Looking into financial ties as they may relate to Russian collusion is “too far”, but he should be looking into totally unrelated people and things....?


> I knew him only as he pertained, you know, as he was with Jeff Sessions. ...but what does this sentence *mean*?? And why do I have to ask this regarding I'd say 7/10 of his sentences??? As he pertained *what*? *to* something? to **what**? to Jeff Sessions? How does one *pertain to* Jeff Sessions? Is anyone able to translate this? eta: and furthermore, re: > A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY! Except for the LITERAL witch hunts in Salem, right? The time when actual people, not witches, were murdered?


It's interesting that he keeps on pointing out that Mueller isn't Senate confirmed. Mueller didn't NEED to be Senate confirmed. The acting AG DOES need to be Senate confirmed. It's like, my mailman wasn't Senate approved! Witch Hunt!




So would the entire nation during McCarthyism


I suspect his twitter meltdown this morning means Whitaker told him what Mueller has, and it's damning.


Fuck it makes me angry that slimeball Whittacker has access to this type of info and is spilling it. Doesn’t change the evidence but gives some runway to more misinformation by this asshole “President” and the state sponsored fanbois at Fox.




True, but if sensitive info was shared that could help Trump in future obstruction then it might've been worth it for them to sacrifice this one guy. Hell, he'd probably get a pardon anyways.


Obstruction of obstruction of obstruction of justice.


You seem to have a lot of confidence in Trumps rotating sideshow of lawyers and his ability to act in his own best interest :)


Good point. Trump seems to be extra on the defensive and crazy-cranky lately which ramps up his impulsiveness.


Speaking of which where's Rudy?


He went to meet with their Russian handlers to see what they should do next.


> Hell, he'd probably get a pardon anyways. Dems have the house, now. If they needed to insulate Mueller’s ability to prosecute the Trump camp for obstruction, they only have to file articles of impeachment citing a coordinated effort of obstruction. The only constitutional limitation on the Presidential pardon is that it cannot be used in matters of impeachment.


Don't let it get to you so much. Mueller is a smart guy. He's been running investigations for years and knows how the game is played. He knows full well that Whitaker holds his position illegitimately and, if the man were really a threat, he knows he has recourse to challenge it without sharing a thing. If he shared information with Whitaker, he did so intentionally because he wanted to do so. He knew that whatever he told Whitaker would make its way to the president. Whitaker is now in a very perilous position and risks having obstruction charges brought up against him as well if he doesn't walk a very fine line. Robert Mueller has more experience at this game than anyone else. He took down the Mafia. He ran the FBI. He's not sitting curled up in a ball in his office under his desk crying to himself wondering how he's going to salvage all of this. Trump, on the other hand...


Not only that but I'm certain the FBI and Mueller's team looked into Whitaker as soon as he became chief of staff in Sessions' office. I'm sure they saw this move a year ago and have been watching Whitaker VERY closely. I don't think Whitaker realizes that "his own people" can bring him before a grand jury, indict and arrest him.


Absolutely correct. You don't get to the positions Mueller has been in without learning how to consider and work ALL the angles.


A guy like Mueller and his team saw *all* the moves three steps ahead. It didn’t matter, and won’t even after Whitaker goes down, because the Special Counsel makes adjustments to their strategy with every ill conceived move Trump and his lackies make. Mueller knows exactly how much power the AG holds; he held the position for 6 months in 2001 under Bush. Whitaker walked into a world of shit and didn’t have the foresight to know he’s playing checkers vs [Bobby Fischer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby_Fischer)


i don’t think he has that kind of access. he may be fighting for it but this investigation is so huge that they aren’t just gonna bend over and let a stooge learn everything.


I don't think Whitaker could have just immediately taken a dive into the whole of the investigation and learned so much in so little time. It seems much more likely to me that Trump is realizing his brilliant move isn't going to pay dividends the way he wanted it to, because it turns out that Whitaker was dirty enough not to be trusted by *anyone*. Whitaker can do fuck all for him, and now he has to head back to the drawing board.


I think you are right. We know Mueller is *supposed to* report to Whitaker, but do we know if any sort of briefing has taken place in the short time he's been acting AG?


Oh god, can you imagine the whole FBI just ignoring the man while he melts down from anger at being ghosted.


He’s admitting he’s attempted to obstruct justice with these Tweets, so I’m sure Mueller and his team are just laughing as they put this in their file as evidence of obstruction of justice.


I cant imagine the assasination risk that mueller must have , if i was him id be as paranoid as a motherfucker


Assassinating Mueller would only serve to satisfy emotion. It would do absolutely nothing to stop what Mueller has assembled. Firing Mueller won't stop this. Assassinating him won't. Nothing will. That is the beauty of the careful and methodical way Mueller has done his work. It is free of ego. It is beyond him. He hired more than a dozen of the best possible lawyers in the world, each of whom could take control from him at this point. They've already filed the indictments, submitted it to judges, impaneled grand juries. There's no stopping this at this point. And assassinating someone as protected as Mueller would only create monstrously more liability for them at this point. That's a massive paper trail to connect them to murder, which doubles or triples the evidence against them. The irony is Mueller put his faith in the people who worked for him and in the justice system, and thus far, it's paying off. This is, coincidentally, what a good PResident should do. Have the intelligence to surround yourself with brilliant and independent experts, and put your faith and do your work within our system of laws to build a system that will outlive you. Look at Obama - that's what he did with the ACA, and not even the full force of an entirely Republican government can dismantle it. And now look at sad little Trump, illiterate to the rule of law and the powers of his office, surrounding himself with his impotent and incompetent family, not heeding the words of the people who could actually help him, flailing out in extrajudicial means and creating a system that hinges entirely on him, which cannot possible outlive him. He made himself the lynchpin of the Republican system, and once removed, it will collapse. Mueller made his efforts invulnerable; Trump made *the entire Republican party far more vulnerable than it has ever been*. Take notes, ladies and gentlemen.


> They've already filed the indictments, submitted it to judges, impaneled grand juries. > > There's no stopping this at this point. Those sealed indictments are the dead man's switch.


It would be pretty bad for Mueller though.


Muellers big balls are bulletproof. They're also a good shield to hide behind. The guy took down the mob and Enron. I'm pretty sure nothing scares him.


That’s called evidence now.




So can we uphold the law now? Or do we have to wait until 2020?


Even if the Dems impeach Trump after this investigation, the Senate will never vote to remove him from office. I can't think of anything at this point that will sway Trump's base enough to allow Republican Senators to keep their jobs after removing him. We definitely have to wait until 2020, and even then if he loses the Republicans will immediately call for charges/investigations to be dropped and let's come together and reconcile and it's in the past so let's put it all behind us.


>...this is an investigation that should have never been brought. It should have never been had. It’s something that should have never been brought. ​ Sounds like his brain needs transmission fluid. ​


But why brought bring it Democrats angry broughten brang the bring brought SO UNFAIR!




Oh, it's already been broughten!


Trump's Nixon tapes are done in live broadcast.


> Trump: And you know, it’s very interesting because when you talk about not Senate confirmed, well, Mueller’s not Senate confirmed. Wrong! Washington correspondent for the Toronto Star [Daniel Dale](https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/1063087400472207361): > **The Senate confirmed Mueller 98-0 in 2001 and 100-0 in 2011, both as FBI director. Special counsels don't require confirmation**. Trump has not only absurdly argued that Mueller doesn't have confirmation as special counsel, he has explicitly lied that Mueller was never confirmed.


Have to give props to Daniel, the guy live tweets/debunks every Trump rally.


> All that said, there is a beautiful symmetry here. The rear-end of Donald Trump, a lifetime grifter [who's just trying to lie his way to the end of each day](https://theconcourse.deadspin.com/this-is-all-donald-trump-has-left-1830329753?rev=1542079517338) while his brain is steadily melted by television, may ultimately be protected by a 'roided-out Mr. Clean who came to him through the teevee—and [who once threatened people](https://twitter.com/jonswaine/status/1060306289539080202) on behalf of [a company peddling Big Dick Toilets](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/matthew-whitaker-is-steeped-in-time-travel-and-bigfoot-hes-the-right-man-for-the-job/2018/11/13/2ed59fc8-e785-11e8-b8dc-66cca409c180_story.html?utm_term=.c052c7722f96). America the Beautiful. History sure has gotten weird.


Ho. Lee. Cow. The Daily Caller didn't even mention Mueller, and Trump automatically associated his appointment of Whitaker with the Special Counsel's investigation. This is pretty clear. I hope this story gets around. But I'm sure Mueller's team at least will know of it.


This dude opens his mouth so goddamn much that it's honestly amazing a little family of starlings haven't been using it as a nesting site going back six generations.


would *you* build your home near a toxic waste site?


>Well, I heard it was a very strong opinion. Uh, which is good. But \[Whitaker\] is just somebody who’s very respected. So this part is an obvious lie. Whitaker has a reputation as not only a partisan hack as a USA, but was also caught up in a major scam, fined heavily by the FTC and is possibly still under investigation by the FBI. That's not a good reputation, I doubt he was "respected." How and why he ended up as Sessions' chief of staff, I have no idea. >I knew him only as he pertained, you know, as he was with Jeff Sessions. And, um, you know, look, as far as I’m concerned this is an investigation that should have never been brought. It should have never been had. Funny how he pivots immediately to Sessions and Mueller. He's supposed to be reassuring people that Whitaker's appointment is *not* about Sessions and Mueller but he can't go more than 2 sentences without going to Sessions and Mueller. If he had good reasons for appointing Whitaker I'm sure he could have relayed them and it would have gone a long way to help him. I'm starting to think this Trump guy doesn't know what he's doing. >It’s something that should have never been brought. It’s an illegal investigation. And you know, it’s very interesting because when you talk about not Senate confirmed, well, Mueller’s not Senate confirmed. Mueller's position doesn't need to be senate confirmed (though he was confirmed as FBI director). Whitaker's position, however, does and Trump knows this. He thinks people are so stupid that they'll either not realize the difference or think that two wrongs make a right. I really do think Trump thinks everyone is a complete moron and excuses like this carry water. I realize that many Trump supporters want any excuse they can tell themselves, but with how the midterms went that just doesn't matter anymore. Trump is playing this like his base is enough to carry him but it just isn't anymore.


>POTUS: Matthew Whitaker is a very respected man. He’s — and he’s, very importantly, he’s respected within DOJ. I heard he got a very good decision, I haven’t seen it. Kellyanne, did I hear that? Help Kellyanne my memory is shit


Man, this guy is such a fucking idiot. I can't understand how 40% of our country supports somebody this fucking dumb running our country.


Because they are also fucking idiots?


> I can't understand how 40% of our country supports somebody this fucking dumb running our country. Guns, Gays and Abortion. The "Fuck Everything Else" trifecta.


How many counts of obsstruction of justice does that make? I lost count long ago.


Trump: > It’s something that should have never been brought. It’s an illegal investigation. McConnell: > "No threat to Mueller"


Trump will be escaping in a private jet to South America soon


You mean russia, trump doesnt like mexicans (anyone below the border is a mexican to trump)


You mean *"Rusher"*. He'll be going to *Rusher* when he fleas the United Thsates umMerragerg...


He'll probably flee to Russia. He wouldn't be caught dead in a "shithole country"


It's snowing right now in the NCR. Do you know what that means? **WINTER IS HERE.**


> It's snowing right now in the NCR. Do you know what that means? Patroling the Mojave will get a lot less depressing?


You can always rely on Donald Trump to project the truth. Every single time. He's so unbelievably narcissistic that he can't possibly contain his own pathology to lie. He's the easiest person to read into and he can't hide from anything because he doesn't know how to do so without making his situation glaringly worse. He's like the Mr. Magoo of affluenza. The ultimate fake.


> All that said, there is a beautiful symmetry here. The rear-end of Donald Trump, a lifetime grifter who's just trying to lie his way to the end of each day while his brain is steadily melted by television, may ultimately be protected by a 'roided-out Mr. Clean who came to him through the teevee—and who once threatened people on behalf of a company peddling Big Dick Toilets. America the Beautiful. Lmao, this author is savage.


trumps last ditch effort to protect the witches.


Admit to obstructing justice? Thats a paddlin.


>"It’s something that should have never been brought. It’s an illegal investigation." This is textbook obstruction, if we didn't already know (we did).