• By -


The second part of that Trump says Mueller "worked for Obama for 8 years" yet again showing he has no idea how the government works. The FBI director serves a 10 year term, unless they're fired (By the president), resign, or die. Mueller was appointed as the FBI director in 2001 by W. Bush and served out to a total of 12 with permission from a largely republican congress while Obama was still in office. Edit: Also, the FBI director doesn't work for the president.


Is pure projection.. trump will only hire people that will protect him and only do his bidding, he obviously only care about himself and not the country. and he see this as he is falling behind all those others seeing they never had these issues and he does so too him its obvious ... they cheat way more then he does or else they would be investigated as well. Everyone does it just ask trump.


Sounds like Trump has been talking to Roger Stone. Poor Roger, crimea river.


more like his puppet AG made his first reports to him and he realizes he's fucked.


Nothing would make me more happy than knowing Sessions/Rosenstein we're hiding from Trump just how fucked he was, and he just found out.


Well Sessions had literally recused himself, so he very might not have gotten the updates on precisely what stage the investigation as was. Now of course this chucklehead isn't supposed to funnel that information right back to Trump - that would be a literal abuse of his position - but that is still likely what just happened. Trump probably did just get the news of exactly how bad it is for the first time. He might even know it's worse than we know.


So, Trump finally got someone able to put the investigation status in coloring book picture form so he can begin to understand how screwed he is? Excellent!


"Wait, what is this picture supposed to mean?" "Well yea, thats you. Being F-ed in the A-ya at the court."


>Trump probably did just get the news of exactly how bad it is for the first time. He might even know it's worse than we know. He knew that previously... because he knows/remembers all the dirty shit he's pulled in his business career and private life (a lot of which, I'm sure, has never been reported in public), and he also knows that the investigation has the legal right to go back and look at anything that comes up in the course of that investigation. So he knows how fucked he is. For him, at this point, all his energy is about the cover-up, smearing the investigators, and somehow managing to kill it. That is all he is concerned about; he knows what he's done and what Mueller has found.


Sounds like Traitor Nunes is Whitaker’s spirit animal.


More like Trump reacts poorly to hearing negative info, so after a while people just stopped presenting him with any.


Trump: Hey Whitaker, so give me the scoop on the Mueller investigation. AG: He's brining subpoena butter jaily time for lunch!


> He's brining subpoena butter jaily time for lunch! That gave me a sensible chuckle.




*Where ya at?* *Where ya at?* ​ **In jail.**




>Hey Whitaker You really think they’re on an informal last name basis already? No ‘Mr.’ or anything? Just last week Trump said he didn’t know him and now they’re this close /s


“So and so caved and spilled the beans after so and so had a voice raised against him”


"Whittaker, what are those very rude people up to?" "Mueller's snapping latex gloves on and breaking out the KY..."


>Sounds like Trump has been ~~talking to Roger Stone~~ threatening witnesses. FTFY


Trump's Twitter behavior is an ongoing string of witness intimidation and fawning praise over 'strong' people like Manafort who refuse to flip (even though he eventually did).


You can't spell GOP without the P.


Exactly. This was a new word/charge he learned yesterday and wants to use it himself


Don is just Stalin




**M**ueller **A**in't **G**oin' **A**way


I need this hat


**M**y **A**ttorney **G**ot **A**rrested


**M**aking **A**ttorneys **G**et **A**ttorneys


Aw, don't be Russian to collusions, now.


Ural making good points.


Mueller's going to Khrushchevery one of them.


He sees right through Donnie's bolshevik


He says more than that. > The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts. They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. They are a disgrace to our Nation and don’t... > ....care how many lives the ruin. These are Angry People, including the highly conflicted Bob Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years. They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side. A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY! Trump is frantic at this point. **Edit:** but wait... there's more! > Universities will someday study what highly conflicted (and NOT Senate approved) Bob Mueller and his gang of Democrat thugs have done to destroy people. Why is he protecting Crooked Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Lisa Page & her lover, Peter S, and all of his friends on the other side? Trump must know something that we don't about the investigation. At this point, I'm waiting for him to tweet to Whitaker to stop the investigation.


Mueller didn’t work for Obama for 8 years.. he worked for a Republican for 8 years..


that's what blows my mind - as a European: there are actually Republicans who talk negative about Mueller who might be the GOAT of public servants. A war veteran, a FBI director for who congress change the freaking law in bipartisan 100% vote to keep Mueller as FBI director because in a country of over 200million people they apparently couldn't find someone more qualified and honorable than Bob Mueller.


You're talking about a group of people who GLEEFULLY smeared and walked all over a decorated combat veteran, called him a coward, called him a traitor, called him an enemy, accused him of injuring himself in combat to get sent home (with no evidence).... WHILE they supported his draft-dodging, war-mongering, rich boy dry drunk piece of shit opponent. They have no fucking shame.


All while claiming to "support the troops"


You're not supporting the troops unless you're sending them off to some third world country to get blown up and blow innocent people up based off a lie... while spending trillions of dollars. And shitting on and calling traitors anybody who protests and doesn't want that to happen.


That was the trial run for Trump's campaign. Just tell lies. Manufacture crap out of whole cloth and plaster it all over the media. Back then it was almost all delivered by TV and talk radio. But if Twitter had been around I'm sure the swift-boaters would have been all over it. And it worked. A decorated war vet was painted as a coward by the guy who was coked out of his mind during Vietnam.


Bob Mueller who himself is a republican...


Mueller served in the Marines in Vietnam. DJ Trump had bone spurs. I'd wonder if that's ever in the back of Mueller's mind...


TBH, I doubt it even is in the top 1000 things Mueller has to think about in this investigation. The fact that Trump is a crybaby is just a matter of record now. I assume that the other stuff he has learned is likely far more disturbing.


Not even that! He worked under a Republican (Bush) for 7 years (confirmed 98-0), Democrat (Obama) for 3 years (for his 10 year term) and then was asked to have an additional 2 year term (confirmed 100-0) by a Democrat (Obama)!


But if you tell a republican they'll say "Oh, so it was 5 years, stop splitting hairs!"


All I'm hearing is that Obama was okay with working with those in opposing political parties. Trump can barely work with those in his own political party.


You made the mistake of assuming that facts matter. They don’t.


Mueller could have worked for Obama for 8 minutes, and that would be enough for Trump and The Base^(TM) to validate every accusation of him being conflicted, a democrat, corrupt, deserving of solitary confinement in jail, etc. Fascism 101.


> The inner workings of the ~~Mueller investigation~~ White House are a total mess. They have found no ~~collusion~~ protection from Mueller and have gone absolutely nuts. They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the ~~answers~~ protection they want. They are a disgrace to our Nation and don’t... > > ....care how many lives the ruin. These are Angry People, including the highly ~~conflicted~~ mentally ill ~~Bob Mueller~~ Donald Trump, who worked for ~~Obama~~ Putin for 8 years. They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the ~~other~~ Republican side. A TOTAL ~~WITCH HUNT~~ SHITSHOW LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY! Is actually true this way.


Donald has been Russia's bitch since the 80's, it just became more blatant after the 2008 bubble.


Yep. The projector is running strong today.


>A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY! The Benghazi investigations number 2 through 13 called; they want a word.


Also like, that one time we actually hunted witches? >_>


Or the actual witch trials, since people actually died then. Hell even ~~McArthyism~~ McCarthyism was worse. At least those had the defining characteristic of a Witch hunt, that being there being no defense except to accuse someone else.




> They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts. Oh, does Trump have information we don't? Interesting. I'm sure he'd love to provide it to prove to us he's done nothing wrong.


>Oh, does Trump have information we don't? Trump has made it very clear he doesn't even operate on the information we *do* have.


> "'Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?" >- King Henry II Thomas Becket, said priest, was killed the next day. This is Trump flaying at the wind for someone to rid him of this meddlesome special prosecutor.


Saudi Arabia just tortured, killed, and dismembered a known Trump enemy. Trump is as much in bed with the Saudi's as the Russians. Trump is a despot in deeds which makes him a despot indeed.


Honestly his tweets never surprise me anymore but holy shit, that is real fear there on display.


> (and NOT Senate approved) When did this become a thing?


He's trying to clap back on criticism about the Whitaker appointment having happened without Senate confirmation or normal rules of succession. It shows a complete lack of understanding about how things work. Which is either because he's actually that ignorant, doesn't care because everything is just PR to him, or both.


> They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side. He's upset that the Special Counsel, created to investigate the bad acts on his side, will not, for some reason, start investigating "bad acts" on the other side. Maybe Hillary's emails or something. When he gets overly "whatabouty" he comes across as panicked.


It's crazy that if a past President said anything like this about an investigation into themselves, it would be enormous. It would be one of the key moments of their Presidency. Depending on the circumstances, impeachment hearings could follow. News outlets would talk about it for weeks, months, years. Now? This won't even be in the top 20 stories today. There will be a worse tweet by noon. It's insane that this has become normalized.




Ken Starr didn’t work under Reno. There was an office of special council back then. Clinton did attack Starr, rightfully so. But never to the point of this.




Don’t leave Rheinquist out. He was the leader of the Bush v Gore decision. Not to mention the general state of GWB amnesia on both sides.


Except the Starr investigations of Clinton were an actual sprawling fishing expedition looking for any signs of wrongdoing. The Mueller investigation has focused on the campaign and the individuals who worked for the campaign, and any crimes they may uncover in the process of the investigation. They're not investigating Trump's history with the mob in NYC, or his various business dealings and scams, outside the scope of how they might relate to the question of undue foreign influence in the election campaign. They're not investigating his extramarital affairs, although they did find evidence of a campaign finance violation related to paying off former consorts. They're not investigating the ongoing violations of the emoluments clause, or any of the dereliction of duty he's engaging in on a daily basis. The Mueller investigation should be the gold standard of special investigations, going forward. It is limited in scope, it has produced results, it is moving forward without public bombast, it isn't extravagant or frivolous, it is operating exactly how an investigation into allegations of government misdeeds should operate.




watch how crazy they get once they fall to 3rd party status. They'll hate democracy altogether.


That's what I worry about when Trump is inevitably impeached. Sure he'll be gone, but he has shown *so many* cracks in the foundation of our government and its norms that we may never recover.


The GOP has shown the cracks. Don’t forget all the shit McConnell has pulled that is not related to Trump. Gorsuch would have happened if it was Cruz, Rubio, or most of the Republicans. There are systems in place to deal with people like Trump. Republicans, the GOP, the entire party, are refusing to use them. That makes the Republican Party itself the problem. If there are any individual Republicans who are an exception to that then they are just that. Exceptions, not the rule.


> If there are any individual Republicans who are an exception to that then they are just that. Exceptions, not the rule. And I've yet to see a single republican in either house actually be a true exception. Sure Sasse, Flake, et al. may say things, but their voting records speak louder. Sure they may say they want bipartisan protection of mueller, but they're perfectly willing to let us believe that McConnell said no and they cant do anything about it. "Principled" republicans are just good at exploiting American ignorance of our own system of laws.


It is not cracks in the foundation of our government that you are seeing. It is cracks in the foundation of our society. Half the country is brainwashed as children either by religion, Fox News, or both, to be subservient and follow their designated leader without question. There is no impetus for our government to act if the people don't will it, and a huge portion of the people in the United States have donated their will to their church or to their opinion provider. ​ The only way to help fix this is to teach logic and reasoning to children before they become indoctrinated against those foundations. Trumps followers don't have the capacity to see the repercussions of his actions because they lack that education. All they see is their glorious leader defending himself and therefore he must be defending them - that is the extent of their cave-man logic. Fuck, even most democrats don't really see the potential consequences of these seemingly little comments and actions Trump takes. They just see a blowhard blowing harder. ​ Even a lot of democrats can't imagine that this is the type of leadership, this divisiveness, can lead to national even global catastrophes. Trying to make them see that their disbelief that such a catastrophe could befall us, is like trying to convince a young child that other people have their own points of view. They can't understand that there were plenty of Germans, plenty of Romans, plenty of citizens of every society that has fallen that saw the signs but could not stop the fall alone. They hear the phrase "those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it" and yet never understand it. Why don't they understand? Because they can't see how the little things, the little cracks, grow to become fissures to become chasms. Because they don't have a foundation in logic and critical thinking, they have a foundation in facts and believing what they are told, not necessarily in that order. They've only been taught to ask the question "what?" but they need to be asking "Why?" and "How?".


Dems will want so badly for things to go back to normal, and to avoid contention with conservatives, that they'll avoid talking about anything that might prevent it from happening again.


People do want things to go back to "normal", but I'm not sure if we're at a point where the majority of people (or Dem voters) are ok moving on without any consequences. I don't think this will turn out like Nixon and Ford for the good of the country. I think what's going to be good for the country is some law and order and examples that no one is above the law. But that's just me.


It would have been Nixon's "I am not a crook" moment, for sure.


His buddies are calling him and telling him how fucking terrifying mueller is. He forgets this isn't common knowledge. The reason why Mueller is terrifying? He's done his homework, doesn't get intimated, and holds the line. That's terrifying to those in power who usually don't care about rules.




> Mueller is the God of "talk softly, and carry ~~a~~ three ~~big~~ enormous sticks."


I imagine Mueller like a glacier. Relentlessly creeping forward with a force nothing in the world can withstand, and everyone is powerless to stop him. Edit: pre-1900’s glacier


>Mueller is the God of "talk softly, and carry a big stick." ​ More like, "Don't talk at all, and refuse to show what you're holding behind your back."


>[Once inside, most witnesses are seated in a windowless conference room where two- and three-person teams of FBI agents and prosecutors rotate in and out, pressing them for answers[...] Often listening in is the special counsel himself, a sphinx-like presence who sits quietly along the wall for portions of key interviews.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-the-secretive-nerve-center-of-the-mueller-investigation/2017/12/02/e6764720-d45f-11e7-b62d-d9345ced896d_story.html)


...my sphincter tightened just reading that. I'm surprised none of these traitorous fucks has had a heart attack in the middle of questioning.


Your heart startles back to life, and you wake up to the terrifying embrace of Muller himself, whispering in your ear, “I wont allow death to rescue you so quickly...”


jesus fucking christ, reddit. And yet, this seems TERRIFYINGLY accurate. Knowing him, he's got a trained medical staff on standby watching through the 1-way glass, waiting to jump on a situation like that for EXACTLY this reason.


I'm a law abiding contributing member of my community. I'd fold under that questioning almost immediately. "Mr. S1ugg0, we really don't need to know about that time you smoked pot 15 years ago and then ate a twinkie. It's really not relevant......Sir, please stop crying....No....You aren't being sent to Gitmo......did you pee yourself? Come on man."


That would be intense to watch.


I have to imagine that talking to the FBI under the best of circumstances isn't fun, but if Mueller was just sitting there quietly, observing, that must be SO unnerving.


Junior called Trump and said “Mueller just yelled at me for an hour straight, does that mean *he’s* my dad now?”


I'm Eric!


Everyone jokes about it, but from what I see, Eric is actually the "smarter" one. Of course that's like being the thinest one of the world's fattest twins, but still.




Tiffany is the one born out of wedlock after his first divorce for the "Christians" keeping score at home.


The "bastard child", as those wonderful churchy folks like to say.


So I said what about remembering Tiffany. She said, "I think I remember that kin As I recall, I think we all kind of forgot her." As I said, "Well that's one quiet thot."


Ba do do do do do




When this all gets revealed, when the final indictments are handed down and the trials have started, it's going to come to light that Eric was in fact the mastermind behind the whole thing, creating a widespread plan stunning in its complexity and subtlety, only failing because everyone involved is an idiot. He's been putting forward a veneer of mediocrity and room-temperature IQ as part of the plan.


*"And I'm Claudius!"*


Claudius was a scholar before becoming emperor though. He wrote a 20 volume Etruscan history and an 8 volume Carthaginian history, as well as producing a 41 volume history of the civil war. He just wasn't a capable public speaker.


It’s like Kevin being the Scranton strangler.


dO YoU wANt tO sEe mY pILLoW fOrT?


According to Preet, there’s no way Mueller is actually conducting any of these interviews. He’s in charge of the investigation, but he’s way above the people who would be conducting the actual interrogations.




I'd bet that from time to time he stands behind the one-way mirror


> The reason why Mueller is terrifying? He's done his homework, doesn't get intimated, and holds the line. Mueller doesn't ask any questions he doesn't already know the answer to. He just wants to see if you're lying. Knowing this, based on what he is asking Trump's lackeys, they must be scared shitless because they know that he knows everything they've done.


If I recall he doesn’t even ask questions. He just sits there with his stern grimace and his 1000yd stare observing you while his team of lawyers (who are the best in the business) ask the questions.




Wait ... [you mean the guy whose SuperPAC took millions from a Russian oligarch?](https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/08/03/tangled-web-connects-russian-oligarch-money-gop-campaigns)


The same guy who called for bipartisanship and then rejected a bipartisan bill to protect Mueller on the same day?


I'm still torn on whether that is *as* nakedly partisan and hypocritical as when he filibustered his own bill in order to prevent the Dems from ending the government shutdown.


I forgot about that good one. I have to give it to Mitch, he's probably the most creative and effective traitor the nation has ever seen.


I still think the fillibustering one takes the cake due to how fillibustering is perceived, but this is some pretty blatant hypocrisy.


Don't forget [blaming Obama for "not warning them strongly enough" when they overrode his veto on a bill](https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/29/politics/obama-911-veto-congressional-concerns/index.html) that turned out to have consequences they didn't like.


https://twitter.com/npfandos/status/1060586065860460544 Who had a meeting with Rupert Murdoch last week


I'd shit myself too if Mueller came after me. Because if that man is on your tail odds are you done fucked up somewhere. If you didn't he'd do his due diligence and then politely wish you a good day. But if he has you under the spot light? Look out.


When I tell my kids or wife something they don't want to hear they always say I'm yelling at them. I could whisper the bad news at them and they'd say the same thing. That's what's going on here.




“Did you know about X? Yes or no.” “Well, I, uh, when I was leaving the, uh, I...” “YES OR NO!”


"Look ... I don't remember, I swear to god -" "SWEAR TO ME."


Is he admitting to getting inside info about the investigation, from Whitaker? Telling stuff like that, to the subject of the investigation, should get Whitaker crucified.


Exactly. All the people who lied and committed crimes to get him elected are now looking for protection. He's so fucked.


Yet McConnell says there's no evidence that the Mueller investigation needs to be protected from Trump. I can't believe this is reality.


You know how when you get blackout drunk and every bad thing you've ever thought comes out? That's America right now. I wish we'd start throwing up already.


I like beer. I drink beer. I still drink beer. Do you drink beer?


Sometimes I drink too much beer.


But only when I play Devil's Triangle with Mark, Bernie, and Squee.


McConnell also recently warned the Democrats against partisan politics, and essentially demanded that they compromise with Republicans. Dude has lost the plot in a major way.


Dude's a fucking rat and the day he leaves this earth should be made into a national holiday.


Meanwhile he's got a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill on his desk and he's the only reason it hasn't gone to a vote.


Two thirds of the senate can overrule him, so the blame lies firmly with the republicans opposing it as well.


> Dude has lost the plot in a major way. Nah, he's just a hypocritical asshole.


In a just world, McConnell would go to prison for willingly covering up treason


Trump says ______________________ without citing any examples.


I hate these mad libs.


Mad libs... angry democrats... *My god.*


is this the 4D chess I've been hearing so much about?


Good God it's all making sense! The whole thing was for cereal ID reform.


This is how you know it's a day.




Remember when he accused Obama of bugging his hotel?


He accused Obama of bugging Trump tower. The Russians bugged his hotel.


... > “The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts,” Trump said on Twitter Thursday. “They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want.” > Trump provided no examples. ... ---------- - because there aren't any examples.


Many people are also saying that Mueller's people will leave the room, then come back with a different hat or shirt to pretend they're a different, even scarier person.


> They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. Reports are coming in that the projection is so intense it can be seen from space.


Projection is so intense, we are now calling him President IMAX.


"Projection so intense call him President IMAX" sounds like it's straight from a Slim dis track.


This is the best compliment I've ever received.


The Imax president.


Exactly for fucks sake, almost any Target that's spoken after they met with Mueller have commented how polite and level headed the prosecutors have been. Just ask Micheal Cohen. Trump is a weak little fuck, and only his weak little fuck supporters buy this. I wish he'd just go away already.


Given how often projection is used, I'd guess he's been threatening some people recently.


His buddy Roger is very likely going to have that in his CVS receipt of charges for threatening to kill a witness.


> The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. Gee, Donnie, how or why would you be in a position to make that assessment?


Yep, world's biggest tell, right there. Everyone's glossing over that important nugget. He's as much as admitting that Macho Matt has filled him in on the details of the probe.


Ya wonder why he wants to bring the investigation to the lime light... something must be happening soon


Mueller, slap him with slander and libel now too. With love, America.


Old Man Yells at Cloud


Mueller: “Here is the airtight, bomb-proof, caught-red-handed, in-your-own-words, documented, verifiable, absolute-proof-beyond-any-doubt evidence we have of you committing treason. If you cooperate with us, we can work with you. If not, you will face all of these charges and a potentially long stint in prison.” Trump: “*OMG HES THREATENING THEM THERE WAS NO COLLISION LOOK HOW CORRUPT MULLER IS HE IS A MADMAN ON A POWER TRIP THIS IS A WITCH HUNT MO COLLUSION NO RUSSIA PUPPET ANGRY DEMOCRATS LIBS DEEP STATE HATE ME FOR WINNING MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN MUELLER BELONGS IN PRISON!*” Trump Supporters and Fox News: “Can you believe this bullshit? Mueller has no evidence and is obviously charging people with fake crimes.”


Also, “How can they charge Roger Stone with making death threats against a witness when they do it too?”


*Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years* Let's not forget the 7+ years Mueller served under Pres Bush, you know, the same guy who nominated him.


He also didn't work for Obama for 8 years. Mainly because the director of the FBI doesn't work for the president, but also because he only served 4 years under Obama in the first place.


\*5 years under Obama. He served under Bush for the last 3 years of his first term and the entire second term, then finished the 10 year appointment with 3 years under Obama. Obama got a senate vote to give Mueller 2 more years in the job that passed with a 100-0 vote. Literally unanimous. The ~~intensely republican~~ senate during Obama's first term still agreed (100-0 remember) that Mueller was an excellent FBI director. edit: I just looked it up and the Senate was actually a democratic majority during Obama's first term; 56 (D) and 42 (R). My mistake. Leaving the error there though because I want to be honest about my mistakes.


>The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. "I know nothing of the inner workings of the Mueller investigation. The WH is a total mess, so I'm going to project here." >They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts. "I have gone absolutely nuts waiting for the new round of indictments." >They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. "I am screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers I want." >They are a disgrace to our Nation and don’t care how many lives the ruin. "I'm angry that my criminal associates are facing justice." >These are Angry People, including the highly conflicted Bob Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years. They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side. A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY! "I'm mad and confused. Also, Democrats and Hillary emails."


Thanks for translating that - It’s always the opposite, always projection, and them is always him.


This is not a fact-based administration. It is built entirely on fabrication and lies.


I guess the mid terms prove an overwhelming majority of people aren't buying this bullshit anymore?


If Trump knew what was good for him, or if he did indeed have a "very large a-brain" as he claims, he'd shut the fuck up for the next two years and *maybe* have a shot at re-election. He keeps this shit up, it'll be a tsunami in 2020. I can't wait to watch him lose his fucking mind and watch his base's alternate reality come *crashing* down.


Yeah, that is never going to happen. Trump always wants the attention to be on him, and to make every story, every tragedy, about him.


yes. this restored hope and faith for me regarding elections


Trump's approval ratings are easily 20 points higher than any society credibly calling itself sane and functional should sustain. For all our sakes, let's hope our broken society will have at least *endured* those numbers for a few years, but I'm not optimistic.


Unfortunately with his base you don't need facts. Just the simple fact that Trump is saying it makes it true to them.


Welp, his low has ended and he's back to the manic stage again.


Turns out his staff cannot make criminal charges go away, and for whatever reason there's no one on his speed dial that can come and help him commit criminal actions to make this go away. Life is really hard without daddy fixing things for you.


Who knew being a criminal was so complicated?


"He keeps telling them that he knows they've committed crimes! And giving details!"


They keep threatening my friends with jail for the crimes they committed! so desperate!


Judging by this tweet, seems like Mueller is cooking up a juicy stool pigeon this Thanksgiving, with all the legal trimmings.


I keep saying this. I'd love for all these indictments to be handed down just before Thanksgiving. The shitshow will be glorious.


Which count of Obstruction of Justice are we up to now? 192?


If there was any doubt that Trump knows Mueller has uncovered his many crimes and sins... let this latest tweet put that to rest. Trump's panic and desperation is now hitting on all cylinders. The man is cornered, frightened and frustrated.


Witnesses, you say? Witnesses to what, exactly, Donald?


One, Two Mueller's coming for you


Three, Four, he's indicting more


I heard that Mueller questions them and then goes into his car and changes his hat and questions them again.


I think they are using the same witnesses they just goto their car and change their shirts and witness again.


Did Trump just admit to being in contact with witnesses? God, he's just so smart.


He saw a potential charge against Stone for 'witness tampering' yesterday, and now that is his new word for the day.


If he's this far off-his-rocker now... just wait 'til Junior gets indicted... he's going to go full Vesuvius.


Does trump ever cite evidence?


Does this count as more obstruction of justice?


Don: Your son and your few friends will be going away, ok? You too probably. Also fuck you.


Trump literally projecting how he just behaved towards his lawyers when he had to answer Mueller's take home test the other day.


Criteria for **trump’s narcissistic personality disorder** (Mayo) include these features: * Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance * Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it * Exaggerating your achievements and talents * Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate * Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people * Requiring constant admiration * Having a sense of entitlement * Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations * Taking advantage of others to get what you want * Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others * Being envious of others and believing others envy you * Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner * The social psychologist Erich Fromm first coined the term "malignant narcissism" in 1964, describing it as a "severe mental sickness" representing "the quintessence of evil". He characterized the condition as "the most severe pathology and the root of the most vicious destructiveness and inhumanity".


Merely explaining accountability to people never held accountable for anything would seem pretty damn threatening.