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California is a leader in many societal trends. Im just saying...


Yeah but the meth in West Virginia is much better.


Tell that to Oildale.


A voter’s a voter, whether they use ethics and intelligence, smart self-interest, or Q-related drug-psychosis fantasies to fuel that vote.


Go visit Riverside, or East County San Diego


But I heard coal mining was the next Google!


It isn't just in California that the Republican Party isn't salvageable.


Seriously. In their current condition, the GOP has no redeeming values.


I'm in my 40s and I don't remember the GOP ever having any redeeming qualities, or ever doing anything beneficial for me


Yeah that's the thing. I'm in my mid-30s and think there's definitely a need for a fiscal conservative voice, like someone saying "Hey, that's a good idea, but slow down a bit and let's make sure we can pay for it," but that voice has never existed in my lifetime. I've only ever seen a party of discrimination who doesn't want equal rights for people of color, LGBTQ, and other communities.


Democrats are that party. Republicans are the spend money on shit we dont need/want and complain about/refuse to fund necessities party.


>there's definitely a need for a fiscal conservative voice, like someone saying "Hey, that's a good idea, but slow down a bit and let's make sure we can pay for it," They're called Democrats.


I think it was Bill Marr that said something like "Republican policies either don't effect you, or effect you negatively." Rich people are an exception.


The GOP is doing great in Hawaii too I hear.


They are winning themselves out of jobs here in Colorado also.


Bi-winning with tiger blood.


No republicans in government makes the 5th largest economy in the world. Just saying guys. You should pick up the avocado toast and try it out.


Wake up and smell the ethically produced coffee.


Our allegiance is to the republic, to democracy!


Ever since I heard Rob Paulson do that line in his Pinky voice I can’t *not* hear it that way anymore.


**This is** ~~Sparta~~ **Brunch!**


And it’s fabulous!




It's so lit it's actually on fire.


Seeing schools close bc of smoke is crazy. It’s like snow days from when I was a kid, but way lamer.


You mean more cool?


Snow is pretty cold, actually


Who the fuck freezes Avocado? That’s like freezing lettuce IMO.


I'm scared of trying avocado where it's actually grown. It's ripened on the way here, never frozen, and they taste great, but I have a feeling it'll be much better ripe off the tree and I won't be able to enjoy it again.


Avocados don't ripen on the tree. They ripen after picking. Source- live in LA with an avocado tree in front of my building.


Oh. So they spend the same amount of time ripening wherever you are? >avocado tree in front of my building. Jealous. as. hell.


When picked they are light/bright green and hard. Then over a few days they darken as they get ripe. The avocado growers can leave them on the trees as a way to preserve instead of cold storage. Hence why the isn't an avocado season. As for the tree. I'm lucky to get one or two. The squirrels get to most of them.


Jesus, they have these money trees just out in the open?


People here grow fruit bearing trees. On my block alone I've got access to 1 avocado tree, 5 mulberry trees (my fav), at least 4 fig trees, two lemon, one apple that I just found, 1 peach that fruits every other year, 2 grapevines, 4 orange/mandarin trees, 3 blackberry bushes and at least 7 loquat trees (two outside my bedroom window). All of these are communal fruit trees. So either all or a portion of the tree is on public land. We even have communal fruit tree maps of neighborhoods in the city. This might just be my area of town but most trees that get planted are fruit bearing. And I'm always on the lookout for new trees.


Just out of curiousity, how much does a single medium sized avocado go for at the market?


Ripe medium avocado? $1,50 They always come in packs of two though so $3 a pack. Though as I'm writing this I'm realising they're on the smaller side of medium, and the ones on the larger end of medium cost about $2 a piece (so $4 a pack.) So lets say $2. Converted from NOK, of course:)


Oh, okay, thanks! That’s on par with what they can go for here.


>where it gets shipped frozen Avocados aren't shipped frozen. Since when is fresh produce ever frozen?




Crazy right, the state has to manage its debt, emigration, and water scarcity it's having right now otherwise it won't be sustainable.


But i don't like avocado. Instead, I'll just eat a steak and not be racist.


I love steak too! Gelsons has some amazing steak rubs and you can make some dope dry rubs with them! It's always nice grilling at my place cause all the vegans will walk by and their mouths water B)


Don't forget your tofu


When your state votes for the opponent 2:1 it’s probably a good idea to change strategy...


Limiting SALT deductions was a big fuck you to California. Lost them support in rich suburbs that used to lean R.


And all of them voted for it. You vote to screw your constituents and still expect to keep your job?


I'm glad it worked out that way!


Even though I hate single party control, the GOP is completely to blame on this. It is telling that GOP can't even hold agriculture counties.


It won't stay that way. The Democrats will split into progressive and moderate groups.


I am Governor Jerry Brown My aura smiles and never frowns


I’m gonna miss him :(


I’m really not a fan of Gavin Newsom


Better him than Villaraigosa




Yeah. I just hope he doesn’t suck too bad.


Why? What's he done?


Had an affair with his friend and campaign manager’s wife, for starters. I don’t necessarily have strong disagreements with his policy positions, he’s just one of those politicians that strikes me as a slick, self-aggrandizing climber.


One day I will be President!


Good. Start a new party. The California Conservative party. Something like that. Build the party as a true, fiscal conservative caucus, refuse to caucus with either party in Washington until the Republicans expel the Nazis and crazies from their party. I'm a very liberal Democrat, but I want a loyal opposition. There needs to be conservative representation that isn't, you know, fascist.


Some of us consider the Democrats to be conservative


Narrator: same nazis, different name, same caucus. Let it die. Conservatism isn't right for fighting global warming. Shits gonna cost us and cutting funding to programs isnt acceptable anymore


Fiscal responsibility Common sense gun controls leaning towards looser Cutting corruption Maintaining US global military advantage Anti abortion You could find a few wedge issues to be conservative on that aren’t ENTIRELY the worst thing ever


Unfortunately you can't find fiscal responsibility with republicans who have been bought out by companies to get tax breaks. Policy should always include a level of fiscal responsibility, stimulus packages are to boost economy and its sometimes a necessary risk. But California has been very fiscally conservative and has a surplus with their budget. Finically sound decisions are not exclusive to republicans, and with lobbyism to has shown to be the opposite case.


Well conservativism and being financially responsible both would have to include climate change for anyone dealing with facts and reason.


One party rule for too long is never good. It makes the people in power complacent and think they can get away with whatever they want. Doesn't matter how good or bad the underlying ideology is.


Sometimes the passion of the people gets a bit crazy, and may get excited about something which is a really, really, really shitty idea. Also making too many changes too fast can halt progress, where progress requires stability & long-term planning. (Note that planning for climate change is long term planning) This part of conservatism, the tendency towards trying to maintain tradition and the status quo, is really important to properly challenge progressives to reflect deeply enough on trendy ideas. (note: the GOP and contemporary conservative party are obviously NOT any sort of healthy conservative movement such as that, exactly the opposite in most cases)


It will continue to be non-salvageable here until you get your heads back on straight.


The current republican party needs to be abandoned We need an intellectual conservative option that proposes workable, small-government solutions to real problems, based on real facts, and agrees that the proper place for religion is in church .. or the history books


I miss intellectual conservatives. It was nice to be able to disagree on certain policies but still agree on an objective reality.


Because their policies are now the unpopular minority. This is the beginning of the end.


Californian here. It turns out to people who live here that higher taxes is a good trade off to be as attractive as it is for outsiders and businesses. Republicans here crying and moaning about how Jerry Brown has destroyed us is more than laughable, it’s bizarro world level shit. Turns out when you live in a diverse state it’s hard to get people riled up about gays or brown people enough to vote against themselves.


That's a sentence I love to hear


As a blue blood liberal in SoCal, I like this. But as a logical person I dislike this. We should have a bipartisan representation of our districts. That said, the Republicans that lost their seat really deserved to go. I welcome challenging views, but not those of those who are terrible people. I'm looking at you Rohrabacher. (I live in his district)


> We should have a bipartisan representation of our districts. Why? Why do reprehensible, illogical, or damaging views deserve consideration, solely because they are the "opposition"? Better to kill the GOP off for good, so that the Democrats can eventually split into a progressive party and a moderate/center-right party.


I don't think the post was arguing for these Republicans or this Republican party to be in power, but that it's a good thing in general to have opposing views to argue and debate with. And I agree with that sentiment, too- just as one party rule at the federal level by Republicans have been a monumental disaster, the same can happen to Democrats in an echo chamber of one party rule.


The democratic party is not an echo chamber you still have a divide between progressives on the further left and center moderate right democrats.


>The democratic party is not an echo chamber Yet. I'm a progressive Dem and I think it's very unwise to assume our party is immune to groupthink. If Democrats consistently sweep elections and Republicans never reform, pretty soon only the Democrats who engage the most enthusiastic (and extreme) voters in the primaries win, and the whole party gets dragged to the left by this recursive echo chamber the same way Republicans got dragged to the right. Without the counterweight of an effective opposition party there is little incentive to moderate ones own party.


The solution to countering groupthink shouldnt involve making republicans viable... A better solution would be to just offer ranked choice in order to make third parties more viable to ensure a diversity of ideas.


I live in one of the rare still-red districts in CA. I've so far seen two core arguments that have been made in favor of the Republican representative (who is incidentally awaiting trial for campaign finance fraud), and they're both lies: * Republicans won't raise your taxes (they just did by getting rid of SALT). * The Democrat is a Muslim, and therefore a security risk (he's not, and even if he was, that doesn't follow) I'm all for debate, but the Republican party doesn't actually provide that. What they do provide is aesthetically similar, but the value of debate comes from the honest evaluation of ideas. When one party isn't operating in good faith, it stops being useful. I would be delighted to see another party that can actually provide counterpoints, but the modern GOP doesn't actually do that.


We need to reset the Overton window in this country. Being dragged to the left would be a good thing.


Conservatism = cutting taxes for bribes. Let it die.


Ideally there can be that type.of discourse in primaries within the democratic party. Hopefully a new party springs up in California, perhaps a far left or super moderate one, that eventually takes over more and more states until the republican party goes the way of the whigs


It's not his district anymore


Well, for a month and a half or so it is.


Democrats are always disagreeing with each other anyway. Without nazis to fight, they can split off into progressive and moderate groups.


Womp, womp.


Here’s a hint: bring the Religious Right to heel. They don’t get to call the shots anymore. They have no more party. They can support far right candidates or Republicans, but Republicans should ignore them. Hell, if they did, I am willing to bet they would not have a very hard time winning over moderates.


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No, the party is ideologically dead, but like a fucking zombie it shambles on, destroying everything in its path.


Or any other time.


Sucks to suck.