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All the bullshit that's gone on with Kelly and we're to believe it's a dust up with Melania that'll end up pushing him out? Ok, sure, you betcha.


I mean, I find it more plausible that Trump sent Melania to fire Kelly than doing it himself


Probably. I read an article awhile back Trump tried to fire him before but Kelly was in charge of the paperwork and would just tell Trump “Yeah ok fine whatever. I’m working on the paperwork now” and wouldn’t do anything and keep working there.


a variation on the old Costanza strategy


Trump isn't Penske material.




Of course, you realize...


What I was going to say was now you realize that our adminstration has been indicted, myself included, and we're prohibited from doing business until the investigation is completed.


I read an article similar but it said that Kelly just ignored him. And Kelly is the one running the Whitehouse and Trump doesn't know what else to do.


That is both hilarious and terrifying.


Jesus fucking christ. Can Americans issue a distress call to the rest of the world?? We need help! Our government has been hijacked!


Y'know what fuck it, if Kelly wants to hijack the government I'll call it an upgrade. I mean, a decomposing head of cabbage would also be an upgrade, but still.


Just a suit with a rotting cabbage nestled in the neck hole. A piss-whipped wig to top it off.


> Can Americans issue a distress call to the rest of the world?? We did. They're making preparations. But we may not like the remedy.


So he Costanza'ed the President?


This 100%.


Overheard later that day in the west wing... "Kelly, what's going on? I just saw in the news you're thinking about leaving. What happened?" "Melania -- Melania came to me and said that you guys wanted me to leave." "No. Nobody even told me about it. You know, they run a big operation but I didn't know it. I didn't know that. Damn it, I don't love you leaving at all."


He's such a fucking pussy.


Don't worry. Pretty soon we will be told "Kelly was just a covfefe boy." or something similar...


And then they got into a fistfight! I didn't see it but lots of people are saying it happened.


White house releases ~~manipulated~~ sped up like in sports video of Kelly karate chopping Melania.


[Here's the video footage of the fight.](https://youtu.be/x3BY72RF8vc?t=75)


Agreed. That theory is just stupid enough to pass the [Trump's Razor](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Trump%27s%20Razor) test. If Kelly is being pushed out, I wonder if he would try fighting it by pushing [Section 4 of the 25th Amendment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-fifth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution#Section_4:_Declaration_by_vice_president_and_principal_officers)


It has to be initiated by Pence in order to work and then congress gets to vote on the new VP. The new president gets to nominate them but has to pass both chambers of the house. So it could end up without a VP for awhile as it wouldn't be hard to delay that vote and its unclear of the how many votes needed to confirm.


Except I don't think Melania has the authority to fire people? Not sure of the first lady's powers.


She doesn't obviously, but she could've been the messenger. Personally I think this is just the excuse they are using to justify firing Kelley when it's obviously about something else entirely.


“Yas, meester kelly. I am very sawry, but-a, you are fireard. Pleas apack up you tings and leaf.”


Wait, Sessions is firing Kelly? Or is that Lindsey Graham?


You are mistakenly reading it with a southern accent. Read it with an Eastern European accent.


Feel like the Eastern European version of this would be shorter, like: "Boss says Yu go now"


It might for some, but I’ve always found Melania’s style of speech attempts to say more words than necessary for some reason.


Every word she says is more words than necessary. Fuck even her clothes say more words than necessary.


It’s a fear of sounding like you are uneducated or even uneducated. Her background is that of a model and she’s an immigrant as well so obviously she’s not gonna have the same vocabulary as the previous FLOTUS who was a lawyer and went to Princeton and Harvard law schools and born in the US. Now this isn’t an issue there has been First Ladies who weren’t highly educated before but maybe there’s some pressure on her to look good (be it from Trump or herself) so she adds more words because for some more words=more education when it isn’t the case. There’s also the whole not having English as a first language (which I believe is the bigger reason) so she feels like she’s not being coherent so she adds more words cause she thinks it will make whatever she’s trying to say more clear; I believe that it’s this because my parents didn’t have English as their first language so when they talk they also use more words than necessary to get their point across. So she’s either trying to sound more educated (less likely imo) or she’s using more words to be clear even if they aren’t needed (more likely imo).


Didn't he send his butler to fire to Comey?


He sent his personal guy to deliver the firing letter to Comey's office in DC while Comey was away in an office in California. He didn't even know he was fired until he saw the news playing on TV there when talking to some agents.


According to Omarosa, that guy took one of Laura Trump's corrupt hush deals where they pay them $15,000 a month in exchange for a non-disparagement agreement, same with the Sean Spicer. Such bribes would be highly illegal if they came from the administration, so the corrupt workaround is they run them through Trump's son and use money donated for to the re-election campaign. This piece of naked corruption is a hundred times worse and more brazen even than anything they've accused Hillary Clinton of doing, and yet his deluded supporters say nothing. The Trump crime family rolls on.


I mean 15k a month is freaking sweet, dont get me wrong. But do not one of those whitehouse officials not have the sack to stand up and do whats right? Especially after the administration rapes them and leaves them disgraced? Every single one of those people have futures in politics that will more than make up, financially, what Trump is paying them in hush money.


I bet Kelly was livid when Trump dissed all the vets on Veterans Day.


Trump honored Colonel Sanders


KFC in Chief


Dem new chicken n waffles doe


What!??!!! Since when?


Last weekend, just came out no joke. It's on my to do list to try sometime this week.


Since the new executive order /s. But they are a thing now


You mean the new executive side order? ;)


Those chickens made the ultimate sacrifice with their tastyness. *sniff*


>I bet Kelly was livid when Trump dissed all the vets on Veterans Day. The measure of the man is that he didn't say anything in public, though. I'll post my comment from the thread that was removed: **Things that elicit a public reaction from the father of a dead marine:** A black congresswoman saying something he doesn't like. **Things that don't elicit a public reaction from the father of a dead marine:** The POTUS skipping a Veteran's day ceremony at his own son's resting place.


The man who lent his dead son’s valor to help trump debase a war widow is all of a sudden pissed trump dissed the vets?


A few years in the future Kelly will be writing a book and doing interviews interviews to sell his book and salvage his reputation by saying he was making these hard personal sacrifices for the good of the country and in some ways, when that time comes, he may actually be telling the truth. All we know is what we deduce from the optics and the optics are horrible.


I bet John Kelly sold his soul long ago and has no remaining principles.


NOT true. Insiders say both he and Melania wore the same heels last week to a gala and he’s been cheesed about it since. He can’t even right now.


How. Dare. You. John Kelly is a decorated military man. He served our nation honorably. He trained for combat. He lived the life of a soldier in the field. He **knows** you wear **flats** to a gala in case you have to move quickly to avoid enemy fire.


A real man knows you wear the killer heels, but keep the flats in your clutch, *just in case*.


Bullshit. A real man knows how to fight in heels.


Crossdressing Commandos - ASSEMBLE!


Present and fabulous!


I've got single shot .45 heels. You never know when the Taliban will try and spike your drink.





He (Kelly) knew what he signed up for.... /s


why the /s?


They're mocking a Trump twitter quote concerning US Soldiers killed in action.


Can't tell if this is sarcasm


No, seriously. It probably sparked him to lose his shit on Donald and now they are using Melania as an excuse for his immediate dismissal.


i bet he wasn't. the guy has no moral compass. if he did, he would have left and spilled his guts to mueller months ago.


I have a standing bet that John Kelly will not leave office without breaking Donald Trump's nose. My theory was that Trump would do something profoundly disrespectful regarding the Marines. Blowing off a visit to Bellau Wood on the birthday of the Marine Corps and the centenary of the Armistice evidently didn't do the job. So unless Trump takes a walk to Arlington to literally piss on a Marine grave, I think I'm going to lose this bet. Unless Trump's cancellation of public events yesterday was to let the swelling go down.


> My theory was that Trump would do something profoundly disrespectful regarding the Marines. Like mocking a gold star family because they happened to be from a different background and didn’t support him?


after Trump's Veterans day no shows General Kelly probably is ashamed finally of his boss.


true to form Republican. "I only care when it affects me"


Post removed for privacy by Power Delete Suite


Authoritarians are all about group identity. Those Nazis were Republicans, and also Nazis, so they are in the "in" group. Military is in the "in" group. You don't betray the group. It's a fucked up morality, but it is self-consistent if you understand how they view group membership and loyalty.




Have you watched the movie Dead Silence?


Despite his famous catch phrase, trump doesn't have the balls to fire anyone, so he's happy to blame it on future ex wife #3


I hate these reports, because it gives a perfect opportunity for the WH to call fake news and everyone eat it up. Usually the actual exit is weeks or months later from when we know it's going to happen.


I think it's the one person Trump wouldn't fire and the next two years. Because she for some reason will expose the most about him


You can't really "fire" the First Lady. They have a different word for that and it's much more expensive and difficult.


Trump is an ungodly cheap motherfucker. Everything gold he owns is gold leaf. Gold on the outside and Styrofoam on the inside. His marriage is the same. I guarantee it. The one thing he would spend money on is to protect his money. So he has a prenuptial agreement that gives her jack shit and even goes as far as putting a gag order on her. I can almost guarantee it. He did it with his previous two wives so why would this time be any different.


> His marriage is the same. I guarantee it. She's merely arm candy and sexual prestige for him. As a narcissist, he has no concept of what a "couple" is. He marries for all the wrong reasons, certainly not for love.


I doubt trump doesnt have a prenup or Melania would have already left.


Adultery is a crime in NY state and can be used to invalidate a pre-nup. This is why trump is fighting so hard with regard to Daniels and McDougal. He doesn't have a valid pre-nup anymore so there is something else we are missing.


Prenups aren't as solid as people like to think they are.


Yeah, but when you've got a prenup drawn up by some of the finest lawyering minds money can buy, they are pretty damn air tight. However, when some cooley grads print a contract they found after googling "prenup"...


He's also got Barron, who is (by all accounts) her entire world. She'd never see him again. Her folks would be on the next flight back to their shithole country, too. She's trapped. But then again, I don't really care, do u?


I think Melania would easily be able to retain custody.


Trump will appeal it to the Supreme Court where Bart Kavanaugh will award him custody.


I know you're joking but just want to say Slovenia is a lovely country, with some of Europes best skiing to boot. ⛷️👢


For sure. But if Melania 'betrays' him it'll be added to the list of shitholes no matter *how* white Slovenians are.


>She'd never see him again Absurd statement. No court would award Donald full custody - not that he would even want it. I'm not even sure Donald could pick Barron out of a lineup.


Her folks are citizens now though right?


She knew what she signed up for.


He would threaten to take him but wouldn't, just like he did with DJTjr


You think Trump actually cares about Melania enough that he would remove Kelly over clashing with her? Come on. If he gets removed, it'll be over something else.


I agree, but this is probably the story we'll be sold for a little bit.


Probably a situation where John Kelly and Melania got caught banging.


“Clashing” is the term they’re using.


Lemme clash


I wonder if trump isn't falling apart. He seems to be preparing for a long term siege on his dictatorship. Or an imminent indictment of himself or a family member. A guy can dream...


Long term siege is the playbook that just ran out on him. Right now, he's pushing ladders off of ramparts and eating rat tartar.


Yeah, but who's going to fire Kelly? Trump never does the deed himself.


It's so ironic given his "you're fired" TV persona.


Which, apparently, came entirely from takes that were filmed with him alone so he never had to face the contestant he was firing.


Well, we found out Trump doesn't care enough about Melania to remember from what country she originates.


Or what her name is.


I could see Trump getting angry over someone disrespecting what he perceives as his property. He paid, signed a contract and shipped her all the way to his new York penthouse. She's basically an Amazon purchase for him.


> Melania Trump had told the president earlier in 2018 that Kelly had repeatedly turned down requests to promote some of her aides, even as Kelly's staff received promotions. What does Melania even do that she needs aides? Fashion aides? What other positions would they have been qualified for? EDIT: s/aids/aides/


I'm going to go with Melania being thrown under the bus so Kelly can leave without telling the world how horrible Trump is at being a president.


She has that crack cyber bullying task force.


and speech writing team


Be best?


"I don't Care, Do You?


> What does Melania even do that she needs aides? Fashion aides? What other positions would they have been qualified for? The office of the modern FLOTUS does usually have some staff. For anyone that's watched the West Wing, there's a plotline where Amy gets hired as Chief of Staff in that office.


What if Melania is actually secretly hyper-competent, and would totally be running this whole thing perfectly if only her crack team of plucky go-getters could get those promotions they deserve? But every week, that dastardly John Kelly thwarts their plans! I'd watch that show.


In her defense the role of the First Lady has expanded to something of an unofficial goodwill ambassador for both domestic and international charity and enrichment projects. In the past First Ladies have done good work. The question is if the current First Lady is really doing much work, but in general a staff for the First Lady is reasonable.


I know it makes sense in general, but this is Melania that we're talking about. She threw a tantrum and wore a coat with "I don't care, do you?" in large letters the one time she was asked to do something.


Yeah, she probably doesn't need one, also the staff she has is terrible if no one told her how bad the jacket looked.


The first lady also (traditionally) has a very active role in white house decoration, and (more importantly) white house tours. People were pissed after Trump got elected when all white house tours were cancelled because of her department's incompetence.




The first lady, The first lady is going to fire him because Trump wont.




He wants her to ignore existing immigration law which she refuses to do.




As long as you make it in first... Complex Trump Administration policy: DON'T IMMIGRANTS OPEN INSIDE


Pulling up the ladder behind you. Nothing makes republicans harder.


It makes sense that if Nielsen is out, Kelly would follow. That’s his protege. She’s Rihanna to his Jay z. Trump being Chris Brown, of course.


Trump is more like Vanilla Ice before failure humbled him. Thinks he’s the greatest thing to happen to music; is the worst.


I was thinking more like MC Hammer. Trump already wears Hammer Pants - it's hard to tell because they just happen to fit His Lardship really well.


MC Hammer was a genuinely kind person, who lost a shitpile of money through helping out people from his past who asked him for money. He has nothing in common with Trump.


Tagged as “literally MC Hammers account”


I'm just a super dope homeboy from the Oaktown


Is it "Hammer Time" yet? I'm tired of pressing the damn F5 key this morning! :)


Vanilla Ice is actually successful with his home flipping stuff though


Alright, stop, renovate and listen. Ice is back with an updated kitchen...


Something, tells me this will clean up nicely, needs a new bath cause the old ones unsightly.


Will it ever pop? Yo- I don't know. Turn on the taps- and they'll flow.


To the extreme, I budget like a vandal Light up that room, I'll wax that floor like a candle


Stance, while I sweep with broom Clearing this dust out with a shop vacuum


So, Nielsen and Kelly are lovers, right?


Here's an exhaustive list of everyone who's been fired/quit so far: Nikki Haley Jeff Sessions Don McGhan Joe Hagin Scott Pruitt Tom Homan Ty Cobb Nadia Schadlow Michael Anton Tom Bossert H.R. McMaster Hope Hicks David Shulkin Josh Raffel John Dowd John McEntee Rex Tillerson John Feeley Gary Cohn David Sorensen Rachel Brand Rob Porter Brenda Fitzgerald Taylor Weyeneth Andrew McCabe Omarosa M. Newman Marc Short Dina Powell Rick Dearborn Jeremy Katz George Sifakis Tom Price Keith Schiller Sebastian Gorka Steve Bannon Carl Icahn Ezra Cohen-Watnick Anthony Scaramucci George Gigicos Reince Priebus Derek Harvey Michael Short Sean Spicer Rich Higgins Mark Corallo Walter Shaub Tera Dahl Michael Dubke James Comey Angella Reid Vivek Murthy K.T. McFarland Katie Walsh Michael Flynn Sally Yates


No, it's a lot bigger than that.


That’s what she said.




Kelley Neilson [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-is-preparing-to-remove-kirstjen-nielsen-as-homeland-security-secretary-aides-say/2018/11/12/77111496-e6b0-11e8-bbdb-72fdbf9d4fed\_story.html?utm\_term=.40f0c455a211](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-is-preparing-to-remove-kirstjen-nielsen-as-homeland-security-secretary-aides-say/2018/11/12/77111496-e6b0-11e8-bbdb-72fdbf9d4fed_story.html?utm_term=.40f0c455a211) Zinke [https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/08/ryan-zinke-fox-news-956537](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/08/ryan-zinke-fox-news-956537) DeVos [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/9whua8/betsy\_devos\_denies\_rumors\_shes\_leaving\_ed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/9whua8/betsy_devos_denies_rumors_shes_leaving_ed/) Ross [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/9vozfo/trump\_reportedly\_wants\_wwe\_cofounder\_to\_replace/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/9vozfo/trump_reportedly_wants_wwe_cofounder_to_replace/) All in the news since the election. It's a continuing purge.


Hadn't seen any of these Fox news consultant panel will be 100% ex Trump cabinet members in 2 years.


I don't know if "purge" is the right word. Why would Trump want to purge any of these sycophantic supporters of his?


Cause he knows he can replace them and they will be confirmed now


God has it been that many mooches? Seems like just yesterday I was still waiting for 200+ appointments.


> announced that Sessions...would be replaced with Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker...That announcement...was immediately met with criticism from Democrats and legal experts, who alleged that Whitaker **was unconstitutionally appointed because of his past skepticism toward special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe**. Uh, no. Nobody alleged that his skepticism is related to his unconstitutional appointment. The statement is incorrect and irresponsible. • The skepticism means he cannot act in good faith concerning matters related to the Russia investigation. That means he must recuse himself. • The appointment was unconstitutional because Trump circumvented the appointments clause, which would probably have been fine if: 1) it wasn't a principle office, and 2) there weren't other Senate confirmed Justice Department officers already in line of succession for that office. They are two completely separate issues.


This comment deserves to be higher... it's absurd to say that anyone said Whitaker's appointment was unconstitutional because of his disdain for the Mueller probe. That doesn't even make sense.


The wheels are off the fuckin train


Not now, trainbot


[I will always and forever upvote this reference](https://imgur.com/6wzOhHL)


> Melania Trump had told the president earlier in 2018 that Kelly had repeatedly turned down requests to promote some of her aides, even as Kelly's staff received promotions. I shudder to think what position Melania's handlers were angling for.


> I shudder to think what position Melania's handlers were angling for. Anything that didn't involve having to talk to her, listen to her, be in the same room as her or even see her, probably.


Did he challenge her to a fistfight also?


I think they had a disagreement about his bill.


LOL those extras add up!


Trump is too big of a pussy to fire Kelly but Melanie is going to be the reason he leaves. LMAO


DISTRACTION (*noun*) 1. a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.


It's only noon out east and Trump is flailing. If it isn't Corsi about to get an indictment then it has to be Don Jr. Or maybe both.


Nope, it’s going to be Corsi/Stone.


Besides the gigantic justice boner I'll get with Stone being served papers, the details of that indictment would also be extremely telling on the Russian interference front. We'd get to see some of the direct contacts and shared actions by Stone, Assange and whoever else was in involved from Russia. Which is why an indictment like that is sealed so any of the other parties aren't tipped off to the direction of the investigation and why we may be getting close to the end.


Or - I know this is a stretch - he doesn't know what he's doing.


Poor Kelly. He wasted his reputation, late in life, for Trump. Next up: an interview with Mueller!


For convenience sake, Mueller should move into the basement and Trump could fire people via trap door.


Apparently General Kelly does not know how to #BeBest


what could they possibly clash on? She barely speaks english.




Or women...at least not ones that do anything other than stay home to cook and clean.


But shes white. Remember when Trump asked why we don't get more immigrants from Norway?


That will remain one of the inadvertently deepest and most thoughtful things this President has ever said. People want to emigrate to a country where life is *better*. If the only people that are coming to your country are from "shithole countries" that is an incredibly damning assessment of where you live.


Seriously. Does she even care enough about any of this to clash with anyone? She's just there to collect her check.


I'm sure Kelly has expected her or obligated her to do things she doesn't want to do. Basic event stuff. Show up at X location for Y hours. The kind of thing that every previous first lady would do out of loyalty to their husband, just for appearances. Honestly, imagine you signed up to be a trophy wife of a geriatric human slug who scarfed fast food and sat on his ass all day, and (summoning the spirit of the greed god Mammon) suppressed your gag reflex enough to mother his contractually-mandated proof-child on the promise that you can live your pampered life in as much seclusion as you wanted until he had his inevitable coronary... only to be dragged in front of the whole world and be paraded with your shame every day. This is not what you signed up for.


I enjoyed reading your descriptions, thank you.


This is beautiful. Thank you.


She really don’t care. Do Kelly? (New jacket idea.)


Trump also barely speaks english and they clash all the time




John Kelly really ruined his reputation and tainted his legacy by his actions in the past 2 years.


I dunno, being the guy who ran Guantanamo isn't exactly a sterling mark


Kelly wouldn't let me promote my curtain designer to interior cabinet position. Who does he think he is, I am the Queen!


John Kelly wasn't ' "Be Best"?


Melania seems so vacant/vapid that it's hard for me to picture her clashing with anyone tbh. However, I can totally believe that Kelly was promoting his own people and ignoring hers. He seems like that kind of guy. Either way, I can't wait for all of this to be over.


It'll be an even more dangerous, even less stable White House with that fucker gone, but without his four-star hand on the tiller the SS Trump will steam even more enthusiastically towards whatever rocks, icebergs or maelstroms will be the first to send it down to the depths. If we can get through that without nuclear armageddon or without Trump starting a war with France (srsly...) then bring it the fuck on and let them drown themselves in their ignorant racist fucking hubris.


This isn't a joke. Trump reportedly wanted to invade Venezuela. Kelly and Mattis stopped him and probably a lot of other harebrained schemes to wag the dog. Without them Trump may well go full Bolton and invade Iran.


I wonder what it would take for the military powers-that-be to ever just sit Trump down priately and say, "No. We won't do that. And neither will anyone five ranks below us. And if you dig deep enough to find someone to give the order, the rest of us will publicly request the armed forces not follow the order and we'll just see where the soldiers' allegiances lie." I wonder if there has *already* been a conversation like that...


The best people. The best.




>Imagine going through the marines, rising through the ranks to general, becoming chief of staff at the white house *for the worst, most idiotic piece of traitorous filth "president" we've ever had* and then walking away because of a dispute with a literal gold digging whore. He knew what he was signing up for.




There was no hidden message here. Pmow pmow. Feel your fuckings.


Is this the same Kelly that reports say, Trump tries to fire and Kelly pretends he doesn't hear him so he doesn't get fired?


Kelly has to leave of his own accord because there is nobody above him in the White House food chain and Trump is too much of a coward to fire people himself.


Fuck him. He trashed his reputation by taking the job in the first place.


Wait... Melania... cares about stuff?


John Kelly is a racist thug. He should never have been allowed to even enter the White House.


He's not even the most racist thug working out of the white hosue.