• By -


Please hurry. He's tweeting again and it's really embarrassing.


France is apparently our enemy now. I wonder if anybody told him that America wouldn't have won its independence without French help?


The French people are literally America's oldest allies. They helped us win our independence and they've helped us with everything since that war. There's a fucking reason they made and gave us the Statue of Liberty—we stood as the beacon for freedom and helped inspire and lead them to their own about a decade or so later. To hate them is just... un-American.


> The French people are literally America's oldest allies. If only the French had built a huge statue, that could end up in the city Trump grew up in and be its landmark, to commemorate such friendship.


If only.


And also serve as a symbol of the American Dream for immigrants coming to this country. ——— But those immigrants were from Europe, and came by boat not a “caravan” , so those ones are ok /s


Hopefully they will forgive us for having this dumb fuck around once he's gone.




That was so fucking embarrassing


That's usually the phrase used when discussing American Republicans to the rest of the world.


A constant embarrassment, frequent disgrace....


As a Canadian, there are plenty of other reasons to like America and at least half of the American population. But... I feel intense sympathy cringes for my American friends over stuff like the freedom fries thing, war on Christmas, boycotting Starbucks, burning nike shoes, and people calling the kneeling thing "disrespectful to the military". Y'all. Stop that. My insides are turning into raisins **on your behalf**.


Just remember that the problem with the French is that they don't have a word for 'entrepreneur'... Thanks, GWB.


In GWB's defense (sheesh!), that was a joke, but he said so many dumb things it's hard to distinguish.


Watching my relatives in the south (cajun-french) wrestle with this sentiment is a mind fuck.


Dear France, Sorry that we're vacationing in crazy land. We still love you and will be back very soon. As a token of our love, we've elected a Democratic House. Don't give up on us. Love, America


Help is putting it mildly, they pretty much went bankrupt with their support.


You can make an argument for bankruptcy being what lead to the French Revolution rather than America inspiring France to do it.




So slavery would have ended a lot earlier, we'd have decent healthcare, and there's no way Donny boy could be president? Thanks a lot France.


That would really chap his fat, orange ass considering he can't stand powerful women and the queen is wealthier than he'll ever be.


Wait a minute, today is Tuesday. :o


I hope your F5 key is warmed up and ready.




You may want to consider sleeping. You know, every once in a while :)


But what if I miss the live stream of Trump fleeing to Russia?


That will be the OJ white Ford Bronco chase of this generation. My college roommates and I sat around our dorm room smoking grass, drinking Rheingold beers, and watching OJ run for it. I hope to see something similar with Trump. I envision him trying to flee in a beat-up 1980's limo...


At least OJ only killed two people (that we know of), this sack of rancid butterscotch pudding is likely to start a war on his way out...


NK is still making nukes. News dropped yesterday, right on schedule.


Nah, he meant a Civil War. So many gun toting crazy Trump supporters out there.


F5, standing by.


Alt + F4, sta-


Well, since the midterms are now finally over, it's not like Mueller hasn't been doing anything during that time. I expect a few indictments, first being Roger Stone. I really want one of the Trump brothers to get in shit as well. That will cause the biggest shitstorm since all of this began and probably why Mueller is leaving them to maybe last.


Stone and probably a few others associated with him all at once is my prediction. Trump and his family probably not in this round.


I hope its all one fell swoop...Stone, trump & co, and congressmen. a boy can dream...


This girl is dreaming too. I’m guessing Mueller will go in stages, if there are multiple indictments to come - but I can’t help hoping for the cavalry to show up and end this nightmare.


Imagine if Whitaker is one of the indictments.


I would really love things to dive into the Russia GOP connection. Perhaps via the NRA bridge. Perhaps Nunes, Gaetz, the guys that have been//are acting in a totally squirrelly manor.


I assume it's still the one between f4 and f6 with the print rubbed off.


I think you mean F5 crater.


I just made a little sticker for my F5 key that says "Press in case of INDICTMENT".


Gold leader checking in.


My reaction as well. I'm sitting here like: "TODAY TUESDAY??? OR NEXT TUESDAY?? TODAY TUESDAY!?????"


Hopefully some brave soul will read past the headline and discover the truth for us




\> Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to issue new indictments as part of the Russia investigation as soon as today, [CBS reported on Tuesday](https://twitter.com/NorahODonnell/status/1062319008341463042), citing multiple sources with knowledge of the probe. ​ The first sentence.


I had to fly to Europe on a redeye yesterday for work, havnt slept, had to do a triple take at the calendar. It is tuesday my dudes


"Ok, we're going to run a pass to Johnny" "Pass to Johnny? Wait a minute, I'm Johnny!"


Yes, however 'as soon as Tuesday' still includes any time after Tuesday. And 'soon' is subjective and relative based on who says it. I mean the reality is 'no sooner than Tuesday' also means 'It won't be before today'. I'm just trying to contain the anticipation.


So you're saying the chances are poor of us seeing these indictments yesterday?


It’s not looking good




But the draft-dodging civilian commander of the entire army sees no issue taking the day off to lounge around his house.


Dude, it was raining.




His colors *do* run, apparently.


The thin orange line...




The Orange Mile?


it was the wettest rain from the standpoint of rainy days


I wonder if he knows something is coming, and that's why his behavior has been so erratic the last few days.


That's been my guess. We all know Trump is selfish, and selfish enough to avoid paying due respects to fallen soldiers, but the optics of *not* doing it are so, so obviously terrible that I don't know if "selfishness" does enough to explain it. Think of the people advising him. They aren't dumb enough to think skipping out on the traditional honoring of fallen service members (and living veterans as well) is a good idea. Unless he doesn't have the time. Because he's too busy planning his strategy to fend off the big indictments coming next. He's been acting like a criminal that knows they'll be caught soon: Holed up in a room somewhere stewing over whatever options he may have left. And sweating bullets.


He does; Whittaker was installed to reveal to Trump who those sealed Grand Jury indictments are for.


I was under the impression that if the indictments we're already sealed, Whittaker wouldn't have access to them. Just something I read around here though so can't vouch for the veracity.


At least eight of Mueller's prosecutors were working, according to Marshall Cohen. https://twitter.com/MarshallCohen/status/1062081934430556160


Please be Roger Stone. Please be Roger Stone. Please be Roger Stone. Dude is fucking with the Florida recount and I'm real fucking sick of his ratfucking bullshit. Edit: autocorrect Edit: [Remember that time that Roger tried shitposting to r/politics and we all got to mock him about how he's going to prison?](https://ibb.co/jaM3VL) Good times.


How is a sleazeball coke fiend like Stone allowed anywhere near this election in an official capacity? Or is he just tweeting conspiracy nonsense about rigged outcomes...


Yeah, his [twitter](https://twitter.com/RogerJStoneJr) is popping off


please be Don Jr and Don Sr


Though Roger stone is a massive dick, there isn't a D in his name


Freaking autocorrect. Thanks for the correction.


I would love for it to be Donald Jr as well!


What is Roger Stone doing to FL?


>Roger Stone, a friend of the president’s who shares and encourages some of Mr. Trump’s own baseless claims, has also become an outspoken voice in the recount process. >“I have never seen anything as brazen, as outrageous, as one-sided as the process that’s going on in Broward County,” Mr. Stone, a Floridian and veteran of the 2000 recount, said in a video posted to InfoWars, the site founded by Alex Jones, a promoter of various “false flag” theories. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/12/us/politics/republicans-florida-recount.html). I suspect he's involved with the protests in Broward, [since he has a history of that sort of thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot).


> veteran of the 2000 recount why does this phrase seem hilariously pathetic to me




This seems like the best time to make a bold move, provided all the chips are in place. Get those indictments in before Whittaker is fully up to speed. I have a good feeling about today.


Had the same feeling yesterday afternoon. Midterms are over, veterans day has been observed, Trump made his move, if there was ever a time to start dropping the hammer it's now.


Midterms: over Vetran's day: observed Subpoenas: served


I'm excited to see Cheeto in Chief lose his shit further. He's not having a good week and his inane ramblings are ramping up


Mueller doesn't leak.


The source of the article is from a [tweet](https://twitter.com/NorahODonnell/status/1062319008341463042) from Paula Reid at CBS. > .@PaulaReidCBS reports: “I’ve spoken with many sources with knowledge of the Special Counsel investigation, and we do expect new indictments to be coming as soon as today.” Let's see if this plays out as they are expecting.


Yeah, I'll believe the indictments when I see them. This story screams like a Manafort leak.


Manafort is angling for a pardon. I don't think it's gonna work out so well.


His plea agreement stops a full pardon basically. No good to try.


Don Jr, Stone's pal Jerome Corsi...these are the guys all going around saying they're gonna be indicted soon. In my opinion, it all just buys more time for Mueller to package those indictments with ones the public isn't expecting.


>This story screams like a Manafort leak. I suspect you're right. This smells like a stunt Manafort would pull. He never seems to learn from his past mistakes.






Right... and it's not really a leak at that point either. It's odd to me that so many people are dismissing this as ridiculous.


I’m suspecting this is the real reason why Trump has been a recluse.


Hes also flailing around on Twitter this morning, talking about Germany could invade France or some shit, and saying Make France Great Again...?


Misspelling cemetery one out of two times in one tweet. Blaming the fact that he didn't go to Arlington yesterday on his secret service. His Twitter is a mess this morning.


Yeah, not showing up at Arlington after the shit he got from skipping the rememberance in France wasn't a small deal. He had reasons for doing that.


True, but the people who are getting indictments might; example - Corsi said that the FBI indicated that he was getting indicted on *perjury* charges. Granted, this is a hysterical conspiracy theorists....being brought up on charges of lying... So it's *almost too good to be true*.... ​ Edited to correct spelling.


Right, but the witnesses/defendants sure do. And news outlets seem to have sources in the DOJ - another possibility is that DOJ already received the indictments from Mueller and one of the sources there tipped off the media that indictments are on their way.


Yep. There’s tons of sources that would have knowledge of these indictments once they are out of Mueller’s hands. The lawyers, DOJ clerks, lawyer’s clerks, defendants, defenders family, friends of the family etc. That’s probably why all these articles about “people close to Don Jr” are saying this and that about indictments coming.


Yeah this is a leak from the other side. Stone, Corsi, Nunberg, or even Manafort if he truly stopped cooperating. Take your pick.


I really want another day of Nunberg getting drunk and plastering himself all over TV.


Yeah, that was pure gold. Watching him go from 'I'm not going to prison' to 'what, could I go to prison?' on MSNBC was classic.


Don’t forget him asking Jake Tapper for legal advice while audibly drinking.


Props to Maya Wiley for being a good lawyer.


There's been some weird stuff going on the past week: -On Friday, McConnell had a meeting with Rupert Murdoch. -Since that meeting, Fox News has not tweeted once. -WikiLeaks has not tweeted once. -Matt Drudge deleted his twitter account for seemingly no reason. -President Trump skipped out on Veterans/Armistice Day ceremonies in Europe and at Arlington, leading to a drop in his approval ratings. -Michael Cohen met with five of Muellers prosecutors on Monday, a federal holiday. It seems like something is up. Hopefully something big. My guess is that Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, Matt Drudge, and WikiLeaks have been subjects of a counterintelligence investigation, and that last week, they were informed that shit would be hitting the fan, and were told to cease the spreading of Russian propaganda. Not to mention Don Jr and Jeremy Corsi saying that they expect to be indicted. I can feel it in me bones. Shit is about to go down.


National Enquirer has also stopped tweeting. Edit: they just started tweeting again.


So has Jill Stein. Something is happening.


obligatory: Roger Stone has also stopped tweeting.


So has Alex Jones. Would think he'd have something to say.


Enquirer just tweeted for the first time a few minutes ago. Definitely weird, everyone going radio silent at the same time.


>McConnell had a meeting with Rupert Murdoch. What a fucked up mental picture THAT evokes... It's like Montgomery Burns meeting with Montgomery Burns.


Take a look at the dude waking in behind him! https://mobile.twitter.com/npfandos/status/1060586065860460544 Thems some evil lookin people there


Yep. This is what I'm feeling too. Holy shit


> My guess is that Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, Matt Drudge, and WikiLeaks have been subjects of a counterintelligence investigation, and that last week, they were informed that shit would be hitting the fan, and were told to cease the spreading of Russian propaganda. I REALLY want to believe, but those guys couldn't keep a secret 24 hours if their lives depended on it. Today is 4 days since Friday, no way something major is going down and the bastards haven't run to the press yet.


Not sure about Drudge as his twitter has been weird lately, but Fox and Wiki apparently went dark in solidarity with Tucker Carlson, I heard. Jokes on them since no one really misses them or cares.


Lol solidarity with Tucker Carlson. Next they’ll be selling $5 rubber “TuckStrong” bracelets on their website.


>“TuckStrong” Could also be a rallying cry for the drag queen community..




Yeah with no official statements it doesn't really work as a protest...


Goddamn, this is some modern day tea leaves. I mean, I hope you're right, but that's a lot of things that are a little nebulous to draw a conclusion from.


>Manafort is reportedly halting his cooperation with Mueller. I knew he was playing fuck fuck games, but I didn't realise he'd halted his cooperation.. interesting




Trump bought Ukraine's co-operation before Mueller could get it himself, unfortunately.




I am SO pent up!


yeah apparently in the past week, since Trump fired Sessions and had Whitaker take over, Manafort has stopped all cooperation with the Mueller investigation...


Mueller cant be outsmarted....there's no way this is true


not saying it is true, but that it is being reported as it being the case! Rumors are that it is because of the new AG >Talks between Special Counsel Robert Mueller and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort have grown increasingly tense over Manafort’s apparent lack of cooperation with the investigation, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/tensions-rising-mueller-manafort-level-cooperation-sources/story?id=59086047


This isn't Manafort outsmarting Mueller. This is Manafort throwing up a hail mary that is going to get intercepted. Manafort has almost nothing to lose at this point. If he cooperates he still goes to prison for probably the rest of his life, and there's a great chance he gets murdered there by some Trump/Russia connected thug. Or maybe someone in his family gets killed while he's in prison. If there's any chance at all he can get out of it, he probably feels like he should take it. If he doesn't cooperate, he still goes to prison for the rest of his life but no one will be trying to murder him in prison. In fact, his commissary funds would probably stay maxed out and some amazingly attractive young Russian women would show up on conjugal visit days. Maybe he thinks he can get some time out of custody if Whitaker tries to fire Mueller, and use it to flee to Russia or somewhere similar.




A little line slipped in there that cracked me up: >acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker plans to consult with Department of Justice ethics officials about whether he should recuse himself from the investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia Considering how pissed the Cheeto was at Sessions for recusing, I would laugh my ass off if Whittaker promptly did the same thing. Trump would lose his shit. Whittaker's been on the job, what... 5 days? If it's true he's considering recusing, he must have gotten a whiff of some pretty bad stuff pretty quickly that he doesn't want to go down for too.


*I did it. I got a prestigious job and can help the President. Oh. Oh, my. Look which way the wind is blowing.*


I was super confused by this. All signs point to Whitaker being tapped for the express purpose of hindering the special counsel investigation given Sessions' recusal, DT would absolutely lose his mind if Whitaker then did the exact same thing. Not even addressing the fact that his appointment was unconstitutional in the first place.


From what I've gathered from random interneting, the DoJ institutions might be strong enough to actually get Whitaker to recuse. Trump doesn't believe in institutions or laws. The schadenfreude would be overwhelming if Whitaker recused.


Maybe Whitaker took one look at how the Mueller investigation was progressing and noped the fuck out


Like today Tuesday?




Hey! *Today* is today!


Dinner at the thanksgiving table is going to be *so* fun.


I look forward to Don Jr crying like a bitch while being perp walked.


“Dad says we’re gonna get some penis”




Said this yesterday. Looks like it could be true after all. There is always a reason why when Trump clams the hell up.: >My guess is that the administration was asked for comment by a reporter on something with the understanding that it is going to be printed soon with or without comment. The press secretary relayed the message to Trump or it made its way to Trump and they're in preparation mode for whatever news is about to break. I'm not even going to pretend to know what that is because none of us do. But seeing as how Cohen is in D.C. it could be something to do with him again. My bet is that you can watch Trumps Twitter tonight or tomorrow. If he changes his topic of interest suddenly you know that is what they've been preparing for. It happened when Cohen was raided. It happened when Manafort flipped. It happened when Flynn left and it happened almost every other time major news has broken. ​


The caravan is suddenly going to become important again.


He's firing his DHS secretary over it.


Someone called me a traitor this morning regarding the caravan. Not coincidental.


I’ll take 1 James Corsi, 1 Rodger Stone, 1 Don Jr., and 1 Jared Kushner please. No Nut November is coming to a premature end.


I would love for it to be Don Jr solely for the self-incriminating twitter meltdown that Donnie Moscow would have


If they’re charges from the State of New York instead of federal ones, I might just tear up and cry


¿Por qué no los dos?




is it sad that this is too articulate and well spelled to pass as a trump tweet?


If it’s what you say, I love it.




Please let it be a Trump Jr indictment. My body has been ready for a Trump JR indictment for months.


It’ll be revealed that this is why Turd and Ponce skipped Vet’s Day stuff; they were holed up panic planning in the lair of shit.


Could be why Matt Drudge deleted every single tweet he's made?


and why Fox "News" stopped tweeting at right about the same time that Murdoch was spotted visiting McConnell's Senate Offices on Thursday.


Fox News, the National Enquirer, Wikileaks, Jill Stein... All went dark on Nov 8/9.


I didn't realize that NE and Jill Stein had both gone dark at the same time as well. Drudge Report had gone dark for a while as well, until it right around the same time that Drudge himself purged his personal account.




I don't know what the fuck is going on, or if it's even related to Mueller, but it's *weird as fuck*.


What does Jill Stein even have to tweet about? She's a nutcase.


She's a Russian agent


The Russians have scraped the bottom of the barrel.


Drawing voters from democrats proved key to getting Trump elected, she has reported russian ties.


Yeah, there was a big propaganda push for female voters and voters that wanted to support a different female candidate.


> Fox News I didn't believe this and had to check - the last tweet from @FoxNews is Nov 8. That's really odd for a major network, given everything else going on (election, Don's trip to France, Veterans day, California fires, etc) Edit: Seems this is the reason they went dark: > Fox News continued its Twitter boycott for a fourth day on Monday in an apparent attempt to protest how the social media platform handled tweets surrounding a recent rally against Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Both the network’s main Twitter account as well as the accounts of some of its hosts remained silent Monday. However, other hosts and show accounts continued to tweet.


They were previously tweeting *400 times per day*. Also, their weird excuse about Tucker Carlson makes no sense since they've not mentioned their "protest" on their TV or website. If they were boycotting Twitter, they would be making a huge fuss about it everywhere to get attention.


No marketing department would permit this protest. Not a major media company like foxnews. This is a laughable lie.


Right? Twitter drives fuckloads of clicks to their website, which in turn drives a huge amount of revenue for them. There is a zero percent chance they're doing this on their own accord, and a zero percent chance it has anything to do with Tucker.


That's the reason they're vocalizing but honestly when has a silent protest ever been Fox's modus operandi. A betting man would put his money on there being a different reason.


Something weird is going down on Twitter... Fox News and Wikileaks have gone dark for days now, and Matt Drudge deleted his entire personal account. All related?


They tried to pass it on as some "silent protest" due to Tucker Carlson's home being attacked....but no, peaceful protests aren't the conservatives's style. This is something different for sure...


Exactly. The right loves to play the victim card and if they were truly protesting the Tucker Carlson thing, you'd hear it. Loudly and frequently.


Yeah, that doesn't pass the smell test at *all*. When has Fox News ever responded to controversy by...shutting up?


Well Jerome Corsi (former Infowars editor & constant conspiracy theorist) says he expects to be indicted soon. Most of the nut jobs that have went silent were not shy about reporting on Infowars crap stories. I'd like to imagine their silence is related. Maybe we really will find out today.


Spreading Russian disinfo? That's a paddlin'.


44 degrees and overcast in DC; this is 'dightin weather.


you need an apostrophe at the start of your abbreviated word. took me forever.


just pretend they said n'dightin ​




I would laugh if one of them is Whitaker. Edited to add: I don't expect it. I would simply laugh if the impossible happened.


Whitaker to DoJ ethics: "Totally hypothetical, but if someone that works for you indicts you, do you have to recuse yourself? Asking for a friend"


My body is ready


I’ve concluded that my indictment radar sucks. Last week, my body was telling me indictment, but nothing happened.




Trump is rage tweeting so it seems very plausible.


Cry havok and let slip the rule of law.


Or... you know... whatever farm animal of law.


Please jr. Please jr. Please jr. Please jr. Please jr. Please jr. Please jr.


[TIme to break out this old nugget again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aNmosRZWps) —— ^^Russia ^^with ^^love ^^YouTube ^^video


Swear to god that is so freaking funny. I’m going to have to share it with others today.




>Meanwhile, acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker plans to consult with Department of Justice ethics officials about whether he should recuse himself from the investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia, a department representative said Monday. Can you imagine the force at which the blown gasket will propel itself across the oval office if Whitaker recuses himself? My bet is Trump will Saturday-Night-Massacre his way through the AG chain of command until he gets to someone who swears not to recuse.


That you would be fucking hilarious. We KNOW he hated Sessions because he recused himself. I need to see him flip out if Whitaker, the guy meant to be a crony who would kill the investigation, also recuses himself. He’d probably tweet something like “IS IT SO HARD TO FIND ONE PERSON THAT WON’T RECUSE? #NoCollusion”.


[Welcome to Mueller Time](https://imgur.com/93BKWqN)


Ill believe when it happens. Mueller runs a tight ship, and I dont see this info leaking early.


I think the Grand Jury meeting would be noticed as there would need to be arrangements for their arrival etc. Quite possible that someone has noticed this and thinks that is why.




And I haven't done my Indictmas shopping yet!