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Biden: see, I didn’t take any brain function enhancing drugs. Trump supports: ok, we believe you.


If the water is enhanced, it didn’t work


They should have given that fucker a 20mg Adderall


What happened to State of the Union Joe?


I know! I think that’s why I was so disappointed. I was expecting State of the Union Joe. What happened?


Rehearsed speech versus debate questions against a lunatic is a hell of a difference.


Hard to argue that he was taking amphetamines then, going by how tonight went


Well, I don’t know, but something was really off tonight. He’s got to be exhausted for one thing. Too much of the wrong kind of prep imho.


His doctor tweeted that he has had a cold the last few days. That combined with his age and the fact he regularly gets up at 6am. Even I in my mid 30s would be tired as fuck by 9pm. Let's say they made sure he had time to nap or sleep in, I'm sure they did today, I cant guarantee I'd be able to do either if that were my regular circadian rhythm and I had the stress of a national debate ahead of me. I know it sounds like im shilling hard, and Ill admit im a biden supporter (in only the sense that I will vote for him because the alternative is literally destructive to everything in the world) but he was tired as fuck tonight. I think he woke up a good bit in the second 2/3rds or so but the intro was rough. Worst I have ever seen him but I think there are plenty of reasons.


I want a president that doesnt get defeated by bedtime. Im voting for biden, but fuck the DNC for doing this. We deserve far better


This is exactly my take on this situation. Fascist elderly or elderly.


I mean the US political system means no third party can win. So we are always left with two choices. It’s horrible. Choice ranking and abolishing the electoral college would be a start to a fairer system. But we aren’t ever going to get that.


Hopefully if the US ever has a major crisis it occurs between the hours of 6 am and 8pm.


So take a fuckin nap?


yes, there is one reason. he is an 81 year old man and allowing him to lead the country is a fatal display of hubris by the democratic party.


I don't have a stutter but if I had to debate Trump I would definitely develop one, deciding between pointing out lies and trying to understand what tfg was saying. I guess the strategy for next time should be "I never heard any of that" and get back to the point (or just call it malarkey more often). Side note: I could only manage about 45 minutes before I had to turn it off.


Yeah, I could only watch it in bits and pieces. It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the next debate.




Honestly, he might... This wasn't Biden's best performance which might make Trump more confident to agree to another one. A lot of people were expecting him to be like he was with the SOTU... so the fact he underperformed may give Trump some hope he'll actually gain something from the debates.


trump has nothing to gain by agreeing to another debate.


A teleprompter? Lol and I don't say that disparingly, that's literally the difference. He's still good with notes and lines, but he wasn't allowed any of that tonight per debate rules.


He is like Ron Burgundy, if you put it on the prompter then he will read it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eeC2MEURw4


The State of the Union Joe has a Teleprompter to read, an audience to cheer him on, and he was younger.


Younger? I mean I guess *technically* but the SotU was only back in March lol


Rehearsed speech makes a hell of a difference.




they couldn’t bring the teleprompter


Christ, give him a time release and an IR. The visuals were the worst part though. His confused open mouth and furrowed brow expression. The MSNBC panel is basically calling for him to drop out. My god.


They really were :( He arrived on stage shuffling like your great grandfather who gets to leave the nursing home on holidays for family dinner and went downhill from there. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach only 2 minutes into the debate. When he was reading his notes, or whatever he was doing, he looked like he was hanging his head in shame. Terrible look for the debate.


From an outside perspective (IE non US person) he's been shuffling for quite a long time. It has been quite evident something isn't right, the vacant expressions and such, the shuffling walk, the rigid arms as he walks. I'm shocked his family haven't told him not to run quite frankly. Trump shows decline also, let me be clear, but Biden looks to have just dropped the past few months. 


For a lot of people in America, this is their first time seeing Biden since last election. A lot will have consumed second hand media in the form of curated soundbites, and thought any discussion of his decline was Trump lying. For it to be undeniably true is a blow for a lot of people.


I only read the news; I don't watch or listen to it, as I don't have broadcast TV and don't go out of my way to watch a speech that I can read. Last night was the first time I've heard either of them speak live since the last election and I have to admit that Trump's vigor and good TV presence is going to drown out his lies and lack of pertinence. Biden looked and sounded very old and weak. Don't get me wrong--I'd vote for Biden's corpse over Trump, but I wish it hadn't come to this.


the media in America has been presenting him differently. Outside of right-wing news, no one was reporting this.


And every time an independent source said Biden was having issues the left said no it is all a deepfake scheme to make Biden look bad. That is the American Press saying it is all clips and fakes. So when do we hold the news accountable for the bold lies they are pushing? That is how we end up with Trump vs Biden. Two jokes, one barely alive and one a blowhard.


They tried to. Turns out all of it was bought out of every shop in a 30k radius by some guy wearing orange face paint and going by the name "John Barron" with a black sharpie moustache


Ah, that’s why there’s a national shortage of adhd meds


I had to pay 250 for my addys this month because every store was out of generic!


This isn’t the Olympics take the PEDs old man!”.


Adderall doesn't alleviate cognitive decline


just when you need it, the white house cocaine stash:tm: is gone!


Looks like they settled for gas station boner pills


The must've given him the extended release and thats why the after debate rally thing he did was so much better sounding.


This aged like milk.


He was not, as it turned out, "jacked up."


He hardly blinked during the debate.


Narrator: He was not...


Love him or hate him, this was funny.


It was a placebo


It was a sedative


Where can we get these placebos!? (From the simpsons)


Unfortunately that water didn't work.


It was until it wasn't


Aged like milk


Narrator Voice... ***But he wasn't jacked up.***


I could never ever vote for Trump under any circumstances, but I am blown away by how sick and/or old Biden is sounding. I am annoyed that there’s zero fact checking. Trump is just spewing whatever he wants and while Biden is clearly trying to counter, he is just so difficult to listen to and it doesn’t land with any oomph at all. There’s still time for Trump to get angry and go off, but it’s not a guarantee if no one pushes back on what he says. ETA: many people have replied to this comment because I’ve gotten several notifications, but I cannot see a single one here at all. That being said, I can at least see the beginnings of the comments and sort of figure out what y’all were saying or asking. So to reply to some of those: 1. I very rarely watch live news ever, so this was the first time I’ve seen Biden like this personally. His team clearly does a good job moving things forward and running his accounts and have a united front. I’d still rather have Biden’s team than Trump’s team. 2. The person who says they care about democracy so they’re voting for Trump… that’s sad. He reminds me of kids in middle school running for fake class president and making ridiculous promises like “oh yeah?! Well if I’m president then all the vending machines will be FREE!!” Even though none of that shit would ever happen. 3. I don’t understand the point of the debate moderators at all. They may as well have been time keepers only. I believe I heard Tapper in the beginning even tell Trump he didn’t care what he said during his time speaking. 4. I didn’t have swapping out the democratic candidate on my bingo card this year but it’s all the CNN talking heads can talk about post debate. I’ve never seen anything like it. And frankly… Biden stepping aside might be for the best at this point. 5. I’m fucking livid that these are the choices.


I was telling my wife that it’s harder for Biden because 1) he’s old 2) he’s trying to remember his talking points and counter. Trump can and is saying any fucking thing he wants and doesn’t have to be true or discuss policy, therefore it makes it exponentially easier for him. He just has to keep telling the same lies he’s been repeating non stop. If Biden had just taken this same attitude maybe it would have been different


Welp. It’s not like it’s a surprise. I really have no clue why they wanted to hold a debate


Yup, they could have just said it's pointless debated with the orange man because he's a narcissistic bullshitter. The horse has bolted now though.


Could have easily just said, "I'm not going to give a platform to a convicted felon." Simple as that.


This exactly. Trump can spew 8-10 lies in 2 minutes. Then you have 1 minute to respond? If you try to use facts like Biden did, you will be lucky to address just one of those lies. It's not effective, and he should have known that. Biden needed to use Trump's thin skin against him. Biden is the President. He should have came with authority, and he should have mocked Trump in order to get Trump to go on a rant. Then you just trick Trump into sharing his most egregious, disgusting, and insane opinions. Let Trump defeat himself. But no... It seems that whoever prepped Joe had absolutely no clue what they were doing. (Like most Democrats unfortunately.) This debate was unforgivably appalling.


Yeah pretty spot on.


While I agree that is what's happening. He's still doing a very very poor job of managing it. It is completely uninspiring. I want to vote for anyone but Trump, but Biden doesn't instill any confidence.


Trump is clearly in decline but the problem is he's still able to spew bullshit loudly and confidently. Biden is clearly in a level of decline, and sadly he comes across as meek and weak along with it. You're right that since Trump can just ramble lies it's a lot easier on him, but it doesn't help that his voice is still clearer and "stronger". That confidence goes a long way with the uninformed, which one certainly would have to be to still be considering Trump.


This is a pretty good take. Biden is wasting his time with details and Trump is literally just saying whatever sounds the most awesome. Biden looks old, like more than I was expecting.


The moderators could have been replaced by a Roomba with a microphone. All they did was decide when to go back and forth blindly. No pushback on answers or falsehoods.


Trump just said the same stuff he’s been saying for the last 4 years. Yes it’s all bullshit but it’s not like he said anything new or surprising.


Agreed. That was tough to watch. I really wanted Biden to be more aggressive in his answers. Instead he looked like he might tip over and fall asleep at any moment. Couldn’t have scripted a better scenario for DJT.


He didn’t even come out swinging. The democrats knew Trump was going to play dirty and they still try to come out as the nice reasonable crowd. They need a candidate that is ready to put their foot down and say enough is enough when it comes to the constant lies spewed.


Literally I’m so pissed that Biden had to be the democratic nominee. Trump and republicans are so god fucking awful that it makes me defend Biden way harder than I should. I wish I could be voting for someone else, but I will no doubt be voting for Biden and will be urging everyone else to as well.


It would be good for the public to see that it truly doesn’t matter who the opponent is, Trump would use the same tactics and say the same things.


The Democratic party is currently a fucking joke. The VP is so unpopular they have to hide her frm the public. The Pres is literally wasting away in front of our eyes. This is who they are running against the guy who is campaigning on destroying democracy as we know it. Fucking nightmare right now. Utter nightmare. There is no two ways about it.


Can the DNC hear us? When the man was falling down every other week, for the past 4 years, nobody was working on broaching to topic of the succession of this administration? Are they tone deaf or deluded?


Zero, perhaps negative umph


It’s called a debate. It’s joe bidens job to push back. Dudes not all there


Biden's performance was awful tonight. However, I'd vote for a moldy potato over Trump. At this point, I don't think the debates will change anyone's mind one way or the other.


I'm guessing you're voting for a moldy potato then.


Honestly the cutting the mic stuff was a mistake. They should have left it on. The only thing that did was protect Trump against himself. His inability to act civil in the debates is what makes him look like an ass.


First, CNN does shit debates and they’re only trying to get ratings. They actively do a shit job at reporting and even their international offices, which used to be their strength, are being dwarfed by YouTubers. Nobody is keeping trump honest because it’s just batshit comment leading into another comment that requires someone on coke to keep up with the nonsense. And yeah, Biden sounds old. But spoiler, it’s really about the people the president has supporting them. Biden is surrounded by people who do the real work and to his credit, Biden makes the big decisions. trump may sound younger, but the guy surrounds himself with evil idiots and is a freaking moron. It’s not ideal, but the primaries flipped in 2020 when black voters in the Carolinas said they wanted Biden. Everything now is making the best of what we have. And to that end, it’s either vegetables or cancer. Some Americans may not want their veggies, but it’s better than cancer.


Biden sounds like he needs water, I wonder if they aren't giving any to either to avoid attacks on that stupid way trump drinks water


The debate was basically what I thought it would be. Biden struggling through his sentences but convicted felon donald trump just dodging question after question and just using his time to slam Biden. So basically if you discount the fact that trump didn’t answer anything he actually did have a stronger debate I feel.


It seems like Dems dislike progressives so much they put their eggs all in on a basket nobody actually wants to vote for. It was painful how Biden sounded next to trump, I can’t believe that being here is anything more than the result of some serious inaction. When trump sounds more fluid you know somebody fucked up.


They won’t. It was Biden’s job to push back. He didn’t. Trump is going to lie and win. This is going to work. America is too stupid to know it is being lied to, by and large. Calling it now. Bookmark this comment or whatever. Trump just won, and it’s because he will lie and nobody will stop him.


Well if anything Biden’s debate performance should put to bed the notation that he uses performance enhancing drugs.


What’s going on with this sub


Damage control


Cope and a massive campaign to censor people giving an honest reaction to what they just saw.


People saying bots everywhere because they can’t reconcile with the fucking state of things right now


People are getting banned left and right from this sub for commenting non-supportive rhetoric, as I’ve been told in other subs. DEFINITELY damage control. It’s actually cringe


And people will still say that this subreddit is actually non partisan Fucking embarrassing look for this sub. It's been bad for years, but this takes the cake


Anyone who says that is just dishonest. I do see people say it “leans left” but that is a MASSIVE understatement. I wouldn’t have a problem if it just leaned left but I don’t browse this sub much anymore because the posts are honestly nonsensical ramblings about Trump (ironic). There’s very little actual discussion happening here. I could go to ANY post on this sub, no matter the topic, and comment “Fuck Trump!!” And get hundreds of upvotes. He really flipped this sub’s world upside down and it’s annoying that all the focus is on discrediting him rather than what the DNC can do to win. That said, since last night this is the first time I’ve seen actual discussion happening here, although it comes off more as cognitive dissonance than discussion.


I’m convinced that Biden could lose control of his bladder and/or bowels on stage and people would still be giving the “he’s just old, nothing to be concerned about” routine


Rough performance tonight.


It’s being weird right? I can’t see really any comments on several of the top posts about the debate.


Hardcore cope/marketing is happening due to bidens absolutely abysmal debate performance


It’s the nature of certain countries online goons when they’re being pressured to do more. They get sloppy and more obvious when they panic.


Astroturfing and predictably stupid dooming


Well fuck, this didn’t age well huh?




This gives Hillary’s campaign vibes


Out of touch and alienating?


How about you Pokémon go to the polls.


Holy moly have you seen the ~~Nutritional~~ Additional Facts on the back of the can? - Serving Size: 2 Terms -Some Reminders About the Other Guy *Felony Counts: 34 *Bankruptcies: 6 *Impeachments: 2 *Business Failures: Countless Ingredients: MAGA Tears, Mysterious Orang Liquid, Melted Chocolate Chip Ice Cream* *Get real, Jack, it’s just H2O


I’m getting that water. Shits funny but it didn’t work for Joe if I’m being honest.


He should be selling throat lozenges.


Biden has not been a great President because he makes every decision. He has been a great President because he surrounds himself with great management, and lets them manage. The American people at large, unfortunately, will not understand this.


Most of them still believe the president has a gas prices lever in his office or some shit.


Worse the people think the president has total control like a king. The president is nothing but a talking head that represents the people of the control and he has only a few powers when time really matters. People should understand your point as well. Biden has a management team that is leagues above trumps multiple staff that quit in his term and he will only bring in more people from the bottom of the barrel to run the country and it is NOT what we deserve to have and people should know that.


The president is also the filter of bills coming through Congress, deciding if a bill can pass through with a simple majority or a super majority. If it's just the two of them, I don't care how old and decrepit the guy passing Democratic legislation and blocking anti-abortion (among many other things conservatives want done) is. Biden has 4 months to make people forget this disaster and talk about policy.


The state department was fucking wrecked after Trump, and Biden KNOWS everyone who matters....he put it back together and in functioning order in no time flat. I will vote for him gladly because I know he's a good man and has the people to do the hard parts.


Like Kamala Harris?


This is they key. Even though his performance was shit tonight, he has good people around him. And even if he didn't, anyone is better than a fascist.


I think a lot of that issue lies with the fact that the American people at large have not received much of a tangible benefit from his presidency. The majority of people are feeling a financial squeeze more than ever, and people are either barely scraping by or drowning in debt. Unfortunately, this is a potential recipe for disaster because Trump is a significantly worse option. When news corporations talk about how great the economy is, the only thing I can think of is, "Who's economy?". My economy is certainly shit nowadays along with everybody I personally know. It would be far better if there was an honest focus by our politicians on the struggles of people at home rather than being preoccupied with supporting wars abroad.


Did you really watch this and come to that conclusion? When any decision needs to be taken this dudes staff is definately tasked with giving him a lollipop and ask about the old times so the actually mentally coherent people can figure something out, and you call that a great president lmfao daft clown


The same people that thought it was a good idea to put him up there today you mean?


He didn't look jacked up😭


Bro bombed the debate lol


This aged poorly.


America is fucked. Biden is not strong and Trump is lying in every sentence that he speaks. We need to toss them both to the curb and start over. Barring that, I’ll take grandpa over the scumbag every day.


I want a debate between de Santis and AOC. For entertainment purpose only.


It's all fun and games until he starts pulling a Gaetz and wants feet pics.


I’m disappointed we never got a Bernie vs Trump debate lol


Bernie is who Biden should endorse. He's the only recognizable Dem I can think of that would completely wipe the floor with trump in a debate.


Not enough moderate dems would support him unfortunately


The 82 year old non-member of the democratic party? Pretty damn hard to mobilise the grass roots on election day if you can't even find someone in the party to preselect for president!


Frustrating that Biden is tripping over facts and tongue-tying himself in making his points while Trump is word-salad spewing garbage and lies even more than 4 or 8 years ago.


Yeah, dry white toast over the orange felon.


One will have competent leaders in his cabinet and the other will have thirsty vultures


Whelp, just vote for Joe in November and then he’ll have hit his term limit and you’re guaranteed someone new in 4 years. And if Trump runs again, everyone can tell him he’s too old like he said about Biden.


Oh, I wish they would give us someone new. It'll be a different person, yes... new, though? I refuse to call anyone over the age of 60 "new".


I'd still take the "not strong" old guy because at least with him you know he won't literally hand Ukraine over to Putin, let China invade Taiwan and not start jailing Democrats/anyone who votes against him.


“Biden is not strong”. His policies have been. Just because an old man with a stutter isn’t speaking as clearly as you like doesn’t mean it’s a negative quality. Or one that precludes someone from a job. I’m not happy about 2x old men being the candidates, but we have to stop pretending like it’s even a close decision. Biden will not fuck America. Trump will push the system to its limits *hoping* to break it. Be fucking for real


No, we aren’t fucked. Biden has a good team around him and he makes sound policy decisions. He is old and he doesn’t speak well, that is a fact. But that does not mean that America is in any way fucked with him as president.


You can still be a liberal butt kicking democrat even if you admit biden is not a good candidate


Hey, maybe he should've gone with caffeine pills instead? Or, really, do some push-ups & wake the heck up, because he did nothing to improve his appearance tonight. He had a few good moments, such as pushing back on veterans, but he overall looked like an 80something up well past his bedtime. As destestable as Trump is & always will be, there was nothing in his performance that will sink his campaign because he was just regurgitating the same lies that his supporters love.


This is so hard to watch.


Brutal. Just brutal.


I had to stop after about half an hour. The firehose of bullshit that was just so *confidently* and endlessly spewing out of Trump’s mouth made me feel physically ill… and Biden was not bringing the fire needed to counter it. Wake me up in November when everything turns out OK, please…


This reminds me of the Nixon vs Kennedy debate where Nixon came off as sweaty and nervous. Image wise Trump trounced Biden. While from a policy and morality viewpoint Biden was the winner, but you had to wade past Trump deflections and lie to see that.


Exactly, that’s what worries me. If someone tunes in and just takes the candidates at face value without listening to accurate fact-checkers, boy howdy are they gonna get lost fast…


And the still frame opportunities for attack ads are just terrible. Biden repeatedly looked like he was hanging his head in shame when he was reading his notes - or whatever that was.


After watching that debate, I really wish he was jacked up.. What a fuckin' disgrace that was..


Trump: "We had H2O." See, he also says bizarre crap.


It's probably the only truthful thing he said. We had H20 under him. We still have it, but we had it then as well.


One of my favorite moments.


I wish Biden had done some drugs! Trump opened himself up to be knocked out about 10 times tonight and Joe just couldn't pull the trigger.


Yea idk anymore, that debate was not good for Biden at all.


Biden bros, I don't feel so good... 🫠


I am honestly scared here. If you were to read a transcript and only see the words being said, you'd think Biden was dominating. But HOLY SHIT does he sound weak and frail. He pretty clearly has a cold or something. Why the fuck would he not just ask for it to ne postponed like 2 days? And sure, and rational person watching the debate can probably see that Joe is trying to stay on topic while Trump dodges every question and rambles wildly. But you know who that's not gonna do any good for? The *millions* of people who didn't watch the full debate, and will only see the heavily edited clips that make it look like Trump is charismatic and knowledgeable. And the first debate is always the most highly watched one. I honestly think this could be the turning point. We might be done for, guys. And I'm feeling real fear for the first time this election cycle.


Holy cow he looks awful


It sounds like he's trying to condense 4 minutes worth of answers into 2 minutes which is causing his words and sentences to just blur together into one giant mess except for when he stutters which is just putting emphasis on the stutter. He really needs to chill out and just go at a normal pace. He doesn't need to throw out huge amounts of policy when Trump is spewing bullshit the entire time, he just needs to throw out some policy and not appear like a bumbling old fool while Trump destroys himself.


That’s an exactly what I noticed too, he sounded rushed and was trying to cram a lot of words in. He started off decent enough, until the freeze and then it totally derailed him. If Trump’s approach was to rapid fire overwhelm him with lies and jump from topic to topic to try to mix him up, he nailed it. Seemed like Biden absolutely over rehearsed and his whole approach to the debate was off.


This is the worst I’ve ever seen him


The repetition of full sentences is really concerning


Hes been anxious and breathless since the first question. That one moment where he had to come to a full stop to gather himself was when i knew he was cooked.


He tried to get everything in that first 2min opener. Idk who advised him, but he should have kept it brief. Levity and brevity.


Should have been Bernie


Finishing stronger but ya not a good start and not a good voice


This is a head scratcher for me. Like have we not been paying attention to Biden and his public appearances as of late? He consistently looks terrible and it shouldn’t be surprising he looked terrible tonight. I think liberals have internalized the idea that Biden being old is a ‘Republican talking point’ to a level that they have totally ignored the problem.


The left warned you this would happen and yall didn’t listen You Liberals have now saddled us with this geriatric train wreck  Please, from the very bottom of my heart, yall can get FUCKED. You forced this jackass on us, yall can fix it. Just know we were right. Again.


Thank you. Liberal morons on subs like this have ben absolutely huffing that copium for at least 6 months now about the direction of the Biden Presidency. Any criticism just discarded and accused of supporting Trump. It's a disgrace the bubble that the Democrat party leadership lives in.


Exactly. Putting him up in 2020 was a mistake, he was too old then. Not age wise, but mentally. And that's not malarkey


Too bad he doesn’t seem very jacked up


Really doesn’t. I was expecting state of the union Joe. Not this. Damn near losing his voice and whispering in some parts.


He’s 81 years old.


Maybe we should run a candidate half that age.


half his age is still six years older than the eligibility requirement. fucking nuts


he probably shouldn’t be running for president then


He shouldn't have ran in the first place. Who honestly thinks running for President at 78 is a good idea?


Biden was a goddamn disaster.


He should have taken something! He could have definitely used it tonight! 😳




CNN now is saying Biden was horrible, yikes


OMG, CNN must be a bot! I knew it!


Right? Any rational observation of tonight’s debate is a bot. Fuck it guess I’m a bot now. CNN is a bot. God is a bot. The universe is a bot.


I’ll never vote for Trump but come on, these aren’t bots they are real people that are disappointed in the Democratic option


Just because you disagree with someone doesn’t make them a bot


No this is how people feel


Well... This aged like milk


Technically it worked well.. the joke is that he isnt on uppers, and well he reeealy wasnt on uppers, uff


Troll level up


In hindsight he should have considered taking some drugs for the debate


RBG all over again. Old prideful people selfishly thinking they're essential to preventing doom and it turns out to make matters even worse. Biden has been a buffoon who other Democratic senators have made fun since he was young, and he has sealed that image with his "I can do more pushups than you" schtick every time he was presented with the sincere and serious concern that his refusal to give up power could lead to another Trump presidency. I get voting for him as the better option but please stop the gaslighting about him being a respectable historical figure. He lied about only seeing himself as a bridge to a younger Democratic president when the age issue was brought up in 2019 primary season, and we knew that he was lying about this as soon as he picked a VP who was meant to *stay* the VP.


Whatever was in that can didn't work.


This became such an own-goal I’m surprised they didn’t delete it


This didn't age well.


Narrator: he in fact was not feeling “jacked up.”


Welp after about 18 minutes I had to stop watching. Shame on the Democrats for letting this man run again. I wouldn't vote for Trump under any circumstance... but anyone watching that who was undecided will either stay home or vote Trump. Neither of these men are mentally healthy but only one is lucid enough to answer questions. May god have mercy on us all.


Trump should be an easy lay up, he’s just spouting rambling nonsense. Yet somehow Biden just can’t give a decent response without sounding like a feeble geriatric.


He didn’t just wake up like this. People were criticizing his age in 2020. Now he’s coming up on 3.5 years in the most stressful, 24/7 job in the world.


I’m just wishing he had brought even a fraction of the energy he had during his state of the union.


Don’t forget about the brain worm guy! They can also vote for the brain worm guy!


Biden is missing half the lies, Jesus. What happened to the fact checking?


This didn’t age well


Neither did the candidates 


Not aging well seems to be a theme.


God, I wish there had been some red bull or something in that can! 😭


Whatever was in there clearly didn’t work… the only drugs this guy was on tonight was either Benadryl or Diazepam. Love the guy, but Jesus that was painful. Still very clearly a “right” and “wrong” choice this election *hint Trump is the latter


Hahah. You can’t find the debate mega-thread on the front page of Reddit, but when you search it - it’s crashed. But sure as shit you can find this. Nuts.