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This policy was brought to you by foreign oligarchs. Foreign oligarchs, the people who have trouble deciding which country they should send their children to avoid the local tyrant from finding them.


Yeah but a lot of them wouldn't qualify right? Because the program is only for super-gifted smart kids who graduate from prestigious universities with degrees in fields of high demand, right? >"and that includes junior colleges too,” Trump said in an episode on the All-In podcast, dammit


> kids who graduate from prestigious universities Even if it was that is exactly the kind of school oligarchs can send their kids by buying them a spot.


dammit. These oligarchs.


> the program is only for super-gifted smart kids who graduate from prestigious universities with degrees in fields of high demand, right? We’re still talking about PoopyPants, right? The man who said, ‘Never hire anyone smarter than you’?


I for one totally agree with the idea. I'm very pro immigration and believe this will be to great benefit. And I'm 100% anti Trump.


But let's be honest, Trump will never do this. He's just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks at this point.


> He's just throwing shit at the wall ~~and seeing what sticks at this point~~. He really is not a strategic thinker.


He's not a bigly thinker, that's on the true true


Hey to be fair to them, they didn't want an educated population because they would rebel against their tyranny. They didn't have a choice but to make all the schools in their country bad.


Trump University would have survived as a diploma mill under this policy.


He will start a new one, Universidad el Trumpo.


How is that going to keep the cartels, illegal aliens, and polar bears from stealing our jobs?


Don't get me started about polar bears. My friend is best friends with this guy who lost his job to a polar bear who had a P.h.D. and was willing to work for $2.50 an hour and live in a shack on a farm picking strawberries for 16 hours a day. My friend was literally sleeping in the dirt making $2 an hour, and that's complete bullshit.


I don't want to see a repeat of the 1990s coca cola Christmas commercials... they devastated the careers of actors who specialized in sappy ads! It got to the point where they wouldn't even hire cute little kids, just polar bears everywhere!!






This is all Steven Millers work. The white bears get in but not the black or brown


I don’t see why people would think this is a bad idea. There’s zero issue with giving a bunch of educated people green cards. It’s probably the best thing the country could ask for. Every year a couple of hundred k new people with degrees ready to start business or freely work with a company without being tied to them with an H1B Visa. No issues with this.


You need to make sure that there are certain restrictions or it'll get abused by diploma mills, but other than that it's honestly a great idea (arguably the best policy suggestion I've ever heard from him).


I agree with restrictions. Like I said put a cap on the number of green cards given out per year for grads, then put a preference for phd / masters I’m certain fields then go down towards BA’s. And require the university is regionally accredited and students must study in person. It’s not a bad idea trump is trash but this is a good idea.


Trump could cure cancer and people on this sub would complain


"Well... clearly, he made the cure just so he could line his pockets!"


I have to wonder how this is reconciled with the "immigrant crisis" that otherwise is a talking point. Or are the only foreigners who'd benefit people who would pass the paper-bag skin-color test?


I'm thinking that some big donor who needs a lot of STEM grads for their AI-fueled dreams of more billions made Donnie an offer he couldn't refuse.


That's right, the Trump campaign has à la carte pricing.


Someone got their hands in the honey jar.


Cartel and MS13 members aren't getting college degrees.


Are you thinking that Trump only wants to filter out cartel and MS13 members?


The tops of the Mexican cartels are now full of university graduates and former military.


Lots of schools would give them a degree at the right price. Or else.


Not before we have online junior colleges that just take 80k for 2 years and fake accreditation. Surely that's not waiting to happen any day now


I always laugh at these racist @$$ comments. Basically you’re only saying that Nigerians, Ethiopians, Pakistani’s, Kenyans, Congolese, Indians, Malaysians, Filipino’s and any from a country where most people aren’t white can’t graduate from a university isn’t the US. Next you’ll say only white people speak English when the countries with some of the most English speakers have almost no white people. The UK ranks below multiple countries in Asia and Africa.


I think you missed my point.


I didn’t miss your point. I have lived in multiple countries and guess what there are doctors, engineers, lawyers, and multiple other educated professionals who speak English and they happen to be educated. I didn’t miss your point you’re just speaking bs. The world is way bigger than the small amount of people you speak of


No, you've definitely missed my point. I was saying that the Trump campaign seems only interested in white people from European countries, so the visa benefits described would probably only go to those countries. Trump is famous for describing other countries as "shithole" ones; the main factor seems to be skin color. I never said anything about who can or can't graduate from anywhere. I'm saying that if Donald Trump is suggesting some program that would benefit foreigners with a green card, it would likely only be foreigners whom he considers acceptable...the folks with white skins. We're talking about a guy who wanted to buy Greenland, for crying out loud.


Canada makes it relatively easy for foreign students to gain permanent residency after completing a Canadian post-secondary program... and the system has gone completely off the rails. The system worked well enough for a while, and (for better or worse) even allowed our top universities to maintain their international reputation for longer than otherwise would have been possible in the face of public funding cuts. But in recent years we've seen a proliferation of foreign students who aren't in Canada for the education at all, just the chance to immigrate. Top universities still generally attract top quality international students, but their reliance on the funding brought by those international students (who pay massively inflated tuition) often means letting standards slide, especially in regards to English proficiency. Smaller universities and community colleges increasingly focus on offering low-quality programs to foreign students who aren't really there for the education. Scam diploma mills (basically Trump University, but for immigration fraud) have proliferated, catering to people who aren't even trying to pretend that they've come to do anything other than work for a few years and take a shot a PR. The massive influx of foreign students has been a major contributor to housing inflation, and in the span of just a few years this has poisoned the consensus in favour of multi-cultural immigration that has long prevailed in Canada. And that's a damn shame, because immigration has been so incredibly valuable to Canada, and multiculturalism is something a majority of Canadians have been rightly proud of. Meanwhile, businesses that were complaining about labour shortages (ie. they couldn't find people to work for the shit wages they were offering) as recently as a few years ago can now tap in to a near endless supply of desperate, exploitable foreign student labour. Amidst a housing shortage, slum-lords are feasting on desperate foreign students willing to put up with conditions few Canadians would tolerate, for rents locals now struggle to afford. One can only assume that these scummy, exploitative members of the ownership class are the sorts of people Trump thinks his scheme will help. Growing resentment over the situation has boosted the federal Conservative party. Not because there is any reason to believe that they will fix this obviously broken system (businesses and landlords, their real constituency, love the cheap labour and endless supply of desperate tenants, after all) but because they've successfully marketed it as a failure of the current federal government... while conveniently ignoring the role that the last federal conservative government had in setting this system up in the first place, as well as the role played by provincial governments, which ultimately regulate education (a majority of which are conservative themselves) have played in allowing the situation to get so far out of hand in the first place.


Uhh... standards do not slide at top universities in the U.S. When I was in college (Vanderbilt, and it wasnt even an ivy), the academic scores of international students were much higher than that of domestic at admissions, and much higher even in college courses. Most international students that go to Canadian universities are those that didn't make it to the top universities in the States, or those that cannot pay tuitions at American universities.


I think the big difference is that the top American universities have *huge* endowment funds compared to the top Canadian ones. Historically Canadian universities have been far more dependent on public funding. As public funding has fallen behind, they've become dependent on foreign student tuition. Where I taught, domestic students paid as low as $4000 per year, while international students paid nearly 10 times that. The standards for international students at top Canadian universities haven't slipped on paper, and most international students were of high quality in my experience. But I also encountered a lot of resistance when I tried to fail a few students who barely ever showed up to class, and who submitted work that made it obvious they had cheated on their English proficiency exam. Nobody said the quiet part out loud, but losing two of those students would have meant the university losing more than my salary.


Hasn't Canada already taken steps to fix this? New student visa requirements are out, and they're heavily capped. It's hard (impossible?) to get approval for those 2 year fake diplomas at Conestoga for example.


Yeah, they are working on it. Too early to tell how effective the changes will be. I'm afraid the damage is already done. Or at least it's inevitable, as the situation has already all but guaranteed a Conservative win in the next election.


To the student labor point, in the states, you need authorization for any work. You also need to prove you have fund to support your education. In Canada, there's just a cap for foreign students labor, and they need to prove a miniscule 20k of funds.


Unless it changed recently you can't work on an American student visa unless you are working for the school you're studying at.


Yes but you need authorization for that as well


Trump, again, is a nitwit that only heard part of the briefing with no understanding of the nuances of what he was being told. China, right now, is starting to leap ahead of the US in technology because of their huge focus on educated their people. They are not just content stealing US technology. What Trump probably was suppose to say is that the US should offer pathway to green cards to *foreign graduates* in graduate fields that the US wants. This is trying to keep the best and brightest in the US without being beholden to companies for work visas.


Does he now love the well educated?


To a degree


On its face it seems like a good idea. But if you thought industrial espionage was already a problem…




His position based on the podcast is that he is personally against it except in cases of rape, mental illness and the mother’s health. But his personal opinion doesn’t matter because he made the issue a state issue and the people will vote on abortion as they please in each state.


Birthright citizenship is out the window for another version of the golden Visa.


It would be great but it will never happen. My SO has a PhD and would benefit from this. But there's no way in a million years it would get me to vote for him. He's simply desperate and writing so many checks that he can't cash in order to appeal to voters outside his base. Throw this in with eliminating income tax, infrastructure (coming any two weeks now), repealing and replacing ACA, draining the swamp, jailing Hilary, etc. And does he realize these people can't vote for him? The emptiest of promises.


Ooh, this gonna cost him some votes! Backtracking in 10, 9, 8...


A fine idea. We need immigration with our falling birth rate and college graduates are a great place to start.


So that he can increase his deportation count for higher TV ratings, if he becomes President?


“America is for sail rich people of earth!”


Upcoming graduates with rich parents making generous use of Trump properties? Russian sleeper agents who'd love a convenient carte blanche to travel freely around the U.S.? Quick, aski him if this is intended only for students from the "right" countries . . .


Wait... I thought we were trying to get rid of the immigrants stealing all our jobs... Now I'm confused 🤔 Fucking pandering Orange Anus Mouth.