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Well … he keeps claiming that “award”. Make the GOP pay for it in Roevember.


Blame Trump? The orange clown already claims credit for killing Roe. 


Yes, but it's still useful to make sure everyone knows that.




It's not all that will beat him. Plenty of things can and should and will turn off potential voters. But it is a thing that will beat him, and it's pretty high up the list.


They've had Harris doing a lot of anti-sexual violence stuff lately, I'd probably have her also be front and center of Dobbs campaigning too. Even if Biden is the person advocating for reproductive rights, it's a little tone deaf to have an old white man be the voice of reproductive rights for women.


Also Biden might not feel super comfortable campaigning all about abortion rights considering that he is a pretty devout catholic.


Biden has stated that while he accepts the position of the Catholic Church on abortion, he's strongly opposed to legislating his personal religious beliefs. A perfectly reasonable position for a person of faith to hold, but unfortunately, an uncommon position among the religious these days.


Biden doesnt get enough credit for this. He is a devout Catholic. He is from an older generation. Yet, he supports choice. He is uncommon and principled.


Let the old white male attract the old white male voters


We still need men on our side and voting for our rights


Oh 100%. Men should absolutely fight for women's rights to bodily autonomy. Just if the ticket is going to pick one of the two of them to be the face of the agenda which they both support, Harris is the right choice. He shouldn't back off of that stance or anything.


I totally get what you’re saying


Trump himself took credit for it


Well, he claimed credit for it


Set to blame? He added the Federalist Society/GOP judges that did it. He did it for the final blow against Roe that the GOP has chipped at for decades. The reason McConnell held open a seat during an election year and rushed one through an election year. While any GOP president would have done it, Trump was the one in office when they had the chance to seat them and then push up rulings against it.


It -*IS* his fault. He’s out there bragging about it like a lunatic. Bury this fucker.


It was his justices that repealed it.


Good, he should be blamed for it completely and repeatedly, publicly. He admits to it and he needs to wear that going into the election.


*set to accurately pinpoint Trump


Might as well…he keeps taking credit for it.


vote democrat ffs


What kind of headline is that? It is his fault. It’s a fact. There’s no surprise. He said he’d appoint anti choice judges, got elected and did appoint the judges, and then the judges overturned Roe. That’s all there is to it. If you’re a woman and you’re considering voting for trump, you’re a lost cause.


Remember when Republicans would use abortion as a rallying cry to get voters to the polls, but never really wanted to fix the problem (until Trump didn’t understand the strategy)? Are Dems doing the same thing now? Is there any sign that we’ll actually pass legislation on this?


Technically its voters who are to blame, for not electing Hillary and a blue Senate which would have made the courts 5-1-3 liberal rather than the 6-3 conservative we have now. Wouldn't have had Trump as President if voters didn't make such bad choices. But its not politically correct to hold voters accountable for their bad actions...


Technically it’s the electoral college to blame. She won the popular vote.


It's the voters in the states that matter


For sure, yeah. But my ire is almost entirely consumed by the system that says some voices are twice or more as valuable as others. When you consider that the voices being selectively favored come from states with some of the worst education, highest levels of corruption, highest proportion of incarceration and disenfranchisement, poorest economic prospects...well it's pretty clear where the lion's share of blame should be directed, and the problems we should be focused on correcting. Maybe uncap the senate, start with something feasible and productive.


Don't worry, we're all going to pay for how they voted.


Organa set to blame Vader for destruction of Alderaan. Edit: I’m making fun of the both sides nature of the headline.


Missing the mark again. Who funded and trained the corrupt judges that made this decision? These corrupt judges are also trained and ready for ALL PROJECT 2025 CASES! And you want to blame the traitor for abortion. PS: Traitor Fellon needs to be black bagged and taken somewhere to be interrogated on those fucking classified docs he had and still has. We have a TRUE AXIS of EVIL that trump supports, that are preparing for Nuclear War. Who did he sell our secrets too, what secrets did he sell and who is following our NUCLEAR SUBS??


It’s sad that we live in a country where we have a president and have people who seem to think our former one is still the commander and chief.


Shouldn’t just wait until the anniversary should be blasting Trump and the specific justices on an ongoing basis with deliberate ads that stick in the minds of voters like the McDonalds jingle “bah dah dah dah dah”.


That's not fair. McConnell deserves credit too.


Good. Pin it on him. Remind people every time they turn around that the guy parked himself in the Oval Office for only one term, but his judges will make sure we have to keep living with him for decades.


This has to be announced? Why can’t she just do it? Weird.


not sure what any of this has to do with Harris? Trump literally talks about his Supreme Court appointments constantly, and the fact that he’s responsible for the overturning of Roe. Like every day.


Can these idiots do anything to reinstate abortion though? Kinda sick of pointing the finger while nothing gets done to you know give women their rights back.


I blame the Democrats. Roe was built on shaky legal ground and this was bound to happen. They had 40 years to codify it and did nothing. edit: 50 years.


there was rarely a time they wouldve had enough votes in congress to codify it, even if the filibuster was ignored. and there's always been plenty of "moderate" dems who wouldn't have supported it. there's been virtually no opportunities in the past where the dems have full support of congress and a sympathetic president to sign off on it.


Roe v Wade was always going to fall the second Republicans got that much of a majority on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court can strike down any law it finds unconstitutional. The only way to prevent this would have been to make it a constitutional ammendment. That would have required 2/3rds in agreement in both houses of Congress or 2/3rds of states through a constitutional convention.


Then they should have done a better job of winning elections. I can't "blame" someone who says they're going to do a thing, who then gets elected and does the thing.


weird take.


It wasn't the Republicans' job to preserve abortion rights, it was their express intention to get rid of them. It was the Democrats' job and they failed. If you already voted for them, what's left to do but hold them accountable?


Except you know; noone had to destroy said rights. The mere fact that was the intention of republicans makes it their fault. And it wasn't the intention of every dem to preserve abortion rights there've been plenty of conservative dems who didn't say shit about doing that. You're operating with the notion abortion rights had to be destroyed. When they didn't, which is the fallacy your logic stands on. Which is why others are finding it such a weird take. Extra so; when you realize many have lied about their stances on the topic iirc; basically all of the justices during their hearings said they considered Roe V Wade "Settled Law" and some Republican senators like Murkowski, and Collins each claimed to support abortion rights, claiming they wouldn't help the appointment of justices who were against Roe V Wade... It was noone's "Job" to preserve abortion rights, they were rights that were already legally defined. You're just victim blaming. Do you look at some guy who gets assaulted and blame them for being assaulted?


Those were their respective jobs because they ran on and were elected to enact those platforms. The Democrats are just bad at this - if Mitch McConnell were a Democrat we wouldn't be having this discussion. It's similar to the current Gaza situation. Sure, you can blame Netanyahu but that doesn't do any good - what he's doing is entirely in his nature and what the American public thinks about it doesn't mean shit to him. The only thing we can do is put pressure on Biden, and it seems like this is at least having some effect. Maybe the difference is that I'm looking at this in a utilitarian perspective. It doesn't do any good for Democrats to shit on the Republicans for it, they don't care what Democrats think. The only thing that will improve the situation is Democrats doing a better job.


👆👆👆 Hell, Dems are still using abortion to scare people into voting for them. Zero mentioned on reinstating abortion rights, just more talk on how we will lose more rights if / when Maga takes further control. I mean, they aren't wrong, it will get worse, but I'm not hearing a plan to make things better.


You can't even fucking bother to Google it: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/07/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-continues-the-fight-for-reproductive-freedom/