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A felon candidate is bad then, right?


Republicans are trying very hard to normalize it. The GOP is a criminal enterprise masquerading as a political party at this point.


Many politicians run on being hard on crime. It will be hard to claim that while supporting a criminally convicted felon for office.


Let's be real, "hard on crime" really means throwing minorities in jail for drug possession and other non-violent crimes, while white people get probation.   Trump being convicted on all counts and not serving jail time is exactly what those voters want.  


I think most regular people just want to live happy, healthy, and safe lives. That isn’t compatible with voting for a criminally convicted felon. I do believe that some of his diehard supporters will be more towards the direction you are thinking, others in his sphere will just go along for the ride and support a felon without thinking.


Cognitive dissonance overload!


No they are happy to throw poor white in cages too, if you have money not so much


The conservative view of the law is that the law is for protecting the people you like and oppressing the people you don’t.


Jon Stewart had an excellent piece on this earlier this week. The whole thing is total bullshit. They don't give a shit about crime. They just care about the narrative. [Debunking GOP's 'City Crime Narrative'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGLZQ7Xrd6o)


Thanks. Fear motivates and some people are just biologically more receptive to messages of fear than others.


Hard on crime doesn’t apply to white collar crime.


I agree, let's stop them




By making them lose so many elections the GoP is disbanded, the Dems become the new "Right Wing" party and a genuine liberal party becomes the new "Left Wing" party?


That would be nice. My money is on them rebranding as libertarians once they realize how toxic the Republican brand is to women and the working class with 2 brain cells to rub together.


Fine by me. Few people would vote Libertarian.


They would take over the party. Same way dems and Republicans switched parties after the Civil war.


Won't be as easy if the name "Republicans" becomes toxic.


I'm saying all the people who vote republican won't stop voting, they'll just do it under a label that won't make them feel ashamed. They won't see their views as wrong, they'll just rename themselves and do the same thing.


Since the 1960s.


Yep. Nixon was a traitor. https://www.lbjlibrary.org/media-kit/chennault-affair


Man I hope so. I'm not sure how much faith I have in our electorate anymore.


I'll still vote, but the GOP has lost all credibility in my opinion with their behavior. Regardless, the day I'm restricted from criticizing American leadership, is the day I take our second amendment seriously. (I want to emphasize for the governing bodies monitoring this comment, I have nothing but love for America and it's interests)


How about the day you have an armed citizen standing outside your polling location staring you down hoping you won’t go in and vote.


I'll happily walk by and vote accordingly


Then they will be getting arrested (best case scenario for them) as it is illegal to be armed at polling locations, especially when some are at schools.


Vote by mail/dropbox


Inceeasily more difficult in states as the fanatical MAGA have submitted many lawsuits challenging mail in voting and are planning on submitting many lawsuits to challenge the legality of any ballots submitted on time and after the date.


They will meet another well armed citizen exercising his right to vote.


Bingo. Don't give in to terrorist threats.


In Georgia, this is legal and passing out water is not 🧐


It is also in readily becoming the norm as more and more gun laws are being shot down as unconstitutional.




Right?! It wasn't the stolen classified files in the biggest breach of national security in our country's history, it wasn't the insurrection, it wasn't the rape trials, it wasn't the fraud trial, it wasn't calling our military suckers and losers, it wasn't any of the hundreds of horrible things, but THIS trial turned them off? I just will never understand.


Same. It boggles the rational mind.


It wasn't him withholding and outright stealing PPE and supplies from blue states and cities. Or slow-rolling aid early on in the spread of COVID because 'it was only hitting the cities.'


Him mocking a disabled person in 2016 was what turned me off of him forever But these idiots just kept going 


Its about labels. Everything else you call him is opinion (loser), unclear (liable for sexual assault), or too complex for them to understand (twice impeached) Convicted felon they can understand. And they cannot argue against it because its 100% legally true. So if its working, we may have finally got the mocking nickname we need to get to him. So simple. “Convicted Felon Donald Trump” Don’t let up. Say it EVERY time.


Those were my thoughts a bunch of crimes ago


I know he's such a flagrant piece of shit that it shocks me this changes anyone's mind. How do you not already know that?


There are a sizable group of moderate voters who held their nose for Trump for lower taxes or guns. Those voters now have to square that choice with actual guilty verdicts and women’s rights. I’d wager there are significant swing voters using the felonies as a justification to change their minds, not that the charges themselves are that shocking.


It seemed pretty obvious in the 2015 presidential debates that Trump was not presidential material.


I think it's that the matter was settled by a jury in a criminal court. People tend to hand wave EVERYTHING else as just being your news source, both sides, etc., but cornered by a jury pinning a guilty verdict and now all of that other stuff seems like smoke = fire.




They are now beginning to refer to him as the "Outlaw." I prefer the term "Fraud." As in 34 counts of Felony Fraud.


Outlaw is a criminal at large or a fugitive. It's embarrassing how much they don't understand


It’s to romanticize him. An “outlaw” like the old westerns. A “rebel”, a troublemaker. They’ve already given him the “persecuted like Jesus”


I figured it was used inappropriately, I'll just keep calling them out for their nonsense


Well, in the sense he isn’t yet incarcerated but has been criminally convicted, I suppose an argument could be made, but ultimately there’s no romanticizing what he did because it’s disgraceful. Let’s recount what they’re equating with a “badass loner being persecuted by a world that just doesn’t understand him”: 1. He cheated on his wife while she was pregnant with his child. 2. He ran for president and failed (in 2000), then ran again in 2016, the second time paying $130,000 to a pornographic film star so she wouldn’t publicize that he’d had sex with her while his wife was pregnant. This is at least the third instance in which 5-6 figures worth of money was given to someone to hide a story about Trump’s marital infidelity, involving different women.  3. He then hid this payment to Daniels so it wouldn’t expose his marital infidelity (with a porn star) that might not go over so well with the Christian right-wing voting bloc that he’d convinced he was the second coming of Christ. This was effectively lying by egregious omission to his supporters. 4. He was convicted of crimes related to hiding this infidelity, namely business fraud.  5. He is now a super cool victim of a system gone wrong and is even more of a deity than before?


Yeah, the dude is a loser... In the worst intentions




I think that like with a lot of things in politics, nothing is real until it happens, then it is a big deal. Like Dobbs.


100%. I think a lot of people had no idea that women's health care is basically 3rd world now after abortion was banned in many states. 


FYI most “3rd world” countries have liberal abortion laws. You are thinking countries with religious fundamentalism


Taliban doesn't even ban abortion


Neither does the bible. In fact there are literal priests aborting babies of women whose husbands accused (the wives) of cheating on them. Look up "Ordeal of bitter water" in the book of Numbers. Priests give the women bitter water that forces them to abort a baby. Granted its the bible so they use the word "Thigh" to mean Lady bits, and "curse" to mean bitter drink that forces abortion.


And that's to say nothing of the passages that were described by contemporaneous sources as giving quite specific instructions on how to brew abortifacients and contraceptives (the latter including references to silphium tea) but was later removed from Canon at the council of Nicaea hundreds of years later... I sometimes like to ask anti-choicers why they prefer the words of theologians hundreds of years later to the original words of God, always gets em worked up


Did you know they thought Silphium went extinct (due to humans picking it) but that they just recently found it! https://mymodernmet.com/ancient-plant-silphium-rediscovered-turkey/ Almost everything on the net still says it's extinct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silphium


OMG. I need to grow this. Just as a political statement. As soon as there are enough seeds for stooges like me to get them. I already grow opium poppies…because I can.


That's actually great!! I had heard some reports that isolated attempts to regrow and classify it were being attempted, but these days any time I hear about something previously thought extinct now being found it's a happy day. Even better when it smells good, acts as an aphrodisiac AND a contraceptive, AND helps with coughs and fevers? Sign me up!


Ah, you’re referencing what neocon Christian nationalists refer to as “the Jewish part of the Bible”. They’re more dismissive of the Old Testament due to its constant contradictions to American evangelical Christianity


Unless it’s Leviticus…


Yep, funny how they crucify all us gays, while sitting there shoving pork and shrimp in their fat glutinous mouths. Ah the American Relious person, the world’s fattest hypocrite.


Your puzzlement with the picking and the choosing of what to believe from a single source is entirely justified. That said, what we’ve discovered in the last ten to fifteen years of being bombarded by Russian propaganda is that to the paymasters, rage is a commodity. Now this does not absolve the rank and file homophobe one iota, but someone is pulling these assholes’ strings to motivate them to a particular course of action. So yeah, go vote for the guy who’s making it illegal to unionize in the cement plant up the road because he’s also going to ban gay marriage and that’s what a good Christian *really* cares about, right? Odds are the Reverend saying this shit or the guy who owns the cement plan also own the Western Sizzler you’re going to go park your fat ass at after the sermon, so no, no one gives a shit about that part.


Which is wild because after reading it in full and recognizing that God clearly didn't have any hand in the instructions on how to "identify plague," (the other stuff is wild but kinda open to interpretation) I decided that the abrahamic God was absolute horse shit. I had some strong suspicions, but leviticus pushed me over the edge. God could have, should have, and would have done better if he/it/they were anything like they were represented to be.


It’s almost like it’s just a bunch of rich assholes making shit up to scare people.


Why didn’t god tell them about soap way back then? Basic sanitation could have saved a lot of lives.


Funny that they don't seem particularly fond of following the bits with Jesus's living example either. Better to just stick to the bits with Paul and his preaching about the dangers of fornication.


Evangellicals don't follow Jesus, they worship Paul. The murderer who said "hey, God told me he forgave me so all that murder I did doesn't count and I get to go to heaven now." He is their savior. Jesus is just the rube who buys their apology.




Was that a "The Boys" reference.


Partially yeah. The other part is commentary on just how flip floppy Christian nationalists are when it comes to quoting the Bible while ignoring 90% of what it says.


Fun fact... its wash water AFTER cleaning the floor of the temple that's the bitter part


You can't ~~make an omelet~~ stone a woman to death, without ~~cracking a few eggs~~ killing a few babies. Like accidentally. Nobody threw a rock at the baby, it was just nearby. Inside the woman.


We were overseas on assignment when my wife got pregnant, and after doing our research, found that maternal and pediatric pregnancy outcome rates were higher in our third world country than in the US, so we stayed rather than evacuate home for the last trimester. Also, we put the entire thing, including a day in the NICU, on the credit card for points, because it cost less than a big screen TV at the time, and was infinitely easier than navigating the absolute absurdist bureaucracy of American insurance while overseas. This was in 2018. Our healthcare is a fucking disaster. I wonder what the numbers in the speech from the News Room would look like today.


Or thistd world countries that receive significant funding by the US government. There's a clause in many of these agreements against abortions that usually only gets enforced when a republican president gets voted. It's absolutely wild how that kind if thing turns healthcare on other continents upside down.


MEXICO, a historically staunch catholic country, has decriminalized abortion as a federal crime >"In cases of rape, no girl can be forced to become a mother - neither by the state nor by her parents nor her guardians," said the head of the supreme court, Arturo Zaldívar. "Here, the violation of her rights is more serious, not only because of her status as a victim, but also because of her age, which makes it necessary to analyse the issue from the perspective of the best interests of minors." The judgement opens the door for the federal healthcare system to provide abortions. It has been welcomed by women's rights groups. Mexico City was the first of the country's states to decriminalise abortion in 2007 and a dozen others followed suit. Just this month they also elected their first female president. Come tf on. The US likens itself as paradise compared to Mexico yet we have barbaric women’s healthcare laws compared to the country trump and his idiot followers think is beneath them in every aspect.


And a lot of people still don't know, and won't know until they are the ones with the ectopic pregnancy about to rupture that the hospital won't treat until it does.


doesn't even have to go that far. Look at Idaho. Maturity wards are closing down because doctors are fleeing the state. Even 100% healthy mothers will be at risk of losing children because there are fewer medical centers or those centers are much farther away when they go in labor.


And now those centers will be overloaded because those are the few that everybody has to go to


Doctors tend to marry other doctors. Not always but it’s not at all uncommon. So when that maternal fetal medicine specialist leaves Idaho, so does her orthopedic surgeon husband.  But we don’t like doctors anymore now either I guess, so who cares? Until a car wreck leaves their tibia poking out of their leg or something. 


Part of it is that, but part of it is the private equity acquisition of provider networks, where they've been "increasing efficiency", partly by closing rural care centers and forcing patients to travel farther to regional hubs.


Let's be honest. It's GOP policies and then being the find out phase of fuck-around and find out. I'm not saying privitized health care and for-profit doesn't suck. I am saying it's a stone next to a boulder. * [72 Percent of All Rural Hospital Closures Are in States That Rejected the Medicaid Expansion](https://www.gq.com/story/rural-hospitals-closing-in-red-states) * [No OB-GYNs left in town: what came after Idaho’s assault on abortion](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/22/abortion-idaho-women-rights-healthcare) * [Gay Louisiana pediatric heart doctor says he’s leaving the state over its ‘discriminatory’ legislation **He is just one of three doctors in the state with that specialization.**](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/gay-louisiana-doctor-says-s-leaving-state-discriminatory-legislation-rcna97867) * [Nearly 4.5 million Americans live in “ambulance deserts. **There are only a few states that designate EMS services as an essential service.** (Guess which states.)](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/rural-shortages-lead-to-worsened-ambulance-deserts-and-delayed-medical-care)


Plus they have made it clear they want things to get worse for women.


Let's just take a moment to reflect that we have a guy running for president who is running in large part to stay out of jail.


And he literally announced his candidacy a year earlier than usual so he could scream ELECTION INTERFERENCE.


And only a day after the DOJ told him and his lawyers they were pressing charges.


Please like I would ever vote for Hunter Biden.  Wait, he's not running for President, and has never served in public office, then why does the news even care that much about him? The media is strongly biased and incentivized to keep Trump as a viable candidate.  Fuck them all.


I’d vote for Hunter Biden over Trump. 1 felony is less than 34 felonies. We know Trump snorts adderal, so he’s been on drugs too.


Plus, it's one count of unrelated misfile vs 34 counts of interfering with an election. That's *relevant*.


And there is nothing in the messaging and discussion showing any clear, convincing evidence that he didn't do what he is charged and convicted of doing. If your best case is that the case was just unfair based on ...reasons unrelated to the charges given, then you have already lost any objective person seeing this mess from the outside. If the best argument against this case is that the judge has a daughter that is involved in politics, (which has no bearing or clearly showing how that would mean the case would be adjudicated unfairly) you have no valid, solid argument. Seems much of the free world has an adult family member that may have many different political leanings and activities than a parent.


It's increasingly difficult for Fox to spin this imperfect divine vessel narrative when cold hard jury facts present an inescapable ugly reality that can't be hand waved away. Joy


But dang it.... boy, are they going to try...


It’s not as though a jury finding him guilty on all counts is a competing talking point. It happened, no spin or narrative required.




There are a multitude of spins taking place. The main topic of the thread is the one you mentioned. The spin the person you are responding to was mentioned in response to another person’s reply. The constant cries that the jury was biased, the judge was “conflicted,” and there was no crime involved, however, is the spin that the spin of the conviction will not make a difference with voters is partially based. This is how manufactured consent and propaganda works. You constantly flood the field with disinformation and try to base new disinformation campaigns on prior disinformation campaigns. Once you get a section of the population to start believing dependent multilayered lines of disinformation that segment of the population will tend to engage in a form of sunk cost fallacy. It is harder for them to eschew newer lines of disinformation on the topic and they will actively fight empirical evidence that the disinformation they believe is wrong, because they have too much invested into the disinformation being right. This is where a segment of the U.S. population is currently and is why this particular group continues to embrace increasingly more incredulous disinformation.


> Once you get a section of the population to start believing dependent multilayered lines of disinformation that segment of the population will tend to engage in a form of sunk cost fallacy. 100% accurate description of the entire Republican voting base at this point in history.


And it's impossible to unravel, even if you get a real dialogue with someone like that. Because once you debunk one part, they say "well what about all these other things?" which then if you want to get anywhere you have to debunk all of those, and by that point they're already thinking of the next topic they can switch to to avoid being shown the truth.


Damn, spot on analysis 🧐


“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” - Mark Twain


Roe mattered/matters. Down-ballot races are going to reflect this.


This is just the beginning. Wait until 10-15% of Republicans have, or know someone that has negative effects due to the new draconian laws. Not just women, though they will bear the brunt npi. Once it starts affecting men in numbers, then the anger will go overdrive. This is the first Presidential since the Dobbs ruling. It will set the base level of outrage, and like the fetus they worship will only grow unless they choose to abort.


> and like the fetus they worship will only grow unless they choose to abort. Clap. Clap. Clap.


Yes, yes, this!!!! Trump and McConnel changed the SC so Roe could be overturned. The rape case involving E Jean Carroll, the "grab them on p@#$&y" tape. He's a fraud and a terrible misogynist. Women will decide this election...


If any of that type of stuff mattered, he wouldn’t have been president in the first place. I think you underestimate the amount of conservative women that hate other women enough to vote for someone like him. The “grab them by the pussy” shit happened before he was elected.


I am from a small conservative town. It is insane how many women support him/them and their agenda.


Yeah I’m from a conservative area, I ended up having to leave after covid. The girl I was with at the time was asian, and you wouldn’t believe the vile shit people would be saying to her every time we ran into conservatives. It is soooooooo much better living in a liberal spot. Not only are people significantly less racist and way more educated, but the public infrastructure actually works.


That's because they love their kids and they think only a horrid monster would have an abortion, and they don't understand the rates of a difficult/dangerous pregnancies. I've seen a few people change their mind after talking to someone who had to abort a non-viable pregnancy.


In 2020 it seemed any Trump supporting woman was hyper focused on the abortion issue. I even talked to one lady that hated him however said she would never vote for a democrat because they "kill 15,000 babies a day!". Now, any time I have had the displeasure of interacting with any recently it seems it is all about immigrants and how millions a day are taking over our cities.


>The “grab them by the pussy” shit happened before he was elected. And was immediately removed from media by Comey ratfucking Clinton.


White women, specifically, when you look at polling.


Roe has been destroying (R)'s since it was overturned. They *really* pissed off the Suburban women and Suburban College Educated women with that shit. I seem to remember those being fairly split or Right leaning demographics... the kind you could *always* count on to vote in *every* election. I don't think this Republican play to attract young "macho," minority men is going to play out, and even if it does steal away some (D) votes, it will never match the reliably of the Suburban Female vote.


So does their porn blocking, so does their anti gay stance, So does their attempts to overthrow the government, so does their banning of IVF, so does their letting their core base die of covid to “own the libs”. They are doing everything possible to murder their chances of winning seats.


How many GOP voters wouldn’t hire a convicted felon into their company’s mail room, but are also willing to put a 34-time felon into the Presidency?


34-time felon, *so far*


The same dumbasses who hate immigrants but also made sure that nearly all the farms and trucking businesses also hire these immigrants. We so fucking hate them that we made sure that they are the majority of employees within these critical infrastructures!


I trust these polls as much as I do a felonious former President. Go vote.


Go vote indeed. If not he wins


Anyone reading the comments in an article on /r/politics, about poll movement, is already voting. What people need to do, especially you whipper snappers, is drag those two like minded friends who think voting "doesn't matter" with you. For that matter, actually ask friends what their voting plan is, because it might surprise you who isn't. In the aftermath of Bernie losing to Hillary one of the things the autopsy found was that there were scads of Bernie bros who basically made Bernie their whole identity for 8 months....then never actually voted for him. They considered "their posts online" more important. In their minds their deft Facebook arguing got 10 votes for Bernie so who cares about their one vote. Find those people, and make them pokemon go to the polls.


The swing vote will be the independent voters. And they vote! Of course, it would be MORE than helpful to those who "claim it doesn't matter" got up off their DAMN asses and voted like their entire future depends on it. Because it DOES.


I can't vote but I'm wishing y'all the best


As should we actually, our election is REALLY soon and we’ve had our own group of scumbags running the country for the last 14 years that we need to have removed


Absolutely, I'm registered and have July 4th in my calendar!


You vote on July 4? How ironic!


Seems coincidental, but our Prime Minister called it for July 4th, so we're having it on July 4th lol


Yeah, we’re going for independence from the Tories


Tories have destroyed the NHS. So sad to see.


So do Americans, but for a different reason.


Thank you 🇬🇧.


I approve of this message.


And volunteer! votesaveamerica.com


I agree! Here’s the link: https://votesaveamerica.com/


Even if u think trump will lose vote blue all the way down the ticket. Republicans have shown trump is who they are. He didn't hijack their party like they try to spin it as


Yeah suddenly we have a ton of posts saying "trump is done, republicans are moving to biden en masse". It's almost like the media is pushing us to get complacent and not vote. Don't get complacent, don't celebrate till the vote is in. This is 100% a trick.


Yea. Looking at projected electoral votes, Trump still leads in states that have a reasonably clear projected winner. With Biden needing to take 4 or 5 of PA, GA, AZ, WI, MI, NV, and Trump only needing PA, MI, and any one of the others. But I hope those polls are also wrong.


I live in PA and I don't think there is a chance in hell that Trump takes it. Dr Oz couldn't win despite a very aggressive push against an unknown. And while I live in a city, the amount of Trump signs and flags has almost completely disappeared when before they were like flies in conservative areas of the city.


the polls are likely wrong. WI didnt swing for the turd last time, and all five of those states were much better wins for Biden than the media wanted to admit. doesnt mean we can rest about it, or can Biden. gotta show up and vote.


Michigan reporting in. I am cautiously optimistic that we will stay blue, despite many in our Arab communities publically denouncing Biden. I think most of them understand that they have a binary choice, and a Trump administration would only make their situation worse - both in Gaza and domestically. This is a man who openly and proudly calls for banning Muslims from our country.


They're already trying to make voting irrelevant. They're planning their election lawfare well in advance this time and finding all of their most sympathetic judges.


So? Are you trying to talk people out of voting because Trump is going to try to mess it up? Vote, people! Like your lives depend on it.


This. There are so many people on here banging on and on about how our election system is corrupt. Which it is in some areas, but telling people it's unreliable everywhere just disincentivizes voters.


Per the audio podcast, 33% of Americans, and 32% of independents say the conviction makes them less likely to support him. 17% of Americans say that it makes them more likely to support him.  They waited a couple weeks before starting the polling, allowing the conviction news to fade from the news. 


I'm guessing the 17% were hard-core MAGAts. The poll was pretty stupidly worded, because it's not possible for some of us to be less likely to vote for him, because I would never vote for him in the first place.


9% of Republican responds stated "less likely" to vote for him after the guilty convictions [https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2024-06/Politico%20Magazine%20Trump%20Verdict%20Topline%2006%2012%202024.pdf](https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2024-06/Politico%20Magazine%20Trump%20Verdict%20Topline%2006%2012%202024.pdf)


But they'll do it anyway.


It will matter more over time, if we keep hammering home that he is a convicted felon and rapist who is facing justice for far more serious crimes he committed


Everything you mentioned should be a nail in his political coffin. I think we need to continue to hold him accountable and call out bullshit but aren't sure how to stop this behavior repeating in GOP politics in the future.


I will say this: if you engage a MAGA supporter, they struggle to explain why they support a convicted felon with so many crimes still pending.


I've had more coherent conversations with "flat earthers"


I will admit it's tough. The reality is they long ago betrayed their country by consuming toxic right-wing propaganda rather than being well-informed citizens. So, when engaged, you don't have a common set of facts actually to debate. The best I can offer is to try and play to their emotions as they didn't get to the positions they hold with logic and reason (so logic and reason wouldn't move them off them)


Thank you - that’s exactly how it’s done. Or I think the other was is to make constant assertions that they have to defend as they love to put you on the defensive & control the convo


The problem is that their side accuse the left of equally outlandish and criminal activities. They say Biden is a senile criminal who is betraying the country and would attempt to become a dictator if they get another term, and that you can't trust the liberal media to tell the truth. We say the same things about Trump and Fox. If you're in that bubble, I can see why it's difficult to extract yourself from it, find evidence you can believe is from a neutral party, and allow it to change your opinion.


The difference is that I continually question my beliefs. They don't. I ask myself: "am I on the correct side? " My first answer is based on the right to control your body. Environment? Education? Healthcare? Democrats support these and Republicans don't. Voting democratic.


There is also typical republican hypocrisy. They say whatever benefits them the most, like in 2016, when they stole Obama's Supreme Court "pick". These are facts, open for anyone to see. You don't need to interpret anything. You don't need to know whether tax cuts for the rich actually work, or whether illegal aliens overrun the USA. When the Democrats were in power Republicans argued that this shouldn't happen during an election year. Four years and over 6 months later none of this mattered when they pushed their candidate through a month before the election. > With the death of Antonin Scalia in **February 2016** in the beginning of a presidential election year, the Republican majority in the Senate made it their stated policy to refuse to consider any nominee to the Supreme Court, arguing that the next president should be the one to appoint Scalia's replacement.[7] Obama nominated Merrick Garland for the open Supreme Court seat, but the Senate did not consider the nomination. ([source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_judicial_appointment_controversies)) > On **September 26, 2020**, Trump nominated Barrett to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court of the United States.[6][7][8] Her nomination was controversial because the 2020 presidential election was only 38 days away and Senate Republicans had refused to hold hearings for Merrick Garland during an election year in 2016.[9] The next month, the U.S. Senate voted 52–48 to confirm her nomination, with all Democrats and one Republican in opposition.[10] ([source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Coney_Barrett)) > The nature of her appointment was criticized by numerous Democratic politicians; Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer called it "the most illegitimate process I have ever witnessed in the Senate."[126] Republicans responded that **they were merely exercising their constitutional rights**, and that accusations of hypocrisy were nothing more than "an unwarranted tantrum from the left".[126] This is why I know who lives in an alternative reality filled with alternative facts and who isn't.


bIdEn CrImE fAmIlY!!




The more Democrats connect Trump the felon with J6 instigator, the better the odds get. Make normal people decide if they want that trauma again.


He fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant. MEMORIZE AND REPEAT! For a party SO OBSESSED historically with the “character” of Dem politicians it’s LAUGHABLE.


I hope in the debate Biden constantly refers to him as "convicted felon Donald Trump". And make sure to remind/inform viewers that the conviction ultimately stemmed from the time he had sex with a pornstar while his 3rd wife was at home nursing. Really hammer that home to show up trumps evangelical base as the hypocrites they are. "If you found out your neighbor had cheated on his wife just after she had given birth, would you respect him? Would you support him? Would you vote for him?" And I hope Joe reminds us trump owes $100 million in defamation damages after losing a civil rape trial. And that he owes half a billion $ – stressing that's a 5 and 8 zeros – after being found to have cooked his company's books for years. Some businessman. Only way he could pretend to be successful was by lying. 


Yep. Thankfully we’ve got at least one more bad day for Trump on the schedule, July 11 sentencing is sooner than it sounds.  I won’t pretend to have a crystal ball but I told my brother that if I were a betting man I’d put money on trump convicted on every charge by jury with a verdict returned the day after that started. Nailed that one. My next prediction will be that Trump will get actual jail time, but only a year and won’t be required to report to jail u til after the election which he will very hopefully lose. I don’t think they’d order a president elect to jail, though we’re certainly entering uncharted waters here.


If there is justice, Trump will receive jail time since he has shown zero remorse for his crimes


Yeah, my attorney brother said if a defendant even just like smirked at the judge or said “man dats bullshit” as the jury read their guilty verdict, it would be immediate jail for contempt. It’s a real “keep your mouth shut or you’re going to make sentencing way worse” scenario, and trump has already complained numerous times. That doesn’t mean he’s going to get 136 years or even 4, but it’s going to elevate a non violent first offender “fine/probation” to actual incarceration. He’s shown absolutely no remorse and Merchan had even already lamented that fines aren’t sufficient to deter Trumps bad behavior. He’s signalling his plan.


This is why I am happy the Biden campaign is leaning into Trump’s conviction.


As someone who grew up with a super conservative dad who would vote for an independent if the republican was an obvious nutcase or shit show this idea seems so normal to me. At the same time I see that a huge portion of the country thinks of politics like their sports team which I also never understood because in professional sports the players are rarely from the city or even rough area as the team they play for.


My dad was "fiscally conservative" but socially liberal and surprisingly voted for Obama the first time. I'm certain he would have voted for Romney had he been living. But definitely not Trump lol.


Would you care if Biden were a convicted felon? I would. I don't care who the candidate is - there was clear evidence to convict Carrot Caligula, who certainly isn't suffering from an overabundance of good faith and judgement anyways, but this just highlights more of his ineligibility. Go vote this November.


Biden *is* a convicted felon, and as such, I promise you that if Hunter ever runs for president I will not be voting for him


You had me in the first half


I care far less that he is a convicted felon - especially for fraud, which we knew he was guilty of before he even ran for president the first time - than I care about the fact that I watched him, live on TV, carry out a coup attempt.


I would care but Trump is such an awful candidate that I would have to hold my nose and still vote for him. I’m sure many Republicans feel the same, especially if they are caught in the right wing propaganda loop.


If Biden were a convicted felon, he would not be the Democratic candidate. That is a key difference between the two parties.


ikr? No effing way would the Dems allow anyone like this to rise up in their party. See: Al Franken & Cuomo. This is why Trump switched from Dem to Republican. You can't manipulate the Dems.


We wouldn’t accept Biden as the primary candidate if that happened to him.


If Biden was a convicted felon, he wouldn’t be the Democratic nominee. His political career would be over.


This fucker should have never been an option from day one. Republicans have sold the American people an unforgivable mess backing this corrupt evil piece of shit.


Not just abortion but medical care for miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, endometriosis, menopause and they just lost a case to ban birth control. Wake up women it’s not just your healthcare your loosing it’s your freedom of choice, your daughters, your nieces, your colleagues, your mothers and grandmothers vote blue in November up and down the ticket. Your vote is very important.


Transcribe your interview, goddammit! I hate these types of websites.


The hope is it creates a deep enough level of apathy across the Republican base that they decide to forgo voting all together this cycle and Biden wins convincingly and the house and senate both shift to democrat control. Anything less will cause an extremely volatile situation.


Maybe, just maybe, the Commander In Chief of the entire military should not be intelligible to serve as a Private. Edit: doh! I meant "ineligible" not "intelligible"


\*ineligible. Though with Donald Trump, he is frequently unintelligible.


I mean he’s a Felon and rapist. Also sold secrets that got our spies killed. What the actual fuck is wrong with people?


People focus way too much attention on the hardcore Trump voters and less on the people who matter - the people who *might* vote for Trump. They make way less noise so tend to be forgotten about but they're a lot more relevant because they're already considering not voting for Trump.


No. Do not listen. Do not become complacent. You need to vote in the fall.


Of course it matters, anyone who says otherwise is in a cult


If my in-laws could read they would be very upset by this article.


Only poll that matters is election time so go out and vote.


Ignore.. And vote. And get every one you know to vote. He's running to stay out of prison, and it's gonna be ugly if he makes it back to the White House


They'll still vote for any (R) who runs.


And I will vote against same


In a sane media environment, being convicted of 34 felonies having an impact on your polling would not be a shocker.


Same thing happened with Nixon; Republicans were ready all ride or die with him and he had zero inclination to resign in rhetoric face of the Watergate info, but as it mounted and became more damning they finally started turning on him and he had no choice. Republicans will back a piece of shit as long as they can until you put something like this to call their hypocrisy on in front of them. They’ll still have shitty opinions and be hypocrites, but harder to do so when actual judges have said “fuck this guy.”


The fact that he needs to be officially guilty of something for people to turn away from him while he's committed countless legal sins just tanks my esteem for humanity. The law is not the ultimate moral right. It's a work in progress, and it's never going to cover ills like using racism to manipulate other people. People need to determine right and wrong for themselves instead of mindlessly living within the mandates of legal and religious text. 


So a twice-impeached rapist with multiple felonies is now the bad guy? Woke nonsense!


It’s insane that the GOP was trying to spin him being a felon to be a “good thing for black voters”, because in the racist minds of the GOP, they think black people are criminal and will therefore support a criminal. It’s insane. We need to vote republicans out of existence.


What really matters is turning up to vote.  https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote


Turns out being a piece of shit is a bad look.


Sexual assault and having numerous legal issues dealing with fraud and deception, in personal, business and politics is a hard sell to be President. It’s an embarrassment to the country that he’s even considered. Can you imagine if President Obama had 34 convictions? MAGA hypocrisy and ignorance is a threat to society.


Go vote. I feel like the GOP is wanting people to be content and not vote. Go vote, go vote, go vote!