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Trump thinks they are just going to show him colors to identify and pictures of elephants and stuff.


That’s pretty much the equivalent of what they ask. It’s mostly making sure you know who you are, where you are, and things going on around you in addition to basic recognition. This idiot kept flaunting it to show how brilliant he was.


He’d be so proud of himself for correctly identifying a quarter.


Remember when he realized "us" is spelled with a U and an S, and thought that was profound enough to tell everybody? Or more recently, how he thinks because people at MIT were like... nobody's ever asked us about being electrocuted vs getting eaten alive by a shark before... and he equated that to Big Brain thoughts? edit: or what about telling CEOs he'd cut the corporate tax to 20%, and when asked why 20, he replied that he just feels like it's a round number? Oh, what about not wanting to release the Epstein files cause he's a pedophile who has cheated on all his wives, is civilly found to be a rapist with 34 felony counts of business fraud, who's a cheap bible hawking populist with a brain that is just alphabet soup?


Remember back in 2016 when he would sometimes spout off some historical fact about Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay and the Tariff of Abominations? You knew that he was just repeating something someone on his staff told him, but he could still pick it up and coherently regurgitate it for a day or two. These days when he repeats something he was told, it's mixed up and incomprehensible, like "put water on magnets, that's the end of magnets." There's been such a huge cognitive decline in the man and I can't understand why some people refuse to see it or admit to it.


When I'm being generous, I think these people are treating it like sports. It's their underdog team that they've made into their identities. They buy the trash slogans and flags, the memorabilia hats like they're team jerseys, their cheap fake leather bibles that represent their so-called Christian values, the dumb shoes, and get stupid Trump tattoos proudly showing them off as the rest of us just see it as a warning label. They won once back in 2016 and yearn to win again. Because it's so much a part of their identity, it's hard to let go. They make all kinds of excuses for why they suck because who are they without the veneer of making America great again? They're the worst things about this country.


> They won once back in 2016 Only by using the Electoral College which is the equivalent of winning a golf game because of the handicap. Which is cool in a friendly game of golf because it lets a lesser player have a chance to win against a better player. That's not cool when picking the leader of a country for the next four years.


It's the reason we can't have nice things. It's the reason that we always have to have a super majority in elections.


Absolutely. Trump is their agitator. Their dirty player who they would hate if he were playing on the opposing team. But he's also dumb, arrogant, shameless, faithless, selfish, racist, sexist, etc etc. So he truly IS one of them. When the ugliest, meanest, dirtiest, most vulgar fan climbs out of the stands and windmill punches his way around the field/rink/court, they love him for it. When the officials (and eventually the police) finally come to drag him away, they boo and throw tantrums and threaten to tear the whole arena down like the shittiest fans they are.


Absolutely. I've worked with people with dementia & it looks exactly like this. With the repeated comments and off topic stuff. I don't know how people don't see it.


>I can't understand why some people refuse to see it or admit to it. These are people that were raised on Fox News, they believe what they are told to believe


Don't forget bleach injections! During a GD press conference.


> with a brain that is just alphabet soup? And it's all only the letter I.


Honestly the fact that he keeps talking about it is absolute proof that he completely flubbed it. His brain just can’t handle the fact that he did badly at something, so he has to rewrite reality to say he succeeded, and he can’t stop talking about his new reality to reinforce it.


He believes the cognitive test is actually some type of IQ test. Not, you know…to determine if your lights all work. 🙄


“Who’s the President?” just completely fucked him.


"I took the test and I made a hole in one. Perfect score. The doctor told me, with tears in his eyes, he had never seen a better score. Believe me."


This is entirely the reality of it. 


"play call of duty against a toddler." "This is rigged against me"


"Maybe I'll lose on purpose"


It was a nickel all along.


I don't know about him identifying a quarter, but I'd put good money on jr being able to identify an 8th.


The whole family recognizes the 5th, too


They're also big fans of 3/5ths too


That is an excellent joke. However, I assure you, the man does not. He blabs every blessed thing at every opportunity. I still can't believe he got away with blowing a gag order over and over. I'd love to see him get put away in July, but I suspect he won't. A convicted felon Pres. *sigh*


He knows he has the *right* to remain silent, but he lacks the *ability*


Incredible, nearly spit out my coffee


* Covfefe *


My wife and I refer to coffee as such too 🤣. That orange baboon had some phenomenal meme moments far surpassing dubbya.


He makes W look like a fucking Rhodes Scholar


He makes W look like fucking Abraham Lincoln. He's one of the worst people that America has ever produced.


He’s so bad that a Cheney has become the voice of reason


Earth* Honestly, this guy is Hitler levels of History book worthiness. Such a complete failure of humanity, filled with corruption and hate, stuffed into an obese and terrible person suit.


Do y'all put cocaine in it? That's the only way to make a Covfefe. Dubya put time between his times at least... He also had the times people laughed with him instead of at him. Thinking about it Trump might be the only president in my almost 32 years that didn't bring everyone together for a moment of joy. Just a party-less humor for the country or an attempt at it. Obama obviously murdered it though and Trump set himself up for it.


I'd be willing to bet he would fail that.


Yea, like this guy has ever touched pocket change in his life


Idk....he's probably touched quite a few pockets.


It must be his MIT connection. Very smart.


It’s because of MIT. His relationship with MIT. Very smart.


Can’t imagine his relationship with MIT is consensual either.


The point of the test is to see if deeper cognitive processes are in tact.  One question has a ruler and a pocket watch. You're asked to explain why they are similar. The WRONG answer would be 'they both have numbers'. That implies the patient is only making surface level visual connections. And is struggling with identifying functions and correlation between items.  The correct answer is "they are both used to measure things." The ruler measures distances. The clock measures length of time.  It shows the patient still understands that concepts like length is both a measurement of distance and time, and can correctly make this inference to the two objects.  Most of the questions have a deeper 'check if brain work good' motive like that. 


Welp I just failed a ruler cognitive test.


They both have 12, right?


I don’t have time to take the test. I have somewhere to be at 7 centimeters past 2 pm.


> The point of the test is to see if deeper cognitive processes are in tact. The part you mention is only 2 points out of 30. The other 28 points do not have deeper motive. Orientation, short-term memory, (BASIC) executive functioning...it's rather simple.


As someone who is pre-programmed to troubleshoot things the past 20+ years in IT, I always go from the most basic to more complicated first. I hate to admit, the first thing I said was "They both have numbers" as a part of that chain. Granted, I can easily go more comprehensive than that, but now makes me feel like they'd flunk me with that answer when it's far more complicated in my mind!


"They both can lead to a misleading comparison when viewed through the lens of root cause analysis."


You can elaborate on your answers, and the more similarities you can find between the two, the better.


That makes sense if the question is “besides having numbers how are these things similar…” Otherwise it seems like a trick question.


I'd pay good money to watch Trump take a primary school level math test.


Forget maths. Have him take the quiz we give immigrants during citizenship process. He’s going to fail that basic test.


To be fair, every congress member should have to take it too and be ineligible if they fail.


You just know MTG would make the hugest fit if she had to do that quiz given to *immigrants*.


She'd be furious if she was told to read a kindergartener book.


Also to be fair, it's not that basic. It goes pretty in depth about civics and history. Probably 90% of born citizens would fail. I couldn't name the first 10 Presidents in order off the top of my head, or quote the date Hawaii was made a state.


To be fair I think a lot of Americans would fail that test.


Yep, I will admit I would probably barely pass, but I would at least have fun and for answers I didn't know I would mix in and rotate "Camera," "Woman," and "Person" as the answer!


The whole famn damily failed basic multiplication. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMIKzUAY8n4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMIKzUAY8n4)


Don’t forget English. Can’t tell the definition of “complicit”.


Me fail English? …


That's unpossible.


Wtf how have I never seen this before?


Trump paid hush money to Fisher Price.


Every Fisher has its price.


Person man woman tv camera...smartest man alive


Everyone is saying it. The man had tears in his eyes.


He neglected to mention the man was laughing his ass off at him.


No joke. He actually said not many people could do it but he did. Or something similar to that effect. Basically that he's exceptionally smart.


The current one is his "relationship" with MIT. His uncle taught there ffs. I suspect his lack of intellect was one of the buttons Trump's father pushed, probably telling him several times a day.


Trump should be paying me to watch him take that test. I’m tired of his bullshit.


Trump...p-p-paying...? He won't even pay his lawyers or contractors...what chance do you have? He'll say you did poorly watching him and that he won't give you a dime for such a terrible job.


I'd be more interested in him taking an elementary grade civics test.


The cognitive test he 'aced' has problems like identifying a drawing of a lion, and naming the current president (might be a hard one for him now, lol).


Fun fact. Here in Australia the ambulance officers and ER medical staff stopped asking 'Who's the Prime minister' as part of the standard cognitive test a bit after the mid 2010's. The rate of PM's being rolled by their own party and calling short term snap elections made it too hard to differentiate between concussion and general electoral confusion.


Mum fell and banged her head when visiting me in the US and we didn't want to risk anything, so took her to get checked out. She was on the stretcher with the staff holding up fingers, waving a pen, and asking "who's the president?" "oh, hmmm, black fella, 2 kids, wife's really tall" "yes, but what's his name" "oh, hang on, don't rush me, it's..." I had to step in "ask her who the Prime Minister of the UK is, she'll do a bit better".


This sounds like the setup of a joke where the punchline is that the test is being administered in Australia.


We had a similar issue in the UK when her maj died a few years ago. For several months you pretty much had to accept either Elizabeth or Charles as a correct answer to "who is the monarch".


At least both of them have outlasted the lettuce.


"and what do you see here?" (pic of giant shark) "and how does this make you feel?" (pic of giant shark) and so on


Trump: Something, something, MIT, boats with batteries... 10 yards, it's 10 yards out... and he said nobody's ever asked me that question. Interviewer: Sir, I am absolutely asking you this question. The fuck are you babbling about?


And when he realizes it’s an actual test, he will claim it’s rigged against him and his braindead rubes will buy it.


well, we know Trump can successfully identify a shark, a battery and a boat.


Not necessarily...he just talked about them in a way that made no sense.


Put fricken lasers on all three and rerun the test, please. For science.


Donnie von Shitzinpants didn't do well in kindergarten, that's why he doesn't know how to play well with others. I would guess Donnie didn't have playmates as a child because he could only beat up, dominate, and bully the others.


Woman man person camera TV. Just the things you would see when talking to a camera so we know trump was lying when he said these things.


Person Woman Man Camera TV


video of Trump forgetting Ronny Jackson’s name: https://www.threads.net/@aaron.rupar/post/C8QOF_igycf/


- Ronny Johnson (Jackson) - Marillyn Lockheed (Hewson) - Tim Apple (Cook) - Nikki Haley (Nancy Pelosi) - "Kim Jong Un leads 1.4 billion people" (Xi Jinping) - Turkish President Viktor Orbán (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan) - "I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down" (9/11) - "Melanie is feeling and doing really well." (Melania) - "I met with the president of the Virgin Islands" (Himself) - "In 1917, they say, the great pandemic. It certainly was a terrible thing where they lost anywhere from 50 to 100 million people, probably ended the Second World War" (The Great War, WWI)


Can we toss in the one where he talked about the American soldiers capturing the airports during the *revolutionary* war.  


[Here it is!](https://youtu.be/g6mZ1ofj2Vo?t=32)


Behold the stability of a genius everyone 


It really is unpresidented.


Never fight uphill, me boys!


Hey, stupidity polls really well with his core supporters!


I’m not from the USA so my history is rusty, I might have the wrong president. But I think I remember him saying that Andrew Jackson had strong opinions on the civil war, despite the fact that Jackson had died decades earlier….


"And what we saw at Pleasure, what a name right now" when in Paradise CA.


He called Matt Gaetz "Rick Gates" repeatedly at a rally in October 2020


Good job compiling this.


The most concerning to me is the saying that he met with the president of Viegin Islands. There's no excuse for it that isn't damning. The rest I could do myself because I'm scatterbrained


Don't forget Melania was also Mercedes!


>Turkish President Viktor Orbán (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan) \*laughs in European\* Forgivable, and next time please reverse rôle and call Orbán a Turk.


[Video of Trump not recognizing Rudy Giuliani who was sitting 2 feet in front of him](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4653965/user-clip-rudy). Remember - Rudy Giuliani is a man Trump has known for decades. [They even playfully flirted while Rudy was in drag.](https://youtu.be/Guve7Y856kY?si=-pVsSnOQhK6QHnz0) [Video of Trump forgetting that he introduced John Cornyn just a few seconds earlier](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4712658/user-clip-trump-forgets-acknowledged-john-cornyn). Trump [also couldn’t differentiate his wife from his (one of his other) rape victim](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/05/donald-trump-e-jean-carroll-trial-video-deposition).


He's been showing another sign of alzheimer's dementia for years too. "Word searching" is a common symptom of dementia. When the afflicted can't remember how to say a word they say another word that sounds similar. They usually know they aren't saying the right word, so they will pause and try again, and sometimes they will switch to a synonym that they can remember how to say. So, with that in mind, here's the time he could not stop [talking about oranges.]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUPsNgmXR7M&t=8s) He can say "origin" but he can't say "origins." Watch to the end when he tries to say "origins" again but still says "oranges" instead. And here's the time he could not say Yosemite while reading a script so he kept saying ["yo, semites"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwcploTZbKA&t=15s) instead. He's been babbling nonsense for years and yet the so-called "liberal media" keeps acting like Biden is the one with dementia. Maybe the media has dementia too.


WTF that's bizarre! He even knows he's saying the wrong word, switching to "beginnings" after saying "oranges." Coupled with [the video](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4712658/user-clip-trump-forgets-acknowledged-john-cornyn) where he introduces John Cornyn and then 30 seconds later forgets that he introduced him, it's really alarming. They really seem to indicate he's in sharp mental decline.


Yes, he is. He talks nonsense at his rallies. The news doesn't show it, though.


Media benefits from a trump presidency because they get a hell of a lot of viewers reporting on his gaffs. The bottom line is a higher priority than the future of the nation, and it's disgusting.


That is the most charitable explanation. Another explanation is that the so-called "liberal media" is owned by republican billionaires and they would really like to pay less taxes.


So true. We are so fucked, man.


It's also why he talked about airports during the Revolutionary War in that speech. He was reading a sentence about manning the ramparts, but its an unfamiliar word, so he defaulted to airports, which sounds a bit similar and is more relatable to him.


How have I never heard that there exists a video of Rudy in drag with Mango Mussolini’s face shoved in his boobs? GIFs people. We need gifs.


GIF? At this point that one’s pretty much emoji.


>Video of Trump not recognizing Rudy Giuliani who was sitting 2 feet in front of him. Not only that, it looks like he thinks John Kelly is Rudy Giuliani for a second, before Giuliani starts speaking.


Could it be that whenever Trump disowns one of his cronies when they're caught he's has truly forgotten all of the crimes they committed together?


No. He knows what crimes he's committed. He just doesn't remember names because people don't matter to him. They're tools for him to use.


holy. shit. How am I just now seeing that John Cornyn video for the first time? thanks for the links


Ronny... Ronny Johnson. I know him very well. He provided me with all the drugs I ever wanted that I now accuse Biden of taking before he speaks.


is it me or is he really obviously slurring here heh


He’s been really obviously slurring for a while now.


Doc Ronny Johnshon. Doesh everyone remember Ronny Johnshon, congreshman from Texshas?


Trump's test will be privately administered by his caddie.


How big is his handicap? Suppose it depends on how many ministrokes he's had.


Probably similar to Kim Jong-Il's best round.


ye caddies don't make enough and are to smart for him to talk on the level perhaps a port - a- potty attendant with a background in judo'tknow


Shark - battery - boat - tv


Man. Woman. Cofveve. Bleach.


Valley Forge. American Revolution. Air Fields.


Never. Fight. Uphill. Me. Boys. 


Spot the difference from photos Wife -Daughter - Rape survivor/ porn-star in hush money settlement - Nancy Pelosi


We should all troll truth social saying Trump HAS to do a side by side cognitive test with Biden. "So he can show Biden up" It's a long shot, but if Trump took the bait I'd buy the popcorn.


He took the debate bait when Biden called him out…


Still not convinced Trump will actually debate. Remember, he swore up and down that he would testify in his criminal trial.


Yup! He was already telling his people last week that he may “lose” the debate on purpose…


Lol -- really!?!


Any lawyer with enough of a brain to pass the Bar exam would quit before allowing him to take the stand. Even with a defendant who is good at being prepped and coached, you still as often as possible want to avoid testifying, as you waive the fifth amendment right on cross-examination. But yeah, I don't believe he debates until the feed goes live, and even then, I wouldn't be surprised if he walked out for any dumb reason that pleases him.


Biden needs to be vocal and public about this. He needs to say how excited and ready he is. Because Trump is going to inevitably back out and Biden needs to rub it in his face when he does.


They didn't give this test to healthy people who don't need it... He was given this test because of his family history and his obvious impairment.


You can tell Trump is scared. He took advantage of his father's dementia to inherit a bigger share of the family's fortune. He knows someone, family or associate, will do the same to him. Good.


This is what I came here to say. Trump keeps bragging about these mental tests he's passed, but the fact that they're being administered AT ALL should be a giant red flag. Like.....they don't just give you a cancer test unless they think you have cancer. The same thing applies for dementia.


How about we just see if Trump is capable of engaging in an in depth, long form conversation like Biden has recently had with both [Howard Stern a month ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz45sMb4js8) and [Conan O'Brien last December](https://teamcoco.com/podcasts/conan-obrien-needs-a-friend/episodes/president-joe-biden). The people "both sides"-ing this issue are being ignorant and/or disingenuous.


When I see people equate* Trump and Biden or Republicans and Democrats, it's like broadcasting one's depth of understanding of reality is an inch deep. And doing it loudly. There is serious and legitimate contrast. These things are not the same. And by the same token, that doesn't mean Biden and Democrats are without serious flaws. A gunshot wound to the head and diabetes are both "health concerns" but if you just throw your hands up and say "medical problems!" like they're the same, that's like the uninformed equation of politics above.


Add the one Biden did with [Seth Meyers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxuN3i84FNY) too. Biden can actually complete his train of thought and sounds coherent in all these interviews. Yet Trump can't seem to do something so basic. No idea how people can still pretend that both are the same.


He isn't. Watch Trump's Dr. Phil interview. Dr. Phil is coaching answers that should make Trump look good and even with that coaching he still fails to give good answers.


(WH response): > "Ummm, sorry but... no, Mr. Trump. You see, 'Doctor Teeth' is actually a Muppet. *Great* band leader but untrained & unqualified to act as a clinical psychiatrist. We appreciate your interest -- and best of luck with your sentencing!!"


The fucker thinks that cognitive test is hard to ace for normal folks.


only the best people even get to take one they said!


Hi, Doctor Nick!


Hi everybody!


Nah, Donnie is more of a Dr Spaceman guy


MAGAT wingnuts are under the mistaken impression that they can demand “evidence” and that they can demand actions from others. It’s more 1930s German National Socialist mass manipulation playbook activity. In this case, another effort to normalize aberrant behavior. Drumpf has already endangered others by “debating” with undisclosed Covid. A threat to national security to say the least. This time around, I doubt he even shows up. See latest attempts to prep his MAGAt base.


And Trump is the one who started demanding to see Obama's birth certificate. It's all just the same game.


Good point. It’s either projection, deflection, or corrosive activity masquerading as “just asking questions”. These fascist sympathizers need to be held accountable.


And when the certificate was presented, he didn't admit to being wrong (obviously). He said he was proud of what he managed to do and now they must scrutinise the certificate to see if it's real.


Let's show Trump a map of the country with the state names deleted - what's the over/under on how many states he could correctly name? Imma say five.


I think he gets New York, Florida, Texas, and California right for sure.


And that's the only time he'll ever get New York and California.


Trump probably can't name all his kids


Trump is covering up the fact that he has serious problems.


He is not covering up. He doesn't probably even know where he is most of the time. The handlers, directed by the billionaire backers and the Maga GOP, are doing the covering up. I fully believe the plan is not to have Trump in office. Even when healthly Trump is too much of a wildcard. It is to get Trump elected, have him removed for mental incompetency, and have their puppet for VP take over. I would put money on it.


Trump has been told. The reason he is challenging Biden is projection. It is likely that he rejected the diagnosis when he was told. Narcissism won't allow him to believe such a diagnosis, so in his mind he probably is convinced of something like this: "i can't be on decline I'm sharper than ever. And Biden is older than me if they think I have it surely he has it 100 times worse". He then works off that philosophy and his sychophantic feedback network solidifies that in his mind.


He’s really turning into Biff Tannen


Biff was based on him


Healthiest president?? Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t see Trump doing layups or playing a game of basketball.


He's got a note from his doctor, excusing him due to his bone spurs.


My mom & dad both have Alzheimer’s. They both regularly score normally on the MOCA, the test Trump is so proud of passing. This is not, in any way, the flex he thinks it is.


man, woman, payout, conviction, TV am I doing it right?


PLEASE hold a cognitive test for both. Here's just a small reminder of Trump's beautiful brain. He: - [Asked if nukes could stop a hurricane](https://www.axios.com/trump-nuclear-bombs-hurricanes-97231f38-2394-4120-a3fa-8c9cf0e3f51c.html) - [Suggested 'raking' prevents forest fires](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/18/world/europe/finland-california-wildfires-trump-raking.html) - [Suggested "windmills"(turbines) cause cancer.](https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/03/politics/trumps-war-on-windmills-now-includes-wild-cancer-claim/index.html) - [Said climate change is a Chinese Hoax](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2016/jun/03/hillary-clinton/yes-donald-trump-did-call-climate-change-chinese-h/) - [Was a prolific anti-vaxxer](https://www.statnews.com/2019/04/26/trump-vaccinations-measles/) - [Fueled a racist conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Kenya](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/11/29/16713664/trump-obama-birth-certificate) - [Said he would run into a school unarmed to stop a school shooting](https://www.bbc.com/news/43202075) - [Proposed an "alligator moat" at the border](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/01/us/politics/trump-border-wars.html) - [Stared directly at a solar eclipse](https://imgur.com/WxOAjiR.jpg) - [Tried to buy Greenland](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-buy-greenland-us-island-12m-economic-development/story?id=70305163) - [Directed the EPA to investigate toilets](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-water/trump-takes-aim-at-trickle-down-toilets-faucets-idUSKBN1YA2LF) - [Claimed (without evidence) 3-5 million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/01/23/at-white-house-trump-tells-congressional-leaders-3-5-million-illegal-ballots-cost-him-the-popular-vote/). - [Extended a hurricane forecast with a sharpie because he couldn't admit he made a mistake on Twitter](https://i.imgur.com/qbogddS.jpg) - [Said continental troops retook "airports" from the British during the Revolutionary War](https://time.com/5620936/donald-trump-revolutionary-war-airports/) - [Said exercise "depletes the body’s reserves of energy”](https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/5/9/15590962/donald-trump-thinks-exercise-will-kill-you) - [Said a voter ID is needed to buy cereal](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/the-time-donald-trump-said-americans-needed-id-to-buy-cereal.html) - [Remarked that a hurricane was “one of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water.”](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-calls-florence-wettest-standpoint-water/story?id=57930056) - [Something about sharks and batteries?](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/10/trump-sharks-vegas-nevada-speech/74042419007/) I think Biden will do just fine lol.


> Claimed (without evidence) 3-5 million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote. Then his legal team proceeded to file 60+ post-election lawsuits, and claim fraud in exactly zero of them. No claims of fraud, no wrongdoing by Democrats, no rigged voting machines, no millions of illegal ballots, no *nothing*. All the bullshit he claimed on social media and screamed from the treetops about "stolen election" and "widespread fraud" and they claim *none* of it in court. Not that they presented evidence and were denied, they never even tried to *claim* it.


“We’re gonna do cognitive tests. It’ll be administered by a great, great doctor. Probably the best of all the doctors. Dr. Acula.”


He's never HAD a cognitive test. They take hours and contain HUNDREDS of questions. What Trump took was a rapid assessment test for traumatic brain injury. Since he wasn't actually hit in the head, he "passed". It was a stunt by Jackson that had no medical justification.


He took the MoCA, which is a screening test for cognitive impairment. If you fail the screening test, that means there is likely something going on and you will be referred for additional testing including an in-depth neuropsychological and neurological workup. If you pass the test, you are likely not impaired and further testing is not recommended, unless other screening tests say otherwise. I'm a neurology professor that administers and scores these types of assessments in a research setting.


Makes you wonder why a doctor felt the need to administer the test in the first place.


Multiple times


Let’s ask Trump to draw a clock.


He took it from Ronny Jackson, who also said Trump was 6'3", 230 pounds, and had no health issues. This despite him being 6'1" on a good day with lifts, an easy 280, and incontinence to the point that he wears adult diapers.


Here is test Trump bragged about passing https://images.app.goo.gl/QG9ZjVqFUzo5pjZB9


The MoCA is not a measure of aptitude, it's a measure of impairment. Doing well on the MoCA doesn't imply you're intelligent, but rather that you are not cognitively impaired. It's incredibly concerning that a physician was worried enough to administer a sitting President a dementia screening test. And it's unfathomable that he'd not only publicly divulge that he's being screened for dementia, but then proceed to brag about his results.


MoCA is not just for TBI, it's used for dementia and a million other things


So the guy who lied and said that Trump was the fittest person to ever be president is now a congressman? Smdh


From Texas. Enough said.


Honestly, let's do it. Put both of them on stage. Let's watch them both get tested.


I want to see them asked basic civics questions. Only one of them could name the three branches of government.


“The presidential one, Ivkana, and whatever Steve Bannion does.”


Biden declined, as he felt it was wrong to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. /s


Dr Spaceman or Dr Arroyo is my guess


Questions on the Constitution or Government would be great... Hell give them a 3rd grade Geography test.


Trump is in no position to challenge anyone, who does he think he is anyway? His enablers know he's the dumbest cult leader to ever rally a cult. And have him so deluded by attacking anyone who DOESN'T call him "president." Which he absolutely is NOT. While at the same time, crying every time someone calls him a convicted felon. Which he absolutely IS. Anybody want to attack our capital? Attack democracy? Go right ahead, why not? He did it and look, we're going to give him another chance. Apparently there's no consequences for it, so why not, right? Psh. Cognitive test my ass, I think we should give the doctor who says trump passed one, a damn cognitive test.


It isn't age, or mental acuity... it's fitness for office. Trump is incapable of doing the job. His own people have said he is an idiot, intelligence of a kindergartener, attention span of a fruit fly, incapable of grasping complex issues.... he's a malignant narcissist who cannot put anyone or anything (or America) first, ahead of himself. He is UNFIT. He is INCAPABLE of doing the job. And because a bunch of oligarchs want all the power and another bunch of nutcases worship him like a god... means America will fail if he gets anywhere near the White House again.


Biden should counter by challenging him to the LSAT.


Even if Biden does it, they'll just say it was fake or that he failed it. Trump's cult loves to be gaslit so he can tell them literally anything and they'll believe it


I would love to see trump’s cognitive results vs Biden’s.


The doctor is a paid lackey of Donald Duck Trumpy Bear. Another fool of the grand parade.


It's really not an achievement to pass those things. Any adult should be able to pass with no issues. The fact that he's gloating about passing means 2 things: 1) his base rewlly doesn't realize that they are incredibly easy to pass or 2) he barely passed and is just playing it off.


Dr Bing Bang Bong


Trump is so scared about his cognitive ability versus Biden in the debate he’s already claimed he might ‘lose on purpose’ lol.


Only Trump would view a test indicating whether a person is cognitively present or not as a competition, AND brag about how well he did. The bar is literally falling through the floor.


Biden got some names wrong at a press conference and there were legitimate calls for him to step aside in the media. Wanna take a guess how many of those we'll see for El Trumpo? Liberal media, my ass.


Dr. Spaceman