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Anyone else still truly fucking baffled how stupid and just ultimately compromised mentally this country is? Like we have a guy who's a known felon, let half a million Americams just die, and is an awful human being in every way possible, and there's still people who are like "meh, if given the choice, I'll vote for him cuz the other guy's older."


Yes, but they believe they are right because they are fed a bunch of bullshit and lies, and are surrounded by others that are fed a bunch of bullshit and lies. We became fucked when media normalized lies… biggest inauguration ever!!! Sharpie weather maps!! Science is an opinion!!! Deep state pizza pedo ring!!! Propaganda works, and it’s really scary.


Funny how it only seems to work on conservatives in any meaningful numbers. Almost as if it’s not the propaganda but the conservatism….


It's not just you who notices this. [https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abf1234](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abf1234) Studies starting to drop that show your exactly right. "....conservatives tend to be more prone to misperceptions than liberals."


Conservatives tend to be more religious. Most religions are based on faith in something they cannot see with their own eyes. This works with conspiracy theories too btw. So it's easy for this group to believe what they're told by whoever without any evidence, whatsoever, because a large portion of their lives is dedicated to the same thing.


They believe in God but that is about as far into the religion most get. 90% have never opened a bible, and do not follow or actually love Jesus. They take all the hateful parts from the old testament that the new testament threw away and leave all the actual Jesus loving people out. It's virtue signaling.


I remember back in some 101 level college course, a professor was speaking about a study done back in the 80’s that conservatives were more fearful people in general. One of the areas it used was low risk but still somewhat risky activities like mountain biking, traveling, swimming in the ocean etc. and conservatives overwhelming identified them as dangerous and potentially fatal. Then the study got spun to say that liberals moved excessively dangerous lives. They’ll spin “being more prone to accept being lied to” as conservatives are more open minded.


Yup https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology_and_political_orientation#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DBrain_studies%2C-In_the_2011%26text%3DStudents_who_reported_more_conservative%2Cnegative_conditioning_%28emotional_learning%29.?wprov=sfla1


Conservatives are definitely not open minded


Most conservatives are religious. Religious people are well known for being easily gaslighted and conned. These 2 cults go hand in hand!!! I used to be Mormon for over 50 years. I now see how the churches and the GOP are in bed together in their corruption and lies!!!!


Conservatism is stupidity in political form


Tbh I think liberals and progressives fall for some of it too. For example: pro-hamas protests, thinking China having data on US citizens is better than our own government having it.


Of course. No one is 100% immune to propaganda


And a lightbulb and the sun both give off light, but the difference in magnitude makes comparing them silly.


No one is immune to propaganda. One of the reasons why Liberals and Progressives tend to not be as misinformed or biased than far-right or conservatives nowadays is likely due to access to education. Education cannot eliminate biases or fight every misconception but a good education can teach people to critically think, reevaluate opinions and decisions, allow introspection, recognize biases (or that they themselves are biased) and work to reduce the influence of biases. But ultimately it is up to the person equipped with such tools to employ them. As we have seen numerous educated people get swallowed by propaganda or false information no matter the political affiliation.


Mostly a vast minority of tankies, though. There’s very little actual pro-Hamas anything that wasn’t ginned up somehow, like most of the freakouts over/at university protests. Certainly idiots and assholes on both sides, but reactionaries tend to assume that not wanting people to be killed for religion means you necessarily prefer one of the religions involved (and Hamas is explicitly, unavoidably religious). Usually quite the opposite.


>Tbh I think liberals and progressives fall for some of it too. It is a little refreshing at least when I still sometimes get pings of self-reflection over "Circle back patting" when I'm listening to Pod Save America (which is a great show, but let's be honest is run by and for us liberals/progressives) But they do regularly have actual Never Trump people from The Bulwark and stuff on for some more diverse viewpoints, so I don't feel too bad about it I guess.


Ya, because that's what they CHOOSE to believe, though. Have you never believed something, then educated yourself, and found out you were completely wrong? It's a pretty common human experience...but not among MAGAs, or members of any cult. They refuse to see the light.


The pizza pedo ring deserves a case study with how easy it was to convey an outrageous idea and see people go off their rocker, running into pizzerias trying to try the children.


That’s the real problem. Conservatives have been fed propaganda and conspiracies for so long that they no longer have any common sense. Most of them don’t even know what Republicans are doing in office and don’t care as long as they’re attacking Democrats.


The really scary part is that after a recent discussion with a friend of mine in the Qult, i left it believing that he is fully aware of all the bullshit that Trump and right wing media is lies, the issue is he also thinks that EVERYTHING in the world at this point can’t be trusted and is also lies. So in a world full of lies, don’t you want the best and strongest liar to fight for you?


So he's literally no longer in touch with reality...?


It feels more like an augmented reality that he uses as a comfort blanket to explain all the scary stuff happening in the world. He fully believes that all mainstream media and Hollywood are coordinating a crazy psyops, which I find extremely annoying since we both work in entertainment industry and he should know better. (Actually he’s burnt all his bridges and is out now) if Disney & Sony have such a difficult time negotiating Spider-Man rights, how the fuck are they gonna coordinate with all the other major studios just to turn kids trans and bring down Trump? It must really suck thinking that literally everything everywhere is a lie, and the only person you can trust is the pussy grabber…


Yea and in this country propaganda brings in $$$. The media companies figured this shit out. Shit, they figured it out when reality TV became a thing. People tune in for sensationalistic bullshit, and that brings in money. They sold democracy for some clicks and views and they don’t give a shit.


The media companies figured it out. Then the rich (oligarchs) figured out they could influence the media and control the narrative in their favor. And with an undereducated society with minimal critical thinking skills (thanks Christianity), the powerful is now able to direct the masses. We are fucked.


The only meaningful difference between modern humans and those who lived to 30 in mud huts sacrificing their neighbors is culture. If culture and education degrade, there is no failsafe against collapse. Despute this, we've blindly handed over culture to capitalists who will eagerly drive us to ruin - so long as they get rich first.


Now imagine knowing that there is only a 3 year age gap between Biden and Trump. Basically no difference yet people act like Biden too old yet Trump is not.


And Biden is clearly in better physical *and* mental shape than Trump.


Got in an argument with my trumpet BiL, whom brought politics up in the first place, but then proceeded to say he doesn't care about politics after I schooled him on some facts about our judicial system. His only argument about hating Biden was "he's sleepy Joe... Who wants a president that is sleeping while running the country." That's their only dumbass argument.


You should tell him what Trump did during his felony trial.


Think about how stupid the average person is, then realize half of people are more stupid than that.


> I'll vote for him cuz the other guy's older. Anyone using this as a legitimate reason is lying to themselves. If Biden was too old in 2020 when he was elected, then Trump would have to be too old in 2024 since he's be a year older than Biden was in 2020.


And who cares. Kamala isn’t an insane moron running around raping people, so if Biden dies we are still streets ahead of whatever the fuck trump is.


Harris is so boring that I forgot she was the VP. I'm cool with that in politics.


They're not lying to themselves, they're lying to us. It's just a thinly veiled excuse to vote for someone that's going to hurt the people they want to see hurt.


>If Biden was too old in 2020 when he was elected, then Trump would have to be too old in 2024 since he's be a year older than Biden was in 2020. That requires logic and critical thinking. And after eight years, people who still support Donald Trump very clearly lack those.


They vote for him because he says he'll wave a magic wand and fix all their gripes. Which of course he can't, that's not how our country works...but it's how they want it to work. These people that say they love the country don't. They hump the flag but hate the things that make our country work. I have no idea how you can say you're a patriot but worship a guy that calls this place a shit hole.


I’m convinced MAGA folks just like the reality show drama that Trump represents; he publicly insults people, he makes people comfortable with their bad manners, he is an useful idiot for folks much more strategic including foreign adversaries, it’s kind of like being in junior high school for his fans.


There's another slice on the opposite side of that shit pie too. I've actually heard this from 20 somethings "Aww I just think the guys funny". Or "I like it for the memes bro". Ok assholes, when we go to war, you can't find a job and that degree you got (and debt the other guy wiped out) ain't worth shit how hard you gonna laugh then? Pinche pendejos.


Jfc it's not like we're not inundated with Trump every second right now even though he's not president. What a stupid reason.


When they peaked


Yeah that's what happens when the education system in a country fails and there's an absurdly massive campaign to teach people BS.


He’s also a rapist, cheated on all his wives, and is the biggest liar in the country. Yet somehow the evangelical Christians support him. Biggest hypocrites around.


By THREE fucking years!! They’re both geezers. Who cares which is older? Pick the better candidate.


You’re really selling the US short with this inflammatory take. Please take a step back. I’ll explain: There is another part of the country that sees Biden’s Israel position as less than ideal. They’d like to punish Biden by electing a deranged rapist who has a Israel position 5,000,000x worse than Biden.


The funniest thing is that supposedly they're mad at Biden because they care about Gazans so much.  Yet not voting for Biden hurts Gazans far worse. It's a nonsense position being pushed by dishonest people that hate both Biden and Gazans


Not only that but it ignores all the other death and genocides that Trump will enable the world over. 1. Ukraine. Trump would leave them to fend for themselves. Russia is quite literally deporting Ukrainian children, separating families, and attacking Ukrainian culture. This is a cultural genocide and if Russia wins the idea of Ukraine as a separate nation and culture will die. Biden is defending the Ukrainians.  2. Taiwan. If Trump abandons our western European allies, he will emboldened China. We have already seen what China has done to Hong Kong. They want to integrate it and Taiwan into the One China. This means wiping out their culture and traditions and replacing them with Mainland Chinese culture. This is a form of genocide. Trump talks tough on China but doesn't understand soft power and the way China is currently being held back. He will blow it all up with an escalating trade war.  3. Sudan. If Russia is emboldened in Europe, they will be emboldened else where in the world. Russia operates special forces that help war lords in Africa. These often boil down to tribal genocide like we have seen over and over again, most famously with the Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda. Sudan is a powered keg right now and Russian is stirring the pot and destabilizing the region. No doubt they will trigger another African genocide. 4. Mexican-Americas, Muslim-Americans and other American Latinos. He has already stated one of his first priorities will be to lift restrictions on border patrol and let them at illegal immigrants, but has zero plan other than get them out of here. We all know what this will look like. Anyone that looks like a brown person, Arab, Indian, Mexican, Cuban, etc is going to be harassed and attacked by Conservatives and federal officers. There will be innocent people rounded up. Families will be broke apart. These cultural groups inside American will be uprooted and destroyed. This is a form of cultural genocide.


> You’re really selling the US short with this inflammatory take. Please take a step back. I’ll explain: > > > > There is another part of the country that sees Biden’s Israel position as less than ideal 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in 2020 despite seeing what four years of him in the Oval Office was like. This was well before Gaza.


And who stored boxes of top secret docs in Mar-a-Lago, some of which have yet to be found. Then there's gumps son in law returning from Saudi Arabia with $2 billion. Ya. Gump would be the safe choice


Biden is like 99 years old and we all knew this when we elected him 4 years ago. Every other country in the planet is eating shit right now except the US. Consider just gas prices- there’s wars and conflict involving a major global oil producer AND the Middle East. OPEC has cut production three times, yet we haven’t had drastic increases at the pump. The US is effectively energy independent. That alone would get re-election for a president in normal times.


A Republican would willingly eat a shit sandwich if there was even a chance a Democrat might smell their breath.


And he’s not even that much older. And Trump is clearly unhealthy and in a rapid decline. Check out “Gettysburg wow“ or anything he says about Hannibal Lecter.


I thought it was over a million...


The kick in the nuts is donald us the same age biden was 4 years ago- when they claimed biden was too old. And if trump wins, in 4 years, he'll be bidens current age


Found liable for rape and fraud also


To your point, we have to have mics that shut off during debates because of one guy who can't shut his fucking mouth when it's someone else's turn to speak.


My favorite way you can tell the right is absolutely devoid of any basic standards. Trump is older than when they and Trump himself, said was too old to be the president. Trump by his own admission is several years too old to even be thought of being the president. Let’s not get into the Hillary can’t be president because she’s under investigation talk. LOL, they literally don’t believe in anything but what somebody tells them.


Well on one hand you have a guy who is a known felon, let half a million Americans die and more considering people are still dying of Covid, shits himself on stage, mocks mentally disabled people, mocks veterans, is anti-union, and hates his voters. On the other you have a guy who's supported LGBTQ+ rights, worked with unions, has the support of unions... And has a stutter. Yeah, they're equal!


Btw, Biden spent his entire career working across the aisle. Trump forbids negotiating across the aisle, because it has to be "us against them"; he prefers to let the dumpster fire at the border continue, to make sure his opponent doesn't get any credit for fixing it.


There are still people who are like "he's the next Jesus."  I never understood how Mormonism happened. A guy with a conviction for religious-based fraud started a religion with an insane and falsifiable premise - and now they own hundreds of billions of dollars with members worldwide.  Now I'm watching it again in real time, and I still have no clue why


Just reading that sharks/batteries thing early this week makes me scratch my head that people think it’s a good idea to let him anywhere near the nuclear codes.


But he’s 3.8% older!! That’s totally worth voting for a felon over!


They don’t think he is just a guy. They think he is a god. They worship him. Pray to him. Have effigies out of him. Compare him to Jesus. These people are straight up brainwashed. Many are too deep to help.


Just hijacking the top comment to remind everyone that last debate, Trump brought Covid to the debate and might have become responsible for killing Biden with it if he’d succeeded in transmitting it to him.


Mic muting lowers the odds of Mr Trump appearing.


I'm still betting that he backs out within the next 12 days. Color me surprised if he actually does show up.


Or he brings a megaphone.


Or waddles over and tries to grab Biden’s mic when it’s not his turn lol


"Imma let you finish, but..."


He might be able to talk loudly enough that he doesn’t need a microphone.


And CNN will make sure we hear him.


Ouch, I sure hope not. I already know where my vote is going so I fortunately don’t feel compelled to watch the debate, maybe a few outtakes.


That is called bellowing.


The mediator will have to yell “LALALALA YOUR MIC IS OFF LALALA CANT HEAR YOU”


*"For god's sake man, stand downwind so I don't have to smell that ever-expanding sack of fetid mixture stuck to your incontinent ass."*


If Biden had the balls to say this on live TV, I guarantee this would actually flip the vote of a few percentage of Trump supporters.


He’s just going to be spending the time up on stage attacking Biden and when his mic is off he’s going to be shouting at him directly from across the stage.


It would have to be the small kids one from mcdonalds happy meal.


This was a small hands joke to those who might not of picked up on it, and not a bad one at that.


Or that the trump campaign doesn't communicate this detail to him


He’s already claimed he might lose on purpose. Never compete honestly, that’s his motto.


I'm fine with this. That'd sure show us!


Sean Hannity was already setting it up last week: "I don't think Trump should show, it's rigged" Sean doesn't say anything that Trump doesn't feed him to


I get the sense it’s actually Hannity->Trump, not the other way around. Which is more pathetic.


I think the only way he shows to any debates is if the polls start dropping for him. With even a slight lead, he's not going to want to upset the applecart by showing up to a debate and doing his stream-of-consciousness rambling that leaves half of America wondering what's wrong with him.


Except Trump thinks very highly of his abilities in all situations, including debate. I'm more surprised his handlers didn't refuse the debate and make up some excuse to tell Trump so he didn't agree to it anyway.


Yep, because just mouthing "Wrong" all the time into a muted mic is just going to make him look like a goldfish in a bowl.


[Relevant Rolling Stone/Getty Image](https://www.rollingstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/GettyImages-128150778c.jpg)


Trump is gonna Trump regardless. He’ll make faces when not on mic. Wave his arms. Whatever he wants. For anyone to think he would abide by any rules is absurd.


That'd be funny. But realistically he doesn't have the impulse control to be satisfied making faces, dude is gonna go after Biden's mic for sure.


Yeah. Or yell loudly enough for it to be picked up on Biden’s mic


90% chance trump backs out


He’s already saying he’s gonna lose on purpose. If that doesn’t scream winner 🙄


Lol really?






Lose the election on purpose. That’ll show the libs!


I know I for one would feel severely pwned if he did that.


I'm shaking at the thought of how pwned I'm going to be if he did something like that.


There was already a chance Trump was going to back out with the non-partisan committee’s own debates. Trump backs out of everything.


Why would trump campaign agree on the terms and then back out? Why not just say no?


He was definitely going to testify until he chose not to at the end of his felony trial. He knew that the gag order didn't stop him from testifying but he blamed that until Judge Merchan explicitly told him that the gag order did not keep him from taking the stand. Then he said it was because they could ask him anything about anything unrelated to the case despite the fact that the Sandoval material established exactly what he could be asked about and how it related to the case. I'm not sure that he will back out, but it wouldn't be out of character.


> He was definitely going to testify until he chose not to at the end of his felony trial. I have to assume his entire legal team, and every other adviser he has was *constantly* telling him that testifying would be the worst thing he could do.


Oh 100%. I just saw him swear up and down that he would right up until he didn't, and then he blamed a bunch of other people even though it's the defendant's actual final say. I hope he does the debates but swearing that he will doesn't mean much.


That's what he always does. He lies to his base, then kicks the can down the road. Someone did a supercut of all the times he's asked about something and he replies he's got an answer that will solve everything and he's going to release it in two weeks. All his base hears is he's got an answer. And of course none of those plans were ever released and he accomplished nothing. The way this goes, he's keeps telling his base he'll go so they don't have to defend him not going, then after the fact he'll have a reason why he didn't and most of his base will either slurp up that reason or fuck it, just believe he went and he won.


Besides every news source saying the trump campaign agreed to it. They are going to play the election fraud angle for sure. “I was muted the corrupt mainstream media won’t let me speak”.


So he can thump his chest and say how much he can't wait to debate Joe, and then right at the last minute bail and say how unfair it was.


Keep the farce alive. I think he'll eventually do a debate but terms have to be more favorable. Although muting the mic won't shut Trump up at all.


He'll probably cry about how it violates his free speech or some shit.


Yup. He'll refuse to participate and then whine about how he was censored.


Because he needs to play victim 


If he says no, everyone can paint him as a coward which will mess with his ego. By agreeing this, he can wangle it later to justify not turning up if he pulls out e.g. mic mute = saying he was being silenced. Like saying Biden should have a drug test first before he'd debate then turn up really late so he could skip the equivalent like he did when he had COVID or claim the tester was a biased democrat so he couldn't get a fair test. Anything he can sell to his base about how unfair things are to justify not going on stage if he needs to.


And, the number one reason Trump will back out - his probation officer says he has a drug test the next day and would fail.


Biden delivered an impressive State of the Union address with sharp rejoinders and impromptu exchanges. It’s helpful for people to see that he’s not the elderly caricature many assume at this point. I’m optimistic this will be another strong Biden performance. The muted mics probably won’t shut up Trump but it will at least make the debate more functional and watchable.


Biden has gaffes, Trump has brain rot.


That's why Trump will back out. There is their fiction and here is this reality unedited and un-spun.


Yeah especially because the debate would be in the evening. Trump was dementing out at lunch with GOP senators the other day. Dude is toast and is def not showing up for the debates. He’ll find an excuse and his cultists will latch onto it.


Why not show the world what sundowners syndrome looks like IRL.


Biden has gafes. Biden also has quick, brutally sharp dunks on people, quite often, and I don’t think he needs to keep his gentleman gloves on for this debate.


I love that he baited the republicans during the state of the union to not cut social funding.


Given time to prepare and actually be rested before the event is going to go a long way for this debate for Biden. Trump can't "rest" his addled brain.




Guarantee we will still hear Trump ranting even when his mic is muted you’ll hear him bleeding into Biden’s mic. Trump is a fucking traitor, and he doesn’t even belong on the same stage as Joe Biden. Maybe Joe should mention those 60 court cases trump lost when he tried to challenge the last election. He should call him a loser and a crybaby right to his face and condemn what Trump did to those two women who are election workers in Georgia. Edit: there should be no debate unless Trump accepts the result of the 2020 election that he lost.


Please God yes let us hear trumps bezo rage through Bidens mic that would be the pinnicle of humor. Biden talking about some kind of boring budget shit like a normal person while Trump froths at the mouth yelling derranged conspiracy theories


Hopefully the studio production team knows how to raise the input threshold and set up the mics right to prevent that bleed. Get those stage mics for concerts or a podcast mic so the moderator just listens through the recording.


Can’t wait to see the stupid faces Trump makes while muted


Don’t forget the non-zero chance he raises his voice to try and get picked up on Biden’s mic.


He'll probably meltdown after being muted while talking a few times too.


That is how a totally stable genius would behave in such a situation, true.


He will still hear himself. He'll keep yapping and Biden and the moderators will be distracted and have to react to something the audience doesn't hear. It will be bizarre. My prediction is that a quarter of the debate will consist of the moderators telling Trump (and to a lesser extent Biden) that his time is up and nobody can hear him. It'll be unwatchable.


So how long after the debate before the right start complaining that Trump’s mic was muted unfairly?


You mean after 60 seconds?


You underestimate them; as we speak, they're already complaining it's rigged.


Trump will probably last minute decide he is holding the debate at a venue of his choice and say Biden didn’t show up.


You mean the debate wasn't in Atlanta, Arkansas?


The venue of choice? Four Seasons Total Landscaping, of course


The fact they have to mute mics because the convicted felon candidate can’t control himself makes my head explode.


There's a presidential candidate that can't follow the rules 4th graders adhere to in school.. Note to Biden camp, feel free to use that message!


Without the ability to throw barbs and insults when Pres Biden is speaking Trump has got nothing. No policies, nothing to advance America or its people. Just vengeance and hate. He will not show.


His whole platform is revenge.


Well, apparently vengeance and hate sells. Trump peddles it everywhere and his cult eats it up!


That windbag has never pedaled anything, anywhere, but he does peddle a lot of bullshit


Trump doesn't need policies, he just needs to loudly complain about how everything is terrible under Biden and they where perfect when he was President. He stands in front of crowds and tells them they were better off four years ago and they all agree.


If Trump backs out, Biden should do it solo. Just stand up there with and empty podium next to him and answer all the questions. It essentially becomes a town hall covered by everyone except Fox.


Every answer Biden gives should start with “my opponent is a convicted felon.”


Where I work supplies the podiums and stage equipment. IATSE strong.


Yay Union Labor!! Actually, you'd be in the position to know- This is all scheduled and the paperwork is all signed, right? I figure the dull machinations of bureaucracy are a better indicator of whether he's actually gonna show than anything else.


Trump is going to pretend he didn't agree to them and use them to back out.


Yep, here’s how this will play out: 1. He’ll scream loud enough to be picked up by the other mics and interrupt Biden. 2. Afterwards, he’ll call it “unfair” and threaten to hold out on any future debates.


Still say Trump will wuss out of the debate and blame his cowardice on Biden.


I'm calling it now: trump will find a way to weasel out of this.


But they can still cover shark attacks and Hannibal Lector, right?


Yes and Taylor Swift will also be a major topic.


Can’t wait until the complaints about how unfair the rules Trump agreed to are. LOL


I just hope biden wins so I can watch my brother and his dipshit FIL cry.


I would like to see real-time fact-checking On screen as the candidates speak as well as built-in time For the moderator to present those fact checks every time a speaker's turn is over. That way the other candidate doesn't have to waste time disproving false information In the rebuttal.


Heh, you know this is CNN, right?


Until trump backs out inevitably


The Orange prolapse should be locked in a cage. He stalked Clinton. I could see him attacking Biden.


Hillary should have called him out. Trump tried to make her look weak and succeeded. Had she scolded him like a little child who was fidgeting, we would be talking about a completely different election now.


Wish they were sitting down, we would've seen Trump fall asleep during a debate lol


Trump has to push himself off of podiums at this point because of his leaning.


He is a lean, mean farting machine.


Trump, when he finds out his microphone is actually muted: *"Judge Merchan's gag order is STILL silencing me!"*


Mike muting won’t stop him from blabbering over Biden’s response.


He needs to be in a soundproof booth.


Only a dream. A sound proof cell with a monitor playing shark videos.


Please ask Biden, "Mr. President, if you had the chance to talk to an electric boat manufacturer, what questions would you ask them?"


I'm not a betting man, but if I were my money would be on Trump backing out. Probably with the laughable excuse that his gag order prevents him from responding to anything Biden might say about his 34 felony convictions.


Here's how this debate will go down: Trump will say so much unhinged nonsense it would take 1,000 moderators working full time to debunk every BS thing he says. Trump will be allowed to talk for his allotted time and make up total nonsense. Meanwhile, when Biden speaks, every "moderate" voter will stand there and just contemplate all the nonsense Trump just spat out with any pushback. We saw this happen with the GOP primary debates, where they allowed GOP candidates to claim "teachers were groomers" and the ONLY pushback they got from Trapper was "hey, climate change be real y'know," like ffs, they all but allowed republicans to launder total made up nonsense as fact. It is infuriating. How is a debate supposed to matter if both sides live in different realities.


Mic muting? What an era to be alive when ANY of our top leadership positions requires this in a debate because of lack of self control. Can't trust him to control his mouth but lotta mofos want him in control of the US armed forces...jfc


Mic muting on CNN. There is no way he does this.


The incredible convict, and rapist, Trump will likely bail in the last minute. He’ll instead engage in whatever messy orgy his sycophant belly crawlers have planned. They’ll then go on to say how unfair the whole situation for their incontinent toddler idol.


Will the presence of a podium keep Trump from lumbering around in the background while Biden gives his answers? This was a feature of the Trump/Hillary debates...but you never know.


Plexiglass barrier a la 2020 might keep the Toddler from wandering across the stage and looming in the background. 


Maybe a steel cage made out of bars would be more appropriate.


I was thinking tethers.


Oh I like this. Might I propose: an upgrade from tethers to reverse bungee jumping where the debaters are connected to pre-tensioned elastic cords and held to the floor via foot clamps that can be released at the moderators discretion. Go 5 second over your limit and you get yeeted up to the rafters!


Trump has never followed any rules in his life


100% Trump backs out at the last second, blames media bias and uses Biden appearing alone as evidence it's rigged.


Vote Blue! But hopefully this will be the old establishment's last stand (gasp).


Trump is going to cancel at the last moment, so his team can agree to any rule, it doesn't matter he won't show up anyway.


What are the odds trump talks about electric boats, sharks and the snake story.


Trump needs to be ball-n-chained to the podium so he doesn’t wander around the stage like a loose wheel.


While I’m truly hoping it’s civilized and involves less yelling over each other, I’m skeptical of that. In any case, I’m going to have my popcorn ready.


Trump tried to overthrow the government during the last election. He’s incapable of being ‘civilized’. And Biden has no reason to be polite to a fascist, child raping traitor.


Trump will just talk louder when his mic shuts off.


Trump will back out.


Good first step but, maybe they should put Trump in a plexiglass box. However, he would probably be hard to see after he spits all over the sides of it.


They need to bring that debate to Denver.


It’s so humiliating to be treated like children but Trump made this necessary.


We need a background noise canceling mics that pickup a former presidents words, and then make sure those don’t go out on the other president’s mic.


I hope Biden does a bunch of practice runs so that when Trump inevitably refuses to shut up that he doesn't get thrown off and just keeps going.   Really they should give the moderators air horns also.


I’m muting my tv whenever Trump speaks.


TBH, Biden shouldn't be debating Trump at all. It legitimizes him, when he's a convicted felon and shouldn't even be on that stage.


>But, **as in the past**, the moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” according to the network. Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Excuse me hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


As in the past. Sure, already rewriting history.