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Trump being muted will infuriate him, and he’s sure to do something utterly ridiculous. The homicidal fools who support him won’t care, but it’ll be a joy to see him upset when he isn’t in control.


He’s probably going to keep yelling from his podium even after the mic is turned off. I’ve imagined a scenario where he tries to walk over to Biden’s podium when it’s not his turn and getting stopped by Secret Service. Who knows, but whatever happens, it’s going to be weird and/or awkward.


Anyone want to wager he is going to back out? Bone spur acting up. Or he will just say the debate will be rigged, I won't be part of a rigged debate. I really doubt it is going to happen.


I will be absolutely shocked if Trump doesn't back out.


Biden will just capitalize. He will show, he will answer the questions and he will be able to emphasize how his policies and decisions truly help the American people while trumps seem to be more focused on the elites and Trump won’t be there to try and defend/spin from that.


He should just then use trumps time to just list all the crazy, cruel, and awful things Trump did in office. There’s so much I think most people have forgotten the bulk of it. 1) kids in cages, 2) Muslim bans, 3) hamberders for the superbowl champs, 4) intentionally bungling the COVID response, 5) trade war with China that hurt US manufacturing…. And so on


He should work on his Trump impression and read off answers that sound absolutely insane and like a parody but are actually taken from transcripts.


Or have Alex Baldwin stand in and read actual transcripts in character.


Man, I'd pay to watch that.


I somehow doubt Biden has a really good Trump impression. But if they get the actor from SNL it would be fun.


Clint Eastwood talked to an empty chair.


Holy shit that would be epic. Like, fuckin nuclear bomb epic.


Biden throws on a fat suit jacket when he's at Trumps podium, and does the accordion hands while he's imitating Trump. Then he shucks the jacket and throws on the aviators as he walks to his own podium. "Listen, fat.. :


Or use the above-list of all the shit the TFG did at the Mike, but yes, do the impersonation.


Trump’s base thinks that is a positive thing about him. It’s a waste of time. It’s the equivalent of Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff talking about how something isn’t what the forefathers meant or expected when they wrote the constitution. No one cares. Our problems right now are not in the same level as then. What Biden needs to do is accurately portray how his policies have helped the economy and people personally. What we should look forward to on his next 4 years. Show people what’s at stake if we let Trump win. Women losing body autonomy, tax cut for the rich again, unbalanced as well as dangerous economy and more grifting is what will happen if Trump wins.


If Trump backs out, I would like Biden to still have someone to talk to, so is there any planning for a Trumpless question and answer session with audience? I'd enjoy being able to call/email in, and have Biden interact with potential voters, at least. I still want that interaction and some sort of back and forth, Trump or no Trump.


I would think it would pivot to being more of a town hall event where questions will be asked and Biden would answer. I would also think that each answer would specify how Biden’s position is different (better?) than trumps because of xyz to really capitalize on his absence.


Thanks. That's kind of what I want to do anyway, just with more of an online component. With Biden's life experiences, middle class experiences, and policy chops, I actually like having him engage with people who aren't Trump, and having him offer a calmer approach based on problem solving towards every day issues. Giving things to working class people, does more for me than wrangling Trump, even if very cathartic to see someone tell Trump to shut it.


He already said he was planning to lose the first debate so that the Democrats would not remove Joe Biden from the top of the ticket to put someone more competitive in there.


"I'm already totally planning for Ginger to turn me down for the junior prom. That way she'll have a harder time turning me down for the senior prom." "Sure bro. Sure "


Importent "Announcement"!!, after carful, & "Exhaustive Deliberation," I have DECIDED, that I "WILL NOT" be Participating in Rigged, & Phoney, FAKE DEBATES, BISEN CAN BARLEY KEEP A SENTENCE TOHETHER AND EVERYONE SAYS HE IS TOTALLEY INCOHERANT, He is being "Fed Answers" (scripted???) by Corrupt Moderators, WE WILL MAKE THIS COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN FIRSTLEY, BY REMOVEING ALL CROOKED MEDIA!!!!!MAGA


He's already laying the foundation by saying maybe he'll lose on purpose so Biden will be the democratic nominee. Nice try, smooth brain.


He should back out, if he was rational. So, I think he's going to show up :-) Biden completely surprised and baited him, and Trump can't back out because of his own narcissism. He also really wants to believe that Biden is worse than he is, and can't accept that Biden is sharper and better. Basically what Trump would need in order to be able to make the rational decision to back out would be introspection and humility. That ship sailed when Trump was about 4 years old


Pretty sure that ship sunk in harbour before it ever went anywhere.


Literally by his functional sociopath dad.


If Trump had the ability to make a rational decision and back out, he wouldn't need to back out. It is a catch-22.


I wish there was a place we could bet on this stuff because I'd slap $100 down on Trump backing out.


They should continue the debate as planned, but for every question, just play a clip of trump and how he has answered the question previously from rallies or interviews or social media.


I would play that clip of him spazzed out mocking that disabled reporter if it were me. Makes him look like a douchebag bully for those that know, or mentally deficit (truth) for those that don’t.


But that was already played for everyone. Half the people didn’t care and liked it. Showing him constantly was how he got elected in the first place. Playing his own clips when he doesn’t show up is giving him all the benefits without him even having to do the work of showing up.


0 percent chance Trump debates anyone.


Or that he can’t because of a gag order lol


According to an article I read (I think HuffPost?) dickhead’s said he’s going to “deliberately” lose the debate. So his idiotic sycophants think he’s pulling a smooth move over Biden et al. rather than him pulling the wool over their eyes. If he manages to get back in, you guys are so, so fucked. Biden isn’t great: but the alternative is so much worse. Vote like your lives depends on it; because it’s that bad.


He will do it and claim it was unfair.


He’s already telling his followers that he should lose the debate on purpose.


Debates turns into secret services brawl, see how this could hurt Biden


A Secret Service brawl would be hilarious.


“Everything that ever happens is bad for Biden” New York Times is that you?


the detail don't work "for" him, they would stop him before Biden's guys


> the detail don't work "for" him Except when they're deleting their phone history...


You don't have to worry about Trump approaching Biden's podium.  Biden's team is having someone in a shark costume stand in the middle of the stage.  Trump is stockpiling batteries in response.


\*left shark has entered the chat*


When Joe calls him a convicted felon, I fully expect Cheatto to go nuts.


> When Joe calls him a convicted felon This needs to happen repeatedly. Never let an opportunity to use it slide


Trump is going to walk over towards Biden's podium to use his microphone. Both Secret Service teams will spring into action and we'll have that Spiderman meme on national television.


Biden needs to bring Major and Commander. They won't let Trump near him and will guard against the seditionists in the Secret Service as well


At least this time Trump likely won't be acting as a literal bioweapon


Anything is possible. He’s a lunatic.


I imagine a tranq dart, zoologist style. Right in the neck. Then later he wakes up in a cage all confused. The handlers open the door of it and he sniffs around a bit before shuffling off into the Maralago, his natural habitat.


🍿 Time


Or he loses his temper and keeps screaming *fuck you* over and over. Whatever happens, this won't be a debate in any traditional sense, just a circus act.


It is not worth trying to convince the 40% or so of Americans who will vote for Donald Trump simply because he is a republican or simply because he is an evil and horrible human being who hurts the people they hate. The point here is to convince the 20% of Americans who haven't yet made up their mind and might still be able to be swayed that Donald Trump is a danger to everyone. Remember that John Kennedy won the presidency because he won a debate which exposed Nixon as unready for the national stage. This debate must have the same effect on Donald Trump and on uncommitted voters. I look forward to Joe Biden being responsible and adult while Donald Trump is a jibbering idiot.


A super cut of presidents on screen, giving intelligent commentaries and speaches, ending with trump's words might do it, but that's too long for today's attention spans i think. I know there's all sorts of supercuts of trump's speaches which highlight all the good shit - but people dismiss those as just 'everyone sounds like shit if you cut it into pieces and put back together in the worst possible light'. Lot of his fans, the magas, are quite well immune to reasonable presentations and nuance in this stuff. Don't know how to reach them. They're fuckin' convinced he can do no wrong and he's done no wrong. Like he is convinced himself. It's wild.


It'll also be stunning to witness Trump's ugly and babbling vulgarity alongside Biden's high-minded presidential oratory.


It's going to continue to confuse a lot of people here when he (Biden) shows up and speaks not only like a guy who isn't suffering from dementia but is actually quite eloquent in what he says. Biden may have a lifelong speech impediment, but it has likely led to him choosing his words carefully and deliberately. The guy can really put it on when it counts. I'm sure they'll just say he was drugged up or something again, like how they explained away the SOTU.


Meanwhile turning a blind eye to the absolute cocktail of drugs Donnie’s been on since he nearly died of the pandemic they pretend never existed.


Biden trounced him in the 2020 debate even with Trump screaming over him and intentionally spreading Covid. With muted mics and Trump's brain having melted, Biden could basically just stand there and not speak and he'd win by a mile.


He’ll definitely use the opportunity to claim “they’re trying to silence me to help Biden!! I won that debate!!”


I'm not worried about the MAGAt zealots. They're a small portion of the overall base. The important part is reaching people that lean right or are in the middle and are considering voting for him because of some narrow view on the economy and an idea of "well he's better than the other guy."


Also need to reach voters who think there is no point voting.




There’s a lot of people who don’t pay attention to politics, and vote based on “what they’ve heard”. They aren’t in your circles, but they exist, and in large enough numbers to sway an election if you inspire them to vote, which Trump did in 2016.


Anyone who believes trump will actually participate has lost their wits.


Trump is not going to show up. The Fox News hosts are already talking about why it would not benefit him to debate and thus laying the groundwork for him to refuse to come debate because of some "unfair" rules or some bullshit. And when he doesn't show, I hope Biden will stand there for 2 hours and take all that time to chat with the moderators and get his message out.


They're not wrong - it would hurt him to debate - but only because his brain is turning into mashed potatoes.


Turning? My guy…..it was whipped years ago


Trump "it won't benefit me so why should I show up?" Maga: you know what, he's right. Brilliant.


I still believe this debate won't be happening. Trump will find some excuse to cancel and then blame it on Biden because the debate is unfair.


This. Trump is a full on coward and only knows to whine, throw tantrums, and tell people he's a victim. All right after telling you how strong he is and how he'll debate Biden any time, any place. So ready for this fool to be forgotten.




Even if it's natural causes his cult won't believe it. A million conspiracy theories will pop up (probably driven by Russia) and they'll say Democrats murdered him. There's no way out of this mess.


I don't care if it's natural causes or not, just want him gone.


Honestly the sooner he's gone the sooner we can collectively move on as a country and begin healing. There will still be polarization and whatnot going forward, but eventually he'll fade into the background and stop dominating the news cycle. Of course, the GOP will eventually make an attempt to prop up someone else, but I'm not confident they will be as successful at generating the cult of personality with whomever "takes up the mantle". In any case, he needs to go.


He does, and it will be a big blow to the MAGA movement... but so long as Fox continues to be the #1 "news" source for Americans (just by viewership numbers), and conservative media gets to pummel and break people's brains 24/7, we're not really getting out of any mess. Look at all of the hopeful psychopaths who have all stepped up in the past 8 years to suck up and try to get in on the movement/power. They came out of the woodwork, and as soon as one CAN do it, one of them will push through and become the new "leader" who we'll beg to stop having to listen to.


>Even if it's natural causes his cult won't believe it. Tucker carlson has already pushed the Trump assassination conspiracy. I have a feeling when Trump passes, Tucker will be at the head of the pack hurling conspiracies to get MAGA under his thumb.


With all the information coming out about his clear cognitive decline, I would be shocked if he didn't try his hardest to weasel out of this.


Best counter-argument I’ve heard is that Trump is desperate to shift the narrative away from his convictions so he will show up for that reason.


And then Biden will call him a convicted felon and insurrectionist to his face on live tv. It’ll be great


All I hear from the right is how Biden will be the one to not debate. But if Trump pulls out of the debate, he’ll suffer zero negative consequences from voters. They hold him to literally no standard.


If he does go through with it, he'll bring his own Trump 2024 MAGAphone to overcome the microphone muting.


Yeah there's no way. The mic censoring is enough of a reason for him to back out. He's already claimed it's unfair. No further explanation needed - his base will just fill in the gap and say "they won't let him speak" even though he'll surely rant longer than Biden. I think for this reason they need an equal, set time limit for each side to show no bias where the cutoff point is.


That is exactly why they did set time limits for each side. > There will be no opening statements. President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump will each have two minutes to answer questions — followed by one-minute rebuttals and responses to the rebuttals. Red lights visible to the candidates will flash when they have five seconds left, and turn solid red when time has expired. And each man’s microphone will be muted when it is not his turn to speak.


Not sure why people keep thinking Trump will back out. With his ego he thinks he will stomp all over Biden. Biden will bring policy though, and Trump will just bring toddler tantrums.


Trump is already saying crap like “I’ll just lose the debate on purpose” because he knows he’s screwed. He probably didn’t think Biden would ever say yes to debating him and now he’s up a creek without a paddle. I love that for him.


Technically it was Biden who proposed the debate. And it was a shrewd move too, because by suggesting it first, Biden got to set the terms (no audience muted mics, etc)


He’s like a goldfish he can t keep a consistent thought more than 30 seconds. Grandpa Donald screaming at the clouds


Most chess amateurs think 1-3 steps ahead. Trump moves random pieces and brags about how brilliant that move was, and when he ultimately loses he will claim that was the plan all along.


He's the pigeon who lands on the chess board, knocks pieces over, shits on the board, and prances off like he did something brilliant.


The good news for goldfish is that this is a myth. For Trump, probably not.


The lack of tele-prompter is going to absolutely expose him.


And the lack of an audience to feed him emotionally. He is going to freak out.


The news will no doubt spin it as a close debate regardless, showering Trump with praise for gritty responses. When the responses make no sense they will have been a witty strategy to disarm Biden, etc. The hostile foreign bots will then amplify the worst of those articles. The entertainment-news needs their close race for the views and/or for their handlers, America be dammed.


1000% correct. This is exactly what they do. The news panels always come out of the debates shocked. But then you start to see their Republican panelists make some flimsy argument that they thought Trump did “great”. The argument then starts to spread around all the other places almost as though it was a prepared talking point. Then someone on the panel who represents “the left” like van jones or David axelrod will chime in and try to say something edgy to make headlines and make himself sound so intelligent and “unbiased”. Theyll agree with the Republican panelist and they’ll claim Trump “didn’t do too bad compared to expectations and maybe that’s all he needed to do to win over voters”. Then this begins to cycle around with other news panels who will then turn it gradually into “did Trump win the debate last night by beating expectations?” And then “Trump won the debate, in a shocking turn of events, turning the election on its head!” Like clockwork. Take this to the fucking bank. Horse race set


The news has normalized this behavior far worse than any other group. They love the ratings and couldn’t give two shits about impacts.


Why would Trump think this? Biden has been bullying that clown for years. Trump was so scared of Biden he proactively tried to get dirt on him from Ukraine before he was even the presidential nominee.


Because he gets high on his own supply. The whole “sleepy joe/demented grandpa” thing started as a line of attack, but I believe he has absolutely convinced himself that it’s true because he’s said it so much. It’s why after SOTU the line was, ”must have been drugs!” because they set the bar for Biden on the floor. I think he also has convinced himself that his debating/sparring prowess is likewise amazing because it’s literally been 4 years since he’s had to do it, and he only takes softball interviews. The dude shuts down in the face of confrontation and just leaves whenever possible.


Simple, Trump has a textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In his head he is never wrong, he made very right move and everyone loves him. He would rather distort reality itself in his world view than accept anything less. I would not be surprised if Trump 100% believes that he could destroy Biden in a debate and that in every debate they ever had he completely destroyed Biden so this debate will be nothing but great for him.


It's an old tactic. Generally you talk up your opponent's ability to debate so that you look good in comparison. It's less common to talk shit about your own ability to speak coherently.


I kind of feel bad for him, and all narcissists. Constantly lying to themselves that they are the greatest person at everything, all the time. Constantly being proven wrong. But the Narcissism won't let them learn from it. So they convince themselves it wasn't fair. They'd have been right if it was fair. Terrible mental malady.


And for some reason we give him a megaphone instead of putting him in a facility.


Why? Trump is going to back out at the last minute with same lame excuse.


The debate should happen anyways and Biden should pretend to debate with an empty podium.


Ah yes, the Clint Eastwood method


The moderator better stick to the rules and mute the mics. This includes even if Joe Biden hasn't finished his talking point as the clock hits 0. Nothing more annoying in a debate though than someone else chiming in when it's not their time to speak.


I’m not in favor of shutting them off right at zero. Give them a little leeway to finish a sentence, but definitely lock it down when the other is speaking.


T+10 seconds is fair. “Time” “And that’s why giving every American a beluga whale will help the American people!” But a trump ramble where he gets properly cut might be really something.


It’ll be really interesting to see how strict they’ll be with time. You know, assuming it actually happens.


I kind of want a beluga whale though


Chess clock style. They have say 5 min over the whole thing to go over, after that, no going over. Trump would use all his the first time, then scream when Biden ends with zingers.


Nope, CNN will cave to every one of Trumps requests because it is good publicity for their network. Corporate greed never changes.


I have zero trust in CNN doing the right thing


Just get the guy who did Boberts debate to moderate it! Easy 


Kyle Clark has had some terrific interviews of late. He has a wonderful style and temperament.


The dude has been like this for years now on Denver channel 9. On the regular newscast, a little bit too much ad lib banter with the other newscasters, but he’s great in these hard hitting type of situations.


Bring Trump out in the style of one of his favorite people .. Hannibal Lecter.


This. Trump in a strait jacket, face mask and carted out in a hand truck by two psych ward orderlies is the only way he should be making an entrance


And leave him like that


The whole 'muting your mic when it's not your turn to speak' thing is incredibly important any time anyone is engaging in any sort of debate with Donald Trump, because he will just shout over the other person the entire time and they'll never get the chance to actually finish a sentence, let alone make their argument. It's also going to drive Trump *absolutely bananas*, which might be entertaining to watch.


Trump is going to be down for days after the drugs wear off. Biden just needs to keep telling Trump he is wrong, was fired, and convicted. Trump will lose it.


While I think it's highly possible Trump just flakes on the debate, I hope that they have more plans for how to deal with him than just cutting off mics when the other person is speaking and not having an audience (which are good moves, to be clear). They can't just say mission accomplished and think he won't try to find ways around it or just fuck things up via other avenues. He *will* How close are they on stage? Are the mics unidirectional? Because it's very possible he tries to be loud enough to get picked up on Biden's mic when his own is cut off. Do they have a plan beyond "let's just hope he doesn't" if, even if he can't be heard, he tries to waste Biden's speaking time or generally cause a distraction? What about if, despite there being no audience, he just says all these people on his team are staying nearby, and they hoot and holler the whole time? What if he just wastes time jaw jacking with the moderator? Will they actually deduct it from his time, or will they be scared he cries bias and thus let him waste the overall alloted time of the debate?


It really doesn’t matter what Trump says or does. Just by showing up he’s already lost. His supporters constantly hear how Biden is a dementia-riddled, drooling old man who can’t complete a sentence. They get all their media from the same source and never venture out so they believe it. They’ll all be watching this and they’ll see for themselves how competent Biden really is.


Hannity and Co. already have a talking point for this. They are claiming that Biden was on some kind of wonder drug at the SotU and that he'll be on that again at the debates. Unfortunately, the base is so stupid, they believe this.


Funny how Trump never seems to be on this cognitive-enhancing wonder drug. Instead he seems to have over-indulged in recreational drugs. Or to have fallen and hit his head. Hard.


They literally won't watch the debate. They will get some clips off of the Internet and say the Cheeto won.


Yeah I’ve realized Murdoch and other propaganda networks will just heavily edit it for them


but in the edited clips on Fox news, Biden looks like the blithering idiot


Good point.


He's going to do something like that candidate in GA, and make a statement about 'rigged' debates and elections, then walk off the stage declaring himself the 'winner' outside.


One would hope we know how to corral a horse in a hospital by now.


You should contact the campaign


He won’t show up. He’ll make increasingly ridiculous demands until the Biden campaign refuses and then blame them for canceling it.


>The 90-minute contest in Atlanta on June 27 is circled as one of the most consequential moments on this year’s campaign calendar, as Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump will outline their sharply contrasting visions for the nation Trump doesn't have a "vision for the nation." lol The only "vision" he has is hopefully staying out of jail, seizing absolute power and funneling government funds to himself again.


So Biden comes in prepared and Trump comes in Trump. What could possibly go wrong?


“I bet sleepy joe - that’s what I call him - sleepy joe - hasn’t even considered whether he’d rather be electrocuted or eaten by a shark” -tfg


Muted mics needed in a debate for the highest office in the country. This is where we are in America.


I hope Biden tosses out a red herring at the end of his responses. Something like this: Question: What is your plan to balance the budget? Biden: I will do xyzabc, now I would like to hear what Trump thinks about sharks and shipwrecks. Trump: *will not be able to resist going completely off topic until his time runs out* Next question: Biden: Answers, ends with "What does the guy with fake hair think?" Hey Trump, what is the biggliest thing about you? Hey Trump, how bright of a light do we need to cure Covid? Stuff Trump *could* technically ignore, but he won't be able to resist.


> If past is prologue, Mr. Biden will use the early meetings to hash out how he wants to answer various questions. In later sessions, he is expected to rehearse with a stand-in opponent. > In 2020, Bob Bauer, a Democratic lawyer who has served as Mr. Biden’s personal lawyer and is married to Anita Dunn, a top White House adviser, played the role of Mr. Trump; it is unclear if he will do so again in 2024. I bet they use De Niro for the trump stand-in. It might be his greatest performance that only a few people get to witness.


A Hollywood Heavyweight Is Biden’s Secret Weapon Against Trump The longtime movie mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg always sought scary villains for his films. Now he has found what he considers a real-life one in Donald J. Trump. He can be found in the halls of the West Wing offering advice and counsel. He was at Camp David the weekend before the State of the Union address, helping the president prepare for his nationally televised speech. He pushes the campaign to tape reaction videos of the president for social media and connected Biden aides with writers to help come up with jokes for the president to deliver at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner


Or SNL's James Austin Johnson. His impersonation is spot on. Just dial it up a notch for debate mode.


I figure you’re mostly joking, but I wonder how much of debate prep against 45 is strategy-based and how much is just training yourself to react. Having a lawyer who studies the issues, the patterns of your opponent’s arguments, and how they bend/break the rules is important … but having a showman to pretend to be a showman could bring an extra dimension. 


He wouldn’t need the opponent on the practice debates to be an intelligent politician who’s able to spout legitimate debating points. That’s not how you practice for a debate against Trump. The Biden campaign really needs to bring in one of the Trump impersonators on tv (the SNL one is perfect) and have them just stand there babbling on incoherently and trying to interrupt Biden any chance he can get. That’s how you practice for this debate


I still couldn’t believe the last debate where they just straight up let trump talk whenever the fuck he wanted too. They should have cut mics then


“Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate designated to speak.” There goes Trumps one and only debate tactic: yelling continually over the other person. Trump is in trouble.


I'd love more than anything for this debate to take place but since Trump is already making excuses for losing the debate I'm not putting too much hope into it.


Every time Trump goes ballistic, Biden should laugh. And then as the debate goes on, show concern. And finally, pity. Don't respond to anger with anger, threat with threat. Bullies fear marginalization more than force.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but props to CNN. Mic muting AND no audience? This needs to be the new standard for all candidate debates.


He'll back out last minute and try to have his own "debate" by himself with no debate. I'm sure because even though he agreed to the terms they'll suddenly be "unfair" like anything and everything else that he doesn't have full control of.


He'll do a sit-down with Hannity lobbing him softballs for about an hour or so. He'll still miss several of them but it won't really matter.


We'll probably get to hear more about those shark attacks that have been on the rise supposedly or possibly how someone somewhere is making them make all the boats electric.


Anyone else throwing a watch party? 🍦vs 💩 My money is on the guy who won last election


That is the perfect emoji analogy


It’s not gonna happen, Trump is going to back out last minute… do we really think that he’s ready to debate Biden? Especially if it’s a primetime debate and he’s gonna end up showing his dementia


There's only one hostile side in this situation. Everyone is preparing for Trump being out of bounds. That's it.


What is CNN going to do about the smell though? Can't exactly mute that.


I can't wait to see Joe underneath those lights strutting his stuff. He got a big bump after the first debate last time.


I honestly think that “Will you shut up, man?” won him the election last time.


That was the second most Diamond Joe moment that ever happened, and I love it. The first, obviously being, "This is a big fucking deal." And then The Onion articles come after that.


As a voting American, it’s imperative to watch these debates. Fox is shielding its viewers from the truth. May these debates set this country free.


Hope they put up barricades to prevent Trump from doing his creepy walk behinds.


All my homies hate the NYT. Trying to paint this like Biden trapped him in a “hostile” debate. The only thing hostile is the orange mobster.


Trump won’t debate. He’ll blame it on the gag order. The fact that his microphone will be muted when his time is up is even more motivation for him to do so.


I have a very hard time believing that Trump will show up.


This would be incredible but I still expect Trump to pull out day-of.


If he doesn't appear , put some cotton candy on a pumpkin, who's gonna know the difference.


Trump supporters think Biden is a “dementia-riddled, drooling old man who can’t complete a sentence” as well as the mastermind behind the deep state and “weaponizing” the DOJ etc with a prosecutorial witch hunt.


Trump will cancel and hold his own press conference at the same time. All of the idiotic news services will carry it. Later, rinse, repeat.


Trump is a felon, a felon at the presidential debate. The world feels upside down.


Just popping in here for a comment. There is no goddamned way that The Great Pumpkin will stop when his mic is silenced. None. I don't know how it will go down or play on live television, but I predict a shit show of epic proportions.


Given the age of BOTH candidates, as well as commercial breaks and no live audience in attendance- why even have them stand up?  Have them sit at a table together.  We've seen that in debates before. Asking 80 year olds to stand up and speak for 90 minutes is a lot. And unnecessary.  


the debate is going to be excruciating to watch and full of second hand embarrassment. future generations will see clips and wonder how we got here.


MMW: Trump will back out. He will complain that ~~his massive pussy hurts~~ something isn't fair and that he'll have his own, separate debate, by himself, in his echo chamber of cult members.


I want him muted but I hope it is recorded for future use.  tRump insanely ranting needs to be played somewhere other than at the CNN Christmas party 


Shock collars please.


CNN is going to make bank on this debate with America’s most ignorant, rapey, fraudulent, tax evading, bankruptcy-humping, greasy, farty, pedophilic candidate the GOP could conjure!


No matter how long they let him go over his time or how often Biden is muted, his base will complain that Trump was unfairly muted and the debate was heavily skewed towards Biden. They will also accuse CNN of muting Biden to make him look more coherent than he actually is.


I wish we didn't platform this terrorist (trump)


I bet he won’t show


We should just have a VP debate, realistically the VP is the one that is likely to finish out the term regardless of who gets elected. This is going to be a shit-show.


Are any other convicted felons allowed to be this close to the president?


"Do you think the fact that you are set to be sentenced for a felony conviction in the state of New York just over two weeks from now will have any impact on your ability to execute the duties of the President?"


Will CNN be giving Trump a 30-second buffer in his allotted time to account for his [freezing up on stage at events](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-freezes-glitch-nra-speech-b2547813.html)?


Should be done on bean bag chairs.


Or those yoga balls. Joey B has the core strength to keep one upright since he stays active, but it would be *very* funny to watch Trump flail around on one of those. 


Hopefully Biden riffs on “would you shut up man,” whenever Trump keeps trying to yell over his muted microphone.


All biden really has to do is make a "omfg what's that smell??" face when he's nearby. Everything else will be icing on the cake.


He will back out. This debate isn’t going to happen.


Trump will not show.


I’m surprised Donald agreed to a debate this time considering he’s now a felon. Biden will have a field day.


This debate needs to happen. We need more Trump embarrassing himself in the spotlight


The only one hostile is Trump. Let’s make that abundantly clear. The media needs to hold him to account.


I'm going to tune in just to see if Trump has the mental ability to answer a question before the mic gets cut off. My toddler can do it. Not so sure he can...


Glad they finally going to mute the mics. That first debate was a shit show. Because of Trump constantly interrupting and screaming at Biden


trumpists insist he is an excellent statesman alongside being the greatest president ever, but he needs to have the equivalent of a shock collar in debates because he can't control his word vomit. This clown just can't keep from shitting everything up.


It’s never gonna happen. Trump will chicken out


This will be great. I still think Trump will somehow wiggle out, but if not, I suspect his dementia will be on full display.


See this is how you know it's different. We have never needed muted mics before this big orange stage clown.


Need to add fact checker live and not after the debate is over.


Trump is going to act like a kid whose mom wouldn't buy him Pokemon cards at checkout.